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object:1.04 - Reality Omnipresent
author class:Sri Aurobindo
book class:The Life Divine

0:If one knows Him as Brahman the Non-Being, he becomes merely the non-existent. If one knows that Brahman Is, then is he known as the real in existence. Taittiriya Upanishad.1
1:SINCE, then, we admit both the claim of the pure Spirit to manifest in us its absolute freedom and the claim of universal Matter to be the mould and condition of our manifestation, we have to find a truth that can entirely reconcile these antagonists and can give to both their due portion in Life and their due justification in Thought, amercing neither of its rights, denying in neither the sovereign truth from which even its errors, even the exclusiveness of its exaggerations draw so constant a strength. For wherever there is an extreme statement that makes such a powerful appeal to the human mind, we may be sure that we are standing in the presence of no mere error, superstition or hallucination, but of some sovereign fact disguised which demands our fealty and will avenge itself if denied or excluded. Herein lies the difficulty of a satisfying solution and the source of that lack of finality which pursues all mere compromises between Spirit and Matter. A compromise is a bargain, a transaction of interests between two conflicting powers; it is not a true reconciliation. True reconciliation proceeds always by a mutual comprehension leading to some sort of intimate oneness. It is therefore through the utmost possible unification of Spirit and Matter that we shall best arrive at their reconciling truth and so at some strongest foundation for a reconciling practice in the inner life of the individual and his outer existence.
2:We have found already in the cosmic consciousness a meeting-place where Matter becomes real to Spirit, Spirit becomes real to Matter. For in the cosmic consciousness Mind and Life are intermediaries and no longer, as they seem in the ordinary egoistic mentality, agents of separation, fomenters of an artificial quarrel between the positive and negative principles of the same unknowable Reality. Attaining to the cosmic consciousness Mind, illuminated by a knowledge that perceives at once the truth of Unity and the truth of Multiplicity and seizes on the formulae of their interaction, finds its own discords at once explained and reconciled by the divine Harmony; satisfied, it consents to become the agent of that supreme union between God and Life towards which we tend. Matter reveals itself to the realising thought and to the subtilised senses as the figure and body of Spirit, - Spirit in its self-formative extension. Spirit reveals itself through the same consenting agents as the soul, the truth, the essence of Matter. Both admit and confess each other as divine, real and essentially one. Mind and Life are disclosed in that illumination as at once figures and instruments of the supreme Conscious Being by which It extends and houses Itself in material form and in that form unveils Itself to Its multiple centres of consciousness. Mind attains its self-fulfilment when it becomes a pure mirror of the Truth of Being which expresses itself in the symbols of the universe; Life, when it consciously lends its energies to the perfect self-figuration of the Divine in ever-new forms and activities of the universal existence.
3:In the light of this conception we can perceive the possibility of a divine life for man in the world which will at once justify Science by disclosing a living sense and intelligible aim for the cosmic and the terrestrial evolution and realise by the transfiguration of the human soul into the divine the great ideal dream of all high religions.
4:But what then of that silent Self, inactive, pure, self-existent, self-enjoying, which presented itself to us as the abiding justification of the ascetic? Here also harmony and not irreconcilable opposition must be the illuminative truth. The silent and the active Brahman are not different, opposite and irreconcilable entities, the one denying, the other affirming a cosmic illusion; they are one Brahman in two aspects, positive and negative, and each is necessary to the other. It is out of this Silence that the Word which creates the worlds for ever proceeds; for the Word expresses that which is self-hidden in the Silence. It is an eternal passivity which makes possible the perfect freedom and omnipotence of an eternal divine activity in innumerable cosmic systems. For the becomings of that activity derive their energies and their illimitable potency of variation and harmony from the impartial support of the immutable Being, its consent to this infinite fecundity of its own dynamic Nature.
5:Man, too, becomes perfect only when he has found within himself that absolute calm and passivity of the Brahman and supports by it with the same divine tolerance and the same divine bliss a free and inexhaustible activity. Those who have thus possessed the Calm within can perceive always welling out from its silence the perennial supply of the energies that work in the universe. It is not, therefore, the truth of the Silence to say that it is in its nature a rejection of the cosmic activity. The apparent incompatibility of the two states is an error of the limited Mind which, accustomed to trenchant oppositions of affirmation and denial and passing suddenly from one pole to the other, is unable to conceive of a comprehensive consciousness vast and strong enough to include both in a simultaneous embrace. The Silence does not reject the world; it sustains it. Or rather it supports with an equal impartiality the activity and the withdrawal from the activity and approves also the reconciliation by which the soul remains free and still even while it lends itself to all action.
6:But, still, there is the absolute withdrawal, there is the NonBeing. Out of the Non-Being, says the ancient Scripture, Being appeared.2 Then into the Non-Being it must surely sink again. If the infinite indiscriminate Existence permits all possibilities of discrimination and multiple realisation, does not the NonBeing at least, as primal state and sole constant reality, negate and reject all possibility of a real universe? The Nihil of certain Buddhist schools would then be the true ascetic solution; the Self, like the ego, would be only an ideative formation by an illusory phenomenal consciousness.
7:But again we find that we are being misled by words, deceived by the trenchant oppositions of our limited mentality with its fond reliance on verbal distinctions as if they perfectly represented ultimate truths and its rendering of our supramental experiences in the sense of those intolerant distinctions. NonBeing is only a word. When we examine the fact it represents, we can no longer be sure that absolute non-existence has any better chance than the infinite Self of being more than an ideative formation of the mind. We really mean by this Nothing something beyond the last term to which we can reduce our purest conception and our most abstract or subtle experience of actual being as we know or conceive it while in this universe. This Nothing then is merely a something beyond positive conception. We erect a fiction of nothingness in order to overpass, by the method of total exclusion, all that we can know and consciously are. Actually when we examine closely the Nihil of certain philosophies, we begin to perceive that it is a zero which is All or an indefinable Infinite which appears to the mind a blank, because mind grasps only finite constructions, but is in fact the only true Existence.3
8:And when we say that out of Non-Being Being appeared, we perceive that we are speaking in terms of Time about that which is beyond Time. For what was that portentous date in the history of eternal Nothing on which Being was born out of it or when will come that other date equally formidable on which an unreal all will relapse into the perpetual void? Sat and Asat, if they have both to be affirmed, must be conceived as if they obtained simultaneously. They permit each other even though they refuse to mingle. Both, since we must speak in terms of Time, are eternal. And who shall persuade eternal Being that it does not really exist and only eternal Non-Being is? In such a negation of all experience how shall we find the solution that explains all experience?
9:Pure Being is the affirmation by the Unknowable of Itself as the free base of all cosmic existence. We give the name of Non-Being to a contrary affirmation of Its freedom from all cosmic existence, - freedom, that is to say, from all positive terms of actual existence which consciousness in the universe can formulate to itself, even from the most abstract, even from the most transcendent. It does not deny them as a real expression of Itself, but It denies Its limitation by all expression or any expression whatsoever. The Non-Being permits the Being, even as the Silence permits the Activity. By this simultaneous negation and affirmation, not mutually destructive, but complementary to each other like all contraries, the simultaneous awareness of conscious Self-being as a reality and the Unknowable beyond as the same Reality becomes realisable to the awakened human soul. Thus was it possible for the Buddha to attain the state of Nirvana and yet act puissantly in the world, impersonal in his inner consciousness, in his action the most powerful personality that we know of as having lived and produced results upon earth.
10:When we ponder on these things, we begin to perceive how feeble in their self-assertive violence and how confusing in their misleading distinctness are the words that we use. We begin also to perceive that the limitations we impose on the Brahman arise from a narrowness of experience in the individual mind which concentrates itself on one aspect of the Unknowable and proceeds forthwith to deny or disparage all the rest. We tend always to translate too rigidly what we can conceive or know of the Absolute into the terms of our own particular relativity. We affirm the One and Identical by passionately discriminating and asserting the egoism of our own opinions and partial experiences against the opinions and partial experiences of others. It is wiser to wait, to learn, to grow, and, since we are obliged for the sake of our self-perfection to speak of these things which no human speech can express, to search for the widest, the most flexible, the most catholic affirmation possible and found on it the largest and most comprehensive harmony.
11:We recognise, then, that it is possible for the consciousness in the individual to enter into a state in which relative existence appears to be dissolved and even Self seems to be an inadequate conception. It is possible to pass into a Silence beyond the Silence. But this is not the whole of our ultimate experience, nor the single and all-excluding truth. For we find that this Nirvana, this self-extinction, while it gives an absolute peace and freedom to the soul within is yet consistent in practice with a desireless but effective action without. This possibility of an entire motionless impersonality and void Calm within doing outwardly the works of the eternal verities, Love, Truth and Righteousness, was perhaps the real gist of the Buddha's teaching, - this superiority to ego and to the chain of personal workings and to the identification with mutable form and idea, not the petty ideal of an escape from the trouble and suffering of the physical birth. In any case, as the perfect man would combine in himself the silence and the activity, so also would the completely conscious soul reach back to the absolute freedom of the Non-Being without therefore losing its hold on Existence and the universe. It would thus reproduce in itself perpetually the eternal miracle of the divine Existence, in the universe, yet always beyond it and even, as it were, beyond itself. The opposite experience could only be a concentration of mentality in the individual upon Non-existence with the result of an oblivion and personal withdrawal from a cosmic activity still and always proceeding in the consciousness of the Eternal Being.
12:Thus, after reconciling Spirit and Matter in the cosmic consciousness, we perceive the reconciliation, in the transcendental consciousness, of the final assertion of all and its negation. We discover that all affirmations are assertions of status or activity in the Unknowable; all the corresponding negations are assertions of Its freedom both from and in that status or activity. The Unknowable is Something to us supreme, wonderful and ineffable which continually formulates Itself to our consciousness and continually escapes from the formulation It has made. This it does not as some malicious spirit or freakish magician leading us from falsehood to greater falsehood and so to a final negation of all things, but as even here the Wise beyond our wisdom guiding us from reality to ever profounder and vaster reality until we find the profoundest and vastest of which we are capable. An omnipresent reality is the Brahman, not an omnipresent cause of persistent illusions.
13:If we thus accept a positive basis for our harmony - and on what other can harmony be founded? - the various conceptual formulations of the Unknowable, each of them representing a truth beyond conception, must be understood as far as possible in their relation to each other and in their effect upon life, not separately, not exclusively, not so affirmed as to destroy or unduly diminish all other affirmations. The real Monism, the true Adwaita, is that which admits all things as the one Brahman and does not seek to bisect Its existence into two incompatible entities, an eternal Truth and an eternal Falsehood, Brahman and not-Brahman, Self and not-Self, a real Self and an unreal, yet perpetual Maya. If it be true that the Self alone exists, it must be also true that all is the Self. And if this Self, God or Brahman is no helpless state, no bounded power, no limited personality, but the self-conscient All, there must be some good and inherent reason in it for the manifestation, to discover which we must proceed on the hypothesis of some potency, some wisdom, some truth of being in all that is manifested. The discord and apparent evil of the world must in their sphere be admitted, but not accepted as our conquerors. The deepest instinct of humanity seeks always and seeks wisely wisdom as the last word of the universal manifestation, not an eternal mockery and illusion, - a secret and finally triumphant good, not an all-creative and invincible evil, - an ultimate victory and fulfilment, not the disappointed recoil of the soul from its great adventure.
14:For we cannot suppose that the sole Entity is compelled by something outside or other than Itself, since no such thing exists. Nor can we suppose that It submits unwillingly to something partial within Itself which is hostile to its whole Being, denied by It and yet too strong for It; for this would be only to erect in other language the same contradiction of an All and something other than the All. Even if we say that the universe exists merely because the Self in its absolute impartiality tolerates all things alike, viewing with indifference all actualities and all possibilities, yet is there something that wills the manifestation and supports it, and this cannot be something other than the All. Brahman is indivisible in all things and whatever is willed in the world has been ultimately willed by the Brahman. It is only our relative consciousness, alarmed or baffled by the phenomena of evil, ignorance and pain in the cosmos, that seeks to deliver the Brahman from responsibility for Itself and its workings by erecting some opposite principle, Maya or Mara, conscious Devil or self-existent principle of evil. There is one Lord and Self and the many are only His representations and becomings.
15:If then the world is a dream or an illusion or a mistake, it is a dream originated and willed by the Self in its totality and not only originated and willed, but supported and perpetually entertained. Moreover, it is a dream existing in a Reality and the stuff of which it is made is that Reality, for Brahman must be the material of the world as well as its base and continent. If the gold of which the vessel is made is real, how shall we suppose that the vessel itself is a mirage? We see that these words, dream, illusion, are tricks of speech, habits of our relative consciousness; they represent a certain truth, even a great truth, but they also misrepresent it. Just as Non-Being turns out to be other than mere nullity, so the cosmic Dream turns out to be other than mere phantasm and hallucination of the mind. Phenomenon is not phantasm; phenomenon is the substantial form of a Truth.
16:We start, then, with the conception of an omnipresent Reality of which neither the Non-Being at the one end nor the universe at the other are negations that annul; they are rather different states of the Reality, obverse and reverse affirmations. The highest experience of this Reality in the universe shows it to be not only a conscious Existence, but a supreme Intelligence and Force and a self-existent Bliss; and beyond the universe it is still some other unknowable existence, some utter and ineffable Bliss. Therefore we are justified in supposing that even the dualities of the universe, when interpreted not as now by our sensational and partial conceptions, but by our liberated intelligence and experience, will be also resolved into those highest terms. While we still labour under the stress of the dualities, this perception must no doubt constantly support itself on an act of faith, but a faith which the highest Reason, the widest and most patient reflection do not deny, but rather affirm. This creed is given, indeed, to humanity to support it on its journey, until it arrives at a stage of development when faith will be turned into knowledge and perfect experience and Wisdom will be justified of her works.

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A Bozo Christmas Carol (1988 - 1988) - Half hour television Christmas Special featuring the World's Most Famous Clown. Bozo the Clown (Gary Weir's version) retells Charles Dickens classic story "A Christmas Carol" to the children and his sidekick T.V. Prime (based on the local KLRT Channel 16 TV mascot). Bozo's tells the story of Ebeneze...
Top Cat (1961 - 1962) - Set in the Alleys of New York, "Top Cat" tells the story of a gang of low-life cats with their charismatic Leader, Top Cat. With ability and mischief, Top Cat will always try to get rich gambling, to eat for free, or to play jokes on someone, but he is always being watched by Officer Dibble, who is...
The Outsiders (1990 - 1990) - Francis Ford Coppola and S.E. Hinton's 14-episode follow-up to the 1983 movie, which builds on each character from the film immensely. Series finale (entitled "Breaking the Maiden") reaches an optimistic conclusion to the story of the group's troubled youth.
The Silver Surfer (1998 - 1999) - The story of Norrin Radd, a simple citizen of the alien planet Zenn-La, who sacrifices his own independent life (and his love Shala Bal), to save his world from the Devourer of Worlds, Galactus. In return, Norrin Radd agrees to become Galactus' herald, seeking out worlds for Galactus to consume and...
Stargate SG-1 (1997 - 2007) - The story of a secret military project that uses an ancient device called the "Stargate" to explore the universe and fight evil aliens bent on destroying humanity.
The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams (1977 - 1978) - From what I remember this is the story about a man who is accused of killing is wife. He is innocent, but not in the eyes of the law. So what does Mr. Adams do?
Sport Billy (1979 - 1980) - The story revolves around a young boy named Sport Billy who is from the planet Olympus which is populated by god-like beings. Billy himself has a magic size-changing gym bag which produces various tools as he needs them. He travels to Earth on a mission to promote teamwork and sportsmanship. Describ...
The Jungle Book: The Adventures of Mowgli (1989 - 1989) - The Jungle Book is an anime based upon a children's book, written by (Rudyard Kipling [1865-1936]) and narrates the story of a boy named Mowgli, a native from India, who was raised by wolves and other wild animals after his parents die. The series revolves around Mowgli's bitter-sweet adventures in...
Swamp Thing (1990 - 1990) - This very short lived series(only 5 episodes were made) is an adaptation of the dc comics super hero swamp thing. It is the story of alec holland a biochemist who after creating a way to feed all the people of the world forever using dna splicing on plants is turned into a plant mutant by the evil...
Long Ago and Far Away (1989 - 1993) - Long Ago and Far Away episodes open with a short live-action segment of James Earl Jones talking to the camera in his room that appears to be floating in outer space. He then acted as narrator for the story following.
Jonny Quest (1964 - 1997) - Jonny Quest tells the story about an adventurous boy, his adopted brother and his dog.
Lassie (1997 - 1999) - The story: Widowed veterinarian Karen Cabot and her young son Timmy have moved back to Karen's old home town of Hudson Falls, Vermont, where Karen bought out the practice of elderly Dr. Donald Stewart, the town's vet. Timmy is uncertain of the move and still smarting from his father's recent death....
Only Fools and Horses (1984 - 2002) - Only Fools and Horses tells the story of the crafty cockney huckster Derek "Delboy" Trotter (David Jason), who has finally found the perfect scheme which he is convinced will make him a millionaire within a year! Del's kid brother Rodney (Nicholas Lyndhurst) and his sweet but doddery old granddad (L...
Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Greek Myths (1990 - 1990) - A spin-off of "The Storyteller" featuring variations of Greek Myths.
Liberty's Kids (2002 - 2003) - The story of a group of young people-namely loyalist Sarah Phillips, smart James Hiller, wacky and energetic Henri Richard Maurice Dutoit LeFevbre, and escaped slave Moses along with their mentor Benjamin Franklin, who have just come to new grounds in a group of British colonies hoping to break awa...
Redwall (1999 - 2002) - Based off of the book series by Brian Jacques, Redwall follows the story of Redwall Abbey and the young mouse Matthias. The Abbey is a peaceful place, until Cluny the Scourge shows up and becomes intent on destroying it. Matthias finds the fate of the beseiged Abbey in his hands - or paws, as it wer...
Black Adder (1983 - 1989) - Black Adder tells the story of 4 different generations of Black Adders over 4 seasons. Each season has the same actors but a different storyline. Every Black Adder is a decendant from the previous season's Black Adder.
Disney's The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage (1991 - 1992) - The 100 Lives of Black Jack Savage was a Disney-produced television series broadcast in the United States by NBC that followed the story of Black Jack Savage (played by Steven Williams), the ghost of a legendary 17th century Caribbean pirate who teams up with Barry Tarberry (played by Daniel Hugh-Ke...
Thunderstone (1999 - 2000) - Futuristic 26-part series tells the story of a world without animals and a boy, Noah (Jeffrey Walker), who unlocks the secret of time travel, finding a way to bring the beasts back.
Death Note (2006 - 2007) - Death Note (Japanese: Hepburn: Desu Nto) is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The story follows Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook from a Shinigami named Ryuk that grants its user the ability to kill anyone...
The Untouchables (1993 - 1994) - Its the story of 1930s Chicago during prohibition. The infamous gangster Al Capone had gained control of the city through buying off politicians, law enforcement officers, even the mayor, so that he can run his illegal organization. To battle this corruption, the U.S. Treasury department sends Age...
Little Shop (1991 - 1991) - Inspired by the hit 1986 musical comedy "Little Shop of Horrors". Seymour and Audrey are teenagers and Mr. Mushnik is Audrey's father. Audrey II's lust for blood was replaced with a love for rap for the show. The story usually dealt with teen issues (dating, peer pressure, poularity, etc.)
Anything But Love (1989 - 1992) - Anything But Love was the story of Hannah Miller and her relationship with Marty Gold. After they meet Marty gets Hannah a job in research at the magazine where he works. Hannah, an aspiring writer, sees this as an opportunity to get into the business. The show was created by Wendy Kout and develope...
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (1995 - 1997) - Yet another spinoff from the Tenchi Muyo series, the storyline in this show is a bit different. Sasami Jurai (named different from Kawai in the original Tenchi) becomes queen of the world of Juraihelm and gains magical powers to stop an evil magical girl. Sasami becomes Pretty Sammy in order to use...
Skysurfer Strike Force (1995 - 1996) - The story of 5 heroes called the Skysurfer Strike Force. Skysurfer 1, Crazy Stunt, Sliced Ice, Air Inforcer, and Sor Lozer. They travel the skys on cars that turn into large hoverboards. Skysurfer 1 and his team must stop a group of super powerful terriosts. The leader of these terriosts caused the...
Howards' Way (1985 - 1990) - This BBC series was set in the lush countryside of Hampshire along the river Hamble in a fictional town called Tarrant, following the story of wealthy yachts, powerboats and marine business.
Anna and the King (1972 - 1972) - A sitcom inspired by the story of Anna Leonwens, the British governess who went to Siam to teach the King's children. Yul Brenner stars reprising the role he made famous (The King, of course!)
Blue Comet SPT Layzner (1985 - 1986) - The SPT Lazner is a super-powered, computerized Tracer robot. It is the strongest robot in the universe. The story's hero, Eiji, is the child of an earthman and an alien from another planet. He happens to find out about a conspiracy to destroy the earth. Using Lazner and with his friends help, Eiji...
Avenger Penguins (1993 - 1994) - The story revolves around three bike riding Penguins that inhabit Big City, uniting to protect it and its citizens from the evil Caractacus P. Doom, an insane and reclusive criminal scientist. The Penguins attempt to prevent Doom's schemes but find themselves often hampered by their own miscommunica...
New Game! (2016 - Current) - The main character Suzukaze Aoba graduates from high school and joins a game company. The person who made the game that Aoba loved as a grade-schooler just happens to be Aoba's senior at the company. The story follows girls who work and aspire at the Eaglejump company. (From season 1)
Keroro Gunso (2004 - 2011) - The main plot of the story focuses on the steadily deteriorating conditions of the Keroro Platoon, a group of five, frog-like aliens from Planet Keron of the Gamma Planetary System. The platoons mission is to invade and conquer Earth (known to the aliens as Pekopon), but fail miserably at each at...
Final Fantasy: Unlimited (2001 - 2002) - Final Fantasy: Unlimited follows the story of Ai and Yu Hayakawa, 12 year-old twins who travel into Wonderland, a mysterious parallel dimension, in search of their missing parents. Along the way they meet Lisa Pacifist, a member of the C2 Organization; Kaze, a being of incredible power; and a variet...
Arc The Lad (1999 - 1999) - The story follows the story of Arc the Lad II, the second game in the video game series. The world is also similar to the game, full of technology, but with magic and beasts as well. An evil corporation secretly controls this world and produces powerful monster (sometimes human) creations called chi...
The Story of Cinderella (Cinderella Monogatari) (1996 - 1996) - A 26-episode story of Cinderella. Produced by Tatsunoko Prod. (Japan) and Mondo TV (Italy).
Shnen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru (1964 - 1965) - also known as Samurai Kid, is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation. 65 episodes aired from 7 June 1964 until 31 August 1965. It tells the story of a ninja's pupil that controlled the wind.It was based on the manga Ishimaru of the Wind ( Kaze no Ishimaru) by Sanpei Shirato and was a...
The Spirit of Christmas (1953) (1953 - 1960) - a Christmas television special performed by marionettes.[1] It first aired in 1953 in the United States.[1] Its half-hour showing time is divided into two marrionette segments, one dramatizing "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and one telling the story of the Nativity.[1] The live-action part of the film...
Red Data Girl (2013 - Current) - A 12-episode anime television series adaptation by P.A.Works aired between April and June 2013. The full anime series became available for streaming on Netflix (US) on August 1, 2015.The story revolves around Izumiko Suzuhara, a 15-year-old girl who was raised at Tamakura Shrine, which is a part of...
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (2008 - 2011) - is the second main spin-off of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. The series aired in Japan between April 2, 2008 and March 30, 2011, following the conclusion of the previous series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.The story focuses around characters playing a card game called Duel Monsters. This series introduces Synchro Monst...
Aoki Densetsu Shoot! (1993 - 1994) - lit. "Blue Legend Shoot!") is a Japanese anime produced by Toei Animation between November 7, 1993 and December 25, 1994 on the Fuji TV television network; there were fifty-eight episodes. The story revolves around a boy named Toshihiko Tanaka, who has just started at Kakegawa High School in order t...
Lime-iro Senkitan (2003 - 2005) - lit. Lime-Colored Exotic War Story) is a game series developed and published by ELF Corporation. The story was adapted to a 13-episode anime that aired in Japan between January 5, 2003 and March 30, 2003It has two sequels: a second season Lime-Iro Ryukitan X; and a 2 episode OVA Lime-Iro Senkitan: T...
Devil May Cry: The Animated Series (2007 - 2007) - Devil May Cry follows the story of the demon hunter known as Dante. As a half demon, half human, he uses his trusty sword Rebellion and his two guns Ebony and Ivory to take on missions. Dante owns and runs "Devil May Cry," a business that specializes in hunting and killing demon-related problems.
Arrow Emblem: Hawk of the Grand Prix (1977 - 1978) - an anime series aired from 1977 to 1978 in Japan. There are 44 episodes aired at 25 minutes each. It is also known as "Arrow Emblem Grand Prix no Taka". In the United States, it was re-edited to a short movie called "Super Grand Prix".The story is about a young man named Takaya Todoroki who dreams o...
Mashin Hero Wataru (1988 - 1998) - an Adventure Super Robot multimedia franchise originally created by Sunrise and Red Entertainment. The first series aired on April 15, 1988, replacing the 17:0017:30 timeslot used for Transformers: The Headmasters. Sunrise credited "Hajime Yatate" for the storyline and Shuji Iuchi directed the seri...
Popolocrois (1998 - 2004) - The first anime series of Popolocrois Story was released in 1998, and the story is based immediately after the first PlayStation game PoPoLoCrois Monogatari and before the Poporogue game. There have been two different series. The first series is about the adventure after the defeat of the Ice Demon:...
Nobody's Boy: Remi (1977 - 1978) - Ie Naki Ko, lit. Homeless Child) is a Japanese anime series by Tokyo Movie Shinsha. The story is based upon French author Hector Malot's novel Sans Famille in France. The anime is well known in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Latin America, Canada (in French), France, Italy, the Arab world, Indonesia and Philipp...
Golden Warrior Gold Lightan (1981 - 1982) - a mecha anime television series that aired from 1981 to 1982 in Japan. The show was also popular in Hong Kong and was aired there around the same time. There are 52 episodes that were aired at 30 minutes each.The story is about a young boy named Hiro Taikai who finds a gold lighter which turns out t...
Hoshin Engi (1999 - 2018) - also known as Soul Hunter,The story has been adapted into an anime series titled Senkai-den Hshin Engi, broadcast on Japanese TV in 1999 and released in North America on DVD as Soul Hunter in 2001. The anime is 26 episodes in length. In January 2009, Shomei TV announced their intentions to remake t...
He Is My Master (2005 - Current) - a television anime series in the harem genre[1] with a lolicon aspect.[2] The manga is authored by two individuals: Mattsu () who does the story and his ex-wife Asu Tsubaki () who does the artwork. Because of their acrimonious split, the manga will probably be drawn by someone else soon.Seven...
Kasumin (2001 - 2003) - English title Mistin) is a Japanese anime series produced from 2001 to 2003 by OLM, Inc.Kasumin tells the story of Kasumi Haruno (Misty Springfield), the protagonist, and the family she lives with, the Kasumis (Mistins) who are from a race of creatures called Henamon. The show first aired on NHK on...
Hiatari Ryk! (1982 - 1988) - a live-action television drama series,[2] an anime television series,[1] and an anime film sequel to the television series.[1] The title translates roughly as Sunlight All Around!The story focuses on the relationships of Kasumi Kishimoto, a high school student. When she enters Myj High School, she...
Hataraki Man (2006 - 2007) - an anime television series, which screened in Japan from October to December 2006 and a drama that aired from October 2007 to December 2007. The story centers on 28-year-old Hiroko Matsukata, editor at the magazine Weekly JIDAI (JIDAI Shkan JIDAI). Talented and hard-working, Hiroko's colleagues...
Aishite Knight (1983 - 1984) - lit. "Love me [my] Knight") is a shjo manga created in the early 1980s by Kaoru Tada.[2] An anime version of the story in 42 episodes was also produced in 1983-1984 by Toei Animation. A live action adaptation was also produced.["Ai Shite Knight" is set in Osaka and tells the story of Yaeko "Yakko"...
Persona 4: The Animation (2011 - 2014) - an anime television series based on Atlus' PlayStation 2 video game, Persona 4,The story revolves around Yu Narukami, a young teenager who moves to the town of Inaba, where a mysterious string of murders is taking place. Upon discovering a distorted TV World and acquiring a mysterious power known as...
Cyber City Oedo 808 (1990 - 1991) - a 1990-1991 cyberpunk original video animation. It was directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri. Set in the year 2808 in the city of Oedo (Tokyo),it tells the story of three criminals who are enlisted into fighting crime in exchange for reduced sentences. They are Sengoku, an anti-social maverick, Gogol, a moh...
Sensual Phrase (1999 - 2000) - a 44-episode anime television series by Studio Hibari, and as a series of novels. The series tells the story of Aine Yukimura, a high school student who becomes the lyricist for a Japanese rock band, and her relationship with the band's lead singer, Sakuya Ookochi.To promote the anime, a real-life b...
Sasami: Magical Girls Club (2006 - 2007) - a magical girl anime which features the rather familiar likenesses of Sasami and other characters of the Tenchi Muyo! franchise, specifically those of Pretty Sammy. However, this series is not in the same continuity as the Pretty Sammy anime titles. The animation style is different and the story is...
Just Mary (1960 - Current) - a Canadian children's television series which aired on CBC Television in 1960.Mary Grannan narrated stories based on her Just Mary books in this Toronto-produced series while puppets and human actors performed the storylines. Actors seen in the series included Barbara Hamilton and Toby Tarnow, while...
Non Non Biyori (2013 - 2015) - a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Atto. The series began publication in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive magazine from September 2009 and is licensed in North America by Seven Seas Entertainment. The story is based on the same setting as Atto's former work, Toko-toko & Yume no Yu...
Chivalry of a Failed Knight (2015 - Current) - Rakudai Kishi no Kyabarurii, lit. The Heroic Tales of the Failure Knight) is a Japanese light novel series written by Riku Misora and illustrated by Won. The story is set in a fantasy world where the titular failed knight Ikki Kurogane meets Stella Vermillion who is considered a genius. The two make...
Heroic Age (2007 - Current) - a Japanese science fiction mecha space opera[1] anime directed by Toshimasa Suzuki and Takashi Noto. It was produced by Xebec and aired on Japanese television networks. The series first aired on April 1, 2007 and ended on September 30, 2007, with 26 episodes.The story's theme is based on stories in...
Le Chevalier D'Eon (2006 - 2007) - Japanese: Hepburn: Shuvarie, (French "Chevalier") literally, "Knight") is a 24-episode anime television series produced by Production I.G based on an original story by Tow Ubukata. The anime originally aired in Japan on WOWOW from August 19, 2006 to February 2, 2007.[2] The story has also bee...
Gun Sword (2005 - Current) - (Japanese:  Hepburn: Gan Sdo, stylized as GUNSWORD), is a Japanese anime television series produced by AIC A.S.T.A. The series is directed by Gor Taniguchi and written by Hideyuki Kurata.The story is set on the "Planet of Endless Illusion", a place where rogues of all sorts gather. The pr...
Saki (2009) (2009 - 2014) - an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ritz Kobayashi. The story revolves around a first-year high school girl named Saki Miyanaga who is brought into the competitive world of mahjong by another first-year, Nodoka Haramura. The manga has been serialized in Square Enix's Young Ga...
Silver Spoon (2013 - 2014) - a Japanese coming-of-age[2] manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa, serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shnen Sunday since April 2011. The story is set in the fictional Ooezo Agricultural High School in Hokkaido, and depicts the daily life of Yuugo Hachiken, a high school student from...
Twin Star Exorcists (2016 - 2017) - a Japanese shnen manga series written and illustrated by Yoshiaki Sukeno. The manga has been serialized in Shueisha's Jump Square magazine by Yoshiaki Sukeno since October 2013, with individual chapters collected into seventeen tankbon volumes as of December 4, 2018. The story revolves around Roku...
Rituals (soap opera) (1984 - 1985) - This American television soap opera that aired in Syndication, and it took place in fictional Virginia town of Wingfield. The story focused on the Chapin, Gallagher and Robertson families.
Kaze no Stigma (2007 - Current) - lit. "Stigma of the Wind") is a Japanese light novel series written by Takahiro Yamato and illustrated by Hanamaru Nanto. After the death of the author on July 20, 2009, the story remains incomplete at twelve volumes.[1] A 24-episode anime adaptation directed by Junichi Sakata and animated by Gonzo...
Full-Blast Science Adventure So That's How It Is (2003 - 2004) - a Japanese anime broadcast by TV Tokyo from October 5, 2003 to March 28, 2004.The premise of the story is that a group of children are brought into the "Realm World" when playing an online game, they have to finish a competition in two separated groups before getting back home.Characters
Welcome to the N.H.K. (2006 - Current) - a Japanese novel written by Tatsuhiko Takimoto, with a cover illustration by Yoshitoshi ABe, and was published by Kadokawa Shoten in Japan on January 28, 2002. The novel was first published in English by Tokyopop on October 9, 2007. The story revolves around a 22-year-old asocial individual who gets...
Queen Emeraldas (1998 - 1999) - a manga written and illustrated by Leiji Matsumoto, later adapted into a four-episode anime OVA of the same name. Queen Emeraldas is the story of the pirate spaceship, Queen Emeraldas, which is captained by the mysterious and beautiful Emeraldas, a strong and powerful privateer. Sometimes, the chara...
Pikaia! (2015 - 2017) - a Japanese educational anime series produced by NHK Educational. The first season started airing on April 29, 2015 for 13 episodes before ending in July 30, 2015.[1] It is renewed with a second season in February 2017.The story begins in the future when Earth itself is no longer inhabitable by livin...
Grim Tales (1989 - 1991) - a British children's television program based on fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, featuring Rik Mayall as the storyteller dressed in his pyjamas and dressing gown.[1] The twenty-two episodes were broadcast on ITV from 1989 to 1991. There was also a release on video and audio cassette, with the sli...
The Good Witch of the West (2006 - Current) - a series of fantasy novels by Noriko Ogiwara, published by Chuokoron-Shinsha. The series has been adapted into both a manga series and a thirteen episode anime television series subtitled Astraea Testament broadcast in Japan in 2006. The story revolves around a fifteen-year-old commoner who discover...
Jinki: Extend (2005 - Current) - a 13-episode mecha anime series that aired on TV Asahi in 2005 as well as a currently running manga series. It takes place in two parts, in Venezuela during 1988 (Jinki), and in Tokyo, Japan in 1991 (Jinki: Extend.) The story revolves around two girls who end up piloting giant humanoid robots called...
Wild Knights Gulkeeva (1995 - Current) - Juusenshi Gulkeeva ( Juu Senshi Garukiba), known as Wild Knights Gulkeeva and Beast Warriors Gulkeeva, is an anime television series that debuted in 1995. It is an animated adaptation of a manga that initially was serialized in the Shnen Sunday Super.The story takes place in a world known a...
Sound! Euphonium (2015 - 2016) - a Japanese novel series by Ayano Takeda. The story takes place in Uji, Kyoto, and focuses on the Kitauji High School Music Club, which is steadily improving thanks to the newly appointed adviser's strict instruction.[1] A manga adaptation illustrated by Hami was serialized on the Kono Manga ga Sugoi...
The Naked Brothers Band (2007 - 2009) - The Naked Brothers Band is an American musical comedy television series created by Polly Draper for Nickelodeon. It depicts the daily lives of Draper's sons, who lead a fictional world-renowned rock band in New York City. As a mockumentary, the storyline is an embellishment of their real lives, and...
King Arthur & the Knights of the Round Table (1979 - 1980) - a Japanese anime series based on Arthurian legend. Produced by Toei Animation, the series consists of 30 half-hour episodes released between 9 September 1979 and 3 March 1980. The series achieved great popularity in its non-English translations.The series tells the story of King Arthur and the Knigh...
Gear Fighter Dendoh (2000 - 2001) - The story takes place in the future where war machines from evil mechanical alien empire Garufa finally reaches Earth. In order to protect earth, an Earth defense organization called GEAR (Guard Earth and Advanced Reconnaissance) is formed. GEAR has an ultimate weapon in a form of war mecha, GEAR Fi...
Little Mouse on the Prairie (1997 - 1998) - This is a 52 episodes animated series made by the cooperation of the US and China, loosely based on the Serendipity book by Stephen Cosgrove with the same title. The story features a city mouse named Osgood Dee who just moved to the countryside Squeaky Corners to live at his uncle's farm. Each show...
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994 - 1998) - The series focuses on Spider-Man and his alter ego Peter Parker during his college years at Empire State University. As the story begins, Peter has already gained his superpowers and is a part-time freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle.
3x3 eyes (1991 - 1996) - The manga has received two Original Video Animation series based on 33 Eyes. They were first released in 1991 and 1995. The first consisted of four episodes averaging to half-hour of run time. The second consisted of three averaging out to 45 minutes of run time. They cover the storyline up to volu...
Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel (1983 - 1986) - a magical girl anime series by Pierrot which aired from 1983 to 1984 on Nippon Television. It went on to have five OVA adaptions and featured in other Studio Pierrot special presentations. A three volume manga was released during the original TV run, with the story written by Kazunori It and art by...
Wandaba Style (2003 - Current) - The television series was released in English by ADV Films and 3 volumes of videos were released on VHS and DVD.The story is about a pop idol band named Mix Juice that need any kind of gig to make their name famous. At the same time, a young boy genius plans on taking a trip to the moon without usin...
Phantom Thief Jeanne (1999 - 2000) - Kamikaze Kait Jannu, lit. "Divine Wind Phantom Thief Jeanne") is a fantasy shjo manga series written and illustrated by Arina Tanemura. The story is about the adventures of a high school girl, Maron Kusakabe, who is the reincarnation of Jeanne D'Arc and transforms into a phantom thief-magical girl...
Baka & Test - Summon the Beasts (2010 - 2010) - The story centers around Akihisa Yoshii, the "baka" of the title. His academy rigidly divides up the student body into classes based on the results of tests. The prodigies are in the A class with reclining seats complete with air conditioning, but Akihisa is in F class, the lowest rung of the school...
D.N.Angel (2003 - Current) - Xebec adapted the manga into a 26-episode anime series which aired in Japan on TV Tokyo from April 3, 2003 until September 25, 2003.follows the adventures of Daisuke Niwa, an average teenage boy. At the story's opening, Daisuke declares love for his crush, a girl named Risa Harada, on his fourteenth...
Mamotte! Lollipop (2006 - 2009) - The story revolves around female protagonist Nina Yamada, a seventh grader who accidentally swallows the Crystal Pearl thinking it was candy. The pearl is the goal of a sorcery examination where the students must retrieve it to pass. But since Nina has swallowed the pearl, she is now the target. For...
Angel beats (2010 - 2015) - a 13-episode Japanese anime television series produced by P.A.Works and Aniplex and directed by Seiji Kishi. The story was originally conceived by Jun Maeda, who also wrote the screenplay and composed the music with the group Anant-Garde Eyes, with original character design by Na-Ga; both Maeda and...
Someday's Dreamers (2003 - 2008) - Hepburn: Mahtsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto, lit. "Things That Are Precious To a Mage") an anime series that was produced by J.C.Staff under the direction of Masami Shimoda. It is loosely based on the storyline of the first manga series with new characters added to the story. It ran for a total of 12 ep...
Wing-Man (1984 - 1985) - is the story of Kenta Hirono, a fan of superheroes and sentai television shows to the point where he dreams of becoming such a hero himself. To that end, he creates a superhero of his own called "Wingman," and, much to the chagrin of his teachers, acts out his fantasies of being Wingman at school. W...
Honey Honey no Suteki na Bouken (1981 - 1982) - lit. Honey Honey's Wonderful Adventures, The anime was released in the English language in the United States as Honey Honey and also broadcast in various European countries and in Latin America.The story begins in the city of Vienna in 1907, as the city holds a lavish birthday celebration for its be...
Shnen Ninja Kaze no Fujimaru (1964 - 1965) - also known as Samurai Kid, is a Japanese anime series produced by Toei Animation. 65 episodes aired from 7 June 1964 until 31 August 1965. It tells the story of a ninja's pupil that controlled the wind.
Hello! Sandybell (1981 - 1982) - an anime series made by Toei Animation in 1981.[1] It was aired in Japan by TV the story of a girl who lives in Scotland with her father. She spends her time playing with her faithful dog (Oliver) and her friends. One day she meets the Countess of Wellington, a kind-hearted woman living in...
The Story of Read Alee Deed Alee (1994 - 1995) - Created by Slim Goodbody, The Story of Read Alee Deed Alee is an educational show aimed at children dedicated to literacy. The show tells the story of a magical dragon named Read Alee Deed Alee. One day he takes a magical journey to a faraway land where everybody loves to read. The series had a focu...
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan (2005 - 2007) - tells the story of 13-year-old junior high schooler Sakura Kusakabe, who twenty years in the future develops a technology that causes all women to stop physically aging after they reach twelve years old in an attempt to create a "Pedophile's World". However, this act accidentally creates immortality...
Tegami bachi (2009 - 2011) - Call it the letter beetwo separate anime television series, entitled Tegami Bachi and Tegami Bachi REVERSE respectively.The story takes place in AmberGround, a land of perpetual night only partly illuminated by an artificial sun. Lag Seeing is a newly minted delivery boy, called a "Letter Bee", who...
Kaiketsu Zorori (2004 - 2007) - Set in a parallel world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals (in their Earth's version of Japan), the story follows the protagonist, a fox named Zorori and his twin boar bandit
Law of ueki (2005 - 2006) - An anime adaptation was first broadcast on TV Tokyo on April 4, 2005, and ended with 51 episodes on March 27, 2006. In Indonesia, this anime Originally Broadcast by Lativi (now tvOne) since year 2007 and Global TV since year 2008. It was produced by Studio Deen.The story starts out with the Battle o...
Nanaka 6/17 (2003 - 2006) - 12-episode anime series that aired on TV Tokyo in 2003. In 2004 the anime series was licensed for distribution in North America by ADV Films and released on DVD in 2006.The story focuses on a cold and distant 17-year-old girl, Nanaka Kirisato, who only cares about studying and getting accepted into...
Petite Princess Yucie (2002 - 2003) - Puchi Puri Ysh) is an anime series, which was produced by Gainax, aired from 2002 to 2003, and ran for 26 episodes. The story centers on Yucie, a 17-year-old who is trapped in a 10-year-old's body, the story follows her and her friends, all of whom are designated as Platinum Princess candidates. A...
Maburaho (2003 - 2004) - a 24 episode anime series produced by J.C.Staff and broadcast by WOWOW in Japan.set in a world where every character has the ability to use magic, however everyone's magic is not equal. Each person in the story has a different degree of magic and a set number of times that they can use their magic....
The Story of Saiunkoku (2006 - 2008) - literally "Tale of the Kingdom of Colored Clouds") is a series of Japanese light novels written by Sai Yukino and illustrated by Kairi Yura. As of July 2011, the eighteenth and final volume was released, concluding the series. Four side story anthologies have also been released, collecting stories o...
Super Doll Licca-chan (1998 - 1999) - an anime television series which ran on TV Tokyo in 19981999. Kodansha also serialized a manga based on the anime series in its monthly manga magazine Nakayoshi. The story follows an ordinary elementary school girl named Licca Kayama[1][2] and the strange circumstances surrounding her origins, as w...
Almost Home (1993 - 1993) - After ending in June 1992, the story was later picked up in the "sequel", Almost Home, in February 1993. In this series, the family could no longer afford to be living in their own house. Millicent Torkelson got a job as a nanny in Seattle, Washington. In this series, Steven Floyd (Aaron Michael Met...
The Chronicles of Narnia (1988 - 1990) - This was BBC adaptation of C.S Lewis classic book series. The mini-series told the story of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie episodically and covered the following stories; The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair
Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist (1996 - 1997) - Animated series based on the story of Oliver Twist. All the characters are animals.
American Dragon Jake Long (2005 - 2007) - Set in New York City, this animated series tells the story of thirteen-year-old Jake Long who must balance ordinary adolescent transformation with the amazing power and ability to change into the form of a dragon.
Toad Patrol (1999 - 2002) - The story is about a group of eight young "Toadlet" siblings and their struggle for survival in The Great Forest.
How I Met Your Mother (2005 - 2014) - The series revolves around Ted Mosby (Josh Radnor) who in the year of 2030 tells the story to his son and daughter how he met their mother (hence the title). While living in New York City and working as an architect, the narrative deals with his best friends, including the long-lasting couple Marsha...
The Story of Perrine (1978 - 1978) - The fourth series from Nippon Animation's "World Masterpiece Theater" anthology, based on the French novel En Famille by Hector Malot.
Hotel Transylvania: The Series (2017 - Current) - An animated series that serves as a prequel to the film series. Taking place four years before the first film, it tells the story of Mavis and his friends at the hotel.
Trapp Family Story (1991 - 1991) - Originally known as "Trapp Ikka Monogatari", Nippon Animation's 40-episode adaptation of "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers". It is a more faithful adaptation of the source material than the more commonly known "The Sound of Music."
Bannertail: The Story of Gray Squirrel (1979 - 1979) - Bannertail is a squirrel who is raised by a cat. A boy finds him and brings him home where he is given to the boy's cat. The cat becomes his mother, but after a fire burns down the house, the squirrel has to return to the wild and fend for himself.
Snoopy in Space (2019 - Current) - The story follows Snoopy as his vision of becoming an astronaut turn into reality, as he and Woodstock tag along with the Peanuts gang on a trip to NASA. They are chosen for an important mission to space - it is said...
Simsala Grimm (1999 - 2010) - In each episode of this German animated series, one of the famous Classical fairy tales of the brothers Grimm is told in the magical land of Simsala. The local characters Doc Croc and Yoyo move between the story-teller and the episode cast, which they tend to help or at least inspire.
Home Alone(1990) - Now and forever a holiday classic among children, Home Alone tells the story of eight-year-old Kevin McCallister, who finds himself man of the house overnight when his family departs on a Christmas vacation to Paris without him. Being eight and in-charge seems like any young child's dream, being abl...
Dumb & Dumber(1994) - The story of two extremely stupid friends who go on a road trip to return a briefcase to a woman.
Jaws(1975) - Directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Peter Benchley's novel of the same name. It tells the story of Police Chief of Amity Island, a fictional summer resort town, Martin Brody, in his quest to protect beachgoers from a great white shark by closing the beach. This is overruled by the town council...
Edward Scissorhands(1990) - A modern day fairy tale which tells the story of Edward (Johnny Depp), a man created by an inventor who died before finishing him and left Edward with scissors where he should have hands. One day the local Avon lady checks around the old house and meets Edward. She takes him home and introduces Edwa...
The Rugrats Movie(1998) - Based on the popular Nickelodeon TV series Rugrats, this is the first full-length feature animated movie to star the little tots. It's the story of diaper-clad kids, told from a baby's point- of-view, and they were one of the hottest-selling toy franchises of the late '90s. The film features a hilar...
The Last Unicorn(1982) - Unicorns do not regret, for they do not understand human emotion. This is the story of one unicorn's journey to discover what has happened to the rest of her kind. On the road, she befriends an wizard cursed with ineptitude and a rough scullery maid. To save her from the wrath of a great bull demo...
IT(1990) - Originally titled Stephen King's It, this two-part TV movie first aired on November 18 and 20, 1990. The story starts in Maine, where a small child is lured into the hands of what audiences everywhere can be assured is one mean clown. The 30-year struggle against an evil supernatural force that masq...
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame(1996) - In 15th century Paris, Clopin the puppeteer tells the story of Quasimodo, the misshapen gentle-souled bell ringer of Notre Dame, who was nearly killed as a baby by Claude Frollo, the Minister of Justice. But Frollo was forced by the Archdeacon of Notre Dame to raise Quasimodo as his own. Now a young...
Kids(1995) - A disturbing portrayal of teenage life, AIDS, and the Kids of New York City. Controversial in its content, the film exposes the grim reality of a group of skate-boarders in the space of 24 hours. Primarily the story consists of Telly (Leo Fitzpatrick) a 17 year old slacker whose mission is to de-flo...
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation(1986) - Aimed primarily at the youngest viewers, this second "Care Bears" movie once again takes the characters from the popular line of children's toys and builds a storyline around them. This time, the story centers on a pending disaster at a children's summer camp where the nasty Dark Heart is bent on cr...
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band(1978) - Mr. Kite, the mayor of the city of Heartland, a small All-American town tells the story of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, who returned home heroes after WWI. After the orignal Sargent dies, his grandson, Billy Shears and his friends, the Henderson brothers inhearit the band, but after the...
Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer(1964) - Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the reindeer games because of his beaming honker, teams up with Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist, and Yukon Cornelius, the prospector. They run into the Abominable Snowman and find a whole island of...
Rad(1986) - The story of Cru Jones, a young man who can overcome all obstacles that prevent him from participating in the BMX race "Helltrack." As he works towards his dream, Cru falls in love with Christian, an amateur racer. With the help of Christian and his friends, can Cru's "Rad Racing Team" defeat the to...
The Waterboy(1998) - As with his previous films, comedian Adam Sandler and writing partner Tim Herlihy have conceived a simple premise, character, and title, and peppered their creation with visual sight gags. The story concerns Bobby Boucher, a Louisiana-born-and-bred kid living in the swamps with his overbearing, alli...
Muppet Treasure Island(1996) - After telling the story of Flint's last journey to young Jim Hawkins, Billy Bones has a heart attack and dies just as Jim and his friends are attacked by pirates. The gang escapes into the town where they hire out a boat and crew to find the hidden treasure, which was revealed by Bones before he die...
Fight Club(1999) - The story focuses on a disillusioned, death-obsessed pencil-pusher (Edward Norton) whose only apparent social stimulus comes from attending cancer support-group meetings. His dreary existence takes a decided turn for the anarchic when he meets an amoral and enigmatic guru named Tyler Durden (Brad Pi...
M.A.S.H.(1970) - The movie that more or less inspired the the hit TV show (even though some folk don't want to admit it). This dark comedy set during the Korean War (though that is never mentioned) told the story of the series off-kilter wacky happenings at the 4077th M*A*S*H unit.This movie follows the antics of Ha...
The Fantastic Four(1994) - Unreleased to the general public and infamous for its poor quality within geek circles, this Roger Corman adaptation of the Marvel Comics supergroup is an interesting cult item that ranks up there with the dismal Captain America feature and the cheap Hulk TV movies. The story of the film goes back t...
Pet Sematary II(1992) - The Pet Sematary continues with the dead rising, but we have new characters in this film. Jeff Matthews and Drew Gilbert. The story is mainly about Drew's dog Zowie gets shot by his father, and Drew has to his dog, and Jeff went along with him. They didn't bury him in the Pet Sematary, the buried hi...
Alice in Wonderland (Live Animation)(1985) - This movie released in 1985 as a two-part made for tv movie is based on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll who wrote the story in 1865. However, unlike other "Wonderland" movies, this version closely resembles Lewis's original book. The principal role, Alice, is portrayed by Natalie...
Caddyshack(1980) - Set primarily on the golf course at Bushwood Country Club, the story is a farcical clash between classes, on one side the wealthy and privileged and on the other, the anarchic, young and noisy. The club is represented by the chronically uptight Judge Smails (Knight) and opposite him the vulgar, nois...
The Halloween Tree(1993) - The Halloween Tree is a 1993 animated fantasy-drama television movie produced by Hanna-Barbera and based on Ray Bradbury's 1972 fantasy novel of the same name. The film tells the story of a group of trick-or-treating children who learn about the origins and influences of Halloween when one of their...
Steel Magnolias(1989) - Revolving around Truvy's Beauty Parlor in a small parish in modern-day Louisiana, STEEL MAGNOLIAS is the story of a close-knit circle of friends whose lives come together there. As the picture opens, we find Drum Eatenton shooting birds in the trees of his back yard in preparation for his daughter's...
Casper - A Spirited Beginning(1997) - Billed as a prequel to the 1995 family film Casper, which in turn is based on an enduring Harvey cartoon character "Casper the Friendly Ghost," this direct-to-video entry is aimed at younger kids (though some of the scenes may be inappropriate for really young children). The story begins as Casper,...
The People Under The Stairs(1991) - The People Under the Stairs is the story of a young boy (Fool) from the ghetto and takes place on his 13th birthday. In an attempted burglary (along with two others) of the home of his family's evil landlords, he becomes trapped inside their large suburban house and discovers the secret of the "chil...
The Sixth Sense(1999) - The Sixth Sense is a 1999 American supernatural thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. The film tells the story of Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), a troubled, isolated boy who is able to see and talk to the dead, and an equally troubled child psychologist who tries to help him. The...
Gone With The Wind(1939) - Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzer-winning 1936 novel and produced by David O. Selznick, of Selznick International Pictures. Set in the 19th-century American South, the film tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) an...
HOUSE(1986) - The hero of the story is Roger Cobb, played by William Katt (CARRIE, HOUSE IV, CYBORG 3, STRANGER BY NIGHT, THE PAPER BOY), William had just got off of a popular, though short lived TV series in the U.S. called Greatest American Hero (popular with audiences, but the writers ran out of ideas real qui...
Three O'Clock High(1987) - Preppy high school reporter Jerry Mitchell is asked to write a story on a tough new kid named Buddy Revell, a boy rumored to have a violent past. Jerry tries to call off the story, but in the process he infuriates Buddy, who challenges him to a parking lot brawl immediately after school that same da...
Paulie(1998) - Paulie, an intelligent parrot who actually talks, relates the story of his struggle to a Russian immigrant who works as a janitor at the research institute where he is housed and neglected. Paulie's story begins many years earlier when he is given as a gift to a little girl who stutters. Eventually,...
Garfield in Paradise(1986) - Garfield, Jon, and Odie go to Hawaii and find themselves in love under the sun. But things heat up when a volcano's spirit hides in their car and they soon find out the story of how a previous car saved the village they visit. It all results in a race against time. Can the car appease the force of t...
Rain Man(1988) - It Tells The Story Of An Abrasive And Selfish Yuppie Charlie Babbitt Who Discovers That His Estranged Father Has Died And Bequeathed All Of His Multimillion Dollar Estate To His Son Raymond An Autistic Savant Of Whose Existence Charlie Was Unaware Of Charlie Is Left Only His Father's Car And His Col...
Apocalypse Now(1979) - Loosely based Joesph Conrad's story "Heart of Darkness",this modern-day epic set during the Vietnam war tells the story of a solider sent on a mission to kill an insane and power hungry officer.
Lord of the Flies(1990) - Adapted from William Golding's novel of the same name, this is the story of a group of prep school boys who become stranded on an island. With no adult supervision, they develop their own society, with frightening and powerfu
Unico - To The Island of Magic(1983) - Based on "Unico and the Kingdom of the Sun," which was newly written as a theater version, this animated film features a battle between the wizard Kukuruku and Unico. Kukuruku builds a castle using dolls transformed from men as building parts. The story revolves around the sorrow and terror of men w...
The bear who slept through christmas(1973) - The story is about a bear who lives in a bear town hidden in the woods calle
Cannibal: The Musical(1993) - Trey Parker & Matt Stone's first film before thier success of South Park. This is a comedy musical tale (released by Troma) of the true life tragic stroy of Alferd Packer while leading a group of travelers. It tells the story through various flashbacks seeing if Alferd Packer truely murdered & ate...
Parenthood(1989) - The story of the Buckman family and friends, attempting to bring up their children. They suffer/enjoy all the events that occur: estranged relatives, the "black sheep" of the family, the eccentrics, the skeletons in the closet, and the rebellious teenagers.
Warlock(1991) - Julian Sands oozes maleficence as a warlock of the 1600s cast forth to 1980s Los Angeles, where he continues to work his deviltry. The story begins in 1691 Boston when a warlock is condemned to die. Calling for Satan's help, the warlock is sent forward in time to contemporary Los Angeles, where he c...
Crossroads(2002) - Crossroads is the story of three childhood friends, Lucy (Britney Spears), Kit (Zo Saldana) and Mimi (Taryn Manning), who, after eight years apart, rediscover their friendship on a cross-country trip. With barely a plan, practically no money, but plenty of dreams, the girls catch a lift with Mim...
Wild Style(1983) - Wild Style captured the hard core South Bronx scene with its pantheon of hip-hop pioneers: Grand Master Flash, The Cold Crush Bros., The Chief Rocker Busy Bee, and The Rock Steady Crew. Wild Style tells the story of Zoro (graffiti legend LEE Quinones), in his subway art romance with Ladybug (another...
The Howling(1981) - This groundbreaking, darkly-comic horror film from director Joe Dante changed the look and feel of werewolf movies in ways light-years distant from Universal's horror classic The Wolf Man. The story begins with television reporter/anchor Karen White (Dee Wallace) taking part in a dangerous police op...
Twice Upon a Time(1983) - "Twice Upon a Time" is an animated cartoon feature from "Star Wars" creator, George Lucas and "Ewok Adventure" director, John Korty. The story involves a battle royal amongst the employees of Murkworks over possession of a "cosmic clock." Whoever controls Time will control the universe, so you can w...
Vampire In Brooklyn(1995) - Comedian Eddie Murphy tried something different with this 1995 film that he produced and co-wrote, enlisting veteran horror director Wes Craven to give the story some chills. The uneven comedy-horror tale features Murphy as a vampire named Maximillian who arrives in Brooklyn on a ship full of people...
St Elmo's Fire(1985) - St Elmo's Fire is the story of seven close friends who have just graduated from Georgetown University. Now they have to cope with the pressures of the real world and try to keep their bond as friends close.
The Four Diamonds(1995) - TV Movie Based on the true story of Chris Mallard who died in 1972 from cancer. The story around which the film revolves was written by him while he was ill. Young Christopher Millard fantasizes about being a squire of the Round Table and studies the stars. But when his difficulty breathing turns ou...
Johnny Dangerously(1984) - This spoof of the 1930s and '40s crime stories ranges from the ridiculous to the sublime as it tells the story of Johnny Dangerously (Byron Thames as the young Johnny, Michael Keaton as the older), a devoted son to his ailing mother (Maureen Stapleton), so ill that she needs money for several operat...
Project: ALF(1996) - Six years ago, the space alien, ALF, was on his way back to his new home...When the Alien Task Force finally caught him. Now, the story continues to where the series ended. ALF is now protected by the Alien Task Force, but the leader wants to terminate ALF. So two officers decide to save ALF by taki...
Snow White(1987) - A prince, seeking the greatest treasure, stumbles upon seven little men guarding a coffin. They tell him the story of Snow White, a beautiful princess who was forced to run away from home after her jealous stepmother tried to have her killed. When she realizes that the girl is still alive and living...
Trancers(1985) - With the whimsical tagline "Jack Deth is back and he's never been here before," director Charles Band melds Blade Runner, The Terminator, and Jingle All the Way for this low-budget science fiction adventure. The story takes place in Angel City in the year 2247, when enforcer Jack Deth (Tim Thomerson...
Deep Impact(1998) - Mimi Leder (The Peacemaker) directed this science-fiction disaster drama about the possible extinction of human life after a comet is discovered headed toward Earth with the collision only one year away. Ambitious MSNBC reporter Jenny Lerner (Tea Leoni) stumbles onto the story, prompting a White Hou...
