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object:1.040 - Re-Educating the Mind
book class:The Study and Practice of Yoga
author class:Swami Krishnananda
subject class:Yoga

Chapter 40: Re-Educating the Mind

The removal of the impediments to the practice of yoga is said to be possible by meditation on reality, to give an ultimate solution to the problem. This is finally the only solution to all difficulties. There can be tentative solutions, but a final solution is not possible unless one resorts to the ultimate cause of all things, from which everything proceeds and of which everything is an effect. But, as we observed, the generals that are behind particulars the universals that are at the back of all visible objects are incapable of human comprehension. And, inasmuch as it is these universals that are the realities, a proper attention to the nature of these mysterious principles would be not an easy matter for the mind, which is used to perception of external things.

The one reality which Patanjali speaks of in his sutra ekatattva abhyasah (I.32) can be interpreted to be any kind of object, for the matter of that, provided that there is no other object attracting our attention. Though, in a way, the universal is that which is inclusive of all particulars and, therefore, it may appear that to concentrate on the universal would be equivalent to concentrating on the background of every particular conceivable, nevertheless, the characteristic of the universal can be visualised even in a particular object. This is the significance of idol worship or the ritualistic adorations that we perform in temples and in religious fields, generally speaking.

The universal is anything which is free from externality; and it is the presence of the consciousness of an external that becomes the cause of distraction in the mind. We have always a sense of fear and insecurity if there is something else, external to us, whatever it be. It may be a person, or it may even be an inanimate object. The existence of something outside us is the cause of anxiety of some kind or the other; and that is distraction. The very consciousness of anything external or outside oneself is identical with distraction, which is the opposite of concentration of mind. The preventing of this distraction implies the absence of a consciousness of anything outside it.

In the beginning stages, for the purpose of novitiates absolutely unfamiliar with this subject, what is prescribed is a conceptual form of the ideal that one would regard as the highest possible, and this is the philosophy behind the worship of the gods of religions. It is not the worship of many gods, but the worship of any aspect of the one God, which can be taken as the means to the realisation of that all-inclusive background of these various manifestations called 'gods'. Sometimes, especially in the field of pure psychic science and occultism, any object is taken for the purpose of concentration, provided the will is strong enough. The object of meditation or concentration need not necessarily be a deity in the sense of a divine being it can be anything. It can be even a candlestick, or even a fountain pen or a pencil; the only condition is that we should not think of anything else except that pencil in front of us.

But the nature of the mind is such, the mind is made in such a way, that it cannot go on thinking continuously of any absurd object. A leaf from a tree cannot become the object of attraction for the mind, because the mind cannot see any value or significance in a leaf, or a pen or a pencil, though a very scientific attitude would find significance in anything. Even a pencil is as important as a deity if we understand the background of it and the way in which it is constituted. But the ordinary mind cannot understand it. It requires the foisting of certain characteristics which are regarded as beautiful, magnificent and capable of fulfilling the wishes of the person concentrating. No one concentrates without a purpose.

It is very well known why we practise yoga, or for the matter of that, why we engage ourselves in any activity at all. The purpose is to fulfil a wish, whether it is a particularised one or a larger one. This wish is supposed to be fulfilled by the practice of concentration of mind. Here, it would be advantageous to note how a wish can be fulfilled by mere concentration of mind. If that had not been the case, why should be there any attempt at all at concentration? Is it possible to fulfil a desire, or come to the attainment of any wish, for the matter of that, by concentration of mind? The answer is yes, as given by the science of yoga. Any wish can be fulfilled, whatever it be, on earth or in heaven, provided we can adjust our thoughts properly, in a prescribed manner. The absence of success in the pursuit of any objective is due to absence of sufficient concentration on the objective. We are not fully interested in anything, as I mentioned sometime back. That is the reason why we cannot achieve anything fully. There is nothing in this world which can draw our attention wholly, and that is why nothing comes to us as we expect it. A half-hearted friendship with anything in this world cannot lead to a permanent success in the matter of union with that object, or utilisation of that object for one's purpose.

We have a wrong notion that our secret feelings are not known to others, and that we can dupe people by showing an external form of friendship, though inwardly there may not be that friendship. It is not true that we love all people, but yet we show that we are fraternal in our attitude. This is called political relationship, or social etiquette, etc., which will not succeed always, because things of the world have a peculiar sense, and this sense is ingrained even in inanimate objects. There is nothing absolutely senseless in this world. Everything has a sense, and that sense is peculiar to its own structure. The vibrations produced by things are the senses which these things possess, and any kind of disharmonious vibration that emanates from ourselves, in respect of those things or persons outside, would be an expression of an unfriendly attitude. This has nothing to do with what we speak with our mouths or the gestures that we make with our hands. We may shake hands or we may have tea on a common table, and yet all people sitting there may be enemies. It has nothing to do with common tea, etc., because the sense of internal structure and relationship with others is something deep-rooted more deep-rooted than is visible outside. Sometimes we get repelled by certain things even when nothing is happening, and sometimes we are pulled or attracted even if there is no obvious cause behind it. That is because of something else happening inside. Some people use the term 'prehension' for this peculiar sensibility present in things, to distinguish it from 'apprehension', or conscious understanding of the nature of things by means of sensation and mental cognition. Everything reacts to everything else in a subtle manner, notwithstanding the fact that it cannot be detected by ordinary observation through the waking mind or the active senses of the waking life.

It is this subtle disharmony we have in ourselves, and an irreconcilability of our nature with the nature of other persons and things, that is the cause of failure in our life. We do not succeed, because we do not want to be friendly with anyone. We are always opposed to something or the other, and this sense of opposition within us can be felt by everybody, though we do not express it openly with our mouths. In this world, an open expression through words is not necessary. The vibrations of our very being will be felt by the vibrations of other things and other persons in life through a peculiar sensation that they have got, and which will act or react according to the circumstance on hand. Therefore truthfulness of attitude, or openness in one's dealing with others, does not constitute merely a question of speaking with people or gesticulating in society, but an inward harmonious feeling which is deeper than the conscious relationships that we deliberately put on, sometimes contrary to what we are inside, deeply, at the core.

It is not true that our inward life is the same as our outward life. They are two different things altogether, and this is perhaps the case in 99.9% of people. For various reasons, psychological as well as social, it becomes difficult for the individual to express his real nature outwardly. Whatever the reason behind it, the fact is there the outward relationships and inward characters do not coincide with each other; therefore there is irreconcilability, obviously. So, there is no friendship. Friendship is not a matter of writing a letter or speaking a word, but a matter of feeling. This feeling is impossible unless there is the capacity to appreciate the condition or circumstance of the person or the object with whom we are related, or with which we are related, and finally, to enter into the very feeling of that very person and the being of that object which is alone, ultimately speaking, real fraternity of feeling or friendship.

We have a subtle distractedness in our mind on account of the presence of an absence of friendliness with things. This will cut at the root of all the yogic practice, because yoga is the attempt to contact Ultimate Reality. It is not a mere social contact that we are trying here, but a contact of utter being the basic reality that is in everything. So there is a requisition for a complete transformation of our personality, inwardly as well as outwardly, even on the unconscious level not merely outwardly so that we get attuned to the structure of anything and everything in the world, under every condition.

There is nothing personal in us, if we become genuine seekers of Truth. We become like crystal, as the Samkhya philosophers would say, which has no colour of its own and appears to have a colour of everything that comes near it. Everything is okay. There is nothing wrong, erroneous, ugly or unwanted in this world from the point of view of the strange harmony that exists among things at the core. Ultimately, everything is harmonious. That is the meaning of the universe or cosmos. The moment we touch this secret of things by the practice of concentration of mind, we invoke the harmony that is at the back of all things. And harmony is nothing but the attunement of things with one another and the basic relatedness of things, rather than the so-called irreconcilability that is visible outside. The moment the mind concentrates on this fact, bereft of all inward distractions and tensions, there is an automatic summoning of the essential nature of things outside, and they come to us instead of getting repelled.

It is possible to concentrate the mind on an object merely on the surface level, though at the bottom there may be a feeling of irreconcilability. That will not lead to success. We may be praying to God through an image in a temple, and yet have a suspicion in the mind that we are praying only to an idol made of stone. This suspicion will spoil all our devotion. "After all, I am praying to a small wooden image. How will this bring fulfilment of my wish or the satisfaction of my desires? I want to be a king, an emperor, and for that purpose I am praying to an idol which is unconscious, which cannot listen to anything that I say." This suspicion will shake the very foundation of devotion, and religion will become merely a pharisaical ritual.

This is what is happening, mostly our religion, our practice, our devotion becomes a kind of dead routine which has no life in it, and all the efforts of life seem then to bring nothing fruitful. We are neither scientific in our attitude, nor logical, nor really religious. There is, basically, a kind of hypocritical attitude which is covered under a camouflage of a necessity of practical life, which takes all our time, and we may spend our entire life in this attitude to things, ending in nothing, finally. But the inward tendency to repel things, on account of an intense egoism of nature, subsides by a proper understanding of the nature of things and by a forced imposition of universality upon the particular object upon which we are concentrating. In the beginning, it may be merely by power of will; later on, understanding will come and make it more alive. It is better to always couple understanding with the power of will, so that it may be a pleasant process rather than a hard discipline of an unpleasant character. Whatever it be, we cannot say which is more important and which comes first. Understanding and will should go together, and do go together.

Any particular object can be taken for the purpose of concentration, because any particular has the elements of the universal present in it. For instance, we can approach the government through any officer. He may be an officer from Madras, or from Punjab, it makes no difference. He is an officer of the government of India. So to touch the government we need not run about from place to place in search of it, because a government is like the universal it is pervading everything, and it is everywhere. We can contact this universal, called the government, through an individual or a particular that is the officer he may be any officer. Through him we can find our way to that universal principle called the government. When that officer expresses a view, is it the officer's view or is it the government's view? It is not his individual view, but it is the expression of the universal that is behind him. It is the force of the government that works through the individual, and at that time he is not an individual he is a representation of the universal. Likewise, even an idol, or an image, or a picture, or a concept can become a representation of the universal characters behind it, provided we are able to visualise these characters with sincerity of purpose.

As I mentioned, the main point to be remembered here is that while concentrating on any object, no external thought should be allowed, because the thought of an external object is the distraction which prevents concentration. The mind cannot be wholly present in the given object if there is another thing side by side or along with it. This is then vyabhicharini bhakti or divided devotion, as they call it. When we think of two things at the same time because of the presence of another thing outside that given object, the devotion is split. The force of the mind gets diminished on account of a channelisation of the mental energy in two directions. In the beginning, the mind will refuse to concentrate like this because it is fed by diverse food. So what is essential in the beginning is to diminish the directions in which the mind moves to the minimum possible. Though it is not possible to bring the mind to a single point, we can bring it to the minimum possible or conceivable number of items of concentration.

This is the purpose of satsanga, listening to discourses of a spiritual and philosophical nature, study of sacred scriptures, svadhyaya, etc. Direct meditation is impossible, for reasons well known; therefore, we go to satsangas and listen to discourses touching upon various subjects, though within a limited circle. The subjects are variegated and yet limited to certain features. Similar is the case with study. If we study the Srimad Bhagavata, or the Ramayana, or the Bhagavadgita, the mind is given a large scope to think of many ideas and to bring into it notions of various features of reality. Though there is a variety presented in the study of a scripture of this kind, this variety is ultimately limited to a particular pattern of thinking.

The whole of the Srimad Bhagavata, to give only one concrete example, is filled with thousands of ideas expressed in various ways. Though these ideas are many, they are kindred, essentially. Therefore, the chaotic movement of the mind is brought to an end, and the first step is taken in bringing the mind under control by allowing it to think of sympathetic thoughts, though they may be variegated in their structure. There are several members in a family. Each person is different from the other one is tall, one is short, one is very active, another is idle, one is working outside, one is working inside, one is a man, and another is a woman. There are all sorts of persons in a family, but yet they are kindred spirits there is a sympathy of character among them. This is the reason why we call them a family, though they are individuals of different natures altogether. Likewise is any type of organisation it may be an institution; it may be a parliament; it may be a government or it may even be an army it may be anything. In the army we have thousands of people of different natures, yet they are brought together by a single ideal.

Likewise, by introducing a common background of a type of organisation in the midst of variegated ideas, the mind can be brought within the circumference of a given purpose. This practice should be continued for long time, until it becomes possible to reduce the size of the circumference. The ideas become less and less in number, so that we will be able to get on with only a few thoughts throughout our day. There is no need to think a hundred thoughts, because it is not the number of thoughts that is important, but their quality. We may be thinking of a million things in a shallow manner, which may not lead to success; but we may be thinking of only a few things in a very deep and profound way, and that type of thinking will be more beneficial in the long run, as we know very well.

So we can take any object for our concentration, but be we should be sure that the thoughts are not distracting, and that they are not so many in number as to diminish the power of thought. If we think of many things at the same time, the force of thought gets diminished due to the diversification of the channel of the movement of mental force. In dharana or concentration there is a twofold activity taking place the idea that certain notions should be entertained in the mind, and also a simultaneous idea that certain notions should not be allowed into the mind. There is a double activity going on in our minds at this time. We have a feeling inside that, "I should not allow certain thoughts inside the mind." And yet, the very idea that we should not allow certain thoughts inside the mind is itself an idea of those objects. "I should not think of my enemy," but the moment we have that idea, we have already thought of the enemy. So even the idea to repel an extraneous thought is an idea of that thought, the particular object.

