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object:1.020 - The World and Our World
book class:The Study and Practice of Yoga
author class:Swami Krishnananda
subject class:Yoga

Chapter 20: The World and Our World

The subject of our discussion is the mental cognition of objects. In the experience of an object, does the mind influence the object, or does the object influence the mind? This is the central issue in all philosophical schools, which has led to various divergent doctrines such as idealism, realism, materialism, subjectivism, etc. There has been very little progress towards an answer to this query because, just as we cannot know whether the beauty that we see in an object is in our own mind or if it is really in the object, so there is the question is the mind influencing the object, or is the object influencing the mind? The difficulty arises on account of the position of the perceiving subject itself. To hold that the mind entirely influences the object, that it determines it in every manner, would be another way of saying that we have created the world and everything is in our hands which does not seem to be the truth of things.

Everything does not seem to be in our hands. We cannot change the pattern of things. We cannot make the sun rise in the west merely because we think that it should be so. So there seems to be something which is outside the jurisdiction of mental operations, to which the operations of the mind should accord, and whose law the mind has to follow. We cannot suddenly imagine that a cup of milk is identical with a stone. The stone and the milk are not identical, and the mind cannot change one into the other by any amount of thought. So, the hard reality, in the form of an external something which the world presents before the mind, has led many to conclude that the mind cannot determine the objects. On the other hand, the objects have a reality of their own and they influence the mind, so that the mind subjects itself to the conditions of the object, rather than conditions the object by its own laws.

We are in a world of interrelated facts and figures, and Eastern thought has tried to solve this question by positing a Creator for the world, independent of individual percipients. We have standard expositions on this theme in such texts as the Panchadasi, Vichara Sagara, etc. on the basis of certain proclamations in the Upanishads, for instance. Nobody has seen the Creator. Nobody can imagine that a Creator can exist, or must exist, or does exist. But the necessity of thought, the conditions of thinking seem to demand the presence of such a thing as a Creator for the world; otherwise, we cannot explain perception. The very fact of the perception of things the inherent meaning that we see in objects of perception compels us to accept the existence of a prior cause behind the objects of perception, and it seems that the world could exist even if we do not exist. We have arguments by modern scientists biologists and evolutionists who tell us that once upon a time the world was unpopulated; there were no percipients of the world. According to the astronomical theory, the world, the earth, is only a chip off the block of the sun, and was boiling and incandescent in its original state, so naturally no human being or nothing living could have existed at that time, not even a plant or a shrub. But did it exist? The earth did exist. So the earth could exist even if there is nobody to look at it or observe it.

These assumptions have led to the conclusion that the object exists independently of its being perceived, and the universe was created much earlier than the creation of the human individual. This theory gets confirmation from the expositions in the Puranas, the Epics, etc., wherein we are told that God created the world. He did not create man first; man is perhaps the last of creation. Even in the Aittareya Upanishad, on which perhaps the Panchadasi, etc., take their stand, we are given to understand that man was not the first creation, and that perhaps nothing perceiving was ever existent. Nothing perceiving, nothing thinking, nothing willing, conscious, ever existed except that One which willed Itself to be many, and the world was so created, etc., is the doctrine.

Basing themselves on this scriptural proclamation, exponents tell us that there is a distinction between what they call Ishvara srishti and jiva srishti the creation of God and the creation of the individual. There are two kinds of creation. Ikshanadi-praveshanta srishtir ishana kalpita; jagradadi-vimokshantah samsaro jiva-kalpitah - says the Panchadasi, in a famous passage. The meaning of passage has reference to the Aittareya Upanishad and such other relevant passages in other Upanishads, and makes out that God willed to be many, and manifested Himself as this vast creation, projected individualities, and entered the individual by an immanence of His own nature. This is another way of describing the traditional process of creation through divine manifestations usually known as Ishvara, Hiranyagarbha and Virat all of which are precedent to individual manifestations, and prior to the existence of human beings. But there is also what is known as 'individual's creation'. A lot of detail about it is given in the Panchadasi, especially in its fourth chapter called Dvaita Vivek how duality-consciousness arose at all, and how perceptions can bind us, though they need not necessarily bind us.