The Howling VI: The Freaks(1991) - Part of a pointless string of sequels ostensibly based on the werewolf novels by Gary Brandner, this entry deserves credit for taking the creatively dead series in an interesting new direction. Set in the barren rural town of Canton Bluff, the story centers on the enigmatic figure of Ian (Brendan Hu...
A Streetcar Named Desire(1995) - This production presents the complete text of A Streetcar Named Desire, the 1947 Tennessee Williams masterpiece. The story centers on the destruction of a lonely Mississippi widow, Blanche DuBois (Jessica Lange), by her brutally outspoken brother-in-law, Stanley Kowalski (Alec Baldwin). The play beg...
Super mario 3: snow white(1989) - Mario tells the story of snow white in this japan special only released i
Brain Smasher... A Love Story(1993) - Andrew Dice Clay trades in dumb yucks for numchucks in Brainsmasher: A Love Story as Ed Molloy, a part-time comic and bouncer who takes on a belligerent gang of ninjas. The story kicks in when supermodel Samantha Crains (Teri Hatcher) receives a red lotus flower from her sister that has to be delive...
The Delta Force(1986) - Menahem Golan melds a Chuck Norris action spectacle with the disaster film genre in The Delta Force. The story is based upon the June, 1985 hijacking of a TWA jet, where passengers were held at gun-point by terrorists in Beirut, Lebanon. The film re-enacts various real life incidents from the crisis...
The Snowman(1982) - The Snowman is the tale of a boy who builds a snowman one winter's day. That night, at the stroke of twelve, the snowman comes to life. The first part of the story deals with the snowman's attempts to understand the appliances, toys and other bric-a-brac in the boy's house, all while keeping quiet e...
Melody(1971) - This movie starring Mark Lester, Jack Wild (who had also starred together in "Oliver!") and Tracy Hyde in the title role, tells the story of a young boy and girl who fall in love and their strange desire to marry despite the fact they are only 11 years old. Soundtrack features music by the Bee Gees....
Death Wish(1974) - This drama about a man who takes the law into his own hands was wildly controversial upon first release, sparking much debate about the perceived pro-vigilante stance of the story, and established Charles Bronson as a major box office draw in the United States. Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson) is a lib...
You've Got Mail(1998) - Sleepless In Seattle director Nora Ephron originally made a name for herself as the writer of romantic comedies such as When Harry Met Sally and This is My Life. She continues the genre with You've Got Mail, marking her second collaboration with actors Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. The story brings romanc...
Fried Green Tomatoes(1991) - Evelyn Couch is having trouble in her marriage, and no one seems to take her seriously. While in a nursing home visiting relatives, she meets Ninny Threadgoode, an outgoing old woman, who tells her the story of Idgie Threadgoode, a young woman in 1920's Alabama. Through Idgie's inspiring life, Evely...
Contact(1997) - Contact is a 1997 American science fiction drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis. It is a film adaptation of Carl Sagan's 1985 novel of the same name; Sagan and his wife Ann Druyan wrote the story outline for th
Sid And Nancy(1986) - Biographical story of Sid Vicious, second bassist with British punk group the Sex Pistols, and his girlfriend Nancy Spungen. The story begins with Sid and the Sex Pistols and the meeting up with Nancy. Soon after the break up of the band, Vicious attempts a solo career while falling deeper into his...
Terror Firmer(1999) - The story follows a low budget film crew led by their blind director,Larry Benjamin, who is trying to create art. Like all the crazy things that happen on a troma set, now the crew has to deal with a serial killer. Production assisstant Jennifer has to struggle between the two men in her life who w...
The Doors(1991) - This film tells the story primarily of Jim Morrison, the singer/poet leader of The Doors. They would prove to be one of the most influential rock groups of the 60's. Their songs were mainly based on Morrison's poems as lyrics and touched the social conscience of America. However, his lyrics became b...
Heidi's Song(1982) - A Hanna-Barbera animated movie based on the Story of Heidi. Heidi is a young orphaned girl who goes to live with her grumpy grandfather. Adventures and songs ensue. Lorne Green and Sammy Davis jr. do some voices and singing.
Mad at the Moon(1992) - Director Martin Donovan (real name Carlos Enrique Varela y Peralta-Ramos) directed this beautifully photographed western/horror amalgam. The story takes places in the American West in 1892. Jenny Hill (Mary Stuart Masterson) longs for the love of the local rough-and-tumble outlaw James Miller (Steph...
The Lawnmower Man(1992) - Loosely based on a short story by Stephen King, The Lawnmower Man was the first film to explore virtual reality technology and boasts a dazzling collection of computer-animated sequences. The story concerns the slightly-mad scientist Dr. Lawrence Angelo (Pierce Brosnan), who as part of a secret gove...
Little Man Tate(1991) - The story of the intellectually-gifted eight-year-old Fred Tate, his mother Dede and the director of a program for gifted children, Dr Jane Grierson. It explores the tension between Fred's emotional and intellectual needs and between his mother and D
Bloodfist VIII: Hard Way Out(1996) - Originally titled Bloodfist VIII: Trained to Kill, but released as Hard Way Out, this low-budget, martial arts actioner was filmed entirely in Ireland. It is the story of a quiet high school math teacher whose milque-toast demeanor masked a secret profession as a CIA agent that for 15 years took him...
Triple Impact(1992) - A golden Buddha and two kickboxing con men provide the basis of this lively martial-arts actioner that opens during the Vietnam war as three lost commandos make their way though the jungle and find themselves in a cave containing a fabulous golden Buddha. The story jumps ahead twenty years as two co...
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf(1994) - Disney filmed its version of the Jack London story in 1991 and followed with this sequel four years later. Besides the presence of a dog named White Fang and its setting in the Alaska Gold Rush days, the story bears no resemblance to London's original story. Jack Conroy (Ethan Hawke), the hero of th...
Gulliver's Travels(1996) - The adventure of a man named Gulliver who tells the story of how he got back home after a long adventure. He talks about all different forms of governments and cultures he experiences on his journey, and how it made him wonder about his own humanity and way of life.
Girlfriend from Hell(1989) - With its catchy title and over-the-top premise, this fairly amusing horror comedy plays like a kinder, gentler variation on the type of fare offered by the bad-taste moguls at Troma Studios. The story begins in the thick of a metaphysical battle between a decidedly female Satan (Lezlie Deane) and on...
A Home of Our Own(1993) - The story is located in Los Angeles in the sixties. A energetic widow, Frances Lacey, with her six children tries to make a dream of her and her children come true: to have a home of their own. Therefore they leave Los Angeles and head for the countryside while facing a kinds of difficulties during...
Orlando(1992) - Independent filmmaker Sally Potter's gender-bending epic, which views four centuries of sexual politics through the eyes of a sex-switching main character, is based on the 1928 novel by Virginia Woolf. The androgynous title character is played with delicate quietude by Tilda Swinton. The story begin...
The Parallax View(1974) - The story concerns a reporter's dangerous investigation into an obscure organization, the Parallax Corporation, whose primary, but not ostensible, enterprise is political assassination.
Cannibal Holocaust (1985) - Cannibal Holocaust (1980) is a controversial exploitation film directed by Ruggero Deodato from a screenplay by Gianfranco Clerici. Filmed in the Amazon Rainforest, the movie tells the story of four documentarians who journey deep into the jungle to film indigenous tribes. Two months later, after th...
Scum(1979) - This movie tells the story of life inside a british borstal, showing the brutal and corruption taking place. The movie centers around inmate, Carlin (Ray Winstone), who is transferred from a formal borstal for assaulting a guard, so the guards do what they can to make his life more difficult even pu...
The Story Lady(19
It's the Pied Piper, Charlie Brown(2000) - It's the Pied Piper, Charlie Brown is a retelling to Sally by Charlie Brown of the story how the Pied Piper of Hamelin (portrayed by Snoopy) chased away all the mice (changed by Charlie Brown from rats because Sally is terrified of rats) from the town of Hamlet. The Peanuts kids substitute some char...
Game of Death 2(1991) - Released years after Bruce Lee's death this one only features Lee in stock footage. The story talks of Billy Lo and his brother and as the story begins he is killed and it is up to his brother Bobby Lo to venture the Tower of the Death and avenge his brother
Once Around(1991) - Swedish director Lasse Hallstrom makes his American debut with the story of taking chances and the love of family. Renata Bella finds herself to be a failure careerwise and in life...and more after witnessing the wedding of her younger sister along with her longtime boyfriend confessing that he had...
Blood Vows: The Story Of A Mafia Wife(1987) - A fashion designer named Marian (Melissa Gilbert) finds that her supposedly do-gooder husband Edward Moran (Joe Penny) is part of a family of a dangerous kind.
Real Men(1987) - Jim Belushi plays a super-competent secret agent on the trail of Russian thugs. John Ritter plays a milquetoast dad who gets mixed up in the caper. The story follows their adventures over the course of a week, in which Ritter develops some guts and Belushi gets in touch with his sensitive side.
Charlie & The Angel(1973) - The story takes place in a small midwestern tow
Alive(1993) - The film tells the story of the 16 out of 45 rugby team survivors from the Uruguayan flight 571 crash in the Andes mountains on October 13, 1972. The story is based on the survivors and the grouling 72 days they endured in the mountains. Dealing with the wounded, hunger and the low freezing temperat...
Mobile Suit Gundam F91(1991) - The story of Gundam F91 revolves around teenage space colonist Seabook Arno, his girlfriend Cecily Fairchild, and the efforts of the Crossbone Vanguard militia, led by Cecily's grandfather Meitzer Ronah, to establish an aristocracy known as "Cosmo Babylonia". The civilian Seabook is forced by circum...
Gorillas In The Mist(1988) - The story of Dian Fossey, a scientist who came to Africa to study the vanishing mountain gorillas, and later fought to protect them.
Santa Claus is Comin' to Town(1970) - Fred Astaire tells the story of the origin of Santa Claus, who is also known as Kris Kringle, and how he became a hero of Sombertown. Together, he and his little penguin friend named Topperwood manage to give all of his toys to the children of Sombertown, but the evil Burgermeister Meisterburger cla...
The Grifters(1990) - Based on the pulp novel by Jim Thompson, this neo-noir film tells the story of Lilly Dillon, a long-time female con artist who begins to rethink her life when her son Roy, also a grifter, suffers an almost-fatal injury when he is beaten after a failed scam.
Frosty Returns(1992) - The sequel to the original Frosty the Snowman, the story is about a little girl named Holly DeCarlo, who meets a talking snowman named Frosty in the park. And all the people in Beansboro think snow is such a pain in the neck, especially the evil power-hungry tycoon named Mr. Twitchell, who trys to m...
Dance With Death(1992) - To uncover the story behind the serial murders of strippers, a reporter named Kelly (Barbara Alyn Woods) enters their world to learn more about the case, eventually ending up in danger herself.
One Magic Christmas(1985) - Movie starring Mary Steenburgen as Ginny, the mother of two children, Abbie and Cal, and the wife of husband Jack (Gary Basaraba). The story is about how the family has come onto hard times during the Christmas season. Because of the difficult times, Abbie tries to send a letter to Santa, only to...
Where the Red Fern Grows(1974) - This fine family film set in 1930's Oklahoma tells the story of a young boy's devotion to two hunting dogs. His loving relationship to the animals teaches him the qualities of maturity and responsibility.
West Side Story(1961) - West Side Story is the film adaptation of the popular Broadway musical of the same name from directors Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins. The movie is the story of two rival gangs, the all-white Jets and the Puerto Rican Sharks and their competition over love. The competition over which gang is better...
Blood regin: Curse Of The Yoma(1989) - One lone warrior must seek out and destroy his former comrade in arms but how does one slay the dead? Woven from strands of nightmarish battles in blood soaked clay where demons await the fallen and seaside clashes Blood Regin: curse of the yoma tells the story of two young ninja whose friendship is...
Foxfire(1996) - Based on the novel by Joyce Carol Oates, Foxfire tells the story of Legs (played by Angelina Jolie), a drifter who befriends four girls, each from different walks of life. All attitude and style, Legs shows them how to stand up to those who have hurt them in the past. A film about friendship, growin...
Uncle Sam Magoo (1970)(1970) - Mr. Magoo tells the story of America, from Plymouth Rock to the Apollo moon landing. A colorful animated feature which is both entertaining an
Bang The Drum Slowly(1973) - The story of a New York pro baseball team and two of its players. Henry Wiggen is the star pitcher and Bruce Pearson is the normal, everyday catcher who is far from the star player on the team and friend to all of his teammates. During the off-season, Bruce learns that he is terminally ill, and Henr...
Ghosts of Mississippi(1996) - This is a long-awaited film telling the story of the trials of Medgar Evers' killer. Medger Evers (James Pickens, Jr.) was a black civil-rights activist in Mississippi who was shot to death in 1963. Despite very persuasive evidence that Byron De La Beckwith (James Woods) was indeed his killer, the a...
54(1998) - Mark Christopher wrote and directed this look back at the Disco Era when the popular Studio 54 was at its apogee in the late '70s. With obvious comparisons to Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Nights (1997) and Whit Stillman's The Last Days of Disco (1998), the story introduces working-class 19-year-old...
The Godfather Part 3(1990) - In the midst of trying to legitimize his business dealings in 1979 New York and Italy, aging mafia don Michael Corleone seeks to vow for his sins while taking a young protege under his wing.The last film from the Godfather trilogy ends the story of the mafia boss Michael Corleone sixteen years after...
Zoot Suit (1981)(1981) - "A kind of musical accompanying the story of the early 1940's and the effect that the "zoot suit" (a man's suit of long jacket and pegged pants, always worn with a long keychain that looped almost to the ankle.... the rebellious fashion of young men) had on the morals and attitudes of the people of...
Rough Magic(1997) - Director Clare Peploe (wife of Bernardo Bertolucci) adapted this blend of noir mystery and magical realism from the story Miss Shumway Waves a Wand by James Hadley Chase. Bridget Fonda stars as Myra Shumway, an apprentice to a magician (Kenneth Mars) in 1952 Los Angeles. Myra is unhappily engaged to...
American Pop(1981) - Journey into an explosion of sight, sound, song and superb storytelling as brilliantly conceived by animation innovator Ralph Bakshi (Fritz the Cat, The Lord of the Rings, Wizards). From a turn-of-the-century immigrant vaudevillian to a rock superstar, American Pop is the story of four generations w...
Breaker! Breaker!(1977) - Breaker! Breaker! is a 1977 film starring Chuck Norris. The story follows a truck driver, John David "J.D." Dawes (Norris), who must infiltrate a desert town and save his brother, Billy (Michael Augenstein), who is imprisoned by the town's corrupt judge (George Murdock). The majority of the movie, h...
The Unnamable(1988) - Back in the 1800's a lady gives birth to a monster. They decide that the baby is too ugly to name, therefore the monster is known as the "Unnamable". The creature brutally slaughters his family, and gets trapped in a vault. Go ahead to 1998, and some college students have heard the story about the u...
Puss 'N Boots Travels around the World(1976) - A Japanese anime version of Jules Verne's novel Around the World in Eighty Days and the fairy tale cat from the story Puss 'N Boots. Pusty must journey around the world in eighty days or he will lose a bet with a millionare pig Rumplehog and become his servant. Traveling along with him are his fri...
Little Criminals(1995) - The story is mainly about an eleven year old kid called Des. He and his friends do all kinds of illegal things like vandalism, stealing, lighting fires, mug people and using drugs. They do this because of a law which says that they cannot be charged until the age of twelve. When Des meets Cory, they...
The Day Dreamer(1966) - A Rankin/Bass Prods. An Avco Embassey Pictures Release. This live action/puppet animated musical fantasy tells the story of 12 year old Hans Christian Andersen and his search for the "Tree of Knowledge"and meeting the characters that inspired his famed stories.
Enchanted Journey(1981) - A domestically raised chipmunk, Glikko, befriends a carrier pigeon named Pippo (pee-poh), who tells Glikko of an enormous forest where chipmunks roam free. Enthralled by the story, Glikko leaves his home in the city and sister in search of the Vast North Forest. Along the way he meets up with anothe...
King of Kings(1961) - King of Kings is a 1961 American Biblical epic film made by Samuel Bronston Productions and distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Directed by Nicholas Ray, the film is a dramatization of the story of Jesus of Nazareth from his birth and ministry to his crucifixion and resurrection, with much dramatic...
Family Guy: Blue Harvest(2007) - In This Hour Long Family Guy Special, Peter Griffin Retells The Story Of 1977's Star Wars When The Power Goes Out.
Ben-Hur (2016)(2016) - A remake of the story "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ". A Jewish nobleman, Judah Ben-Hur, and his adopted Roman brother Messala are best friends despite their different origins. Messala enlists in the Roman army and fights in the Roman Empire's wars in Germany. Ben-Hur also develops feelings for the...
The Incredible Rocky Mountain Race(1977) - An old man observes a boy bullying his playmates and treats him to a morality lesson. The man tells the story of the epic cross-country race between a young Mark Twain and his rival, Mike Fink. The bulk of the film depicts the race, which proves to be more a test of character than of stamina.
A Walk to Remember(2002) - Inspired by the best-selling novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks, "A Walk to Remember" tells the story of a preacher's daughter, Jamie (Mandy Moore) and guileless rebel Landon (Shane West), whose worlds collide when, after an initiation gone wrong involving initiating a student into a clique,...
Idiocracy(2006) - Idiocracy is a 2006 American satirical science fiction comedy film directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, and Terry Crews. The film tells the story of two people who take part in a top-secret military hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500 years later in a dy...
Insomnia(2002) - Insomnia is an American psychological thriller film directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Al Pacino, Robin Williams, and Hilary Swank. It tells the story of two Los Angeles homicide detectives investigating a murder in an Alaskan town. A remake of the 1997 Norwegian film of the same name, Insom...
The Story of Santa Claus(1996) - This holiday TV special opens in "Europe, a long time ago". Nicholas Claus, nicknamed "Santa" by his wife Gretchen, is a toymaker who wishes he could give a toy to every child in the world. It's explained that Nicholas grew up in the Angel's Island Orphanage, where he taught himself to make toys for...
I Walked with a Zombie(1943) - Betsy is hired to care for the wife of Paul Holland (Tom Conway), a sugar plantation owner on the Caribbean island of Saint Sebastian. Saint Sebastian is inhabited by a small white community and descendants of African slaves. Betsy is told the story of how the Hollands brought slaves to the island,...
Kingsman: The Secret Service(2015) - Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons' comic series is adapted for the big screen in this Matthew Vaughn-directed action thriller. The story centers on a secret agent who recruits a juvenile delinquent into a top-secret spy organization. Together, they battle a tech genius with diabolical ambitions.
The Executioner's Song(1982) - The story of Gary Gilmore, a convicted murderer who lobbied for his own execution.
Godzilla(2014) - The king of all monsters returns in this Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures production helmed by Gareth Edwards. As the story opens in Japan, we find dedicated nuclear power-plant manager Joe Brody so caught up in his work that he forgets it's his birthday. Sending his young son Ford off to school befo...
Striptease(1996) - Based on Carl Hiaasen's satirical novel, "Striptease" tells the story of Erin Grant, who has just gotten a divorce from Darrell, the sleazy ex-con she foolishly married. However, the judge's memories of Darrell's days as a football hero win him custody of their daughter, and Erin, concerned for her...
Love Affair(1994) - Love Affair is a 1994 romantic drama film, and a remake of the 1939 film of the same name. It was directed by Glenn Gordon Caron and produced by Warren Beatty from a screenplay by Robert Towne and Beatty, based on the 1939 screenplay by Delmer Daves and Donald Ogden Stewart, based on the story by Mi...
The Jacksons: An American Dream(1992) - This two-part miniseries tells the story of the world's first family of music from the early years to the success years.
The Boys & Girls Guide To Getting Down(2006) - Tongue-in-cheek look at 20-something singles clubbing and partying in L.A.; it's organized into 15 chapters from overview and preparation to partying and the morning after. Voice-over narration, charts and graphs, and visits to a research laboratory punctuate the story of a single night when groups...
Les Girls(1957) - After writing a tell-all book about her days in the dance troupe "Barry Nichols and Les Girls", Sybil Wren (Kay Kendall) is sued for libeling her fellow dancer Angele (Taina Elg). A Rashomon (1950)-style narrative presents the story from three points of view. Sybil accuses Angele of having an affair...
The Bad And The Beautiful(1952) - The Bad and the Beautiful is a 1952 MGM melodramatic film that tells the story of a film producer who alienates all around him. It stars Lana Turner, Kirk Douglas, Walter Pidgeon, Dick Powell, Barry Sullivan, Gloria Grahame and Gilbert Roland. The film was directed by Vincente Minnelli and written b...
Meet Me In St. Louis(1944) - Meet Me in St. Louis is a 1944 musical film from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer which tells the story of an American family living in St. Louis at the time of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition World's Fair in 1904. The picture stars Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Mary Astor, Lucille Bremer, Tom Drake, Leon Am...
Hong Kong '97(1994) - Hong Kong 97 is a 1994 film by Albert Pyun starring Robert Patrick, Brion James and Tim Thomerson. The story revolves around the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China. An assassin kills several high-ranking Chinese officials and must get out...
PMS Cop(2014) - PMS COP is the story of Mary, a police officer, who after being caught on television beating a rapist, is forced into an evil Pharmaceutical Company's drug trial for a PMS inhibitor known as Corybantic. After a tragic event Mary suffers a horrific side effect, and with her new found superhuman stren...
Henry & June(1990) - Henry & June is a 1990 American biographical drama film directed by Philip Kaufman and stars Fred Ward, Maria de Medeiros, and Uma Thurman. It is loosely based on the book of the same name by the French author Anas Nin, and tells the story of Nin's relationship with Henry Miller and his wife, June....
Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey(1977) - Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey is a 1977 Christmas stop motion animated television special produced by Rankin/Bass Productions. It originally premiered on ABC on December 3, 1977. The story is the tale of a donkey named Nestor in the ancient Roman Empire. After the Romans invade and try to k...
Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead(2015) - Subtitle: The Story Of The National Lampoon. A look at the history of the American comedy publication and production company, National Lampoon, from its beginning in the 1970s to 2010, featuring rare and never-before-seen footage.
A Private Matter(1992) - The story of Sherri Finkbine, a woman who sought a medically recommended abortion and endured a firestorm of public controversy about her decision.
Immortal Beloved(1994) - Immortal Beloved is a 1994 film about the life of composer Ludwig van Beethoven (played by Gary Oldman). The story follows Beethoven's secretary and first biographer Anton Schindler (Jeroen Krabb) as he attempts to ascertain the true identity of the Unsterbliche Geliebte (Immortal Beloved) addresse...
The Learning Tree(1969) - The story, set in Kansas during the 1920s, covers less than a year in the life of a black teenager, and documents the veritable deluge of events which force him into sudden manhood. The family relationships and enmities, the fears, frustrations and ambitions of the black teenager in small-town Ameri...
The Private Files Of J. Edgar Hoover(1977) - The story of the late J. Edgar Hoover, who was head of the FBI from 1924-1972. The film follows Hoover from his racket-busting days through his reign under eight U.S. presidents.
Three Little Words(1950) - The story of the successful Tin Pan Alley songwriting team of Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby is told loosely and lightheartedly.
Starman(1984) - Starman is a 1984 American science fiction romance film directed by John Carpenter, that tells the story of a humanoid alien (Jeff Bridges) who has come to Earth in response to the invitation found on the gold phonograph record installed on the Voyager 2 spac
The Last Emperor(1987) - This movie is the story of the final Emperor of China.
MacArthur(1977) - The story of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander during World War II and United Nations Commander for the Korean War. "MacArthur" begins in 1942, following the fall of Phillipines, and covers the remarkable career of this military legend up through and including the Korea...
Big Fat Liar(2002) - A take on the classic tale 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf', this is the story of a 14-year-old boy named Jason Shephard who lies for the fun of it. He loses an important story assignment entitled 'Big Fat Liar' in movie producer Marty Wolf's limo, which Wolf then turns into a film. When Jason sees a movie...
Honey Britches(1971) - This is the story of four jewel thieves on the run who decide to hole up with a hillbilly couple until the search for them slackens off.
Ironmaster(1983) - A tale that takes place at the dawn of history. The movie tells the story of a tribe that discovers how to fashion weapons out of iron and use them for their own survival. However, the creation of iron also causes the tribe to battle for possession of the new weapons.
Miracle on 34th Street(1947) - The story takes place between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day in New York City, and focuses on the impact of a department store Santa Claus who claims to be the real Santa is institutionalized as insane, a young lawyer decides to defend him by arguing in court that he is the real thing.
The Arena(1974) - Female gladiators fight to the death. Inspired by the story of Spartacus, follow the adventures of a bevy of slave girls who, upon finding themselves thrust into the gladiator ring, mount a vicious rebellion to fight their way to freedom.
Vice Academy(1988) - This tale wavers on the fine line between erotic comedy and soft-core porn with a definite leaning toward the latter as it tells the story of female police cadets training to join the Hollywood vice squad. During training, the toothsome rookies are assigned to infiltrate a kiddy porn operation. Next...
howling 2:your sister is a werewolf(1985) - the story continues after the events of th
The Lonely Guy(1984) - This film is for lonely guys everywhere. From the dawn of time to a thousand years into the future; from Asia to Africa, there will always be one, but this is the story of New Yorker Larry Hubbard who finds himself single after being dumped by his girlfriend. With the help of the equally lonely Warr...
Georgia(1995) - This is the story of two sisters -- one talented and the other passionate -- and the rivalry that binds them together. Georgia is a gifted, well-adjusted and successful folk singer who is also happily married with children. Her younger sister Sadie is a punk rocking rebel who aspires to stardom but...
Evil Clutch(1988) - The story of a hideous monster who takes the form of a beautiful, seductive woman who in a torrent of special effects, beauty and monster transform into a climax of pure evil. For years this monster woman has cursed a small village, and to this day her deadly grasps holds the peaceful residents in f...
The One Armed Executioner(1981) - This is the story of an Interpol agent turned restaurateur, out for revenge against the gangsters that cut off his arm and killed his bride. This tragedy left him deeply depressed, and his battle with depression has to be won first before he can be thoroughly trained in martial arts. After his train...
Destination Moon(1950) - One of the first science fiction films to attempt a high level of accurate technical detail tells the story of the first trip to the moon.
The Good Earth(1937) - The story of a farmer in China: a story of humility and bravery. His father gives Wang Lung a freed slave as wife. By diligence and frugality the two manage to enlarge their property. But then a famine forces them to leave their land and live in the town. However it turns out to be a blessing in dis...
Sunrise At Campobello(1960) - The story of Franklin Roosevelt's bout with polio at age 40 in 1921 and how his family (and especially wife Eleanor) cope with his illness. From being stricken while vacationing at Campobello to his triumphant nominating speech for Al Smith's presidency in 1924, the story follows the various influen...
Hercules (1983)(1983) - The story of the Greek mythological figure is updated in this 80's version.
Friendly Persuasion(1956) - The story of a family of Quakers in Indiana in 1862. Their religous sect is strongly opposed to violence and war. It's not easy for them to meet the rules of their religion in everyday life but when Southern troops pass the area they are in real trouble. Should they fight, despite their peaceful att...
Maid In Sweden(1971) - Maid in Sweden tells the story of Inga, a 16-year-old Swedish girl who leaves her rural home to spend a weekend in the Swedish capital. An innocent with no experience, but with prodigious physical attributes, she has a series of romantic adventures as she throws off the frustrations of her small-tow...
The Little Drummer Boy(1968) - The Little Drummer Boy is a 1968 Christmas television special produced by Rankin/Bass, based on the famous Christmas song of that name. The story, written by Romeo Muller, is based on the famous Christmas song of that name in which a poor young boy is summoned by the Magi to the nativity where, with...
Never Let Me Go(2010) - The story of three friends who are tragically born to lead short lives, and the love triangle that forms between them in their brief time together.
The Object Of My Affection(1998) - The Object of My Affection is a 1998 romantic comedy film, adapted from the book of the same name by Stephen McCauley, and starring Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd. The story concerns a pregnant New York social worker who develops romantic feelings for her gay best friend and decides to raise her chi...
It(1990) - It (also referred to as Stephen King's IT) is a 1990 horror/drama miniseries based on Stephen King's novel of the same name. The story revolves around an inter-dimensional predatory life-form, which has the ability to transform itself into its prey's worst fears allowing it to exploit the phobias of...
The Men Who Stare At Goats(2009) - A reporter in Iraq might just have the story of a lifetime when he meets Lyn Cassady, a guy who claims to be a former member of the U.S. Army's New Earth Army, a unit that employs paranormal powers in their missions.
The Year Without a Santa Claus(1974) - The Year Without a Santa Claus is a 1974 Rankin/Bass stop motion animated television special. The story is based on Phyllis McGinley's 1956 book of the same name, illustrated by Kur
Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town(1970) - A classic holiday special produced by Rankin-Bass. Fred Astaire stars as Kris Kringle and Santa Claus as well as the narrator of the tale, who goes to tell the story of why Santa makes toys, wears a red suit, and lives at the North Pole. The special was produced with Animagic stop-motion animation w...
The Last Mimzy(2007) - Presented as a memory flashback by a woman named Lena, The Last Mimzy is the story of a distant future's attempt to avert a catastrophic ecological disaster that has destroyed their world. High tech devices, masquerading as toys, are sent back in time into the hands of Noah and Emma, two children wh...
Bully(2001) - Bully is a 2001 independent drama film based on actual events, starring Brad Renfro, Bijou Phillips, Rachel Miner, Michael Pitt, Leo Fitzpatrick and Nick Stahl, and directed by Larry Clark. The story concerns the plot to murder a mutual friend of several young adults in Southern Florida, in revenge...
The Words(2012) - A story from the past becomes a secret in the future. Young writer Rory Jansen is at the height of his literary success. But then he finds himself in a crisis of conscience when he meets the old man who had written (and lost) the story so many years ago. Now, Rory must face the steep price for steal...
Birdemic: Shock & Terror(2008) - Birdemic: Shock and Terror (often shortened to Birdemic) is a 2008 independent romantic horror film written, directed, and produced by James Nguyen. The leading cast is made up of Alan Bagh and Whitney Moore. Inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, Birdemic tells the story of a romance between the...
The First Easter Rabbit(1976) - The First Easter Rabbit is a 1976 animated Easter special, seen on NBC and later CBS. Created by Rankin/Bass, it tells the story of the Easter Bunny's origin and is loosely based on The Velveteen Rabbit, a children's book by Margery Williams. Burl Ives did the narration of this special which also fe...
The Babysitters(2007) - The Babysitters is a 2007 independent drama film directed by David Ross. It stars John Leguizamo, Cynthia Nixon and Katherine Waterston. The story follows a teenager who turns her babysitting service into a call girl service for married men after fooling around with one of her customers.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang(1968) - Set in the 1910s, the story opens with a Grand Prix race, in which one of the cars swerves to avoid a dog, loses control, crashes, and catches fire, bringing its racing career to an end. The car ends up in an old garage, where two children, Jeremy and Jemima Potts, have grown fond of it, but are tol...
Cinderella II: Dreams Come True(2002) - In a castle, Cinderella's mice friends Gus and Jaq race to a chamber where the Fairy Godmother is reading the story of Cinderella to the other mice. Much to their disappointment, Gus and Jaq arrive just as the Fairy Godmother has finished the story. With the Fairy Godmother's help, the mice set off...
Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie(2002) - After a roadside accident causes the Veggie Family to take refuge at a french seafood restaurant, they seem to all want to blame each other. The group soon meets the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything who begin telling them the story of Jonah, a prophet from Israel who must deliver a message from God to...
The Hunter(1980) - The story of professional bounty hunter Ralph "Papa" Thorson.
Ed Gein(2000) - The story of Ed Gein, who dug up the corpses of over a dozen women and made things out of their remains before finally shooting two people to death and butchering their bodies like beef sides.
Spider-Man 3(2007) - Set a few months after the events of Spider-Man 2, the story follows Peter Parker as he prepares for his future with Mary Jane Watson, and faces three new villains: Uncle Ben's true killer, Flint Marko, who becomes the Sandman after a freak accident; Harry Osborn, his former friend, who is now aware...
Happily N'Ever After 2(2009) - The direct-to-video sequel to the 2006 film. Snow White and her family, Queen Grace and King Cole are going around the city waving at people. Queen Grace shows Snow White how to help peasants. In her room, Queen Grace quotes "Remember, the mirror tells half the story" as "beauty is given by helping...
The Sword in the Stone(1963) - Disney's 18th animated feature based on T.H. White's novel of the same name, the film tells the story of young King Arthur who is always bossed around by his foster family, mentored by a kind wizard named Merlin, learning about the world around him, and soon rises to fame as the new king of England...
Cinderella Man(2005) - The story of James Braddock, a supposedly washed up boxer who came back to become a champion and an inspiration in the 1930s.
Road Trip(2000) - Set in a fictional University in Ithaca, New York Road Trip is the story of Josh Parker,(Breckin Meyer) and his ex girlfriend Tiffany Henderson(Rachel Blanchard). Josh and Tiffany had known each other since they were kids. After Tiffany moves away and enrolls at the University of Texas(Austin) Josh...
The Devil Dared Me To(2007) - "The Devil Dared Me To" follows the story of daredevil stuntman Randy Cambell and his quest to follow in his late father's footsteps and become New Zealand's greatest daredevil stuntman. Ever since growing up as a young boy on a remote New Zealand sheep-farm, Randy has dreamed of performing the ulti...
Death Knows Your Name(2007) - The Story of a man who is about to know the origin of his own death.
Picnic at Hanging Rock(1975) - The story of the mystery in which during a girls school picnic at Hanging Rock in Victoria, Australia on St Valentines Day in 1900, three girls as well as their teacher climb the rock and vanish.
Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair(1990) - The story of the hijacking of the Italian luxury liner Achille Lauro by four Palestinians.
Shine(1996) - The story of pianist David Helfgott, whose career after a promising start as a child prodigy despite an abusive father was derailed by a mental collapse, whereupon he ended up in a mental asylum. Years later, he relaunches his musical career and also finds love.
Yun Hota To Kya Hota(2006) - A 2006 Bollywood film that tells the story of a group of people from India who were aboard the ill-fated flights that crashed into the WTC and the Pentagon on 9/11.
Kurbaan(2009) - A 2009 Bollywood film that tells the story of Avantika Ahuja and Ehsaan Khan in India and the United States Post-9/11.
New York(2009) - A 2009 Bollywood film that tells the story of Samir, Maya, and Omar. They are three New York college students whose lives are changed by 9/11 and its aftermath.
Peeper(1975) - Set in the 1940s, the story follows a private eye on a case to find a long lost daughter of an oddball client. Two goons are on a mission to stop him.
Live Forever(2003) - The story of the mid-1990s Britpop music scene.
Owning Mahowny(2003) - A bank manager with: (a) a gambling problem and (b) access to a multimillion dollar account gets into a messy situation. Based on the story of the largest one-man bank fraud in Canadian history.
Coco Before Chanel(2009) - The story of Coco Chanel's rise from obscure beginnings to the heights of the fashion world.
Rent: Filmed Live On Broadway(2008) - Set in New York City's gritty East Village, the revolutionary rock opera RENT tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay their rent. "Measuring their lives in love," these starving artists strive for success and acceptance while enduring the obstacles of poverty, illness and...
Seven (1995)(1995) - Seven (stylized as SE7EN) is a 1995 American neo-noir crime thriller film directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. It stars Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow, John C. McGinley, R. Lee Ermey, and Kevin Spacey. It tells the story of David Mills, a detective who partners w...
King(1978) - The story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., stretching from his days as a Southern Baptist minister up to his assassination in Memphis in 1968.
Valentine's Day(2010) - Valentine's Day is a 2010 American romantic comedy film directed by Garry Marshall. The screenplay and the story were written by Katherine Fugate, Abby Kohn, and Marc Silverstein. The film features an ensemble cast led by Jessica Alba, Kathy Bates, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Eric Dane, Patrick De...
The Robe(1953) - The Robe is a 1953 American Biblical epic film that tells the story of a Roman military tribune who commands the unit that is responsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus. The film was released by 20th Century Fox and was the first film released in the widescreen process CinemaScope. Like other early Ci...
The River(1984) - This 1984 American drama film tells the story about a struggling farm family in the Tennessee valley trying to keep its farm from going under in the face bank foreclosures and floods.
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men(1952) - Disney's second full length live action film and the studio's first Robin Hood film. Robin becomes an outlaw to avenge his father's death at the hand of Prince John's henchmen and robs from the rich to feed the poor.
1001 Arabian Nights(1959) - From Columbia Pictures and UPA. The story of Aladdin and his Magic Lamp is given a new twist with the addition of Mr. Magoo as Aladdin's uncle Abdul Azziz Magoo.
Love & Basketball(2000) - Love & Basketball is a 2000 American romantic drama film starring Sanaa Lathan and Omar Epps. The film tells the story of Quincy McCall (Epps) and Monica Wright (Lathan), two next-door neighbors in Los Angeles, California who are pursuing their basketball careers before eventually falling for each o...
Hoop Dreams(1994) - Hoop Dreams is a 1994 American documentary film directed and produced by Steve James, Frederick Marx, and Peter Gilbert, with Kartemquin Films. It follows the story of two African-American high school students in Chicago and their dream of becoming professional basketbal
City Lights(1931) - City Lights is a 1931 American pre-Code silent romantic comedy film written, produced, directed by, and starring Charlie Chaplin. The story follows the misadventures of Chaplin's Tramp as he falls in love with a blind girl (Virginia Cherrill) and develops a turbulent friendship with an alcoholic mil...
Accepted(2006) - Accepted is a 2006 American comedy film directed by Steve Pink and written by Adam Cooper, Bill Collage and Mark Perez. The plot follows a group of high school graduates who create their own fake college after being rejected from the colleges to which they applied. The story takes place in Wickliffe...
Hotel Transylvania(2012) - Hotel Transylvania is a 2012 American computer-animated comedy film produced by Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation. The film tells the story of Count Dracula, the owner of a hotel called Hotel Transylvania where the world's monsters can take a rest from human civilization. Dracula invites...
War of the Worlds: Goliath(2012) - A retro-futuristic epic of steampunk battle set in 1914. It has been 15 years since the original H.G. Wells Martian invasion. Fearing another attack, the human race has prepared itself. This is the story of the battle tripod 'Goliath' and its young crew. 'Goliath' is the vanguard of an army of steam...
It(2017) - It, retroactively known as It Chapter One, is a 2017 supernatural horror film based on Stephen King's 1986 novel of the same name. The film tells the story of seven children in Derry, Maine, who are terrorized by the eponymous being, only to face their own personal demons in the process.
Breaking All The Rules(1985) - The story of two guys and two girls who meet and fall in love in an amusement park on the last day of summer. All the while outwitting three moronic would-be jewel thieves.
Pokmon: Detective Pikachu(2019) - The very first live-action Pokmon film! The story begins when ace private eye Harry Goodman goes mysteriously missing, prompting his 21-year-old son Tim to find out what happened. Aiding in the investigation is Harrys former Pokmon partner, Detective Pikachu: a hilariously wise-cracking, adorable...
Incredibles 2(2018) - The story follows the Parr family as they try to restore the public's trust in superheroes while balancing their family life, only to combat a new foe who seeks to turn the populace against all superheroes.
Puss in Boots(2011) - A spin-off/prequel to the "Shrek" franchise this is the story of Puss before he confronts Shrek and Donkey. Accompanied by his friends, Humpty Dumpty and Kitty Softpaws, Puss is pitted against Jack and Jill, two murderous outlaws in ownership of legendary magical beans that lead to a great fortune.
Black Christmas (2006)(2006) - A remake of the 1974 film of the same name. The film takes place several days before Christmas and tells the story of a group of sorority sisters who are stalked and murdered in their house during a winter storm.
The Lorax(2012) - 12-year-old Ted Wiggins lives in Thneedville, a walled city with nothing natural around. One day he surprises his environmentalist friend Audrey with a real tree. Wondering what's happened to nature he asks his grandmother Norma who tells him of the Once-ler. The Once-Ler tells him the story of Mayo...
Open Season: Scared Silly(2015) - Elliot tells a campfire story about the legend of the Wailing Wampus Werewolf that lives in the Timberline National Forest. Boog is terrified by the story and decides to "chicken out" of their annual summer camping trip until he knows that the werewolf is gone. Determined to help Boog overcome his f...
Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas(2014) - In a half-hour special based on the hit film and also on the musical, Santa narrates the story of Buddy, an Elf who comes to New York City to meet his father and transforms the lives of everyone he meets thanks to his holiday cheer. This special is animated in stop-motion versus being made with CGI.
Fun Size(2012) - Fun Size (known as Half Pint in some countries) is a 2012 American teen comedy film directed by Josh Schwartz and written by Max Werner. Starring Victoria Justice, Thomas Mann, Jane Levy and Chelsea Handler, the film tells the story of a teenage girl's Halloween plans gone awry when she's made to ba...
The Christmas Chronicles(2018) - The story of sister and brother, Kate and Teddy Pierce, whose Christmas Eve plan to catch Santa Claus on camera turns into an unexpected journey that most kids could only dream about.
All I Want for Christmas Is You(2017) - Based on the iconic hit song by Mariah Carey as well as a tie-in book, this cute animated film tells the story of a young Mariah Carey making a Christmas wish for a puppy.
Elmo's Christmas Countdown(2007) - A Christmas special that aired on ABC in 2007. The story is told by Stiller the Elf to Stan the Snowball, recounting the year Christmas almost didn't happen. Stiller recalls that Oscar the Grouch had been researched as the one who had more Christmas joy than anyone else. As such, he plans to give Os...
Revenge of the Electric Car(2011) - Director Chris Paine takes his film crew behind the closed doors of Nissan, GM, and the Silicon Valley start-up Tesla Motors to chronicle the story of the global resurgence of electric cars.
Megamind(2010) - This is the story of a super-intelligent alien supervillain, Megamind, who after a long-lasting battle one day actually destroys his foe, the much-loved superhero Metro Man. Having Metro City for himself, Megamind finds out that his villainy has no purpose, and thus creates a new superhero to serve...
The Whale(2011) - Directed by Suzanne Chisholm and Michael Parfit and narrated by Ryan Reynolds, "The Whale" tells the story of Luna, a killer whale (orca) living in Nootka Sound, Canada, who was separated from his pod at a young age. -- Action, Historical, Demons, Martial Arts, Samurai
12 Strong (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Action, Drama, History | 19 January 2018 (USA) -- 12 Strong tells the story of the first Special Forces team deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11; under the leadership of a new captain, the team must work with an Afghan warlord to take down the Taliban. Director: Nicolai Fuglsig Writers:
13 Reasons Why ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (2017-2020) Episode Guide 49 episodes 13 Reasons Why Poster -- Follows teenager Clay Jensen, in his quest to uncover the story behind his classmate and crush, Hannah, and her decision to end her life. Creator: Brian Yorkey
13 Reasons Why ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (20172020) -- Follows teenager Clay Jensen, in his quest to uncover the story behind his classmate and crush, Hannah, and her decision to end her life. Creator: Brian Yorkey
20th Century Women (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Comedy, Drama | 20 January 2017 (USA) -- The story of a teenage boy, his mother, and two other women who help raise him among the love and freedom of Southern California of 1979. Director: Mike Mills Writer: Mike Mills
71: Into the Fire (2010) ::: 7.3/10 -- Pohwasogeuro (original title) -- 71: Into the Fire Poster The story of student-soldiers trying to protect a middle school during the early days of the Korean War. Director: John H. Lee Writers: Man-Hee Lee (screenplay), Dong-Woo Kim (original story) | 2 more credits
All the Bright Places (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 47min | Drama, Romance | 28 February 2020 (USA) -- The story of Violet and Theodore, who meet and change each other's lives forever. As they struggle with the emotional and physical scars of their past, they discover that even the smallest places and moments can mean something. Director: Brett Haley Writers:
All the Money in the World (2017) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 2017 (USA) -- The story of the kidnapping of 16-year-old John Paul Getty III and the desperate attempt by his devoted mother to convince his billionaire grandfather Jean Paul Getty to pay the ransom. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
A Man for All Seasons (1966) ::: 7.7/10 -- G | 2h | Biography, Drama, History | 16 December 1966 (USA) -- The story of Sir Thomas More, who stood up to King Henry VIII when the King rejected the Roman Catholic Church to obtain a divorce and remarry. Director: Fred Zinnemann Writers:
American Made (2017) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Action, Comedy, Crime | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s in a clandestine operation that would be exposed as the Iran-Contra Affair. Director: Doug Liman Writer:
American Pop (1981) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Animation, Drama, History | 13 February 1981 (USA) -- The story of four generations of a Russian Jewish immigrant family of musicians whose careers parallel the history of American popular music in the 20th century. Director: Ralph Bakshi Writer:
An Adventure in Space and Time (2013) ::: 8.3/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 30min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 22 November -- An Adventure in Space and Time Poster A dramatisation of the early years of Doctor Who (1963), with the story revolving around BBC executive Sydney Newman, novice producer Verity Lambert and actor William Hartnell. Director: Terry McDonough Writer: Mark Gatiss
And the Band Played On (1993) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 2h 21min | Drama, History | TV Movie 11 September 1993 -- The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic, and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it. Director: Roger Spottiswoode Writers:
Anna and the King (1999) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 28min | Drama, History, Romance | 17 December 1999 (USA) -- The story of the romance between the King of Siam and widowed British schoolteacher, Anna Leonowens, during the 1860s. Director: Andy Tennant Writers: Anna Leonowens (diaries), Steve Meerson (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Annie Get Your Gun (1950) ::: 6.9/10 -- Passed | 1h 47min | Biography, Comedy, Musical | 17 May 1950 (USA) -- The story of the great sharpshooter Annie Oakley, who rose to fame while dealing with her love/professional rival, Frank Butler. Directors: George Sidney, Busby Berkeley (uncredited) Writers: Sidney Sheldon (screenplay), Herbert Fields (musical book) | 1 more
A Quiet Passion (2016) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 5min | Biography, Drama | 7 April 2017 (UK) -- The story of American poet Emily Dickinson from her early days as a young schoolgirl to her later years as a reclusive, unrecognized artist. Director: Terence Davies Writer:
A River Runs Through It (1992) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 2h 3min | Drama | 30 October 1992 (USA) -- The story about two sons of a stern minister -- one reserved, one rebellious -- growing up in rural Montana while devoted to fly fishing. Director: Robert Redford Writers: Norman Maclean (story), Richard Friedenberg (screenplay)
Arrival (2016) ::: 7.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 56min | Drama, Sci-Fi | 11 November 2016 (USA) -- A linguist works with the military to communicate with alien lifeforms after twelve mysterious spacecraft appear around the world. Director: Denis Villeneuve Writers: Eric Heisserer (screenplay by), Ted Chiang (based on the story "Story
A United Kingdom (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Biography, Drama, History | 10 February 2017 (USA) -- The story of King Seretse Khama of Botswana and how his loving but controversial marriage to a British white woman, Ruth Williams, put his kingdom into political and diplomatic turmoil. Director: Amma Asante Writers:
A Walk to Remember (2002) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG | 1h 41min | Drama, Romance | 25 January 2002 (USA) -- The story of two North Carolina teens, Landon Carter and Jamie Sullivan, who are thrown together after Landon gets into trouble and is made to do community service. Director: Adam Shankman Writers:
A War (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- Krigen (original title) -- A War Poster -- The story of a Danish commander, who is accused of civil murder in Afghanistan, while trying to save his squad. Director: Tobias Lindholm Writer:
Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998) ::: 7.7/10 -- Unrated | 1h 34min | Action, Adventure, Drama | TV Movie 4 January 1998 -- Emperor Londo Mollari of the Centauri Republic tells the story of the Earth-Minbari War that almost destroyed humanity and later inspired its last best, hope for peace. Director: Michael Vejar Writers: J. Michael Straczynski (creator), J. Michael Straczynski Stars:
Ballet Shoes (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 25min | Drama, Family | TV Movie 30 December 2007 -- The story of three orphan girls - Pauline (Emma Watson), Petrova (Yasmin Paige), and Posy (Lucy Boynton) - adopted by an eccentric explorer, Great Uncle Matthew (Richard Griffiths), and his niece Sylvia Brown (Emilia Fox), in 1930s London. Director: Sandra Goldbacher Writers:
Bambi (1942) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 10min | Animation, Drama, Family | 21 August 1942 (USA) -- The story of a young deer growing up in the forest. Directors: James Algar, Samuel Armstrong (as Sam Armstrong) | 7 more credits Writers: Felix Salten (from the story by), Perce Pearce (story direction) | 6 more credits
Bang Bang You're Dead (2002) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 21 January 2008 (Hungary) -- Trevor is a troubled high school student, thanks to the effects of bullying. This is the story of his fight to break free. Director: Guy Ferland Writer: William Mastrosimone Stars:
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Drama, Sport | 9 March 1978 (Netherlands) -- The story of the friendship between a star pitcher, wise to the world, and a half-wit catcher, as they cope with the catcher's terminal illness through a baseball season. Director: John D. Hancock (as John Hancock) Writers: Mark Harris (novel), Mark Harris (screenplay) Stars:
Battle for Haditha (2007) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, History, War | 7 May 2008 (USA) -- An investigation of the massacre of 24 men, women and children in Haditha, Iraq allegedly shot by 4 U.S. Marines in retaliation for the death of a U.S. Marine killed by a roadside bomb. The movie follows the story of the Marines of Kilo Company, an Iraqi family, and the insurgents who plant the roadside bomb. Director: Nick Broomfield
Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 24 November -- Battlestar Galactica: Razor Poster -- A two-hour Battlestar Galactica special that tells the story of the Battlestar Pegasus several months prior to it finding the Galactica. Director: Flix Enrquez Alcala (as Flix Alcala) Writers:
Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi | TV Movie 24 November -- Battlestar Galactica: Razor Poster -- A two-hour Battlestar Galactica special that tells the story of the Battlestar Pegasus several months prior to it finding the Galactica. Director: Flix Enrquez Alcal (as Flix Alcal) Writers:
Ben 10 ::: TV-Y7-FV | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (20052008) -- The story of Ben Tennyson, a typical kid who becomes very atypical after he discovers the Omnitrix, a mysterious alien device with the power to transform the wearer into ten different alien species. Creators:
Bernard and Doris (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 42min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 17 October 2007 (USA) -- The story of the twilight years of tobacco billionairess Doris Duke and her relationship with her gay butler, to whom she left her entire fortune. Director: Bob Balaban Writer: Hugh Costello Stars:
Bessie (2015) ::: 6.7/10 -- TV-MA | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama, Music | TV Movie 16 May 2015 -- The story of legendary blues performer Bessie Smith, who rose to fame during the 1920s and '30s. Director: Dee Rees Writers: Dee Rees (screenplay), Christopher Cleveland (screenplay) | 3 more
Beyond the Clouds (1995) ::: 6.5/10 -- Al di l delle nuvole (original title) -- Beyond the Clouds Poster Made of four short tales, linked by a story filmed by Wim Wenders. Taking place in Ferrara, Portofino, Aix en Provence and Paris, each story, which always a woman as the crux of the story, ... S Directors: Michelangelo Antonioni, Wim Wenders Writers: Tonino Guerra, Michelangelo Antonioni (screenplay) | 3 more credits
Blow (2001) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 6 April 2001 (USA) -- The story of how George Jung, along with the Medelln Cartel headed by Pablo Escobar, established the American cocaine market in the 1970s in the United States. Director: Ted Demme Writers:
Blow (2001) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 6 April 2001 (USA) -- The story of how George Jung, along with the Medelln Cartel headed by Pablo Escobar, established the American cocaine market in the 1970s in the United States.