It is a peculiar repulsive feature that makes itself felt in the mind at the time of concentration of mind, which is what I mean by saying the double activity that is going on in the mind. We have resentment towards certain features which we regard as irrelevant for the purpose, and so there is a tension in the beginning. It is not an easy thing; we struggle hard, we sweat and then feel fatigue, exhaustion. The reason for feeling exhaustion in meditation is that there is a kind of struggle going on inside, and there is not a spontaneous movement of the mind towards the given object. That is not possible, because the very attempt to concentrate the mind on a given concept is a simultaneous attempt to get rid of certain other thoughts which are unsympa thetic with this ideal; and this is the tension. There is always a simultaneous activity going on in the mind one pulling the other in this direction and that direction. This subtle tension is the cause of exhaustion, and we tire of meditation.

We may not be openly conscious of this activity going on in the mind, but subtly it will be going on. We know very well that the very idea of sitting for meditation implies that we should not think certain things. Otherwise, we can be thinking anything in our minds and call that meditation but it is not so. We have an idea that what we are doing through the mind at present is not meditation. The idea of meditation present in the minds of people is such that it calls for a rejection of certain thoughts. Otherwise, why should we sit somewhere? We can be anywhere and do anything we like. The idea of rejection of certain thoughts becomes a difficulty for many people to implement, because the mind feels pain whenever it is asked to give up something with which it has been friendly up to this time, and which it has been regarding as valuable. The mind will say, "Why should I reject these things?" We will have a simple answer, "Because they are unspiritual, unreligious and anti-divine, unsuited to meditation, etc." But these glib answers will not be accepted by the mind easily, because the mind is shrewd and requires a very satisfactory answer.

Most people cannot succeed in meditation because a satisfactory answer cannot be given to this question. Why should we reject something when the mind feels that there is a great point in thinking about it? Unless there is some meaning in it, why should we think of it? It sees something; some meaning, some significance, some purpose, some wish-fulfilment is practicable, and we are doing contrary work by saying, "It should not be thought. It is not good. It is untraditional, unreligious." Merely making a statement of this kind is not going to be acceptable to the mind, because the mind cannot be terrified by orders of this nature. It is a very terrible thing by itself, and so it requires a gradual training from inside, rather than an order issued from outside.

The mind is intelligent; it is not a corpse which can be dragged as we like, in the direction we please. As it is difficult to control anything that is intelligent, merely because it is intelligent, we have to apply intelligence itself to control intelligence. An intelligent person can be subdued only by intelligence, and not by force, because intelligence will not yield to any kind of external pressure. So mere pressure will not succeed here in this context of meditation, because the mind is intelligent, it is capable of understanding, and it knows where to find its wish fulfilment. Therefore, any kind of whipping which is meted out to it in an illogical manner will bring about a resentment in the mind in such a way that it may completely upset the whole practice after sometime.

An intelligent technique has to be adopted in the very beginning itself. The mind should be made to understand the necessity of avoiding certain ways of thinking for the purpose of a larger objective that it has placed before itself, because the reason behind the necessity to give up certain other methods of thinking is that these methods of thinking which are supposed to be given up are irreconcilable with the nature of truth. And as truth alone succeeds, thoughts which are not consonant with the nature of truth should be given up.

For this, the mind has to know what are the characteristics of truth. When it knows that truth is this, and the nature of truth is like this, and 'my way of thinking is not in consonance with the nature of truth, and therefore I will not succeed by the pursuit of this method', it may gradually withdraw itself from its erroneous tracks and pursue the right path of spiritual meditation.