The point is that the perception of an object need not bind us, though it can bind us. It need not bind us, because we can correctly perceive the existent object as it was created by Ishvara, merely reflecting in our minds the character of the object as it really is in itself from the point of view of the Creator. Then, perceptions would not be binding. For instance, a human being, tentatively speaking, may be regarded as Ishvara's creation. A human being is not created by another human being by the will of creativity. The object in front of me such as a tree, or a mountain, or the shining orb of the sun, and the moon and the stars may be regarded as parts of Ishvara's creation. We can simply perceive them as such.

But I can perceive a human being in another way altogether by which I can bind myself namely, this human being is my father; this human being is my friend; this human being is my enemy; this human being can do something for me, this way or that way. This is what is known as jiva srishti, which is an attitude of subjective appreciation and evaluation which an individual projects in respect of an external object. A woman is a human being, but the moment that woman is regarded as mother, or a wife, or a sister, that attitude becomes jiva srishti. A relationship that seems to obtain between one individual and another in a subjective manner is the projection of the mind of the jiva or the individual, which is the cause of joy and sorrow in the world and is the essence of samsara bondage.

But Ishvara srishti is pure existence of things. A lump of gold is a lump of gold; but, that it is a valuable substance, that it has great worth and, therefore, can be taken away or stolen these ideas are projections of the mind of the individual. So in the perception of any given object, two factors are supposed to be involved jiva shrishti and Ishvara srishti. This is a conclusion safely arrived at to obviate any kind of extreme position that people generally take, either from the objective side or from the subjective side.

There are those who think that the object alone is real and the mind is only a stupid something, which merely reflects the nature of an object as it is. This is the realistic, materialistic attitude. They do not give any place for mind in the scheme of things. It is only a kind of exudation of material existences. This is one extreme view - where the objective world alone is the determining factor of every situation in life, and the mind has no place in the scheme of things. The other extreme is that the mind alone is the determining factor of everything and the object has no place in the scheme of things everything is on account of our thought. This is the extreme idealistic point of view, contrary to the extreme materialistic point of view of certain others. The via-media, the middle course, would be that both contri bute a percentage of meaning in the perception of objects. And so the act of mind-control, the restraining of the modifications of the mind, would not mean an abolition of the existence of objects at least according to thinkers such as the author of the Panchadasi - but is a withdrawal of those special modifications of the mind, on account of which the mind reads particular subjective meanings in objects.

The author of the Panchadasi tells us that if an abolition of objects were a condition to liberation, then liberation would not be possible, because nobody can abolish the existence of objects. Or, if merely a non-perception of the objects of the world is to be regarded as liberation, then sleep would be a condition of liberation because we do not perceive anything during sleep. The actual event that is taking place outside may also not be the cause of joy or sorrow, says the author of the Panchadasi, who gives the following analogy. Suppose there is someone in a foreign land whose mother is here, far away from the person, and his mother receives false news that her son is dead. One can imagine the condition of the mother. Though the son is alive, healthy and hale, and everything is all right, false news can create a real heartbreak for the mother. On the other hand, if the man has been dead for ten years but his mother has not received any news, she is happy.

So, the birth or death, the life or the extinction of a person, is not the real cause of the joy or sorrow of a person. It is the reaction that the mind sets up in respect of a particular event as it is conveyed to it subjectively which is considered as being the cause of its joy and sorrow. This is another interpretation. With all our thinking, we cannot come to a definite conclusion about the nature of things. We cannot say whether our mind is largely responsible for our joys and sorrows, or whether objects also have some say in this matter. The difficulty arises on account of a relativity of action and reaction between subject and object, and no one has answered this question properly. Similar to this is the question of the perception of beauty in things. No one can say, even today, whether the beauty is present in the object outside, or present in the mind inside. Somehow we reconcile ourselves by saying that both factors coincide, and there is some truth in this side and some truth in that side.

The difficulty is simply because the mind cannot think both ways, and the truth lies neither on this side nor on that side. The isolation of the individual from its relationship with the pattern of things is the cause of its difficulty in understanding anything. The whole universe is an organic structure in which the percipient is included as a vital part. For instance, we cannot study the nature of the heart of a human being by removing it from the body. Though it is a fleshy substance and can be examined pathologically, medically, etc., studying it like this would be meaningless because the moment the heart is removed from the body it ceases to be a heart and becomes only a lump of flesh. The heart has to be studied in its connection with the body in its working condition, and not by isolating it from the organic relationship it has with the body.