Bobby (2006) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 1h 57min | Biography, Drama, History | 23 November 2006 (USA) -- The story of the assassination of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was shot in the early morning hours of June 5, 1968 in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, and twenty-two people in the hotel, whose lives were never the same. Director: Emilio Estevez Writer:
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 14min | Biography, Drama, Music | 2 November 2018 (USA) -- The story of the legendary British rock band Queen and lead singer Freddie Mercury, leading up to their famous performance at Live Aid (1985). Director: Bryan Singer Writers:
Borg vs. McEnroe (2017) ::: 6.9/10 -- Borg McEnroe (original title) -- Borg vs. McEnroe Poster -- The story of the 1980 tennis rivalry between the placid Bjrn Borg and the volatile John McEnroe. Director: Janus Metz Writer:
Born Free (1966) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 22 June 1966 (USA) -- The story of George and Joy Adamson and the orphaned lion cub, Elsa, they adopt. Directors: James Hill, Tom McGowan (uncredited) Writers: Joy Adamson (book), Lester Cole (screenplay)
Bose: Dead/Alive ::: TV-MA | 20min | Biography, History, Mystery | TV Series (2017) -- The man. The legend. The mystery. He fascinated us in life, and long after his "death". This is the story of India's biggest cover-up: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and the mystery of his alleged death. Creators:
Bottle Shock (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Comedy, Drama | 5 September 2008 (USA) -- The story of the early days of California wine making featuring the now infamous, blind Paris wine tasting of 1976 that has come to be known as "Judgment of Paris". Director: Randall Miller Writers:
Boy A (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Drama | 4 September 2008 (Singapore) -- The story of a young Jack, newly released from serving a prison sentence for a violent crime he committed as a child. Director: John Crowley Writers: Jonathan Trigell (novel), Mark O'Rowe (screenplay)
Brides (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- Nyfes (original title) -- Brides Poster Set in 1922, is the story of a mail order bride, one of 700, aboard the SS KING ALEXANDER, who falls in love with an American photographer. She is bound for her new husband, in New York; he is on his way home to a failed marriage. Director: Pantelis Voulgaris Writer: Ioanna Karystiani (as Ioanna Karistiani)
Brothers & Sisters ::: TV-PG | 1h | Drama | TV Series (20062011) -- The story of the drama surrounding a family's adult siblings. Creator: Jon Robin Baitz
Bugsy (1991) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 16min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 20 December 1991 (USA) -- The story of how Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel started Las Vegas. Director: Barry Levinson Writers: James Toback, Dean Jennings (book) Stars: Warren Beatty, Annette Bening, Harvey Keitel
Calamity Jane (1953) ::: 7.3/10 -- Passed | 1h 41min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 4 November 1953 (USA) -- The story of Calamity Jane, her saloon, and her romance with Wild Bill Hickok. Director: David Butler Writer: James O'Hanlon
Camelot (1967) ::: 6.7/10 -- G | 2h 55min | Adventure, Fantasy, Musical | 25 October 1967 (USA) -- The story of the marriage of England's King Arthur to Guinevere. The plot of illegitimate Mordred to gain the throne and Guinevere's growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, threaten to topple Arthur and destroy his "round table" of knights. Director: Joshua Logan Writers:
Celda 211 (2009) ::: 7.6/10 -- 13+ | 1h 53min | Action, Adventure, Crime | 6 November 2009 (Spain) -- The story of two men on different sides of a prison riot -- the inmate leading the rebellion and the young guard trapped in the revolt, who poses as a prisoner in a desperate attempt to survive the ordeal. Director: Daniel Monzn Writers:
Changing Lanes (2002) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Drama, Thriller | 12 April 2002 (USA) -- The story of what happens one day in New York City, when a young lawyer and a businessman share a small automobile accident on F.D.R. Drive, and their mutual road rage escalates into a feud. Director: Roger Michell Writers:
Chaos Theory (2008) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 27min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 16 October 2008 (Russia) -- The story of an obsessively organized efficiency expert whose life unravels in unexpected ways when fate forces him to explore the serendipitous nature of love and forgiveness. Director: Marcos Siega Writer:
Chicago Fire ::: TV-14 | 43min | Action, Drama | TV Series (2012 ) -- The story of firefighters in Chicago, both on a personal and professional level Creators: Derek Haas, Michael Brandt
Christine (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 59min | Biography, Drama | 14 October 2016 (USA) -- The story of Christine Chubbuck, a 1970s TV reporter struggling with depression and professional frustrations as she tries to advance her career. Director: Antonio Campos Writer:
Cinderella Man (2005) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 24min | Biography, Drama, History | 3 June 2005 (USA) -- The story of James J. Braddock, a supposedly washed-up boxer who came back to challenge for the heavyweight championship of the world. Director: Ron Howard Writers: Cliff Hollingsworth (screenplay), Akiva Goldsman (screenplay) | 1 more
Coco Before Chanel (2009) ::: 6.7/10 -- Coco avant Chanel (original title) -- Coco Before Chanel Poster -- The story of Coco Chanel's rise from obscure beginnings to the heights of the fashion world. Director: Anne Fontaine Writers:
Day of the Falcon (2011) ::: 6.7/10 -- Black Gold (original title) -- Day of the Falcon Poster -- Set in the 1930s Arab states at the dawn of the oil boom, the story centers on a young Arab prince torn between allegiance to his conservative father and modern, liberal father-in-law. Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud Writers:
Eddie and the Cruisers (1983) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 35min | Drama, Music, Mystery | 23 September 1983 (USA) -- A television newswoman picks up the story of a 1960s rock band whose long-lost leader - Eddie Wilson - may still be alive, while searching for the missing tapes of the band's never-released album. Director: Martin Davidson Writers:
Eddie the Eagle (2015) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 26 February 2016 (USA) -- The story of Eddie Edwards, the notoriously tenacious British underdog ski jumper who charmed the world at the 1988 Winter Olympics. Director: Dexter Fletcher Writers: Simon Kelton (story), Sean Macaulay (screenplay) | 1 more credit
El Greco (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- 1h 59min | Biography, Drama | 22 May 2009 (USA) -- The story of the uncompromising artist and fighter for freedom, Domenicos Theotokopoulos, known to the world as "El Greco". Director: Yannis Smaragdis (as Iannis Smaragdis) Writers: Jackie Pavlenko (script), Dimitris Siatopoulos (book) | 1 more credit Stars:
Embrace of the Serpent (2015) ::: 7.9/10 -- El abrazo de la serpiente (original title) -- (Colombia) Embrace of the Serpent Poster -- The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of forty years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant. Director: Ciro Guerra
Endless Poetry (2016) ::: 7.6/10 -- Poesa Sin Fin (original title) -- Endless Poetry Poster -- Surrealist filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky tells the story of himself as a young man becoming a poet in Chile, befriending other artists, and freeing himself from the limits of his youth. Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky Writer:
Endless Poetry (2016) ::: 7.6/10 -- Poesa Sin Fin (original title) -- Endless Poetry Poster -- Surrealist filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky tells the story of himself as a young man becoming a poet in Chile, befriending other artists, and freeing himself from the limits of his youth. Director: Alejandro Jodorowsky Writer:
Ernest & Celestine (2012) ::: 7.9/10 -- Ernest et Clestine (original title) -- Ernest & Celestine Poster -- The story of an unlikely friendship between a bear, Ernest, and a young mouse named Celestine. Directors: Stphane Aubier, Vincent Patar | 1 more credit Writers:
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Comedy, Music | 26 June 2020 (USA) -- When aspiring musicians Lars and Sigrit are given the opportunity to represent their country at the world's biggest song competition, they finally have a chance to prove that any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for. Director: David Dobkin Writers:
Everest (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Action, Adventure, Biography | 25 September 2015 -- Everest Poster -- The story of New Zealand's Robert "Rob" Edwin Hall, who on May 10, 1996, together with Scott Fischer, teamed up on a joint expedition to ascend Mount Everest. Director: Baltasar Kormkur Writers:
Final Portrait (2017) ::: 6.3/10 -- R | 1h 30min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 23 March 2018 (USA) -- The story of Swiss painter and sculptor Alberto Giacometti. Director: Stanley Tucci Writers: Stanley Tucci, James Lord (based on "A Giacometti Portrait" by)
Finding Neverland (2004) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG | 1h 46min | Biography, Drama, Family | 17 December 2004 (USA) -- The story of Sir J.M. Barrie's friendship with a family who inspired him to create Peter Pan. Director: Marc Forster Writers: Allan Knee (play), David Magee (screenplay)
Fitzcarraldo (1982) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG | 2h 38min | Adventure, Drama | 10 October 1982 (USA) -- The story of Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald, an extremely determined man who intends to build an opera house in the middle of a jungle. Director: Werner Herzog Writer: Werner Herzog Stars:
Five Minutes of Heaven (2009) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Drama, Thriller | 27 February 2009 (Ireland) -- The story of former UVF member Alistair Little. Twenty-five years after Little killed Joe Griffen's brother, the media arrange an auspicious meeting between the two. Director: Oliver Hirschbiegel Writer:
Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 12 August 2016 (USA) -- The story of Florence Foster Jenkins, a New York heiress who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice. Director: Stephen Frears Writers: Nicholas Martin, Julia Kogan
Flushed Away (2006) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG | 1h 25min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 3 November 2006 (USA) -- The story of an uptown rat that gets flushed down the toilet from his penthouse apartment, ending in the sewers of London, where he has to learn a whole new and different way of life. Directors: David Bowers, Sam Fell Writers:
Frances (1982) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 11 March 1983 (Australia) -- The story of Frances Farmer's meteoric rise to fame in Hollywood and the tragic turn her life took when she was blacklisted. Director: Graeme Clifford Writers: Eric Bergren, Christopher De Vore (as Christopher Devore) | 1 more credit Stars:
Freak Show (2017) ::: 6.6/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 31min | Comedy, Drama | 12 January 2018 (USA) -- Follows the story of teenager Billy Bloom who, despite attending an ultra conservative high school, makes the decision to run for homecoming queen. Director: Trudie Styler Writers:
Fruitvale Station (2013) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 25min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 26 July 2013 (USA) -- The story of Oscar Grant III, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, who crosses paths with friends, enemies, family, and strangers on the last day of 2008. Director: Ryan Coogler Writer:
Gangs of London ::: TV-MA | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2020 ) -- Tells the story of London being torn apart by the turbulent power struggles of its international gangs and the sudden power vacuum that's created when the head of London's most powerful crime family is assassinated. Creators:
Geronimo: An American Legend (1993) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Drama, History, Western | 10 December 1993 (USA) -- The story of the Apache chief and his armed resistance to the U.S. Government's subjugation of his people. Director: Walter Hill Writers: John Milius (story), John Milius (screenplay) | 1 more credit
Ghost in the Shell Arise: Alternative Architecture ::: Connections -- 4h 35min | Animation, Action, Drama | TV Series (2015) Episode Guide 10 episodes Ghost in the Shell Arise: Alternative Architecture Poster A recompilation of the 4 original Ghost in the Shell: Arise movies plus 2 episodes that tie in the story with Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie (2015). Stars: Ikkyu Juku, Ken'ichir Matsuda, Maaya Sakamoto
Gia (1998) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama, Romance | TV Movie 31 January 1998 -- The story of the life of Gia Carangi, a top fashion model from the late 1970s, from her meteoric rise to the forefront of the modeling industry, to her untimely death. Director: Michael Cristofer Writers:
Golden Boy ::: 1h | Crime, Drama | TV Series (2013) Walter Clark is destined to be the youngest police commissioner in the history of the NYPD. This is the story of how it came to be. It begins 7 years before he became commissioner, when he ... S Creator: Nicholas Wootton Stars:
Goodfellas (1990) ::: 8.7/10 -- R | 2h 26min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 21 September 1990 (USA) -- The story of Henry Hill and his life in the mob, covering his relationship with his wife Karen Hill and his mob partners Jimmy Conway and Tommy DeVito in the Italian-American crime syndicate. Director: Martin Scorsese Writers:
Gorillas in the Mist (1988) ::: 7.0/10 -- Gorillas in the Mist: The Story of Dian Fossey (original title) -- Gorillas in the Mist Poster -- The story of Dian Fossey, a scientist who came to Africa to study the vanishing mountain gorillas, and later fought to protect them. Director: Michael Apted Writers:
Gotham ::: TV-14 | 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (2014-2019) Episode Guide 100 episodes Gotham Poster -- The story behind Detective James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival. Creator: Bruno Heller
Gotham ::: TV-14 | 42min | Action, Crime, Drama | TV Series (20142019) -- The story behind Detective James Gordon's rise to prominence in Gotham City in the years before Batman's arrival. Creator: Bruno Heller
Grand Army ::: TV-MA | Drama | TV Series (2020 ) -- The drama series tells the story of five high school students as they struggle with sexual, racial and economic politics and fight to succeed and become somebody. Creator:
Greater (2016) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 2h 10min | Biography, Family, Sport | 26 August 2016 (USA) -- The story of Brandon Burlsworth, possibly the greatest walk-on in the history of college football. Director: David L. Hunt (as David Hunt) Writers: Brian Reindl, David L. Hunt (as David Hunt)
Half Baked (1998) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 22min | Comedy, Crime | 16 January 1998 (USA) -- The story of three not so bright men who come up with a series of crazy schemes to get a friend out of jail. Director: Tamra Davis Writers: Dave Chappelle, Neal Brennan
Hans Christian Andersen (1952) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 52min | Biography, Family, Musical | 14 August 1953 -- Hans Christian Andersen Poster -- The opening scene of the movie describes it best: "Once upon a time there lived in Denmark a great storyteller named Hans Christian Andersen. This is not the story of his life, but a fairy tale about the great spinner of fairy tales." Director: Charles Vidor
Harrow -- Not Rated | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2018 ) ::: Harrow tells the story of Dr. Daniel Harrow, a forensic pathologist with a total disregard for authority. Creators: Stephen M. Irwin, Leigh McGrath
Haute Cuisine (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- Les saveurs du Palais (original title) -- Haute Cuisine Poster -- The story of Danile Delpeuch and how she was appointed as the private chef for Franois Mitterrand. Director: Christian Vincent Writers:
Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi (2003) ::: 7.9/10 -- 2h | Drama | 15 April 2005 (India) -- Set in the backdrop of Indian Emergency 1975, the story revolves around 3 friends whose lives changes drastically after the turn of events. Director: Sudhir Mishra Writers: Sudhir Mishra (original story & screenplay), Shivkumar Subramaniam
Heartbeats (2010) ::: 7.1/10 -- Les amours imaginaires (original title) -- Heartbeats Poster -- The story of three close friends who are involved in a love-triangle. Director: Xavier Dolan Writer: Xavier Dolan (scenario & dialogue)
Hidden Figures (2016) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 2h 7min | Biography, Drama, History | 6 January 2017 (USA) -- The story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program. Director: Theodore Melfi Writers:
Hoffa (1992) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 1992 (USA) -- The story of the notorious American labor union figure Jimmy Hoffa, who organizes a bitter strike, makes deals with members of the organized crime syndicate and mysteriously disappears in 1975. Director: Danny DeVito Writer:
I Am a Killer ::: TV-MA | 52min | Documentary, Crime | TV Series (20182020) -- Follows Death Row inmates, who tell the story of how they ended up there. Stars: Swaylee Loughnane, Reece Putinas, David Galea
Il Divo (2008) ::: 7.3/10 -- Il divo (original title) -- Il Divo Poster -- The story of Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, who has served as Prime Minister of Italy seven times since the restoration of democracy in 1946. Director: Paolo Sorrentino Writer:
Inside Edge ::: TV-MA | 45min | Drama, Sport | TV Series (2017 ) -- Inside Edge is the story of the Mumbai Mavericks, a T20 cricket franchise playing in the Powerplay League. Set in a landscape of conflicting interests, where selfishness is almost a virtue, where sex, money, and power are mere means to an end, Inside Edge is a story that pulls no punches, minces no words, and takes no prisoners. Come witness the game behind the game.
Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (2003) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 8min | Animation, Action, Adventure | 28 May 2003 -- Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem Poster A continuation of the story told in the Daft Punk music videos "One More Time," "Aerodynamic," "Digital Love," and "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger." Directors: Daisuke Nishio, Hirotoshi Rissen | 2 more credits Writers: Thomas Bangalter, Cdric Hervet (as Cedric Hervet) | 1 more credit
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916) ::: 7.7/10 -- Passed | 3h 17min | Drama, History | 15 June 1917 (USA) -- The story of a poor young woman, separated by prejudice from her husband and baby, is interwoven with tales of intolerance from throughout history. Director: D.W. Griffith Writers:
Into the Storm (2009) ::: 7.1/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 39min | Biography, Drama, History | TV Movie 31 May 2009 -- Continuing the storyline of The Gathering Storm (2002), Churchill at War is a look at the former British prime minister's life and career at the end of WWII. Director: Thaddeus O'Sullivan Writer: Hugh Whitemore Stars:
Invincible (2006) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG | 1h 45min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 25 August 2006 (USA) -- Based on the story of Vince Papale, a 30-year-old bartender from South Philadelphia who overcame long odds to play for the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles in 1976. Director: Ericson Core Writer:
I Shot Andy Warhol (1996) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama | 1 May 1996 (USA) -- This is the story of Valerie Solanas who was a 60s radical preaching hatred toward men in her "Scum" manifesto. She wrote a screenplay for a film that she wanted Andy Warhol to produce. After many times of ignoring her, Valerie shot him. Director: Mary Harron Writers:
Jack Frost (1979) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-G | 48min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | TV Movie 13 December 1979 -- The Groundhog tells the story of how, for once, Jack Frost became human, and helped a knight win his lady love. Directors: Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin Jr. Writer: Romeo Muller
Jersey Boys (2014) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 14min | Biography, Drama, Music | 20 June 2014 (USA) -- The story of four young men from the wrong side of the tracks in New Jersey who came together to form the iconic 1960s rock group The Four Seasons. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) ::: 8.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 30min | Documentary | 16 March 2016 (France) -- The story of cult film director Alejandro Jodorowsky's ambitious but ultimately doomed film adaptation of the seminal science fiction novel. Director: Frank Pavich Stars: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Michel Seydoux, H.R. Giger | See full cast &
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ::: JoJo no kimy-na bken (original tit ::: TV-MA | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 156 episodes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Poster -- The story of the Joestar family, who are possessed with intense psychic strength, and the adventures each member encounters throughout their lives. Stars:
Journeyman (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- 1h 32min | Drama, Sport | 30 March 2018 (UK) -- Boxer Matty Burton suffers a serious head injury during a fight. This is the story about the impact on his marriage, his life, and his family. Director: Paddy Considine Writer:
Journey's End (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 47min | Drama, War | 2 February 2018 (UK) -- Set in a dugout in Aisne in 1918, it is the story of a group of British officers, led by the mentally disintegrating young officer Stanhope, as they await their fate. Director: Saul Dibb Writers:
Joy (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 4min | Biography, Drama | 25 December 2015 (USA) -- Joy is the story of the title character, who rose to become founder and matriarch of a powerful family business dynasty. Director: David O. Russell Writers: David O. Russell (screenplay), Annie Mumolo (story) | 1 more credit
Julia (1977) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 57min | Drama | 8 January 1978 (Brazil) -- At the behest of an old and dear friend, playwright Lillian Hellman undertakes a dangerous mission to smuggle funds into Nazi Germany. Director: Fred Zinnemann Writers: Lillian Hellman (based upon the story by), Alvin Sargent (screenplay) Stars:
Juliet, Naked (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Comedy, Drama, Music | 17 August 2018 (USA) -- Juliet, Naked is the story of Annie (the long-suffering girlfriend of Duncan) and her unlikely transatlantic romance with once revered, now faded, singer-songwriter, Tucker Crowe, who also happens to be the subject of Duncan's musical obsession. Director: Jesse Peretz Writers:
Kid Galahad (1937) ::: 7.2/10 -- Passed | 1h 42min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 29 May 1937 (USA) -- Fight promoter Nick Donati grooms a bellhop as a future champ, but has second thoughts when the 'kid' falls for his sister. Director: Michael Curtiz Writers: Seton I. Miller (screen play), Francis Wallace (from the story by:
Lady and the Tramp (1955) ::: 7.3/10 -- G | 1h 16min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 22 June 1955 (USA) -- The romantic tale of a sheltered uptown Cocker Spaniel dog and a streetwise downtown Mutt. Directors: Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson | 2 more credits Writers: Ward Greene (from the story by), Erdman Penner (story) | 3 more
Ladybird Ladybird (1994) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Drama | January 1995 (USA) -- This Ken Loach docu-drama relates the story of a British woman's fight with Social Services over the care of her children. Maggie has a history of bouncing from one abusive relationship to ... S Director: Ken Loach Writer: Rona Munro
Lady Dynamite ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20162017) -- Series is based on what Maria has accepted to be "her life." The occasionally surreal episodes, refracted across multiple periods of the actor/comedian's life, tell the story of a woman who loses - and then finds - herself. Creators:
Lady for a Day (1933) ::: 7.4/10 -- Passed | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 13 September 1933 (USA) -- A gangster tries to make Apple Annie, the Times Square apple seller, a lady for a day. Director: Frank Capra Writers: Robert Riskin (screen play and dialogue), Damon Runyon (from the story by) Stars:
Lady in White (1988) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 53min | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery | 22 April 1988 (USA) -- An author tells the story of how, as a young boy growing up in a 1960s small town, he was haunted after witnessing the murder of a little girl. Director: Frank LaLoggia Writer:
Lady Jane (1986) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 16min | Biography, Drama, History | 7 February 1986 (USA) -- The story of Lady Jane Grey, who was Queen of England for only nine days. Director: Trevor Nunn Writers: Chris Bryant (story), David Edgar Stars:
Lady Sings the Blues (1972) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 24min | Biography, Drama, Music | 12 October 1972 (USA) -- The story of the troubled life and career of the legendary Jazz singer, Billie Holiday. Director: Sidney J. Furie Writers: Chris Clark (screenplay), Suzanne De Passe (screenplay) (as Suzanne de
Last Night (2010) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 33min | Drama, Romance | 16 February 2011 (France) -- The story follows a married couple, apart for a night while the husband takes a business trip with a colleague to whom he's attracted. While he's resisting temptation, his wife encounters her past love. Director: Massy Tadjedin Writer:
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) ::: 8.3/10 -- Approved | 3h 48min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 30 January 1963 -- Lawrence of Arabia Poster -- The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks. Director: David Lean Writers:
Lemon Tree (2008) ::: 7.4/10 -- Etz Limon (original title) -- Lemon Tree Poster -- The story of a Palestinian widow who must defend her lemontree field when a new Israeli Defense Minister moves next to her and threatens to have her lemon grove torn down. Director: Eran Riklis Writers:
Lenny (1974) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Biography, Drama | 7 February 1975 (Canada) -- The story of acerbic 1960s comic Lenny Bruce, whose groundbreaking, no-holds-barred style and social commentary was often deemed by the Establishment as too obscene for the public. Director: Bob Fosse Writers: Julian Barry (play), Julian Barry (screenplay) Stars:
Les Misrables (1995) ::: 7.4/10 -- Les misrables (original title) -- Les Misrables Poster A variation on Victor Hugo's classic novel by means of the story of a man whose life is affected by and somewhat duplicated by the Hugo story of the beleaguered Jean Valjean. Director: Claude Lelouch Writers: Victor Hugo (novel), Claude Lelouch
Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) ::: 7.9/10 -- R | 2h 21min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 2 February 2007 (USA) -- The story of the battle of Iwo Jima between the United States and Imperial Japan during World War II, as told from the perspective of the Japanese who fought it. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
Little Boy (2015) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Drama, History, War | 24 April 2015 (USA) -- An eight-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to end World War II so he can bring his father home. The story reveals the indescribable love a father has for his little boy and the love a son has for his father. Director: Alejandro Monteverde Writers:
Little Dorrit ::: TV-PG | 7h | Drama, Mystery, Romance | TV Series (2008) -- This mini-series tells the story of Amy Dorrit, who spends her days earning money for the family and looking after her proud father, who is a long term inmate of Marshalsea debtors' prison ... S Stars:
Love/Hate ::: 51min | Crime, Drama | TV Series (20102014) The story of the organized crime scene of Dublin is revealed, centered on Darren, who wants to stay out of trouble but ends up returning to his old habits and his old gang. Creator: Stuart Carolan Stars:
Loving (2016) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 3min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 4 November 2016 (USA) -- The story of Richard and Mildred Loving, a couple whose arrest for interracial marriage in 1960s Virginia began a legal battle that would end with the Supreme Court's historic 1967 decision. Director: Jeff Nichols Writers:
Made in Heaven -- Not Rated | 50min | Drama, Romance | TV Series (2019 ) ::: It is the story of two wedding planners in Delhi, where tradition jostles with modern aspirations against the backdrop of big fat Indian weddings revealing many secrets and lies. Creators:
Mamma Mia! (2008) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 18 July 2008 (USA) -- The story of a bride-to-be trying to find her real father told using hit songs by the popular 1970s group ABBA. Director: Phyllida Lloyd Writers: Catherine Johnson (screenplay), Catherine Johnson (musical book)
Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House (2017) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama, History | 29 September 2017 (USA) -- The story of Mark Felt, who under the name "Deep Throat" helped journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the Watergate scandal in 1972. Director: Peter Landesman Writers:
Marshall (2017) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 58min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 13 October 2017 (USA) -- The story of Thurgood Marshall, the crusading lawyer who would become the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, as he battles through one of his career-defining cases. Director: Reginald Hudlin Writers:
Matilda (1996) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 42min | Comedy, Family, Fantasy | 2 August 1996 (USA) -- This film adaptation of a Roald Dahl work tells the story of Matilda Wormwood, a gifted girl forced to put up with a crude, distant father and mother. Director: Danny DeVito Writers:
Melvin and Howard (1980) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama | 19 September 1980 (USA) -- The story of hard-luck Melvin E. Dummar, who claimed to have received a will naming him an heir to the fortune of Howard Hughes. Director: Jonathan Demme Writer: Bo Goldman
Men of Honor (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama | 10 November 2000 (USA) -- The story of Carl Brashear, the first African-American U.S. Navy Diver, and the man who trained him. Director: George Tillman Jr. Writer: Scott Marshall Smith
Men of Honor (2000) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama | 10 November 2000 (USA) -- The story of Carl Brashear, the first African-American U.S. Navy Diver, and the man who trained him.
Mesrine: Killer Instinct (2008) ::: 7.5/10 -- L'instinct de mort (original title) -- Mesrine: Killer Instinct Poster -- The story of the notorious French gangster Jacques Mesrine, with the focus on his life before the early 1970s and the events that led to him being declared Public Enemy No. 1 in France. Director: Jean-Franois Richet Writers:
Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1 (2008) ::: 7.5/10 -- L'ennemi public n1 (original title) -- Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1 Poster -- The story of the notorious French gangster Jacques Mesrine, with the focus on his life and death as France's Public Enemy No. 1 in the 1970s. Director: Jean-Franois Richet Writers:
Miami Bici (2020) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 38min | Comedy, Crime | 21 February 2020 (Romania) -- Miami Bici is the story of Ion and Ilie, two young people from a small dark city in Romania who go to Miami in the middle of winter, to live both the "American Dream" and the Romanian dream of "getting rich quick". Director: Jess del Cerro Stars: Matei Dima, Codin Maticiuc, Letitia Vladescu
Midway (2019) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 18min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 8 November 2019 (USA) -- The story of the Battle of Midway, told by the leaders and the sailors who fought it. Director: Roland Emmerich Writer: Wes Tooke
Milk (2008) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama | 30 January 2009 (USA) -- The story of Harvey Milk and his struggles as an American gay activist who fought for gay rights and became California's first openly gay elected official. Director: Gus Van Sant Writer:
Miss Potter (2006) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 28min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 9 March 2007 (USA) -- The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children's book, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", and her struggle for love, happiness, and success. Director: Chris Noonan Writer:
Modigliani (2004) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama | 29 September 2004 (France) -- The story of Amedeo Modigliani's bitter rivalry with Pablo Picasso, and his tragic romance with Jeanne Hebuterne. Director: Mick Davis Writer: Mick Davis Stars:
Mr. Church (2016) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 44min | Comedy, Drama | 11 November 2016 (Netherlands) -- "Mr. Church" tells the story of a unique friendship that develops when a little girl and her dying mother retain the services of a talented cook - Henry Joseph Church. What begins as a six month arrangement instead spans into fifteen years and creates a family bond that lasts forever. Director: Bruce Beresford
Mr. Mercedes ::: TV-MA | 1h | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (20172019) -- Tells the story of a psychopathic killer who drives a stolen Mercedes into a crowd and a recently retired detective who tries to bring him down. Creator:
My Left Foot (1989) ::: 7.9/10 -- My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (original title) -- My Left Foot Poster -- Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy, learns to paint and write with his only controllable limb - his left foot. Director: Jim Sheridan Writers:
Offspring ::: TV-MA | 1h | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20102017) -- The story of the impossible loves of 30-something obstetrician Nina Proudman and her fabulously messy family. Creators: Debra Oswald, Imogen Banks, John Edwards
One Punch Man ::: One Punch Man: Wanpanman (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2015- ) Episode Guide 24 episodes One Punch Man Poster -- The story of Saitama, a hero that does it just for fun & can defeat his enemies with a single punch. Stars:
One Punch Man ::: One Punch Man: Wanpanman (original tit ::: TV-PG | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2015 ) -- The story of Saitama, a hero that does it just for fun & can defeat his enemies with a single punch. Stars:
One Strange Rock ::: TV-PG | 47min | Documentary | TV Series (2018- ) Season 2 Premiere 2021 Episode Guide 11 episodes One Strange Rock Poster -- The extraordinary story of Earth and why it is special and uniquely brimming with life among a largely unknown but harsh cosmic arena; astronauts tell the story of Earth through a unique perspective.
One Strange Rock ::: TV-PG | 47min | Documentary | TV Series (2018 ) Season 2 Premiere 2021 -- The extraordinary story of Earth and why it is special and uniquely brimming with life among a largely unknown but harsh cosmic arena; astronauts tell the story of Earth through a unique perspective.
Owning Mahowny (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 25 September 2003 (Argentina) -- A bank manager with: (a) a gambling problem and (b) access to a multimillion dollar account gets into a messy situation. Based on the story of the largest one-man bank fraud in Canadian history. Director: Richard Kwietniowski Writers:
Patriots Day (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 2h 13min | Action, Crime, Drama | 13 January 2017 (USA) -- The story of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the aftermath, which includes the city-wide manhunt to find the terrorists responsible. Director: Peter Berg Writers: Peter Berg (screenplay), Matt Cook (screenplay by) | 5 more credits
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 2h 27min | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | 5 January 2007 (USA) -- Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born with a superior olfactory sense, creates the world's finest perfume. His work, however, takes a dark turn as he searches for the ultimate scent. Director: Tom Tykwer Writers:
Peterloo (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 34min | Drama, History | 5 April 2019 (USA) -- The story of the 1819 Peterloo Massacre where British forces attacked a peaceful pro-democracy rally in Manchester. Director: Mike Leigh Writer: Mike Leigh
Philomena (2013) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 38min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 27 November 2013 (USA) -- A world-weary political journalist picks up the story of a woman's search for her son, who was taken away from her decades ago after she became pregnant and was forced to live in a convent. Director: Stephen Frears Writers:
Pinocchio (1940) ::: 7.4/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 23 February 1940 (USA) -- A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy. Directors: Norman Ferguson, T. Hee | 5 more credits Writers: Carlo Collodi (from the story by) (as Collodi), Ted Sears (story
Pinocchio (1940) ::: 7.4/10 -- G | 1h 28min | Animation, Comedy, Family | 23 February 1940 (USA) -- A living puppet, with the help of a cricket as his conscience, must prove himself worthy to become a real boy. Directors: Norman Ferguson, T. Hee | 5 more credits Writers: Carlo Collodi (from the story by) (as Collodi), Ted Sears (story
Professor Marston & the Wonder Women (2017) ::: 7.1/10 -- Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (original title) -- Professor Marston & the Wonder Women Poster -- The story of psychologist William Moulton Marston, and his polyamorous relationship with his wife and their mistress who would inspire his creation of the superheroine, Wonder Woman. Director: Angela Robinson Writer:
Rad (1986) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 31min | Drama, Sport | 28 March 1986 (USA) -- The story of one young man, Cru Jones, who has the intensity and desire to win a BMX race called Helltrack. Director: Hal Needham Writers: Sam Bernard, Geoffrey Edwards
Radio (2003) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 49min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 24 October 2003 (USA) -- The story of a high school coach and the developmentally challenged man who he took under his wing. Director: Michael Tollin Writer: Mike Rich
Raining Stones (1993) ::: 7.4/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 30min | Drama, Comedy | 8 October 1993 (UK) -- This Ken Loach film tells the story of a man devoted to his family and his religion. Proud, though poor, Bob wants his little girl to have a beautiful (and costly) brand-new dress for her ... S Director: Ken Loach Writer: Jim Allen (screenplay) Stars:
Ray (2004) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 32min | Biography, Drama, Music | 29 October 2004 (USA) -- The story of the life and career of the legendary rhythm and blues musician Ray Charles, from his humble beginnings in the South, where he went blind at age seven, to his meteoric rise to stardom during the 1950s and 1960s. Director: Taylor Hackford Writers:
Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story (2004) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h | Drama, Crime | TV Movie 3 March 2004 -- Redemption tells the story of Stan "Tookie" Williams, founder of the Crips L.A. street gang. Story follows his fall into gang-banging, his prison term, and his work writing children's ... S Director: Vondie Curtis-Hall Writer:
Red Joan (2018) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Biography, Drama, History | 19 April 2019 (UK) -- The story of Joan Stanley, who was exposed as the K.G.B.'s longest-serving British spy. Director: Trevor Nunn Writers: Lindsay Shapero (screenplay), Jennie Rooney (novel)
Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway (2008) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 45min | Drama, Musical, Romance | TV Movie 24 September -- Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway Poster -- Set in New York City's gritty East Village, the revolutionary rock opera RENT tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay their rent. "Measuring their lives in love,"... S Director: Michael John Warren
Resistance (2020) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h | Biography, Drama, History | 27 March 2020 (USA) -- The story of mime Marcel Marceau as he works with a group of Jewish boy scouts and the French Resistance to save the lives of ten thousand orphans during World War II. Director: Jonathan Jakubowicz Writer:
Restless (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 31min | Drama, Romance | 6 April 2011 (Egypt) -- The story of a terminally ill teenage girl who falls for a boy who likes to attend funerals and their encounters with the ghost of a Japanese kamikaze pilot from WWII. Director: Gus Van Sant Writer:
Ride Like a Girl (2019) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 13 March 2020 (USA) -- The story of Michelle Payne, the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup. Director: Rachel Griffiths Writers: Andrew Knight (screenplay), Elise McCredie (screenplay)
Riff-Raff (1991) ::: 7.0/10 -- Unrated | 1h 35min | Comedy, Drama | 12 February 1993 (USA) -- The story of Stevie, a construction worker, and his girlfriend, an unemployed pop singer, serves to show the living conditions of the British poor class. Director: Ken Loach Writer: Bill Jesse (screenplay) Stars:
Riphagen (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- 2h 11min | Biography, Drama, War | 22 September 2016 (Netherlands) -- The story about Riphagen, a cunning Dutch traitor during WW2 who helped Nazi round up Jews, stealing their treasures for himself. He destroyed Resistance groups, making many who pursued justice after the war look like fools. Director: Pieter Kuijpers Writers: Thomas van der Ree, Paul Jan Nelissen
Robin Hood (1973) ::: 7.6/10 -- G | 1h 23min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 8 November 1973 (USA) -- The story of the legendary British outlaw is portrayed with the characters as humanoid animals. Directors: Wolfgang Reitherman, David Hand (uncredited) Writers: Larry Clemmons (story), Ken Anderson (based on: character and story
Rogue Trader (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 1h 41min | Crime, Drama, History | 25 June 1999 (UK) -- The story of Nick Leeson, an ambitious investment broker who singlehandedly bankrupted one of the oldest and most important banks in Britain. Director: James Dearden Writers: James Dearden, Nick Leeson (autobiography) | 1 more credit Stars:
Romanzo Criminale (2005) ::: 7.2/10 -- Romanzo criminale (original title) -- Romanzo Criminale Poster -- Set in the 1970s, it's the story of three lifelong friends who take control of organized crime in Rome. Director: Michele Placido Writers:
Romulus, My Father (2007) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Biography, Drama | 31 May 2007 (Australia) -- It tells the story of Romulus, his beautiful wife, Christina, and their struggle in the face of great adversity to bring up their son, Raimond. It is a story of impossible love that ultimately celebrates the unbreakable bond between father and son. Director: Richard Roxburgh Writers:
Route Irish (2010) ::: 6.4/10 -- 1h 49min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 16 March 2011 (France) -- The story of a private security contractor in Iraq who rejected the official explanation of his friend's death and sets out to discover the truth. Director: Ken Loach Writer:
Shake Hands with the Devil (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 1h 52min | Drama, History, War | 28 September 2007 (Canada) -- The story of General Romeo Dallaire's frustrated efforts to stop the madness of the Rwandan Genocide, despite the complete indifference of his superiors. Director: Roger Spottiswoode Writers:
Shanghai Express (1932) ::: 7.3/10 -- Approved | 1h 22min | Adventure, Drama, Romance | 12 February 1932 -- Shanghai Express Poster A notorious woman rides a train through a dangerous situation with a British captain she loved. Director: Josef von Sternberg Writers: Jules Furthman (screen play), Harry Hervey (based on the story by) Stars:
Shattered Glass (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 34min | Drama, History | 26 November 2003 (USA) -- The story of a young journalist who fell from grace when it was discovered he fabricated over half of his articles from the publication The New Republic magazine. Director: Billy Ray Writers:
She's Gotta Have It ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20172019) -- The story of one woman and her three lovers. TV series based on the film by Spike Lee. Creator: Spike Lee
Sin City (2005) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Crime, Thriller | 1 April 2005 (USA) -- A movie that explores the dark and miserable town, Basin City, tells the story of three different people, all caught up in violent corruption. Directors: Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino | 1 more credit Writers:
Skins ::: TV-MA | 46min | Drama | TV Series (20072013) -- The story of a group of British teens who are trying to grow up and find love and happiness despite questionable parenting and teachers who more want to be friends (and lovers) rather than authority figures. Creators:
Smoke & Mirrors (2016) ::: 6.9/10 -- El hombre de las mil caras (original title) -- Smoke & Mirrors Poster -- The story of a man who fooled an entire country. A tale of cheats and impostors, taking its inspiration from true facts and from one of the most intriguing characters of recent decades: the spy Francisco Paesa. Director: Alberto Rodrguez Writers:
Splitting Up Together ::: TV-PG | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20182019) -- The story of a couple whose marriage is reignited by their divorce. Creator: Emily Kapnek
Stand and Deliver (1988) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama | 11 March 1988 (USA) -- The story of Jaime Escalante, a high school teacher who successfully inspired his dropout-prone students to learn calculus. Director: Ramn Menndez (as Ramon Menendez) Writers: Ramn Menndez, Tom Musca
Steve Jobs (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 2min | Biography, Drama | 23 October 2015 (USA) -- Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution, to paint a portrait of the man at its epicenter. The story unfolds backstage at three iconic product launches, ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac. Director: Danny Boyle Writers:
Stone of Destiny (2008) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG | 1h 36min | Adventure, Comedy, Crime | 19 December 2008 (UK) -- The story of Ian Hamilton, a dedicated nationalist who reignited Scottish national pride in the 1950s with his daring raid on the heart of England to bring the Stone of Scone back to Scotland. Director: Charles Martin Smith Writers:
Strawberry and Chocolate (1993) ::: 7.4/10 -- Fresa y chocolate (original title) -- Strawberry and Chocolate Poster This Oscar nominated film is the story of two men who are opposites, one gay, the other straight, one a fierce communist, the other a fierce individualist, one suspicious, the other accepting, and how they come to love each other. Directors: Toms Gutirrez Alea, Juan Carlos Tabo Writers: Toms Gutirrez Alea (collaboration) (as T.G. Alea), Senel Paz
Sully (2016) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 36min | Biography, Drama | 9 September 2016 (USA) -- The story of Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger (Tom Hanks), an American pilot who became a hero after landing his damaged plane on the Hudson River in order to save the flight's passengers and crew. Director: Clint Eastwood Writers:
Surviving Picasso (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- R | 2h 5min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 20 September 1996 (USA) -- The passionate Merchant Ivory drama tells the story of Franoise Gilot (Natascha McElhone), the only lover of Pablo Picasso (Sir Anthony Hopkins) who was strong enough to withstand his ferocious cruelty, and move on with her life. Director: James Ivory Writers:
Sweet Dreams (1985) ::: 7.1/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama, Music | 11 October 1985 (USA) -- The story of Patsy Cline, the velvet-voiced country music singer who died in a tragic plane crash at the height of her fame. Director: Karel Reisz Writer: Robert Getchell Stars:
Talk to Me (2007) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Biography, Drama, History | 3 August 2007 (USA) -- The story of Washington D.C. radio personality Ralph "Petey" Greene, an ex-con who became a popular talk show host and community activist in the 1960s. Director: Kasi Lemmons Writers:
Telling Tales (2015) ::: 7.5/10 -- Bana Masal Anlatma (original title) -- Telling Tales Poster The story of a minibus driver and a fairytale princesss nestling under the wing of timeless friendship in an ordinary neighborhood. Director: Burak Aksak Writers: Burak Aksak, Steelleet (staff writer) Stars:
Terri (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 45min | Comedy, Drama | 8 August 2012 (France) -- The story of a bullied fifteen-year-old boy in a small town as he struggles to adjust to his difficult life. Director: Azazel Jacobs Writers: Patrick DeWitt (as Patrick Dewitt), Patrick DeWitt (story by) (as
Testament (1983) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 30min | Drama | 5 January 1984 (Argentina) -- The life of a suburban American family is scarred after a nuclear attack. Director: Lynne Littman Writers: Carol Amen (based on the story "The Last Testament" by), John Sacret Young (screenplay) Stars:
That Hamilton Woman (1941) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 5min | Drama, History, Romance | 30 April 1941 (USA) -- The story of courtesan and dance-hall girl Emma Hamilton, including her relationships with Sir William Hamilton and Admiral Horatio Nelson and her rise and fall, set during the Napoleonic Wars. Director: Alexander Korda Writers: Walter Reisch (original screenplay), R.C. Sherriff (original screenplay)
The Adjuster (1991) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 42min | Comedy, Drama | July 1992 (USA) -- A reflection about what makes everyone's life unique, through the story of Noah's family. Noah is an adjuster, having sex with his customers. His wife Hera watches pornographic movies for ... S Director: Atom Egoyan Writer:
The Bitter Tea of General Yen (1932) ::: 7.0/10 -- Approved | 1h 28min | Drama, Romance, War | 6 January 1933 (USA) -- A Chinese warlord and an engaged Christian missionary fall in love. Director: Frank Capra (as Frank R. Capra) Writers: Grace Zaring Stone (from the story by), Edward E. Paramore Jr. (screen play) (as Edward Paramore) Stars:
The Blind Side (2009) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 9min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 20 November 2009 (USA) -- The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All-American football player and first-round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family. Director: John Lee Hancock Writers:
The Buddy Holly Story (1978) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG | 1h 54min | Biography, Drama, Music | 6 September 1978 (UK) -- The story of the life and career of the early rock and roll singer, from his meteoric rise to stardom, to his marriage and untimely death. Director: Steve Rash Writers: Alan Swyer (story), John Goldrosen (book) | 1 more credit Stars:
The Christmas Chronicles (2018) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG | 1h 44min | Adventure, Comedy, Family | 22 November 2018 (USA) -- The story of sister and brother, Kate and Teddy Pierce, whose Christmas Eve plan to catch Santa Claus on camera turns into an unexpected journey that most kids could only dream about. Director: Clay Kaytis Writers:
The Company Men (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Drama | 11 February 2011 (USA) -- The story centers on a year in the life of three men trying to survive a round of corporate downsizing at a major company - and how that affects them, their families, and their communities. Director: John Wells Writer:
The Counterfeiters (2007) ::: 7.6/10 -- Die Flscher (original title) -- The Counterfeiters Poster -- The story of the Operation Bernhard, the largest counterfeiting operation in history, carried out by Germany during WWII. Director: Stefan Ruzowitzky Writers:
The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler (2009) ::: 7.2/10 -- TV-PG | 1h 35min | Biography, Drama, War | TV Movie 19 April 2009 -- The story of Irena Sendler, a social worker who was part of the Polish underground during World War II and was arrested by the Nazis for saving the lives of nearly 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw ghetto. Director: John Kent Harrison Writers:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 46min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 25 December 2008 (USA) -- Tells the story of Benjamin Button, a man who starts aging backwards with consequences. Director: David Fincher Writers: Eric Roth (screenplay), Eric Roth (story) | 2 more credits
The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 22min | Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 25 June 1957 (USA) -- While awaiting execution for murder, Baron Victor Frankenstein tells the story of a creature he built and brought to life - only for it to behave not as he intended. Director: Terence Fisher Writers:
The Dam Busters (1955) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 45min | Drama, History, War | 16 July 1955 (USA) -- The story of how the British attacked German dams in World War II by using an ingenious technique to drop bombs where they would be most effective. Director: Michael Anderson Writers:
The Damned United (2009) ::: 7.5/10 -- R | 1h 38min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 27 March 2009 (UK) -- The story of the controversial Brian Clough's 44-day reign as the coach of the English football club Leeds United. Director: Tom Hooper Writers: Peter Morgan (screenplay), David Peace (novel)
The Daughter (2015) ::: 6.6/10 -- 14A | 1h 36min | Drama | 27 January 2017 (USA) -- The story follows a man who returns home to discover a long-buried family secret, and whose attempts to put things right threaten the lives of those he left home years before. Director: Simon Stone Writers:
The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951) ::: 6.9/10 -- Approved | 1h 28min | Biography, Drama, War | 17 October 1951 (USA) -- The story of the final years of the respected World War II German general, Erwin Rommel. Director: Henry Hathaway Writers: Nunnally Johnson (screenplay), Desmond Young (biography) (as Brigadier
The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her (2013) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 40min | Drama, Romance | 10 October 2014 (USA) -- Told from the female perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone. Director: Ned Benson Writer: Ned Benson Stars:
The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him (2013) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 29min | Drama, Romance | 10 October 2014 (USA) -- Told from the male perspective, the story of a couple trying to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone. Director: Ned Benson Writer: Ned Benson Stars:
The Doors (1991) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 20min | Biography, Drama, Music | 1 March 1991 (USA) -- The story of the famous and influential 1960s rock band The Doors and its lead singer and composer, Jim Morrison, from his days as a UCLA film student in Los Angeles, to his untimely death in Paris, France at age 27 in 1971. Director: Oliver Stone Writers:
The End of the Tour (2015) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Drama | 12 November 2015 (Brazil) -- The story of the five-day interview between Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky and acclaimed novelist David Foster Wallace, which took place right after the 1996 publication of Wallace's groundbreaking epic novel, 'Infinite Jest.' Director: James Ponsoldt Writers:
The Fighter (2010) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 1h 56min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 17 December 2010 (USA) -- Based on the story of Micky Ward, a fledgling boxer who tries to escape the shadow of his more famous but troubled older boxing brother and get his own shot at greatness. Director: David O. Russell Writers:
The First Grader (2010) ::: 7.4/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 24 June 2011 (Ireland) -- The story of an 84 year-old Kenyan villager and ex Mau Mau veteran who fights for his right to go to school for the first time to get the education he could never afford. Director: Justin Chadwick Writer:
The Five Heartbeats (1991) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 1min | Drama, Music | 29 March 1991 (USA) -- The story of the rise and fall of an African American vocal group. Director: Robert Townsend Writers: Robert Townsend, Keenen Ivory Wayans
The Founder (2016) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama | 20 January 2017 (USA) -- The story of Ray Kroc, a salesman who turned two brothers' innovative fast food eatery, McDonald's, into the biggest restaurant business in the world, with a combination of ambition, persistence, and ruthlessness. Director: John Lee Hancock Writer:
The Good the Bad the Weird (2008) ::: 7.3/10 -- Joheunnom nabbeunnom isanghannom (original title) -- The Good the Bad the Weird Poster -- The story of two outlaws and a bounty hunter in 1940s Manchuria and their rivalry to possess a treasure map while being pursued by the Japanese army and Chinese bandits. Director: Jee-woon Kim (as Kim Jee-woon) Writers:
The Hours (2002) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 50min | Drama, Romance | 14 February 2003 (USA) -- The story of how the novel "Mrs. Dalloway" affects three generations of women, all of whom, in one way or another, have had to deal with suicide in their lives. Director: Stephen Daldry Writers:
The House That Jack Built (2018) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 2h 32min | Crime, Drama, Horror | 17 October 2018 (France) -- The story follows Jack, a highly intelligent serial killer, over the course of twelve years, and depicts the murders that really develop his inner madman. Director: Lars von Trier Writers:
The Hurricane (1999) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 26min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 14 January 2000 (USA) -- The story of Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter, a boxer wrongly imprisoned for murder, and the people who aided in his fight to prove his innocence. Director: Norman Jewison Writers: Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter (book), Sam Chaiton (book) | 3 more credits
The Iceman (2012) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 46min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 2 May 2013 (Lebanon) -- The story of Richard Kuklinski, the notorious contract killer and family man. When finally arrested in 1986, neither his wife nor daughters had any clue about his real profession. Director: Ariel Vromen Writers:
The Impossible (2012) ::: 7.6/10 -- Lo imposible (original title) -- The Impossible Poster -- The story of a tourist family in Thailand caught in the destruction and chaotic aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Director: J.A. Bayona Writers:
The Incredible Journey (1963) ::: 7.1/10 -- G | 1h 20min | Adventure, Drama, Family | 20 November 1963 (USA) -- The story of three pets, a cat and two dogs, who lose their owners when they are all on vacation. Can they find their way home? Director: Fletcher Markle Writers: James Algar (screenplay), Sheila Burnford (book) Stars:
The Informer (1935) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 31min | Crime, Drama | 24 May 1935 (USA) -- In 1922, an Irish rebel informs on his friend, then feels doom closing in. Director: John Ford Writers: Dudley Nichols (screen play), Liam O'Flaherty (from the story by)
The Innocents (1961) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Horror | 15 December 1961 (USA) -- A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted. Director: Jack Clayton Writers: Henry James (based on the story "The Turn of the Screw"), John Mortimer
The Killers (1946) ::: 7.8/10 -- Passed | 1h 43min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 30 August 1946 (USA) -- Hit men kill an unresisting victim, and investigator Reardon uncovers his past involvement with beautiful, deadly Kitty Collins. Director: Robert Siodmak Writers: Anthony Veiller (screenplay), Ernest Hemingway (from the story by)
The King's Speech (2010) ::: 8.0/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Biography, Drama, History | 25 December 2010 (USA) -- The story of King George VI, his impromptu ascension to the throne of the British Empire in 1936, and the speech therapist who helped the unsure monarch overcome his stammer. Director: Tom Hooper Writer:
The Lady (2011) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Biography, Drama, History | 30 November 2011 (France) -- The story of Aung San Suu Kyi as she becomes the core of Burma's democracy movement, and her relationship with her husband, writer Michael Aris. Director: Luc Besson Writer:
The Lady Vanishes (1938) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Mystery, Thriller | 1 November 1938 (USA) -- While travelling in continental Europe, a rich young playgirl realizes that an elderly lady seems to have disappeared from the train. Director: Alfred Hitchcock Writers: Ethel Lina White (based upon the story by: "The Wheel Spins"), Sidney
The Last Emperor (1987) ::: 7.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 43min | Biography, Drama, History | 15 April 1988 (USA) -- The story of the final Emperor of China. Director: Bernardo Bertolucci Writers: Mark Peploe (screenplay), Bernardo Bertolucci (screenplay) | 1 more credit
The Last Family (2016) ::: 7.5/10 -- Ostatnia rodzina (original title) -- The Last Family Poster -- The story of a well-known artistic family: legendary painter Zdzislaw Beksinski, his wife Zofia and their son Tomasz, a highly-praised music critic and translator. Their lives were far from being usual. Director: Jan P. Matuszynski Writer:
The Lorax (2012) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 1h 26min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 2 March 2012 (USA) -- A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. Directors: Chris Renaud, Kyle Balda (co-director) Writers:
The Man Who Knew Infinity (2015) ::: 7.2/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 48min | Biography, Drama | 29 April 2016 (USA) -- The story of the life and academic career of the pioneer Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan, and his friendship with his mentor, Professor G.H. Hardy. Director: Matt Brown (as Matthew Brown) Writers:
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 3min | Drama, Western | 22 April 1962 (USA) -- A senator returns to a western town for the funeral of an old friend and tells the story of his origins. Director: John Ford Writers: James Warner Bellah (screenplay), Willis Goldbeck (screenplay) | 1 more
The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009) ::: 6.2/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Comedy, War | 6 November 2009 (USA) -- A reporter in Iraq might just have the story of a lifetime when he meets Lyn Cassady, a guy who claims to be a former member of the U.S. Army's New Earth Army, a unit that employs paranormal powers in their missions. Director: Grant Heslov Writers:
The Message (1976) ::: 9.0/10 -- Al-rislah (original title) -- The Message Poster The story of prophet "Muhammad" and the delivery of the message of God "Allah." Director: Moustapha Akkad Writers: H.A.L. Craig, Tewfik El-Hakim | 3 more credits Stars:
The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999) ::: 6.4/10 -- Joan of Arc (original title) -- The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc Poster -- A young girl receives a vision that drives her to rid France of its oppressors. Director: Luc Besson Writers:
The Miracle Worker (1962) ::: 8.1/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 46min | Biography, Drama | 28 July 1962 (USA) -- The story of Anne Sullivan's struggle to teach the blind and deaf Helen Keller how to communicate. Director: Arthur Penn Writers: William Gibson (screenplay), William Gibson (based upon the stage play
The Mudge Boy (2003) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 1h 34min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 17 January 2003 (USA) -- The film follows the story of Duncan, a fourteen-year-old misfit farm boy trying to fill the void and alleviate the numbness left by his mother's passing. Unable to let her go quite yet, ... S Director: Michael Burke Writer: Michael Burke
The Mustang (2019) ::: 6.9/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Drama | 19 June 2019 (France) -- The story of Roman Coleman, a violent convict, who is given the chance to participate in a rehabilitation therapy program involving the training of wild mustangs. Director: Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre Writers:
The New World (2005) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 15min | Biography, Drama, History | 20 January 2006 (USA) -- The story of the English exploration of Virginia, and of the changing world and loves of Pocahontas. Director: Terrence Malick Writer: Terrence Malick
The Office ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy, Drama | TV Series (20012003) -- The story of an office that faces closure when the company decides to downsize its branches. A documentary film crew follow staff and the manager David Brent as they continue their daily lives. Creators:
The Paradise ::: TV-PG | 1h | Drama | TV Series (20122013) -- The story of a young woman who works in a department store and gets caught up in the charms of the modern world. Creators: Bill Gallagher, Sarah Barton, Sarah Brown
The People Vs. Fritz Bauer (2015) ::: 7.1/10 -- Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer (original title) -- The People Vs. Fritz Bauer Poster -- The story of the man who brought high-ranking German Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann to justice. Director: Lars Kraume Writers:
The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 10min | Biography, Drama | 10 January 1997 (USA) -- The story of controversial pornography publisher Larry Flynt, and how he became a defender of free speech. Director: Milos Forman Writers: Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski
The Pride of the Yankees (1942) ::: 7.7/10 -- Approved | 2h 8min | Biography, Drama, Romance | 5 March 1943 (USA) -- The story of the life and career of famed baseball player Lou Gehrig. Director: Sam Wood Writers: Jo Swerling (screenplay), Herman J. Mankiewicz (screenplay) | 2 more credits Stars:
The Princess Bride (1987) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 1h 38min | Adventure, Family, Fantasy | 9 October 1987 (USA) -- While home sick in bed, a young boy's grandfather reads him the story of a farmboy-turned-pirate who encounters numerous obstacles, enemies and allies in his quest to be reunited with his true love. Director: Rob Reiner Writers:
The Right Stuff (1983) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG | 3h 13min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 17 February 1984 (USA) -- The story of the original Mercury 7 astronauts and their macho, seat-of-the-pants approach to the space program. Director: Philip Kaufman Writers: Philip Kaufman (written for the screen by), Tom Wolfe (based on the
The Scapegoat (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 48min | Drama | 9 September 2012 (UK) -- Set in 1952, as England prepares for the coronation, this movie tells the story of two very different men who have one thing in common - a face. Director: Charles Sturridge Writers: Daphne Du Maurier (story), Charles Sturridge Stars:
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2019) ::: 6.5/10 -- PG | 1h 26min | Animation, Adventure, Comedy | 7 June 2019 (USA) -- Continuing the story of Max and his pet friends, following their secret lives after their owners leave them for work or school each day. Directors: Chris Renaud, Jonathan del Val (co-director) (as Jonathan Del Val) Writer: Brian Lynch
The Snow Walker (2003) ::: 7.3/10 -- PG | 1h 43min | Adventure, Drama | 5 March 2004 (Canada) -- A pilot and his passenger struggle for survival after crashing in the Arctic tundra. Director: Charles Martin Smith Writers: Charles Martin Smith, Farley Mowat (based on the story "Walk Well My
The Son ::: TV-14 | 44min | Drama, Western | TV Series (20172019) -- A multi-generational epic telling of the story of America's birth as a superpower through the bloody rise and fall of one Texas oil empire. Creators: Brian McGreevy, Philipp Meyer, Lee Shipman
The Story of Adele H (1975) ::: 7.3/10 -- L'histoire d'Adle H. (original title) -- The Story of Adele H Poster Adle Hugo's unrequited love for a lieutenant. Director: Franois Truffaut Writers: Franois Truffaut (screenplay), Jean Gruault (screenplay) | 3 more credits Stars:
The Story of God with Morgan Freeman ::: TV-14 | 1h | Documentary, Adventure, History | TV Series (20162019) -- Morgan Freeman presents his quest in order to find how most religions perceive life after death, what different civilizations thought about the act of creation and other big questions that mankind has continuously asked. Stars:
The Story of Luke (2012) ::: 7.2/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 36min | Comedy, Drama | 5 April 2013 (USA) -- Sheltered by his grandparents, Luke, a young man with autism, is thrust into a world that doesn't expect anything from him. But Luke is on a quest for a job and true love. And he isn't taking no for an answer. Director: Alonso Mayo Writer:
The Storyteller ::: TV-Y7 | 3h 45min | Adventure, Drama, Family | TV Series (19871989) -- An old storyteller tells European folk tales to his sarcastic dog. Creator: Jim Henson
The Thing from Another World (1951) ::: 7.1/10 -- Approved | 1h 27min | Horror, Sci-Fi | 7 April 1951 (USA) -- Scientists and American Air Force officials fend off a bloodthirsty alien organism while at a remote arctic outpost. Directors: Christian Nyby, Howard Hawks (uncredited) Writers: Charles Lederer (screenplay), John W. Campbell Jr. (based on the story
The Tick ::: TV-G | 23min | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20012002) -- The story of superhero The Tick, based on the popular comic book. Creator: Ben Edlund
The Tree of Life (2011) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 19min | Drama, Fantasy | 17 May 2011 (France) -- The story of a family in Waco, Texas in 1956. The eldest son witnesses the loss of innocence and struggles with his parents' conflicting teachings. Director: Terrence Malick Writer:
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020) ::: 7.8/10 -- R | 2h 9min | Drama, History, Thriller | 16 October 2020 (USA) -- The story of 7 people on trial stemming from various charges surrounding the uprising at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. Director: Aaron Sorkin Writer:
The TV Set (2006) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 28min | Comedy, Drama | 28 April 2006 (USA) -- The story of a TV pilot as it goes through the Network TV process of casting, production and finally airing. Director: Jake Kasdan Writer: Jake Kasdan
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 3h | Biography, Drama, History | 14 November 2003 (USA) -- The story of Jesus' life as told by the apostle John, narrated by Christopher Plummer. Director: Philip Saville Writer: John Goldsmith (screenplay)
The War Wagon (1967) ::: 6.9/10 -- Unrated | 1h 41min | Western | 27 May 1967 (USA) -- The story of a man who was shot, robbed and imprisoned who returns to steal a large gold shipment from the man who wronged him. The gold is transported in an armored stage coach, the War Wagon. Director: Burt Kennedy Writers:
The White Crow (2018) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 2h 7min | Biography, Drama | 22 March 2019 (UK) -- The story of Rudolf Nureyev's defection to the West. Director: Ralph Fiennes Writers: David Hare (screenplay), Julie Kavanagh (Inspired by her book: "Rudolf Nureyev: The Life")
The White Princess ::: TV-MA | 1h | Drama, History, Romance | TV Mini-Series (2017) Episode Guide 8 episodes The White Princess Poster -- Based on the Philippa Gregory book of the same name, the story of Elizabeth of York, the White Queen's daughter, and her marriage to the Lancaster victor, Henry VII. Stars:
The Woman in Green (1945) ::: 6.7/10 -- Approved | 1h 8min | Drama, Mystery | 27 July 1945 (USA) -- Sherlock Holmes investigates when young women around London turn up murdered, each with a finger severed. Scotland Yard suspects a madman, but Holmes believes the killings to be part of a diabolical plot. Director: Roy William Neill Writers: Bertram Millhauser (original screenplay), Arthur Conan Doyle (based on the story "The Adventures of the Empty House" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner (2008) ::: 8.0/10 -- Svetat e golyam i spasenie debne otvsyakade (original title) -- The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner Poster The story of Alex, who, with the help of his charismatic grandfather, Bai Dan, embarks on a journey in search of his real self. Director: Stephan Komandarev Writers: Yurii Dachev (screenplay), Stephan Komandarev (screenplay) | 2 more credits
The World's Fastest Indian (2005) ::: 7.8/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 7min | Biography, Drama, Sport | 24 March 2006 (USA) -- The story of New Zealander Burt Munro, who spent years rebuilding a 1920 Indian motorcycle, which helped him set the land speed world record at Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats in 1967. Director: Roger Donaldson Writer:
Things to Come (1936) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 40min | Drama, Sci-Fi, War | 14 September 1936 (UK) -- The story of a century: a decades-long second World War leaves plague and anarchy, then a rational state rebuilds civilization and attempts space travel. Director: William Cameron Menzies Stars: Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Ralph Richardson Watch on Prime Video included with Prime
This Boy's Life (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 55min | Biography, Drama | 23 April 1993 (USA) -- The story about the relationship between a rebellious 1950s teenager and his abusive stepfather, based on the memoirs of writer and literature Professor Tobias Wolff. Director: Michael Caton-Jones Writers:
Time Stranger ::: 6.3/10 -- 1h 31min | Animation, Fantasy | 20 December 1986 (Japan) -- Time Stranger is the story of a bunch of teenagers getting transported back in time through Japan's history, and getting mixed up with samurai shenanigans. Director: Mori Masaki Writers: Mori Masaki, Taku Mayumura (novel) | 2 more credits Stars:
Togo (2019) ::: 8.0/10 -- PG | 1h 53min | Adventure, Biography, Drama | 20 December 2019 (USA) -- The story of Togo, the sled dog who led the 1925 serum run yet was considered by most to be too small and weak to lead such an intense race. Director: Ericson Core Writer:
Topsy-Turvy (1999) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 2h 40min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 11 February 2000 (USA) -- Set in the 1880s, the story of how, during a creative dry spell, the partnership of the legendary musical/theatrical writers Gilbert and Sullivan almost dissolves, before they turn it all around and write the Mikado. Director: Mike Leigh Writer:
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970) ::: 7.5/10 -- G | 2h 24min | Action, Drama, History | 23 September 1970 (USA) -- The story of the 1941 Japanese air raid on Pearl Harbor, and the series of preceding American blunders that aggravated its effectiveness. Directors: Richard Fleischer, Kinji Fukasaku | 2 more credits Writers: Larry Forrester (screenplay), Hideo Oguni (screenplay) | 3 more
Tuca & Bertie ::: TV-MA | 26min | Animation, Comedy | TV Series (2019) Season 2 Premiere 2021 -- The story of two 30-year old bird women who live in the same apartment building. Creator:
Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988) ::: 6.9/10 -- PG | 1h 50min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 12 August 1988 (USA) -- The story of Preston Tucker, the maverick car designer and his ill-fated challenge to the auto industry with his revolutionary car concept. Director: Francis Ford Coppola Writers:
Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces (2014) ::: 7.7/10 -- 1h 31min | Drama, Horror, Mystery | 1 August 2014 (Brazil) -- Twin Peaks before Twin Peaks (1990) and at the same time not always and entirely in the same place as Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992). A feature film which presents deleted scenes from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) assembled together for the first time in an untold portion of the story's prequel. Director: David Lynch
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs the Reverend (2020) ::: 7.0/10 -- TV-14 | 1h 20min | Comedy | TV Movie 12 May 2020 -- Kimmy sets off on her biggest adventure yet. Three states. Explosions. A dancing hamburger. And you, the viewer, get to decide how the story goes. Director: Claire Scanlon Writers:
Underground ::: TV-MA | 43min | Adventure, Drama, History | TV Series (20162017) -- With the country on the brink of Civil War, the struggle for freedom is more dangerous than ever. Underground follows the story of American heroes and their moving journey to freedom. Creators:
Vice (2018) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 12min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 25 December 2018 (USA) -- The story of Dick Cheney, an unassuming bureaucratic Washington insider, who quietly wielded immense power as Vice President to George W. Bush, reshaping the country and the globe in ways that we still feel today. Director: Adam McKay Writer:
Viva Zapata! (1952) ::: 7.4/10 -- Approved | 1h 53min | Biography, Drama, History | 22 August 1952 (West -- Viva Zapata! Poster -- The story of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, who led a rebellion against the corrupt, oppressive dictatorship of president Porfirio Daz in the early 20th century. Director: Elia Kazan Writer:
We Were Soldiers (2002) ::: 7.2/10 -- R | 2h 18min | Action, Drama, History | 1 March 2002 (USA) -- The story of the first major battle of the American phase of the Vietnam War, and the soldiers on both sides that fought it, while their wives wait nervously and anxiously at home for the good news or the bad news. Director: Randall Wallace Writers:
What's Love Got to Do with It (1993) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Biography, Drama, Music | 25 June 1993 (USA) -- The story of singer Tina Turner's rise to stardom and how she gained the courage to break free from her abusive husband, Ike Turner. Director: Brian Gibson Writers: Tina Turner (book), Kurt Loder (book) | 1 more credit
What Will People Say (2017) ::: 7.4/10 -- Hva vil folk si (original title) -- What Will People Say Poster -- The story of Nisha, daughter of a Pakistani-Norwegian family, who is kidnapped to Pakistan by her parents when her father finds her in bed with a man. Director: Iram Haq Writer:
When Did You Last See Your Father? (2007) ::: 6.8/10 -- And When Did You Last See Your Father? (original title) -- When Did You Last See Your Father? Poster -- The story of a son's conflicting memories of his dying father. Director: Anand Tucker Writers: David Nicholls (screenplay), Blake Morrison (book)
When They Cry ::: Higurashi no naku koro ni (original tit ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Horror, Mystery | TV Series (2006-2013) Episode Guide 28 episodes When They Cry Poster -- The story of a group of young friends and the mysterious events that occur in the rural village of Hinamizawa. Creators:
White Boy Rick (2018) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 51min | Crime, Drama | 14 September 2018 (USA) -- The story of teenager Richard Wershe Jr., who became an undercover informant for the FBI during the 1980s and was ultimately arrested for drug-trafficking and sentenced to life in prison. Director: Yann Demange Writers:
White Gold ::: TV-MA | 30min | Comedy | TV Series (20172019) -- The story of a double-glazing showroom in Essex in 1983, led by charismatic salesman Vincent who will happily break the rules if it guarantees a sale. Creator:
Wilfred ::: TV-MA | 22min | Comedy, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20112014) -- The story of a depressed man who inexplicably is the only one who can see his neighbor's dog as a full grown man in a dog suit. Creators: Jason Gann, David Zuckerman, Adam Zwar
Zindagi Gulzar Hai ::: 42min | Romance | TV Series (20122013) A school teacher was left by her husband with her 3 daughters and marries another women for the sake of getting a male child. The story focuses on gender biasness and the difference between the classes in terms of the affluence level. Stars: Sanam Saeed, Fawad Khan, Samina Peerzada
Z: The Beginning of Everything ::: TV-14 | 27min | Biography, Drama | TV Series (20152017) -- The story of Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, a brilliant and beautiful Southbern Belle who became the original flapper and icon of the wild, flamboyant Jazz Age. Creators:'s_Blue_Legend,_the_Story's_top_users_to_ever_spawn!,_Jane,_and_Rose,_the_Story_of_the_Inheritance's_The_Story?'s_the_Story?