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Wikipedia - Fountain of Cybele (Madrid) -- Monumental fountain in Madrid
Wikipedia - Fountain of Fame (Madrid) -- Monumental fountain in Madrid
Wikipedia - Four Corners Monument -- Marks the quadripoint in the Southwestern United States
Wikipedia - Freedom Monument -- Memorial located in Riga, Latvia, honouring soldiers killed during the Latvian War of Independence
Wikipedia - Freight Wagon Memorial -- Monument
Wikipedia - Froschfelsen -- Natural monument in Germany
Wikipedia - Fuad Abdurahmanov -- Azerbaijani monument sculptor
Wikipedia - Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood -- Fresco by Paolo Uccello
Wikipedia - Garleton Castle -- Scheduled monument in East Lothian, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Gateway Arch -- Monument in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
Wikipedia - Gentleman's Wall (Smrekonica) -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - George Washington Birthplace National Monument -- 550 acres in Virginia (US) managed by the National Park Service
Wikipedia - George Washington Carver National Monument -- National monument in Missouri, US
Wikipedia - Gerard Johnson (sculptor) -- 17th-century English sculptor thought to have created Shakespeare's funerary monument
Wikipedia - Gergovie Monument -- Stone monument in Puy-de-Dome, France
Wikipedia - Giant's Ring -- Neolithic henge monument
Wikipedia - GM-CM-+rmova Mosque -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Goethe Monument (Berlin)
Wikipedia - Gola Ghar -- Historical monument in Sivasagar, Assam, India
Wikipedia - Gopuram -- Monumental gateway tower to Hindu temple complexes
Wikipedia - Gornja Slatina Mosque -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Grands Moulins de Paris (Marquette-lez-Lille) -- French historical monument
Wikipedia - Great Hamam of Pristina -- Ottoman-era monument in Pristina, Kosovo
Wikipedia - Great Madrasa (Gjakova) -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Great Stupa of Universal Compassion -- Buddhist monument under construction near Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Greenhill Ogham Stones -- Ogham stones (national monument) in County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ha! Ha! Pyramid -- Art monument in Quebec
Wikipedia - Hamam Mosque -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Hampi -- Ancient and medieval monuments, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Harilaq Fortress -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Haxhi Ymer Kuttab -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Heel-shaped cairn -- Type of megalithic monument
Wikipedia - Heroinat Memorial -- Public monument in Pristina, Kosovo
Wikipedia - Het Slaakhuis -- Rijksmonument in Rotterdam
Wikipedia - Historical Monuments Commission -- Former government agency of South Africa
Wikipedia - Historic Monuments and Sites of Morocco
Wikipedia - Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities) -- World Heritage Site
Wikipedia - Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara -- Complex of eight historical sites in Nara, Japan
Wikipedia - Historic Scotland -- Executive agency responsible for historic monuments in Scotland
Wikipedia - Ho Chi Minh Monument -- Russian monument honoring Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh
Wikipedia - Homestead National Monument of America -- National monument in the United States
Wikipedia - Hotel de la Capitainerie des Chasses -- Historic Monument in Villejuif, France
Wikipedia - Hovenweep National Monument -- US national monument
Wikipedia - Howitzer Monument -- Monument to a Confederate artillery unit in Richmond, Virginia
Wikipedia - Huize Ivicke -- Monumental building in Wassenaar
Wikipedia - Hunnestad Monument -- Monument
Wikipedia - Imperial fora -- Series of monumental squares in Rome
Wikipedia - Industrial heritage -- An industrial plant, which can stand as a monument to monument preservation and heritage conservation law
Wikipedia - Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and National Museum -- Scientific, research and cultural institution in Ohrid, North Macedonia
Wikipedia - Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument -- Public statue
Wikipedia - James Oglethorpe Monument -- Monument in Savannah, Georgia
Wikipedia - Japanese Lantern Monument -- Memorial in Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Japanese Torreya of Samin-ri -- Monumental tree
Wikipedia - John Day Fossil Beds National Monument -- National Park Service unit in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - KamenicM-CM-+ Church -- Cultural Monument in Albania
Wikipedia - Kapaemahu -- Cultural monument in Hawaii
Wikipedia - KaraM-DM-^QorM-DM-^Qe Monument, Belgrade -- Either of two monuments in Belgrade, Serbia
Wikipedia - Karl Schmidt Memorial -- Monument in Chennai, India
Wikipedia - Khalanga War Memorial -- Heritage monument in Dehradun, India
Wikipedia - Khomuli Cave Natural Monument -- Cave in Georgia
Wikipedia - Khorab Memorial -- Namibian monument
Wikipedia - Khwaja Khizr Tomb -- Historical monument in Sonipat, NCR, India
Wikipedia - Kildun Standing Stones -- Bronze age monument in County Mayo, Ireland
Wikipedia - King Ludwig Oak -- Natural monument in Germany
Wikipedia - King's Standing Bowl Barrow -- Scheduled Monument in Birmingham, England
Wikipedia - Klonk -- Czech national nature monument
Wikipedia - Knock y Doonee -- Historic monument site on the Isle of Man
Wikipedia - Kohala Historical Sites State Monument -- Historic Place in Hawaii County, Hawaii
Wikipedia - Kolkata Gate -- Arch-monument in Kolkata, India
Wikipedia - Kristek House -- Artwork by Lubo Kristek, monumental assemblage
Wikipedia - KyffhM-CM-$user Monument -- Late 19th century colossal monument in Germany
Wikipedia - Lahore: History and Architecture of Mughal Monuments -- Non-Fiction Book
Wikipedia - Lamel Hill -- Scheduled monument in the City of York, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - La Palette -- cafM-CM-) and Historic Monument in Paris, France
Wikipedia - Lenin Monument (Berlin) -- Lenin Monument by Nikolai Tomsky
Wikipedia - Leshan Giant Buddha -- Monumental sculpture
Wikipedia - Lincoln Memorial -- 20th century American national monument in Washington, DC
Wikipedia - Lincoln Monument (Philadelphia) -- Statue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Lion Monument -- Sculpture in Lucerne by Bertel Thorvaldsen
Wikipedia - List of ancient monuments in Rome -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of appearances of Monument Valley in the media -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Confederate monuments and memorials in Alabama -- Confederate monuments and memorials in Alabama
Wikipedia - List of Confederate monuments and memorials in Georgia -- Confederate monuments and memorials in Georgia
Wikipedia - List of Confederate monuments and memorials in Mississippi -- Confederate monuments and memorials in Mississippi
Wikipedia - List of Confederate monuments and memorials in North Carolina -- Confederate monuments and memorials in North Carolina
Wikipedia - List of Confederate monuments and memorials in South Carolina -- Confederate monuments and memorials in South Carolina
Wikipedia - List of Confederate monuments and memorials in Virginia -- Confederate monuments and memorials in Virginia
Wikipedia - List of Confederate monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of cultural heritage monuments in Rwanda -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of firefighting monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historical monuments in Romania
Wikipedia - List of historic monuments in Romania -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Historic Monuments (Poland)
Wikipedia - List of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments in Hollywood -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of megalithic monuments in Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of memorials and monuments at Arlington National Cemetery -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monumental masons -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monument and memorial controversies in the United States -- Excluding monuments or memorials dealing with the Confederate States of America
Wikipedia - List of monuments and memorials in Azov -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monuments and memorials to Sam Houston -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monuments and sites in Errachidia -- List of monuments that are classified or inventoried by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Errachidia.
Wikipedia - List of monuments and sites in Figuig, Morocco -- List of monuments that are classified or inventoried by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Figuig.
Wikipedia - List of monuments and sites in Tata, Morocco -- List of sites and monuments that are classified or inventoried by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Tata, Morocco
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Agadir -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Agadir.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Asilah -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Asilah.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Azilal -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Azilal.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Casablanca -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Casablanca.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Chefchaouen -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Chefchaouen.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in El Hajeb -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around El Hajeb.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in El Jadida -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around El Jadida.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Essaouira -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Essaouira.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Fez -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Fez.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Guelmim -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Guelmim.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Marrakesh -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Marrakesh.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Mehdya -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Mehdya.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Meknes -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Meknes.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Nador, Morocco -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Nador.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Ouarzazate -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Ouarzazate.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Oujda -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Oujda.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Rabat, Morocco -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Rabat.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Safi, Morocco -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Safi.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in SalM-CM-), Morocco -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around SalM-CM-).
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Sidi Ifni -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Sidi Ifni.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Sidi Kacem -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Sidi Kacem.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Tangier -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Tangier.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Taroudant -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Taroudant.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Taza -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Taza.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Tetouan -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Tetouan.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Tiznit -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Tiznit.
Wikipedia - List of monuments in Zagora -- List of monuments that are classified by the Moroccan ministry of culture around Zagora.
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Algeria
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Antarctica
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Aruba
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Italy
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Kenya
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Agra circle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Agra district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Ahmedabad district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Allahabad district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Andhra Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Arunachal Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Assam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Aurangabad circle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Bangalore circle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Belgaum district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Bidar district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Bihar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Bijapur district, Karnataka -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Chennai circle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Chhattisgarh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Delhi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Dharwad district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Goa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Gujarat -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Gulbarga district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Haryana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Himachal Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Jammu and Kashmir -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Jharkhand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Kanchipuram district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Karnataka -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Kerala -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Ladakh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Lalitpur district, India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Lucknow circle/North -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Lucknow circle/South -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Lucknow circle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Madhya Pradesh/East -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Madhya Pradesh/West -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Madhya Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Maharashtra -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Manipur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Meghalaya -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Mizoram -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Mumbai circle -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Nagaland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Odisha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Patna circle, Uttar Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Puducherry -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Pudukkottai district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Punjab, India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Raichur district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Rajasthan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Sikkim -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Tamil Nadu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Telangana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Thrissur circle, Tamil Nadu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Tripura -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Uttara Kannada district -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Uttarakhand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in Uttar Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Monuments of National Importance in West Bengal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Pope John Paul II
Wikipedia - List of monuments of the Gettysburg Battlefield -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monuments of Tolyatti -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monuments to Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of monuments to Ludwig van Beethoven -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of most visited palaces and monuments -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of museums and monuments in Istanbul -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of National Historic Monuments of Argentina
Wikipedia - List of National Monuments in County Laois -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national monuments of Taiwan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of national monuments of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of proposed national monuments of the United States -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Religious Cultural Monuments of Albania