Likewise, we should not wrest the object from its connectedness with things in our perception, which is another way of judging it. A similar mistake has been committed by us we have wrested ourselves away from things. We have stood outside the scheme of things in our judgement of values, while we are already a part of the scheme of things. All perceptions, judgements and evaluations become inscrutable mysteries on account of this initial difficulty that has been created, namely, a separation of the percipient from the object with which it is organically connected, basically. For instance, a finger of the hand becomes aware of another finger of the same hand. If we were to take for granted that a particular finger of a hand has a consciousness of its own, and we conclude that it can perceive the existence of another finger of the same hand what would be its attitude? What would be the real relationship between one finger and another finger, given that one finger can see another finger outside it? We know that one finger is different from another finger. But the consciousness of one finger in respect of another finger would be charged with its basic awareness of its connectedness with the whole body, which it cannot look upon as an external object, so that even the other finger which it perceives cannot be called as a real external object, though it is an object for all practical purposes because it can be seen.

This is perhaps the significance of perception from an organic point of view, while what happens in our case, at present, is that this organic connection between the seer and the seen is lost sight of, and we have only a mechanised form of perception where there is a false evaluation projected on the object by the mind which is perceiving it, on account of its losing contact with the vital issue which is involved in perception, namely its connectedness to the object. Whether in attachment or in aversion, the mind is not properly related to the object. It has an improper relationship with things, both in love and hatred. The impropriety of this relationship arises on account of its false disconnectedness from the object, and we cannot properly understand the way of controlling the mind if we cannot understand the relationship that the mind has with the object. It has a twofold relationship. On the one side, it stands as a perceiver of the object and is obliged to regard the object as an outside something, which is the very meaning of perception, of course. But, on the other side, there is a basic similarity of nature between the seer and the seen, which is the reason why there is the very possibility of perception at all. A consciousness of the object would be impossible if the seer of the object is basically disconnected from the object. Basic disconnection would not be permissible. An utter isolation of the subject from the object would defeat the very purpose of all perception.

Consciousness of an object implies a basic connectedness between the subject and the object. It is this connection that pulls the object towards the subject, and vice versa. We have an undercurrent of unity among ourselves, on account of which we sometimes feel a necessity to sit together and work in a unanimous manner. We have the urge of unity from one side, and the urge of diversity on the other side. The diversity aspect is emphasised by the senses, and the unity aspect is emphasised by the nature of our consciousness. The essence of our consciousness is unity par excellence. It is the basic existence of a unity of consciousness behind all perceptions that is responsible for the perception itself, and is also the reason for loves and hates. But the emphasis given by the senses is the other way round. They assert diversity of things and make externalised perception possible. So in the attraction that the subject feels towards the object, two elements work vigorously the diversity aspect and the unity aspect. The attraction is possible basically on account of the structural similarity between the subject and the object. But the need for being pulled by the object, or getting attracted towards the object, arises on account of the perception of diversity, or the duality of subject and object.

If unity is the whole truth there would be no need of perception, and the question of attraction would not arise, because the subject has basically become one with the object, and is one with it. Where there is an utter unity of the subject and the object, neither perception would be there, nor any kind of love or hatred. If there is utter isolation, even then there would be no perception. If we are really disconnected from all things, we can neither see anything, nor can we have love and hatred towards things.

If we are really one with things, then also it is the same thing. So either way, whether we emphasise the unity aspect or the diversity aspect exclusively, we find that there is no perception, and no love and hatred. Perception and love and hatred are hybrids born out of a mixed-up attitude that has arisen on account of a transference of values, by which what is meant is, a little of the unity aspect is transferred to the diversity aspect, and a little of the diversity aspect is transferred to the unity aspect, so that we live in a very utterly false world of created counterfeit circumstances. Neither do we live in unity, nor do we live in diversity. Then, where are we living.