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- -- Maho Film -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Game Drama Fantasy Shounen -- 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- Second season of 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 27,971 N/A -- -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- -- Seven Arcs -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader, loves her family and friends more than anything else. One day, after having a strange dream in which a ferret gets injured, she sees the very same ferret in real life and rescues it. That ferret turns out to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to capture the 21 scattered Jewel Seeds before they cause serious damage to the universe. Yuuno is not powerful enough to capture the Jewel seeds on his own, so he grants Nanoha the intelligent device "Raising Heart" and begins training her as a mage. -- -- Unfortunately, the powerful Jewel Seeds attract those with ill intentions. Another mage, Fate Testarossa, is desperate to collect the seeds for some unknown and sinister purpose, though the solemn look in her eyes makes Nanoha think that there is more to Fate than meets the eye. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st is a retelling of the original series, which tells the story of two young mages and how their strong emotions shape their actions. -- -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 27,907 7.90
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- -- Maho Film -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Game Drama Fantasy Shounen -- 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- Second season of 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 27,971 N/APlatinum End -- -- Signal.MD -- ? eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Platinum End Platinum End -- After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of his middle school graduation. Mirai, however, is saved by a pure white girl named Nasse who introduces herself as a guardian angel wishing to give him happiness—by granting him supernatural powers and a chance to become the new God. -- -- In order to earn the position, he must defeat 12 other "God Candidates" within 999 days. Soon, Mirai begins a struggle to survive as a terrifying battle royale erupts between himself and the candidates looking to obtain the most power in the world. -- -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 27,914 N/A -- -- Touch -- -- Gallop, Group TAC, Studio Junio -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Drama Slice of Life Shounen -- Touch Touch -- The story centers around three characters—Uesugi Kazuya, his twin older brother Tatsuya, and Asakura Minami. Kazuya is the darling of his town as he's talented, hardworking, and the ace pitcher for his middle school baseball team. Tatsuya is a hopeless slacker who's been living the life of giving up the spotlight to Kazuya, despite the fact that he may be more gifted than him. Minami is the beautiful childhood girlfriend and for all intents, sister from next door who treats both of them as equals. Society largely assumes Kazuya and Minami will become the perfect couple, including Tatsuya. Yet as time progresses, Tatsuya grows to realize that he's willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of his brother, except at the expense of giving up Minami to Kazuya. And thus the story is told of Tatsuya trying to prove himself over his established younger brother, how it affects the relationship between the three, and both brothers' attempts to make Minami's lifelong dreams come true. -- 27,856 8.02
3x3 Eyes -- -- Toei Animation -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Fantasy Horror Romance -- 3x3 Eyes 3x3 Eyes -- 3X3 Eyes is the story of a young man named Yakumo Fuuji, who through a strange series of events becomes the immortal slave of the last of a race of 3 Eyed demons. The demon absorbs his soul to save his life, making him immortal in the process. Now, he begins a journey with the female demon in an attempt to find a way of becoming human. Of course, there are many complications along the way, not the least of which being that the demon is a female with a split personality, one achingly cute and the other being no-nonsense destructive power, and the romances that develop between. -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Jul 25, 1991 -- 23,239 6.76
91 Days -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Historical -- 91 Days 91 Days -- As a child living in the town of Lawless, Angelo Lagusa has witnessed a tragedy: his parents and younger brother have been mercilessly slaughtered by the Vanetti mafia family. Losing everything he holds dear, he leaves both his name and hometown behind, adopting the new identity of Avilio Bruno. -- -- Seven years later, Avilio finally has his chance for revenge when he receives a mysterious letter prompting him to return to Lawless. Obliging, he soon encounters the Vanetti don's son, Nero, and seeks to befriend him using the skills he has quietly honed for years. -- -- Set during the Prohibition era, 91 Days tells the story of Avilio's dark, bloodstained path to vengeance, as he slowly ends each of the men involved in the killing of his family. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 502,107 7.83
Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari 2nd -- -- Production IMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Comedy Police Mecha -- Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari 2nd Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari 2nd -- Set in a part of Tokyo that has descended into a quagmire, the story follows Unit 8 of the 5th Special Public Security Section's 3rd Mobile Assault Division, popularly called "The Eighth," who don powered armor "Willwear" exoskeletons to counter the rise in crime. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 18,434 6.37
A.F -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- A.F A.F -- A 20 minutes 100% CG animation presented by "buildup", a company that brought many japanese CG movies such as Godzilla vs Biollante, Stray Dog - Kerberos Panzer Cops, Godzilla vs King Ghidora, Kappa, Gundam Mission To The Rise and D. -- -- The story takes place in the future, the year is 2124. A dangerous container is to be secretly loaded into medical transport ship which goes into the earth orbit because it's forbidden to store dangerous container on earth. -- -- It's so secret that no crew members on the ship were told about the container's contents or any possible hazzards. The truth is, the container carries a dangerous living body in some form like liquid / worm which is capable of reading DNA information of other living beings and then transforms itself as an exact copy. Of course, the original object then will be killed. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Special - Sep 6, 2002 -- 1,081 4.42
AIKa Zero -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Adventure Comedy -- AIKa Zero AIKa Zero -- Aika's story continues, she is now 19 years-old, 3 years older than in R-16 and 7 younger than in Agent AIKa. Strange phenomena have been occuring at a girls academy. Slowly but persistently the most cute and beautiful girls are joining an internal club, but instead of a sing-in they just get abducted by a strange being that takes control over them by some indecent means. -- -- By coincidence Aika was flying-by on her plane when one of this abductions occurred and she was attacked to prevent her from comming closer, but instead of repelling her, she is intrigued about the attack's origin and then the opportunity shows up when her late partners from R-16 decide to investigate those abductions. The story remains full of action and panty flashing that are a must in Aika's series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jul 6, 2009 -- 15,465 5.92
Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- -- AIC -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Yaoi -- Ai no Kusabi (2012) Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired "mongrels" as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Jan 18, 2012 -- 28,949 6.63
Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- -- AIC -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Romance Sci-Fi Yaoi -- Ai no Kusabi (2012) Ai no Kusabi (2012) -- The story is set in the future on the planet named Amoi which is controlled by a supercomputer named Jupiter. Among the mostly male human population, the light-haired elite class is allowed to temporarily keep the dark-haired "mongrels" as pets. One elite member, Iason, encounters a mongrel named Riki in the slums and decides to take him in. However, Iason keeps Riki longer than it is socially approved, and rumors abound about their possible relationship. -- OVA - Jan 18, 2012 -- 28,949 6.63
Aiura -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy School Shounen Slice of Life -- Aiura Aiura -- The story centers around Amaya, Iwasawa, and Uehara—three "annoying, spirited high school girls with zero motivation"—and their classmates. Their daily life is "what happens when there is nothing happening." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 71,757 6.69
Akai Koudan Zillion -- -- Production I.G, Tatsunoko Production -- 31 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure -- Akai Koudan Zillion Akai Koudan Zillion -- The story takes place on the planet Maris in the year 2387. Around this time, the Nozas started to genocidally kill all humans in order to lay eggs and reproduce on the planet. Three mysterious guns dubbed the "Zillion Weapon System" appear and three teens (JJ, Champ, and Apple) are chosen to wield them as the White Knights in order to fight back against the Nozas. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 12, 1987 -- 4,252 6.58
Akazukin Chacha -- -- Gallop -- 74 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Romance Shoujo -- Akazukin Chacha Akazukin Chacha -- Akazukin Chacha is the story of a young magical girl (Mahō Shōjo) named Chacha. Living with her guardian in a cottage on Mochi-mochi mountain is Seravi, who is her teacher and also the fictional world's greatest magician. Chacha is clumsy in casting her spells because, throughout the anime, when she summons something, it often turns out to be something that she didn't mean to cast, for example, spiders (kumo) instead of a cloud (also kumo). At times in the anime when she and her friends are in trouble, however, her spells do work. Living on the same mountain is a boy gifted with enormous strength named Riiya. It is described that Riiya came from a family of werewolves who can instantly change into a wolf whenever they want. Quite far from Mochi-mochi mountain lies Urizuri mountain. Dorothy, also a well known magician in her land, lives in a castle on Urizuri mountain. Living with her is Shiine, her student. Shiine is adept when it comes to casting spells. He is a young wizard and most of his knowledge about magic was taught to him by Dorothy. -- -- The first 2 seasons were originally created by the anime team. Most of the stories in season 3 are based on the manga. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 12,257 7.38
Alice in Deadly School -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Other -- Comedy School Shounen -- Alice in Deadly School Alice in Deadly School -- The story begins with the peaceful daily life of schoolgirls—which suddenly breaks down when former schoolmates become zombies. The story follows the actions taken by the girls left behind on the school roof. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- A short special edit of the OVA, titled Alice in Deadly School Tokubetsu-ban: Ima, Stage no Maku ga Agaru (Alice in Deadly School Special Edit -The Stage Begins-), was broadcasted on January 4, 2021 as part of the New Year's special. -- OVA - Jan 4, 2021 -- 16,029 5.36
Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Honpen wo Tobidashite Tomaranai Monologue -- -- Brain's Base -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Shounen Slice of Life -- Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Honpen wo Tobidashite Tomaranai Monologue Ane Log: Moyako Neesan no Honpen wo Tobidashite Tomaranai Monologue -- Short flash episodes included on the Ane Log Fan Disc. -- -- The story centers on Moyako Konoe and her younger brother Akira. When they were younger, Akira proposed to her, so Moyako thinks he is a pervert who has fallen in love with his older sister. Moyako's misunderstanding leads her to create wild delusions about her brother. -- -- Episodes -- #1: Ane Prologue -- #2: Ane Furo -- #3: Ane Morning -- #4: Ane Friend -- #6: Ane Ponytail -- #8: Ane Hip -- OVA - Apr 18, 2014 -- 9,881 5.95
Ange Vierge -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Adventure Magic Fantasy School -- Ange Vierge Ange Vierge -- The story of the card game follows what happens when "Hairou" portals suddenly open, fusing five different worlds together. As a result, various mysterious "Exceed" powers are awakened in teenaged girls. An academy for these so-called "Progress" girls is built on the isolated Seiran Island in the Pacific. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 45,513 6.02
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu -- -- Lerche -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School Shounen -- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Ansatsu Kyoushitsu -- When a mysterious creature chops the moon down to a permanent crescent, the students of class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Middle School find themselves confronted with an enormous task: assassinate the creature responsible for the disaster before Earth suffers a similar fate. However, the monster, dubbed Koro-sensei (the indestructible teacher), is able to fly at speeds of up to Mach 20, which he demonstrates freely, leaving any attempt to subdue him in his extraterrestrial dust. Furthermore, the misfits of 3-E soon find that the strange, tentacled beast is more than just indomitable—he is the best teacher they have ever had! -- -- Adapted from the humorous hit manga by Yuusei Matsui, Ansatsu Kyoushitsu tells the story of these junior high pupils as they polish their assassination skills and grow in order to stand strong against the oppressive school system, their own life problems, and one day, Koro-sensei. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,365,507 8.11
Ao Haru Ride OVA -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Romance School Shoujo -- Ao Haru Ride OVA Ao Haru Ride OVA -- "Unwritten" - An episode about Futaba and Kou in middle school. Based on the chapter called "Unwritten." also known as chapter 0 or Prologue. -- -- "Page.13" - An episode that continues the story after the television series's 12th and final episode. -- -- (Source: sakisaka10) -- OVA - Aug 25, 2014 -- 108,037 7.60
Aoi Bungaku Series -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Drama Historical Psychological Seinen Thriller -- Aoi Bungaku Series Aoi Bungaku Series -- Ningen Shikkaku -- A high school student seeks solace in narcotics to escape the dispiritedness that has come over his life. As he goes through the different stages of his life, it culminates in the questioning of his existence in the world. -- -- Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita -- The adaptation of Ango Sakaguchi's literary work deals with the love story of a woman abducted by a mountain bandit. -- -- Kokoro -- While trying to fill the void in his life, a university student in Tokyo encounters a charismatic older man, whom he addresses as "Sensei," who offers him advice on life. However, the man is apprehensive to share his life experience, deepening the student's curiosity. Through this peculiar relationship, the student comes to ponder about the distance between him and his family and the growing desolation in his heart filled with ego and guilt. -- -- Hashire, Melos! -- The story portrays the unbreakable bond between two friends, Melos and Selinuntius, and their faith in protecting each other, all while dangling on a thread which hovers over death and misery. -- -- Kumo no Ito -- Kandata is a coldhearted criminal who, while being punished in Hell for his misdeeds, is noticed by the Buddha Shakyamuni. Despite maintaining a record of committing ruthless atrocities, Kandata had once shown mercy to a spider he encountered in the forest by letting it live. Moved by this, Shakyamuni offers him redemption by dropping a spider's thread into the searing pits of Hell, and it is up to Kandata to seize the opportunity. -- -- Jigokuhen -- Yoshihide is a great painter in the land ruled by Horikawa, a tyrant. Offered a commission to paint the "Buddhist Hell" by the lord, Yoshihide declines, as he cannot paint anything he has not witnessed himself. In an attempt to make Yoshihide understand the magnitude of his request, the lord tortures his subjects to provide inspiration for the artist, descending his domain into utter despair and darkness. -- -- TV - Oct 11, 2009 -- 174,861 7.74
Aoki Ryuusei SPT Layzner -- -- Sunrise -- 38 eps -- Original -- Space Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Aoki Ryuusei SPT Layzner Aoki Ryuusei SPT Layzner -- The story takes place in an alternate reality based in the year 1996, where humanity is advanced enough to develop long-range space travel, as well as bases on both the Moon and Mars. However, the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union have not ended; rather, they've escalated as both sides build military facilities in space, and the shadow of nuclear conflict looms over humanity, both on and off Earth. -- -- Meanwhile, on the Red Planet, an exchange program created by the United Nations to promote peace and understanding is about to begin; the "Cosmic Culture Club," consisting of 16 boys and girls, as well as their instructor Elizabeth, arrives at the UN Mars base. Among the passengers is Anna a 14-year-old girl who serves as the narrator for the story. -- -- Suddenly, four unidentified humanoid robots classified as Super Powered Tracers are detected, engaged in fierce combat with each other. The UN base is caught in the crossfire and quickly destroyed, killing all but six members of the "Cosmic Culture Club"—Elizabeth, Arthur, Roan, David, Simone and Anna, and leaving them stranded on an inhospitable planet that has suddenly become a battlefield. As the battle ends, the lone SPT standing lands next to the terrified group and opens up revealing a pilot, who simply announces to them, "Earth is at stake." -- 5,051 6.95
Arc the Lad -- -- Bee Train -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Horror Sci-Fi -- Arc the Lad Arc the Lad -- The story follows Elk, a bounty hunter in some strange futuristic world. On this world archaic but advanced technology exists side by side with primitive attitudes, beasts and magic. In other words it's got a bit of everything. It also has an evil conspiracy who are able to produce powerful monsters called chimera, who can also appear as human. Naturally it is not long before Elk has rescued a young female beast-master and gained himself some serious enemies. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 14,351 6.52
Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Sci-Fi Space -- Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space Arei no Kagami: Way to the Virgin Space -- The story follows Daichi Meguru and Mayu, a young boy and a pilot, as they flee their war torn planet and into space. Upon their ship a stowaway android named Zero joins their quest as they travel through Halley's Mirror. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Mar 16, 1985 -- 1,273 5.61
Arslan Senki -- -- animate Film, J.C.Staff -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Historical -- Arslan Senki Arslan Senki -- In the medieval kingdom of Pars, young Prince Arslan confronts the hostility of his father and the disinterest of his mother, and yearns to learn more about the world. Despite being surrounded by poverty and slavery, Arslan persists in seeing the possibility of a nobler world. Everything changes when the neighboring nation of Lusitania invades Pars, and Arslan is forced to grow up in an instant. -- -- Arslan Senki follows Prince Arslan to war, where he struggles to save his nation and family with the help of a small but devoted circle of advisers. Along the way the young prince finds secrets around every corner and faces enemies who hate him because of what he is, but also finds friends where he least expects them. The story of nations at war, Arslan Senki is also the story of one boy's quest to stay himself in the most trying of circumstances. -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Aug 17, 1991 -- 18,453 6.92
Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror -- -- Toei Animation -- 11 eps -- Other -- Mystery Historical Horror Fantasy -- Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror -- A collection of three classic Japanese horror stories: "Yotsuya Kaidan", the story of a wife betrayed by her husband who seeks vengeance even in death. "Tenshu Monogatari", the story of forbidden love between a goddess and a human, and "Bakeneko", the story of a mysterious cat monster with a vendetta against a certain family. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Jan 13, 2006 -- 58,520 7.44
Baby Steps -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Romance School Shounen Sports -- Baby Steps Baby Steps -- Diligent and methodical honor student Eiichirou Maruo decides to exercise more during the little free time he has available because he is worried about his health. For this reason, after seeing a flyer, he joins the Southern Tennis Club at the beginning of his freshman year. -- -- During his free trial at the club, he meets Natsu Takasaki, another first year student, who is determined on becoming a professional tennis player due to her love for the sport. In contrast, Eiichirou's study-oriented life exists because he believes that it is what he has to do, not because he enjoys it. However, his monotonous days come to an end as the more he plays tennis, the more he becomes fascinated by it. -- -- Baby Steps is the story of a boy who makes the most of his hard-working and perfectionist nature to develop his own unique playing style. Little by little, Eiichirou's skills begin to improve, and he hopes to stand on equal footing with tennis' best players. -- -- TV - Apr 6, 2014 -- 124,951 7.84
Big Order -- -- Asread -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Super Power Shounen -- Big Order Big Order -- The story centers on an introverted high school student named Eiji Hoshimiya with a huge secret—he wished for the destruction of the world when he was younger. Fairies give certain people special powers called Orders, and what Order Users can do with their power depends on their wishes. Ten years after the Great Destruction, Eiji struggles to come to terms with his immense power. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- OVA - Oct 3, 2015 -- 33,817 5.79
Biohazard 4D-Executer -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Military Horror -- Biohazard 4D-Executer Biohazard 4D-Executer -- Biohazard 4D Executor was a 20 minute CG movie that people in Japan could see in a special theater. -- -- Though the CG was primitive, (the rendering and models aren’t much better than that seen in Resident Evil 2, it’s certainly not on par with Resident Evil 3) it told the story enough. Below is a summary of the events within the 20 minute movie. -- -- The story focuses on an elite unit of 5 UBCS members, sent into Raccoon City to try and rescue Dr. Cameron. An Umbrella scientist lost in all the confusion. The UBCS team, consisting of members Rodrigo, Roger, Klaus, Ed and Norman, have a GPS device used to track down Dr. Cameron’s last known location, which is near a large food factory. -- -- Upon entering the factory they are attacked by a large creature, a sort of hybrid between a Tyrant and the more evolved forms of Nemesis. -- -- (Source: -- Special - ??? ??, 2000 -- 3,774 5.49
Biohazard: Degeneration -- -- Digital Frontier -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Horror Sci-Fi -- Biohazard: Degeneration Biohazard: Degeneration -- The story is set in autumn 2005, one year after Resident Evil 4 game took place. Due to an as of yet unexplained reason, zombies appear in a United States airport. The release of the zombies leads to danger of an outbreak. -- Movie - Oct 18, 2008 -- 30,137 7.04
Black Jack -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Mystery Psychological Thriller -- Black Jack Black Jack -- Kuroo Hazama, also known as "Black Jack," is a legend in the medical world. Famous for being one of the best, as well as not having a license, Hazama and his assistant Pinoko save countless lives that other doctors cannot... for a price; an exorbitant price, in fact, which causes many to view the genius as greedy and heartless. Despite these claims, however, none can deny his skill and the lengths that he will go to treat his patients. This dark medical drama tells the story of the ominous and mysterious world of underground medicine as Black Jack risks his life to cure some of the most bizarre diseases imaginable, even if it means breaking every law in the process. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- OVA - Dec 21, 1993 -- 31,096 7.73
Blade -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Drama Horror Vampire -- Blade Blade -- The story revolves around Blade, a "Daywalker" vampire hunter who was born with vampire and human blood after a vampire attacked his mother. While visiting Japan on a mission, Blade tracks down Deacon Frost, the vampire who killed his mother. Blade confronts "Existence," a mysterious organization composed of vampires modified by Frost. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Marvel Entertainment -- TV - Jul 1, 2011 -- 23,562 6.24
Blade -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Drama Horror Vampire -- Blade Blade -- The story revolves around Blade, a "Daywalker" vampire hunter who was born with vampire and human blood after a vampire attacked his mother. While visiting Japan on a mission, Blade tracks down Deacon Frost, the vampire who killed his mother. Blade confronts "Existence," a mysterious organization composed of vampires modified by Frost. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 1, 2011 -- 23,562 6.24
Blame! -- -- Group TAC -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Mecha -- Blame! Blame! -- The story takes place in a city where it's said that has thousands of levels. -- -- In a shutdown area, thousands of levels overlap each other, you couldn't tell the sky from the ground and you couldn't tell which way is up or which way is down. Maybe the original purpose of this story is to unravel the mysteries bound in this time and world. For the humans who found this vast rare multi-level city, the mysterious main character "Kirii" wanders to search for the "Net Terminal Genes" that were not infected. Kirii's burden and his search for the "Net Terminal Genes" is a goal like no other and is very much the mystery of this story. Log1~Log6 contains the story of Cibo that wasn't done in the original works. The Cibo who strayed away with Kirii and wanders about. A disc thrown away in the rubble. Cibo starts downloading. Just who's "Memory" will he end up with? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Note: These clips are meant as a bonus to the manga, and should only be taken as such. Do not expect any plot in these. They are merely animated (short) scenes from the manga. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- ONA - Oct 24, 2003 -- 26,099 5.97
BlazBlue: Alter Memory -- -- Hoods Entertainment, teamKG -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Fantasy -- BlazBlue: Alter Memory BlazBlue: Alter Memory -- The story is set in December of 2199, when the streets are full of anticipation for the end of the year and the start of the new one. Amid the celebrations, word spreads that Ragna the Bloodedge, an SS-class rebel with the highest ever bounty on his head, has appeared in the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi. The apparent aim of Ragna or the "Grim Reaper" is the destruction of the system controlling the world. To collect the bounty, a motley array of unrivaled fighters converge on Kagutsuchi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 79,658 6.12
"Bungaku Shoujo" Movie -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Mystery Drama Romance School -- "Bungaku Shoujo" Movie "Bungaku Shoujo" Movie -- The protagonist of the story, Konoha Inoue, is a seemingly normal senior high 2nd year student. His high school life, other than a hinted incident 2 years ago, can be summed up as normal- if one can dismiss the secret fact that he used to be a female bestselling romance author. Due to that incident, however, he has now vowed never to write again. -- -- This continued on until he was forced to join the literary club by the literary club president, the 3rd year female student Amano Tooko, a beautiful girl who has a taste for eating literary works. Now he has been tasked with writing her snack every day after school. -- -- (Source: To Say Nothing of the Dog) -- Movie - May 1, 2010 -- 58,740 7.40
Burn the Witch -- -- Studio Colorido -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Burn the Witch Burn the Witch -- Historically, 72% of all the deaths in London are related to dragons, fantastical beings invisible to the majority of the people. While unknown to most, some people have been standing up to these dragons. -- -- Only inhabitants of Reverse London who live in the hidden "reverse" side of London can see the dragons. Even then, only a selected few become qualified enough as witches or wizards to make direct contact with them. -- -- The protagonists of the story are witch duo Noel Niihashi and Ninny Spangcole. They are protection agents for Wing Bind (WB), an organization for dragon conservation and management. Their mission is to protect and manage the dragons within London on behalf of the people. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Oct 2, 2020 -- 142,807 7.16
Busou Renkin -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Supernatural Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Renkin Busou Renkin -- The story begins when high school student Kazuki Muto is killed one night saving a mysterious girl from a monster, only to wake up in his school dorm, believing it to have been a dream; however, he soon finds out that dream wasn't a dream at all when a giant serpentine monster attacks him and his sister. Tokiko Tsumura, the girl he saved, explains that the monster is a homunculus. Kazuki had been attacked and killed by it when he was rescuing her; however, she, feeling responsible for him, revived him by placing a Kakugane medallion in his chest, serving as a replacement heart. -- -- The Kakugane, as Tokiko explains, is an alchemical device that, when activated, takes a certain form based on the Kakugane's user, forming a unique Buso Renkin. The Buso Renkin is the only thing that can destroy a homunculus monster. Using this, Kazuki creates his own Buso Renkin (the "Sunlight Heart," a huge lance). Along with Tokiko and her own Buso Renkin (the "Valkyrie Skirt," an execution scythe), Kazuki joins the fight against the homunculi and their master. -- 154,261 7.34
Busou Renkin -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Supernatural Comedy School Shounen -- Busou Renkin Busou Renkin -- The story begins when high school student Kazuki Muto is killed one night saving a mysterious girl from a monster, only to wake up in his school dorm, believing it to have been a dream; however, he soon finds out that dream wasn't a dream at all when a giant serpentine monster attacks him and his sister. Tokiko Tsumura, the girl he saved, explains that the monster is a homunculus. Kazuki had been attacked and killed by it when he was rescuing her; however, she, feeling responsible for him, revived him by placing a Kakugane medallion in his chest, serving as a replacement heart. -- -- The Kakugane, as Tokiko explains, is an alchemical device that, when activated, takes a certain form based on the Kakugane's user, forming a unique Buso Renkin. The Buso Renkin is the only thing that can destroy a homunculus monster. Using this, Kazuki creates his own Buso Renkin (the "Sunlight Heart," a huge lance). Along with Tokiko and her own Buso Renkin (the "Valkyrie Skirt," an execution scythe), Kazuki joins the fight against the homunculi and their master. -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 154,261 7.34
Busou Shinki Moon Angel -- -- Kinema Citrus, TNK -- 10 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi -- Busou Shinki Moon Angel Busou Shinki Moon Angel -- The story follows the coming of age and Shinki battles of Tsubasa, a boy who dreams of becoming a Shinki Master, and his Shinki partner Arnval Mk. 2. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Sep 7, 2011 -- 12,008 6.58
Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 -- -- Group TAC, Madhouse -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Sports Shounen -- Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 -- Tsubasa Oozora loves everything about soccer: the cheer of the crowd, the speed of the ball, the passion of the players, and the excitement that comes from striving to be the best soccer player he can be. His goal is to aim for the World Cup, and to do that, he’s spent countless hours practicing soccer, ever since the moment he could walk on two legs. Now, as he plays for the Barcelona team in a fierce game, it seems as though his dreams are on the verge of coming true. -- -- Captain Tsubasa: Road to 2002 tells the story of how Tsubasa climbed his way through the ranks, featuring his roots in the town of Nankatsu as well as his epic journey to master the art of soccer. -- TV - Oct 7, 2001 -- 43,226 7.40
Cardfight!! Vanguard -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 65 eps -- Original -- Action Game Adventure Demons Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard Cardfight!! Vanguard -- Cardfight!! Vanguard features a world where the game Cardfight!! Vanguard is becoming the latest craze among trading card games, becoming a part of everyday life for people all over the world. The game is not limited to Earth alone; battles between the creatures used by the players take place on another planet called Cray. -- -- The story begins with Aichi Sendou, a timid middle schooler whose meek attitude often leaves him a target for bullies. Aichi was given a very rare card, "Blaster Blade", when he was very young. It's his one treasure that gives him hope. That is, until it gets taken from him. Although Aichi has never played Cardfight!! Vanguard before, he challenges the thief to a game in order to win the "Blaster Blade" back. This high-stakes game quickly draws Aichi into the world of Vanguard battles, which will test and change his worth as both a player and a person. -- 43,966 7.03
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Shinemon-hen -- -- OLM -- 31 eps -- Original -- Action Game Shounen -- Cardfight!! Vanguard: Shinemon-hen Cardfight!! Vanguard: Shinemon-hen -- This is the story of "Shinemon Nitta", the future manager of Card Capital. -- -- 10 years before the reunion of Aichi Sendou and Toshiki Kai, the card shop run by the Tokura family "Card Capital" was going out of business. Then came the attempt to take over the store by Esuka Hibino, the owner of a major card shop. -- -- In order to protect Card Capital, Shinemon Nitta stands up as the "Self-proclaimed Manager!" -- -- (Source: Cardfight!! Vanguard Wiki) -- TV - Aug 24, 2019 -- 2,599 6.54
Card Wang: Mix Master -- -- Nippon Animation -- 39 eps -- - -- Game Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Card Wang: Mix Master Card Wang: Mix Master -- Mix Masters is a Korea-Japan co-produced anime series, also known by the name Mix Master: King of Cards. It is a co-production by Nippon Animation of Japan and Sunwoo Entertainment and KBS of Korea. The story centers on the fantasy and adventure card game, Mix Master, and the transference of this game from a video game to the real world after a scientist's new invention goes terribly wrong. Creatures from the video game called henches run loose upon the real world and it is up to the Mix Master to stop those creatures from causing trouble. All the while, an evil leader from the video game, Prince Brad, causes trouble for them for some nefarious purpose. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 4, 2005 -- 1,440 6.44
Chain Chronicle: Short Animation -- -- - -- 8 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Chain Chronicle: Short Animation Chain Chronicle: Short Animation -- An anime adaptation of the game for mobile devices Chain Chronicle. -- -- Features eight short episodes that introduces the story, setting, and characters. -- OVA - Sep 6, 2014 -- 9,281 5.97
Chainsaw Man -- -- MAPPA -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Demons Shounen -- Chainsaw Man Chainsaw Man -- Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash. -- -- Unfortunately, he has outlived his usefulness and is murdered by a devil in contract with the yakuza. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Pochita merges with Denji's dead body and grants him the powers of a chainsaw devil. Now able to transform parts of his body into chainsaws, a revived Denji uses his new abilities to quickly and brutally dispatch his enemies. Catching the eye of the official devil hunters who arrive at the scene, he is offered work at the Public Safety Bureau as one of them. Now with the means to face even the toughest of enemies, Denji will stop at nothing to achieve his simple teenage dreams. -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 67,759 N/A -- -- Sousei no Aquarion -- -- Production Reed, Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Super Power Supernatural Sci-Fi -- Sousei no Aquarion Sousei no Aquarion -- Once upon a time, a race known as the Shadow Angels attacked Earth to harvest the life force of all those who inhabited the planet. Thanks to some outrageous miracle, the Shadow Angels went dormant, and humanity was able to live another 12,000 years without fearing their presence. But 11 years after a catastrophe dubbed the Holy Genesis brought ruin to the Earth, the Shadow Angels were stirred from their slumber and resumed the attacks once more. -- -- To give humanity somewhat of a chance, an organization known as DEAVA was formed, and use of a robotic weapon named Aquarion has been authorized. In order for the Aquarion to be brought to full power, three pilots must combine their hearts, bodies, and souls into one—a feat few can hope to accomplish. Thus, the search for so-called 'Element Users' was prioritised, hoping to ensure humanity's future. -- -- Sousei no Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot. Will he be able to turn the tides of the war, and free humanity from the threat of the Shadow Angels for once and for all? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2005 -- 67,664 7.11
ChäoS;Child: Silent Sky -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Supernatural -- ChäoS;Child: Silent Sky ChäoS;Child: Silent Sky -- Silent Sky is a combination of the additional episodes 13 and 14. It consists of the story in the future, three months after the incident that was similar to "New Generation Madness" and the disease Chaos Child Syndrome that brought by the past earthquake in Shibuya. -- Movie - Jun 17, 2017 -- 17,422 6.59
Chiruri -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia Drama -- Chiruri Chiruri -- The story of a boy and a girl who try to find the one thing that matters. Independent film by Kenji Kawasaki, with accompanying music by Kai Shiono. -- ONA - Sep 29, 2011 -- 535 5.71
Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji 5: Kanketsu-hen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Hentai Demons Horror -- Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji 5: Kanketsu-hen Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji 5: Kanketsu-hen -- Only one episode of this was partially completed, the released version containing numerous examples of animation that is missing in-between frames. The story as such concerned the arrival of the real Chojin as he/she (a hermaphrodite) makes moves to wipe out all life on Earth. -- -- Interestingly, the setup for the show was far more heavily connected with the first two, more popular, chapters in the Urotsukidoji saga, with appearances by Nagumo and Akemi (unseen since the early episodes of Part III), and redesigned character models that more closely resembled the earlier episodes. Some of the less popular characters introduced in chapters III and IV, particularly Buju, were nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, such strategies did little to get this final saga off the ground and the story was shelved. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Dec 28, 1996 -- 1,982 5.35
Chuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan -- -- Djinn Power -- 10 eps -- Novel -- Demons Drama Historical Supernatural -- Chuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan Chuan Shu Zijiu Zhinan -- Shen Yuan has read enough xianxia novels to know that the protagonist will somehow cultivate the demonic path, take revenge on his scumbag master, and gain a massive harem along the way. So when he unexpectedly transmigrates into the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way, he knows exactly how the story is going to proceed. However, he does not get to play the role of the protagonist, but instead he becomes the scumbag master destined to suffer a humiliating defeat. -- -- Shen Yuan, now known as cultivation master Shen Qingqiu, makes it his mission to change his fate so that he does not fall to his disciple, Luo Binghe, the protagonist of the novel. Trying to break away from the cruel personality of the original Shen Qingqiu seems impossible as any uncharacteristic behavior is blocked by a monitoring system meant to keep him from derailing the plot. -- -- Shen Yuan must find a way to befriend Luo Binghe so that he has no reason to seek revenge on his teacher in the future. But with the set series of tragedies meant to befall the protagonist at the hands of Shen Qingqiu, this teacher has his work cut out for him. -- -- ONA - Sep 10, 2020 -- 7,296 7.83
Chuuka Ichiban! -- -- Nippon Animation -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Shounen -- Chuuka Ichiban! Chuuka Ichiban! -- The story takes place in 19th century China during the Qing Dynasty, where the Emperor was weakened and the country was close to chaos. It is also during a fictitious era called "The Era of the Cooking Wars". It was an era in which top chefs with different cooking styles tried their best to improve their skills and to become the best chef in China. It is a country where insulting a high-grade chef or fooling around with cooking could land a person in a jail, and impersonating a top-chef is as good as usurpation of authority. Chefs compete with each other in order to gain respect and even power, but also with the risks of losing everything. -- -- The country of China has four major regions: Beijing, Szechuan, Shanghai, and Guangdong. -- -- The beginning of the story takes place in Szechuan, Mao's birthplace. -- -- After the death of Mao's mother, Pai, who was called the 'Fairy of Cuisine', Mao becomes a Super Chef in order to take the title as Master Chef of his mother's restaurant. However, before he takes his mother's place as Master Chef, he continues to travel China in order to learn more of the many ways of cooking, in the hopes of becoming a legendary chef, just like his mother. During his journey, he meets great friends and fierce rivals who wish to challenge him in the field of cooking. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 16,108 7.62
Closers: Side Blacklambs -- -- Studio Animal -- 12 eps -- Game -- Game Fantasy -- Closers: Side Blacklambs Closers: Side Blacklambs -- After the invading dimensional monsters were beaten back, Seoul was rebuilt. This is the story of Closers in New Seoul. -- Mysterious dimensional gates opened all over the planet and unleashed a worldwide invasion of dimensional monsters. No monsters and tactics had any effect on the waves of dimensional monsters pouring out of the dimensional gates. City after city was mercilessly destroyed. -- -- But the opening of the dimensional gates did not only cause damage and destruction. The psychokinetic power that it awoke also enabled a tiny minority of humans to gain extraordinary psychic powers. With these psychic warriors, governments around the world were able to turn the tide of the war with these monsters. After unspeakable losses, the people of earth at least succeeded in closing the gates. Since they had closed the gates, these psychics began to be called "CLOSERS," and the invasion of the dimensional monsters was named the First Dimensional War. -- -- With the dimensional monsters vanquished, peace returned to the world, and the cities were rebuilt. Through dedicated research into the dimensional gates and psychokinetic power, humans learned that the gates open when there is a singularity in this mysterious power. However, their understanding of the gates was still incomplete. The CLOSERS who survived the First Dimensional War became part of an organization called UNION. Together, they researched the psychokinetic power in all over the world, working to prevent another dimensional war. -- -- And that's when the dimensional gates all over the world started shaking again - as ever stronger outbreed creatures renewed the attack on earth. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- ONA - Dec 23, 2016 -- 17,061 6.36
Cobra The Animation: Time Drive -- -- Magic Bus -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Space Sci-Fi -- Cobra The Animation: Time Drive Cobra The Animation: Time Drive -- Lady has disappeared so Cobra must dive into her past to save her. This is the story of who Lady used to be and how she got that metal body. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Apr 24, 2009 -- 3,609 6.90
Crayon Shin-chan Gaiden: Alien vs. Shinnosuke -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Space Comedy Ecchi Seinen -- Crayon Shin-chan Gaiden: Alien vs. Shinnosuke Crayon Shin-chan Gaiden: Alien vs. Shinnosuke -- Unlike the main television anime series which is mostly set in modern-day Japan, the new series will be a "sealed room" suspense comedy set 100 years in the future. The story begins when Shinnosuke and the entire Nohara family wake up from cold sleep to find themselves aboard a space ship drifting in space. The anime will depict the various events that take place inside the ship. (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Aug 3, 2016 -- 1,914 6.59
Crystal Blaze -- -- - -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- Crystal Blaze Crystal Blaze -- Rags Town is the garbage dump of Japan. The place where people who want to forget their pasts run to. In this town, where the rules strictly forbid asking about the past or getting to know people, there is small detective agency called S&A Detectives. -- -- The story revolves around Ayamana, the inseparable pair of misfit wannabe detectives, the case Manami takes on impulse, and the trouble that arises from it. On the case they find a woman who is abnormally hot, and who is being chased by a bunch of women with guns. After being dubbed Sara, the detectives try and figure out just what is going on with her. At the same time, all over town teenage girls are burning up and turning into glass. The government is covering everything up, but the detectives, as well as a nosy reporter and the local police, are determined to find out what is happening. -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- 15,411 6.15
Cybersix -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Romance Sci-Fi -- Cybersix Cybersix -- Anime based upon the original Argentine graphic novel series of the same name. -- -- The story follows the titular character who is a genetically engineered super-soldier; one of the creations of Dr. Von Reichter's diabolic experiments. (The fictional) Von Reichter is actually a former Nazi who conducted horrendous experiments during the second world war. He flees to South America where he continues his experiments which culminate in the creation of the "Cybers," one of which happens to be Cybersix. However, since the Cybers exhibit free will at an young age (an undesired trait), Von Reichter destroys all the Cybers to prevent a rebellion. -- -- In the present day, Cybersix is one of the Cybers who managed to escape and is living a quiet life under the alias of "Adrian Seidelman"; however, she finds out that her survival is dependent on a special substance that Von Reichter created and thus she is forced to hunt down the "Technos," a newer generation of super-soldiers created by him, in order to survive. Unintentionally, in the process, Cybersix becomes a superhero protecting the world from Dr. Von Reichter's creations and his evil plans. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 7,462 7.23
Daitai 3-pun de Wakaru .hack History -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Game Comedy -- Daitai 3-pun de Wakaru .hack History Daitai 3-pun de Wakaru .hack History -- An animated "about 3-minutes long" history on .hack in honor of its 15th anniversary. Haseo and Kite in their chibi forms are here to explain the main story line of the multi-media franchise just in time for new viewers to get the .hack//G.U. Last Recode video game, which is a remaster of .hack//G.U. with a brand new chapter continuing the story, being released in the first week of November. -- ONA - Oct 20, 2017 -- 1,079 5.89
D.C.II: Da Capo II -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Ecchi Romance School -- D.C.II: Da Capo II D.C.II: Da Capo II -- The undying Sakura Trees return. Based on a PS2 sequel of the original DaCapo game, the story once again takes place on Hatsunejima, but is set 53 years after the events of D.C. and D.C.S.S.. Although some characters will probably look a bit familiar to the initiated eye, the cast is a new one. The new main protagonist is Yoshiyuki Sakurai, who lives next door to the Asakura sisters Yume and Otome, who are the granddaughters of Junichi and Nemu from the first season. -- -- TV - Oct 2, 2007 -- 33,430 6.90
D.C.II S.S.: Da Capo II Second Season -- -- feel. -- 13 eps -- Visual novel -- Fantasy Comedy Harem Romance Drama -- D.C.II S.S.: Da Capo II Second Season D.C.II S.S.: Da Capo II Second Season -- The story continues where it left off at season 1, but now we start to get to know the people we already know a little more in detail. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 6, 2008 -- 27,160 7.22
Deadman Wonderland: Akai Knife Tsukai -- -- Manglobe -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Shounen -- Deadman Wonderland: Akai Knife Tsukai Deadman Wonderland: Akai Knife Tsukai -- Two years after the catastrophic tidal wave that swept over Japan, police officer Kiyomasa Senji is trying to make the world a safer place. Using his Branch of Sin powers, he stops criminals in whatever ways he can. After rescuing a boy named Izuru Tsukiyoshi from a gang called Goreless Peace, the conflict between Kiyomasa and his adversaries heats up rapidly, to the point of being explosive. -- -- Offering a glimpse into the past of the future Deadman, the story follows Senji, helping to further develop the reasoning that drives his actions later in life. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Oct 8, 2011 -- 119,108 6.97
Deadman Wonderland: Akai Knife Tsukai -- -- Manglobe -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Shounen -- Deadman Wonderland: Akai Knife Tsukai Deadman Wonderland: Akai Knife Tsukai -- Two years after the catastrophic tidal wave that swept over Japan, police officer Kiyomasa Senji is trying to make the world a safer place. Using his Branch of Sin powers, he stops criminals in whatever ways he can. After rescuing a boy named Izuru Tsukiyoshi from a gang called Goreless Peace, the conflict between Kiyomasa and his adversaries heats up rapidly, to the point of being explosive. -- -- Offering a glimpse into the past of the future Deadman, the story follows Senji, helping to further develop the reasoning that drives his actions later in life. -- -- OVA - Oct 8, 2011 -- 119,108 6.97
Death Note: Rewrite -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Death Note: Rewrite Death Note: Rewrite -- 1. Genshisuru Kami (Visions of a God) -- A two hour episode of Death Note, mainly a compilation of the confrontations between Light and L, re-edited from Ryuk's perspective with new dialogue and soundtrack along with additional animation that could not be included in the original series. An Unnamed Shinigami comes to Ryuk to question him about his new story in the human world. -- -- 2. L o Tsugu Mono (L's Successors) -- This story continues where the previous left off, continuing the story of Light. As the previous special told Light and L's battles, this story does the same with the conflicts between Light, Mello, and Near. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Special - Aug 31, 2007 -- 159,335 7.71
Death Note: Rewrite -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Police Psychological Supernatural Thriller -- Death Note: Rewrite Death Note: Rewrite -- 1. Genshisuru Kami (Visions of a God) -- A two hour episode of Death Note, mainly a compilation of the confrontations between Light and L, re-edited from Ryuk's perspective with new dialogue and soundtrack along with additional animation that could not be included in the original series. An Unnamed Shinigami comes to Ryuk to question him about his new story in the human world. -- -- 2. L o Tsugu Mono (L's Successors) -- This story continues where the previous left off, continuing the story of Light. As the previous special told Light and L's battles, this story does the same with the conflicts between Light, Mello, and Near. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Aug 31, 2007 -- 159,335 7.71
Devil May Cry -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Demons Fantasy -- Devil May Cry Devil May Cry -- Devil May Cry follows the story of the demon hunter known as Dante. As a half demon, half human, he uses his trusty sword Rebellion and his two guns Ebony and Ivory to take on missions. Dante owns and runs "Devil May Cry," a business that specializes in hunting and killing demon-related problems. -- -- Based on the video game series "Devil May Cry." -- 265,293 6.97
Devil May Cry -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Demons Fantasy -- Devil May Cry Devil May Cry -- Devil May Cry follows the story of the demon hunter known as Dante. As a half demon, half human, he uses his trusty sword Rebellion and his two guns Ebony and Ivory to take on missions. Dante owns and runs "Devil May Cry," a business that specializes in hunting and killing demon-related problems. -- -- Based on the video game series "Devil May Cry." -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- 265,293 6.97
Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- Subaru Mikazuki is a 23-year-old mystery novel author, major introvert, and an awkwardly shy person. He would much rather stay home to read a book than go outside and interact with others. Further exacerbating this life of solitude, his parents tragically died in an accident many years ago, leaving him alone in the world. -- -- One day, while giving offerings at his parents' grave, Subaru runs into a small grey and white cat named Haru, which he ends up taking home with him. Subaru, however, has never taken care of anyone else in his life—can he even take care of a cat? Haru is grateful toward Subaru, as he gives her all the food she wants—a luxury for a cat who is used to a rough life on the streets. But she notices that Subaru can't even seem to take care of himself! Will she be okay with this dunce? -- -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a human and a cat who try to foster an understanding with each other. -- -- 135,584 7.75
Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. -- Subaru Mikazuki is a 23-year-old mystery novel author, major introvert, and an awkwardly shy person. He would much rather stay home to read a book than go outside and interact with others. Further exacerbating this life of solitude, his parents tragically died in an accident many years ago, leaving him alone in the world. -- -- One day, while giving offerings at his parents' grave, Subaru runs into a small grey and white cat named Haru, which he ends up taking home with him. Subaru, however, has never taken care of anyone else in his life—can he even take care of a cat? Haru is grateful toward Subaru, as he gives her all the food she wants—a luxury for a cat who is used to a rough life on the streets. But she notices that Subaru can't even seem to take care of himself! Will she be okay with this dunce? -- -- Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue. tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a human and a cat who try to foster an understanding with each other. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 135,584 7.75
Dragonaut: The Resonance -- -- Gonzo -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Fantasy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Dragonaut: The Resonance Dragonaut: The Resonance -- Twenty years prior to the story's beginning, an asteroid headed for Earth destroys Pluto. Due to Pluto's destruction, the asteroid, which is dubbed Thanatos, becomes temporarily stagnant. Now, in order to avoid Earth's impending destruction, the International Solarsystem Development Agency (ISDA) works on the "D-Project", and creates the "Dragonaut" after finding a dragon egg under the ocean. This weapon's primary purpose is to destroy the asteroid when the time comes. However, they soon find out that the asteroid is not their only threat, as powerful dragon-like creatures, which are bent on destruction, appear on Earth. -- -- After witnessing a murder by one of the creatures, Jin Kamishina, a lonely 18-year-old boy who lost his family in a shuttle accident two years ago, gets involved in the mysteries of the dragons and becomes the chosen pilot of the Dragonaut. Helping him on his journey is Toa, a mysterious girl who saves him from falling to his death after the creature attacks him. As they get deeper into the mysteries of the dragons, they encounter new friends and enemies, and also begin to develop a closer relationship. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 4, 2007 -- 67,301 6.64
Dragonaut: The Resonance -- -- Gonzo -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Fantasy Mecha Romance Sci-Fi -- Dragonaut: The Resonance Dragonaut: The Resonance -- Twenty years prior to the story's beginning, an asteroid headed for Earth destroys Pluto. Due to Pluto's destruction, the asteroid, which is dubbed Thanatos, becomes temporarily stagnant. Now, in order to avoid Earth's impending destruction, the International Solarsystem Development Agency (ISDA) works on the "D-Project", and creates the "Dragonaut" after finding a dragon egg under the ocean. This weapon's primary purpose is to destroy the asteroid when the time comes. However, they soon find out that the asteroid is not their only threat, as powerful dragon-like creatures, which are bent on destruction, appear on Earth. -- -- After witnessing a murder by one of the creatures, Jin Kamishina, a lonely 18-year-old boy who lost his family in a shuttle accident two years ago, gets involved in the mysteries of the dragons and becomes the chosen pilot of the Dragonaut. Helping him on his journey is Toa, a mysterious girl who saves him from falling to his death after the creature attacks him. As they get deeper into the mysteries of the dragons, they encounter new friends and enemies, and also begin to develop a closer relationship. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 4, 2007 -- 67,301 6.64
Dragon Ball GT: Gokuu Gaiden! Yuuki no Akashi wa Suushinchuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball GT: Gokuu Gaiden! Yuuki no Akashi wa Suushinchuu Dragon Ball GT: Gokuu Gaiden! Yuuki no Akashi wa Suushinchuu -- Years after the end of the Dragonball GT, the story continues in this special with Son Goku's now eldery granddaughter Pan, and a new generation of super saiyajins, the great-great-grandsons of Goku and Vegeta -- 100 years after the end of DBGT, all the heroes of Earth have died...except for Pan, the granddaughter of Son Goku. Pan has a grandchild named Goku Jr. However, he does not have the bravery of his great-great-grandfather. Pan suffurs a heart attack, and Goku Jr. believes that he might be able to save her with the power of the 4 star Dragon Ball. Along with the school bully, he tries to find the ball...and unleashes his hidden bravery and power. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Mar 26, 1997 -- 59,426 6.53
Dragon Ball: Ossu! Kaettekita Son Gokuu to Nakama-tachi!! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy -- Dragon Ball: Ossu! Kaettekita Son Gokuu to Nakama-tachi!! Dragon Ball: Ossu! Kaettekita Son Gokuu to Nakama-tachi!! -- Based on an original concept by the original author Akira Toriyama, the story, set shortly after the defeat of Majin Buu, pits Son Gokuu and his friends against a new, powerful enemy. -- -- This special introduces four new characters: Abo and Kado red and blue aliens wearing battle fatigues similar to Frieza's army, one tiny yellow alien, and a young Saiyan child who vaguely resembles Vegeta named Tarble. Though very little about the plot has been revealed, Tarble has arrived on Earth, being pursued by Abo and Kado. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Sep 21, 2008 -- 42,837 6.89
Dragon's Dogma -- -- Sublimation -- 7 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy -- Dragon's Dogma Dragon's Dogma -- Based on a world-famous action RPG set in an open world, Dragon's Dogma from Capcom will be brought to life as a Netflix original anime series. The story follows a man's journey seeking revenge on a dragon who stole his heart. On his way, the man is brought back to life as an "Arisen." An action adventure about a man challenged by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans. -- -- (Source: Netflix) -- ONA - Sep 17, 2020 -- 15,791 5.88
Durarara!!x2 Ketsu -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Ketsu Durarara!!x2 Ketsu -- As Mikado Ryuugamine continues to purge the Dollars from within in accordance with his warped sense of justice, Masaomi Kida hopes to bring his friend back to his senses by bringing the Yellow Scarves together once more. Little do they know that a far more dominant force is about to enter their struggle for power, one that their friend Anri Sonohara is all too familiar with. -- -- Meanwhile, the group that has gathered at Shinra Kishitani's apartment realizes that they are on the brink of something life-changing, an event that will throw Ikebukuro into a spiral of confusion. Their anxiety is realized when reports of Celty's head being found in public start to appear all over the news as Kasane Kujiragi begins to make her move. -- -- Gone are the brief periods of tranquility as the current turmoil sets the stage for one final performance in this thrilling conclusion to the story of Ikebukuro's finest. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 308,424 8.09
Endro~! -- -- Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Fantasy Magic Slice of Life -- Endro~! Endro~! -- In a world of adventurers and magic lies Naral Island. Every generation, a Demon Lord rises to plague the land, and every generation, a Hero is born to subdue him. For countless centuries, the cycle has repeated with no end in sight. The latest Hero, Juulia "Yusha" Charldetto, has almost completed her valiant campaign alongside her party members: responsible priest Seiran "Seira" Élénoir, enigmatic mage Meiza "Mei" Endust, and hyper-energetic warrior Fai Fai. -- -- In the final battle against the Demon Lord, Yusha's party attempt a risky spell to cast their enemy into the drifts of time. But the incantation goes awry, sending Yusha and her friends back to a time before the Demon Lord, before Yusha becomes the Hero, and before the party had even graduated as adventurers. With their memories of the future erased, the four girls restart their ambitions to become the Hero's Party, aspiring to defeat the Demon Lord. -- -- However, in a sudden twist of fate, the Demon Lord was also sent back in time with her memories intact. Reduced to the form of a little girl, the Demon Lord takes the name Mao and infiltrates the adventurers' school as a teacher, planning to stop Yusha before she becomes a hero. Thus begins the story of Yusha and her friends, in their quest to defeat the Demon Lord, not knowing that the one they seek is right by their side. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 57,878 6.93
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- 70,946 6.84
Etotama -- -- Encourage Films, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Etotama Etotama -- Every 60 years, the heavens conduct a sacred ritual called ETM12. This custom involves selecting worthy Eto-musume—celestial beings representing different animals—to become one of the members of the Chinese zodiac, or Eto-shin. However, since the first ETM12 two thousand years ago, the original batch of Eto-shin reigns with no one being able to replace them. -- -- Nyaa-tan is a cat Eto-musume who aspires to become a member of the zodiac in the ongoing ETM12. Fulfilling her ambition requires her to secure 12 seals, one for each Eto-shin. To that end, she must win various types of battles using Sol/Lull—divine energy created by people's positive emotions. This task is not easy however, as her powers as an Eto-musume are far below the abilities of a single Eto-shin. As such, she needs a constant source of energy. -- -- But in a chance encounter, Nyaa-tan meets Takeru Amato, a man who has just transferred to the apartment where she is secretly staying. To Nyaa-tan's delight, Takeru discovers that he gives out high quality Sol/Lull—something that sets him apart from most people. With this, the story of Takeru and Nyaa-tan begins. As Takeru supports Nyaa-tan in her dreams, he meets the Eto-shin and begins to uncover a mysterious past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 70,946 6.84
Eureka Seven AO -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Eureka Seven AO Eureka Seven AO -- The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Ao Fukai, a 12-year-old boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Ao's mother was taken away a decade ago by unknown individuals. Naru Arata, Ao's 12-year-old childhood friend and the story's heroine, lives with her father, older sister, and grandmother. She has a "Yuta" power awakened within her due to an incident when she was young. A mysterious entity called "Secret" suddenly appears and launches an attack on the Scub Coral lifeform on the island. Ao launches a certain military FP called "Nirvash" aboard a Japanese military transport in his fervent desire to protect the island. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- 85,142 6.69
Eureka Seven AO -- -- Bones -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Eureka Seven AO Eureka Seven AO -- The story is set on Okinawa's isolated island of Iwado, which has seen a growing movement advocating a return to an autonomous government. Ao Fukai, a 12-year-old boy with a missing father, lives on the island with an old doctor named Toshio and is about to enter middle school. Ao's mother was taken away a decade ago by unknown individuals. Naru Arata, Ao's 12-year-old childhood friend and the story's heroine, lives with her father, older sister, and grandmother. She has a "Yuta" power awakened within her due to an incident when she was young. A mysterious entity called "Secret" suddenly appears and launches an attack on the Scub Coral lifeform on the island. Ao launches a certain military FP called "Nirvash" aboard a Japanese military transport in his fervent desire to protect the island. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 85,142 6.69
Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) Evangelion: Another Impact (VR) -- The all-consuming sense of scale of "evangelion: Another Impact (Confidential)", which was released in the 2015 Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition, gets retouched upon in all new short VR movie. -- -- ​Another time, another place. An activation test of a decisive weapon was underway. With its development and operational trials shrouded in complete secrecy, the Another Number - Unit Null, suddenly breaks free of human control and goes berserk. -- -- ​For what purpose was Another Number - Unit Null created? -- -- ​The story of an Evangelion's activation, rampage and howling in another world... -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- Movie - Jul 2, 2018 -- 11,235 6.42
Fairy Gone -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fairy Gone Fairy Gone -- "Once upon a time, fairies were tools of war." -- -- The story takes place in a world where fairies possess and dwell in animals, giving them mysterious abilities. By removing the organs of a possessed animal and transplanting them into humans, fairies can be summoned as an alter ego and be used as a weapon. Such individuals who used fairies as war tools were called "Fairy Soldiers." Once the war was over and they completed their roles, the soldiers lost their purpose. Some began working for the government, some joined the mafia, and some even became terrorists, as each chose their own way to live. -- -- Nine years have passed since the war. The protagonist Mariya is a new recruit of "Dorothea," an organization which investigates and suppresses fairy-related crimes. Amidst the unstable political situation, criminals with lingering wounds from the war and past conflicts emerge and engage in terrorism as an act of revenge. This is the story of Fairy Soldiers, fighting for their own justice in a chaotic postwar world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 138,647 5.80
Fairy Gone -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Demons Fantasy Magic Supernatural -- Fairy Gone Fairy Gone -- "Once upon a time, fairies were tools of war." -- -- The story takes place in a world where fairies possess and dwell in animals, giving them mysterious abilities. By removing the organs of a possessed animal and transplanting them into humans, fairies can be summoned as an alter ego and be used as a weapon. Such individuals who used fairies as war tools were called "Fairy Soldiers." Once the war was over and they completed their roles, the soldiers lost their purpose. Some began working for the government, some joined the mafia, and some even became terrorists, as each chose their own way to live. -- -- Nine years have passed since the war. The protagonist Mariya is a new recruit of "Dorothea," an organization which investigates and suppresses fairy-related crimes. Amidst the unstable political situation, criminals with lingering wounds from the war and past conflicts emerge and engage in terrorism as an act of revenge. This is the story of Fairy Soldiers, fighting for their own justice in a chaotic postwar world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 138,647 5.80
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 2 - Paladin; Agateram -- Part two of Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot - Wandering; Agateram; an adaptation of the the Sixth Holy Grail War, The Sacred Round Table Realm Camelot Singularity of Fate/Grand Order. -- -- (Source: TYPE-MOON Wiki) -- Movie - May 8, 2021 -- 29,606 N/A -- -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- -- CyberConnect2 -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- Based on the CyberConnect2 HIT GAME, now will be released in a CG Movie! -- -- The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. -- -- Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. -- -- He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo's friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 25, 2008 -- 29,585 7.13
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter -- -- CloverWorks -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter -- The year 2010 AD. Romani Archaman has been posted to Chaldea. There, he becomes the primary doctor for a young girl. Mash Kyrielight, Chaldea's second successful summoning experiment, is interested in the word "Senpai." The interaction between the two gives Mash a reason to hope. That hope becomes a wave and starts to spread. That is your story, the story of a normal "somebody." The story at the beginning of a journey that weaves the future. -- -- (Source: AniplexUS) -- Special - Aug 4, 2019 -- 44,891 7.20
Fractale -- -- A-1 Pictures, Ordet -- 11 eps -- Original -- Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi -- Fractale Fractale -- The story takes place on an island, where a "Fractale System" is beginning to collapse. One day, Clain finds an injured girl called Phryne under a cliff. She disappears leaving a pendant. Clain sets out for a journey with the girl-shaped avatar Nessa to look for Phryne and discovers the secret of the Fractale System. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 75,122 6.95
Frame Arms Girl -- -- Studio A-CAT, Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Slice of Life Mecha -- Frame Arms Girl Frame Arms Girl -- The story begins when Ao opens a package that arrives at her doorstep. Inside the package is Gourai, a Frame Arms Girl: a small robot capable of independent movement. Gourai is a newly-developed prototype: a Frame Arms Girl equipped with an "Artificial Self," an advanced AI that gives her a personality. Ao is the only one that has activated her. Gourai begins to gather both battle data and emotions, starting a day-to-day life with Ao, who knows nothing about Frame Arms Girls. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 28,905 6.41