Wikipedia - List of Rijksmonuments
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Anglesey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Blaenau Gwent -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Bridgend -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Caerphilly -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Cardiff -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Cheshire (1066-1539) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Cheshire dated to before 1066 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Cheshire since 1539 -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Conwy -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Flintshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Monuments in Merthyr Tydfil County Borough -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Monuments in Monmouthshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Monuments in Neath Port Talbot -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Monuments in Newport -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in North Somerset -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Monuments in Rhondda Cynon Taf -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Sedgemoor -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in South Somerset -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Monuments in Swansea -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in the Vale of Glamorgan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Monuments in Torfaen -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments in Wrexham -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled monuments -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled prehistoric monuments in Carmarthenshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in Gwynedd (former Caernarvonshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in Gwynedd (former Merionethshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in north Pembrokeshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in Powys (Brecknockshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled prehistoric monuments in Powys (Montgomeryshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in Powys (Radnorshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in south Pembrokeshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of scheduled Roman to modern monuments in Carmarthenshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Roman to modern Monuments in Ceredigion -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Roman to modern Monuments in Gwynedd -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Roman to modern Monuments in Pembrokeshire -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Roman to modern Monuments in Powys (Brecknockshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Roman to modern Monuments in Powys (Montgomeryshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Scheduled Roman to modern Monuments in Powys (Radnorshire) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Special Places of Scenic Beauty, Special Historic Sites and Special Natural Monuments -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Andhra Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Arunachal Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Assam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Bihar -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Chhattisgarh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Delhi -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Goa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Gujarat -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Haryana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Himachal Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Jammu and Kashmir -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Jharkhand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Karnataka -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Kerala -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Madhya Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Maharashtra -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Manipur -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Meghalaya -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Mizoram -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Odisha -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Punjab, India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Rajasthan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Tamil Nadu -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Telangana -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Uttarakhand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in Uttar Pradesh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of State Protected Monuments in West Bengal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Texas Revolution monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Union Civil War monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Vietnam War monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of war museums and monuments in Vietnam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of World War II monuments and memorials in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of World War II monuments and memorials in North Macedonia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of World War II monuments and memorials in Slovenia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of World War I monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yugoslav World War II monuments and memorials in Montenegro -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Yugoslav World War II monuments and memorials in Serbia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of war monuments and memorials -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lluka e EpM-CM-+rme Kuttab -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument -- Heritage designation of the city of Los Angeles, California
Wikipedia - Luther Monument (Washington, D.C.)
Wikipedia - Luther Monument
Wikipedia - Luther Monument (Worms)
Wikipedia - Madani Square -- Monument in Sylhet, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Madonna of the Trail -- a series of 12 identical monuments dedicated to the spirit of pioneer women in the United States
Wikipedia - Mahmut Pasha Hamam -- Historic monument in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Maria Elena nitrate works -- National monument of Chile
Wikipedia - Maria Konopnicka Monument, WrzeM-EM-^[nia -- Statue in WrzeM-EM-^[nia, Poland
Wikipedia - Maria Lionza (statue) -- Monumental sculpture in Caracas
Wikipedia - Matthew Perry Monument (Newport, Rhode Island) -- Statue
Wikipedia - Mausoleum -- Monument enclosing the interment space or burial chamber of a deceased person or people
Wikipedia - Medal of Honor Memorial (Indianapolis) -- Monument in Indianapolis, IN, US
Wikipedia - Medal of Honor Monument -- Monument in Salem, OR, US
Wikipedia - Medieval Monuments in Kosovo
Wikipedia - Megalithic Monuments of Alcalar -- group of burial tombs in Mexilhoeira Grande, Portugal
Wikipedia - Megalith -- Large stone used to build a structure or monument
Wikipedia - Memorial Complex Adem Jashari -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Memorial for Victims of the German Occupation -- Monument in Budapest, Hungary
Wikipedia - M-EM- timlje Mosque -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Mercado Central de Santiago -- National monument of Chile
Wikipedia - Meseta la Galera Natural Monument -- Meseta la Galera Natural Monument
Wikipedia - MM-CM-)rida cable car -- National historical monument of Venezuela
Wikipedia - Montebello Genocide Memorial -- Monument in Montebello, California, USA
Wikipedia - Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Wikipedia - Monumental cemetery of Brescia -- Cemetery in the Italian municipality of Brescia
Wikipedia - Monumental cross
Wikipedia - Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Monumental sculpture
Wikipedia - Monument in Commemoration of the Return of Hong Kong to China -- Monument in Wan Chai North, Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Monument Metro station -- Station of the Tyne and Wear Metro
Wikipedia - Monumento a la abolicion de la esclavitud -- Monument that commemorates the abolition of slavery in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Monumento a la Mujer -- Statue commemorating the contributions of Puerto Rican women
Wikipedia - Monumento al Jibaro PuertorriqueM-CM-1o -- Sculpture by Tomas Batista in Salinas, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Monumento a los hM-CM-)roes de El Polvorin (mausoleum) -- Mausoleum monument in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Monumento a los hM-CM-)roes de El Polvorin (obelisk) -- Monument at Plaza Las Delicias in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Monumento a los NiM-CM-1os HM-CM-)roes -- Monument in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Monument of Aemilius Paullus -- Monument erected to commemorate the Roman victory over King Perseus of Macedon.
Wikipedia - Monument Peak (San Bernardino County) -- Mountain in California, USA
Wikipedia - Monuments and Historic Sites of Zambia
Wikipedia - Monuments of Japan
Wikipedia - Monuments of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Monuments of National Importance of India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Monuments of Romania
Wikipedia - Monuments
Wikipedia - Monument to Agustina de Aragon (Zaragoza) -- Monument in Zaragoza
Wikipedia - Monument to Alfonso XIII (Madrid) -- Monument in Granada
Wikipedia - Monument to Alfonso XII -- Monument by JosM-CM-) Grases Riera in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Monument to AndrM-CM-)s Bello -- Monument in Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Monument to Antonio Maura -- Monument in Guadalajara
Wikipedia - Monument to Canovas del Castillo -- Monument in Palacio, Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Monument to Claudio Moyano (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to Concepcion Arenal (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to Count Ansurez -- Monument in Granada
Wikipedia - Monument to Cuba (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to Dante
Wikipedia - Monument to Daoiz and Velarde (Segovia) -- Monument in Segovia
Wikipedia - Monument to Eugenio d'Ors (Madrid) -- Monument in Granada
Wikipedia - Monument to Franco (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) -- Instance of public art
Wikipedia - Monument to Friedrich Engels -- Historic monument
Wikipedia - Monument to Fyodor Ushakov (Rostov-on-Don) -- Monument in Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Wikipedia - Monument to Galdos (Madrid) -- Statue by Victorio Macho in Buen Retiro park, Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Monument to General Cassola -- Monument in Granada
Wikipedia - Monument to General Martinez Campos -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to General Peron (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to Hernan CortM-CM-)s (Medellin) -- Monument in Medellin, Spain
Wikipedia - Monument to innocent murdered -- Russian memorial in Rostov Oblast
Wikipedia - Monument to Isabella the Catholic (Granada) -- Monument in Granada
Wikipedia - Monument to Josif PanM-DM-^Mic -- 1897 statue by M-DM-^PorM-DM-^Qe Jovanovic
Wikipedia - Monument to JosM-CM-) Marti (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to Maria Christina of Bourbon (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to M-CM-^Alvaro de Bazan (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to Michael Jackson -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Monument to Miguel de Cervantes -- Monument in Palacio, Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Monument to Moret (Cadiz) -- Monument in Cadiz
Wikipedia - Monument to Nicholas I -- Equestrian statue in Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Monument to OnM-CM-)simo Redondo -- Removed monument in Valladolid, Spain.
Wikipedia - Monument to Pedro IV (Porto) -- monument in Porto, Portugal
Wikipedia - Monument to Peter and Fevronia (Bataysk)
Wikipedia - Monument to Pope John Paul II -- Statue in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Monument to Quevedo (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Monument to Romanones (Guadalajara) -- Monument in Guadalajara
Wikipedia - Monument to Soldiers Liberators (Chernihiv) -- Monument in Chernihiv, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Monument to Soviet Tank Crews -- Military monument in Prague
Wikipedia - Monument to the children in Yad Vashem -- architectural structure in Israel
Wikipedia - Monument to the Conquerors of Space -- Monument in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Monument to the Dream -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - Monument to the Fighters of the Revolution -- Memorial in Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Monument to the Five Senses -- Sculpture by Lubo Kristek
Wikipedia - Monument to the Independence of Brazil -- Sculpture in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Wikipedia - Monument to the LycM-CM-)e Chases -- Installation art by Christian Boltanski
Wikipedia - Monument to the Unknown Soldier, Sofia -- Monument in Sofia, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Monument to Those Who Saved the World -- Remembrance monument to the firefighters who died in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine
Wikipedia - Monument to Vladimir the Great
Wikipedia - Monument to Vojvoda Vuk -- 1922 statue by M-DM-^PorM-DM-^Qe Jovanovic
Wikipedia - Monument to Vuk KaradM-EM->ic -- 1937 statue by M-DM-^PorM-DM-^Qe Jovanovic
Wikipedia - Monumentum Adulitanum -- Ancient inscription in Ge'ez and Greek from Eritrea.
Wikipedia - Monument Valley 2 -- 2017 video game sequel to Monument Valley
Wikipedia - Monument Valley High School (Utah) -- High school in Utah, USA
Wikipedia - Monument Valley (video game) -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Monument Valley -- Area characterized by distinctive buttes and mesas in the American West
Wikipedia - Monument -- Type of structure either explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event
Wikipedia - Mormon Trail Monument -- California Historic Landmark
Wikipedia - Motena Cave Natural Monument -- Cave in Georgia
Wikipedia - Mount Pleasant henge -- Neolithic henge monument
Wikipedia - Mozart Monument, Vienna -- Monument in Vienna, Austria
Wikipedia - Mukhura Waterfall Natural Monument -- Waterfall in Georgia
Wikipedia - Mulliq Village Mill -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Monument, Baku -- Monument dedicated to Ataturk in Baku, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Monument, Mexico City -- Monument dedicated to Ataturk in Mexico City
Wikipedia - Nash County Confederate Monument -- Confederate memorial in Rocky Mount, North Carolina,
Wikipedia - Nathan Bedford Forrest Monument (Memphis, Tennessee) -- Bronze sculpture by Charles Henry Niehaus
Wikipedia - National Garden of American Heroes -- Proposed monument
Wikipedia - National Geological Monuments of India -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - National Monument (Indonesia) -- National monument and architectural icon of Jakarta, Indonesia
Wikipedia - National monument (Ireland) -- Monument assigned national importance in Ireland
Wikipedia - National Monuments Council (South Africa and Namibia) -- Former government agency of South Africa
Wikipedia - National Monuments Foundation -- Organization
Wikipedia - National Monuments of Chile
Wikipedia - National Monuments of Colombia -- Set of properties, nature reserves, archaeological sites, historic districts, urban areas and property
Wikipedia - National monuments of Portugal
Wikipedia - National Monuments of Sierra Leone
Wikipedia - National Monuments of Singapore
Wikipedia - National Monuments of Swaziland
Wikipedia - National Monuments of Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - National monument (United States) -- Monuments assigned protected status by Presidents of the US
Wikipedia - National monument -- Monument that represents the Nation, for any country
Wikipedia - National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe
Wikipedia - National Park (Bogota) -- National monument of Colombia
Wikipedia - National Register of Historic Monuments in Romania
Wikipedia - National Register of Historic Places listings in Lava Beds National Monument -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - National Wallace Monument
Wikipedia - Natural monument -- Natural or natural/cultural feature of outstanding or unique value
Wikipedia - Necropolis -- Large ancient cemetery with elaborate tomb monuments
Wikipedia - Nelson's Column, Montreal -- Monument in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Newgrange -- Neolithic monument in County Meath, Ireland
Wikipedia - New York Monuments Commission -- Commission of the New York state government
Wikipedia - Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Krakow -- Monument in Krakow, Poland
Wikipedia - Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Montreal -- Structure in Montreal
Wikipedia - Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Warsaw -- Monument in Warsaw, Poland