We have created a world of our own that is jiva srishti. Utter diversity is not possible; utter unity is also not possible. So we have created a world of our own, like trishanku svargam, and here we are ruling like masters. But inasmuch as it is not based on facts and cannot be substantiated finally on logical grounds, it shakes from the very bottom, and so we are very unhappy right from the beginning. We are unhappy when the objects are not with us, we are unhappy when the objects are with us, and we are unhappy when the objects leave us. So when are we happy? Unhappiness is there because the object has not come. Unhappiness is there because the object is there, but the fear is that it may go. So even when it is there we have a fear, "Oh, how long will it be there? I may lose it at any moment." And when the object has gone, of course, there is unhappiness. There is an undercurrent of joylessness in every experience of the individual, because the very existence of the so-called individual is itself an illogical something. It is an unwarranted assumption and something which cannot be finally justified, either logically or scientifically.

What is an individual, which we call the percipient? It is an abstracted group of characters, tentatively isolated from a larger set or group of characters to which these former really belong an act that has been perpetrated mysteriously for the purpose of playing a drama, we may say. We have falsely isolated ourselves. Even that isolation is not a real isolation, because a mere abstraction of a few characters from a group of larger characters cannot be regarded as real. It is only a closing of one's eyes to certain existent conditions. We can ignore the presence of things and conditions which are not conducive to our present purpose, but why this purpose itself has arisen is a very difficult thing to answer. This is maya, as they call it, a peculiar jugglery that has been projected by no one. Neither can we say that God created it, nor can we say that we created it. It is somewhere; and how it has come, neither can we say, nor can anyone else say. The inscrutability of the relationship between the individual and the cosmic, the difficulty in ascertaining the connection between appearance and reality this is called maya. To put it in more plain terms, the relationship between the subject and the object is itself difficult to understand.

We cannot understand what our connection is with anything at all, and so we are in a helpless condition. Therefore we cannot even control the mind, because controlling the mind is an adjustment of the modifications of the mind in respect of the object of its cognition, and the object of its cognition is not properly understood because of its unintelligible character. Everything then becomes difficult, and our efforts become a source of failure in the end. Success does not seem to be forthcoming, because it is not clear to us what is the right direction that we have to take.

What is the mind to do, what are we to do, what is anyone to do in this prescription of yoga called 'mind-control'? Are we to subjugate the object, destroy the object, absorb the object into ourselves, or abstract the mind from the object and not cognise it? In an act of mind-control, what is to be done? Are we satisfied if we merely become unaware of the existence of the object, which is what is usually known as abstraction of the senses and the mind from objects, or is there anything to be done in respect of the object itself? This question arises on account of the necessity to understand the extent of influence the object exerts upon the subject, and the extent of influence that the subject exerts upon the object.

For all practical purposes, we can agree with the author of the Panchadasi and conclude that we need not interfere with the scheme of things from the point of view of Ishvara's creation. People can be there, and things can be there they have to be there. We have to change our attitude, which means to say we have to reorganise the method of the working of our own mind inside, in respect of existent objects outside. This is only a tentative answer, and not the final answer, because we have not yet finally given the judgement as to the nature of things. We have temporarily accepted the existence of a world outside us, just as we temporarily accept the meaning of an 'x' in an equation in algebra. Though the 'x' itself may have no meaning ultimately, it is a necessary assumption which solves the question, and afterwards it cancels itself.

So, in the end, we will find that while the acceptance of the existence of things independent of the mind by way of what is known as Ishvara srishti may be necessary for the solution of our problem, the world also will modify itself accordingly when the individual advances further, because all spiritual advance is a parallel advance both from the side of the subject and the object. It is not only one side that is evolving. The evolution of the individual is, at the same time, a corresponding evolution of all conditions in which the individual is involved, including society and the world.