Freezing -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Harem Drama Romance Ecchi Martial Arts Seinen -- Freezing Freezing -- Decades into the future, humanity is under siege by an alien race known as the Novas. These inhuman beings leave devastation in their wake whenever they appear, with the efforts to stave them off becoming known as Nova Clashes. Young women known as "Pandoras" and young men known as "Limiters" are implanted with stigmata to give them superhuman powers and are trained in military academies, where they must learn to work together if humanity is to have a chance of surviving. -- -- Freezing tells the story of Kazuya Aoi as he sets out for his first day at the West Genetics military academy, right when a battle royale is being undertaken by the Pandoras. It is here that he mistakes Satellizer el Bridget—a powerful Pandora known as the "Untouchable Queen"—as his deceased sister and embraces her. Though he costs her the match, she finds that his touch doesn't drive her away and decides to take him as her Limiter. The only question is whether or not their partnership can survive the machinations of their upperclassmen and the impending battle with the Novas… -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 275,711 6.88
Fruits Basket 1st Season -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shoujo Slice of Life Supernatural -- Fruits Basket 1st Season Fruits Basket 1st Season -- Tooru Honda has always been fascinated by the story of the Chinese Zodiac that her beloved mother told her as a child. However, a sudden family tragedy changes her life, and subsequent circumstances leave her all alone. Tooru is now forced to live in a tent, but little does she know that her temporary home resides on the private property of the esteemed Souma family. Stumbling upon their home one day, she encounters Shigure, an older Souma cousin, and Yuki, the "prince" of her school. Tooru explains that she lives nearby, but the Soumas eventually discover her well-kept secret of being homeless when they see her walking back to her tent one night. -- -- Things start to look up for Tooru as they kindly offer to take her in after hearing about her situation. But soon after, she is caught up in a fight between Yuki and his hot-tempered cousin, Kyou. While trying to stop them, she learns that the Souma family has a well-kept secret of their own: whenever they are hugged by a member of the opposite sex, they transform into the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. -- -- With this new revelation, Tooru will find that living with the Soumas is an unexpected adventure filled with laughter and romance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 425,981 8.19
Fushigi na Somera-chan -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Magic Slice of Life -- Fushigi na Somera-chan Fushigi na Somera-chan -- The story follows the everyday life of Somera Nonomoto who can use the strongest kenpo, Nonomoto Mahou-ken, which is inherited from her mother with her younger sister Kukuru. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 11,838 5.86
Future Card Buddyfight -- -- OLM, Xebec -- 64 eps -- Card game -- Game -- Future Card Buddyfight Future Card Buddyfight -- An adaptation of the Future Card Buddyfight card game. -- -- Future Card Buddyfight takes place in a more futuristic version of today. The card game connects to a parallel universe through special cards (Buddy Rare Cards) that act as portals. They bring monsters to Earth in order for them to become buddies with humans. Through friendship and courage, they take on and fight challenges, known as Buddyfights, where people of all ages have friendly non-hurtful competitions. The main character, Gaou Mikado has just started Buddyfighting. As the story progresses, Buddyfights are seeming to become a little too real... -- 8,294 6.72
Fuuka -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Ecchi Music Romance School Shounen -- Fuuka Fuuka -- The story follows the life of Yuu Haruna, who recently moved into Tokyo with his sisters after their father is forced to transfer overseas on work. -- -- On his way to buy dinner while looking at his Twitter account, a high school girl suddenly crashes into him. Thinking he was taking upskirt pictures of her, the girl takes Yuu's phone, breaks it, and slaps him before leaving Yuu lying on the ground. As it turns out, this girl—Fuuka Akitsuki—also goes to the school Yuu is transferring to. -- -- Unlike most people, Fuuka doesn't own a cellphone; she even listens to music using a CD player. Eventually these two become closer, and decide to form a band with their friends and enter the professional world of music. With Fuuka around, what will now become of Yuu's new life in Tokyo? -- -- 232,443 6.53
Fuuka -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Drama Ecchi Music Romance School Shounen -- Fuuka Fuuka -- The story follows the life of Yuu Haruna, who recently moved into Tokyo with his sisters after their father is forced to transfer overseas on work. -- -- On his way to buy dinner while looking at his Twitter account, a high school girl suddenly crashes into him. Thinking he was taking upskirt pictures of her, the girl takes Yuu's phone, breaks it, and slaps him before leaving Yuu lying on the ground. As it turns out, this girl—Fuuka Akitsuki—also goes to the school Yuu is transferring to. -- -- Unlike most people, Fuuka doesn't own a cellphone; she even listens to music using a CD player. Eventually these two become closer, and decide to form a band with their friends and enter the professional world of music. With Fuuka around, what will now become of Yuu's new life in Tokyo? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 232,443 6.53
Fuuun Ishin Dai☆Shogun -- -- A.C.G.T., J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Historical Mecha -- Fuuun Ishin Dai☆Shogun Fuuun Ishin Dai☆Shogun -- In the late Edo period, Japan had experienced an unprecedented crisis by Kurofune (Black Ships), the ships from foreign countries. But a giant robot called Onigami, which has existed since ancient time, dispelled the Kurofune ships and the exclusion of foreigners was accomplished. The story begins in Japan where Meiji restoration in 1868 didn't happen. The tagline says, "I can be the greatest man in the world, because I am a virgin!!" -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 10, 2014 -- 23,305 5.72
Gakkou no Kaidan: Kubinashi Rider!! Shi no Noroi -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Mystery Supernatural -- Gakkou no Kaidan: Kubinashi Rider!! Shi no Noroi Gakkou no Kaidan: Kubinashi Rider!! Shi no Noroi -- A TV special of Gakkou no Kaidan that aired almost 5 months after the original anime. However, this event takes place before the Finale episode of the TV series. -- -- The story focuses on a headless motorcycle rider. -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Discotek Media -- Special - Aug 24, 2001 -- 10,254 7.03
Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa Shin: Hanako-san ga Kita!! -- -- - -- 33 eps -- - -- Comedy Horror School Supernatural -- Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa Shin: Hanako-san ga Kita!! Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa Shin: Hanako-san ga Kita!! -- The story of the anime revolves around Hanako, a girl who lives in a supernatural world apart from our own. Hanako appears when schoolchildren are in trouble; she is a benevolent version of an enduring Japanese urban legend about Hanako, a ghost who lives in a toilet at the local school. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Aug 13, 2010 -- 765 N/A -- -- Gegege no Kitarou: Jigoku-hen -- -- Toei Animation -- 7 eps -- - -- Adventure Fantasy Comedy Supernatural Horror -- Gegege no Kitarou: Jigoku-hen Gegege no Kitarou: Jigoku-hen -- The origins of Kitarou. -- TV - Feb 8, 1988 -- 753 6.23
Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! -- -- ufotable -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! -- Manabi Straight! follows the lives of a group of young high school girls living in the year 2035 while they attend the all-girl Seioh Private High School. Since the birth rate has dropped dramatically, schools are being closed down due to the sheer lack of students available to teach. Morale in schools has dropped dramatically, and Seioh is no exception. -- -- The story begins when the main character, Manami Amamiya, transfers to Seioh. After some initial hijinks involving a futuristic scooter and a swim meet, followed by an inspirational school song performance, she is inducted as the student council president. The story that follows pertains to Manami working with Mika Inamori, the only other student council member, and three other classmates named Mutsuki Uehara, Mei Etoh, and Momoha Odori, in student council matters. After some remodeling of the student council room, Manami and her friends set forth to plan for the upcoming student festival. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Jan 8, 2007 -- 27,236 7.27
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season -- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season continues the story of Genestella students Ayato Amagiri and Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, who have progressed to the next round of the Phoenix Festa after a long and strenuous battle with sisters Irene and Priscilla Urzaiz. -- -- Despite Julis and Ayato's best attempts, the fact that Ayato's powers have been sealed is no longer a secret. Now at a major disadvantage, the duo must come up with a plan if they are to have any hope of winning the Phoenix Festa. Only one thing is for sure: the troubles heading their way are only going to get more insurmountable from here on. -- -- 333,044 7.06
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season -- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season continues the story of Genestella students Ayato Amagiri and Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, who have progressed to the next round of the Phoenix Festa after a long and strenuous battle with sisters Irene and Priscilla Urzaiz. -- -- Despite Julis and Ayato's best attempts, the fact that Ayato's powers have been sealed is no longer a secret. Now at a major disadvantage, the duo must come up with a plan if they are to have any hope of winning the Phoenix Festa. Only one thing is for sure: the troubles heading their way are only going to get more insurmountable from here on. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 333,044 7.06
Gear Fighter Dendoh -- -- Sunrise -- 38 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Mecha School Sci-Fi Space -- Gear Fighter Dendoh Gear Fighter Dendoh -- The story takes place in the future where war machines from evil mechanical alien empire Garufa finally reaches Earth. In order to protect earth, an Earth defense organization called GEAR (Guard Earth and Advanced Reconnaissance) is formed. GEAR has an ultimate weapon in a form of war mecha, GEAR Fighter Dendoh, which is piloted by two elementary school students, namely Kusanagi Hokuto and Izumo Ginga. Can the friendship between Hokuto and Ginga unleashed the full potential power of Dendoh in order to fight Garufa? -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- 2,728 7.17
Gegege no Kitarou (2007) -- -- Toei Animation -- 100 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Fantasy -- Gegege no Kitarou (2007) Gegege no Kitarou (2007) -- The classic tale of Gegege no Kitaro told yet again. The story is the usual in the Gegege no Kitaro series. Kitaro is a boy living in the Gegege Forest/Cemetery (lands where many Yokai roam) with his mostly dead father (who survives only in his eye), Sunakake Babaa, NekoMusume, and Konaki Jiji. One difference between this Kitaro and all of the others that came before him, is that this one has brown hair instead of the standard grayish silver. -- 4,302 6.91
Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- -- J.C.Staff -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Harem Magic Romance Fantasy -- Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki -- O, Hero! -- -- When Kazuya Souma is unexpectedly transported to another world, he knows the people expect a hero. But Souma's idea of heroism is more practical than most—he wants to rebuild the flagging economy of the new land he's found himself in! Betrothed to the princess and abruptly planted on the throne, this realist hero must gather talented people to help him get the country back on its feet—not through war, or adventure, but with administrative reform! -- -- (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 23,670 N/A -- -- Mujin Wakusei Survive -- -- Madhouse, Telecom Animation Film -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Mujin Wakusei Survive Mujin Wakusei Survive -- The story is set in the 22nd century where space travel, planet colonization and anti-gravity basketball are practically everyday things. Planet Earth has become uninhabitable, and therefore people live in colonies on the surrounding planets. On a school field trip, a mistake causes the protagonist, a young transfer student named Luna, her pet robot, and six of her classmates to be thrown through a gravity storm and crash land on a seemingly uninhabited planet. There, with Luna as their leader, the robot cat Chako, the lone wolf Kaoru, the spoiled rich boy Howard, the shy Sharla, the obedient Bell, the prideful musician Menori and the young genius Shingo must fight for their survival. But is the planet really uninhabited, or is there someone or something out there, waiting in the shadows? -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 16, 2003 -- 23,504 7.70
Ghost Hunt -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Horror Supernatural Shoujo -- Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt -- While at school, Taniyama Mai and her friends like to exchange ghost stories. Apparently, there is an abandoned school building on their campus that is the center of many ghost stories. During the story, they are interrupted by a mysterious male figure. The person turns out to be Shibuya Kazuya, a 17-year-old who is president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Company. He was called by the principal to investigate the stories surrounding the abandoned school building. -- -- The next day, on the way to school, Mai passes the school building in question. While examining a strange camera she spotted inside, she gets surprised by Kazuya's assistant. Unknowingly interfering with the investigation, Mai breaks the camera and Kazuya's assistant gets injured. -- -- Kazuya forcefully hires Mai in order to pay for the camera and replace his injured assistant. From that point on, Mai begins to learn about the paranormal world and the profession of ghost hunting. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 4, 2006 -- 198,156 7.80
Ghost Hunt -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Horror Supernatural Shoujo -- Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunt -- While at school, Taniyama Mai and her friends like to exchange ghost stories. Apparently, there is an abandoned school building on their campus that is the center of many ghost stories. During the story, they are interrupted by a mysterious male figure. The person turns out to be Shibuya Kazuya, a 17-year-old who is president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Company. He was called by the principal to investigate the stories surrounding the abandoned school building. -- -- The next day, on the way to school, Mai passes the school building in question. While examining a strange camera she spotted inside, she gets surprised by Kazuya's assistant. Unknowingly interfering with the investigation, Mai breaks the camera and Kazuya's assistant gets injured. -- -- Kazuya forcefully hires Mai in order to pay for the camera and replace his injured assistant. From that point on, Mai begins to learn about the paranormal world and the profession of ghost hunting. -- -- TV - Oct 4, 2006 -- 198,156 7.80
Gibiate -- -- l-a-unch・BOX, Studio elle -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Horror Martial Arts Samurai Fantasy -- Gibiate Gibiate -- The story takes place in Japan. The year is 2030 and Earth has been completely overrun by a viral disease named "Gibia" that turns infected people into various different monsters, based on their age, sex, and race. -- -- A samurai and a ninja from the early Edo period travel together through time and arrive in a ruined Japan to aid a professor working on a cure for the virus. -- -- Together, they fight countless Gibia monsters, outlaws, and other fierce foes on their journey to save mankind. -- 54,666 3.84
Gift± -- -- - -- 20 eps -- Manga -- Horror Seinen -- Gift± Gift± -- With the growing demand for high-quality organ transplants in Japan, many underground organizations have carried out kidnapping and murder operations to obtain organs for sale; surgeon doctors also started practicing. It even began to intervene in outside countries like China. -- -- Our protagonist, Tamaki Suzuhara, a beautiful but mysterious high school girl, tries to find someone very important to her who is currently missing. She joined an illegal organ trafficking network, which kidnapped those who were judged "morally cure" for morphological, surgical removal of organs. -- -- Let's see where this bloody journey and Tamaki Suzuhara's moral dilemma will lead. Can she find what she wants? -- ONA - Sep 21, 2018 -- 805 N/A -- -- Timing -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological Horror -- Timing Timing -- The Japanese-Korean horror movie should have been released in 2012, but the project got canceled after Korean investors could not be determined. A six-minute promotional video is what's left of it of this attempted co-production. -- -- Timing holds the story of four characters with abilities related with time, fighting to stop the tragedies occurring in a high school. -- -- (Source: Hancinema) -- ONA - Oct ??, 2010 -- 784 5.34
Gift: Eternal Rainbow -- -- OLM -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Comedy Drama Harem Magic Romance School -- Gift: Eternal Rainbow Gift: Eternal Rainbow -- Amaumi Haruhiko is a high school student who attends Shimano Academy in a town called Narasakicho. Narasakicho contains an unknown rainbow which constantly overlooks the town and is related to granting a magical wish called "Gift." Gift is a once-in-a-lifetime present between two people. -- -- As a child, Haruhiko has been close with his childhood friend, Kirino, until he obtains a new non-blood sister by the name of Riko. Haruhiko develops a strong relationship with Riko until they sadly depart due to the fact Haruhiko's father could no longer support the two of them. -- -- After some times passes by, Riko finally returns to the town of Narasakicho, and along with Kirino, starts to attend Shimano Academy with Haruhiko. The series revolves around the relationship among these main protagonists and slowly reveals the story behind both Gift and the rainbow. -- TV - Oct 6, 2006 -- 28,911 6.61
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) -- Continuation of the Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These series. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,073 N/A -- -- Busou Chuugakusei: Basket Army -- -- Asread -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Military -- Busou Chuugakusei: Basket Army Busou Chuugakusei: Basket Army -- The story is set in August of 2026 at the Fuji Training Facility. Natori Touko, a third-year middle school student in the Eastern Private Defense Academy, is entrenched in field training with instructor Kamiya. It has been a harsh training regiment, but it is finally the last day. Kamiya proposes a extracurricular class under the name Newest Weapons Research. But then, an incident occurs that rocks all of Japan. -- ONA - Dec 22, 2011 -- 6,037 5.73
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) -- -- Production I.G -- 24 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These (Zoku-hen) -- Continuation of the Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These series. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,073 N/A -- -- Queen Emeraldas -- -- OLM -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Queen Emeraldas Queen Emeraldas -- The story revolves around a race that seeks to dominate the galaxy. A lone mysterious female warrior, known to others as Emeraldas sails the endless planets of the universe- in her Seas of Star ship- fighting the tyranny of that merciless race. She is tormented by the memory of her lost love. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Jun 5, 1998 -- 6,038 6.87
Ginga e Kickoff!! -- -- TYO Animations -- 39 eps -- Novel -- Sports Shounen -- Ginga e Kickoff!! Ginga e Kickoff!! -- The story follows a boy who was in a soccer team, but it was disbanded due to not enough players. However, after the boy meets a female professional soccer player, he aims to bring his soccer team back. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Mar 26, 2012 -- 20,998 7.23
Ginga Patrol PJ -- -- Eiken -- 26 eps -- - -- Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Patrol PJ Ginga Patrol PJ -- Once Upon a Time... Space differs from the rest of the Once Upon a Time titles in the sense that the series revolve on a dramatic content rather than an educational premise. The series still has a handful of educational information (such as an episode discussing the rings of Planet Saturn). -- -- The series succeeds Once Upon a Time... Man. It reprises almost the entire totality of the characters of the previous series and adapts them into a science-fiction context. -- -- The story tells about the confrontation of many big galactic powers. Among them there is the Omega Confederation, of which Earth is a member of; the military republic of Cassiopée led by the general Le Teigneux; and a powerful supercomputer which controls an army of robots. Once Upon a Time... Space features the adventures of Pierrot (son of colonel Pierre and president Pierrette) and his friend Psi. -- TV - Oct 9, 1982 -- 882 6.63
Ginga Sengoku Gunyuuden Rai -- -- E&G Films -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Romance Shounen -- Ginga Sengoku Gunyuuden Rai Ginga Sengoku Gunyuuden Rai -- Rai is a space opera that fuses feudal Chinese and Japanese customs with vast galaxy spanning empires and space-going societies. The story follows the life and times of the samurai Rai, and the quest of several spacefaring factions for control of territory and, of course, the Empire. -- -- Licensor: -- Enoki Films -- 11,952 7.94
Ginga Tetsudou 999: Eternal Fantasy -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Drama Sci-Fi Space -- Ginga Tetsudou 999: Eternal Fantasy Ginga Tetsudou 999: Eternal Fantasy -- Based on the story by manga master Leiji Matsumoto (The Cockpit, Queen Emeraldas), the 55 minute featurette picks up one year after the events of Galaxy Express 999 in which a young boy named Tetsuro and his motherly companion Maetel worked to rid the universe on the Mechanized Empire who had taken over Earth. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Movie - Mar 7, 1998 -- 3,699 6.60
Girlfriend (Kari) -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Game -- School Slice of Life -- Girlfriend (Kari) Girlfriend (Kari) -- A TV anime adaptation of the Girlfriend (Kari) a mobile game where players can have girlfriends through playing the game. -- -- Shiina Kokomi is a hard working but even tempered high school girl who is the lead performer in her school's rhythmic gymnastics club. The story follows her and her growing circle of friends as they support each other through the various trials and situations that comprise high school life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 37,402 5.94
Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 3 -- -- Actas -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military School -- Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 3 Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou Part 3 -- The third film in the six-part Girls & Panzer: Saishuushou film series. -- Movie - Mar 26, 2021 -- 9,598 N/A -- -- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Special Edition -- -- Sunrise -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Space Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Special Edition Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Special Edition -- Three TV movies complied from Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED series. -- -- 1. The Empty Battlefield (Kokuu no Senjou) -- 2. The Far-Away Dawn (Harukanaru Akatsuki) -- 3. The Rumbling Sky (Meidou no Sora) -- -- Much like the Kidou Senshi Gundam theatrical movies, the Gundam Seed: Special Edition movies are intended to be an override of the story from the TV series. -- -- These episodes are in fact a complete recap of all 50 episodes of the TV series and were first shown on television in Japan. The special edition episodes feature some new scenes and tweaks to previously animated scenes. The first special, The Empty Battlefield, which compiled episodes 1–21 of the series, was aired in two parts on Japanese TV in March 2004, followed by the next special, The Far-Away Dawn, which was episodes 22–40, in July 2004. The final special, The Rumbling Sky, which was episodes 41–50. While the story is overall unchanged, there are a few minor changes. In addition, several scenes are re-animated and re-dubbed. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Aug 27, 2004 -- 9,467 7.30
God Eater 3 -- -- ufotable -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game Music -- God Eater 3 God Eater 3 -- The opening promotional animation to Bandai Namco's God Eater 3. The game is slated to be released next month for PS4 and the following year for PC. The story is a sequel to God Eater 2 Rage Burst, just like Resonant Ops. There was a disaster of tremendous proportions, referred to as "Ash Area" that devoured Fenrir, and is apparently still ongoing. -- ONA - Nov 13, 2018 -- 4,138 6.44
God Eater Reso Nantoka Gekijou: Nagerareta Shokupan -- -- Creators in Pack, Passione -- 1 ep -- Game -- Fantasy Military Parody Sci-Fi -- God Eater Reso Nantoka Gekijou: Nagerareta Shokupan God Eater Reso Nantoka Gekijou: Nagerareta Shokupan -- Short anime inspired by the iOS and Android mobile game God Eater Resonant Ops. -- -- Introduces the characters through their first day of school. Resonant Ops continues the story of God Eater 2 Rage Burst, which in turn is a sequel to God Eater Burst, and is set 4 years after the latter's story, moving the setting "at long last" toward the Fenrir Headquarters in the year 2078. -- Special - Mar 24, 2018 -- 5,166 5.81
Golden Kamuy -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy Golden Kamuy -- In early 1900s Hokkaido after the Russo-Japanese war, Saichi Sugimoto tirelessly pans for gold. Nicknamed "Sugimoto the Immortal" for his death-defying acts in battle, the ex-soldier seeks fortune in order to fulfill a promise made to his best friend before he was killed in action: to support his family, especially his widow who needs treatment overseas for her deteriorating eyesight. One day, a drunken companion tells Sugimoto the tale of a man who murdered a group of Ainu and stole a fortune in gold. Before his arrest by the police, he hid the gold somewhere in Hokkaido. The only clue to its location is the coded map he tattooed on the bodies of his cellmates in exchange for a share of the treasure, should they manage to escape and find it. -- -- Sugimoto does not think much of the tale until he discovers the drunken man’s corpse bearing the same tattoos described in the story. But before he can collect his thoughts, a grizzly bear—the cause of the man's demise—approaches Sugimoto, intent on finishing her meal. He is saved by a young Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose father happened to be one of the murdered Ainu. With Asirpa's hunting skills and Sugimoto's survival instincts, the pair agree to join forces and find the hidden treasure—one to get back what was rightfully her people's, and the other to fulfill his friend's dying wish. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 235,656 7.83
Good Morning Althea -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Good Morning Althea Good Morning Althea -- The story revolves around Nikolai, apparently a part-cyborg; Galory, a young boy who apparently is part human/part Crest person, and Althea, who is entirely a Crest person. Seems the Earth and the Crest people were at war for 300 years so there's still a lot of bad feelings present. -- -- The ship Galory, Nikolai and others are on is ambushed and almost everyone killed by some kind of automated attack ships from a huge Crest ship that has been taken over by an automaton. -- -- Galory, Nikolai and Althea go to the ship to try and see if there are any survivors of an advanced party from Galory's ship that can be saved, and to see if they can destroy the Type 38 automaton in the ship's core. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Dec 16, 1987 -- 1,522 5.52
Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama -- Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 -- Having attended Mihama Academy for about a year, Yuuji Kazami has seemingly found his place within the school, but he suddenly decides to pursue a promotion in CIRS. After consulting JB about his intentions, they both thoroughly examine Yuuji's documents and dissect the events of his upbringing to determine if the job is fit for him. -- -- Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the two, the girls of Mihama uncover some torn documents in Yuuji's room. After restoring the papers, they discover the story that has formed—or perhaps broken—Yuuji into the man he is today. However, what was thought to be history has haunted him to the present, and the chains of the past begin to drag him back into the darkness... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Apr 12, 2015 -- 184,573 7.90
Gundam Build Fighters Try -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Gundam Build Fighters Try Gundam Build Fighters Try -- The story of Gundam Build Fighters Try is set 7 years after the end of the 1st series. Now Seiho Academy's Gunpla Battle Club has only one member, Hoshino Fumina, who is a third grade student in junior high. As the president of the club, she needs two more members to participate in the upcoming All-Japan Gunpla Battle Championships. One day she encounters a transfer student named Kamiki Sekai, who has traveled around for Kenpo training with his master. Then joining by a young Gunpla builder Kousaka Yuuma, their challenge to the Gunpla Battle begins.... -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 35,859 7.26
Gungrave -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Drama Sci-Fi Seinen Super Power -- Gungrave Gungrave -- Brandon Heat and Harry MacDowel, two friends so close they could be called brothers, receive an abrupt and violent reminder one fateful day of how appallingly merciless the world around them can be. Their whole lives before then were simple and easygoing, consisting largely of local brawls, seducing women, and committing petty theft to make a living and pass the time. What they failed to realize is that in this cruel world, happiness is fleeting, and change is inevitable. -- -- Enter Millennion, the largest and most infamous mafia syndicate in the area, which accepts Brandon and Harry into their ranks and starts them at the bottom of the food chain. Harry has ambitions to ascend the ranks and one day replace Big Daddy as the supreme leader of Millennion, while Brandon only wishes to support his friend and appease Big Daddy who has taken custody of the woman Brandon loves. -- -- Based off the third-person shooter video game under the same name, Gungrave is an epic story of friendship, betrayal, and avarice that spans the course of several years, ultimately tying back to the gripping and foreboding first episode, all the while building up to the story's thrilling conclusion. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- TV - Oct 7, 2003 -- 157,169 7.86
Gunparade Orchestra -- -- Brain's Base -- 24 eps -- Game -- Drama Mecha Military Romance Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Gunparade Orchestra Gunparade Orchestra -- The story focuses and revolves around the 108th Guard Squad, stationed in Aomori. A poorly equipped unit with very little military standing, it is often viewed as a 'reject camp' for pilots not making the grade for the elite units based in Hokkaido. The apparent helpless nature of this force is hardly a deterrent for the encroaching enemy armies, ever closing in on both the 108th and the rest of the empire. The young pilots of the 108th, who had dreamed on returning home, are plunged forcefully and unwillingly into a war. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 4, 2005 -- 4,093 5.89
.hack//G.U. Trilogy -- -- CyberConnect2 -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//G.U. Trilogy .hack//G.U. Trilogy -- Based on the CyberConnect2 HIT GAME, now will be released in a CG Movie! -- -- The Movie will be placed in the storyline of each .hack//G.U. games trilogy. The story follows Haseo, a player in the online MMORPG called The World:R2 at first depicted as a PKK (Player Killer Killer) known as the "Terror of Death", a former member of the disbanded Twilight Brigade guild. Haseo encounters Azure Kite (believing him to be Tri-Edge and blaming him for what happened to Shino) but is hopelessly outmatched. Azure Kite easily defeats Haseo and Data Drains him, reducing his level from 133 to 1 and leaving him without any items, weapons, or member addresses. He is left with a mystery on his hands as to the nature of the Data Drain and why Azure Kite is in possession of such a skill. -- -- Eventually Haseo gains the "Avatar" of Skeith. Acquiring the ability to call Skeith and wield his abilities, such as Data Drain. With Skeith as his strength, Haseo begins the quest for a way to save Shino. -- -- He is seen seeking out a PK (Player Killer) known as Tri-Edge, whose victims supposedly are unable to return to The World after he PKs them. Haseo's friend, Shino, was attacked six months prior to the events of the game by Tri-Edge, and the player herself, Shino Nanao, was left in a coma. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Movie - Mar 25, 2008 -- 29,585 7.13
Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) -- -- DLE -- 11 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Sci-Fi -- Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) -- The story centers around Nyarlko, a formless Cthulhu deity who can take on the shape of anyone it wishes, but particularly the shape of a seemingly ordinary silver-haired girl. Mahiro Yasaka is a normal high school student who is chased by aliens one night, until "Nyarlko" saves him. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Dec 11, 2010 -- 25,399 6.25
Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre -- -- TMS Entertainment -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Martial Arts Shounen -- Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre -- Third part of the Baki series. -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 11,668 N/ASenjuushi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi Senjuushi -- Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the "Absolute Royal" are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 11,661 4.92
Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- -- Manglobe -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Harem Parody Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You Hayate no Gotoku! Can't Take My Eyes Off You -- Taking place one month after the events that occurred in the movie Heaven is a Place on Earth. Living at the Sanzenin Mansion once again, Nagi returns to her old ways of life, until she receives word from American authorities informing her that she has a week to pick up her late father's belongings that was indefinitely delayed due to various circumstances. After receiving news of her father whom she doesn't remember, Nagi then meets a mysterious girl (with a hidden agenda) claiming to be Nagi's little sister. -- -- The series tells a new story that is original to the anime and not directly based on the manga. The main author of the original series Kenjiro Hata personally created the original concept for the story of this anime. -- -- (Source: Hayate no Gotoku! Wikia) -- 47,602 7.04
Hetalia Axis Powers -- -- Studio Deen -- 52 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Historical Parody -- Hetalia Axis Powers Hetalia Axis Powers -- What if nations were people? What traits would they have? What would this mean for historical events? -- -- Hetalia Axis Powers takes these questions and runs with them, personifying countries into characters. The show takes a comedic and light approach to politics and historical events while educating the viewer. -- -- Taking place primarily during the events of World War I and World War II, the story focuses on the Axis Powers and occasionally throws the spotlight onto the tumultuous relationship between the Allied Forces. The Axis Powers feature the titular character North Italy, who is clumsy, carefree and loves pasta; Germany, who is very serious but easily flustered; and Japan, who is stoic but has bizarre interests. -- -- Based on Hidekaz Himaruya's widely popular webcomic turned print manga, Hetalia Axis Powers is a historical comedy that pokes lightly at culture, examines the relationships between nations and breathes fun into history. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- ONA - Jan 24, 2009 -- 227,002 7.36
Hidan no Aria: Butei ga Kitarite Onsen Kenshuu -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Comedy Romance -- Hidan no Aria: Butei ga Kitarite Onsen Kenshuu Hidan no Aria: Butei ga Kitarite Onsen Kenshuu -- The story takes place in Tokyo Butei High School, a special school where armed detectives—"Butei"—are trained to use weapons. Kinji Tooyama is a second-year-student who has a special ability, but he keeps it a secret to maintain an ordinary, peaceful life; however, when he gets caught in a bombing on the way to school, he encounters H. Aria Kanzaki, the most powerful S-Rank Butei student in Assault Studies. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Dec 21, 2011 -- 50,491 6.80
Hikaru no Go: Sabaki no Ikkyoku! Inishie no Hana yo Sake!! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Hikaru no Go: Sabaki no Ikkyoku! Inishie no Hana yo Sake!! Hikaru no Go: Sabaki no Ikkyoku! Inishie no Hana yo Sake!! -- Alternate version of the story featured in episode 64 of Hikaru no Go. -- OVA - ??? ??, 2002 -- 6,123 7.39
Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Other -- Comedy Game -- Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls -- The story of the anime will revolve around Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and Mega Drive, who have just enrolled in SeHaGaga Academy at Tokyo's Haneda Ōtorii station. They are given an assignment needed to graduate by a suspicious teacher, and to clear this assignment, the girls need to enter the world of Sega games. The girls must try their best to graduate without incident. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 10,631 6.51
Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Martial Arts -- Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten no Haoh -- In the wastelands following the great nuclear war, a legend grew of a man. “Hokuto No Ken.” The Fist of the North Star. Master of a legendary fighting technique. A man of impossible strength and endurance. Yet before Ken claimed the title of the Fist, there was another master, trained in the art of Hokuto Shinken, the King of the Fist, the Divine Fist of Heaven. Raoh: the ultimate assassin, the ultimate warrior. This is the story of the world before Fist of the North Star, and how one man took the future of a savage world into his deadly hands and reshaped its destiny. Not as a hero but as a conqueror. For in the mind of the man called Raoh, the only way to save Mankind is to grind it under his giant heel! The greatest battle is about to begin in Legends of the Dark King ~ Fist of the North Star! -- -- (Source: Sentai Filmworks) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 3, 2008 -- 10,521 7.13
Holy Knight -- -- Lilix -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Ecchi Fantasy Supernatural School Vampire Seinen -- Holy Knight Holy Knight -- The story centers around a timid orphan named Mizumura Shinta who goes to a missionary school in Tokyo. His seemingly normal life changes when a beautiful half-human Romanian girl named Lilith suddenly transfers into his school. Mizumura discovers that he is actually a vampire hunter and the successor of the Romuald lineage. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- OVA - Mar 21, 2012 -- 37,509 6.01
Honto ni Atta! Reibai Sensei -- -- DLE -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Honto ni Atta! Reibai Sensei Honto ni Atta! Reibai Sensei -- The story revolves around Kibayashi, a teacher whose hobby is speaking with the dead and whose special talent is exorcism. She seems to know everything about the other world, yet nothing about our own. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Apr 13, 2011 -- 6,951 6.54
Hotaru no Haka -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Historical -- Hotaru no Haka Hotaru no Haka -- As World War II reaches its conclusion in 1945, Japan faces widespread destruction in the form of American bombings, devastating city after city. Hotaru no Haka, also known as Grave of the Fireflies, is the story of Seita and his sister Setsuko, two Japanese children whose lives are ravaged by the brutal war. They have lost their mother, their father, their home, and the prospect of a bright future—all tragic consequences of the war. -- -- Now orphaned and homeless, Seita and Setsuko have no choice but to drift across the countryside, beset by starvation and disease. Met with the apathy of adults along the way, they find that desperate circumstances can turn even the kindest of people cruel yet their youthful hope shines brightly in the face of unrelenting hardship, preventing the siblings from swiftly succumbing to an inevitable fate. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Central Park Media, Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Apr 16, 1988 -- 463,942 8.50
Hunter x Hunter -- -- Nippon Animation -- 62 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- Hunter x Hunter Hunter x Hunter -- Hunters are specialized in a wide variety of fields, ranging from treasure hunting to cooking. They have access to otherwise unavailable funds and information that allow them to pursue their dreams and interests. However, being a hunter is a special privilege, only attained by taking a deadly exam with an extremely low success rate. -- -- Gon Freecss, a 12-year-old boy with the hope of finding his missing father, sets out on a quest to take the Hunter Exam. Along the way, he picks up three companions who also aim to take the dangerous test: the revenge-seeking Kurapika, aspiring doctor Leorio Paladiknight, and a mischievous child the same age as Gon, Killua Zoldyck. -- -- Hunter x Hunter is a classic shounen that follows the story of four aspiring hunters as they embark on a perilous adventure, fighting for their dreams while defying the odds. -- -- 436,333 8.41
Hunter x Hunter -- -- Nippon Animation -- 62 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- Hunter x Hunter Hunter x Hunter -- Hunters are specialized in a wide variety of fields, ranging from treasure hunting to cooking. They have access to otherwise unavailable funds and information that allow them to pursue their dreams and interests. However, being a hunter is a special privilege, only attained by taking a deadly exam with an extremely low success rate. -- -- Gon Freecss, a 12-year-old boy with the hope of finding his missing father, sets out on a quest to take the Hunter Exam. Along the way, he picks up three companions who also aim to take the dangerous test: the revenge-seeking Kurapika, aspiring doctor Leorio Paladiknight, and a mischievous child the same age as Gon, Killua Zoldyck. -- -- Hunter x Hunter is a classic shounen that follows the story of four aspiring hunters as they embark on a perilous adventure, fighting for their dreams while defying the odds. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 436,333 8.41
Ibara no Ou -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Thriller Mystery Sci-Fi -- Ibara no Ou Ibara no Ou -- "Medusa," a deadly virus becomes a worldwide epidemic. In order to escape from this deadly virus, a handful of people are chosen to be put into a cold sleep, laying in a capsule hoping for the future cure. Kasumi, a teenage girl is one of the 160 chosen for this procedure, and is guided to a Cold Sleep Capsule Center (CSCC) inside an ancient castle. Understanding that it is hardly possible, Kasumi goes to sleep still anticipating for a reunion with her twin sister Shizuku, who also is infected with the virus. As Kasumi and the others awake, they notice that the CSCC is not as they remembered. Just like the story of "Sleeping Beauty," the castle is covered with thorn, and the awaken are attacked by unknown creatures and monsters! How long were they asleep? Where did the monsters come from? What has happened to the world? -- -- Abandoned in the midst of an enigma, the escapade of the seven survivors begins... -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 9, 2009 -- 61,137 6.99
Ice -- -- PPM -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai -- Ice Ice -- By A.D. 2010, all men have died off quickly due to a dramatic change in the environment and an unknown contaminant. The population decreased to the lowest number ever seen...until only the women were left alive. -- -- They live huddled in small corners of a world mostly reclaimed by nature. -- There are those who accept their inevitable extinction and live a carefree life... -- There are those who try to continue on the race with the help of science... -- It is a society of constant conflict over their differences of principles and policies. -- -- The story takes place in the center of Tokyo. It is one of the places left for them. The conflict over the specimen of "ICE" and the chance it may provide to save humanity begins. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - May 25, 2007 -- 7,566 5.34
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée The Animation -- -- Satelight -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Historical Seinen -- Ikoku Meiro no Croisée The Animation Ikoku Meiro no Croisée The Animation -- The story takes place in the second half of the 19th century, as Japanese culture gains popularity in the West. A young Japanese girl, Yune, accompanies a French traveler, Oscar, on his journey back to France, and offers to help at the family's ironwork shop in Paris. Oscar's nephew and shop-owner Claude reluctantly accepts to take care of Yune, and we learn how those two, who have so little in common, get to understand each other and live together in the Paris of the 1800s. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 52,278 7.43
Inferno Cop -- -- Trigger -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Police -- Inferno Cop Inferno Cop -- Jack Knife Edge Town is as edgy as it sounds, and it's up to Inferno Cop to stop that edge from tearing his city apart. He's both law and outlaw, dispensing ungodly justice to evildoers like a candy machine. Lowlifes, gangsters, and even hellspawn all infest Inferno Cop's hunting ground, but that's the good news. The bad news? Prior to the story, his family was brutally murdered by Southern Cross, a shady organization that made the worst mistake imaginable by doing so. Now, Inferno Cop's limiters have been removed and his mercy rung more dry than the entrails of his victims. -- -- Something is welling up in Inferno Cop's city, however, and soon he'll face the most daunting gauntlet of his life involving him literally falling into and escaping from Hell. A flaming head won't be enough to ward off the true evil that's rapidly approaching—Inferno Cop must call upon all his allies and his own wacky antics to conquer the trials that await him. -- -- ONA - Dec 25, 2012 -- 86,755 7.28
Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Music -- Adventure Drama Music Sci-Fi -- Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem Interstella5555: The 5tory of The 5ecret 5tar 5ystem -- This music video is the visual realization of "Discovery", an album by Daft Punk. It tells the story of a band of four extraterrestrial musicians who are kidnapped and brought back to Earth by an evil manager. Their only hopes lie with a space pilot from their home planet who, after receiving a distress call broadcasted during the abduction, seeks out to rescue them. -- Music - Dec 1, 2003 -- 59,669 8.14
Iria: Zeiram The Animation -- -- Ashi Production -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Space Sci-Fi -- Iria: Zeiram The Animation Iria: Zeiram The Animation -- Iria is the story of a girl and the Alien being she loves to hate. The series begins with her brother, Gren, taking a job. He is a bounty hunter, and one well known for his incredible skill. Iria, being a skilled apprentice bounty hunter herself, tags along. What is the job, one might ask. It is to find out what has happened to the crew and cargo of a Space Station. Needless to say, nothing is as it seems, and the war between Iria and Zeiram begins in earnest. -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Discotek Media, Media Blasters -- OVA - Jun 23, 1994 -- 19,182 7.06
Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Fantasy -- Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi Je Bul Chal-ssi Iyagi -- An unprecedented media show is on air at a TV broadcasting studio. The show is asking people whether a spider that drove an assemblyman crazy should be publicly executed or not. The spider in question is Je Bul-chal(meaning 'my mistake'), a hardworking young individual who became 'an ear cleaner' because of a precious memory he holds concerning his sister. In order to take a poll about his execution, the story of how Mr. Sorry became a spider is gradually revealed. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Movie - Mar 12, 2009 -- 471 5.81
Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance -- Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi -- A youth romantic drama with themes of growing up, the story focuses on college student Tsuneo and dreamer Josee, who lives her life stuck in a wheelchair. Josee—named after the heroine in Françoise Sagan's Wonderful Clouds—spends most of her days reading and painting until by chance she encounters Tsuneo, and decides it's time to face the real world. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - Dec 25, 2020 -- 66,606 7.98
Junjou Romantica 2 -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Junjou Romantica 2 Junjou Romantica 2 -- The second part of Junjou Romantica continuing the story. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Oct 12, 2008 -- 151,839 7.82
Junjou Romantica 2 -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Junjou Romantica 2 Junjou Romantica 2 -- The second part of Junjou Romantica continuing the story. -- TV - Oct 12, 2008 -- 151,839 7.82
Junjou Romantica -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Ai -- Junjou Romantica Junjou Romantica -- Misaki Takahashi is a regular high school student who is preparing for his university entrance exams. In order to reduce the stress of studying, or so he hopes, he accepts the help of his older brother's best friend, and famous author, Akihiko Usami. However, Masaki is about to find out that Usami's books are of a very naughty genre, and that there may be something naughty waking up inside Masaki as well. -- -- Junjou Romantica also follows the story of two other couples loosely connected to Masaki and Usami's "Romantica." -- -- Egoist shows the very passionate, but often complicated, relationship between university professor Hiroki Kamijou (whose life has reached an all time low) and paediatrician Nowaki Kusama, who falls for Hiroki at first sight and would do anything to make him happy. -- -- The third story, "Terrorist," shows just how obsessive love can become when rich eighteen-year-old Shinobu Takatsuki finally discovers something that he cannot have so easily—the literature professor You Miyagi. -- -- There is passion abound as these three couples try to achieve their goals in life while also falling into temptation and anguish with their partners. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Apr 11, 2008 -- 211,072 7.62
Kakuchou Shoujo-kei Trinary -- -- feel. -- 34 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi -- Kakuchou Shoujo-kei Trinary Kakuchou Shoujo-kei Trinary -- The story centers on five girls who fight with a special mission in the plane of existence on the other side of the screen. The setting of the story is the metropolitan area of the Japanese capital, after it was beset by a certain abnormality. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Apr 12, 2017 -- 22,763 6.03
Kakurenbo -- -- Yamato Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Kakurenbo Kakurenbo -- Among the high rises of steel pipes, meshed power lines, and faded neon lights, exists a game that children dare to play within the ruins of the old city. -- -- "Otokoyo," a secret game of hide-and-seek, one where all who play wear fox masks and only begins when seven have gathered. But it is no normal game, as all who have played it have gone missing. Many whisper it is the work of demons, but that is just a rumor... or is it? -- -- Kakurenbo follows the story of seven children as they play Otokoyo for the first time and discover why if you play, you never return. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 1, 2004 -- 32,995 6.74
Kakushigoto Movie -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto Movie Kakushigoto Movie -- Compilation movie of the TV series which includes new scenes that were not adapted in the television anime, and different perspectives. -- -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- Movie - Jul 9, 2021 -- 14,440 N/A -- -- Sola Specials -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Slice of Life Supernatural -- Sola Specials Sola Specials -- DVD-exclusive specials. The first takes place between episode 4 and 5 of the main series and and the second is a prologue to the series leading up to the events on the last day before the beginning of episode 1. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Sep 25, 2007 -- 14,440 6.95
Kakushigoto Movie -- -- Ajia-Do -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto Movie Kakushigoto Movie -- Compilation movie of the TV series which includes new scenes that were not adapted in the television anime, and different perspectives. -- -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- Movie - Jul 9, 2021 -- 14,440 N/A -- -- Teekyuu 6 -- -- Millepensee -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Shounen Sports -- Teekyuu 6 Teekyuu 6 -- Sixth season of the Teekyuu series. -- 14,439 6.62
Kakushigoto (TV) -- -- Ajia-Do -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto (TV) Kakushigoto (TV) -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- 214,676 8.01
Kakushigoto (TV) -- -- Ajia-Do -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Kakushigoto (TV) Kakushigoto (TV) -- Kakushi Gotou is a somewhat popular manga artist whose works are known for inappropriate content. Because of this raunchiness, when his daughter Hime was born, he vowed to keep his profession hidden from her, believing that she will be disillusioned if she finds out. -- -- This paranoia-induced belief leads Kakushi into hectic situations. Despite being a single father, he does his best and often resorts to extreme ends just to protect his secret, such as guising as a salaryman every day or holding emergency drills in case Hime somehow finds her way to his workplace. -- -- Kakushigoto tells the story of a father and daughter living side by side, maintaining their peaceful existence as the father attempts to preserve the status quo. However, there is a saying: "there are no secrets that time cannot reveal." In time, Hime must learn the reality behind the things she took for granted as she grew up. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 214,676 8.01
Kamisama Hajimemashita OVA -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shoujo -- Kamisama Hajimemashita OVA Kamisama Hajimemashita OVA -- Two OVA episodes bundled with the 16th volume of the manga. -- -- One of the included episodes is based on the story from the 15th volume, while the other contain an all-new original story. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Aug 20, 2013 -- 93,976 7.99
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: On Television -- -- Sunrise -- 47 eps -- Original -- Comedy Mecha Police Sci-Fi -- Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: On Television Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: On Television -- In the future, advanced robotics has created heavy robots ("labors") for use in a variety of functions: construction, fire-fighting, military, and more. However, though the robots are only machines, their operators are also only human—and humans sometimes turn to crime. Since a heavy labor unit can be a dangerous weapon, the police of the future are set to fight fire with fire, using advanced patrol labor units, "patlabors." This is the story of the Second Special Vehicles Division, a motley crew of patlabor policemen and women doing their best to fight crime and live a normal life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Maiden Japan -- TV - Oct 11, 1989 -- 29,118 7.68
Kimi no Iru Machi OVA -- -- Gonzo -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Shounen -- Kimi no Iru Machi OVA Kimi no Iru Machi OVA -- The limited-edition of the 26th manga volume will include an anime adaptation of the popular special flashback chapter "Uchi ga Kita Machi" (The Town Where I Arrived). The story reveals how Haruto, Akari, and Takashi first met during childhood, and serves as a prologue to the TV anime. -- -- The 27th limited-edition manga volume will include a special anime episode produced in full cooperation with Seo Kouji. This OVA will be the animation of the end of the manga. (Volume 27 is the final volume of the long-running series.) -- OVA - Jan 17, 2014 -- 16,696 7.07
Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural Vampire -- Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu-hen -- After helping revive the legendary vampire Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade, Koyomi Araragi has become a vampire himself and her servant. Kiss-shot is certain she can turn him back into a human, but only once regaining her full power. -- -- Araragi has hunted down the three vampire hunters that defeated Kiss-shot and retrieved her limbs to return her to full strength. However, now that Araragi has almost accomplished what he’s been fighting for this whole time, he has to consider if this is what he really wants. Once he revives this powerful immortal vampire, there is no telling what she might do, and there would be no way of stopping her. -- -- But there is more to the story that Araragi doesn’t understand. If a newborn vampire like him could defeat the hunters, how did they overpower Kiss-shot? Can he trust her to turn him back to a human? And how is that even possible in the first place? -- -- Araragi is at his limit but he must come to a decision, and it may not be possible to resolve this situation without doing something he’ll regret… -- -- Movie - Jan 6, 2017 -- 329,409 8.81
K: Missing Kings -- -- GoHands -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Super Power Supernatural -- K: Missing Kings K: Missing Kings -- It's been a year since the disappearance of Shiro, the Silver King; Kurou Yatogami and Neko have been diligent in their search, but to no end. Their investigation leads to a run-in with members of the now disbanded Red Clan HOMRA—Rikio Kamamoto and Anna Kushina—being pursued by the Green Clan, who desire Anna's powers for their own ends. -- -- Now, the members of Scepter 4 are called upon alongside Kurou and Neko in order to rescue Anna, the mascot, and only female member of the ruined Red Clan, from the enemy's clutches and hopefully find Shiro using the young girl's powers. Amidst crisis, the group is forced into a power struggle when the Green Clan threatens to overtake the Gold King's domain. -- -- The second step in the K Project series, K: Missing Kings, continues the story of a young boy caught up in a psychic war between seven kings, and showcases each character's struggles after the losses of their respective Kings. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 12, 2014 -- 212,576 7.69
K: Missing Kings -- -- GoHands -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Super Power Supernatural -- K: Missing Kings K: Missing Kings -- It's been a year since the disappearance of Shiro, the Silver King; Kurou Yatogami and Neko have been diligent in their search, but to no end. Their investigation leads to a run-in with members of the now disbanded Red Clan HOMRA—Rikio Kamamoto and Anna Kushina—being pursued by the Green Clan, who desire Anna's powers for their own ends. -- -- Now, the members of Scepter 4 are called upon alongside Kurou and Neko in order to rescue Anna, the mascot, and only female member of the ruined Red Clan, from the enemy's clutches and hopefully find Shiro using the young girl's powers. Amidst crisis, the group is forced into a power struggle when the Green Clan threatens to overtake the Gold King's domain. -- -- The second step in the K Project series, K: Missing Kings, continues the story of a young boy caught up in a psychic war between seven kings, and showcases each character's struggles after the losses of their respective Kings. -- -- Movie - Jul 12, 2014 -- 212,576 7.69
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Another Mission -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Police Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Another Mission Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Another Mission -- The premise of the story: "Snatch the rebel elements' secret data using the Surface! There is a leak saying that the giant coporation Ishimiya Industry will commit an act of international terrorism, and Motoko Kusanagi and the Armored Riot Police head out to seize the plug data!" -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- A short animation for promoting Microsoft's Surface tablet in Japan. -- Special - Jun 4, 2013 -- 10,203 6.53
Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Police Psychological Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone Koukaku Kidoutai Arise: Ghost in the Shell - Border:4 Ghost Stands Alone -- The story of this fourth installment takes place amidst signs of postwar reconstruction in the winter of 2028. Tensions are rising in New Port City as demonstrations are held concerning the interests of foreign cartels. This leads to a shooting incident involving riot police. It all started with a cyberbrain infection released by the terrorist "Fire Starter." An independent offensive unit led by Motoko Kusanagi entrusts the suppression of the situation to their ghosts and aims for their own justice. Below the surface of the incident, lies the "tin girl" Emma and the "scarecrow man" Burinda Junior. As Kusanagi deals with the incident, she draws near to what those two ghosts were seeking. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 6, 2014 -- 34,776 7.45
Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society - Uchikoma na Hibi -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Comedy Mecha -- Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society - Uchikoma na Hibi Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society - Uchikoma na Hibi -- Uchikomatic Days is a 5 minute short telling the story of the birth of the Uchikomas, the 'ugly duckling' second generation think-tanks that made substandard replacement models for the Tachikomas. The short features a music performance by the A.I. Tough Guy Uchikomas, a group of rising stars that will provide entertainment at the Harima City for Academic Research New Year's Eve Party. -- -- This special feature is available on the Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. Solid State Society DVD. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Jul 24, 2007 -- 11,473 6.95
Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1 -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Drama Mecha Sci-Fi -- Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1 Koukyoushihen Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1 -- It all begins with the story that was left untold—the earth-shattering incident where Renton's father disappeared. With the mysterious pilot Eureka by his side, only Adroc Thurston could undo his own mistake, sparking the event that changed everything and earned him the title of a hero. Now, ten years later, Eureka lies in critical condition as Renton leaves the crew of the Gekko. But when he finds himself in the care of his father's old friends, he has a choice to make. Either stay with the loving family he's always wanted, or earn the love he seeks. -- -- (Source: Funimation Films) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 16, 2017 -- 14,751 6.29
Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Movie 3: Unato Kessen -- -- Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Horror Supernatural Drama Fantasy -- Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Movie 3: Unato Kessen Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Movie 3: Unato Kessen -- The movie is a continuation of the story from the original series that takes place half a year later. The original team joins an alliance to help take back the area around Unato Castle, however things do not go as planned. Will Ikoma and his friends be able to survive, or will they fall to the hordes of Kabane? -- Movie - May 10, 2019 -- 83,132 7.71
Ku Pao Ying Xiong -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 26 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Magic -- Ku Pao Ying Xiong Ku Pao Ying Xiong -- The animation tells the story of Xiao Shuai who has gone into a cool running world by accident and is embroiled in a dispute between parkour colleges. -- 3,303 5.67
Kurage no Shokudou -- -- Zexcs -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Drama -- Kurage no Shokudou Kurage no Shokudou -- In the story, the protagonist Youtarou Misaki finds himself lying on the beach one day. He is picked up by Arashi, who manages a restaurant called Kurage no Shokudou. When asked who he is, the protagonist tells a lie that he lost his memory—but he remembers everything, including the fact that his twin brother died. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Mar 9, 2016 -- 13,156 6.25
Kusoge tte Iuna! Animation -- -- Charaction -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy -- Kusoge tte Iuna! Animation Kusoge tte Iuna! Animation -- The story centers on an RPG that people call "kusoge" ("crap-tier game," referring to games with quirky or badly implemented mechanics and design). The main character Lidays decides to change the game's story, meeting with other characters while the game isn't being played. But as they flub their lines, the situation spirals out of control. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Oct 19, 2020 -- 1,651 5.37
Kuutei Dragons -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Seinen -- Kuutei Dragons Kuutei Dragons -- Dragons, the rulers of the sky. To many people on the surface, they are a dire threat, but at the same time, a valuable source of medicine, oil, and food. There are those who hunt the dragons. They travel the skies in dragon-hunting airships. This is the story of one of those ships, the “Quin Zaza,” and its crew. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- ONA - Jan 9, 2020 -- 31,107 7.02
Kyonyuu Fantasy -- -- Majin -- 2 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem Hentai Demons Supernatural Fantasy -- Kyonyuu Fantasy Kyonyuu Fantasy -- An OVA based on the WAFFLE game. The story follows Ryuuto Hende, a soldier with unbelievable luck who was assigned to the province where a succubus is drying out men to death, and the local "first lady", who happens to be sexually frustrated. The H-parts show mostly a big-breasts theme and mutual love/appreciation. -- OVA - May 25, 2012 -- 22,678 7.37
Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) -- -- Next Media Animation -- 16 eps -- - -- Horror Demons Supernatural Fantasy -- Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) -- Rei Kigata is a first year middle schooler at Ishido Middle School. He is not a believer of any paranormal phenomena such as existence of ghosts or spirits in any kind, but one day at midnight, while he is sleeping, a mysterious newspaper called "Horror News" is delivered to his room. The newspaper tells a story in which one of his teachers at the school will get killed in a car accident the following morning and Kigata will be a witness of the accident. The story turns into a fact in the following day and since then, the mysterious newspaper is delivered everyday. He realizes he is haunted by this newspaper and that his life span would be shortened in 100 days every time he reads it. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll, edited) -- ONA - Apr 28, 2014 -- 1,563 5.66
Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen -- The first part of a two-part movie. The story is a recap of the TV series. -- -- Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing "youmu"—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase. -- -- As the group's bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Mar 14, 2015 -- 124,292 7.72
Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Supernatural Fantasy -- Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen Kyoukai no Kanata Movie 1: I'll Be Here - Kako-hen -- The first part of a two-part movie. The story is a recap of the TV series. -- -- Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing "youmu"—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. One day, while deep in thought on the school roof, Mirai comes across Akihito Kanbara, a rare half-breed of youmu in human form. In a panicked state, she plunges her blood saber into him only to realize that he's an immortal being. From then on, the two form an impromptu friendship that revolves around Mirai constantly trying to kill Akihito, in an effort to boost her own wavering confidence as a Spirit World warrior. Eventually, Akihito also manages to convince her to join the Literary Club, which houses two other powerful Spirit World warriors, Hiroomi and Mitsuki Nase. -- -- As the group's bond strengthens, however, so does the tenacity of the youmu around them. Their misadventures will soon turn into a fight for survival as the inevitable release of the most powerful youmu, Beyond the Boundary, approaches. -- -- Movie - Mar 14, 2015 -- 124,292 7.72
Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- Taking place three years before the TV series, episode zero follows Hiroomi Nase's mission to subdue the infamous half-human, half-youmu Akihito Kanbara. Curious about the mission, Hiroomi's little sister, Mitsuki, tags along with him, and the siblings meet Akihito for the first time. However, they soon discover that they aren't the only ones seeking out Akihito, and thus begins the story of Kyoukai no Kanata. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Jul 2, 2014 -- 100,117 7.66
Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Fantasy Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome Kyoukai no Kanata: Shinonome -- Taking place three years before the TV series, episode zero follows Hiroomi Nase's mission to subdue the infamous half-human, half-youmu Akihito Kanbara. Curious about the mission, Hiroomi's little sister, Mitsuki, tags along with him, and the siblings meet Akihito for the first time. However, they soon discover that they aren't the only ones seeking out Akihito, and thus begins the story of Kyoukai no Kanata. -- -- Special - Jul 2, 2014 -- 100,117 7.66
Lamune -- -- Picture Magic, Trinet Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Drama Romance Slice of Life -- Lamune Lamune -- Lamune tells the story of a boy named Kenji and his childhood friend Nanami. Although, everyone seems to know that they have a relationship, neither are determined to push it anymore than close friends. The story goes through flashbacks, explaining why they are such close friends and any action doesn't seem to push them apart, but draw them closer. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 37,684 6.83
Listeners -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Music Sci-Fi -- Listeners Listeners -- Set in a world where the concept of music ceases to exist. The story begins when a boy encounters Myuu, a mysterious girl who possesses an audio input jack in her body. The two intermingle with the history of rock music and embark on an unforgettable journey. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 51,305 5.37
Little Busters!: Sekai no Saitou wa Ore ga Mamoru! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Little Busters!: Sekai no Saitou wa Ore ga Mamoru! Little Busters!: Sekai no Saitou wa Ore ga Mamoru! -- A special unaired episode of Little Busters! sent to those who bought all 9 BD/DVD volumes of the anime. This episode includes the story about "Mask the Saitou." -- OVA - Aug 28, 2013 -- 25,375 7.37
Liz to Aoi Tori -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Drama Music School -- Liz to Aoi Tori Liz to Aoi Tori -- Liz's days of solitude come to an end when she meets a blue bird in the form of a young girl. Although their relationship blossoms, Liz must make a heart-wrenching decision in order to truly realize her love for Blue Bird. -- -- High school seniors and close friends Mizore Yoroizuka and Nozomi Kasaki are tasked to play the lead instruments in the third movement of Liz and the Blue Bird, a concert band piece inspired by this fairy tale. The introverted and reserved Mizore plays the oboe, representing the kind and gentle Liz. Meanwhile, the radiant and popular Nozomi plays the flute, portraying the cheerful and energetic Blue Bird. -- -- However, as they rehearse, the distance between Mizore and Nozomi seems to grow. Their disjointed duet disappoints the band, and with graduation on the horizon, uncertainty about the future spurs complicated emotions. With little time to improve as their performance draws near, they desperately attempt to connect with their respective characters. But when Mizore and Nozomi consider the story from a brand-new perspective, will the girls find the strength to face harsh realities? -- -- A spin-off film adaptation of the Hibike Euphonium! series, Liz to Aoi Tori dances between the parallels of a charming fairy tale, a moving musical piece, and a delicate high school friendship. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2018 -- 85,893 8.21
Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Other -- Music Slice of Life School -- Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season -- Otonokizaka High School has been saved! Despite having to withdraw from the Love Live!, the efforts of μ's were able to garner enough interest in their school to prevent it from being shut down. What more, following the conclusion of the first, a second Love Live! is announced, this time on an even larger stage than before. Given a chance for redemption, the nine girls come together once more to sing their hearts out and claim victory. -- -- However, with the end of the school year approaching, the graduation of the third years draws near. As they attempt to reach the top of the Love Live!, they must also consider their future and choose what path the group will take. Though the question of whether to continue without the third years or disband weighs heavily on the minds of its members, μ's must quickly come to an answer with graduation right around the corner. -- -- Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season continues the story of the girls as they laugh, cry, sing, and dance in their journey to determine the future of their group and conquer the Love Live! in their last chance to win with all nine girls together. -- -- 210,902 7.79
Luger Code 1951 -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Fantasy Shounen -- Luger Code 1951 Luger Code 1951 -- The story follows a young genius university professor who is able to learn any language. He is asked to decipher a code used in wireless communication: the Luger Code, developed by werewolves, enemies to mankind. Startled to find that he cannot decipher the code and desperate to study it, the professor embarks on a journey to capture a living werewolf to aid him. -- -- (Source: LiveChart) -- ONA - Oct 15, 2016 -- 20,031 6.45
Lupin III: Episode 0 "First Contact" -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Adventure Mystery Comedy Seinen -- Lupin III: Episode 0 "First Contact" Lupin III: Episode 0 "First Contact" -- Jigen tells the story of the gang's first meeting. Jigen, still a member of the Mafia, is hired to protect an ancient artifact - one that Lupin and Fujiko are both trying to steal. Meanwhile, Inspector Zenigata, then of the Japanese police force, has come to the U.S. on Fujiko's trail, and Ishikawa Goemon is searching for the lost treasure of his clan. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Special - Jul 26, 2002 -- 8,391 7.61
Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Ecchi Samurai Seinen -- Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna -- Many people are falling prey to a suspicious new religion. Lupin III infiltrates this group, hoping to steal the treasure their leader keeps hidden. There he lays eyes on the beautiful, bewitching woman who has the leader enthralled. This is the story of how fashionable female thief Fujiko Mine first met Lupin III, the greatest thief of his generation. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Funimation -- 49,227 7.78
Made in Abyss 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Web manga -- Sci-Fi Adventure Mystery Drama Fantasy -- Made in Abyss 2 Made in Abyss 2 -- Directly after the events of Made in Abyss Movie 3: Dawn of the Deep Soul, the third installment of Made in Abyss covers the adventure of Reg, Riko, and Nanachi in the Sixth Layer, The Capital of the Unreturned. -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 87,566 N/AVivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music Thriller -- Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- Nirland—an A.I complex theme park where dreams, hopes, and science intermingle. Created as the first-ever autonomous humanoid A.I, Vivy acts as an A.I cast for the establishment. To fulfill her mission of making everyone happy through songs, she continues to take the stage and perform with all her heart. However, the theme park was still lacking in popularity. -- -- One day, an A.I named Matsumoto appears before Vivy and explains that he has traveled from 100 years into the future, with the mission to correct history with Vivy and prevent the war between A.I and humanity that is set to take place 100 years later. -- -- What sort of future will the encounter of two A.I with different missions redraw? This is the story of A.I destroying A.I. A.I diva Vivy's 100-year journey begins. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 87,209 8.29
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie: Hoshi wo Yobu Shoujo -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie: Hoshi wo Yobu Shoujo Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie: Hoshi wo Yobu Shoujo -- In the story, the seasons have changed and it will soon be the second spring. Tatsuya and Miyuki have finished their first year at First Magic High School and are on their spring break. The two go to their villa on the Ogasawara Island archipelago. After only a small moment of peace a lone young woman named Kokoa appears before them. She has abandoned the Naval base and she tells Tatsuya her one wish. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Jun 17, 2017 -- 139,901 7.47
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie: Hoshi wo Yobu Shoujo -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie: Hoshi wo Yobu Shoujo Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Movie: Hoshi wo Yobu Shoujo -- In the story, the seasons have changed and it will soon be the second spring. Tatsuya and Miyuki have finished their first year at First Magic High School and are on their spring break. The two go to their villa on the Ogasawara Island archipelago. After only a small moment of peace a lone young woman named Kokoa appears before them. She has abandoned the Naval base and she tells Tatsuya her one wish. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jun 17, 2017 -- 139,901 7.47
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Supernatural Magic -- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei: Tsuioku-hen -- Looking at Miyuki and Tatsuya now, it might be hard to imagine them as anything other than loving siblings. But it wasn't always this way.. -- -- Three years ago, Miyuki was always uncomfortable around her older brother. The rest of their family treated him no better than a lowly servant, even though he was the perfect Guardian, watching over Miyuki while she lived a normal middle school life. But what really bothered her was that he never showed any emotions or thoughts of his own. -- -- However, when danger comes calling during a fateful trip to Okinawa, their relationship as brother and sister will change forever… -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 25,203 N/ASakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day -- -- Purple Cow Studio Japan, Studio Rikka -- 4 eps -- - -- Sci-Fi -- Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day Sakasama no Patema: Beginning of the Day -- This is an online distribution of the prologue of the movie, illustrating the first day of the entire story. -- -- A world, forever beyond your expectations. -- -- In a dark, cramped, underground world of endless tunnels and shafts, people wear protective suits and live out their modest yet happy lives. The princess of the underground community, Patema, goes out exploring as always, inspired by her curiosity of the unknown depths of the world. -- -- Her favorite spot is the "danger zone," an area forbidden by the "rule" of the community. Despite being frequently chastised by her caretaker Jii, she cannot hold back her curiosity for the reason behind the rule, because no one would tell her what the "danger" was. When she approaches the hidden "secret," the story begins. -- -- (Source: translation of a synopsis from the nicovideo news) -- Special - Feb 26, 2012 -- 25,203 7.38
Mahou Sensou -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Magic -- Mahou Sensou Mahou Sensou -- The world as we know it is actually just half the story, as Takeshi Nanase finds out abruptly one summer morning. On his way to kendo practice, Takeshi comes across an unconscious girl in a uniform he doesn't recognize. Takeshi does the decent thing and saves her, and in return the girl wakes up and accidentally turns him into a magic-user. -- -- As Takeshi finds out, there is the world he lives in and the world of magic users. Most magic users just want to peacefully coexist with non-magicians, but there are some with bigger ambitions. Mui Aiba is a magician enrolled in the Subaru Magic Academy, where magic users can learn to control and channel their powers and how to live in peace with regular humans. After his fateful encounter with Mui, Takeshi and his newly magician friends Kurumi Isoshima and Kazumi Ida decide to enroll in the Magic Academy as well. -- -- All three friends have different reasons for fighting on, whether they're fighting to escape the past or catch up to the future. They wield different kinds of powers, which they must learn to harness in order to fight off the Ghost Trailers, a group of magicians who are willing to use violence to assert their superiority over humans. -- -- Pursued by the Ghost Trailers, Takeshi and his friends must train to become stronger, face the leader of the Trailers, and prevent the beginning of the Second Great Magic War. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2014 -- 209,000 6.01
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- -- Seven Arcs -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader, loves her family and friends more than anything else. One day, after having a strange dream in which a ferret gets injured, she sees the very same ferret in real life and rescues it. That ferret turns out to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to capture the 21 scattered Jewel Seeds before they cause serious damage to the universe. Yuuno is not powerful enough to capture the Jewel seeds on his own, so he grants Nanoha the intelligent device "Raising Heart" and begins training her as a mage. -- -- Unfortunately, the powerful Jewel Seeds attract those with ill intentions. Another mage, Fate Testarossa, is desperate to collect the seeds for some unknown and sinister purpose, though the solemn look in her eyes makes Nanoha think that there is more to Fate than meets the eye. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st is a retelling of the original series, which tells the story of two young mages and how their strong emotions shape their actions. -- -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 27,907 7.90
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Drama Magic Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari -- The young girls of Mitakihara happily live their lives, occasionally fighting off evil, but otherwise going about their peaceful, everyday routines. However, Homura Akemi feels that something is wrong with this unusually pleasant atmosphere—though the others remain oblivious, she can't help but suspect that there is more to what is going on than meets the eye: someone who should not exist is currently present to join in on their activities. -- -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari follows Homura in her struggle to uncover the painful truth behind the mysterious circumstances, as she selfishly and desperately fights for the sake of her undying love in this despair-ridden conclusion to the story of five magical girls. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 26, 2013 -- 295,580 8.45
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- -- OLM -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Magic Comedy Romance Shoujo -- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach -- There are three known worlds—the human world, the angel world, and the devil world. The evil queen Raindevilla yearns to destroy the angel world with help or her many devil minions. The goddess Aphrodite sends an angel to the human world, Limone, to summon three love angels in the form of three school girls, Momoko Hanasaki, Yuri Tanima, and Hinagiku Tamano, who together become Angel Lilly, Angel Daisy, and Wedding Peach. The three girls must fight to overcome the evils of the devils, as well as their own lives, and restore peace to the angel world by gathering all pieces of the Sacred Four Somethings (or Saint Something Four) and defeat the evil queen once and for all. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 18,769 6.68
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- -- Creators in Pack -- 1 ep -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! Danchigai: Juusan Goutou Sentou Ikitai!! -- Unaired episode of Danchigai included on the Blu-ray/DVD volume. -- Special - Sep 18, 2015 -- 18,734 6.44
Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- -- Studio Kafka -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi Mahoutsukai no Yome: Nishi no Shounen to Seiran no Kishi -- The story takes place shortly before Cartaphilus took a nap and Chise became an auditor at the academy. -- -- Elias and his friends help Chise prepare for the academy, where in the middle of everyday life, Spriggan visits the mansion on a spooky horse with the words, "The appearance of the ghost hunting association is unusual this time." -- -- Gabriel, an ordinary boy who just moved from London, was bored of his environment of parting with friends, being in an unfamiliar location, and everything else. Sitting by the window and glancing beyond, he spotted a purple smoke and decided to chase after it, looking to escape his boredom. Though it should not, the world of the boy begins to converge with the wizards, who live on the other side behind a thick veil. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Sep 10, 2021 -- 18,799 N/A -- -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- -- OLM -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Sci-Fi Shounen -- Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver (2005) -- Sho Fukamachi, a normal teenager accidentally found an alien object called Unit and thus, changed his life forever. The Unit bonded with Sho, resulting in an incredibly powerful life-form called Guyver. With this great power, Sho battles the mysterious Chronos organization and it's Zoanoids, in order to protect his friends and his world. Unknown to Sho, the battle against Chronos will lead to the discovery of the origins of human, their destiny, and the Creators... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 18,791 7.25
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Josei -- Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion, and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 99,261 7.05
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Josei -- Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion, and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 99,261 7.05
Märchen Mädchen -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 10 eps -- Light novel -- Fantasy Magic School -- Märchen Mädchen Märchen Mädchen -- Hazuki Kagimura is a socially awkward girl with no friends; and having been recently adopted, she struggles to connect with her new family as well. Her only refuge from this painful reality is between the pages of stories where her vivid imagination allows her to live out her dreams of friendship and adventure. However, one day, an old and mysterious text appears in her book bag. On her way back to the library to return it, Hazuki sees a familiar girl who is seemingly invisible to everyone but her. Deciding to follow her, Hazuki is led a hidden library where a world she thought only existed in her dreams awaits her. -- -- Märchen Mädchen tells the story of Hazuki's meeting with Shizuka Tsuchimikado, her very first friend, and discovering she has been chosen by the original print of Cinderella to become a powerful mage known as an Origin Master. Hazuki enrolls at Kuzunoha Girl's Magic Academy where she learns to conquer her fears and believe in her ability to create her own amazing story. -- -- 35,608 5.39
Mekakucity Records -- -- - -- 3 eps -- Music -- Music Psychological Sci-Fi -- Mekakucity Records Mekakucity Records -- Mekakucity Records follows Mekakucity Days, and continues to tell the stories of the "Mekakushi-dan" members. -- -- Yobanashi Deceive -- Tonight, again, Shuuya Kano will tell a story. This is the story of a natural born liar, whose red-eye ability grants him the power to deceive, changing his appearance on a whim. But this poor boy no longer remembers his true self. Behind the mask is Kano himself, but this story is surely another lie... right? -- -- Lost Time Memory -- In one's life, there are many choices. Shintarou Kisaragi, haunted by the decisions of his past, locks himself in his room to cope. But still, he has choices. To persevere, he may finally be able to move on. Or will he remain in the past, only to drown in his regrets? No matter his choice, he will be forced to remember. -- -- Ayano no Koufuku Riron -- Ayano Tateyama's family expands when her parents adopt three red-eyed orphans. Sadness clings to these children, but Ayano wants to be the best big sister for them. Donning a red scarf, she shows the beauty of their red eyes and starts a secret club called the Mekakushi-dan. Ayano's family is her bliss, and she will do whatever it takes to protect their happiness. -- -- Music - May 29, 2013 -- 6,662 7.53
Memory (ONA) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Memory (ONA) Memory (ONA) -- Set in a post-apocalyptic world destroyed by nuclear war, it tells the story of a damaged robot found by futuristic soldiers investigating a devastated area. -- -- The humanoid appeared to be household robot, reminiscent of Asimov, and when the soldiers booted it up, they were able to see what was left of videos recorded inside its memory as seen by the robot throughout the years. -- -- In just under seven minutes and with no dialogue, the film poignantly reminds us that all our experiences, the things that we hold dear in our lives, are in constant threat. -- -- (Source: Bouncing Red -- ONA - Apr ??, 2009 -- 2,278 6.21
Michiko to Hatchin -- -- Manglobe -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure -- Michiko to Hatchin Michiko to Hatchin -- Under the unrelenting heat of the South American sun, hardened criminal Michiko Malandro breaks out of a high security prison for the fourth time in search of a man from her past. Michiko finds a clue in the form of Hana Morenos, a young girl trapped under the fists of her abusive foster family. In her powerlessness, Hana fantasizes about the day when she is finally whisked away from her captors by her very own Prince Charming. Little does she know that her fated prince would turn out to be the buxom and husky convict who charges in atop a stolen motorbike, claiming to be her mother. -- -- The unlikely duo chase down their dreams in the sun-drenched land of Diamandra, navigating through the cacophony of betrayal, poverty, and child exploitation rings hiding in plain sight. However, wind of Michiko's manhunt soon reaches the ears of criminal syndicate Monstro Preto, and a storm of gang warfare begins brewing over the horizon… -- -- Michiko to Hatchin is the story of vibrant people and their clashing agendas, and of all the unlikely human connections drawn together by one elusive man. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 16, 2008 -- 153,950 7.85
Midori-ko -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama -- Midori-ko Midori-ko -- One of the must-see gems making its premiere at our festival, Midori-Ko is adored Japanese animator Kurosaka Keita's whimsically nightmarish vision of 21st-century Tokyo on the brink of apocalypse. Ten years in the making and entirely, single-handedly rendered in colored pencil, Kurosaka's fantastical labor of love is a marvel to behold. Emerging from the staggering detail and craft flooding every frame is the story of a young woman who sets out to engineer a dream-food that can put an end to the world's famine. Synthesizing Frederic Back's subtle, haptic textures with Bill Plympton's frenetic mutations and David Lynch's haunting wormholes, Kurosaka’s work still retains its own singular, luminous potency. -- -- (Source: Los Angeles Animation Festival summary) -- Movie - Sep 24, 2011 -- 2,792 6.07
Mieruko-chan -- -- Passione -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural -- Mieruko-chan Mieruko-chan -- Miko is a typical high school student whose life turns upside down when she suddenly starts to see gruesome and hideous monsters. Despite being completely terrified, Miko carries on with her daily life, pretending not to notice the horrors that surround her. She must endure the fear in order to keep herself and her friend Hana out of danger, even if that means coming face to face with the absolute worst. Blending both comedy and horror, Mieruko-chan tells the story of a girl who tries to deal with the paranormal by acting indifferent toward it. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 12,421 N/ABetterman -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Psychological Comedy Mecha Drama Horror Mystery Sci-Fi -- Betterman Betterman -- A deadly virus known as "Algernon" has attacked humanity with vicious meaning. At the forefront of the battle is the mystifying Akamatsu Industries—disguised as a heavy machine factory in Tokyo, this undercover organization uses neural enhanced weapons known as NeuroNoids to battle Algernon. Also helping with their secret efforts is the mysterious mutant who is only known as "Betterman." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 12,269 6.59
Mieruko-chan -- -- Passione -- ? eps -- Manga -- Comedy Horror Supernatural -- Mieruko-chan Mieruko-chan -- Miko is a typical high school student whose life turns upside down when she suddenly starts to see gruesome and hideous monsters. Despite being completely terrified, Miko carries on with her daily life, pretending not to notice the horrors that surround her. She must endure the fear in order to keep herself and her friend Hana out of danger, even if that means coming face to face with the absolute worst. Blending both comedy and horror, Mieruko-chan tells the story of a girl who tries to deal with the paranormal by acting indifferent toward it. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 12,421 N/A -- -- Akira (Shin Anime) -- -- Sunrise -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Sci-Fi Supernatural Seinen -- Akira (Shin Anime) Akira (Shin Anime) -- A new anime adaptation for Otomo's highly acclaimed post-apocalyptic cyberpunk manga series Akira. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 12,362 N/A -- -- Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Episode 0 -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Action Harem Historical Supernatural Drama Samurai Vampire Josei -- Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Episode 0 Hakuouki Hekketsuroku Episode 0 -- Summary of the first season of Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan. Aired the week before the second season began. -- Special - Oct 3, 2010 -- 12,346 7.12
Military! -- -- Creators in Pack -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Ecchi Slice of Life Comedy Military Seinen -- Military! Military! -- The story takes place during a conflict between the Krakozhia Dukedom and the Grania Republic. In the midst of the fighting, a savior appears to the Krakozhia Dukedom, and it is a high school student named Yano Souhei. Two female soldiers, First Lieutenant Ruto and Second Lieutenant Haruka, appear in tanks to intrude on Souhei's everyday life, followed by the enemy soldier Shachirofu, all of whom use firearms without hesitation at his house. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 34,629 5.82
Minami no Shima no Dera-chan -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Minami no Shima no Dera-chan Minami no Shima no Dera-chan -- The story follows Dera after he returns to the southern islands from the Usagiyama Shopping District, and depicts his gentle slapstick daily life with the Prince and Choi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Apr 26, 2014 -- 19,765 6.51
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama Mecha -- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Mobile Suit Gundam 00 -- In the distant future, mankind's dependence on fossil fuels will lead to their complete depletion, an energy crisis unlike anything the world witnessed. Out of retaliation and fear, humanity began focusing at an alternative source of energy: solar power. Different nations have united together to form three major factions—the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations, the Advanced European Union, and the Human Reform League. Each of these sectors has access to a solar power generator, which gives them limitless energy. -- -- As a result, countries that were once dependent on the sale of fossil fuels are now plunged in poverty, leading to years of warfare and internal strife over the control of solar energy. Amid this chaos, an unknown paramilitary organization appeared identifying themselves as "Celestial Being," aspire to end all warfare through armed intervention by using mysterious and technologically advanced Mobile Suits known as Gundams. -- -- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 follows the story of Celestial Being's Gundam Meisters Setsuna F. Seiei, Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Haptism, and Tieria Erde. These four dive into the devastating battle between the three superpowers to accomplish their goal of changing the world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 187,895 8.14
Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO 2: Gravity of the Battlefront -- -- Sunrise -- 3 eps -- - -- Mecha Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO 2: Gravity of the Battlefront Mobile Suit Gundam MS IGLOO 2: Gravity of the Battlefront -- MS igLoo 2 goes back to the first MS igLoo and tells the story of the Federation soldiers side that has to fight against the monstrous Zakus. Each episode tells a story of a different federation soldier that is cursed by a Death God that came down to earth with the Zakus and shows the desperate struggle against mobile suits with only conventional weapons such as tanks and missiles. Each soldier, fueled with revenge, and a Death God looming over their backs, fights against the odds that is the terrible might of a Zaku. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Oct 24, 2008 -- 10,311 6.72
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Special Edition -- -- Sunrise -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Space Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Special Edition Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Special Edition -- Three TV movies complied from Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED series. -- -- 1. The Empty Battlefield (Kokuu no Senjou) -- 2. The Far-Away Dawn (Harukanaru Akatsuki) -- 3. The Rumbling Sky (Meidou no Sora) -- -- Much like the Kidou Senshi Gundam theatrical movies, the Gundam Seed: Special Edition movies are intended to be an override of the story from the TV series. -- -- These episodes are in fact a complete recap of all 50 episodes of the TV series and were first shown on television in Japan. The special edition episodes feature some new scenes and tweaks to previously animated scenes. The first special, The Empty Battlefield, which compiled episodes 1–21 of the series, was aired in two parts on Japanese TV in March 2004, followed by the next special, The Far-Away Dawn, which was episodes 22–40, in July 2004. The final special, The Rumbling Sky, which was episodes 41–50. While the story is overall unchanged, there are a few minor changes. In addition, several scenes are re-animated and re-dubbed. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- Special - Aug 27, 2004 -- 9,467 7.30
Mo Dao Zu Shi 2nd Season -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- 8 eps -- Novel -- Action Mystery Historical Supernatural -- Mo Dao Zu Shi 2nd Season Mo Dao Zu Shi 2nd Season -- Continuing his masquerade as the deranged lunatic from the Lanling Jin Clan, Wei Wuxian resides in the Cloud Recesses while his former cultivation classmate, Lan Wangji, searches for answers about the demonic severed arm they have in custody. With an overwhelming dark energy emanating from the arm, the two are forced to work together in order to keep it contained. However, the demonic arm is not the only dark force lurking in the region, and as spiritual tensions rise in the mountains of the Gusu Lan Clan, it is up to the two of them to try and restore the natural order. -- -- The story of Wei Wuxian's fall from grace continues as more light is shed on his descent into the path of demonic cultivation. The demonic arm only further strains his mischievous spirit. This is the time for him to prove that he has truly broken free from the forbidden path and is not the maniacal sorcerer that everyone remembers him to be. -- -- ONA - Aug 3, 2019 -- 58,081 8.43
Mo Dao Zu Shi 3rd Season -- -- B.CMAY PICTURES -- ? eps -- Novel -- Action Historical Demons Supernatural Drama Magic -- Mo Dao Zu Shi 3rd Season Mo Dao Zu Shi 3rd Season -- Third season of Mo Dao Zu Shi. -- ONA - ??? ??, 2021 -- 18,671 N/A -- -- Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Recaps -- -- Shaft -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Recaps Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Recaps -- Two recaps aired before the first episode of the day at the time Owarimonogatari 2nd Season was airing. -- -- Episode 0.5 (aired before Mayoi Hell) - Owari ni Mukau Monogatari (Heading Towards the End of the Story): Araragi's voice actor Hiroshi Kamiya retells events from Koyomi Vamp, Mayoi Maimai, Shinobu Time, Yotsugi Doll, Koyomi Nothing and Koyomi Dead. -- -- Episode 4.5 (aired before Ougi Dark) - Araragi Koyomi no Monogatari (Araragi Koyomi's Story): Hanekawa's voice actor Yui Horie looks back at Araragi's past year and what happened to him throughout the series. -- Special - Aug 12, 2017 -- 18,660 7.83
Momo e no Tegami -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Supernatural Drama -- Momo e no Tegami Momo e no Tegami -- After the unexpected death of her father, 11-year-old Momo Miyaura leaves Tokyo with her mother and moves to an old remote island in Seto Inland Sea. The only memento she has from her father is an unfinished letter with only two words inside: "Dear Momo"—along with her heart's unrest from it. -- -- In the new and unfamiliar small town, Momo reluctantly tries to adjust to the outmoded wooden buildings, silent crop fields, and mysterious isolated shrines. One day, while exploring the attic of her new home, she finds a worn out picture book about youkai. Following this discovery, strange things begin to happen around town, and Momo is greeted by the arrival of three troublesome youkai. -- -- Momo e no Tegami tells the story of a young girl as she struggles to adapt to her bizarre new life and ultimately come to terms with her father's mysterious letter. -- -- Movie - Apr 21, 2012 -- 65,447 7.62
Monochrome Factor -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Ai Supernatural -- Monochrome Factor Monochrome Factor -- The story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him that they have a destiny together. When Akira hears this, he is shocked and doesn't believe a word of it. Aya, a friend of Akira, forgets something in the school one night, and asks Akira to help her and go find it. He agrees, and while there, he gets attacked by a shadow monster. Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted and that Akira must become a "shin"- a creature of the shadow world- in order to help restore the balance. The anime has shonen-ai themes which are completely absent from the manga. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 8, 2008 -- 53,058 6.97
Mon-Soni! D'Artagnan no Idol Sengen -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 5 eps -- Game -- Action Game Music Fantasy -- Mon-Soni! D'Artagnan no Idol Sengen Mon-Soni! D'Artagnan no Idol Sengen -- When D'Artagnan went to Tokyo for a little fun, she spotted an unforgettable sight: Lucifer singing while basking in moonlight in a park. From that moment, no matter if she was asleep or awake, D'Artagnan's heart would not stop throbbing for some reason. -- -- One day, D'Artagnan sees a concert by the popular idol act Angely Diva at her friend Izumo's invitation. There, she resolved to follow her idol dreams, and the story of song and miracles begins. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Jun 14, 2017 -- 1,940 5.86
Monster Strike Anime: Kieyuku Uchuu-hen -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Game -- Action Game Fantasy -- Monster Strike Anime: Kieyuku Uchuu-hen Monster Strike Anime: Kieyuku Uchuu-hen -- Second Part to Monsuto Anime, it is not animated in full CG like its predecessor. -- -- "When the red moon rises, the apocalypse shall visit the world..." -- -- After many monster battles, Ren and his friends finally set all of the energy points free. But immediately afterward, Nostradamus gave a prophecy warning of a bleak future, enveloping all who heard it in indescribable anxiety. As the gang mulls over the prophecy, Mana is still struggling to understand Miroku's declaration that she holds "the power to change the world." After watching her for some time, Walpurgis tells Mana a truth she had been hiding from her. Meanwhile, Madarame is preparing to announce a new project to the world. What are his plans? And what did Walpurgis tell Mana? Are Ren and his friends headed for the dark future in the prophecy? The story finally reaches its exciting climax! -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- ONA - Oct 7, 2017 -- 3,937 6.39
Moonlight Mile 1st Season: Lift Off -- -- Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Sci-Fi Space -- Moonlight Mile 1st Season: Lift Off Moonlight Mile 1st Season: Lift Off -- After scaling Mt. Everest, mountain climbing partners Saruwatari Gorou and "Lostman" Jack F. Woodbridge see the ISA Space Station, and each vows to make the trek into outerspace. When Helium 3, a new energy source, is discovered on the moon, NASA forms a new project named "Nexus" to harness that energy for use on earth. This is the story of the two and the paths they take to see their dream become a reality in the quest to harness the next-generation energy source. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Funimation -- TV - Mar 4, 2007 -- 9,407 7.17
Mouretsu Pirates -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Space -- Mouretsu Pirates Mouretsu Pirates -- The story centers around a spirited high school girl named Marika. She keeps herself busy with the space yacht club and her part-time job at a high-class retro café. One day, two strangers suddenly appear and claim to be subordinates of her dead father. They demand that she assume command of the space pirate ship Bentenmaru. A privateer ship's compact was made during a war of independence a century ago, and according to that compact, the ship must be inherited by the captain's next direct descendant. Marika finds herself embarking on a new life as a space pirate. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 66,594 7.16
Mouryou no Hako -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural Thriller Seinen -- Mouryou no Hako Mouryou no Hako -- The story follows a series of bizarre murders of schoolgirls who have been dismembered and stuffed into boxes. The private investigator hired by a missing daughter's mother joins forces with an antique book seller and others to unravel the murder spree. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Oct 8, 2008 -- 53,699 7.19
Moyashimon Returns -- -- Shirogumi, Telecom Animation Film -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Supernatural School Seinen -- Moyashimon Returns Moyashimon Returns -- In the second season the story continues exactly where it left off previously. Professor Itsuki's Fermentation Cellar and laboratory is ready for operation and with Sawaki Tadayasu's unique gift to see and communicate with microbes to help, Itsuki's motley group of students begin to process different fermented products like soy sauce and sake. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 22,523 7.22
Mujin Wakusei Survive -- -- Madhouse, Telecom Animation Film -- 52 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Mujin Wakusei Survive Mujin Wakusei Survive -- The story is set in the 22nd century where space travel, planet colonization and anti-gravity basketball are practically everyday things. Planet Earth has become uninhabitable, and therefore people live in colonies on the surrounding planets. On a school field trip, a mistake causes the protagonist, a young transfer student named Luna, her pet robot, and six of her classmates to be thrown through a gravity storm and crash land on a seemingly uninhabited planet. There, with Luna as their leader, the robot cat Chako, the lone wolf Kaoru, the spoiled rich boy Howard, the shy Sharla, the obedient Bell, the prideful musician Menori and the young genius Shingo must fight for their survival. But is the planet really uninhabited, or is there someone or something out there, waiting in the shadows? -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Oct 16, 2003 -- 23,504 7.70
Mushikago no Cagaster -- -- Studio Kai -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Drama -- Mushikago no Cagaster Mushikago no Cagaster -- In a near future, an illness called "Cagaster" made ​​its appearance. It turns humans into insects. The story begins 30 years after the onset of the illness, in 2125. It follows the adventures of Kidou, a boy who fights insects. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Netflix -- ONA - Feb 6, 2020 -- 23,468 6.54
Mushikago no Cagaster -- -- Studio Kai -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Drama -- Mushikago no Cagaster Mushikago no Cagaster -- In a near future, an illness called "Cagaster" made ​​its appearance. It turns humans into insects. The story begins 30 years after the onset of the illness, in 2125. It follows the adventures of Kidou, a boy who fights insects. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Feb 6, 2020 -- 23,468 6.54
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- 235,521 8.72
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 235,521 8.72
Mushi-Uta -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Fantasy -- Mushi-Uta Mushi-Uta -- Mushi-uta's story takes place in the near future. Ten years before the story's opening, strange insect-like creatures known as "Mushi" began appearing. The Mushi are able to consume peoples' dreams and thoughts in return for supernatural powers. At the end of episode one, protagonist Daisuke "Kakkou" Kusuriya encounters a young girl named Shiika Anmoto. The two, in time, become quite close. However, unbeknownst to Kakkou, Shiika is an escapee from a secret prison known as GARDEN where those posessed by the Mushi, known as the Mushitsuki are held. GARDEN's military force, the Special Environmental Conservation Executive Office, dispatches its finest killer to track down Shiika. However, they are faced with resistance from the Mushibane resistance organisation, led by the secretive "Ladybird." -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jul 6, 2007 -- 15,212 6.64
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- -- Studio Bind -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Magic Fantasy -- Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu 2nd Season -- Second half of Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 56,965 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- As Jun Sakurada fights and lives alongside the Rozen Maidens, special lifelike dolls made to battle each other, he enjoys a rare break in which he is told a story during the events of Rozen Maiden: Träumend. -- -- When Jun buys a brooch as a present for Shinku, the fifth doll, she refuses to accept it at any cost. Souseiseki, the fourth doll, then recounts the story of how Shinku and the first doll, Suigintou, first met. This tale tells of the cruel and heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Suigintou's birth, and how the many misunderstandings between her and Shinku shaped their longstanding rivalry fueled by Suigintou's unfettered hate towards Shinku. -- -- The stage is set in Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre in 19th century London as the story delves into the past of these one-time friends and the secrets that they hold. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 23, 2006 -- 55,918 7.73
Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Martial Arts Samurai Shounen -- Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- Legends tell of an invincible martial art known as Mutsu Enmei-Ryu, an unarmed style that allows the user to defeat any number of armed opponents using incredible speed and strength. This is the story of three generations of those who bear the name Mutsu, and their encounters and battles with the strongest fighters of their era. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 21,293 7.58
Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- -- Studio Comet -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Historical Martial Arts Samurai Shounen -- Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki Mutsu Enmei Ryuu Gaiden: Shura no Toki -- Legends tell of an invincible martial art known as Mutsu Enmei-Ryu, an unarmed style that allows the user to defeat any number of armed opponents using incredible speed and strength. This is the story of three generations of those who bear the name Mutsu, and their encounters and battles with the strongest fighters of their era. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 21,293 7.58
Nagi no Asu kara -- -- P.A. Works -- 26 eps -- Original -- Drama Fantasy Romance -- Nagi no Asu kara Nagi no Asu kara -- Long ago, all humans lived beneath the sea. However, some people preferred the surface and abandoned living underwater permanently. As a consequence, they were stripped of their god-given protection called "Ena" which allowed them to breathe underwater. Over time, the rift between the denizens of the sea and of the surface widened, although contact between the two peoples still existed. -- -- Nagi no Asu kara follows the story of Hikari Sakishima and Manaka Mukaido, along with their childhood friends Chisaki Hiradaira and Kaname Isaki, who are forced to leave the sea and attend a school on the surface. There, the group also meets Tsumugu Kihara, a fellow student and fisherman who loves the sea. -- -- Hikari and his friends' lives are bound to change as they have to deal with the deep-seated hatred and discrimination between the people of sea and of the surface, the storms in their personal lives, as well as an impending tempest which may spell doom for all who dwell on the surface. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 482,003 8.06
Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Supernatural Magic Fantasy Shounen -- Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi Nanatsu no Taizai Movie 2: Hikari ni Norowareshi Mono-tachi -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - Jul 2, 2021 -- 19,058 N/A -- -- Yami Shibai 5 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 5 Yami Shibai 5 -- The mysterious masked Storyteller returns to tell more twisted tales of horror. Continuing his particular style of kamishibai inspired storytelling, he now finds that his audience is an eerie crowd of young girls, who eagerly await his devilish stories. -- -- He recounts ghostly legends involving girls of all ages: a housewife who receives a barrage of chilling phone calls; a strange girl whose flower readings are always right; a mother and daughter's ominous meeting with the "crow lady"; and a young girl whose demands from others grow more and more outrageous with each request. Witness once again the Storyteller's haunting and gripping tales, which are sure to leave one with more than just chills... -- -- 19,027 6.30
Nasu: Andalusia no Natsu -- -- Madhouse, Telecom Animation Film -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sports Seinen -- Nasu: Andalusia no Natsu Nasu: Andalusia no Natsu -- Pepe is a Spanish cyclist competing in an multi-stage Iberian cycling race similar to the Tour de France. He is a support rider for one of the teams competing in the race, and his role is to assist the team's top rider in winning the overall race. As the story unfolds, the racers are set to ride through Pepe's home town in Andalusia on the same day as the wedding of his elder brother Angel to his former girlfriend Carmen. Their relationship was a factor in his decision to leave the town to pursue professional cycling, and the wedding is a frustrating reminder that his career hasn't turned out as he would have liked. Now, with the sponsor planning to drop him from the team and his family and friends cheering him on, Pepe abandons his assigned role and strives for glory. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 26, 2003 -- 7,742 7.02
Neko Machi -- -- Toei Video -- 1 ep -- - -- Fantasy Horror -- Neko Machi Neko Machi -- A fantasy world with only cats as far as the eye can see. The awe and fear a person can feel in a world that doesn’t know mankind, the world of Cat City invented by HAGIWARA Sakutaro, is depicted with sense by the art of KANAIDA Etsuko. The commercial editor URAHAMA Shojiro edits the story narrated by the musician and poet MACHIDA Kou with a taste of fantastic for this new Ga-nime. -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Aug 1, 2006 -- 1,190 6.25
Neppuu Kairiku Bushi Road -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Fantasy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Neppuu Kairiku Bushi Road Neppuu Kairiku Bushi Road -- The story takes place in a time when the world is in the pits of despair after being ravaged by a poison called "shinobi" that came to earth via an asteroid. The people run away to the place called "Kairiku," a place that used to be the bottom of the ocean. Here, the people try and protect themselves against the effects of the poison. In such a world, there was a single light of hope. The "Holy Weapon Giga Road" and the legendary warrior "Yagyuu" are needed in order to counter the effects of the poison. In order to save the world, Ame, a princess of a fallen nation, stands up in order to save the world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 31, 2013 -- 42,923 7.21
Night Head 2041 -- -- Shirogumi -- ? eps -- Other -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Night Head 2041 Night Head 2041 -- The story follows the Kirihara brothers who from a young age were incarcerated in a secure scientific facility due to their supernatural powers, having escaped after the barrier that was preventing them malfunctions. The story also follows the Kuroki brothers who are trying to chase the Kirihara brothers. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 5,779 N/ADigital Juice -- -- Studio 4°C -- 6 eps -- - -- Comedy Psychological -- Digital Juice Digital Juice -- A series of short animations that show different worlds and different characters. These episodes are designed to take the viewer into a psychological world of fantasy and mystery. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 25, 2002 -- 5,530 5.59
Ninja Senshi Tobikage -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 43 eps -- Original -- Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Ninja Senshi Tobikage Ninja Senshi Tobikage -- Ninja Senshi Tobikage tells the story of a boy named Joe Maya. One day, Joe, who lives on Mars, witnesses a battle between aliens. Those from Planet Zaboom are attacking the princess of Planet Radorio, she has escaped from the emperor of Zaboom who is scheming to conquer the universe and has crash landed on mars. -- -- Joe stumbles aboard the princesses ship, this starts a chain reaction of events that will alter their lives. Joe and his friends wield three powerful mecha beasts against the emperor of Zaboom and his forces, but the odds are stacked heavily against them. When all hope seems to be lost a mysterious ninja robot named Tobikage appears as if from nowhere to provide assitance, able to combine with the 3 mechanical beasts provides Tobikage with unmatched power, with his aide Joe fights the forces of Zaboom... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Oct 6, 1985 -- 3,504 6.97
Nurarihyon no Mago OVA -- -- Studio Deen -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Demons Shounen Supernatural -- Nurarihyon no Mago OVA Nurarihyon no Mago OVA -- The story begins at about 100 years after the disappearance of Otome Yamabuki, Rihan Nura's first wife. Rihan has finally pulled himself together and his life returns to normal. As the head of the Nura Clan, he's busy working on building a harmonious world for humans and youkais. One day, he sees Setsura being upset so he decides to cheer her up by taking the clan to go enjoy the hot spring where Setsura makes up her mind to tell Rihan that she met Otome once after she left him about 100 years ago. She tells him the message that Otome left for him and the truth is...? -- -- (Source: -- OVA - Dec 4, 2012 -- 21,631 7.72
Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! -- -- Seven -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Ecchi School Shounen -- Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+! -- The story begins with Izumi Hayato running to be student council president. But when a beautiful girl swings in promising the liberalization of love while flinging condoms into the audience, he ends up losing to her and becoming the vice president. At the student council meeting, the newly-elected president invites herself over to Izumi's house, where she promptly announces she is to become Izumi's wife thanks to an agreement—facilitated by alcohol—made between their parents when they were only 3. -- -- (Source: MAL Scanlations) -- 127,006 6.63
Oneechan ga Kita -- -- C2C -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Oneechan ga Kita Oneechan ga Kita -- The story revolves around Tomoya Mizuhara, a 13-year-old boy who suddenly gains a big sister when his father remarries. 17-year-old Ichika is a little strange, and her affection for Tomoya is rather overwhelming, if not scary. On top of things, Ichika's friend Ruri is the ultimate sadist. Then there is Ichika's big-breasted quarter-Japanese friend Marina. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 9, 2014 -- 93,315 6.36
One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island no Bouken -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island no Bouken One Piece: Episode of Luffy - Hand Island no Bouken -- The story of the Hand Island no Bouken special is set a little before the events of One Piece Film Z and depicts a major "Hand Island" incident during the New World storyline. The story is set at "Cannon Town" where a parent and a child work as craftspeople. The incident revolves around them and a commodore of a marine base. The special will also have a flashback scene to the story in the first chapter of the manga, but with new animation. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Dec 15, 2012 -- 39,400 7.65
One Piece: Episode of Merry - Mou Hitori no Nakama no Monogatari -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen Super Power -- One Piece: Episode of Merry - Mou Hitori no Nakama no Monogatari One Piece: Episode of Merry - Mou Hitori no Nakama no Monogatari -- The story arcs aboard the Straw Hat Crew's first ship Going Merry (Merry Go in some adaptations) are recreated with brand-new animation, from Luffy and Usopp's fight and Robin's disappearance to the crew's final farewell to the ship. Going Merry is treated as another member of the Straw Hats as Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and the rest of the crew set sail for the legendary treasure, the One Piece. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Aug 24, 2013 -- 45,328 8.21
One Piece: Oounabara ni Hirake! Dekkai Dekkai Chichi no Yume! -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Shounen Super Power -- One Piece: Oounabara ni Hirake! Dekkai Dekkai Chichi no Yume! One Piece: Oounabara ni Hirake! Dekkai Dekkai Chichi no Yume! -- The story opens on Pirate Zap's ship, where two of his crew, Bonnie and Max, are tired and want to escape, but unfortunately they have no money. Three children were being held captive on the ship overhear them. The eldest, Amanda, who's father was a pro treasure hunter, knows the whereabouts of a great treasure, and offers them a deal. If they help them make a clean escape, they could take all the treasure they wanted. They agree, and the five of them barely escape and make it onto a small island where they meet Luffy and his crew. Unfortunately they were pursued and Luffy and Amanda are captured and brought back to their boss, the head of the Bayan Pirates, who is also after the treasure. Now Luffy and the others must battle the Bayan pirates and find the treasure that Amanda's father had left for his children. Amanda, who has always resented adventure and treasure because her father was constantly gone in search for it, finally understands his feelings. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Apr 6, 2003 -- 25,373 7.28
One Punch Man -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Parody Super Power Supernatural -- One Punch Man One Punch Man -- The seemingly ordinary and unimpressive Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. In order to pursue his childhood dream, he trained relentlessly for three years—and lost all of his hair in the process. Now, Saitama is incredibly powerful, so much so that no enemy is able to defeat him in battle. In fact, all it takes to defeat evildoers with just one punch has led to an unexpected problem—he is no longer able to enjoy the thrill of battling and has become quite bored. -- -- This all changes with the arrival of Genos, a 19-year-old cyborg, who wishes to be Saitama's disciple after seeing what he is capable of. Genos proposes that the two join the Hero Association in order to become certified heroes that will be recognized for their positive contributions to society, and Saitama, shocked that no one knows who he is, quickly agrees. And thus begins the story of One Punch Man, an action-comedy that follows an eccentric individual who longs to fight strong enemies that can hopefully give him the excitement he once felt and just maybe, he'll become popular in the process. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- 2,266,752 8.55
Ookamikakushi -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Ookamikakushi Ookamikakushi -- The story follows Hiroshi Kuzumi, a 16-year-old student who has just moved to the seemingly serene village of Jogamachi. Nestled in the mountains far away from the city, the village is divided by a river that separates old Jogamachi from new Jogamachi. Young Hiroshi soon discovers that the village is ancient as well as mysterious traditions and customs have been kept alive over the ages. Although a bit bewildered by the new environment, Hiroshi begins to settle into his new life. While he has never been the type to win any popularity contests, he quickly earns the affection of his classmates. That is with the exception of aloof class president, Nemuru Kushinada, whose only words to Hiroshi are a warning to stay away from old part of town. It is there that terror and mystery await him. -- 66,933 6.34
Ookamikakushi -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Mystery Horror Supernatural -- Ookamikakushi Ookamikakushi -- The story follows Hiroshi Kuzumi, a 16-year-old student who has just moved to the seemingly serene village of Jogamachi. Nestled in the mountains far away from the city, the village is divided by a river that separates old Jogamachi from new Jogamachi. Young Hiroshi soon discovers that the village is ancient as well as mysterious traditions and customs have been kept alive over the ages. Although a bit bewildered by the new environment, Hiroshi begins to settle into his new life. While he has never been the type to win any popularity contests, he quickly earns the affection of his classmates. That is with the exception of aloof class president, Nemuru Kushinada, whose only words to Hiroshi are a warning to stay away from old part of town. It is there that terror and mystery await him. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 66,933 6.34
Orbital Era -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space -- Orbital Era Orbital Era -- Orbital Era is set in the near-future on a space colony under construction. The film features a coming-of-age action-adventure story following the lives of young boys surviving in this peculiar environment and society as they are tossed around by fate. "The reality found in mankind's future" will be depicted through their perspective. -- -- The story will take place over four seasons in the space colony. The characters relationships will unfold over these seasons. Otomo noted that the film is set in the future, but instead of being rooted in science fiction, the story will skew more toward fantasy. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- Movie - ??? ??, ???? -- 2,451 N/A -- -- Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman -- Tekkaman is just an average bright boy in his everyday life. However, modern science can turn him into a mighty space warrior. This becomes a reality when aggressive aliens come from space to invade our planet. Armed with a space lance, Tekkaman gallantly goes into action against the grotesque space creatures. During his battles he encounters a mysterious young man from another planet who helps him out whenever he is in danger. -- -- (Source: Absoluteanime) -- TV - Jul 2, 1975 -- 2,442 6.19
Oshie to Tabi Suru Otoko -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Psychological -- Oshie to Tabi Suru Otoko Oshie to Tabi Suru Otoko -- The story begins in the early Showa era of the 20th century. A mysterious old man on a train relates the disappearance of his older brother three decades ago, near the 12-story Ryounkaku tower that once stood in the seaside town of Uozu, Japan. The mystery revolves around telescopes, peep shows, and the blurred boundary between reality and dreams. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Movie - Jul 20, 2018 -- 2,253 N/A -- -- Down Load: Namu Amida Butsu wa Ai no Uta -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Psychological Sci-Fi -- Down Load: Namu Amida Butsu wa Ai no Uta Down Load: Namu Amida Butsu wa Ai no Uta -- An exciting cyberpunk romp directed by Rintaro with veteran animator Kanada Yoshinori about a genius hacker and a gang of hot-rodders. -- OVA - Dec 18, 1992 -- 2,149 5.78
Otona Joshi no Anime Time -- -- Bones, Production Reed -- 4 eps -- Novel -- Slice of Life Drama Romance Josei -- Otona Joshi no Anime Time Otona Joshi no Anime Time -- A series of animations based on prize-winning short stories for women. -- -- Kawamo wo Suberu Kaze (January 7, 2011) -- In the story, 33-year-old Kanazawa native Noriko had decided long ago not to accept an ordinary, provincial life for herself. So, she had gone to college in Tokyo, worked on her own, married a man at an elite trading firm, and had a child. She has just returned home from five years abroad with her husband and four-year-old son. However, she senses a large emptiness in her heart since coming back. Moreover, there is a man who shares a big secret with Noriko. -- -- Yuuge (March 10, 2013) -- Mimi, a wife in her late 20s, leaves her family and begins living with a young man. -- -- Jinsei Best 10 (March 17, 2013) -- Hatoko, a business woman, faces her upcoming 40th birthday and reunites with the person with whom she shared her first kiss in middle school, over two decades ago. -- -- Dokoka Dewanai Koko (March 24, 2013) -- A 43-year-old housewife gets a glimpse of a complicated relationship between a mother and a daughter. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 7, 2011 -- 18,169 7.40
Overlord II -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Overlord II Overlord II -- Ainz Ooal Gown, the undead sorcerer formerly known as Momonga, has accepted his place in this new world. Though it bears similarities to his beloved virtual reality game Yggdrasil, it still holds many mysteries which he intends to uncover, by utilizing his power as ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. However, ever since the disastrous brainwashing of one of his subordinates, Ainz has become wary of the impending dangers of the Slane Theocracy, as well as the possible existence of other former Yggdrasil players. Meanwhile, Albedo, Demiurge and the rest of Ainz's loyal guardians set out to prepare for the next step in their campaign: Nazarick's first war… -- -- Overlord II picks up immediately after its prequel, continuing the story of Ainz Ooal Gown, his eclectic army of human-hating guardians, and the many hapless humans affected by the Overlord's arrival. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 686,084 7.77
Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Recaps -- -- Shaft -- 2 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Recaps Owarimonogatari 2nd Season Recaps -- Two recaps aired before the first episode of the day at the time Owarimonogatari 2nd Season was airing. -- -- Episode 0.5 (aired before Mayoi Hell) - Owari ni Mukau Monogatari (Heading Towards the End of the Story): Araragi's voice actor Hiroshi Kamiya retells events from Koyomi Vamp, Mayoi Maimai, Shinobu Time, Yotsugi Doll, Koyomi Nothing and Koyomi Dead. -- -- Episode 4.5 (aired before Ougi Dark) - Araragi Koyomi no Monogatari (Araragi Koyomi's Story): Hanekawa's voice actor Yui Horie looks back at Araragi's past year and what happened to him throughout the series. -- Special - Aug 12, 2017 -- 18,660 7.83
Owari no Seraph: Kyuuketsuki Shahar -- -- Wit Studio -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Military Supernatural Drama Vampire Shounen -- Owari no Seraph: Kyuuketsuki Shahar Owari no Seraph: Kyuuketsuki Shahar -- The story is set before the main story's "Battle in Nagoya" arc. -- -- The Shinoa Squad receives another mission from Guren; to rescue a human girl named Riko from a mysterious vampire, Shahar, and bring her back to her family. However, Ferid and Crowley also appear when they find Shahar. Can Yuuichirou save the girl? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- OVA - May 2, 2016 -- 61,129 7.17
Pandora Hearts -- -- Xebec -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts -- To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed. -- -- Based on the supernatural fantasy manga of the same name, Pandora Hearts tells the story of fifteen-year-old Oz's journey to discover the meaning behind the strange events that have overtaken his life. Assisted by a mysterious Chain named Alice, whose nickname is "Bloodstained Black Rabbit," and members of a clandestine organization known as "Pandora," Oz begins to realize his existence may have more meaning than he could have ever imagined. -- -- 368,756 7.71
Pandora Hearts -- -- Xebec -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts -- To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed. -- -- Based on the supernatural fantasy manga of the same name, Pandora Hearts tells the story of fifteen-year-old Oz's journey to discover the meaning behind the strange events that have overtaken his life. Assisted by a mysterious Chain named Alice, whose nickname is "Bloodstained Black Rabbit," and members of a clandestine organization known as "Pandora," Oz begins to realize his existence may have more meaning than he could have ever imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 368,756 7.71
Pastel Memories -- -- Project No.9 -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure -- Pastel Memories Pastel Memories -- The story takes place in a future Akihabara where otaku culture has declined. Players play as a shopkeeper of an otaku shop. Together with the heroines who are in fact otaku girls, the shopkeeper start helping people claim their lost otaku memories back. -- -- (Source: QooApp) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 16,700 5.11
Phantom in the Twilight -- -- LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Supernatural Vampire -- Phantom in the Twilight Phantom in the Twilight -- Set in modern day London, the story takes place in a world where "Shadows" are born from human fear and anxiety. A young girl arrives to study abroad, only to be caught in a bizarre incident as she enters university. In a city with no acquaintances, the helpless girl wanders into "Café Forbidden," a mysterious café that exclusively opens at midnight. She meets an assortment of handsome men employed at the café, where guardians who protect the boundary between humans and shadow convene. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- 36,678 6.41
Piano no Mori -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Music Comedy Drama School Seinen -- Piano no Mori Piano no Mori -- Piano no Mori tells the story of Shuuhei Amamiya, a transfer student, and Kai Ichinose, a problem child from the rough areas of town. Upon transferring to Moriwaki Elementary and telling the other kids about his talent for piano, Shuuhei quickly finds himself as the victim of bully Daigaku Kanehira. -- -- Daigaku dares Shuuhei to find and play a cursed piano in the forest, which leads him to meet Kai, who claims to be the owner of the piano and the only one who can play it. Intrigued, Shuuhei follows Kai to the hidden piano in the forest and listens to him play a beautiful medley. -- -- Earning the respect of not only Shuuhei but school music teacher Sousuke Ajino as well, Kai now finds himself formally learning how to play the piano. -- -- Movie - Jul 21, 2007 -- 55,993 7.66
Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito -- -- David Production -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Drama -- Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito -- An adaptation of the visual-novel by Key, Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito combines the story of the original work with an expansion that extends the narrative with content from the Hoshi no Hito light-novel sequel. -- -- In the future after much of the world has been devastated by nuclear and biological warfare, a young scavenger or "Junker" exploring a quarantined and abandoned city comes across a service robot still faithfully awaiting customers in the rooftop planetarium of a department store. Against his pragmatic instincts he helps the robot repair the planetarium's projector: a decision which will change both their fates. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Sep 3, 2016 -- 36,608 7.85
Platinum End -- -- Signal.MD -- ? eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Platinum End Platinum End -- After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of his middle school graduation. Mirai, however, is saved by a pure white girl named Nasse who introduces herself as a guardian angel wishing to give him happiness—by granting him supernatural powers and a chance to become the new God. -- -- In order to earn the position, he must defeat 12 other "God Candidates" within 999 days. Soon, Mirai begins a struggle to survive as a terrifying battle royale erupts between himself and the candidates looking to obtain the most power in the world. -- -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 27,914 N/A -- -- Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. -- -- Production I.G -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural -- Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san. -- The great detective Akutabe has an assistant, Rinko Sakuma, who is trying to learn to summon demons. This is the story of her misadventure when she actually manages to summon 2 demons unexpectedly. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Feb 23, 2010 -- 27,675 7.60
Platinum End -- -- Signal.MD -- ? eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Platinum End Platinum End -- After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of his middle school graduation. Mirai, however, is saved by a pure white girl named Nasse who introduces herself as a guardian angel wishing to give him happiness—by granting him supernatural powers and a chance to become the new God. -- -- In order to earn the position, he must defeat 12 other "God Candidates" within 999 days. Soon, Mirai begins a struggle to survive as a terrifying battle royale erupts between himself and the candidates looking to obtain the most power in the world. -- -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 27,914 N/AKimi no Koe wo Todoketai -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama -- Kimi no Koe wo Todoketai Kimi no Koe wo Todoketai -- The story focuses on high school girl Nagisa Yukiai who lives in a seaside town. She has believed her grandmother's story that spirits dwell in words and they are called "kotodama" (word spirit). One day, she strays into a mini FM station that has not been used for years. As an impulse of the moment, she tries to talk like a DJ using the facility. But her voice accidentally broadcasted reaches someone she has never expected. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- Movie - Aug 25, 2017 -- 27,913 7.05
Pokemon Movie 17: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Adventure Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Movie 17: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie Pokemon Movie 17: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie -- The story is set in Diamond Ore Country, of which Diancie is the princess.This is a country located deep underground, where the Pokémon Carbink live together in peace. The energy source of this country is a giant diamond called the Sacred Diamond, which can only be created by princess Diancie. However, the current princess doesn't yet possess the power to create such a diamond, and the current Sacred Diamond's power is soon going to run out, which would result in the end of the country. Diancie meets up with Ash and Pikachu, and set off together with them to search for the legendary Pokemon Xerneas, which possesses sacred power, but on the way, they find the cocoon where the Destruction Pokémon, Yveltal, who was said to have once destroyed life in Kalos, lies in wait. -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Movie - Jul 19, 2014 -- 30,648 6.46
Pokemon Movie 20: Kimi ni Kimeta! -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 20: Kimi ni Kimeta! Pokemon Movie 20: Kimi ni Kimeta! -- The film's plot tells the story of how Satoshi and Pikachu came to know each other. Pikachu was not cooperative toward Satoshi, but Satoshi only wanted to be friends with Pikachu. On the day they set out from Masara Town, both of them saw a Ho-Oh flying and made a vow to someday go and meet it. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Movie - Jul 15, 2017 -- 37,586 7.08
Project Scard: Praeter no Kizu -- -- GoHands -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Super Power -- Project Scard: Praeter no Kizu Project Scard: Praeter no Kizu -- Project Scard depicts the encounters and battles of those who have tattoos which possess the sealed powers of divine beasts and gods. The story is set in the Akatsuki Special Zone, a lawless zone in Tokyo. -- -- "Helios" are those who use the ability of the tattoos to protect the city, "Artemis" are committed to maintain security and control, whilst having a strong commercial motive, and the "Public Security Special Service" are Scard Staff of the metropolitan police department. They live through the turbulent days to keep on going. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 22,414 5.78
Pupa -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Horror Psychological -- Pupa Pupa -- Abandoned by their abusive parents and with only each other to depend on, siblings Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa find themselves led astray by beautiful red butterflies that have appeared in their world. Unbeknownst to them, these crimson winged heralds trumpet the beginning of a cannibalistic nightmare—a mysterious virus known as Pupa is about to hatch. -- -- After succumbing to the full effects of Pupa, Yume undergoes a grotesque metamorphosis into a monstrous creature with an insatiable desire for flesh; Utsutsu, on the other hand, is only partially affected, gaining remarkable regenerative powers instead. Reaffirming the resolve to keep the promise he made to himself years ago, Utsutsu is willing to sacrifice everything in order to always be there for his precious little sister. -- -- Pupa tells the story of a loving brother's desperate struggles to save his sister while protecting the world from her uncontrollable hunger. -- -- 154,549 3.39
Puso Ni Comi -- -- - -- 20 eps -- Web manga -- Action Game Sci-Fi Comedy Parody School -- Puso Ni Comi Puso Ni Comi -- An anime adaptation of Sega's Phantasy Star Online 2 game's official web manga Puso Ni Comi: Phantasy Star Online 2 Comic. The story follows the lax, less than weighty daily life of the ARKS force members. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Jan 8, 2019 -- 997 6.55
Puzzle & Dragon -- -- Studio Pierrot -- ? eps -- Game -- Game Kids -- Puzzle & Dragon Puzzle & Dragon -- The story is set in modern day Japan following the growth of the protagonist Taiga Akashi, an elementary school kid who wants to be a professional gamer someday. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 987 N/A -- -- Möbius Dust -- -- - -- ? eps -- Game -- Action Game Kids -- Möbius Dust Möbius Dust -- On February 29, 2000, the Möbius meteorites fell on Earth. These meteorites brought a new form of matter known as Möbius Dust to Earth. The dust permeated Earth's atmosphere, leading to a miracle. The day the meteorites fell, nicknamed "2.29," accelerated the economic disparity in Japan.