Wikipedia - Numen: Contest of Heroes -- 2009 action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Numenera -- Science fantasy tabletop role-playing game
Wikipedia - Numenius of Apamea -- Ancient Greek philosopher
Wikipedia - Numen (journal)
Wikipedia - Numenta
Wikipedia - Numen -- Ancient Roman divine presence
Wikipedia - Nymphaeum -- Type of monument in ancient Greece and Rome
Wikipedia - Obelisco a los NiM-CM-1os HM-CM-)roes -- Monument in Chapultepec, Mexico City.
Wikipedia - Obelisk -- Tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top
Wikipedia - Old Hamam (VuM-DM-^Mitrn) -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve -- National monument in Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Our Confederate Soldiers -- Confederate monument in Beaumont, Texas
Wikipedia - Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument -- Group of unorganized United States Pacific Island territories
Wikipedia - Palace of Fine Arts -- Monumental structure in San Francisco, California
Wikipedia - Palacio do Grilo -- Monument in Lisbon
Wikipedia - Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument -- 583,000 square miles of ocean waters, including ten islands and atolls of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Wikipedia - Parque Cristal -- National historical monument of Venezuela in Caracas
Wikipedia - Paseo Los Proceres -- Monument in Caracas, Venezuela
Wikipedia - Passage tombs in Ireland -- Megalithic monument category
Wikipedia - Patton Monument (West Point) -- Monument at West Point, USA
Wikipedia - Pawton Quoit -- Burial monument south of St. Breock, in Cornwall region, England
Wikipedia - Peace Monument of Glendale -- A replica of a memorial dedicated to comfort women
Wikipedia - Peace Pagoda -- Buddhist stupa; a monument to inspire peace
Wikipedia - Pearl Harbor Monument -- Memorial
Wikipedia - Pedra do Elefante Natural Monument -- Municipal Natural monument in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Wikipedia - Pennsylvania State Memorial, Gettysburg -- Gettysburg Battlefield monument
Wikipedia - Percy Le Clerc -- Inspector of National Monuments in Ireland
Wikipedia - Perron (columnar monument) -- Type of monument
Wikipedia - Peter Muhlenberg Memorial -- Washington, D.C. public monument
Wikipedia - Philip Reid -- enslaved 19th century African American master craftsman with pivotal role in historical monuments
Wikipedia - Philopappos Monument -- Mausoleum and monument in Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - Pipe Spring National Monument -- National monument in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Pir Mardakan Khanqah -- Historic architectural monument located in Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Plat -- Map showing a piece of land, drawn to scale, with details such as nearby properties, boundaries, land size, flood zones, the surrounding neighborhood, easements, and monuments
Wikipedia - Plaza Monumental de Toros de Pueblo Nuevo -- Bullring in San Cristobal, Venezuela
Wikipedia - Pobednik -- Monumental sculpture in Belgrade, Serbia
Wikipedia - Pompeys Pillar National Monument -- Rock formation in Montana, USA
Wikipedia - Poortgebouw -- Monumental legalised squat in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Portlick Motte -- Motte and National Monument in County Westmeath, Ireland
Wikipedia - Praca de Touros Monumental de Lourenco Marques -- Bullring in Maputo, Mozambique
Wikipedia - Praia das Macas Prehistoric Monument -- Neolithic site near Sintra, Portugal
Wikipedia - Prehistoric Trackways National Monument -- National monument in New Mexico, United States
Wikipedia - Principal Monuments of France -- 1786 series of paintings by Hubert Robert
Wikipedia - Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument -- Monument in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Pristina Archives -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Prometheus Cave Natural Monument -- Cave in Georgia
Wikipedia - Prussian National Monument for the Liberation Wars -- Monument in Berlin
Wikipedia - Puerta de San Vicente -- Monumental gate located in the Glorieta de San Vicente in Madrid
Wikipedia - Pylon (architecture) -- Monumental gateway of an Egyptian temple
Wikipedia - Records of the Grand Historian -- Monumental history of ancient China written in the 1st century BC
Wikipedia - Refugiados (monument) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Richard Wagner Monument
Wikipedia - Rio Sao Francisco Natural Monument -- Natural monument in Brazil
Wikipedia - Robinson's Arch -- Monumental staircase in Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Roddick Gates -- Monumental gates at McGill University in Montreal
Wikipedia - Roman Bridge (Gjakova) -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Roman Thermae of Maximinus -- Cultural heritage monument in Braga, Portugal
Wikipedia - Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales -- Archival institution in United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England -- U.K. Government advisory body
Wikipedia - Rudolf Virchow Monument -- Monument in Berlin
Wikipedia - Rujm el-Hiri -- Stone-age monument in the Golan Heights
Wikipedia - Rumyantsev Obelisk -- Monument in Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Russell Cave National Monument -- 310 acres in Alabama (US) managed by the National Park Service
Wikipedia - Sabz Burj -- Monuments in Delhi
Wikipedia - Sacred Nagi Tree of Kumano Hayatama Taisha -- Natural Monument of Japan
Wikipedia - Saint Anne's Church, Dunav -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Saint Anthony's Church (Gjakova) -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Saint Joseph's Church, Vitina -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Saint Nicholas's Church (DrajM-DM-^Mici) -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Saint Vladimir Monument -- 1853 monument in Kyiv
Wikipedia - Sakajia Cave Natural Monument -- Cave in Georgia
Wikipedia - Sakhizari Cliff Natural Monument -- Complex geologic structure in Georgia
Wikipedia - San Juan Islands National Monument -- National monument in Washington, United States
Wikipedia - San Patricio de Hibernia Monument -- In Texas (US), on the National Register of Historic Places
Wikipedia - San Pedro Cemetery Museum -- National monument of Colombia
Wikipedia - Santa Fe And Salt Lake Trail Monument -- California Historic Landmark
Wikipedia - Scheduled monuments in Coventry -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Scheduled monuments in Derbyshire -- List of protected ancient monuments in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Scheduled monuments in Derby -- List of protected ancient monuments in Derby, England
Wikipedia - Scheduled monuments in Greater London -- List of places in London, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Scheduled monuments in Nottinghamshire -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Scheduled monuments in Staffordshire -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Scheduled monuments in Taunton Deane -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Scheduled monument
Wikipedia - Scholars Pavilion -- Monument at the United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria
Wikipedia - Sconce and Devon Park -- Park and listed ancient monument in Newark, Nottinghamshire
Wikipedia - Sculpture Park Engelbrecht -- Monumental sculptures from Erich Engelbrecht
Wikipedia - Sergeant Floyd Monument -- Monument on the Missouri River at Floyd's Bluff in Sioux City, Iowa, USA to honor Charles Floyd of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Wikipedia - Shabanaj Family Mill -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Shah Cheragh -- funerary monument and mosque in Shiraz, Iran
Wikipedia - Shahid Gate -- Monument in Kathmandu, Nepal
Wikipedia - Shakespeare Bridge -- A Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument
Wikipedia - Shakespeare's funerary monument -- funerary monument for William Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon
Wikipedia - Sheh Zeynel Abedini Tekke -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Shemsedin Kirjatani House -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Shirvanshah's Palace Mausoleum -- Historical monument of the XV century in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Shivleni Caves -- Rock-cut cave monuments in India
Wikipedia - ShtjefM-CM-+n Gjecovi Chapel -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Silbury Hill -- Monumental Neolithic mound west of the River Kennet and south of Avebury village
Wikipedia - Slabinja Monument -- War memorial sculpture in Croatia
Wikipedia - Smythe's Megalith -- Neolithic monument in Kent, England
Wikipedia - Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Cleveland) -- Monument in Cleveland, Ohio
Wikipedia - Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Rochester, New York) -- Monument in Rochester, New York
Wikipedia - Soldiers' Monument (Santa Fe, New Mexico) -- Monument in Santa Fe, New Mexico
Wikipedia - Soldiers' National Monument -- Gettysburg Battlefield memorial located at the central point of Gettysburg National Cemetery
Wikipedia - Solkota Cave Natural Monument -- A karst cave in Imereti region of Georgia
Wikipedia - Sons of San Patricio Monument -- In Texas (US), on the National Register of Historic Places
Wikipedia - Spanish-American War Soldier's Monument -- Outdoor sculpture and war memorial in Portland, Oregon
Wikipedia - St. Anne's Church, Dervican -- Cultural Monument in Albania
Wikipedia - Stari Han -- Cultural Monument of Exceptional Importance in Kremna, Serbia
Wikipedia - State Protected Monuments of India -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Statue of Cervantes (Madrid) -- Monument in plaza de las Cortes, Madrid
Wikipedia - Statue of Henry Campbell-Bannerman -- Monument in Stirling, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Statue of Liberty National Monument -- United States national monument
Wikipedia - Statue of Unity -- Monument to Vallabhbhai Patel in the Narmada valley, Gujarat, India
Wikipedia - Statue of Velazquez (Madrid) -- Monument in Madrid
Wikipedia - Statue of Williams Carter Wickham -- Monument to Confederate general in Richmond, Virginia
Wikipedia - Statue of Yuri Gagarin, Greenwich -- Monument in London
Wikipedia - St. George's Church, Brataj -- Cultural Monument in Albania
Wikipedia - St. Jakobs Memorial -- Monument in the city of Basel, Switzerland
Wikipedia - St. John's Church, Linaj -- Cultural Monument of Albania
Wikipedia - St. Mary Church, KrujM-CM-+ -- Cultural Monument of Albania
Wikipedia - St. Mary's Church, Surrel -- Cultural Monument of Albania
Wikipedia - St. Michael's Church, Menshat -- Cultural Monument of Albania
Wikipedia - St Nicholas's Church, Kurjan -- Cultural Monument in Albania
Wikipedia - Stonehenge -- Neolithic henge monument in Wiltshire, England
Wikipedia - Stone settings (Exmoor) -- Prehistoric monuments found in Exmoor, England
Wikipedia - Stonewall Inn -- Gay tavern and historical monument in New York City
Wikipedia - St. Paraskevi's Church, Vallesh -- Cultural Monument of Albania
Wikipedia - St. Stephen's Church, DhM-CM-+rmi -- Cultural Monument in Albania
Wikipedia - Suvorov Monument (Saint Petersburg) -- Monument in Saint Petersburg
Wikipedia - Syle Rexha Tower House -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Tabhane -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Tahtakale Hamam -- Historic monument in Istanbul, Turkey
Wikipedia - Taliq Bridge -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Taras Shevchenko Memorial -- Monument in Washington
Wikipedia - Taula -- Stonehenge-like weird stone monument
Wikipedia - Terminating vista -- Building or monument at the end of a view
Wikipedia - Terry Fox Memorial and Lookout -- Public monument near Thunder Bay, Ontario
Wikipedia - Tetrapylon -- Ancient Roman monument of cubic shape, generally built on a crossroads
Wikipedia - The Abbot's Fish House, Meare -- Grade I listed building and Scheduled Ancient Monument in Meare, Somerset, England
Wikipedia - The Bull Ring -- Neolithic henge monument in Derbyshire
Wikipedia - The Extra Mile -- National monument in Washington D.C.
Wikipedia - The Gates of Hell -- Monumental sculpture by Auguste Rodin
Wikipedia - The Last Bullet Monument -- Last bullets of Turkish War of Independence.
Wikipedia - The Layer Monument -- Early 17th-century marble monument
Wikipedia - The Layer Quaternity -- Four marble sculptures in the columns of the Layer Monument
Wikipedia - The Monuments Men -- 2014 film by George Clooney
Wikipedia - The Motherland Calls -- Volgograd monumental sculpture for heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad
Wikipedia - The Norman House (York) -- Grade I listed building and scheduled monument
Wikipedia - Theodore Roosevelt Monument Assemblage -- Monument in Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in New York, United States
Wikipedia - The Rich Well -- Monument in Russia
Wikipedia - The Russian-Bashkir Friendship Monument -- Monument in Bashkortostan, Russia
Wikipedia - Thesaurus Linguae Latinae -- Monumental dictionary of Latin
Wikipedia - These Are My Jewels -- Civil War monument in Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - The Significance of Monuments -- Book by Richard Bradley
Wikipedia - The Torch of Friendship -- Miami Monument
Wikipedia - The Wave (Arizona) -- Rock formation in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Thimlich Ohinga -- National Monument of Kenya
Wikipedia - This Is the Place Monument -- Monument in Salt Lake City, Utah USA
Wikipedia - Threecastles Castle -- Irish National Monument - castle in County Wicklow
Wikipedia - Tiananmen -- Monumental gate in the [[city center]] of Beijing, China
Wikipedia - Tinmal Mosque -- Historic monument in Morocco
Wikipedia - Tomb of Absalom -- Ancient monumental rock-cut tomb
Wikipedia - Tomb of Antipope John XXIII -- tomb monument of Baldassare Cossa created by Donatello and Michelozzo in Florence, Italy
Wikipedia - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Arlington) -- Monument dedicated to U.S. service members who have died without their remains being identified
Wikipedia - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier -- Monument dedicated to the services of an unknown soldier and to the common memories of all soldiers killed in war
Wikipedia - Torment: Tides of Numenera
Wikipedia - Tree of Knowledge (sculpture) -- Monumental sculpture by Lubo Kristek
Wikipedia - Tri-States Monument -- tripoint boundary monument for New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
Wikipedia - Tropaion -- Greco-Roman monument celebrating victory
Wikipedia - Tskaltsitela Gorge Natural Monument -- River gorge in western Georgia
Wikipedia - Tupella Family Tower House -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Twenty-Six Martyrs Museum and Monument
Wikipedia - Uhuru Monument -- Monument in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Wikipedia - Union Soldiers and Sailors Monument -- U.S. Civil War monument in Baltimore
Wikipedia - United Confederate Veterans Memorial -- Confederate monument in Seattle's Lake View Cemetery
Wikipedia - United Daughters of the Confederacy Monument (Cleveland, Tennessee) -- Monument in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument -- Protected area in Montana
Wikipedia - Vetusta Monumenta -- 1718-1906 series of illustrated antiquarian papers on ancient buildings, sites, and artefacts
Wikipedia - Victory column -- Monument in the form of a column
Wikipedia - Vijaya Stambha -- Victory monument within Chittor Fort in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Vinarc i EpM-CM-+rm Catholic Church -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Visoki DeM-DM-^Mani -- Cultural heritage monument of Serbia
Wikipedia - Voortrekker Monument -- Monument in Pretoria, South Africa, to commemorate the Voortrekkers who left the Cape Colony between 1835 and 1854
Wikipedia - Vranov nad Dyji Castle -- national monument of the Czech Republic
Wikipedia - Wahat Al Karama -- Monument in Abu Dhabi
Wikipedia - Walled Obelisk -- Roman monument in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)
Wikipedia - Washington Monument -- Obelisk in Washington, D.C.
Wikipedia - We Are Our Mountains -- Monument in Stepanakert, Artsakh
Wikipedia - Westerplatte Monument -- War memorial located in Gdansk, Poland
Wikipedia - Westwork -- Monumental, west-facing entrance section of a Carolingian, Ottonian, or Romanesque church
Wikipedia - Wiki Loves Monuments -- Annual international photography contest
Wikipedia - Wikipedia Monument
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wiki Loves Monuments -- Wikiproject
Wikipedia - Windeck Castle (Weinheim) -- Historic monument in Germany
Wikipedia - Witches' Well, Edinburgh -- Monument to accused witches in Edinburgh
Wikipedia - Yelland Stone Rows -- Prehistoric monument in Devon, England
Wikipedia - Yellow House (Venezuela) -- National historical monument of Venezuela in Caracas
Wikipedia - Yount Monument -- Artwork by Brian Maughan
Wikipedia - Zenel Beka Mill -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Zeynullah Bey Tower House -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo
Wikipedia - Zymer Musiqi House -- Cultural heritage monument of Kosovo\,_Stirling.jpg,_London'Henri_II.jpg
dedroidify.blogspot - labor-legacy-monument-hart-plaza