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Wikipedia - Hygroscopy -- Phenomenon of attracting and holding water molecules
Wikipedia - Hyper-Rayleigh scattering -- optical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Hypothesis -- Proposed explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem
Wikipedia - Ice segregation -- Geological phenomenon
Wikipedia - Ideomotor phenomenon
Wikipedia - Imaginary friend -- Psychological and social phenomenon
Wikipedia - Impossible world -- Term used to model certain phenomena that cannot be adequately handled using ordinary possible worlds
Wikipedia - Indexicality -- Phenomenon of a sign pointing to (or indexing) some object in the context in which it occurs
Wikipedia - Insight phenomenology
Wikipedia - Insufficient justification -- Social psychology phenomenon
Wikipedia - Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation -- An oceanographic/meteorological phenomenon similar to the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), but occurring in a wider area of the Pacific
Wikipedia - International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants -- Code of scientific nomenclature
Wikipedia - International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
Wikipedia - International Code of Zoological Nomenclature -- Code of scientific nomenclature for animals
Wikipedia - Interpretative phenomenological analysis
Wikipedia - Intertropical Convergence Zone -- Meteorological phenomenon
Wikipedia - In vivo supersaturation -- A phenomenon in which a weakly basic drug becomes supersaturated as it travels through the gastrointestinal tract
Wikipedia - Island gigantism -- Evolutionary phenomena leading to an increase of the size of species with insularity
Wikipedia - IUPAC nomenclature of chemistry
Wikipedia - Jaime Nomen
Wikipedia - Jamais vu -- Phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but nonetheless seems very unfamiliar
Wikipedia - Jaume Nomen
Wikipedia - Jimmy il Fenomeno -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - John Diakrinomenos
Wikipedia - Josephson effect -- Quantum physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Julia gens -- Ancient Roman family with the nomen "Julius"
Wikipedia - Just-world phenomenon
Wikipedia - Know Your Meme -- Website and video series documenting Internet memes and online phenomena
Wikipedia - Kondo effect -- Physical phenomenon due to impurities
Wikipedia - Kondratiev wave -- Hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy
Wikipedia - Kozai mechanism -- dynamical phenomenon affecting the orbit of a binary system perturbed by a distant third body
Wikipedia - Lahaina Noon -- A tropical solar phenomenon
Wikipedia - La NiM-CM-1a -- A coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon that is the counterpart of El NiM-CM-1o
Wikipedia - Larmor precession -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Lazarus Phenomenon
Wikipedia - Leidenfrost effect -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Licinia -- Ancient Roman nomen
Wikipedia - Lightning -- Weather phenomenon involving electrostatic discharge
Wikipedia - Liljequist parhelion -- Atmospheric optical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Lindblad resonance -- Phenomenom in astrophysics
Wikipedia - Linguistic phenomenology
Wikipedia - Link rot -- Phenomenon of URLs tending to cease functioning
Wikipedia - List of archaic technological nomenclature
Wikipedia - List of gear nomenclature -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Internet phenomena
Wikipedia - List of magazines of anomalous phenomena
Wikipedia - List of meteorological phenomena
Wikipedia - List of natural phenomena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of phenomenologists -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature -- Online database of prokaryotes taxonomy
Wikipedia - List of severe weather phenomena -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lluvia de Peces -- An alleged phenomenon in Yoro, Honduras
Wikipedia - Low-level injection -- Phenomenon
Wikipedia - Macroscopic quantum phenomena -- Processes showing quantum behavior at the macroscopic scale, rather than at the atomic scale where quantum effects are prevalent; macroscopic scale quantum coherence leads to macroscopic quantum phenomena
Wikipedia - Magnetic refrigeration -- Phenomenon in which a suitable material can be cooled by a changing magnetic field
Wikipedia - Magnetism -- Class of physical phenomena
Wikipedia - Magnus effect -- Observable phenomenon that is commonly associated with a spinning object moving through the air
Wikipedia - Mahnomen County, Minnesota -- County in the United States
Wikipedia - Mahnomen, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Mahnomen, St. Louis County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Mains hum -- Electric or electromagnetic phenomenon
Wikipedia - Marangoni effect -- Physical phenomenon between two fluids