Qiang Niang -- -- Hoods Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military Sci-Fi Slice of Life Space Comedy -- Qiang Niang Qiang Niang -- Qiang Niang mainly tells of the protagonist Carrie, who has lost her combat memories, searching for herself and the story of her final "Awakening". In the years between 2025 to 2030, a world war involving the entire world has resulted in the demise of half the world's population, and humanity has already lost control of the direction the war shall go in. In order to seize ultimate victory, war has gradually been turned into a battle without people, similar to a game. War has already become about Satellite lasers, Bomb drones, Intelligent AI, a battlefield between unmanned gun turrets and tanks... Then, there are also a group of young maidens who uses outdated firearms to engage in battle —— the Gun Girls. -- ONA - Aug 18, 2017 -- 600 N/A -- -- Fuku-chan no Sensuikan -- -- Asahi Production, Shochiku Animation Institute -- 1 ep -- Other -- Military Comedy Historical -- Fuku-chan no Sensuikan Fuku-chan no Sensuikan -- Fuku-chan was one of the most popular newspaper comic strip boy-characters in Japan at the time. The film portrays a submarine attack on an enemy cargo ship. Though this, too, was to boost patriotism, Japanese children particularly enjoyed the scenes in which the kitchen crew cooked in the submarine kitchen. Released in November of the same year, the food shortage was quite serious in Japan, and the abundant food supply in the submarine kitchen -- vegetables, fruit, fish, rice, and more which were already luxury items in Japan at the time -- was prepared into various dishes along with a merry, rhythmic song. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Nov 9, 1944 -- 579 5.03
Queen's Blade: Grimoire -- -- Arms, Asread -- 2 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Ecchi Fantasy -- Queen's Blade: Grimoire Queen's Blade: Grimoire -- The story takes place after the wandering warrior Leina's championship has ended. The royal court's magician Alicia uses black magic and opens a doorway to another dimension. From that door, a rabbit lures Alicia into another dimension called Melfairland. Melfairland is holding a tournament of its own to award out a Queen's Blade, and Alicia enters the tournament in order to find a way to return to her own world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 29, 2016 -- 9,209 6.17
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry -- -- Nexus, SILVER LINK. -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Romance Ecchi Fantasy School -- Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry -- There exist few humans in this world with the ability to manipulate their souls to form powerful weapons. Dubbed "Blazers," these people study and train at the prestigious Hagun Academy to become Mage-Knights; among the students is so-called failure Ikki Kurogane, the sole F-rated Blazer. However, when the worst student in the academy sees Stella Vermillion, an A-ranked Blazer who also happens to be a princess, naked, she challenges him to a duel with dire stakes—the loser becomes the slave of the winner. There’s no possible way that Stella can lose, right? -- -- Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry follows the story of Ikki as he tries to prove his strength to a world that believes him to be the weakest, all the while gaining new friends, wisdom, and experience. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 680,772 7.51
Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- Long ago in the nine provinces of Kyushu, a calamitous event was prophesied to take place: falling comets would exhaust the spiritual energies of both the heavens and the lands and thus bring about an age of chaos upon the world. But contrary to the prophecy, the comets passed by with no calamity taking place. At the same time, as if touched by the phenomenon, a boy was born in a remote village of the Sokei region by the name of Ouriku. -- -- Twelve years later, as the memories of the event have faded from people's minds, the Reikenzan clan—one of the five supreme sects of the nine provinces—decides to hold an examination in order to gather the most talented individuals fit to become disciples and eventually sages. Hearing about this news, Ouriku and his servant Ouchou head toward the site, unaware that the organizer Oubu, despite her elegant appearance, is infamous for being extremely irresponsible and carefree; hence, making the trials in the examination unpredictable. -- -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage follows the story of Ouriku as he journeys through these trials to become a powerful sage. -- -- 79,165 7.10
Ring of Gundam -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space Mecha -- Ring of Gundam Ring of Gundam -- The story of "Ring of Gundam" takes place in a new era long after the events of the first Mobile Suit Gundam series' One-Year War. In this world setting, a giant 600-kilometer-wide ring now floats in lunar orbit. An Earth Federation Forces member named Eiji discovers an object called "Beauty Memory" buried in a high-altitude, massive rockbed on Earth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Aug 29, 2009 -- 4,139 5.24
Robotics;Notes -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Mecha School -- Robotics;Notes Robotics;Notes -- It has always been the aspiration of the Central Tanegashima High School Robotics Research Club to complete the GunPro1, a fully functioning giant robot. For years, the members of the club have contributed to its progress and it is now Akiho Senomiya's goal to finally make the dream of all the past club members become a reality. However, things are not as easy as they seem as the club lacks the funding for such a huge endeavor. Aside from that, the only other club member, Kaito Yashio, shows no interest in assisting his childhood friend and instead indulges in playing mecha-fighting games on his "PokeCom." -- -- As Kaito is in the middle of wasting his days, he receives an indecipherable message and hears a voice that seems to be drowned out by the noise of static. He searches for the source, only to realize that it came from Airi Yukifune, an AI which only exists within the augmented reality system accessible via the PokeCom. Robotic;Notes follows the story of Kaito as he discovers a peculiar report in Airi's database, one that would have disastrous consequences in the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 159,591 7.34
Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- -- Nomad -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre -- As Jun Sakurada fights and lives alongside the Rozen Maidens, special lifelike dolls made to battle each other, he enjoys a rare break in which he is told a story during the events of Rozen Maiden: Träumend. -- -- When Jun buys a brooch as a present for Shinku, the fifth doll, she refuses to accept it at any cost. Souseiseki, the fourth doll, then recounts the story of how Shinku and the first doll, Suigintou, first met. This tale tells of the cruel and heartbreaking circumstances surrounding Suigintou's birth, and how the many misunderstandings between her and Shinku shaped their longstanding rivalry fueled by Suigintou's unfettered hate towards Shinku. -- -- The stage is set in Rozen Maiden: Ouvertüre in 19th century London as the story delves into the past of these one-time friends and the secrets that they hold. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Dec 23, 2006 -- 55,918 7.73
Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- 94,726 7.64
Rumiko Takahashi Anthology -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Romance Shounen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Rumiko Takahashi Anthology Rumiko Takahashi Anthology -- Rumic World TV (2003) consists of thirteen independent series based on short stories from 1987-2000 by Takahashi Rumiko. The episode order is not sorted based on the year the story was written. For example, the first episode "Tragedy of P"'s story was written in 1991 while the last episode "Senmuno inu"'s story was written in 1994. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- TV - Jul 6, 2003 -- 5,869 7.18
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- -- Gallop, Studio Deen -- 94 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Romance Samurai Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- In the final years of the Bakumatsu era lived a legendary assassin known as Hitokiri Battousai. Feared as a merciless killer, he was unmatched throughout the country, but mysteriously disappeared at the peak of the Japanese Revolution. It has been ten peaceful years since then, but the very mention of Battousai still strikes terror into the hearts of war veterans. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, Battousai has abandoned his bloodstained lifestyle in an effort to repent for his sins, now living as Kenshin Himura, a wandering swordsman with a cheerful attitude and a strong will. Vowing never to kill again, Kenshin dedicates himself to protecting the weak. One day, he stumbles across Kaoru Kamiya at her kendo dojo, which is being threatened by an impostor claiming to be Battousai. After receiving help from Kenshin, Kaoru allows him to stay at the dojo, and so the former assassin temporarily ceases his travels. -- -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan tells the story of Kenshin as he strives to save those in need of saving. However, as enemies from both past and present begin to emerge, will the reformed killer be able to uphold his new ideals? -- -- 397,174 8.31
Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- -- Gallop, Studio Deen -- 94 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Historical Romance Samurai Shounen -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan -- In the final years of the Bakumatsu era lived a legendary assassin known as Hitokiri Battousai. Feared as a merciless killer, he was unmatched throughout the country, but mysteriously disappeared at the peak of the Japanese Revolution. It has been ten peaceful years since then, but the very mention of Battousai still strikes terror into the hearts of war veterans. -- -- Unbeknownst to them, Battousai has abandoned his bloodstained lifestyle in an effort to repent for his sins, now living as Kenshin Himura, a wandering swordsman with a cheerful attitude and a strong will. Vowing never to kill again, Kenshin dedicates himself to protecting the weak. One day, he stumbles across Kaoru Kamiya at her kendo dojo, which is being threatened by an impostor claiming to be Battousai. After receiving help from Kenshin, Kaoru allows him to stay at the dojo, and so the former assassin temporarily ceases his travels. -- -- Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan tells the story of Kenshin as he strives to save those in need of saving. However, as enemies from both past and present begin to emerge, will the reformed killer be able to uphold his new ideals? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 397,174 8.31
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (ONA) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen Supernatural -- Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (ONA) Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan (ONA) -- Anime adaptation of the Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan manga by Asou Shuichi, telling the story about a male high school student named Kusuo Saiki. He possesses supernatural powers that cause unfortunate events in his everyday life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Aug 4, 2013 -- 26,080 6.90
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Shounen Super Power Supernatural -- Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa -- A Holy War, from ancient mythology, where the Goddess Athena and Hades have fought against each other while defending the earth repeatedly over the span of 200 years. The story takes place in 18th century Europe, 243 years prior to the original "Saint Seiya" Three small children, Tenma, Alone, and Sasha have all shared a very happy childhood together. Tenma who is quite aggressive but upstanding has moved to Sanctuary to become a saint. It is there that he is reunited with Sasha who is the sister of Alone and learns that she is the reincarnation of Goddess Athena. Alone, who is kind, gentle and loves painting was chosen for the body of enemy King Hades. Tenma eventually becomes a saint of Pegasus and engages in a fierce battle with his best friend Alone, the King of Hades. Pegasus Tenma, King Hades, and the Goddess Athena and through the twist of their 3 fates merge together which unfolds a prologue to the original Saint Seiya. -- -- (Source: TMS Entertaiment) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- OVA - Jun 24, 2009 -- 86,701 7.99
Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Martial Arts Shounen Super Power Supernatural -- Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa -- A Holy War, from ancient mythology, where the Goddess Athena and Hades have fought against each other while defending the earth repeatedly over the span of 200 years. The story takes place in 18th century Europe, 243 years prior to the original "Saint Seiya" Three small children, Tenma, Alone, and Sasha have all shared a very happy childhood together. Tenma who is quite aggressive but upstanding has moved to Sanctuary to become a saint. It is there that he is reunited with Sasha who is the sister of Alone and learns that she is the reincarnation of Goddess Athena. Alone, who is kind, gentle and loves painting was chosen for the body of enemy King Hades. Tenma eventually becomes a saint of Pegasus and engages in a fierce battle with his best friend Alone, the King of Hades. Pegasus Tenma, King Hades, and the Goddess Athena and through the twist of their 3 fates merge together which unfolds a prologue to the original Saint Seiya. -- -- (Source: TMS Entertaiment) -- OVA - Jun 24, 2009 -- 86,701 7.99
Sakura Quest -- -- P.A. Works -- 25 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Sakura Quest Sakura Quest -- Tired of her rural home, recent college graduate Yoshino Koharu is desperate to lead a more exciting life in Tokyo. After a fruitless job hunt, she finally receives a part-time offer as queen of the bizarre "Kingdom of Chupakabura," a rundown mini-attraction in the small agricultural town of Manoyama. However, Yoshino discovers upon her arrival in Manoyama that she was mistaken for a celebrity and the job offer was a mistake. Left with no other options, Yoshino reluctantly agrees to take on the role and aid the Board of Tourism in their efforts to revitalize Manoyama. Determined to bring excitement to the dying town with the help of local residents, the queen enacts a series of projects to highlight the beauty and charm of Manoyama's culture. -- -- Sakura Quest delves into the story of a tight-knit community that is struggling to balance change while also maintaining the rich traditions and bonds which define their identity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 124,144 7.40
School Days ONA -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Romance School Drama -- School Days ONA School Days ONA -- The story is about a love triangle between the male protagonist Makoto, and the two heroines Kotonoha and Sekai. Makoto develops a love interest in Kotonoha, a girl in the same year but different class. Although they both take the same train to school, she is unaware of his existence. His classmate, Sekai, manages to put the two together despite holding strong feelings towards Makoto. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Feb 25, 2005 -- 31,831 5.94
Schwarzesmarken -- -- ixtl, LIDENFILMS -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Historical Drama Mecha -- Schwarzesmarken Schwarzesmarken -- The year is 1983. The Cold War is in full effect, and humanity is under attack. Strange aliens, given the name "BETA," have descended to Earth with the goal of destroying all life. Soldiers have been tasked with piloting large combat suits called Tactical Surface Fighters (TSF) to repel the alien invaders, but the front line is slowly being pushed back towards the surviving cities. -- -- Schwarzesmarken follows the story of Second Lieutenant Theodor Eberbach and the other members of the 666th TSF squadron, a ruthless unit that values a mission's completion over human life. Stationed in East Germany and led by war hero Captain Irisdina Bernhard, the unit specializes in counterassault attacks on laser-class BETA. But the 666th squadron finds itself with more enemies than just the alien forces when optimistic rookie Katia Waldheim joins the squadron, drawing the attention of East Germany's secret police, the Stasi. -- -- 95,096 6.78
Seikai no Danshou: Tanjou -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Military Romance Sci-Fi Space -- Seikai no Danshou: Tanjou Seikai no Danshou: Tanjou -- This is the story about how Dubus, Lafiel's father, and Plakia after an adventure on a mysterious, abandoned spaceship decided to have a daughter together and why Dubus gave her the name Lafiel. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- Special - Aug 25, 2000 -- 7,622 7.13
Seikai no Monshou -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Romance -- Seikai no Monshou Seikai no Monshou -- In the distant future, humanity is under attack by the Abh Empire, a race of advanced humanoid beings possessing vastly superior technology. As countless worlds fall to the Abh, mankind establishes the Four Nations Alliance—a resistance faction made up of the United Mankind, the Republic of Greater Alcont, the Federation of Hania, and the People's Sovereign of Union Planets. -- -- Seikai no Monshou tells the story of Jinto Linn. When he was young, his father—the president of Martine—sold their world in exchange for a high position in the empire. Now a young count, Jinto must learn the ways of Abh nobility and live among those who subjugated his people. Helping him is Lafiel Abriel, an austere Abh princess whom Jinto quickly befriends. While traveling to Jinto's new school in the Abh homeland, their ship is caught in a violent space battle between the fleets of the Alliance and the Abh. Jinto and Abriel are thrust into the conflict, unaware that this skirmish marks the beginning of a full-scale war between the Abh Empire and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- TV - Jan 3, 1999 -- 43,547 7.69
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- 244,980 6.88
Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy Harem Romance School Supernatural -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break Seiken Tsukai no World Break -- Seiken Tsukai no World Break takes place at Akane Private Academy where students who possess memories of their previous lives are being trained to use Ancestral Arts so that they can serve as defenders against monsters, called Metaphysicals, who randomly attack. Known as saviors, the students are broken up into two categories: the kurogane who are able to use their prana to summon offensive weapons and the kuroma who are able to use magic. -- -- The story begins six months prior to the major climax of the series during the opening ceremonies on the first day of the school year. After the ceremony is over, the main character, Moroha Haimura, meets a girl named Satsuki Ranjou who reveals that she was Moroha's little sister in a past life where Moroha was a heroic prince capable of slaying entire armies with his sword skills. Soon afterwards he meets another girl, Shizuno Urushibara, who eventually reveals that she also knew Moroha in an entirely different past life where he was a dark lord capable of using destructive magic but saved her from a life of slavery. Can those whose minds live in both the present and the past truly reach a bright future? Delve into the complex world of Seiken Tsukai no World Break to find out! -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 244,980 6.88
Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Comedy Supernatural School -- Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- The story revolves around Maya, the daughter of the former Headmaster of Waldstein Academy, and a time traveling agent Fumiaki Uchida. In the year 2012, the world had been invaded by aliens and time travelers were sent back to the year 1999 in order to find and destroy the Nostradamus Key, which Nostradamus Prophecy foretold as what would bring about the apocalypse. The series then turns to the year 1999, where Maya returns to the Academy with the intention of destroying the Academy by superseding her late father's position as the principal. Her plan was interrupted when she meets Fumiaki and learns of the forthcoming destruction. Despite being distrusting towards Fumiaki, they form a pact to look for the Nostradamus Key. -- -- In order to find the Nostradamus Key, time agents were provided with specially created cell phones. When a user finds an object of interest, by thinking of destroying it and taking a photo, and if the resulting image is that of a peaceful world, then the subject is the Nostradamus Key. Conversely, if the subject is not the Nostradamus Key, then the photo displays destruction. By using the phone, Maya and Fumiaki investigates occult occurrences as they occur in the town. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 91,327 7.07
Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Historical Martial Arts Samurai Super Power -- Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party -- The story of the film is set after the conflict instigated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi ended, but not before the Battle of Sekigahara determines who shall be the Shogun of Japan. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jun 4, 2011 -- 25,992 7.61
Senjuushi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi Senjuushi -- Despair War is a battle between ancient guns and contemporary guns. Due to a nuclear war, the world was destroyed. Under the full governance of a world empire, people are living with their freedom taken. Despite the forbidden rule of owning any weapons, there is a resistance that secretly fights against the world empire. They own ancient guns left as art and fight using these. Then, the Kijuushi appear as the souls of the ancient guns. Proud and magnificent, the "Absolute Royal" are the only ones that can give hope to this world. The story depicts the everyday life of the Kijuushi. Laughter, despair, happiness, confusion, pain; they would still pursue their own absolute loyalty to fight. What do they fight for? What should they protect? -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 11,661 4.92
Senjuushi: Kijuushi-tachi no Happy Birthday! -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Military -- Senjuushi: Kijuushi-tachi no Happy Birthday! Senjuushi: Kijuushi-tachi no Happy Birthday! -- The story will be about the characters celebrating their master's birthday, which happens after the sixth episode. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- OVA - Mar 6, 2019 -- 998 N/A -- -- AWOL -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Space Military Sci-Fi -- AWOL AWOL -- Cyress is a peaceful place. People are going about their lives. Two lovers embrace, a family throws a birthday party for their child, a group of people party at a local restaurant. But suddenly, their surroundings explode into smoke and flame. A group of terrorists has snuck through the planetary defenses and has begun an assault. Defenseless, there is little the people of Cyress can do. As the military scrambles to discover what happened, the terrorists manage to hijack seven PDP missiles, which are capable of destroying an entire planet. These terrorists, who call themselves "Solomon" can now hold entire planets hostage! They must not be stopped. -- -- (Source: Themanime) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- 990 5.58
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi -- -- Studio Ghibli -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Supernatural Drama -- Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi -- Stubborn, spoiled, and naïve, 10-year-old Chihiro Ogino is less than pleased when she and her parents discover an abandoned amusement park on the way to their new house. Cautiously venturing inside, she realizes that there is more to this place than meets the eye, as strange things begin to happen once dusk falls. Ghostly apparitions and food that turns her parents into pigs are just the start—Chihiro has unwittingly crossed over into the spirit world. Now trapped, she must summon the courage to live and work amongst spirits, with the help of the enigmatic Haku and the cast of unique characters she meets along the way. -- -- Vivid and intriguing, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi tells the story of Chihiro's journey through an unfamiliar world as she strives to save her parents and return home. -- -- -- Licensor: -- GKIDS, Walt Disney Studios -- Movie - Jul 20, 2001 -- 1,324,076 8.82
Shadows House -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Supernatural Seinen -- Shadows House Shadows House -- Faceless shadow nobles living in a vast mansion, attended by living dolls who spend much of their time cleaning up the soot endlessly emitted by their mysterious masters. -- -- Follow the story of Emilco, a young and cheerful living doll, as she learns her duties serving as the attendant for Kate Shadow-sama. -- -- (Source: MU) -- 57,877 7.49
Shadows House -- -- CloverWorks -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Supernatural Seinen -- Shadows House Shadows House -- Faceless shadow nobles living in a vast mansion, attended by living dolls who spend much of their time cleaning up the soot endlessly emitted by their mysterious masters. -- -- Follow the story of Emilco, a young and cheerful living doll, as she learns her duties serving as the attendant for Kate Shadow-sama. -- -- (Source: MU) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 57,877 7.49
Shaman King Specials -- -- Nippon Animation, Xebec -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Shounen -- Shaman King Specials Shaman King Specials -- Throughout the broadcast of Shaman King, many shorts (usually referred to as Shaman King omake and TV specials) were made on special days of the year related to spirits and the like. The omake were short stories that were made for humorous effect. Apparently, all of the omake fit into the story before the Shaman Fight 2nd round. Documents of the Shaman Fight was shown with a New Year's omake as well. The TV Specials were aired after specific points of the story as well as on holidays. The specials were never dubbed in English, and, most likely, never will be. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Jan 2, 2002 -- 17,874 7.29
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Music Romance School Shounen -- Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso -- Music accompanies the path of the human metronome, the prodigious pianist Kousei Arima. But after the passing of his mother, Saki Arima, Kousei falls into a downward spiral, rendering him unable to hear the sound of his own piano. -- -- Two years later, Kousei still avoids the piano, leaving behind his admirers and rivals, and lives a colorless life alongside his friends Tsubaki Sawabe and Ryouta Watari. However, everything changes when he meets a beautiful violinist, Kaori Miyazono, who stirs up his world and sets him on a journey to face music again. -- -- Based on the manga series of the same name, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso approaches the story of Kousei's recovery as he discovers that music is more than playing each note perfectly, and a single melody can bring in the fresh spring air of April. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,553,386 8.72
Shikabane Hime: Aka -- -- feel., Gainax -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Supernatural Shounen -- Shikabane Hime: Aka Shikabane Hime: Aka -- After being brutally murdered along with her family, Makina Hoshimura turns into a Shikabane Hime, a living corpse contracted to the Kougon Cult, in order to exert revenge on the mysterious undead organization responsible for her death. She is assisted in this task by Keisei Tagami, her contracted priest and former friend. This series follows the story of Keisei's younger brother Ouri, a boy with an unusual attraction to death, who slowly discovers his brother's secret and gets dragged into the world of the Shikabanes. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Oct 2, 2008 -- 107,026 7.23
Shikabane Hime: Aka -- -- feel., Gainax -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Supernatural Shounen -- Shikabane Hime: Aka Shikabane Hime: Aka -- After being brutally murdered along with her family, Makina Hoshimura turns into a Shikabane Hime, a living corpse contracted to the Kougon Cult, in order to exert revenge on the mysterious undead organization responsible for her death. She is assisted in this task by Keisei Tagami, her contracted priest and former friend. This series follows the story of Keisei's younger brother Ouri, a boy with an unusual attraction to death, who slowly discovers his brother's secret and gets dragged into the world of the Shikabanes. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia, edited) -- TV - Oct 2, 2008 -- 107,026 7.23
Shikabane Hime: Kuro – Soredemo, Hito to Shite -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Horror Supernatural Drama -- Shikabane Hime: Kuro – Soredemo, Hito to Shite Shikabane Hime: Kuro – Soredemo, Hito to Shite -- This special follows the story of how Isaki Shuuji and Ruo Minai became Contracted Priest and Shikabane Hime. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Aug 5, 2009 -- 13,647 6.99
Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Action Adventure Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis -- Thousands of years ago, the ancient dragon Bahamut wrought havoc upon the land of Mistarcia, a world where both gods and demons live amongst mankind. Working together to prevent the world's destruction, the rival deities barely managed to seal Bahamut, agreeing to split the key between them so that the dragon would remain eternally imprisoned. -- -- With the world safe from the destruction of Bahamut, it is business as usual for bounty hunters like Favaro Leone. Living a laid-back, self-serving lifestyle, the amoral Favaro goes about his work while on the run from fellow bounty hunter Kaisar Lidfard, a righteous man who swears vengeance upon Favaro. However, Favaro's carefree life is thrown into chaos when he meets Amira, a mysterious woman who holds half of the key to the world's fragile peace. -- -- Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis tells the story of a group of unlikely heroes who find themselves caught in the middle of an epic clash between gods and demons, forced to carve their own path in the face of the imminent storm. -- -- 339,162 7.66
Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Action Adventure Demons Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis -- Thousands of years ago, the ancient dragon Bahamut wrought havoc upon the land of Mistarcia, a world where both gods and demons live amongst mankind. Working together to prevent the world's destruction, the rival deities barely managed to seal Bahamut, agreeing to split the key between them so that the dragon would remain eternally imprisoned. -- -- With the world safe from the destruction of Bahamut, it is business as usual for bounty hunters like Favaro Leone. Living a laid-back, self-serving lifestyle, the amoral Favaro goes about his work while on the run from fellow bounty hunter Kaisar Lidfard, a righteous man who swears vengeance upon Favaro. However, Favaro's carefree life is thrown into chaos when he meets Amira, a mysterious woman who holds half of the key to the world's fragile peace. -- -- Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis tells the story of a group of unlikely heroes who find themselves caught in the middle of an epic clash between gods and demons, forced to carve their own path in the face of the imminent storm. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 339,162 7.66
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Military Mystery Super Power Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 -- Second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season. -- TV - Jan ??, 2022 -- 161,248 N/A -- -- Robotics;Notes -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Mecha School -- Robotics;Notes Robotics;Notes -- It has always been the aspiration of the Central Tanegashima High School Robotics Research Club to complete the GunPro1, a fully functioning giant robot. For years, the members of the club have contributed to its progress and it is now Akiho Senomiya's goal to finally make the dream of all the past club members become a reality. However, things are not as easy as they seem as the club lacks the funding for such a huge endeavor. Aside from that, the only other club member, Kaito Yashio, shows no interest in assisting his childhood friend and instead indulges in playing mecha-fighting games on his "PokeCom." -- -- As Kaito is in the middle of wasting his days, he receives an indecipherable message and hears a voice that seems to be drowned out by the noise of static. He searches for the source, only to realize that it came from Airi Yukifune, an AI which only exists within the augmented reality system accessible via the PokeCom. Robotic;Notes follows the story of Kaito as he discovers a peculiar report in Airi's database, one that would have disastrous consequences in the future. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 159,591 7.34
Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Drama Fantasy Music Romance School -- Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S -- The new series will again focus on Corticarte, but it will tie into Ichiro Sakaki and Noboru Kannatsuki's Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica crimson S light novel adaptation, which are set during the Academy years of the storyline. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- TV - Apr 5, 2009 -- 22,526 7.18
Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama OVA vs. Genius 10 -- -- M.S.C, Production I.G -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Sports Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama OVA vs. Genius 10 Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama OVA vs. Genius 10 -- This OVA series is a continuation of The New Prince of Tennis series from 2012, still set in the U-17 High School Representatives Selection Camp. The story follows the matches played when the First Strings return from their tour. -- OVA - Oct 29, 2014 -- 13,470 7.62
Shion no Ou -- -- Studio Deen -- 22 eps -- Manga -- Drama Game Mystery Thriller -- Shion no Ou Shion no Ou -- Shion no Ou follows the story of Yasuoka Shion, a 13-year-old Shougi player with a past of tragedy. Shion's parents were brutally murdered in front of her when she was 5 years old. The murderer sat down with her and challenged her to a game of Shougi, after telling her that if she wanted to stay alive she should forget how to speak, and forget what happened that night. -- -- Now Shion has entered the realm of female pro Kishi, mute but strong. As her playing gathers more and more attention, so do the questions about her past and the brutal murder she witnessed. Shion's memories slowly come back, and the mystery begins to unravel, thread by thread. -- TV - Oct 14, 2007 -- 28,400 7.55
Shishou Series -- -- Pierrot Plus -- ? eps -- Novel -- Horror Supernatural School Seinen -- Shishou Series Shishou Series -- The story of the original novels revolves around a protagonist who experiences various spiritual encounters due to his upperclassman at his college's club, the "master teacher" in the series title that has spiritual sensitivity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,354 N/A -- -- Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou -- -- Science SARU -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Demons Horror Supernatural -- Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou Devilman: Crybaby - Digest Eizou -- A short web recap of the Devilman: Crybaby series, posted on Aniplex's official YouTube channel. -- ONA - Mar 24, 2018 -- 6,211 5.93
Shishou Series -- -- Pierrot Plus -- ? eps -- Novel -- Horror Supernatural School Seinen -- Shishou Series Shishou Series -- The story of the original novels revolves around a protagonist who experiences various spiritual encounters due to his upperclassman at his college's club, the "master teacher" in the series title that has spiritual sensitivity. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 6,354 N/A -- -- Mouryou no Hako: Chuuzenji Atsuko no Jikenbo - Hako no Yurei no Koto -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Mystery Seinen Supernatural Thriller -- Mouryou no Hako: Chuuzenji Atsuko no Jikenbo - Hako no Yurei no Koto Mouryou no Hako: Chuuzenji Atsuko no Jikenbo - Hako no Yurei no Koto -- A side story that reveals the investigative notes that Atsuko, the younger sister of the main character Akihiko Chuzenji, wrote about the brutal dismembering incidents in the main story. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - May 22, 2009 -- 6,339 6.65
Shi Xiong -- -- L²Studio -- 41 eps -- Web manga -- Action Comedy Horror -- Shi Xiong Shi Xiong -- Protagonist XiaoFei used to be an ordinary guy from H city. After the spring water was contaminated with a virus, however, he unexpectedly encountered an unprecedented crisis. The people living in H City became zombies one by one, devouring each other, and gradually evolving. Can XiaoFei escape from H city and meet up with his girlfriend Wei? The story now begins... -- -- (Source: The Faiien Scans) -- ONA - Nov 24, 2014 -- 2,521 6.64
Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Kyokuseiryou no Erina -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Shounen -- Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Kyokuseiryou no Erina Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Kyokuseiryou no Erina -- Bundled with the 29th volume of the Shokugeki no Souma manga. It tells the story of what happened to Erina after she ran away from her father. -- OVA - May 2, 2018 -- 59,441 7.47
Shonan Junai Gumi! -- -- J.C.Staff, Life Work -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy School -- Shonan Junai Gumi! Shonan Junai Gumi! -- Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma are members of infamous biker duo, the Oni Baku. When not out riding around, they can be found in school, trying to pick up young women. This is the story of the young Onizuka, who would later become the greatest teacher in Japan, and his partner Ryuji in their quest to lose their virginity and reach maturity. -- -- They are widely feared bosozoku, and are known for their tenacity and viciousness in a fight. However, this lifestyle does not exactly endear them to the opposite gender, so they decide to change their ways. However, this is easier said than done. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jan 21, 1994 -- 36,088 7.48
Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- In the year 2200, a new Cold War between two forces is set to end with a peace treaty. However, one side is hiding a dark secret, which results in numerous tragedies in the following months. In the wake of a crisis, a paramilitary team is founded to steal information at the center of the conflict. -- ONA - Mar 30, 2016 -- 553 N/A -- -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- Episodes 10-12 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 542 N/A -- -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- The doujin (self-published) creators of the Koutetsu no Vendetta (Iron Vendetta) military robot anime project released a preview DVD at Tokyo's Comic Market 75 convention. The DVD included the unedited versions of the project's pilot film, special supplemental videos, and a collection of key animation drawings. The running times of the pilot and the supplemental video collection are each under five minutes long. -- -- Note: The project is on hold due to the dissolution of the production division of its sponsor Ankama Japan. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Feb 22, 2013 -- 509 N/A -- -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- -- - -- 32 eps -- - -- Military Historical -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- Squirrel and Hedgehog documents various animal communities warring and in conflict against one another, each animal being a symbolic representation of real life countries and sometimes political events. -- -- A North Korean propaganda anime that was developed and produced in North Korea to be aired on state television. -- TV - ??? ??, 1977 -- 475 N/AAoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Historical Military -- Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- A class of Japanese youths volunteer for the war effort during WWII, but then get stranded in Manchuria. -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 439 N/A -- -- Guan Hai Ce -- -- Tong Ming Xuan -- 16 eps -- Original -- Action Military Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Guan Hai Ce Guan Hai Ce -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - Jun 17, 2018 -- 396 N/A -- -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Historical -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- A special which tells the story of the development of the japanese Sourai interceptor plane. -- Special - ??? ??, 1997 -- 392 N/AZhen Gyi Hong Shi -- -- - -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Zhen Gyi Hong Shi Zhen Gyi Hong Shi -- This series, which is set in the future, is about several events that break out after troops successfully rescued a teenager who was kidnapped by the mysterious Black Armors. -- Ever since Marty had his first contact with the Black Armors and was subsequently rescued, he has been found to possess mysterious prophetic abilities as he is able to see the future in fragmented visions portraying an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm and other catastrophes. These disasters will always come true after Marty experiences the prophetic visions, but he is unable to predict accurately when and where they will occur. -- When the government learns about this, a unit is sent to protect Marty, and World Peacekeepers, abbreviated as WPK, is established to fight against the Black Armors. In order to defeat the Black Armors, the government grants permission for World Peacekeepers to use Ammobots – mechanical armors which have been developed over many years. -- -- After several battles with the Black Armors, the World Peacekeepers realizes that they are actually linked to the unusual natural disasters and discovers that they originate from a small planet called Mirzam, which is outside the solar system. -- -- Their real intention is to seize the abundant ecological resources on Earth and when these resources are seized, the ecosystem will lose its balance, thus leading to natural disasters. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 389 N/A -- -- Spy Gekimetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Historical -- Spy Gekimetsu Spy Gekimetsu -- A war propaganda film which begins with Roosevelt and Churchill in a secret meeting preparing their spy plans. Western spies in fancy suits and top hats parachute into Japan, disturbing innocent farmers. The Japanese civilians manage to thwart the spy activities. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 16, 1942 -- 351 N/A -- -- Malay Oki Kaisen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Military -- Malay Oki Kaisen Malay Oki Kaisen -- A war propaganda film by Oofuji Noburou. -- Movie - Nov 26, 1943 -- 345 5.42
Shuffle! Prologue -- -- Asread -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Fantasy Magic Comedy Harem Romance School Seinen -- Shuffle! Prologue Shuffle! Prologue -- Shuffle! Prologue is a short OVA teaser for the Shuffle! anime series based on the visual novel of the same name. While some of the animation was reused for the first episode of the anime series, most of Shuffle! Prologue is unique animation not repeated in the series, although the story itself is retold. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - May 27, 2005 -- 16,063 6.71
Shukufuku no Campanella -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Fantasy Harem Magic -- Shukufuku no Campanella Shukufuku no Campanella -- The story takes place in a trading city Ert'Aria. Leicester Maycraft is an item engineer belonging to an adventurer guild "Oasis." One night, he is at a party with his friends to see a meteor stream on the rooftop of a chapel. One meteor grazes them and hits the steeple of the chapel. There he finds a secret room and a sleeping girl. The girl wakes up and says "You must be my father!" The encounter with the mysterious girl brings an unexpected adventure to Leicester. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jul 3, 2010 -- 28,216 6.30
Shukufuku no Campanella -- -- AIC -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Adventure Fantasy Harem Magic -- Shukufuku no Campanella Shukufuku no Campanella -- The story takes place in a trading city Ert'Aria. Leicester Maycraft is an item engineer belonging to an adventurer guild "Oasis." One night, he is at a party with his friends to see a meteor stream on the rooftop of a chapel. One meteor grazes them and hits the steeple of the chapel. There he finds a secret room and a sleeping girl. The girl wakes up and says "You must be my father!" The encounter with the mysterious girl brings an unexpected adventure to Leicester. -- TV - Jul 3, 2010 -- 28,216 6.30
Sola -- -- Nomad -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Slice of Life Supernatural -- Sola Sola -- Yorito Morimiya is obsessed with the sky. He especially loves taking pictures of its array of different faces—sunrises, sunsets, clouds. On one of his early-morning excursions to photograph the sunrise, Yorito meets a strange girl engaged in an argument with a vending machine. By the time that Yorito forces the girl's tomato juice out of the machine, she's vanished without a trace. -- -- Sola follows the story of Yorito, his sister Aono, and their childhood friends Mana and Koyori Ishizuki, as well as that of a mysterious girl who appears and disappears, and who seems to harbor a dark secret. In a world where magic and the supernatural are never far below the surface and no one is who they seem to be, love and loneliness vie for supremacy beneath Yorito's sky. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- TV - Apr 7, 2007 -- 91,526 7.21
Sola -- -- Nomad -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Drama Romance Slice of Life Supernatural -- Sola Sola -- Yorito Morimiya is obsessed with the sky. He especially loves taking pictures of its array of different faces—sunrises, sunsets, clouds. On one of his early-morning excursions to photograph the sunrise, Yorito meets a strange girl engaged in an argument with a vending machine. By the time that Yorito forces the girl's tomato juice out of the machine, she's vanished without a trace. -- -- Sola follows the story of Yorito, his sister Aono, and their childhood friends Mana and Koyori Ishizuki, as well as that of a mysterious girl who appears and disappears, and who seems to harbor a dark secret. In a world where magic and the supernatural are never far below the surface and no one is who they seem to be, love and loneliness vie for supremacy beneath Yorito's sky. -- TV - Apr 7, 2007 -- 91,526 7.21
Sora to Umi no Aida -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 12 eps -- Game -- Sci-Fi Adventure Space Fantasy -- Sora to Umi no Aida Sora to Umi no Aida -- In the future in Onomichi, Hiroshima fish disappear from the sea around the world and only whales live in the ocean. The Ministry of Fishery decides to set up giant experimental Universe Fish Tanks in space. The Onomichi Universe Fishery Union is established and begins to train space fishermen. Female fishermen are in demand due to the strengthening of an equal employment law for men and women. Six new female space fishermen are selected, and the story centers on supporting their growth. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 18,259 5.68
Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi Space -- Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo Sora wo Kakeru Shoujo -- The story is set in the year 311 of the Orbital Calendar, when humanity has migrated to countless colony clusters in space. A space colony girl named Akiha Shishidou encounters a malevolent artificial intelligence named Leopard that has been installed on a colony. -- -- Akiha is joined by an Inter-Colony Police officer named Itsuki Kannagi, a taciturn young girl named Honoka Kawai, and a robot named Imoko "Imo-chan" Shishidou. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 6, 2009 -- 22,830 7.00
Soukou Kihei Votoms: The Last Red Shoulder -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Soukou Kihei Votoms: The Last Red Shoulder Soukou Kihei Votoms: The Last Red Shoulder -- Released in 1985, this OVA tells a critical part of the story between the TV show's Uoodo and Kummen arcs. Although the TV series covered the Red Shoulders in some detail, we didn't get to see much of Chirico's time there or the people involved, and we get both of those here. -- -- (Source: -- -- Licensor: -- Maiden Japan -- OVA - Aug 21, 1985 -- 3,300 7.16
Soukou no Strain -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Ecchi Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Soukou no Strain Soukou no Strain -- Eleven-year-old Sara Werec's elder brother, Ralph, was sent to the frontlines of an interstellar war 130 light years away, and Sara vowed to reunite with him one day as a comrade. Five years later, Sara is a student at Grapera Space Armed Soldier Academy, training to become a Reasoner, a pilot of an advanced weapons system called a "Strain." -- -- When the academy is suddenly attacked by enemy forces, Sara enters battle against a Strain that quickly overpowers her. After incapacitating her, the pilot reveals himself to be her Ralph. Killing all the other students and destroying the school, he disappears, leaving Sara to question everything she has ever known. Soukou no Strain is the story of Sara as she reenters training under a new name, now determined to confront her brother and make sense of her brother's actions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Nov 2, 2006 -- 20,207 7.06
Sousei no Aquarion -- -- Production Reed, Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Super Power Supernatural Sci-Fi -- Sousei no Aquarion Sousei no Aquarion -- Once upon a time, a race known as the Shadow Angels attacked Earth to harvest the life force of all those who inhabited the planet. Thanks to some outrageous miracle, the Shadow Angels went dormant, and humanity was able to live another 12,000 years without fearing their presence. But 11 years after a catastrophe dubbed the Holy Genesis brought ruin to the Earth, the Shadow Angels were stirred from their slumber and resumed the attacks once more. -- -- To give humanity somewhat of a chance, an organization known as DEAVA was formed, and use of a robotic weapon named Aquarion has been authorized. In order for the Aquarion to be brought to full power, three pilots must combine their hearts, bodies, and souls into one—a feat few can hope to accomplish. Thus, the search for so-called 'Element Users' was prioritised, hoping to ensure humanity's future. -- -- Sousei no Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot. Will he be able to turn the tides of the war, and free humanity from the threat of the Shadow Angels for once and for all? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 5, 2005 -- 67,664 7.11
Sousei no Aquarion -- -- Production Reed, Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Mecha Romance Super Power Supernatural Sci-Fi -- Sousei no Aquarion Sousei no Aquarion -- Once upon a time, a race known as the Shadow Angels attacked Earth to harvest the life force of all those who inhabited the planet. Thanks to some outrageous miracle, the Shadow Angels went dormant, and humanity was able to live another 12,000 years without fearing their presence. But 11 years after a catastrophe dubbed the Holy Genesis brought ruin to the Earth, the Shadow Angels were stirred from their slumber and resumed the attacks once more. -- -- To give humanity somewhat of a chance, an organization known as DEAVA was formed, and use of a robotic weapon named Aquarion has been authorized. In order for the Aquarion to be brought to full power, three pilots must combine their hearts, bodies, and souls into one—a feat few can hope to accomplish. Thus, the search for so-called 'Element Users' was prioritised, hoping to ensure humanity's future. -- -- Sousei no Aquarion follows the story of Apollo, a near-feral young man brought up in poverty, who is believed to be a legendary hero reincarnated. After his best friend is taken by the Shadow Angels, Apollo chooses to become an Aquarion pilot. Will he be able to turn the tides of the war, and free humanity from the threat of the Shadow Angels for once and for all? -- TV - Apr 5, 2005 -- 67,664 7.11
Sousei no Onmyouji -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Sousei no Onmyouji Sousei no Onmyouji -- Magano, a parallel realm filled with monsters known as "Kegare," is a place where exorcists deal with all impurities. Benio Adashino is a prodigy exorcist who is recognized for her strength and is summoned to Tokyo by the Exorcist Union. On her way, she plummets into the arms of Rokuro Enmadou, a young exorcist with a troubled past. -- -- But the impurities of Magano do not rest. When these two exorcists witness a couple of children stolen by a Kegare, Benio rushes to save them, dragging Rokuro along with her into Magano. Engaged in a fight she is on the verge of being defeated in, Benio is saved by Rokuro, revealing himself capable of being her rival in talent. -- -- Sousei no Onmyouji tells the story of two talented exorcists who are destined to become the "Twin Star Exorcists" and the prophesised parents of the Miko—the reincarnation of Abe no Seimei—who will cleanse the world of all impurities. -- -- 392,859 7.31
Sousei no Onmyouji -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Romance Fantasy Shounen -- Sousei no Onmyouji Sousei no Onmyouji -- Magano, a parallel realm filled with monsters known as "Kegare," is a place where exorcists deal with all impurities. Benio Adashino is a prodigy exorcist who is recognized for her strength and is summoned to Tokyo by the Exorcist Union. On her way, she plummets into the arms of Rokuro Enmadou, a young exorcist with a troubled past. -- -- But the impurities of Magano do not rest. When these two exorcists witness a couple of children stolen by a Kegare, Benio rushes to save them, dragging Rokuro along with her into Magano. Engaged in a fight she is on the verge of being defeated in, Benio is saved by Rokuro, revealing himself capable of being her rival in talent. -- -- Sousei no Onmyouji tells the story of two talented exorcists who are destined to become the "Twin Star Exorcists" and the prophesised parents of the Miko—the reincarnation of Abe no Seimei—who will cleanse the world of all impurities. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll -- 392,859 7.31
Souten Kouro -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical -- Souten Kouro Souten Kouro -- Souten Kouro's story is based loosely on the events taking place in Three Kingdoms period of China during the life of the last Chancellor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao (155 – March 15, 220), who also serves as the main character. -- -- The Three Kingdoms period has been a popular theme in Japanese manga for decades, but Souten Kouro differs greatly from most of the others on several points. One significant difference is its highly positive portrayal of its main character, Cao Cao, who is traditionally the antagonist in not only Japanese manga, but also most novel versions of the Three Kingdoms period, including the original 14th century version, Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong. Another significant difference from others is that the storyline primarily uses the original historical account of the era, Records of Three Kingdoms by Chen Shou, as a reference rather than the aforementioned Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel. By this, the traditional hero of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei, takes on relatively less importance within the story and is portrayed in a less positive light. Yet, several aspects of the story are in fact based on the novel version, including the employment of its original characters such as Diao Chan, as well as anachronistic weapons such as Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade and Zhang Fei's Viper Blade. -- -- A consistent theme throughout the story is Cao Cao's perpetual desire to break China and its people away from its old systems and ways of thinking and initiate a focus on pragmatism over empty ideals. This often puts him at odds with the prevalent customs and notions of Confucianism and those that support them. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Apr 8, 2009 -- 15,970 7.29
Starmyu -- -- C-Station -- 12 eps -- Original -- Music School Slice of Life -- Starmyu Starmyu -- The series tells the story of the five students; Yuuta Hoshitani, Tooru Nayuki, Kaito Tsukigami, Kakeru Tengenji, and Shuu Kuga as they struggle to enter the musical department of Ayanagi Academy, a school focusing on music. They need to be accepted to the Star Frame Class, which is directly taught by the members of Kaou-kai, the most talented from the musical department who stand at the top of the pecking order within the academy. Luckily, they are spotted by Itsuki Ootori, one of Kaou-kai members. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 39,607 6.91
Steins;Gate: Kyoukaimenjou no Missing Link - Divide By Zero -- -- White Fox -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Thriller -- Steins;Gate: Kyoukaimenjou no Missing Link - Divide By Zero Steins;Gate: Kyoukaimenjou no Missing Link - Divide By Zero -- Alternate 23rd episode of Steins;Gate, which leads into the story of Steins;Gate 0. It was included with the Steins;Gate Complete Blu-ray Box. -- Special - Dec 3, 2015 -- 187,582 8.26
Super Seisyun Brothers -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 14 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Josei Slice of Life -- Super Seisyun Brothers Super Seisyun Brothers -- The story involves two pairs of teenage elder sister and younger brother, the Shinmoto's who are a bit narcissistic and the Saitou's who look a bit mysterious. It follows their everyday life in school and at home. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Sep 14, 2013 -- 28,515 6.77
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 14 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Mystery Parody School Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu -- Kyon, your typical high school student, has long given up his belief in the supernatural. However, upon meeting Haruhi Suzumiya, he quickly finds out that it is the supernatural that she is interested in—aliens, time travelers, and espers among other things. When Haruhi laments about the lack of intriguing clubs around school, Kyon inspires Haruhi to form her own club. As a result, the SOS Brigade is formed, a club which specializes in all that is the supernatural. -- -- Much to his chagrin, Kyon, along with the silent bookworm, Yuki Nagato, the shy and timid Mikuru Asahina, and the perpetually smiling Itsuki Koizumi, are recruited as members. The story follows the crazy adventures that these four endure under their whimsical leader, Haruhi. The story is based on the light novels by Nagaru Tanigawa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation, Kadokawa Pictures USA -- 764,911 7.87
Sword Art Online: Extra Edition -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Romance -- Sword Art Online: Extra Edition Sword Art Online: Extra Edition -- The story is set a couple of years after the events of Sword Art Online, where Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya and his sister Suguha meet up with Asuna Yuuki, Rika "Lisbeth" Shinozaki, and Keiko "Silica" Ayano at the SAO Survivor School. Kirito then attends emergency counseling, while the girls go for a swim at the pool. It turns out that said "emergency counseling" is a subterfuge set up by Seijirou Kikuoka, aiming to rehash the incident of Sword Art Online in hopes of determining Akihiko Kayaba's motives. What will the girls get up to in the pool, and what awaits Kirito and his "counseling"? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Dec 31, 2013 -- 252,897 6.59
Sword Art Online: Extra Edition -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Romance -- Sword Art Online: Extra Edition Sword Art Online: Extra Edition -- The story is set a couple of years after the events of Sword Art Online, where Kazuto "Kirito" Kirigaya and his sister Suguha meet up with Asuna Yuuki, Rika "Lisbeth" Shinozaki, and Keiko "Silica" Ayano at the SAO Survivor School. Kirito then attends emergency counseling, while the girls go for a swim at the pool. It turns out that said "emergency counseling" is a subterfuge set up by Seijirou Kikuoka, aiming to rehash the incident of Sword Art Online in hopes of determining Akihiko Kayaba's motives. What will the girls get up to in the pool, and what awaits Kirito and his "counseling"? -- -- Special - Dec 31, 2013 -- 252,897 6.59
Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet: The Third Episode - Pilot-ban -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Game -- Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet: The Third Episode - Pilot-ban Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet: The Third Episode - Pilot-ban -- A special movie said to be inspired by the Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet video game. The story takes place during the Gun Gale Online arc. -- -- Bandai Namco uploaded the short to their official YouTube channel saying it was a pilot version. They are also having an open audition for the female's voice via Twitter. Users can vote for the girls by retweeting their videos (which can either be through Twitter or a link to YouTube). February 8-19 will be the first selection where the top 3 accounts retweeted are chosen. And February 21-22 will be the final selection of girls where the previous 3 accounts along with 1 account chosen by the producer are judged. -- ONA - Feb 8, 2018 -- 10,536 5.76
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/A -- -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- -- Nomad -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Magic Seinen -- Rozen Maiden: Träumend Rozen Maiden: Träumend -- As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada's house. Having settled into his role as Shinku's partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun's home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden. -- -- But Barasuishou is a mystery even to her sisters, none of whom have ever laid eyes on her until now. Shinku considers this a sign that the Alice Game is coming to an end, meaning the dolls will soon be forced to fight one another. Haunted by the upcoming battle and nightmares concerning another doll, Shinku begins distancing herself from the others. If she wishes to claim victory, it will come at a high cost—the lives of her sisters. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- 94,726 7.64
Tai-Ari deshita.: Ojou-sama wa Kakutou Game nante Shinai -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Game Comedy School Seinen Shoujo Ai -- Tai-Ari deshita.: Ojou-sama wa Kakutou Game nante Shinai Tai-Ari deshita.: Ojou-sama wa Kakutou Game nante Shinai -- A hot fighting game played at the girls' school!! -- -- Aya transferred into Kuromi Girls Academy a month ago with the goal of changing herself into a proper lady. After meeting the breathtaking Shirayuri, Aya is blown away by her elegance and posterity. Imagine her surprise when she finds Shirayuri after school playing... a fighting game?! And if that wasn't perplexing enough, she is challenged to a duel by the unladylike Shirayuri! -- -- (Source: MU) -- - - ??? ??, ???? -- 1,330 N/AShin Tennis no Ouji-sama: Hyoutei vs. Rikkai - Game of Future -- -- M.S.C, Studio Kai -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Game Sports School Shounen -- Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama: Hyoutei vs. Rikkai - Game of Future Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama: Hyoutei vs. Rikkai - Game of Future -- The new anime will tell an original story, featuring a match between the Hyoutei Academy Secondary Department led by Keigo Atobe and Rikkai University-Affiliated Middle School led by Seiichi Yukimura. The story was previously not depicted in the manga. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Feb 13, 2021 -- 1,326 N/A -- -- Hortensia Saga -- -- - -- 7 eps -- Game -- Game Fantasy -- Hortensia Saga Hortensia Saga -- Animated commercials for Sega's Hortensia Saga: Aoi no Kishidan mobile game. -- ONA - Mar 26, 2015 -- 1,289 N/A -- -- Fei Ren Xueyuan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Game -- Fei Ren Xueyuan Fei Ren Xueyuan -- The 3-minute animated promotional short for the Chinese MOBA of the same name. -- ONA - Jun 25, 2018 -- 1,278 6.21
Taiyou no Kiba Dagram -- -- Sunrise -- 75 eps -- - -- Mecha Military Drama Sci-Fi Shounen -- Taiyou no Kiba Dagram Taiyou no Kiba Dagram -- The story is centered around a small group of guerilla freedom fighters on a colonial planet named Deployer, who are known as the "Deployer 7", or "Sun Fang" team. In an unexpected coup, the elected Governor of Deployer becomes dictator and rules Deployer under martial law with the support of Earth's Federation. Fighting for independence from Earth's Federation influence, the freedom fighters begin a rebellion against the Federation's Combat Armors using a Combat Armor of their own: the Dougram. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Oct 23, 1981 -- 3,916 7.34
Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen -- -- ufotable -- 3 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Magic Martial Arts Fantasy -- Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen -- The third and final OVA series concluding the story of Tales of Symphonia: The Animation. -- OVA - Nov 23, 2011 -- 21,594 7.46
Tales of the Rays -- -- Wit Studio -- 2 eps -- Game -- Game Fantasy -- Tales of the Rays Tales of the Rays -- Includes an animated promotional/opening video for the iOS/Android game Tales of the Rays and the main promotional video. Bandai Namco announced it was a sequel to Tales of the Rays and streamed the video on their official YouTube channel. -- -- The game and videos star new characters Ickx Neve and Mileena Weiss along with a cast of returning characters from other Tales of games. -- -- In a nontraditional manner, no new game app will be created, rather the current game app will receive a massive update and discontinue the main story line and start anew (several years later in-story) resetting the game play for all users. The story is said to take a darker tone. -- -- The game's production was announced in 2015 and the official launch is expected some time later this year. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Namco Games -- ONA - Feb 17, 2017 -- 4,171 5.98
Tamayura -- -- Hal Film Maker -- 4 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama -- Tamayura Tamayura -- A "healing story" OVA from director Satou Junichi, the director of Aria and Umi Monogatari. The story takes place in Seto Inland Sea and is about a girl who likes taking pictures. -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Sep 6, 2010 -- 36,753 7.15
Tegamibachi: Hikari to Ao no Gensou Yawa -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi: Hikari to Ao no Gensou Yawa Tegamibachi: Hikari to Ao no Gensou Yawa -- The story takes place in the land of Amber Ground, a place of perpetual night only partially illuminated by an artificial sun. Lag Seeing works as a "Letter Bee" (delivery boy) at the "Bee Hive" (a delivery service), with his Dingo, Niche, and her "pet," Steak, traveling with him. He is entrusted with the "hearts" of the everyone in Amber Ground to deliver their packages. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Special - Nov 24, 2008 -- 13,326 7.47
Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Magic Parody Police Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure Tenchi Muyou!: Galaxy Police Mihoshi Space Adventure -- On a sunny day, Mihoshi Kuramitsu decides to take a peaceful nap while everyone else does chores. Sick of Mihoshi's laziness, Aeka Jurai Masaki questions her capability as a Galaxy Police Officer. Her pride wounded, Mihoshi decides to prove that she is a skilled first class detective by telling the story of how she and her partner, Kiyone Makibi, put a stop to a series of thefts involving Ultra Energy Matter. -- -- To make it more fun, Mihoshi inserts Tenchi Masaki and the others into her story. However, her fantastical tale may just demonstrate her lack of a grip on reality rather than showcase her accomplishment as a talented officer. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Mar 25, 1994 -- 8,328 6.81
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- Seventeen-year-old Tenchi Masaki grew up hearing stories about how his ancestor used a sword to seal a demon inside a cave seven hundred years ago. When curiosity gets the better of him, Tenchi goes to the cave and stumbles across the sword from the legend. Thinking that the story is nothing more than a fairy tale, he removes the blade and inadvertently releases the demon, who turns out to be a space pirate named Ryouko Hakubi. Furious about being trapped for so long, she attacks Tenchi, but he is able to repel her with the sword, awakening his inner power. After seeing this, Ryouko takes an interest in her unlikely savior and decides to crash at his place. -- -- As if it were a chain reaction, more alien women—Aeka Jurai Masaki, an uptight princess from the planet Jurai; Sasami, Aeka's sweet younger sister; Mihoshi Kuramitsu, a ditzy Galactic Police Officer; and Washuu Hakubi, a wisecracking genius—gradually come in contact with Tenchi and begin living with him. Through his encounters with these five women, Tenchi begins to learn more about his ancestry, newfound power, and the looming threat lurking beyond the skies. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- OVA - Sep 25, 1992 -- 42,835 7.65
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki -- Seventeen-year-old Tenchi Masaki grew up hearing stories about how his ancestor used a sword to seal a demon inside a cave seven hundred years ago. When curiosity gets the better of him, Tenchi goes to the cave and stumbles across the sword from the legend. Thinking that the story is nothing more than a fairy tale, he removes the blade and inadvertently releases the demon, who turns out to be a space pirate named Ryouko Hakubi. Furious about being trapped for so long, she attacks Tenchi, but he is able to repel her with the sword, awakening his inner power. After seeing this, Ryouko takes an interest in her unlikely savior and decides to crash at his place. -- -- As if it were a chain reaction, more alien women—Aeka Jurai Masaki, an uptight princess from the planet Jurai; Sasami, Aeka's sweet younger sister; Mihoshi Kuramitsu, a ditzy Galactic Police Officer; and Washuu Hakubi, a wisecracking genius—gradually come in contact with Tenchi and begin living with him. Through his encounters with these five women, Tenchi begins to learn more about his ancestry, newfound power, and the looming threat lurking beyond the skies. -- -- OVA - Sep 25, 1992 -- 42,835 7.65
Tentoumushi no Otomurai -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Music Dementia -- Tentoumushi no Otomurai Tentoumushi no Otomurai -- The story of the animation begins from a girl, named Eiko, mistakenly killing two ladybirds. From this incident, the girl's guilt swells up to create an illusion of seeing a button of her blouse as ladybirds, and fears for a feeling towards an existence of numerous selves in some other places. Being submerged in such continuous wave of guilt and fear, she keeps sewing hundreds of buttons to inside of her skirt. -- -- (Source: Official Website) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2006 -- 517 5.24
Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi -- -- WAO World -- 12 eps -- Book -- Sci-Fi Adventure -- Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi Time Travel Shoujo: Mari Waka to 8-nin no Kagakusha-tachi -- Time Travel Shoujo is based on a 1983 book titled Jishaku to Denki no Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari by Japanese educator Kiyonobu Itakura. It is part of the Hatsumei Hakken Monogatari Zenshuu series which describes the story of various scientific discoveries and inventions throughout history. The 1983 book focuses on discoveries related to magnetism and electricity. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 14,667 6.51
Timing -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Psychological Horror -- Timing Timing -- The Japanese-Korean horror movie should have been released in 2012, but the project got canceled after Korean investors could not be determined. A six-minute promotional video is what's left of it of this attempted co-production. -- -- Timing holds the story of four characters with abilities related with time, fighting to stop the tragedies occurring in a high school. -- -- (Source: Hancinema) -- ONA - Oct ??, 2010 -- 784 5.34