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - numenius,_Bunker_Hill_Monument_-_Boston5782.jpg,_Uppsala.jpg
Zenki (1995 - Current) - One thousand years ago there lived the powerful sorcerer, OZ-NAY. OZ-NAY protected the world from evil forces with the help of his powerful guardian deity ZENKI. Fearful that no one other than himself could control the mighty ZENKI, Oz-Nay sealed ZENKI in a stone monument within the walls of the fam...
Hayate the Combat Butler (2007 - 2008) - Abandoned by his parents and given a monumentally large debt as a Christmas present, 16-year old Ayasaki Hayate is at the lowest point of his life. Desperately trying alter his hapless fate, he decides to kidnap someone to hold for a ransom. Due to an ill choice of words, the girl he tries to kidnap...
The Blunders (1984 - 1984) - For the Blunders, if anything can go wrong it will! Ma and Pa Blunder, Bobby, Patch and Trouble are the worlds most disaster-prone family. Being the world's most disaster-prone family, The Blunders live in Villa Shambles, a monument to the dangers of do-it-yourself by the incompetent.
Under the Hula Moon(1995) - In this comedy thriller, a couple living in Cactus Gulch, dream of escaping the desert and moving to Hawaii. Their little house trailer has become a monument to Hawaii, filled with plastic palms and pink flamingos. The two, Buzzard Wall and his tacky wife Betty, believe that Buzz's new invention, a...
What Have We Learned, Charlie Brown?(1983) - As they begin their journey home from their student exchange term, Charlie Brown and the gang find themselves sidetracked. They have severe car trouble and more importantly, they pass by various monuments to World Wars I & II. With Linus guiding them through these memorials, they learn about the eve...
Totem(1999) - Six people find themselves inexplicably transported to a remote cabin that is surrounded by an invisible barrier. In a nearby graveyard, they discover an ancient, carved stone monument that they dub a "totem pole." Soon, they find themselves trapped in a murderous plot by malevolent forces that can...
Viceroy's House (2017) ::: 6.7/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 46min | Biography, Drama, History | 1 September 2017 -- Viceroy's House Poster -- The final Viceroy of India, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (Hugh Bonneville), is tasked with overseeing the transition of British India to independence, but meets with conflict as different sides clash in the face of monumental change. Director: Gurinder Chadha's_Monument"Age_of_Monuments"_(Quest_Starter)"The_Age_of_Monuments"_(House_Item)"The_Age_of_Monuments"_(Quest)'s_monument
Koukaku no Pandora -- -- AXsiZ, Studio Gokumi -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Ecchi -- Koukaku no Pandora Koukaku no Pandora -- Onboard a cruise ship heading to the scenic Cenancle Island, the full-body cyborg Nene Nanakorobi, a bubbly young girl who dreams of world peace, meets inventor Uzal Delilah. The two become fast friends along with Uzal's pet cyborg Clarion, a cat-like combat android. Soon after parting ways, a terrorist attack on the island threatens to shatter the pair's new friendship. In a bid to save her new friend, Uzal gives Nene the ability to use the Pandora Device found in Clarion's body before seemingly dying. With this power, Nene can temporarily master abilities and skills never seen before in the advancing world. -- -- Working together, the two unlikely companions go on various missions—from saving children in shopping mall fires to fighting reckless thieves—all in the name of world peace. But to achieve this goal is not easy. B.U.E.R, a sentient laser in the form of a misshapen teddy bear, threatens to wreck their happy lives with his perverted nature and uncontrollable power. And to make matters worse, Nene's guardian, as well as genius inventor, Takumi Korobase has an undying interest in B.U.E.R. -- -- Burdened with saving the world and keeping B.U.E.R from the hands of evil, Nene and Clarion's desire for world peace seems like a pipe dream. With this monumental goal, could the weight of it all destroy the pair's friendship completely? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 40,234 6.52"A"_Riding_Monument,_Adaminaby"A_woman_from_Karabakh"_monument_in_Yerevan,_Yerevan,_South_Tyrol,_D._F."Demeanor_of_Eternity"_monument_in_Yerevan'Fire_of_Eternal_Glory'_Monument,_Pyatigorsk"Grateful_Russia_to_its_defenders"_monument'Klyatva'_monument_in_Troitsk_(Chelyabinsk_Oblast)"Monument_of_Pain_and_Defiance"_by_Ante_Gr"Monument_of_Resistance_and_Freedom"_by_Ante_Gr,_Monumento_a_Giordano_Bruno_(1889)_-_Foto_Giovanni_Dall'Orto,_6-Apr-2008.jpg's_monument_in_Yerevan_(1).jpg's_monument_in_Yerevan_(2).jpg's_monument_in_Yerevan_(3).jpg's_monument_in_Yerevan_(4).jpg's_monument_in_Yerevan_(5).jpg's_monument_in_Yerevan_(6).jpg,_Alloway._Ayrshire_Wreath._1854.jpg,_Kay_Park,_Kilmarnock,_East_Ayrshire.jpg,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg#file,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg#filehistory,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg#filelinks,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg#globalusage,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg#metadata!!_Commemorative_monument_and_shade_on_St_James_Cavallier.jpg,_Edinburgh.jpg"big_stone"_Monument_in_Treblinka_(45077802).jpg's_monument.)_(NYPL_b11708029-G91F176_006F).tiff"Hifu-no-Oka"_Memorial_monument.jpg,_Byblos_-_UNESCO_-_PHOTO0000002590_0000.tiff,_Byblos_-_UNESCO_-_PHOTO0000002590_0001.tiff'_Monument,_Greyfriars_Kirkyard.jpg,_Birmingham_UK.JPG,_KITLV_105825.tiff,_Kensico_Cemetery,_2011.JPG,_Stanton_Harcourt,'s_Christian_Temperance_Union_monument,_Griffin.JPG's_Christian_Temperance_Union_monument_-_Uxbridge,_Massachusetts_-_DSC02836.JPG"A"_Riding_Monument,_Adaminaby"A_woman_from_Karabakh"_monument_in_Yerevan"Demeanor_of_Eternity"_monument_in_Yerevan"Grateful_Russia_to_its_defenders"_monument"Monument_of_Pain_and_Defiance"_by_Ante_Gr"Monument_of_Resistance_and_Freedom"_by_Ante_Gr,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg"A"_Riding_Monument,_Adaminaby"A_woman_from_Karabakh"_monument_in_Yerevan"Demeanor_of_Eternity"_monument_in_Yerevan"Grateful_Russia_to_its_defenders"_monument"Monument_of_Pain_and_Defiance"_by_Ante_Gr"Monument_of_Resistance_and_Freedom"_by_Ante_Gr"A"_Riding_Monument,_Adaminaby"A_woman_from_Karabakh"_monument_in_Yerevan"Demeanor_of_Eternity"_monument_in_Yerevan"Grateful_Russia_to_its_defenders"_monument"Monument_of_Pain_and_Defiance"_by_Ante_Gr"Monument_of_Resistance_and_Freedom"_by_Ante_Gr,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg,_Armenia_First_Christian_Country_Monument,_Armenia,_2013-09-01,_VM.jpg"A"+Riding+Monument,+Adaminaby"A+woman+from+Karabakh"+monument+in+Yerevan"Demeanor+of+Eternity"+monument+in+Yerevan"Grateful+Russia+to+its+defenders"+monument"Monument+of+Pain+and+Defiance"+by+Ante+Gr"Monument+of+Resistance+and+Freedom"+by+Ante+Gr"A_woman_from_Karabakh"_monument_in_Yerevan&limit=20"A"+Riding+Monument,+Adaminaby"A+woman+from+Karabakh"+monument+in+Yerevan"Demeanor+of+Eternity"+monument+in+Yerevan"Grateful+Russia+to+its+defenders"+monument"Monument+of+Pain+and+Defiance"+by+Ante+Gr"Monument+of+Resistance+and+Freedom"+by+Ante+Gr,+Armenia+First+Christian+Country+Monument,+Armenia,+2013-09-01,+VM.jpg"A_woman_from_Karabakh"_monument_in_Yerevan"Demeanor_of_Eternity"_monument_in_Yerevan"Monument_of_Pain_and_Defiance"_by_Ante_Gr"Monument_of_Resistance_and_Freedom"_by_Ante_Gr"A"+Riding+Monument,+Adaminaby"A+woman+from+Karabakh"+monument+in+Yerevan"Demeanor+of+Eternity"+monument+in+Yerevan"Grateful+Russia+to+its+defenders"+monument"Monument+of+Pain+and+Defiance"+by+Ante+Gr"Monument+of+Resistance+and+Freedom"+by+Ante+Gr,+Armenia+First+Christian+Country+Monument,+Armenia,+2013-09-01,+VM.jpg
14th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry Monument
1996 World Monuments Watch
1998 World Monuments Watch
2000 World Monuments Watch
2002 World Monuments Watch
2004 World Monuments Watch
2006 World Monuments Watch
2008 World Monuments Watch
2010 World Monuments Watch
32nd Indiana Monument
44th New York Monument
51st (Highland) Division Monument (Beaumont-Hamel)
Aayi Mandapam (monument)
Adam Mickiewicz Monument
Adam Mickiewicz Monument, Gorzw Wielkopolski
Adam Mickiewicz Monument, Krakw
Adam Mickiewicz Monument, Vilnius
Adam Mickiewicz Monument, Warsaw
Admiral Hood Monument
Admission Day Monument
African Burial Ground National Monument
African Renaissance Monument
Afrikaans Language Monument
Agate Fossil Beds National Monument
Agiya Tree Monument
Agua Fria National Monument
A Happening of Monumental Proportions
Alexander Fadeev Monument
Alexander Numenius
Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument
Al-Shaheed Monument
Alyosha Monument
Alyosha Monument, Murmansk
Alyosha Monument, Plovdiv
America's Response Monument
American Battle Monuments Commission
Ames Monument
Amis des monuments rouennais
Anchor Monument (Matveev Kurgan)
Ancient monument
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979
Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act 1913
Ancient monuments in Ujjain
Ancient monuments of Java
Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley
Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1882
Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1900
Ancient Monuments Protection Act 1910
Anda Monument
Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve
Anna Livia (monument)
Antiquities and Monuments Office
Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance
Approving the location of the National Liberty Monument
Archaeological Protected Monuments in Sri Lanka
Arthur Ashe Monument
Artsivi Gorge Natural Monument
Artyomka Monument
Arusha Declaration Monument
Atatrk Monument
Atatrk Monument (Artvin)
Atatrk Monument (zmir)
Atatrk Monument (Mersin)
Aviator Monument (Stockholm)
Aviator Monument (Warsaw)
Aztec Ruins National Monument
Backgammon player (monument)
Baiterek (monument)
Balbo Monument
Bandelier National Monument
Barclay de Tolly Monument
Battle Monument
Battle Monument, Trenton, New Jersey
Battle Monument (West Point)
Battle of Britain Monument, London
Battle of Dutton's Hill Monument
Battle of Liberty Place Monument
Bear Monument
Bears Ears National Monument
Beckley Furnace Industrial Monument
Beethoven Monument
Beethoven Monument (Mexico City)
BelmontPaul Women's Equality National Monument
Bennington Battle Monument
Berlin Wall Monument (Chicago)
Berry and MacFarlane Monument
Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument
Bessang Pass Natural Monument
Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument
Bismarck monument
Bismarck Monument (Hamburg)
Bohdan Khmelnytsky Monument, Kyiv
Bolesaw III Wrymouth Monument, Pock
Bolzano Victory Monument
Bonifacio Monument
Booker T. Washington National Monument
Boot Monument
Boston Massacre Monument
Britannia Monument
British Antarctic Monument Trust
Brock's Monument
Buck Island Reef National Monument
Bucky O'Neill Monument
Buddhist Monuments in the Hry-ji Area
Bukhansan Monument
Bunker Hill Monument
Buzludzha monument
Cabot rock monument
Cadaver monument
California Coastal National Monument
California Coastal National Monument Expansion Act of 2013
CambodiaVietnam Friendship Monument
Camp Merritt Memorial Monument
Camp Nelson Heritage National Monument
Camposanto Monumentale di Pisa
Canyon de Chelly National Monument
Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
Cape Krusenstern National Monument
Captain Andrew Offutt Monument
Captain Nathan Hale Monument
Captain William Clark Monument
Capulin Volcano National Monument
Cargill Monument
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
CascadeSiskiyou National Monument
Casimir Pulaski Monument (Savannah, Georgia)
Castle Mountains National Monument
Category:Monuments and memorials in Canada
Category:Monuments and memorials to Peter the Great
Cedar Breaks National Monument
Cedar Breaks National Monument Caretaker's Cabin
Cedar Breaks National Monument Visitor Center
Cerro ielol Natural Monument
Csar E. Chvez National Monument
Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Paa Monument
Chambeshi Monument
Charaxes numenes
Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument
Chteau-Thierry American Monument
Chekhov Monument in Taganrog
Chimney Rock National Monument
Chiricahua National Monument Historic Designed Landscape
Chitharal Jain Monuments
Cholera Monument Grounds and Clay Wood
Choragic Monument of Lysicrates
Cimitero Monumentale di Milano
Civil War Monument (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Civil War Monument (Denver)
Civil War Monuments in Washington, D.C.
Coleophora numeniella
Collingwood Monument
Collyer Monument
Colonel Robert A. Smith Monument
Colorado National Monument
Colored Soldiers Monument in Frankfort
Columbus Monument, Barcelona
Comit de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe
Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Confederate Cemetery Monument (Tennessee)
Confederate Last Stand Monument
Confederate Martyrs Monument in Jeffersontown
Confederate Mass Grave Monument in Somerset
Confederate Monument at Crab Orchard
Confederate Monument (Cadiz, Kentucky)
Confederate Monument (Camden, Alabama)
Confederate Monument (Fort Worth, Texas)
Confederate Monument (Franklin, Tennessee)
Confederate Monument in Augusta
Confederate Monument in Cynthiana
Confederate Monument in Danville
Confederate Monument in Frankfort
Confederate Monument in Georgetown
Confederate Monument in Glasgow
Confederate Monument in Harrodsburg
Confederate Monument in Lawrenceburg
Confederate Monument in Louisville
Confederate Monument in Owensboro
Confederate Monument in Owingsville
Confederate Monument in Paducah
Confederate Monument in Perryville
Confederate Monument in Russellville
Confederate Monument in Versailles
Confederate Monument (Murray, Kentucky)
Confederate Monument of Bardstown
Confederate Monument of Bowling Green
Confederate Monument of Morganfield
Confederate Monument (Ozark, Alabama)
Confederate Mothers Monument
Confederate Soldier Monument in Caldwell
Confederate Soldier Monument in Lexington
Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Birmingham, Alabama)
Confederate Soldiers Martyrs Monument in Eminence
Confederate Soldiers Monument (Austin, Texas)
Confederate Soldiers Monument (Durham, North Carolina)
Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales
Corona Founders Monument
Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae
Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve
Cueva del Milodn Natural Monument
Cultural monument (Czech Republic)
Cultural monuments in Lichte
Declared monuments of Ho Chi Minh City
Declared monuments of Hong Kong
Democracy Monument
Demolition of monuments to Vladimir Lenin in Ukraine
Denton Confederate Soldier Monument
Devils Garden (Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument)
Devils Postpile National Monument
Dinosaur National Monument
Dirgantara Monument
Doubleday Hill Monument
Draft:Monument to Panfilov's Guardsmen, Moscow
Drums of Our Fathers Monument
East Monument Historic District
Edward VII Monument (Montreal)
Effigy Mounds National Monument
Eisenhower Monument
Elijah P. Lovejoy Monument
El Malpais National Monument
El Monumento de la Recordacin
El Pueblo de Los ngeles Historical Monument
Emperor William monuments
English church monuments
Ensuring Public Involvement in the Creation of National Monuments Act
Equestrian Monument of Cosimo I
Equestrian Monument of Ferdinando I
Equestrian Monument of Niccol da Tolentino
Equestrian monument to Vittorio Emanuele II, Florence
Estadio Monumental
Estadio Monumental Antonio Vespucio Liberti
Estadio Monumental David Arellano
Estadio Monumental de Jauja
Estadio Monumental de Maturn
Estadio Monumental Isidro Romero Carbo
Estadio Monumental Jos Fierro
Estadio Monumental "U"
Estadio Monumental Virgen de Chapi
Estadio Nuevo Monumental
Estdio Olmpico Monumental
Explorers' Monument
Falla monument
Fallen Monument Park
Fannin Memorial Monument
Farhad and Shirin Monument
Federal Inventory of Landscapes and Natural Monuments
Federal Monuments Office
Firemen's Monument (Hoboken, New Jersey)
First City Monument Bank
First Division Monument
First Jos Rizal Monument (Daet)
Five-Columns Monument
Flagler Monument Island
Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument
Former Indian National Army Monument
Fort Frederica National Monument
Fort Matanzas National Monument
Fort Pulaski National Monument
Fort Union National Monument
Fossil Butte National Monument
Four Corners Monument
Four Southern Poets Monument
Frederic Chopin Monument, Warsaw
Frdric Chopin Monument, elazowa Wola
Freedom Monument
Freedom Monument (Baghdad)
Freedom Monument, Bydgoszcz
Freedom Riders National Monument
From Monument to Masses
Fulford-by-the-Sea Monument
Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood
Fyrish Monument
Gapyeong Canada Monument
Garfield Monument
Garibaldi Monument in Taganrog
General Felix K. Zollicoffer Monument
General Maister Monument (Brdar)
Gentry Grand Army of the Republic Monument
George Armstrong Custer Equestrian Monument
George Davis Monument
George-tienne Cartier Monument
George Washington Birthplace National Monument
Gergovie Monument
Ghana Museums and Monuments Board
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument
Gloria Victis (Confederate monument)
Gloucester Valley Battle Monument
GoetheSchiller Monument
GoetheSchiller Monument (Milwaukee)
GoetheSchiller Monument (San Francisco)
GoetheSchiller Monument (Syracuse)
Go for Broke Monument