Wikipedia - Marine reservoir effect -- Phenomenon affecting radiocarbon dating
Wikipedia - Mass amateurization -- Social phenomenon
Wikipedia - Max q -- Aerodynamic phenomenon
Wikipedia - McCarthyism -- Phenomenon in the US of making accusations of subversion or treason without evidence
Wikipedia - McCollough effect -- Human visual perception phenomenon
Wikipedia - Memmia gens -- Families in ancient Rome who shared the Memmius nomen
Wikipedia - SM-EM-+nyata -- Buddhist theological concept of voidness in ontology, meditation and phenomenology
Wikipedia - Menomen O'Donnell -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Midnight sun -- Natural phenomenon when daylight lasts for , occurring only inside or close to the polar circles
Wikipedia - Midway, Mahnomen County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Milkshake Duck -- Internet meme describing phenomena that go from being seen as positive to deeply flawed
Wikipedia - Milky seas effect -- A luminous phenomenon in the ocean in which large areas of seawater glow brightly enough at night to be seen by satellites orbiting Earth
Wikipedia - Mind-body dualism -- Philosophical theory that mental phenomena are non-physical and that matter exists independently of mind
Wikipedia - Mirage -- Naturally occurring optical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Mist -- phenomenon caused by small droplets of water suspended in air
Wikipedia - Modulational instability -- A phenomenon whereby deviations from a periodic waveform are reinforced by nonlinearity
Wikipedia - Money Heist: The Phenomenon -- 2020 documentary film
Wikipedia - Monkey tree phenomenon -- Social phenomenon in Singapore
Wikipedia - Monsoon trough -- Weather phenomenon
Wikipedia - Multimodality -- Phenomenon of human communication having different forms that combine
Wikipedia - Multiplicative noise -- Signal processing phenomenon
Wikipedia - Multiplicity (psychology) -- Psychological phenomenon in which a body can display multiple distinct personas
Wikipedia - Munich phenomenology
Wikipedia - My Way killings -- Social phenomenon in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Nanogeoscience -- The study of nanoscale phenomena related to geological systems
Wikipedia - Nanotribology -- Study of friction, wear, adhesion and lubrication phenomena at the nanoscale
Wikipedia - Narcissism of small differences -- Social phenomenon
Wikipedia - National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena -- U.S. based civilian UFO research group
Wikipedia - Natural hazard -- Natural phenomenon, that might have a negative effect on humans or the environment
Wikipedia - Natural phenomena
Wikipedia - Natural phenomenon
Wikipedia - Nature -- Natural, physical, or material world and its phenomena
Wikipedia - Necker cube -- Form of perceptual phenomena
Wikipedia - Netsplit -- phenomenon, particularly on IRC, in which one server becomes disconnected from others
Wikipedia - NeuroNames -- An integrated nomenclature for structures in the brain and spinal cord of the four species most studied by neuroscientists: human, macaque, rat and mouse
Wikipedia - Neurophenomenology
Wikipedia - Noesis (phenomenology)
Wikipedia - Noise (spectral phenomenon) -- Types of noise
Wikipedia - Nomenclature codes -- Rulebooks of taxonomic nomenclature, in biology
Wikipedia - Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry -- Book describing the nomenclature of organic compounds
Wikipedia - Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics -- European Union standard for country subdivisions
Wikipedia - Nomenclature -- System of names or terms in a particular field of arts or sciences
Wikipedia - Nomen dubium -- Term used in taxonomy
Wikipedia - Nomen illegitimum -- Latin term meaning "illegitimate name", used mainly in botany.
Wikipedia - Nomenklatura -- High bureaucrats/ruling class in Eastern Bloc countries
Wikipedia - Nomen nescio
Wikipedia - Nomen novum -- New replacement name used in biological nomenclature
Wikipedia - Nomen nudum -- Term used in nomenclature ("not a name")
Wikipedia - Nomen (Roman name)
Wikipedia - Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria -- Veterinary textbook prepared by the International Committee on Veterinary Gross Anatomical Nomenclature
Wikipedia - North Atlantic oscillation -- A weather phenomenon in the North Atlantic Ocean of fluctuations in the difference of atmospheric pressure at sea level between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High
Wikipedia - Notion (philosophy) -- Reflection in the mind of real objects and phenomena in their essential features and relations
Wikipedia - Novaya Zemlya effect -- atmospheric optical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Numa Numa (video) -- Internet phenomenon based on a video by Gary Brolsma made for the song "Dragostea din tei" as performed by O-Zone
Wikipedia - Numerius (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Object resurrection -- Phenomenon in object-oriented programming