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S -- Mikoto Misaka and her friends are back, investigating rumors across Academy City. Soon, Mikoto discovers something terrifying: horrific experiments are taking place throughout the city, involving the murder of thousands of espers. Moreover, these espers are far from just ordinary people: they are clones of Mikoto herself. Feeling responsible for their treatment, she sets off to put an end to the experiments; however, the forces opposing her are much more dangerous than she anticipated, and Mikoto finds herself up against some of the most powerful espers imaginable. -- -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S continues the story of the Railgun as she desperately fights to put an end to the inhuman experiments that she believes she helped cause, her life dragged deep into despair in the process. There's never a dull moment in Academy City, but no one ever said all of them would be pleasant. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 307,479 8.05
Toaru Majutsu no Index II -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Magic Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Majutsu no Index II Toaru Majutsu no Index II -- As tensions between the world of magic and Academy City continues to rise, Touma Kamijou and his hand of negation must face off against both esper and magician in order to protect the lives of those around him. Of course, he is not alone in his fight; whether by his side or out of sight, allies and enemies both old and new will enter the fray to help him. -- -- Toaru Majutsu no Index II continues the story of action and comedy, as the scale of Touma and his allies' battle grows ever larger. A conflict is slowly brewing on the horizon, and magic and science will cross paths once again in the war to come. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 379,139 7.59
Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Tokyo Babylon 2021 Tokyo Babylon 2021 -- Subaru Sumeragi is the thirteenth head of his powerful onmyouji clan. Until the time comes when he must succeed his grandmother fully, Subaru is allowed to live in Tokyo with his fraternal twin Hokuto. While Subaru is kind and shy, Hokuto has exuberance to spare, and her favorite pastime is designing bold matching outfits for the two of them to wear. Her next favorite thing to do is try to set up Subaru with their veterinarian friend Seishirou Sakurazuka who, oddly enough, is always readily available to accompany the Sumeragis throughout the city. -- -- Subaru has to resolve a variety of spiritual conflicts in Tokyo: some are cases formally brought to him by clients, and others are matters in which he decides to involve himself. A selfless teenager, he empathizes with others to the point that their pain may as well be his own. This leaves him vulnerable in a city where nearly everyone makes decisions that only benefit themselves as individuals. Hokuto hopes that if Subaru develops feelings for Seishirou, their relationship will be the one thing that he never gives up for the sake of anyone else. However, is Seishirou the best candidate for her brother's love, or is he hiding sinister secrets? -- -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 5,853 N/ANight Head 2041 -- -- Shirogumi -- ? eps -- Other -- Sci-Fi Mystery Psychological Supernatural Drama -- Night Head 2041 Night Head 2041 -- The story follows the Kirihara brothers who from a young age were incarcerated in a secure scientific facility due to their supernatural powers, having escaped after the barrier that was preventing them malfunctions. The story also follows the Kuroki brothers who are trying to chase the Kirihara brothers. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 5,779 N/A -- -- Jie Mo Ren -- -- - -- 14 eps -- Web manga -- Action Mystery Supernatural Fantasy -- Jie Mo Ren Jie Mo Ren -- When Freshman Zhou Xiaoan put on a ring of unclear origin, a terrifying devil leaps from his mouth and his life is changed forever. Shocking historical secrets are slowly revealed - a Blood Devil calling itself King Zhou of Shang, a race of heart-eating zombies; a dubious group of Taoist Priests that fight against them; mysterious beings of the supernatural world who can blend in to human society. -- -- (Source: GFearJ) -- ONA - Apr 27, 2016 -- 5,744 6.18
Toshokan Sensou -- -- Production I.G -- 12 eps -- Novel -- Action Military Comedy Romance -- Toshokan Sensou Toshokan Sensou -- Toshokan Sensou tells the story of Kasahara Iku, the first woman to join the Library Task Force. In the near future in Japan, the Media Enhancement Law has been forced upon the population censoring all books and media. To counter this, the Library Defense Force was created. To protect themselves against the Media Enhancement Law Commission, all major libraries are fully equipped with a military Task Force, who take it upon themselves to protect the books and freedom of media of the people. -- -- This anime follows Iku and her fellow soldiers as they protect various special books and artifacts from the oppression of the Media Enhancement Law Commission. A love story, war story, and comedy all rolled into one. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 62,996 7.48
Touch -- -- Gallop, Group TAC, Studio Junio -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Drama Slice of Life Shounen -- Touch Touch -- The story centers around three characters—Uesugi Kazuya, his twin older brother Tatsuya, and Asakura Minami. Kazuya is the darling of his town as he's talented, hardworking, and the ace pitcher for his middle school baseball team. Tatsuya is a hopeless slacker who's been living the life of giving up the spotlight to Kazuya, despite the fact that he may be more gifted than him. Minami is the beautiful childhood girlfriend and for all intents, sister from next door who treats both of them as equals. Society largely assumes Kazuya and Minami will become the perfect couple, including Tatsuya. Yet as time progresses, Tatsuya grows to realize that he's willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of his brother, except at the expense of giving up Minami to Kazuya. And thus the story is told of Tatsuya trying to prove himself over his established younger brother, how it affects the relationship between the three, and both brothers' attempts to make Minami's lifelong dreams come true. -- 27,856 8.02
Touka Gettan -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Visual novel -- Supernatural Drama Romance -- Touka Gettan Touka Gettan -- Touka Gettan is set in the land of Kamitsumihara, where traces of magic and legend can still be seen. The land has been under the protection of the Kamiazuma clan since it was founded. The story revolves around Touka Kamiazuma, the main protagonist, and his encounter with a young girl named Momoka Kawakabe who comes to stay with the clan. Their meeting sets off a chain of events that will bring an ancient legend to life. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 3, 2007 -- 17,839 6.55
Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu -- The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jul 16, 2011 -- 32,999 7.37
Towa no Quon 3: Mugen no Renza -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Psychological Supernatural -- Towa no Quon 3: Mugen no Renza Towa no Quon 3: Mugen no Renza -- The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Aug 13, 2011 -- 31,389 7.48
Towa no Quon 4: Guren no Shoushin -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Towa no Quon 4: Guren no Shoushin Towa no Quon 4: Guren no Shoushin -- The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Sep 10, 2011 -- 30,717 7.59
Towa no Quon 5: Souzetsu no Raifuku -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Towa no Quon 5: Souzetsu no Raifuku Towa no Quon 5: Souzetsu no Raifuku -- The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Nov 5, 2011 -- 29,866 7.55
Towa no Quon 6: Towa no Quon -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power Supernatural -- Towa no Quon 6: Towa no Quon Towa no Quon 6: Towa no Quon -- The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Nov 26, 2011 -- 32,285 7.63
Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock: Arcadia-gou no Nazo -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama -- Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock: Arcadia-gou no Nazo Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Herlock: Arcadia-gou no Nazo -- The story on Arcadia's mystery, on which the 13th television episode was based. -- Movie - Jul 22, 1978 -- 4,610 6.96
Uchuu Taitei God Sigma -- -- Toei Animation -- 50 eps -- - -- Action Space Mecha -- Uchuu Taitei God Sigma Uchuu Taitei God Sigma -- The story is set in the year 2050 AD, and mankind has been steadily advancing its space technology. However, the planet is suddenly set upon by a mysterious enemy: the forces of Eldar, who came from 250 years in the future. In their time, 2300 AD, their planet Eldar was invaded by Earth, and soundly defeated by Earth's Trinity Energy, a mysterious energy used in their weaponry that possesses power many times that of a hydrogen bomb. The Eldar people's objective is to steal this Trinity Energy before it can be used against them. -- -- The Eldar forces begin by taking over Jupiter's moon Io, one of the places humanity has immigrated to by then. After that, they begin to attack Trinity City with their legions of Cosmosauruses in order to steal the Trinity Energy. Toshiya and his friends use God Sigma to protect the planet and the Trinity Energy, and the battle evolves into a long war to retake Io. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - Mar 19, 1980 -- 867 6.35
Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi -- -- AXsiZ -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Fantasy -- Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi Ulysses: Jehanne Darc to Renkin no Kishi -- The story is set in the 15th century, during the Hundred Years' War between France and England over the succession to the French throne. Montmorency, the son of a noble, immerses himself in the studies of magic and alchemy at a royal knight training school. However, following France's crushing defeat at Agincourt, the school is dissolved. Having lost everything and now a wanted man, Montmorency, who had just become an alchemist, encounters a mysterious village girl named Jehanne. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 76,100 5.34
Under the Dog -- -- Kinema Citrus, Orange -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Thriller -- Under the Dog Under the Dog -- The year is 2025. Five years have passed since the Tokyo Olympic Games were called off after deadly terrorist attacks. An international school run by the United Nations now stands in the former Olympic site on the edge of Tokyo Bay. Seven teenagers with special abilities, known as "Flowers," are among the students. -- -- Their student identities are only a cover for their real identities as members of an intelligence organization run by the UN. Their objective is to assassinate other teenagers who have the same abilities. The Flowers have no choice but to complete their missions without fail. Their organization has taken their family members hostage to ensure this. For the Flowers, failure would mean death not only for themselves but also for their loved ones. -- -- This is the story of their struggle against cruel fate, and of how it is human nature to find hope, however bleak the outlook. -- -- (Source: Official site) -- OVA - Aug 1, 2016 -- 46,544 6.30
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him. -- -- One foggy night, Yuki's life is saved by a beautiful man with silver eyes and jet black hair—a man he has never met before yet seems familiar. With the arrival of this mysterious stranger, Yuki's forgotten past has been awakened and the purpose of his existence has appeared before him. -- -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru tells the story of a teenage boy as he discovers who he is and where he comes from—all while making friends, experiencing betrayal, and slowly piecing together the puzzle of his past. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Apr 12, 2010 -- 84,607 7.25
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- -- J.C.Staff -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Fantasy Shoujo Shounen Ai -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru -- Growing up as an orphan, Yuki Sakurai questions his reason for living and ability to see a person's painful memory by simply touching them. After receiving anonymous notes telling him to die, Yuki is unable to shake off the nagging feeling forming inside of him. Unbeknownst to him, he is being watched, both by people who want to harm him and those who want to protect him. -- -- One foggy night, Yuki's life is saved by a beautiful man with silver eyes and jet black hair—a man he has never met before yet seems familiar. With the arrival of this mysterious stranger, Yuki's forgotten past has been awakened and the purpose of his existence has appeared before him. -- -- Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru tells the story of a teenage boy as he discovers who he is and where he comes from—all while making friends, experiencing betrayal, and slowly piecing together the puzzle of his past. -- -- TV - Apr 12, 2010 -- 84,607 7.25
Usagi Drop -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Josei -- Usagi Drop Usagi Drop -- Daikichi Kawachi is a 30-year-old bachelor working a respectable job but otherwise wandering aimlessly through life. When his grandfather suddenly passes away, he returns to the family home to pay his respects. Upon arriving at the house, he meets a mysterious young girl named Rin who, to Daikichi’s astonishment, is his grandfather's illegitimate daughter! -- -- The shy and unapproachable girl is deemed an embarrassment to the family, and finds herself ostracized by her father's relatives, all of them refusing to take care of her in the wake of his death. Daikichi, angered by their coldness towards Rin, announces that he will take her in—despite the fact that he is a young, single man with no prior childcare experience. -- -- Usagi Drop is the story of Daikichi's journey through fatherhood as he raises Rin with his gentle and affectionate nature, as well as an exploration of the warmth and interdependence that are at the heart of a happy, close-knit family. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 402,371 8.42
Utawarerumono OVA -- -- Chaos Project -- 3 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Comedy Fantasy -- Utawarerumono OVA Utawarerumono OVA -- A three part OVA of Utawarerumono. The animation work will be done by the same staff that did the opening of the game the show was based on. The story will cover parts that weren't shown in the anime series. -- -- (Source: Moon Phase) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- OVA - Jun 5, 2009 -- 18,582 7.22
Utawarerumono Specials -- -- OLM -- 6 eps -- - -- Action Fantasy Comedy Drama -- Utawarerumono Specials Utawarerumono Specials -- DVD specials of comedic events that occurred during the story of Utawarerumono. The specials are included in the DVD Box special disc. -- Special - Aug 23, 2006 -- 14,162 7.61
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/A -- -- Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mystery Super Power Supernatural -- Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu Towa no Quon 2: Konton no Ranbu -- The story follows a boy named Quon and others who suddenly wake up with supernatural powers. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jul 16, 2011 -- 32,999 7.37
Uzumaki -- -- Drive -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Dementia Horror Psychological Supernatural Drama Romance Seinen -- Uzumaki Uzumaki -- In the town of Kurouzu-cho, Kirie Goshima lives a fairly normal life with her family. As she walks to the train station one day to meet her boyfriend, Shuuichi Saito, she sees his father staring at a snail shell in an alley. Thinking nothing of it, she mentions the incident to Shuuichi, who says that his father has been acting weird lately. Shuuichi reveals his rising desire to leave the town with Kirie, saying that the town is infected with spirals. -- -- But his father's obsession with the shape soon proves deadly, beginning a chain of horrific and unexplainable events that causes the residents of Kurouzu-cho to spiral into madness. -- -- TV - ??? ??, 2021 -- 33,169 N/AKakurenbo -- -- Yamato Works -- 1 ep -- Original -- Horror Psychological Supernatural -- Kakurenbo Kakurenbo -- Among the high rises of steel pipes, meshed power lines, and faded neon lights, exists a game that children dare to play within the ruins of the old city. -- -- "Otokoyo," a secret game of hide-and-seek, one where all who play wear fox masks and only begins when seven have gathered. But it is no normal game, as all who have played it have gone missing. Many whisper it is the work of demons, but that is just a rumor... or is it? -- -- Kakurenbo follows the story of seven children as they play Otokoyo for the first time and discover why if you play, you never return. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media -- Movie - Sep 1, 2004 -- 32,995 6.74
Vampire Holmes -- -- Studio! Cucuri -- 12 eps -- Game -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural -- Vampire Holmes Vampire Holmes -- The great detective Holmes does not solve mysteries or use deductive reasoning. He does, however, hunt vampires. Using three-minute episodes, Vampire Holmes retells the story of the great Holmes and his assistant. What begins as an ordinary detective agency takes a turn for the occult when the Metropolitan Police of London secretly hire Holmes and Hudson to investigate vampires. -- -- Or at least that's what Holmes would tell anyone who asks. In reality, he and Hudson spend most of their time sitting around arguing, and failing to solve any cases. Joined by the not-so-black, demon cat Kira, and their terrifying rent-hungry landlady, this is the story of the man who was most definitely not London's greatest detective. -- 17,047 3.36
Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Drama Romance Vampire Fantasy -- Vampire Hunter D (2000) Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- The story revolves around D, the infamous "dhampir" (born of a vampire father and a human mother) outcast and renowned vampire hunter. His prowess at hunting the creatures of the night allowing his acceptance among humans, he is called upon to locate Charlotte Elbourne, the lovely daughter of an affluent family who has been mysteriously kidnapped. -- -- When the sun sets, the hunt goes on! Charlotte's father offers a rich bounty, be she dead or alive, a task D willingly accepts, even with notorious Markus brothers and their gang of bounty hunters seeking the prize as well. Amidst the chase and unknown to all lurks, a sinister evil which has been secretly manipulating their every move and has set a chilling trap that none will expect and few will survive. With the tables turned and the secrets revealed, the hunters could quickly become the hunted! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Urban Vision -- Movie - Aug 25, 2000 -- 130,798 7.89
Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Drama Romance Vampire Fantasy -- Vampire Hunter D (2000) Vampire Hunter D (2000) -- The story revolves around D, the infamous "dhampir" (born of a vampire father and a human mother) outcast and renowned vampire hunter. His prowess at hunting the creatures of the night allowing his acceptance among humans, he is called upon to locate Charlotte Elbourne, the lovely daughter of an affluent family who has been mysteriously kidnapped. -- -- When the sun sets, the hunt goes on! Charlotte's father offers a rich bounty, be she dead or alive, a task D willingly accepts, even with notorious Markus brothers and their gang of bounty hunters seeking the prize as well. Amidst the chase and unknown to all lurks, a sinister evil which has been secretly manipulating their every move and has set a chilling trap that none will expect and few will survive. With the tables turned and the secrets revealed, the hunters could quickly become the hunted! -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Aug 25, 2000 -- 130,798 7.89
Vampire Hunter D -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D -- 10,000 years in the future, the world has become a very different place; monsters roam the land freely, and people, although equipped with high tech weapons and cybernetic horses, live a humble life more suited to centuries past. The story focuses on a small hamlet plagued by monster attacks and living under the shadow of rule by Count Magnus Lee, a powerful vampire lord who has ruled the land for thousands of years. When a young girl is bitten by the Count and chosen as his current plaything, she seeks out help of a quiet wandering stranger, D. It so happens that D is one of the world's best vampire hunters, and he takes it upon himself to cut through Magnus Lee's many minions, and put an end to the Count's rule. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks, Urban Vision -- Movie - Dec 21, 1985 -- 65,968 7.07
Vampire Hunter D -- -- Production Reed -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Horror Supernatural Vampire -- Vampire Hunter D Vampire Hunter D -- 10,000 years in the future, the world has become a very different place; monsters roam the land freely, and people, although equipped with high tech weapons and cybernetic horses, live a humble life more suited to centuries past. The story focuses on a small hamlet plagued by monster attacks and living under the shadow of rule by Count Magnus Lee, a powerful vampire lord who has ruled the land for thousands of years. When a young girl is bitten by the Count and chosen as his current plaything, she seeks out help of a quiet wandering stranger, D. It so happens that D is one of the world's best vampire hunters, and he takes it upon himself to cut through Magnus Lee's many minions, and put an end to the Count's rule. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Dec 21, 1985 -- 65,968 7.07
Vanitas no Carte -- -- Bones -- ? eps -- Manga -- Historical Supernatural Vampire Fantasy Shounen -- Vanitas no Carte Vanitas no Carte -- There once lived a vampire known as Vanitas, hated by his own kind for being born under a blue full moon, as most arise on the night of a crimson one. Afraid and alone, he created the "Book of Vanitas," a cursed grimoire that would one day take his vengeance on all vampires; this is how the story goes at least. -- -- Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man travelling aboard an airship in 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. A sudden vampire attack leads him to meet the enigmatic Vanitas, a doctor who specializes in vampires and, much to Noé's surprise, a completely ordinary human. The mysterious doctor has inherited both the name and the infamous text from the Vanitas of legend, using the grimoire to heal his patients. But behind his kind demeanor lies something a bit more sinister... -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 8,091 N/A -- -- Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- -- - -- 6 eps -- - -- Action Supernatural Magic Fantasy -- Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen Saint Beast: Seijuu Kourin-hen -- The seal which was imprisoning the fallen angels, Kirin no Yuda and Houou no Ruka, is broken and the two decide to get revenge on the God who had cast them to Hell by getting rid of the Heavens that had once been their home. Soon the guardian angels on Earth begin disappearing, and no one in Heaven can explain the happenings. But there is a sense of a vengeful animal spirit at work, and so the four Saint Beasts are called upon to investigate. -- -- The 4 Gods of Beasts attempt to rescue the guardian angels, as well as to find out what this evil animal spirit is... -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- TV - May 8, 2003 -- 8,086 6.00
Vanitas no Carte -- -- Bones -- ? eps -- Manga -- Historical Supernatural Vampire Fantasy Shounen -- Vanitas no Carte Vanitas no Carte -- There once lived a vampire known as Vanitas, hated by his own kind for being born under a blue full moon, as most arise on the night of a crimson one. Afraid and alone, he created the "Book of Vanitas," a cursed grimoire that would one day take his vengeance on all vampires; this is how the story goes at least. -- -- Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man travelling aboard an airship in 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. A sudden vampire attack leads him to meet the enigmatic Vanitas, a doctor who specializes in vampires and, much to Noé's surprise, a completely ordinary human. The mysterious doctor has inherited both the name and the infamous text from the Vanitas of legend, using the grimoire to heal his patients. But behind his kind demeanor lies something a bit more sinister... -- -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 8,091 N/A -- -- Yichang Shengwu Jianwenlu -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Supernatural Vampire -- Yichang Shengwu Jianwenlu Yichang Shengwu Jianwenlu -- Yoshihito, a 23-year-old man who has no job or girlfriend. In order to make ends meet he rents out one of the rooms in his house. While he's showing Lily, his first tenant, around the house, she's suddenly attacked by a vampire named Vivian, and Yoshihito notices that Lily is actually a werewolf. As Yoshihito and Lily start living in the same house, Yoshihito is scouted for an organization that maintains order of the parallel universes, and strange creatures one after another become tenants in his house. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- ONA - Jun 28, 2019 -- 7,551 6.41
Viper's Creed -- -- AIC Spirits, Digital Frontier -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi -- Viper's Creed Viper's Creed -- The story revolves around the members of a private military company (PMC), and the uneasy tension between them and the regular military after a war that caused massive environmental destruction. -- -- (Source: Animekon) -- TV - Jan 6, 2009 -- 9,270 6.73
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- -- Wit Studio -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Music Thriller -- Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song -- Nirland—an A.I complex theme park where dreams, hopes, and science intermingle. Created as the first-ever autonomous humanoid A.I, Vivy acts as an A.I cast for the establishment. To fulfill her mission of making everyone happy through songs, she continues to take the stage and perform with all her heart. However, the theme park was still lacking in popularity. -- -- One day, an A.I named Matsumoto appears before Vivy and explains that he has traveled from 100 years into the future, with the mission to correct history with Vivy and prevent the war between A.I and humanity that is set to take place 100 years later. -- -- What sort of future will the encounter of two A.I with different missions redraw? This is the story of A.I destroying A.I. A.I diva Vivy's 100-year journey begins. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 87,209 8.29
Walkure Romanze -- -- 8bit -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Action Ecchi Romance Harem School Sports -- Walkure Romanze Walkure Romanze -- Taking place at Winford Academy located in an old town called Helen's Hill, the story is all about knights and the sport of jousting. At this school, students learn how to become knights, ride horses and joust properly. The main character is a young man named Takahiro Mizuno who was training to become a knight and jouster but after suffering an injury he dropped out of the knight program and joined the begleiter (assistant) program instead. Due to his animal handling skills and former experience as a jouster, this makes him a hot commodity. Multiple beautiful girls in the school want him to become their personal begleiter, though Takahiro always refuses their offers. -- -- One day a bizarre accident causes his friend, Mio Kisaski, to be challenged to a jousting duel despite her not actually being a knight. Takahiro agrees to become her temporary begleiter, but that ends up only being the beginning of their partnership as she enrolls in the annual tournament. -- 111,923 6.36
Wangan Midnight -- -- A.C.G.T. -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Action Cars Seinen Sports -- Wangan Midnight Wangan Midnight -- Based on a seinen manga by Kusunoki Michiharu serialised in Young Magazine. -- -- The story gets its roots from the actual street racing that occurs on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, one stretch of which is known as the "Wangan", literally meaning "bay side" (although it is generally used to refer to the freeway), the longest, straightest road in the entire country. Of course, there's also lots of traffic to contend with, including a fair number of heavy trucks. Because of this, the action is inherently hazardous, and wrecks are common. Blown engines are also a frequent hazard, especially with the extreme-high power engines. -- -- One day, Akio Asakura, a third year high school student, is driving his Fairlady Z (Z31) and is challenged by Tatsuya Shima, a doctor, in his black Porsche 964 Turbo (nicknamed the "BlackBird"). With a friend in the passenger seat and two girls in the back, Akio pitifully tries to win, but is defeated. Determined to become faster, he goes to the junkyard to buy parts for his car, when he sees a pristine, unscratched midnight blue Fairlady Z (S30) in the junkyard. Intrigued as to why such a machine is about to be junked, he buys it. He soon finds that the car is unnaturally fast due to a tuned L28 engine, bored and stroked to 3.1 liters combined with twin turbos, which produces 620bhp. He also finds that all of the car's previous owners had unfortunate accidents in it, starting with the first owner's death. The manga follows Akio's various encounters, though the central plot revolves around his constant battle with the BlackBird for superiority. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Jun 15, 2007 -- 27,214 7.45
Warau Salesman Tokubetsu Bangumi -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 14 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Seinen -- Warau Salesman Tokubetsu Bangumi Warau Salesman Tokubetsu Bangumi -- A special program of Warau Salesman, these episodes were released in a blast format on 3 days in a nearly 2 hour long timeslot each. The individual episodes have their own OPs. The first blast release differed from the main series by having live-action footage of real locations in Japan before delving into the story for each episode. The 2nd had Moguro with the Master interacting with the viewer as if behind the scenes for a studio before delving into each episode. And the 3rd had Moguro and the Master playing outside in the snow as if reporting on an on-location event to the viewer before delving into each episode. -- Special - Dec 26, 1992 -- 653 N/A -- -- Nouryou Anime: Denkyuu Ika Matsuri -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Psychological Dementia Horror -- Nouryou Anime: Denkyuu Ika Matsuri Nouryou Anime: Denkyuu Ika Matsuri -- Death is the gateway to birth. The deceased crosses the line to join the kingdom of the dead. He sees there the dance of the sperm and the egg. He is drawn towards the sky. This is the path to the afterlife. -- -- (Source: -- Movie - ??? ??, 1993 -- 615 4.58
Wasurenagumo -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Supernatural -- Wasurenagumo Wasurenagumo -- Legend says that centuries ago, a colossal spider ravaged Tokyo. Resistance was futile, as none could quell the havoc wrought upon the city by the beast. Fortunately, one man—the legendary exorcist—stopped the devastation. Using his divine powers, he sealed the monster away and the world has enjoyed peace ever since. -- -- Mizuki Henmi is an adolescent girl who is acquainted with Shu Suzuri, a dull young man who runs an old Japanese bookstore. During a routine visit to his store, Mizuki learns of a mysterious and valuable book that Shu is planning to sell. Unfortunately, the unrestrained Mizuki handles the book roughly, breaking the seal that kept it shut and revealing an odd entity—a cute spider. -- -- Wasurenagumo tells the story of Mizuki, Shu, and their seemingly harmless spider. However, ominous winds begin blowing. While Shu is infatued with his arachnid friend, Mizuki becomes wary of its every move… -- -- Movie - Mar 12, 2012 -- 30,107 7.09
Wild Arms: Twilight Venom -- -- Bee Train -- 22 eps -- Game -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Magic Vampire Fantasy -- Wild Arms: Twilight Venom Wild Arms: Twilight Venom -- This anime is based on a playstation game under the same title. The story is about four people who travel the desolated land of Filgaea and carve themselves a legendary story while they're at it. These adventurers are Sheyenne Rainstorm, a gunslinger who holds the legendary weapon called ARMs; Kiel Aromax, a scientist who looks like he should be carrying a sword; Roleta Oratorio the Crest Sorceress, a magic-user who uses cards called Crests to cast spells; and Mirabelle Graceland, one of the Noble Red, which are a family of vampiric creatures who live alongside human beings They also travel with cute little intelligent furry things, from the Popepi Pipepo Tribe, named Isaac and Jerusha. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- 6,817 6.65
WIXOSS Diva(A)Live -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Game Psychological -- WIXOSS Diva(A)Live WIXOSS Diva(A)Live -- The story moves the "Wixoss" card game to the online virtual space of "Wixossland" as it continues to grow more popular. The game allows players to become the LRIG avatars themselves. The most popular format in the game is "Diva Battle," which allows three players to team up to compete against other units for the most "Selector" fans. Some units are idol-themed, while others are DJ- and band-themed. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 7,238 5.66
Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil -- -- Arms -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Police Magic Fantasy -- Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil -- The story takes place in Tokyo in 2018, where normal humans and those who can use magic coexist. As a result, there are laws against using magic, and a "magic courtroom" exists to preside over lawsuits regarding magic use. In these cases, "Benmashi" or wizard barristers defend those who use magic. The anime follows Cecil, the youngest Benmashi in history, and her associates as they defend clients in these cases. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 52,433 6.19
Yakunara Mug Cup mo -- -- Nippon Animation -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life -- Yakunara Mug Cup mo Yakunara Mug Cup mo -- The city of Tajimi, located in the southern part of Gifu Prefecture, Japan, is famous for Mino earthenware. The city is dotted with historical pottery producers and ceramic art museums. It has facilities where you can try your hand at making pottery, and many restaurants that serve food on Minoware dishes. -- -- The story begins when a high school girl moves to a shopping street in Tajimi. Many encounters await her, friends, town folk, ceramic art, etc. What will she discover in a town famous for ceramic? -- -- (Source: Official Manga Website) -- 23,202 6.72
Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo -- -- Doga Kobo -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Police Supernatural -- Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo -- Based on a series of light novels written by Tanaka Yoshiki and illustrated by Kakinouchi Narumi. -- -- The story revolves around Ryouko Yakushiji, a 27-year-old multilingual investigator that graduated from Tokyo University's elite Department of Law, and the bizarre cases she faces while working for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police. Yakushiji not only has to deal with supernatural beings in her line of work, but also her rival Yukiko Muromachi, another equally talented and beautiful police investigator. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Jul 6, 2008 -- 15,993 7.09
Yama no Susume: Third Season -- -- 8bit -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Slice of Life -- Yama no Susume: Third Season Yama no Susume: Third Season -- Aoi and Hinata are childhood friends. Aoi prefers staying indoors and is afraid of heights, whereas Hinata is outgoing and loves mountaineering. They both decide to climb a mountain in order to see a sunrise they saw together when they were younger. -- -- In the coming third season, they enjoy hiking beautiful mountains with colored leaves and the story gets even more colorful when they become friends with local school girls!! -- -- (Source: Yomiuri TV Enterprise) -- 17,080 7.56
Yamato Takeru -- -- Nippon Animation -- 37 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Yamato Takeru Yamato Takeru -- In the 25th century, a spaceship carrying 300 people leaves the earth in search of a new world in the solar system, but an unexpected accident occurs. They crash into a black hole which is connected to another universe. The people on the ship are cast adrift in an emergency capsule to a planet called Ismo. The story begins 12 years after they have reached Ismo. -- -- Ismo is a star of the Onam System, which corresponds to the Solar System in our universe. It is the only planet left in the Onam System. The Death Star called Yomi is a comet which regularly approaches the Onam System. -- -- There were once 8 planets in the Onam System. Many years ago, in the time of the gods, there was a war against the evil monster Yamatano Orochi (an 8-headed snake-like creature). The gods won the battle. Yamatano Orochi was locked into 8 stones, one of which is buried deep in the center of each planet. Nobody was supposed to have access to the core of the planets. However Tsukuyomi, an evil god who rules Yomi, succeeded in reaching the stones one after another, destroying 7 of the planets using his powerful robots, the Sky Warriors. However, when he tried to acquire the last stone from the planet Ismo, the most powerful Sky Warrior, Susanoo, got out of control and was blown away. -- -- A million years later, the Death Star Yomi is approaching the Onam System once again. Tsukuyomi, the master of Yomi, plans to take this opportunity to realize his dream of ruling the entire universe. He is desperate for the last stone containing Yamatano Orochi. If Tsukuyomi can get hold of this stone, Yamatano Orochi will return to life and its power will become his. Tsukuyomi needs Sky Warrior Susanoo to capture the stone, and sends 8 Sky Soldiers to get Susanoo back. But it is too late. Susanoo no longer belongs to Tsukuyomi. It belongs to Takeru, a 13-year-old boy from Earth, who happened to discover the buried robot Susanoo and woke it from its million-year-long sleep. Takeru becomes involved in the battle against the Sky Soldiers and their evil master, Tsukuyomi. Susanoo stands up to protect his friends and their planet. -- -- (Source: AnimeNfo) -- 1,830 6.75
Yami Shibai 5 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 5 Yami Shibai 5 -- The mysterious masked Storyteller returns to tell more twisted tales of horror. Continuing his particular style of kamishibai inspired storytelling, he now finds that his audience is an eerie crowd of young girls, who eagerly await his devilish stories. -- -- He recounts ghostly legends involving girls of all ages: a housewife who receives a barrage of chilling phone calls; a strange girl whose flower readings are always right; a mother and daughter's ominous meeting with the "crow lady"; and a young girl whose demands from others grow more and more outrageous with each request. Witness once again the Storyteller's haunting and gripping tales, which are sure to leave one with more than just chills... -- -- 19,027 6.30
Yami Shibai 6 -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 6 Yami Shibai 6 -- Late at night, in a clearing within a dark fog-filled forest, there sits a kamishibai storyboard. A visitor approaches, and suddenly, the fog recedes. A shape begins to take form beside the board—this figure is the masked Storyteller, who once again starts to spin tales of horror and despair. -- -- The events described in these macabre tales might happen to anyone, even your neighbors or friends: a group of girls bully one of their members in a cave, only to find themselves the victims of a dark presence; a boy with scopophobia moves to the countryside, but he still cannot escape the eyes of others; a man has a window that won't stay closed, and is the recipient of strange phone calls; and a salaryman steals an umbrella on a rainy day, but this seemingly insignificant act leads to consequences he never expected. Visitors may enjoy the Storyteller's offerings, but they should also be vigilant so that they don't wind up as the subjects of his next story. -- -- 14,635 6.15
Yami Shibai 7 -- -- DRAWIZ, ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Supernatural -- Yami Shibai 7 Yami Shibai 7 -- A rusted door opens to a decrepit apartment filled with darkness. Inside, the masked Storyteller waits to spin more twisted tales of horror, inviting all to listen. -- -- In one story, a woman is tormented by her past sins; in another, a man visits a chilling art exhibit, where things quickly go awry when he ignores the warnings regarding taking photographs. That is not all, though—an unsuspecting woman hears strange noises from her veranda, but when her boyfriend investigates, he receives the shock of his life; a lady receives a frantic call from her sister, who begs her to come to a phone booth, but when she arrives, she realizes that things are not as they appear; and a man looks for one of his belongings in his little sister's room, only to soon discover that a malevolent presence lives there. The Storyteller is all too eager to share these tales, which will no doubt shock and terrify his audience. -- -- 12,990 5.93
Yami Shibai -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Demons Supernatural -- Yami Shibai Yami Shibai -- The mysterious, yellow-masked Storyteller is a man whose true name and origin are both unknown. He appears at dusk where children gather and recites sinister tales based on Japanese urban legends, to which his young audience eerily intakes. However, the Storyteller is no ordinary teller of tales. He incorporates a kamishibai, a traditional paper-scrolling device, to add visuals to his already demented narration. -- -- A series of short horror stories, Yami Shibai begins with a bachelor who, after moving into a new apartment, immediately starts sensing a malevolent glare being pressed into him. A single talisman rests on his ceiling, but he has no way of knowing it is one of the few safeguards that separate him from a bottomless pit of suffering. Each story is more terrifying, more appalling, and more sickening than the last as the Storyteller's audience find themselves being sucked into the vicious world of his words. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jul 15, 2013 -- 80,377 7.05
Yami Shibai -- -- ILCA -- 13 eps -- Original -- Dementia Horror Demons Supernatural -- Yami Shibai Yami Shibai -- The mysterious, yellow-masked Storyteller is a man whose true name and origin are both unknown. He appears at dusk where children gather and recites sinister tales based on Japanese urban legends, to which his young audience eerily intakes. However, the Storyteller is no ordinary teller of tales. He incorporates a kamishibai, a traditional paper-scrolling device, to add visuals to his already demented narration. -- -- A series of short horror stories, Yami Shibai begins with a bachelor who, after moving into a new apartment, immediately starts sensing a malevolent glare being pressed into him. A single talisman rests on his ceiling, but he has no way of knowing it is one of the few safeguards that separate him from a bottomless pit of suffering. Each story is more terrifying, more appalling, and more sickening than the last as the Storyteller's audience find themselves being sucked into the vicious world of his words. -- -- TV - Jul 15, 2013 -- 80,377 7.05
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! -- -- Toei Animation -- 48 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy School Shoujo -- Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! -- A direct continuation of the former season, this series again follows the story of Nozomi Yumehara and her friends from Yes! Precure 5. The girls who had formerly lost their powers and bade farewell to their friends Coco and Nuts from Palmier Kingdom are resurrected as Pretty Cure by the mysterious woman Flora who also wants them to find her in a place called Cure Rosegarden. To go there, they need the magic Rose Pact and the powers of the four kings of countries surrounding Palmier. But a dark organization called Eternal is also striving to get to Cure Rosegarden by stealing the Rose Pact. Luckily, Precure get helped by new allies: the delivery-boy Syrup who can change into a giant bird and fly them anywhere they want and the mysterious and beautiful fighter Milky Rose stand alongside Pretty Cure to protect what is really valuable. -- 7,837 7.13
Yomigaeru Sora Pilot -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Seinen -- Yomigaeru Sora Pilot Yomigaeru Sora Pilot -- Yomigaeru Sora was initially supposed to have a female protagonist with sharper animation. Due to Yuji Matsukura (J.C.Staff Executive Officer, Head of Production), Katsushi Sakurabi (Director), and Fumihiko Takayama (Series Composition) outvoting Kiyoshi Sugiyama (Producer), the story was changed to have a male protagonist with simpler animation. -- -- Sakurabi's original idea for the anime was made into pilot and the pilot was included with the 7th volume of the Limited Edition DVD Box Set. -- Special - Oct 27, 2006 -- 818 6.18
Youkai Ningen Bem -- -- Dai-Ichi Douga -- 26 eps -- Original -- Horror Demons -- Youkai Ningen Bem Youkai Ningen Bem -- Three monsters, Bem, who looks like a gangster, Bero, who looks like a boy, and Bera, a witch, act as agents of justice, hoping that they will be allowed to become human. Several episodes involve them protecting a young boy. The style of animation is fairly distinctive, and the storylines not without interest. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- TV - Oct 7, 1968 -- 1,405 6.03
Young Black Jack -- -- Tezuka Productions -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Historical Drama Seinen -- Young Black Jack Young Black Jack -- In the 1960s, a gifted young medical student tries to make a name for himself. Kuroo Hazama is a reserved young man with unusual black-and-white hair, a body covered with scars, and a dark past. Despite only being a medical student, his surgical brilliance starts to attract attention after he completes a seemingly impossible operation. Together with the spirited and honest intern Maiko Okamoto and Yabu, a close friend with a troubled life, Hazama devotes himself to the world of medicine. -- -- However, his path to becoming a respectable surgeon is a difficult one as student riots, war, and corruption are consuming Japan. Hazama quickly finds himself caught up in a series of nefarious circumstances that challenge his integrity as a person and his path towards becoming a surgeon. Young Black Jack chronicles the story of a man capable of performing unthinkable feats of medicine, and the journey that leads him to become the legend known as Black Jack. -- -- 72,784 7.24
Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku -- "Tsuki ni Naku" will take the story content from volume 11 of the manga, which features a visit to a onsen by the members of the Hiizumi Life Councelling Office, while the town's police force have to deal with a new youkai-hunter threat. -- -- This OVA is bundled with the limited edition of the manga (14th, 15th, and 16th). -- OVA - Oct 9, 2013 -- 24,590 7.50
Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX -- -- Gallop -- 180 eps -- Manga -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX -- In the world of Duel Monsters, a new generation of duelists await their turn to bid for the highest title: The King of Games. As an aspiring duelist, the happy-go-lucky Juudai Yuuki enrolls at the Duel Academy, a reputable institution tasked with nurturing these potential challengers. -- -- On his first day, however, Juudai's laid back and careless attitude causes him to arrive late to his entrance exam. There, he stumbles upon a familiar figure who entrusts him the "Winged Kuriboh," a card which becomes Judai's new partner. Soon, he begins living as a duelist—but will destiny and darkness bend his reality into something beyond his imagination? -- -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX follows the story of Juudai as he strives to fulfill his goal of becoming the next King of Games. As they are thrust into countless unprecedented circumstances, one thing is for sure for Juudai and his friends—there will never be a dull moment at the Duel Academy! -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Flatiron Film Company -- TV - Oct 6, 2004 -- 168,304 7.16
Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX -- -- Gallop -- 180 eps -- Manga -- Action Game Comedy Fantasy Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX -- In the world of Duel Monsters, a new generation of duelists await their turn to bid for the highest title: The King of Games. As an aspiring duelist, the happy-go-lucky Juudai Yuuki enrolls at the Duel Academy, a reputable institution tasked with nurturing these potential challengers. -- -- On his first day, however, Juudai's laid back and careless attitude causes him to arrive late to his entrance exam. There, he stumbles upon a familiar figure who entrusts him the "Winged Kuriboh," a card which becomes Judai's new partner. Soon, he begins living as a duelist—but will destiny and darkness bend his reality into something beyond his imagination? -- -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh!: Duel Monsters GX follows the story of Juudai as he strives to fulfill his goal of becoming the next King of Games. As they are thrust into countless unprecedented circumstances, one thing is for sure for Juudai and his friends—there will never be a dull moment at the Duel Academy! -- -- TV - Oct 6, 2004 -- 168,304 7.16
Yukidoke -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Horror -- Yukidoke Yukidoke -- The short film tells the story of a young boy, who as a result of seeing a dog's corpse, becomes interested in the bodies of living things and starts to develop phobias. Before long all manner of things begin to appear grotesque to him. -- -- (Source: Wochi Kochi) -- Movie - ??? ??, 2004 -- 3,234 3.99
Yuru Camp△ Movie -- -- C-Station -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Yuru Camp△ Movie Yuru Camp△ Movie -- -- Movie - ??? ??, 2022 -- 26,985 N/A -- -- Choboraunyopomi Gekijou Ai Mai Mii -- -- Seven -- 13 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Choboraunyopomi Gekijou Ai Mai Mii Choboraunyopomi Gekijou Ai Mai Mii -- The anime adaptation of the four-panel manga "Ai Mai Mii". -- -- The story follows girls in a manga club—Ai, Mai, Mii, and Ponoka-senpai—who might be fighting evil invaders threatening Earth, facing off against rivals in tournaments, and dealing with other absurd situations when they are not drawing manga. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Jan 3, 2013 -- 26,764 5.84
Yuru Camp△ Season 2 -- -- C-Station -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Yuru Camp△ Season 2 Yuru Camp△ Season 2 -- Having spent Christmas camping with her new friends, Rin Shima embarks on a solo-camping trip to see the New Year sunrise by the sea. All goes according to plan until unforeseen weather blocks the roads back home, making a return trip impossible. Rin, who is now stranded for a few days, is invited by Nadeshiko Kagamihara to stay at her grandmother's house. -- -- What is supposed to be a two-day trip becomes an extended period of sightseeing and new experiences for Rin, and she encounters some new and old faces along the way. Yuru Camp△ Season 2 continues the story of Rin, Nadeshiko, and their friends as they further explore the joys of camping. -- -- 126,513 8.57
Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho: Two Shots/Noru ka Soru ka -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Demons Supernatural Martial Arts Shounen -- Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho: Two Shots/Noru ka Soru ka Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho: Two Shots/Noru ka Soru ka -- Special included in the 25th anniversary Blu-ray box set. -- -- The special will cover the "Two Shot" bonus chapter from the manga's seventh volume, which tells the story of how Kurama and Hiei met, as well as the manga's penultimate chapter "All or Nothing." which shows the main characters reuniting to solve a hostage crisis in the spirit world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Oct 26, 2018 -- 16,197 7.41
Yuyushiki -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Yuyushiki Yuyushiki -- The story follows the school life of the three girls, Yuzuko, Yukari, and Yui, who join their high school's Data Processing Club. The odd friendship between the three make for wacky humor in even the most mundane of events. -- 90,418 7.38
Yuyushiki -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Yuyushiki Yuyushiki -- The story follows the school life of the three girls, Yuzuko, Yukari, and Yui, who join their high school's Data Processing Club. The odd friendship between the three make for wacky humor in even the most mundane of events. -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 90,418 7.38
Zankyou no Terror -- -- MAPPA -- 11 eps -- Original -- Mystery Psychological Thriller -- Zankyou no Terror Zankyou no Terror -- Painted in red, the word "VON" is all that is left behind after a terrorist attack on a nuclear facility in Japan. The government is shattered by their inability to act, and the police are left frantically searching for ways to crack down the perpetrators. The public are clueless—until, six months later, a strange video makes its way onto the internet. In it, two teenage boys who identify themselves only as "Sphinx" directly challenge the police, threatening to cause destruction and mayhem across Tokyo. Unable to stop the mass panic quickly spreading through the city and desperate for any leads in their investigation, the police struggle to act effectively against these terrorists, with Detective Kenjirou Shibazaki caught in the middle of it all. -- -- Zankyou no Terror tells the story of Nine and Twelve, the two boys behind the masked figures of Sphinx. They should not exist, yet they stand strong in a world of deception and secrets while they make the city fall around them, all in the hopes of burying their own tragic truth. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 863,812 8.12
Zero no Tsukaima F -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Zero no Tsukaima F Zero no Tsukaima F -- Saito Hiraga and Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière go on the offensive after the events of Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo. Together, they face off against King Joseph in the Holy City of Romalia with the help of two others who control the power of the “void”. But in the midst of the many conflicts ahead of them, an ancient evil begins to stir in the shadows. -- -- Will their close bonds blossom into something more or will they be shattered through the ever increasing difficulty of the tasks that they must undertake? Zero no Tsukaima F follows the story of Louise and Saito as they face their final challenges together. -- -- 342,865 7.50
Zero no Tsukaima F -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Adventure Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy -- Zero no Tsukaima F Zero no Tsukaima F -- Saito Hiraga and Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière go on the offensive after the events of Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo. Together, they face off against King Joseph in the Holy City of Romalia with the help of two others who control the power of the “void”. But in the midst of the many conflicts ahead of them, an ancient evil begins to stir in the shadows. -- -- Will their close bonds blossom into something more or will they be shattered through the ever increasing difficulty of the tasks that they must undertake? Zero no Tsukaima F follows the story of Louise and Saito as they face their final challenges together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 342,865 7.50
Zetman -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Horror Romance Sci-Fi Seinen Supernatural -- Zetman Zetman -- The story starts off with a face-off between two rival heroes, ZET and ALPHAS, and then traces their origins - Jin Kanzaki, a young man with the ability to transform into a superhuman being known as ZET, and Kouga Amagi, a young man with a strong sense of justice who uses technology to fight as ALPHAS. -- -- The fates of these two men and those around them intertwine as they fight to protect mankind and destroy monstrous abominations known as Players. -- -- (Source: ytv ENGLISH) -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 3, 2012 -- 113,410 6.88
Zetman -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Horror Romance Sci-Fi Seinen Supernatural -- Zetman Zetman -- The story starts off with a face-off between two rival heroes, ZET and ALPHAS, and then traces their origins - Jin Kanzaki, a young man with the ability to transform into a superhuman being known as ZET, and Kouga Amagi, a young man with a strong sense of justice who uses technology to fight as ALPHAS. -- -- The fates of these two men and those around them intertwine as they fight to protect mankind and destroy monstrous abominations known as Players. -- -- (Source: ytv ENGLISH) -- TV - Apr 3, 2012 -- 113,410 6.88
Zettai Bouei Leviathan -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Game -- Fantasy Magic Comedy -- Zettai Bouei Leviathan Zettai Bouei Leviathan -- The story is set in Aquafall, a fantasy world abound with water and greenery, and populated by dragons and fairies. Meteorites suddenly bring forth evil creatures that threaten all living things on the planet. The fairy Syrup assembles the Aquafall Defense Force, with three girls of the dragon clans as recruits. The story follows Syrup and the dragon girls Leviathan, Bahamut, and Jörmungandr as they work together to battle enemies and grow up. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 6, 2013 -- 25,425 6.30
Zettai Bouei Leviathan -- -- Gonzo -- 13 eps -- Game -- Fantasy Magic Comedy -- Zettai Bouei Leviathan Zettai Bouei Leviathan -- The story is set in Aquafall, a fantasy world abound with water and greenery, and populated by dragons and fairies. Meteorites suddenly bring forth evil creatures that threaten all living things on the planet. The fairy Syrup assembles the Aquafall Defense Force, with three girls of the dragon clans as recruits. The story follows Syrup and the dragon girls Leviathan, Bahamut, and Jörmungandr as they work together to battle enemies and grow up. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - Apr 6, 2013 -- 25,425 6.30
Zettai Shougeki: Platonic Heart -- -- Arms -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Ecchi Martial Arts -- Zettai Shougeki: Platonic Heart Zettai Shougeki: Platonic Heart -- The story centers on the Platonic Heart, a jewel that—according to an old urban legend—can grant any wish when collected. Only a chosen few are allowed to compete in the Platonic Heart hunt, and high school junior Aya Iseshima is one of 11 girls and women who are taking part. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Oct 29, 2008 -- 14,941 4.66
Zoku Owarimonogatari -- -- Shaft -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Comedy Supernatural Vampire -- Zoku Owarimonogatari Zoku Owarimonogatari -- Graduation day is finally here, marking the end of Koyomi Araragi's eccentric high school life full of peculiar relationships with otherworldly beings. -- -- However, Araragi is unexpectedly absorbed into his own bathroom mirror and trapped inside a bizarre world where everything he knows is completely reversed—the haughty Karen Araragi is shorter than usual, poker-faced Yotsugi Ononoki is brimming with emotion, and cute ghost girl Mayoi Hachikuji is a grown woman! But not everything is as it seems. -- -- Zoku Owarimonogatari details the story of Araragi's endeavors in this new world as he struggles to return to his home and understand the nature of this bizarre dimension. -- -- Movie - Nov 10, 2018 -- 156,952 8.49
Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead -- -- Studio Binzo -- 4 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead -- Clay animation about a guy stuck in a room during zombie apocalypse. -- OVA - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- The Girl and the Monster -- -- - -- ? eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- The Girl and the Monster The Girl and the Monster -- A girl quietly reads a book in her room. Suddenly, a monster comes crawling out from under her bed! Is it friend or foe? -- ONA - Jul 26, 2019 -- 291 N/A -- -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi -- -- DLE -- 2 eps -- Original -- Comedy Historical Parody Horror Supernatural -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi -- A Matsue City collaboration anime with Eagle Talon. Yoshida book-ends the story as horror tales, both modern and historical, originated within the city are narrated by another person. -- ONA - Mar 17, 2017 -- 289 N/A -- -- 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan -- -- - -- 7 eps -- Book -- Historical Horror Parody Supernatural -- 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan -- Stories from Patrick Lafcadio Hearn's book Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things. The Greek-American author was known as Koizumi Yakumo in Japan and is renowned for collecting and publishing stories of Japanese folklore and legends. -- -- The shorts were made for a Matsue City tourism promotion, as Hearn taught, lived, and married there. His home is a museum people can visit. -- ONA - May 9, 2014 -- 287 N/A -- -- Kimoshiba -- -- Jinnis Animation Studios, TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror Kids Supernatural -- Kimoshiba Kimoshiba -- Kimoshiba is a weird type of life form with the shape of an oversize shiba inu, loves eating curry (particularly curry breads), and works at a funeral home. Similar life forms include yamishiba and onishiba. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 284 N/A -- -- Ehon Yose -- -- - -- 50 eps -- Other -- Historical Horror Kids -- Ehon Yose Ehon Yose -- Anime rakugo of classic Japanese horror tales shown in a wide variety of art styles. -- TV - ??? ??, 2006 -- 279 N/A -- -- Higanjima X: Aniki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Fantasy Horror Seinen Vampire -- Higanjima X: Aniki Higanjima X: Aniki -- A new episode of Higanjima X that was included in Blu-ray. -- Special - Aug 30, 2017 -- 277 N/A -- -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- - -- Historical Horror -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki Yamiyo no Jidaigeki -- Tales include: -- -- The Hill of Old Age, which tells of a conspiracy hatched against Japan's unifier, Oda Nobunaga. -- -- Seeing the Truth, about the assassin sent to murder Nobunaga's successor leyasu Tokugawa. -- -- The broadcast was a part of the Neo Hyper Kids program. -- -- (Source: Anime Encyclopedia) -- Special - Feb 19, 1995 -- 275 N/A -- -- Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II -- -- Topcraft -- 2 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror -- Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II -- For 1982 a 26-episode TV series sequel to Youkai Ningen Bem was planned. Because the original producers disbanded, the animation was done by Topcraft. 2 episodes were created and the project shut down without airing on television. The episodes were released to the public on a LD-Box Set a decade later. 2,000 units were printed and all were sold out. -- Special - Oct 21, 1992 -- 268 N/A -- -- Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Kids Shounen -- Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai -- Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. -- -- Note: Screened as a double feature with Doraemon: Nobita no Uchuu Kaitakushi. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 14, 1981 -- 266 N/A -- -- Ushiro no Hyakutarou -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Horror School Supernatural -- Ushiro no Hyakutarou Ushiro no Hyakutarou -- Horror OVA based on the manga by Jirou Tsunoda. The title roughly means "Hyakutarou behind". -- -- A boy named Ichitarou Ushiro deals with various horrifying phenomena with the help of his guardian spirit Hyakutarou. -- -- 2 episodes: "Kokkuri Satsujin Jiken", "Yuutai Ridatsu". -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Aug 21, 1991 -- 254 N/A -- -- Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! -- -- Studio Binzo -- 4 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! -- Spin-off series of Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead. -- ONA - Mar 2, 2014 -- 247 N/A -- -- Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Horror Sci-Fi -- Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu -- An anime version of Ikkei Makina's horror novel of the same name. It aired at the same time as the live-action adaptation. -- Movie - Nov 14, 1992 -- 235 N/A -- -- Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour -- -- DLE -- 2 eps -- Original -- Comedy Historical Parody Horror -- Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour -- An accompaniment to Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi. This ghost tour takes a more realistic approach featuring Yoshia (the fictional Eagle Talon character), Kihara Hirokatsu (horror and mystery novelist), Chafurin (voice actor and Shimae Prefecture ambassador), and Frogman (Ryou Ono's caricature; real-life director of the anime studio DLE). The quartet travels around Matsue City exploring horror/haunted real life locations talking about the history and how it became a paranormal focus. -- -- The end of the episode promotes ticket sale and times for a real ghost tour watchers can partake in. -- ONA - Mar 16, 2017 -- 227 N/A -- -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- - -- Historical Horror -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) -- A direct sequel that was put straight to video. -- -- The Ear of Jinsuke, about a wandering swordsman saving a damsel in distress from evil spirits. -- -- Prints from the Fall of the Bakufu, features a tomboy from a woodcut works charged with making a print of the young warrior Okita Soji. -- -- (Source: Anime Encyclopedia) -- -- OVA - Aug 2, 1995 -- 227 N/A -- -- Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Comedy Horror Parody -- Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan -- A collaboration between the live-action horror film Inunaki-mura slated to be released in theaters February 7, 2020 and the Eagle Talon franchise. The film is based on the urban legend of the real-life abandoned Inunaki Village and the old tunnel that cut through the area. -- ONA - Jan 17, 2020 -- 226 N/A -- -- Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Demons Horror Kids -- Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo -- A collection of four folk tales from Koshiji (from 2005, part of Nagaoka), Niigata prefecture (Echigo is the old name of Niigata). -- -- Episode 1: The Azuki Mochi and the Frog -- A mean old woman tells an azuki mochi to turn into a frog, if her daughter-in-law wants to eat it. The daughter-in-law hears this, and... -- -- Episode 2: Satori -- A woodcutter warms himself at the fire of deadwood, when a spirit in the form of an eyeball appears in front of him. The spirit guesses each of the woodcutter's thoughts right... -- -- Episode 3: The Fox's Lantern -- An old man, who got lost in the night streets, finds a lantern with a beautiful pattern, which was lost by a fox spirit. The next day, he returns it reluctantly, and what he sees... -- -- Episode 4: The Three Paper Charms -- An apprentice priest, who lost his way, accidentally puts up at the hut of the mountain witch. To avoid being eaten, he uses three paper charms to get back to the temple... -- -- (Source: Official site) -- OVA - May ??, 2000 -- 221 N/A -- -- Jigoku Koushien -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Sports Comedy Horror Shounen -- Jigoku Koushien Jigoku Koushien -- (No synopsis yet.) -- OVA - Feb 13, 2009 -- 220 N/A -- -- Nanja Monja Obake -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Kids Horror -- Nanja Monja Obake Nanja Monja Obake -- An anime made entirely in sumi-e following a child fox spirit and his morphing ability for haunting but he ends up getting scared himself. -- Special - Dec 6, 1994 -- 215 N/A -- -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan -- -- DLE -- 7 eps -- Original -- Horror Parody Supernatural -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan Heisei Matsue Kaidan -- A Matsue City collaboration anime with Eagle Talon. Yoshida book-ends the story as modern horror tales, originated within the city, are narrated by another person. The shorts are meant to promote the Patrick Lafcadio Hearn's Ghost Tour offered by the city. -- -- Some episodes feature biographical segments of the Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour group. -- ONA - Apr 9, 2015 -- 211 N/A -- -- Akuma no Organ -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Music -- Music Horror Demons -- Akuma no Organ Akuma no Organ -- Music video for Devil's Organ by GREAT3. From Climax E.P. (2003) -- Music - ??? ??, 2003 -- 210 5.16
Zombieland Saga -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Music Supernatural -- Zombieland Saga Zombieland Saga -- Sakura Minamoto dreams of becoming an idol. Unfortunately, reality hits her like a truck, and she dies in a sudden traffic accident. Ten years later, she wakes up in Saga Prefecture, only to find herself a zombie with no memory of her past. While still coming to terms with her demise, she meets a man named Koutarou Tatsumi, who explains that he has resurrected her and six other zombie girls from different eras for the purpose of economically revitalizing Saga by means of an idol group. Assuming the role of an abrasive manager, Koutarou begins scheduling events; the girls go along with it, eventually deciding to name their idol group Franchouchou. -- -- An absurdly comedic take on the idol genre, Zombieland Saga tells the story of Franchouchou's heartwarming struggle to save Saga Prefecture while hiding their zombie identities and rediscovering their past lives. -- -- 343,170 7.52
Zombieland Saga -- -- MAPPA -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Music Supernatural -- Zombieland Saga Zombieland Saga -- Sakura Minamoto dreams of becoming an idol. Unfortunately, reality hits her like a truck, and she dies in a sudden traffic accident. Ten years later, she wakes up in Saga Prefecture, only to find herself a zombie with no memory of her past. While still coming to terms with her demise, she meets a man named Koutarou Tatsumi, who explains that he has resurrected her and six other zombie girls from different eras for the purpose of economically revitalizing Saga by means of an idol group. Assuming the role of an abrasive manager, Koutarou begins scheduling events; the girls go along with it, eventually deciding to name their idol group Franchouchou. -- -- An absurdly comedic take on the idol genre, Zombieland Saga tells the story of Franchouchou's heartwarming struggle to save Saga Prefecture while hiding their zombie identities and rediscovering their past lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 343,170 7.52
Zombie-Loan Specials -- -- Xebec -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Horror Supernatural Shounen -- Zombie-Loan Specials Zombie-Loan Specials -- The series was originally planned to be 20+ episodes but was cut short due to unknown circumstances. These specials released on the 7th DVD volume continue the story. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- Special - Apr 25, 2008 -- 26,634 7.05
Z/X: Ignition -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 12 eps -- Card game -- Game Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy -- Z/X: Ignition Z/X: Ignition -- The story is set in the not-so-distant future. Five "Black Points" suddenly appeared around the world as portals to parallel worlds. Immediately after, strange creatures began their invasion from these portals. These creatures are the inhabitants of five worlds—the same worlds in different timeframes. In order to ensure their own future timeframe survives, each of the five invasion forces battle to wipe the other future timeframes out. The key is one card-shaped device. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- TV - Jan 10, 2014 -- 37,058 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America: The Story of Us
And the Story Goes
Anvil! The Story of Anvil
Apex: The Story of the Hypercar
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Back to the Story
Bannertail: The Story of Gray Squirrel (TV series)
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Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast
Book:The Story Of Microsoft
Both Sides of the Story
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The Rest of the Story
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The Story (British band)
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Yoshitsune Eiyden: The Story of Hero Yoshitsune

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last updated: 2022-02-04 14:22:11
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