Goguryeo Monument, Chungju
Gold Butte National Monument
Golden Warrior Monument
Gopachal rock cut Jain monuments
Gordon Monument
Gospodor Monument Park
Grand CanyonParashant National Monument
Grand Portage National Monument
Grand StaircaseEscalante National Monument
Grave monument from Kallithea
Greatest Hits on Monument
Great Pyramid Monument
Great Siege Monument
Grey's Monument
Group of Monuments at Mahabalipuram
Gruta do Lago Azul Natural Monument
Guayabo National Monument
Guntupalli Group of Buddhist Monuments
Gyrowheel Monument
Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument
Hanford Reach National Monument
Hans Christian rsted Monument
Hardy Monument
Haymarket Martyrs' Monument
Hazen Brigade Monument
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Monument
Hermann Heights Monument
Herndon Monument
Heroes Monument
Heroes Monument, Jakarta
Heyward Shepherd monument
Historical Monuments Commission
Historical monuments in Pristina
Historical monuments in trpce
Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments
Historic Monuments and Sites of Hiraizumi
Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto (Kyoto, Uji and Otsu Cities)
Historic monument (Switzerland)
Historic Sites and Monuments in Antarctica
Ho Chi Minh Monument
Hohokam Pima National Monument
Homestead National Monument of America
Hope for Peace Monument
Horse Monument to Platov
Hovenweep National Monument
Huguenot Monument
Hunnestad Monument
Illinois Centennial Monument
Immovable Cultural Monuments of National Significance
Independence Monument
Independence Monument, Ashgabat
Independence Monument, Kyiv
Independence Monument, Lome
Independence Monument, Phnom Penh
Indies Monument
Indio Comahue Monument
Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and National Museum
Institute of Cultural Monuments (Albania)
International Council on Monuments and Sites
International Day For Monuments and Sites
Islamic monuments in Kosovo
Islotes de Puihuil Natural Monument
James A. Garfield Monument
January 20 (monument)
Japanese Lantern Monument
Jewel Cave National Monument
John B. Castleman Monument
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
John Lennon Peace Monument
John Young Monument
Josef Dobrovsk Monument
Jzef Pisudski Monument in Warsaw
Jzef Pisudski Monument, Turek
Jzef Pisudski Monument, Warsaw
Jzef Poniatowski Monument, Warsaw
Julian Tuwim Monument, d
Juneau Monument
Jurassic National Monument
Kaleshwari Group of Monuments
Karl Marx Monument
Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument
Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument
Keyboard Monument
Khajuraho Group of Monuments
King Jagiello Monument
Krt-Aika Monument
Kurukpr Monumental Church
Kukayas Monument
Kyffhuser Monument
L'Ecole Polytechnique Monument
Lahuen adi Natural Monument
La Monumental
Las Limas Monument 1
Lava Beds National Monument
Laws protecting monuments by country
Lenin Monument, Pavlovskaya Street
Lessing Monument
Letter Carriers' Monument
Levoa, Spi Castle and the associated cultural monuments
Liberty Monument
Lincoln Goodale Monument
Lincoln Monument (Dixon, Illinois)
Lincoln Monument (Philadelphia)
Lincoln Monument (Wabash, Indiana)
Lincoln Vicksburg Monument
Lion Monument
List of American Civil War monuments in Kentucky
List of ancient monuments in Rome
List of Archaeological Protected Monuments in Jaffna District
List of buildings, sites, and monuments in New York City
List of communist monuments in Ukraine
List of Confederate monuments and memorials
List of Confederate monuments and memorials in Georgia
List of cultural monuments in Luenec
List of cultural monuments in Rimavsk Sobota
List of Designated Monuments in Sint Maarten
List of firefighting monuments and memorials
List of historical monuments in Bastia
List of historical monuments in Ireland
List of historic monuments in Romania
List of Historic Monuments (Poland)
List of Holodomor memorials and monuments
List of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments in Silver Lake, Angelino Heights, and Echo Park
List of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments in South Los Angeles
List of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments in the San Fernando Valley
List of martyrs' monuments and memorials
List of megalithic monuments in Cork
List of memorials and monuments at Arlington National Cemetery
List of memorials and monuments at Mount Herzl
List of MexicanAmerican War monuments and memorials
List of monuments and memorials in Taganrog
List of monuments and memorials removed during the George Floyd protests
List of monuments and memorials to Christopher Columbus
List of monuments and memorials to the KurdishTurkish conflict
List of monuments and memorials to women's suffrage
List of monuments damaged by conflict in the Middle East during the 21st century
List of monuments erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy
List of Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives personnel
List of monuments in Achham, Nepal
List of monuments in Arghakhanchi, Nepal
List of monuments in Baglung, Nepal
List of monuments in Bagmati Province
List of monuments in Bagmati Zone
List of monuments in Baitadi, Nepal
List of monuments in Bajhang, Nepal
List of monuments in Bajura, Nepal
List of monuments in Banke, Nepal
List of monuments in Bara, Nepal
List of monuments in Bardiya, Nepal
List of monuments in Bhaktapur, Nepal
List of monuments in Bheri Zone
List of monuments in Bhojpur, Nepal
List of monuments in Budanilkantha, Nepal
List of monuments in Chandragiri, Nepal
List of monuments in Chiinu
List of monuments in Chitwan, Nepal
List of monuments in Dadeldhura, Nepal
List of monuments in Dailekh, Nepal
List of monuments in Dakshinkali, Nepal
List of monuments in Dang, Nepal
List of monuments in Darchula, Nepal
List of monuments in Dhankuta, Nepal
List of monuments in Dhanusha, Nepal
List of monuments in Dhawalagiri Zone
List of monuments in Dolakha, Nepal
List of monuments in Dolpa, Nepal
List of monuments in Doti, Nepal
List of monuments in El Jadida
List of monuments in Gandaki Province
List of monuments in Gandaki Zone
List of monuments in Gorkha, Nepal
List of monuments in Gulmi, Nepal
List of monuments in Hanuman Dhoka, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Humla, Nepal
List of monuments in Ilam, Nepal
List of monuments in Jajarkot, Nepal
List of monuments in Janakpur Zone
List of monuments in Jhapa, Nepal
List of monuments in Jumla, Nepal
List of monuments in Kageshwari Manohara, Nepal
List of monuments in Kailali, Nepal
List of monuments in Kalikot, Nepal
List of monuments in Kanchanpur, Nepal
List of monuments in Kapilvastu, Nepal
List of monuments in Karnali Province
List of monuments in Karnali Zone
List of monuments in Kaski, Nepal
List of monuments in Kathmandu, Nepal
List of monuments in Kavrepalanchok, Nepal
List of monuments in Khotang, Nepal
List of monuments in Kirtipur, Nepal
List of monuments in Koshi Zone
List of monuments in Lalitpur, Nepal
List of monuments in Lamjung, Nepal
List of monuments in Lumbini Province
List of monuments in Lumbini Zone
List of monuments in Mahakali Zone
List of monuments in Mahottari, Nepal
List of monuments in Makwanpur, Nepal
List of monuments in Malta
List of monuments in Manang, Nepal
List of monuments in Mechi Zone
List of monuments in Metropolis 10, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 11, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 12, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 13, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 14, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 15, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 16, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 17, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 18, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 19, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 1, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 20, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 2, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 3, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 4, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 5, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 6, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 7, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 8, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Metropolis 9, Kathmandu
List of monuments in Morang, Nepal
List of monuments in Mugu, Nepal
List of monuments in Mustang, Nepal
List of monuments in Myagdi, Nepal
List of Monuments in Nakhchivan
List of monuments in Narayani Zone
List of monuments in Nawalparasi, Nepal
List of monuments in Nepal
List of monuments in Nuwakot, Nepal
List of monuments in Okhaldhunga, Nepal
List of monuments in Palpa, Nepal
List of monuments in Panchthar, Nepal
List of monuments in Parbat, Nepal
List of monuments in Parsa, Nepal
List of monuments in Prizren
List of monuments in Pyuthan, Nepal
List of monuments in Ramechhap, Nepal
List of monuments in Rapti Zone
List of monuments in Rasuwa, Nepal
List of monuments in Rautahat, Nepal
List of monuments in Rolpa, Nepal
List of monuments in Rukum, Nepal
List of monuments in Rupandehi, Nepal
List of monuments in Sagarmatha Zone
List of monuments in Salyan, Nepal
List of monuments in Sankhuwasabha, Nepal
List of monuments in Saptari, Nepal
List of monuments in Sarlahi, Nepal
List of monuments in Seti Zone
List of monuments in Shankharapur, Nepal
List of monuments in Sindhuli, Nepal
List of monuments in Siraha, Nepal
List of monuments in Solukhumbu, Nepal
List of monuments in Sudurpashchim Province
List of monuments in Sunsari, Nepal
List of monuments in Surkhet, Nepal
List of monuments in Syangja, Nepal
List of monuments in Tanahun, Nepal
List of monuments in Taplejung, Nepal
List of monuments in Tarakeshwar, Nepal
List of monuments in Terhathum, Nepal
List of monuments in Tokha, Nepal
List of monuments in Udayapur, Nepal
List of monuments of Italy
List of Monuments of National Importance in Agra circle
List of Monuments of National Importance in Agra district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Ahmedabad district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Allahabad district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Andhra Pradesh
List of Monuments of National Importance in Arunachal Pradesh
List of Monuments of National Importance in Assam
List of Monuments of National Importance in Aurangabad circle
List of Monuments of National Importance in Bangalore circle
List of Monuments of National Importance in Belgaum district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Bidar district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Bihar
List of Monuments of National Importance in Bijapur district, Karnataka
List of Monuments of National Importance in Chennai circle
List of Monuments of National Importance in Chhattisgarh
List of Monuments of National Importance in Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
List of Monuments of National Importance in Delhi
List of Monuments of National Importance in Dharwad district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Goa
List of Monuments of National Importance in Gujarat
List of Monuments of National Importance in Gulbarga district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Haryana
List of Monuments of National Importance in Himachal Pradesh
List of Monuments of National Importance in Jammu and Kashmir
List of Monuments of National Importance in Jharkhand
List of Monuments of National Importance in Kanchipuram district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Karnataka
List of Monuments of National Importance in Kerala
List of Monuments of National Importance in Lalitpur district, India
List of Monuments of National Importance in Lucknow circle
List of Monuments of National Importance in Lucknow circle/North
List of Monuments of National Importance in Lucknow circle/South
List of Monuments of National Importance in Madhya Pradesh
List of Monuments of National Importance in Madhya Pradesh/East
List of Monuments of National Importance in Madhya Pradesh/West
List of Monuments of National Importance in Maharashtra
List of Monuments of National Importance in Manipur
List of Monuments of National Importance in Meghalaya
List of Monuments of National Importance in Mumbai circle
List of Monuments of National Importance in Nagaland
List of Monuments of National Importance in Odisha
List of Monuments of National Importance in Patna circle, Uttar Pradesh
List of Monuments of National Importance in Puducherry
List of Monuments of National Importance in Pudukkottai district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Punjab, India
List of Monuments of National Importance in Raichur district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Rajasthan
List of Monuments of National Importance in Sikkim
List of Monuments of National Importance in Thrissur circle, Tamil Nadu
List of Monuments of National Importance in Tripura
List of Monuments of National Importance in Uttara Kannada district
List of Monuments of National Importance in Uttarakhand
List of Monuments of National Importance in Uttar Pradesh
List of Monuments of National Importance in West Bengal
List of monuments of Pope John Paul II
List of monuments of the Gettysburg Battlefield
List of monuments of the Roman Forum
List of monuments of Tolyatti
List of monuments to Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
List of monuments to Ludwig van Beethoven
List of most visited palaces and monuments
List of National Historic Monuments of Argentina
List of National Monuments in Connacht
List of National Monuments in Leinster
List of National Monuments in Munster
List of National Monuments in Ulster
List of National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina
List of National Monuments of Chile
List of National Monuments of Chile in Aysn Region
List of National Monuments of Eswatini
List of national monuments of Portugal
List of National Monuments of Sierra Leone
List of national monuments of Taiwan
List of Natural Monuments in Kalikot
List of natural monuments in Karnali Pradesh
List of natural monuments in Nepal
List of natural monuments in Province No. 2
List of People's Heroes of Yugoslavia monuments
List of People's Heroes of Yugoslavia monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina
List of People's Heroes of Yugoslavia monuments in Croatia
List of People's Heroes of Yugoslavia monuments in North Macedonia
List of People's Heroes of Yugoslavia monuments in Serbia
List of People's Heroes of Yugoslavia monuments in Slovenia
List of Registered Monuments (Japan)
List of Religious Cultural Monuments of Albania
List of Rijksmonuments
List of rijksmonuments in Friesland
List of scheduled monuments
List of scheduled monuments in Anglesey
List of scheduled monuments in Blaenau Gwent
List of scheduled monuments in Bridgend
List of scheduled monuments in Caerphilly
List of scheduled monuments in Cardiff
List of scheduled monuments in Cheshire (10661539)
List of scheduled monuments in Cheshire dated to before 1066
List of scheduled monuments in Cheshire since 1539
List of scheduled monuments in Conwy
List of scheduled monuments in Denbighshire
List of scheduled monuments in Flintshire
List of scheduled monuments in North Somerset
List of scheduled monuments in Sedgemoor
List of scheduled monuments in South Somerset
List of scheduled monuments in the Vale of Glamorgan
List of scheduled monuments in Wrexham
List of scheduled prehistoric monuments in Carmarthenshire
List of Scheduled prehistoric Monuments in north Pembrokeshire
List of scheduled prehistoric monuments in Powys (Montgomeryshire)
List of scheduled Roman to modern monuments in Carmarthenshire
List of sites and monuments in Kenya
List of Sons and Daughters of Utah Pioneers historic monuments
List of SpanishAmerican War monuments and memorials
List of Special Places of Scenic Beauty, Special Historic Sites and Special Natural Monuments
List of types of funerary monument
List of Vietnam War monuments and memorials
List of war museums and monuments in Vietnam
List of World War II monuments and memorials in North Macedonia
List of Yugoslav World War II monuments and memorials in Croatia
List of Yugoslav World War II monuments and memorials in Montenegro
List of Yugoslav World War II monuments and memorials in Serbia
Lists of monuments and memorials
Lists of scheduled monuments in Cheshire
Lists of scheduled monuments in Wales
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Living monument
LivingstoneStanley Monument
Lone Tree Monument
Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument
Los Pinginos Natural Monument
Lower Monumental Dam
Loyalty (monument)
Lumberman's Monument
Lundeberg Derby Monument
Luther Monument (Washington, D.C.)
Luther Monument (Worms)
Macdonald Monument
Macrae Monument
Maisonneuve Monument
Maitland Monument
Major John Andr Monument
Mansu Hill Grand Monument
Maria Konopnicka Monument, Wrzenia
Marianas Trench Marine National Monument
Martyrs' Monument, Beirut
Massacre of Glencoe Monument
Matthew Perry Monument (Newport, Rhode Island)
Matthias Corvinus Monument
Mausolea and Monuments Trust
Mechanics Monument
Medal of Honor Monument
Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home National Monument
Mehmetik Monument
Melaka Warrior Monument
Memorials and monuments to victims of the Titanic
METU Atatrk Monument
Michigan Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument
Millennium Monument
Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument
Misty Fjords National Monument
Montezuma Castle National Monument
Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Monumenta Historica Britannica
Monumental Arch of Palmyra
Monumental Axis
Monumental brass
Monumental brasses of Gloucestershire
Monumental brass of John Rudying
Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno
Monumental church complex of Sant Pere de Terrassa
Monumental Clock of Pachuca
Monumental crosses
Monumentale (Milan Metro)
Monumental inscription
Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasure
Monumental Island
Monumental Marathon
Monumental masonry
Monumental Possession
Monumental propaganda
Monumental Ro Parapit
Monumental sculpture
Monumental Square (Alcaraz)
Monument and Memorial Ossuary to the Defenders of Belgrade
Monument and the Cemetery to the Liberators of Belgrade 1806
Monumenta Nipponica
Monumenta Serica
Monumenta Slavorum
Monument au Fantme
Monument aux braves de N.D.G.
Monument Ave.
Monument Avenue
Monument Avenue 10K
Monument Beach, Massachusetts
Monument Class Description
Monument, Colorado
Monument Creek
Monument Creek (Spring Brook tributary)
Monument de la Lgion Etrangre (Bonifacio)
Monument (disambiguation)
Monument du 22 Novembre 1970, Conakry
Monument Gardens (Bah World Centre)
Monument Hill
Monument Hills, California
Monument historique
Monument House
Monument Indi-Nederland
Monument istoric
Monument, Kansas
Monument Lab
Monument Mall
Monument (Miss May I album)
Monument Mountain
Monument Mountain (reservation)
Monument Municipal Airport
Monumento a la abolicin de la esclavitud
Monumento a la Mujer
Monumento a la Revolucin
Monumento al Jbaro Puertorriqueo
Monumento all'Indiano, Florence
Monumento a los Cados por Espaa (Madrid)
Monumento a los hroes de El Polvorn
Monumento a los hroes de El Polvorn (mausoleum)
Monumento a los hroes de El Polvorn (obelisk)
Monument of Gratitude to France
Monument of Jews and Poles Common Martyrdom, Warsaw
Monument of Liberty
Monument of Liberty, Chiinu
Monument of Liberty, Istanbul
Monument of Liberty, Ruse
Monument of Lihula
Monument of Prusias II
Monument of Shahrokndin
Monument of Sivrihisar Airplane
Monument of Sokoowo
Monument of Ten Commandments
Monument of the Eponymous Heroes
Monument of the War of Independence
Monument of Zalongo
Monument, Oregon
Monument Park
Monument Park, Pretoria
Monument Park (Yankee Stadium)
Monument Peak
Monument, Pennsylvania
Monument Records
Monument Rock Wilderness
Monuments and Historic Sites of Zambia
Monuments and Melodies
Monuments and memorials to Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson
Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program
Monuments Men Foundation for the Preservation of Art
Monuments (metal band)
Monuments of Australia
Monuments of Brugherio
Monuments of Japan
Monuments of National Importance of India
Monument Square
Monument SquareEagle Street Historic District
Monument Square, London
Monument Square (Portland, Maine)
Monuments relating to the Haymarket affair
Monuments to an Elegy
Monuments to the Warsaw Uprising
Monument to 1300 Years of Bulgaria, Shumen
Monument to Aleksandr Khanzhonkov
Monument to Alexander II (Moscow)
Monument to Alfonso XII
Monument to Balzac
Monument to Bartolom Mitre
Monument to Carlo Goldoni
Monument to Christopher Columbus
Monument to Christopher Columbus (Paseo de la Reforma)
Monument to Cuauhtmoc
Monument to Dante
Monument to Endre Ady, Zalu
Monument to Enrico Martnez
Monument to Friedrich Engels
Monument to Fyodor Tolbukhin
Monument to Garibaldi (Rome)
Monument to General Manfredo Fanti, Florence
Monument to Giovanni delle Bande Nere, Florence
Monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi (Buenos Aires)
Monument to Hispanidad (Madrid)
Monument to Isabella the Catholic (Granada)
Monument to Isabella the Catholic (Madrid)
Monument to Joe Louis
Monument to Jovan Cviji
Monument to Magdeburg Rights (Kyiv)
Monument to Michael Jackson
Monument to Michael the Brave, Guruslu
Monument to Minin and Pozharsky
Monument to Mos Bianchi
Monument to Nicholas I
Monument to Nil Filatov
Monument to Nizami Ganjavi in Chiinu
Monument to Party Founding
Monument to Peter I (St. Michael's Castle)
Monument Tortura Nunca Mais
Monument to Salavat Yulaev
Monument to Savonarola in Piazza Savonarola
Monument to Sir Alexander Ball
Monument to Soviet Tank Crews
Monument to Soviet War Veterans, Avala
Monument to Taras Shevchenko (Shakhty)
Monument to the Antarctic Treaty
Monument to the Bandeiras
Monument to the Battle of Monte Cassino, Warsaw
Monument to the Battle of the Nations
Monument to the Belarusians who died for Ukraine
Monument to the Communications Workers of Don
Monument to the Conquerors of Space
Monument to the Dead of World War II
Monument to the Defenders of Bauska
Monument to the fallen for Tn Silesia
Monument to the Fallen, Riccia
Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970
Monument to the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Monument to the Ghetto Heroes
Monument to the Great Fire of London
Monument to the guerrilla fighters of the Mordechaj Anielewicz Unit of the People's Guard
Monument to the heroes of Perekop
Monument to the Heroes of the Air
Monument to the Heroes of the Black Army
Monument to the Heroes of the Engineer Arm
Monument to the Independence of Brazil
Monument to the laboratory mouse
Monument to the Liberators of Soviet Latvia and Riga from the German Fascist Invaders
Monument to the Liberator Soldier (Kharkiv)
Monument to the Marquis of the Duero (Madrid)
Monument to the Masses
Monument to the Memory of Children - Victims of the Holocaust
Monument to the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet
Monument to the People's Heroes
Monument to the Revolution of 1905 (Matveev Kurgan)
Monument to the Revolution of the people of Moslavina
Monument to the sailors and fishermen perished in the sea
Monument to the Serbian and Albanian Partisans
Monument to the Soviet Army, Sofia
Monument to the Sun
Monument to the Tsar Liberator
Monument to the Unknown Soldier, Baghdad
Monument to the Victims of the Intervention
Monument to the Victims of the Soviet Occupation
Monument to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War
Monument to the Victory of Chacabuco
Monument to the X-ray and Radium Martyrs of All Nations
Monument to Those Who Saved the World
Monument to Time End
Monument to Ubaldino Peruzzi, Florence
Monument to Vasco Nez de Balboa (Madrid)
Monument to veterinarians (Rostov-on-Don)
Monument to victims of the attack against Alfonso XIII
Monument to Victims of the Wola Massacre
Monument to Viriathus (Zamora)
Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky (Rostov-on-Don)
Monument to Vojvoda Vuk
Monument to Women Memorial Garden
Monument to World War II Orthodox victims, Biaystok
Monument to Yuri Gagarin
Monumentum Adulitanum
Monumentum pro Gesualdo
Monument Valley
Monument Valley Film Festival
Monument Valley Park
Monument Valley (video game)
Monument with Standing Beast
Morgan Morgan Monument
Mormon Pioneer Memorial Monument
Mormon Trail Monument
Mother's Monument
Motherland Monument
Motherland Monument (Matveev Kurgan)
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
Muir Woods National Monument
Muse des Matriaux du Centre de Recherche sur les Monuments Historiques
Muse national des Monuments Franais
Mysteries at the Monument
Nathan Bedford Forrest Monument
Nathan Bedford Forrest Monument (Memphis, Tennessee)
National Ascension Monument
National Canadian Liberation Monument
National Commission for Museums and Monuments
National Geological Monuments of India
National Indimonument
National Kaiser Wilhelm Monument
National monument
National Monument (Amsterdam)
National Monument at Vtkov
National Monument (Indonesia)
National monument (Ireland)
National Monument (Malaysia)
National Monument of Scotland
National Monuments Council
National Monuments Council (South Africa and Namibia)
National Monuments of Colombia
National Monuments of Mexico
National monuments of Singapore
National monuments of Spain
National Monuments of Zimbabwe
National Monuments Record
National Monuments Record of Scotland
National Monument to the Forefathers
National Monument to the U.S. Constitution
National Press Monument
National Register of Historic Monuments in Romania
National Women's Monument
Natural Bridges National Monument
Natural monument
Natural monument (Brazil)
Natural monuments of North Korea
Natural monuments of South Korea
Navajo National Monument
Nazodelavo Cave Natural Monument
Nelson Monument, Edinburgh
Nelson Monument, Portsdown Hill
Nereid Monument
Neutrality Monument
Newborn monument
Newkirk Viaduct Monument
New York Monuments Commission
Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Krakw
Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Montreal
Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Toru
Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Warsaw
North Borneo War Monument
Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument
Numenes siletti
Numenius of Apamea
Numen (journal)
Oliver P. Morton (monument)
Oljato-Monument Valley
Oljato-Monument Valley, Arizona
OljatoMonument Valley, Utah
Open Hand Monument
Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve
Organ MountainsDesert Peaks National Monument
Orpheus Monument
Oshaktas Monument
Otan Qorgaushylar Monument
Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument
Pakistan Monument
Paleochristian and Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki
Papahnaumokukea Marine National Monument
Peacekeeping Monument
Peace Monument
Peace Monument of Glendale
Peel Monument
Penshaw Monument
Persian Inscriptions on Indian Monuments
Philopappos Monument
Pilgrim Monument
Pink Dolphin Monument
Pipe Spring National Monument
Pipestone National Monument
Plaza de Toros Monumental de Valencia
Plaza Monumental Romn Eduardo Sandia
Political Martyrs' Monument
Pompeys Pillar National Monument
Pontes Capixabas Natural Monument
Portugaliae Monumenta Historica
Preeren Monument (Ljubljana)
President Lincoln and Soldiers' Home National Monument
Princeton Battle Monument
Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument
Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument Preservation Act
Profaning a monument
Prometheus Cave Natural Monument
Prospect Hill Monument
Prussian National Monument for the Liberation Wars
Public Monuments and Sculpture Association
Pukkwan Victory Monument
Pullman National Monument
Queen Elizabeth Way Monument
Racton Monument
Rainbow Bridge National Monument
Raoul Wallenberg Monument, London
R. D. Whitehead Monument
Regulator Maria Monument
Removal of Confederate monuments and memorials
Republic Monument
Respect to Mehmetik Monument
Reunification Monument, Copenhagen
Rhode Island Red Monument
Richard Wagner Monument
Rimsky-Korsakov Monument
Rio Grande del Norte National Monument
Rizal Monument (Calamba)
Robert E. Lee Monument
Robert E. Lee Monument (Marianna, Arkansas)
Robespierre Monument
Rochambeau Monument (Newport, Rhode Island)
Roman Dmowski Monument, Warsaw
Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier
Rose Atoll Marine National Monument
Rouen Monumental Cemetery
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England
Royal field with the monument to Pemysl, the Ploughman
Russell Cave National Monument
RussiaGeorgia Friendship Monument
Russian Monument (Liechtenstein)
Russian Monument, Sofia
Salar de Surire Natural Monument
Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument
Salvador Allende Monument, Montreal
Sam Houston Monument
Samuel Hahnemann Monument
Sand to Snow National Monument
San Gabriel Mountains National Monument
San Jacinto Monument
San Juan Islands National Monument
San Martn Monument, Neuqun
San Martn Pajapan Monument 1
Santa Fe And Salt Lake Trail Monument
Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument
Saratoga Battle Monument
Save Iraqi culture monument
Scheduled monument
Scheduled monuments and listed buildings in Exeter
Scheduled monuments in Bath and North East Somerset
Scheduled monuments in Birmingham
Scheduled monuments in Carmarthenshire
Scheduled monuments in Ceredigion
Scheduled monuments in Coventry
Scheduled monuments in Derbyshire
Scheduled monuments in Greater Manchester
Scheduled monuments in Gwynedd
Scheduled monuments in Leicester
Scheduled monuments in Maidstone
Scheduled monuments in Mendip
Scheduled monuments in Pembrokeshire
Scheduled monuments in Powys
Scheduled monuments in Shetland
Scheduled monuments in Somerset
Scheduled monuments in South Yorkshire
Scheduled monuments in Taunton Deane
Scheduled monuments in the West Midlands
Scheduled monuments in West Somerset
Scheduled monuments in West Somerset (AG)
Scheduled monuments in West Somerset (HZ)
Scientific Monument Moises Bertoni
Scott Monument
Scotts Bluff National Monument
Scrobipalpa monumentella
Seattle George Monument
Sebastopol Monument
Selamat Datang Monument
Sergeant Floyd Monument
Shakespeare's funerary monument
Sherman Monument
Shevchenko Monument (Ottawa)
Shipka Monument
Shoshone Cavern National Monument
Sibelius Monument (Helsinki)
Silesian Insurgents' Monument
Simeon Monument
Sites and monuments record
Skanderbeg Monument
Smelt Monument
Society for the Preservation of Ancient Norwegian Monuments
Soco Monument
Soldier's Monument
Soldier Monument (Matveev Kurgan)
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Cleveland)
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Indianapolis)
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (Manhattan)
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (New Haven)
Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Syracuse, New York)
Soldiers and Sailors Monument (Troy, New York)
Somerset Monument, Hawkesbury
Somoto Canyon National Monument
SpanishAmerican War Soldier's Monument
Stalin Monument (Budapest)
Stalin Monument (Prague)
Statue of Liberty National Monument
Statues and monuments of patriots on the Janiculum
Stefan Starzyski Monument
Stephen the Great Monument
StewartScreven Monument
Stonewall National Monument
Strengthen the Arm of Liberty Monument (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
Strengthen the Arm of Liberty Monument (Pine Bluff, Arkansas)
Suvorov Monument (Azov)
T-34 Tank Monument (Matveev Kurgan)
Tadeusz Kociuszko Monument (Chicago)
Tadeusz Kociuszko Monument, Krakw
Tadeusz Kociuszko Monument, Warsaw
Tell Monument
Ten Commandments Monument
Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument
The Astronaut Monument
The Branting Monument
The Equator monument
The Fort Dearborn Massacre Monument
The Ghost Monument
The Layer Monument
The Monument Airport
The Monuments Men
The monument to Victor Ponedelnik (Rostov-on-Don)
Theodore Roosevelt Monument Assemblage
The Russian-Bashkir Friendship Monument
Third Bastion of the Trinity Fortress Monument
This Is the Place Monument
Thomas A. Hendricks Monument
Thomas Parr Monument
Timiryazev monument
Timpanogos Cave National Monument
Timpoong and Hibok-Hibok Natural Monument
T J Byrnes Monument
Tocantins Fossil Trees Natural Monument
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Torre Monumental
Totem Pole (Monument Valley)
Tower Ladder (Devils Tower National Monument)
Treue der Union Monument
Tribuna Monumental
Tripoli Monument (sculpture)
Trout Creek (Monument Creek tributary)
Tskaltsitela Gorge Natural Monument
Tule Lake National Monument
Tuskegee Confederate Monument
Tuzigoot National Monument
Tyndale Monument
Types of megalithic monuments in northeastern Germany
Uhuru Monument
Ulmus minor 'Monumentalis'
Ulsan Industrial Center Monument
Umschlagplatz Monument
Union Confederate Monument
Union Monument, Iai
Union Monument in Louisville
Union Monument, Trgu Lpu
United Daughters of the Confederacy Monument (Cleveland, Tennessee)
Unknown Confederate Soldier Monument in Horse Cave
Unknown Sailor Monument
Unveiling of the Gunduli monument
Uran Togoo - Tulga Uul Natural Monument
Urdaneta Park Landmark Monument
User:Khozinskii/Unique restoration of the unique monument of the Great Victory
USS Maine National Monument
Vpenice (natural monument)
Vercingtorix monument
Vereniging Natuurmonumenten
Vermilion Cliffs National Monument
Veterans of Foreign Wars Monument
Victims of Iai Pogrom Monument
Victor Emmanuel II Monument
Victoria Monument, Liverpool
Victory Monument
Victory Monument (Ankara)
Victory Monument (Bangkok)
Victory Monument (Chicago)
Victory Monument (Tolyatti)
Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument
Virgin Mary Monument, Timioara
Vladimir Lenin monument, Kyiv
Vodnik Monument
Voortrekker Monument
Waco Mammoth National Monument
Wallace's Monument, Ayrshire
Wallace Monument
Walnut Canyon National Monument
Washington Monument
Washington Monument (Baltimore)
Washington Monument (Milwaukee)
Washington Monument Syndrome
Washington StreetMonument Circle Historic District
Wesselnyi Monument
Westerplatte Monument
West Irian Liberation Monument
Wikipedia Monument
Willy Brandt Monument (Warsaw)
WolfeMontcalm Monument
Woodrow Wilson Monument
World Athletes Monument
World Monuments Fund
World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument
Wupatki National Monument
Yagul Natural Monument
Yalova Earthquake Monument
Yekatit 12 monument
Yogya Kembali Monument
Yonaguni Monument
Yucca House National Monument
Yugoslav World War II monuments and memorials
egota Monument
Zhong'anlun Monument

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last updated: 2022-02-04 09:12:48
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