Wikipedia - Octavius (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Open nomenclature -- Vocabulary of taxonomical terms
Wikipedia - Ophiuchus Superbubble -- Astronomical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Opiter (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Optical vortex -- Optical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Out-of-body experience -- A phenomenon in which the soul (astral body) is said to exit the physical body
Wikipedia - Ozone depletion -- Stratospheric phenomena of Earth
Wikipedia - Pandemic fatigue -- Psychological phenomenon
Wikipedia - Paranormal phenomena
Wikipedia - Parapsychology -- Study of paranormal and psychic phenomena
Wikipedia - Parental respect -- Social phenomenon
Wikipedia - Pathological (mathematics) -- Mathematical phenomena whose properties are counterintuitive
Wikipedia - Paullus (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Penn effect -- Observed phenomenon in economics
Wikipedia - Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena
Wikipedia - Persia (gens) -- Families from Ancient Rome who shared the Persius nomen
Wikipedia - Perspectives on the abduction phenomenon -- Views on claims that aliens capture people
Wikipedia - Petrozavodsk phenomenon -- Series of celestial events of a disputed nature that occurred on September 20, 1977
Wikipedia - Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena -- 20-volume series of books on physics
Wikipedia - Phenomenal concept strategy
Wikipedia - Phenomenal consciousness
Wikipedia - Phenomenal conservatism
Wikipedia - Phenomenal field theory -- Theory in psychology
Wikipedia - Phenomenalism -- Philosophical concept
Wikipedia - Phenomenalistic idealism
Wikipedia - Phenomenalist
Wikipedia - Phenomenal
Wikipedia - Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women -- Book by Maya Angelou
Wikipedia - Phenomena (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Phenomena
Wikipedia - Phenomenography
Wikipedia - Phenomenological definition of God
Wikipedia - Phenomenological description
Wikipedia - Phenomenological psychology
Wikipedia - Phenomenological quantum gravity
Wikipedia - Phenomenological sociology
Wikipedia - Phenomenological Thomism
Wikipedia - phenomenologist
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (archaeology) -- In archaeology, use of sensory experiences to view and interpret an archaeological site or cultural landscape
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (architecture)
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Phenomenology of Perception -- 1945 book by Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Wikipedia - Phenomenology of religion -- Experiential aspect of religion
Wikipedia - Phenomenology of Spirit
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (particle physics)
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (Peirce)
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (philosophy)
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (physics)
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (psychology) -- Psychological study of subjective experience
Wikipedia - Phenomenology (sociology)
Wikipedia - Phenomenon (film) -- 1996 film
Wikipedia - Phenomenon (LL Cool J song) -- 1997 single by LL Cool J
Wikipedia - Phenomenon (TV program) -- NBC TV series
Wikipedia - Phenomenon -- Philosophical concept
Wikipedia - Philosophical razor -- Principle or rule of thumb that allows one to eliminate unlikely explanations for a phenomenon
Wikipedia - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
Wikipedia - Phi phenomenon -- Optical illusion of perceiving continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession
Wikipedia - Phoenix Lights -- 1997 light phenomenon over Arizona, USA
Wikipedia - Phonological change -- Phenomenon in phonology
Wikipedia - Phylogenetic nomenclature -- Taxonomic nomenclature using phylogenetic definitions for taxon names
Wikipedia - Physical chemistry -- Study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of laws and concepts of physics
Wikipedia - Plant evolution -- subset of evolutionary phenomena that concern plants
Wikipedia - Pneumonia front -- Meteorological phenomenon near Lake Michigan, USA
Wikipedia - Polar night -- Natural phenomenon when the night lasts for more than 24 hours, occurring only inside the polar circles
Wikipedia - Pon farr -- Biological phenomenon in the fictional Star Trek universe
Wikipedia - Post-analytic phenomenology
Wikipedia - Post-micturition convulsion syndrome -- Neurological phenomenon associated with urination
Wikipedia - Postumus (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Praenomen -- Personal given name in Ancient Rome
Wikipedia - Prediction in language comprehension -- Phenomenon in psycholinguistics
Wikipedia - Prevalence effect -- The phenomenon that infrequent targets are easily missed
Wikipedia - Proculus (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Property (philosophy) -- Predominant differentiating feature that characterizes a being, a thing, a phenomenon
Wikipedia - Proximity effect (superconductivity) -- Phenomena that occur when a superconductor is in contact with a non-superconductor
Wikipedia - Psionics -- Portmanteau of psychic phenomena and electronics
Wikipedia - Quake (natural phenomenon) -- Surface shaking on interstellar bodies in general
Wikipedia - Quantum cryptography -- Cryptography based on quantum mechanical phenomena
Wikipedia - Quantum reflection -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Quantum spin tunneling -- Physical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Quantum tunnelling -- Quantum mechanical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Quasiparticle -- Emergent phenomena
Wikipedia - Quintus (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Rabi cycle -- Quantum mechanical phenomenom
Wikipedia - Rainbow -- meteorological phenomenon
Wikipedia - Random variable -- Variable representing a random phenomenon
Wikipedia - Raynaud's phenomenon
Wikipedia - Realistic phenomenology
Wikipedia - Red tide -- A common name for a worldwide phenomenon known as an algal bloom
Wikipedia - Reduplication -- Linguistic phenomenon
Wikipedia - Reflections of signals on conducting lines -- Signal phenomenon
Wikipedia - Relativistic Doppler effect -- Scientific phenomenon
Wikipedia - Repressed memory -- Controversial phenomenon in which memory may be stored in unconscious mind
Wikipedia - Returning soldier effect -- Phenomenon of human reproduction
Wikipedia - Ribosomal frameshift -- Phenomenon that occurs during translation of a messenger RNA into proteins
Wikipedia - Ring expansion and contraction -- Chemical phenomenon within ring systems
Wikipedia - RNA activation -- Biological gene-regulation phenomenon
Wikipedia - Robotic sensors -- Sensors providing analogs to human senses and for phenomena which humans cannot sense
Wikipedia - Rose (EP) -- 2001 EP by Menomena
Wikipedia - Rossiter-McLaughlin effect -- Spectroscopic phenomenon observed when either an eclipsing binary's secondary star or an extrasolar planet is seen to transit across the face of the primary or parent star.
Wikipedia - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit -- 2002 book by Robert Stern
Wikipedia - Runge's phenomenon
Wikipedia - Sachs-Wolfe effect -- Phenomenon of redshift in cosmology
Wikipedia - Sacred mysteries -- Inexplicable or secret religious phenomena
Wikipedia - Sailing stones -- Geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention
Wikipedia - Salt tide -- Phenomenon in rivers
Wikipedia - San Francisco fog -- Common weather phenomenon in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Satellite flare -- Visual phenomenon caused by a satellite reflecting sunlight onto the Earth
Wikipedia - Saving the phenomena
Wikipedia - Scharnhorst effect -- Hypothesized phenomenon in quantum field theory
Wikipedia - Scientific phenomena named after people
Wikipedia - Second sound -- Quantum mechanical phenomenon in which heat transfer occurs by wave-like motion
Wikipedia - Second Summer of Love -- 1980s British social phenomenon
Wikipedia - Selective placement -- Phenomenon in adoption studies when childrens' adoptive homes are matched to those of their parents' homes
Wikipedia - Semicircular potential well -- Elementary example of quantum phenomena and the applications of quantum mechanics
Wikipedia - Sensory phenomena
Wikipedia - Sertor (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Sextus (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Shaft voltage -- Phenomenon in electric motors and generators
Wikipedia - Simpson's paradox -- A phenomenon in probability and statistics, in which a trend appears in groups of data but disappears when these groups are combined
Wikipedia - Sleepwalking -- sleeping phenomenon combined with wakefulness
Wikipedia - Small-world phenomenon
Wikipedia - Snell's window -- Underwater phenomenon due to Snell's Law
Wikipedia - Social phenomena
Wikipedia - Social phenomenon
Wikipedia - Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
Wikipedia - Solar eclipse -- Natural phenomenon wherein the Sun is obscured by the Moon
Wikipedia - Solar particle event -- Solar phenomenon
Wikipedia - Solar phenomena -- Natural phenomena occurring within the magnetically heated outer atmospheres in the Sun
Wikipedia - Sommerfeld effect -- Mechanical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Souperism -- Phenomenon in Ireland
Wikipedia - Space jellyfish -- Rocket launch phenomenon
Wikipedia - Speaking in tongues -- Phenomenon in which people speak words apparently in languages unknown to them
Wikipedia - Spectral line -- Optical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Speech and Phenomena -- 1967 book by Jacques Derrida
Wikipedia - Spherical cow -- A humorous metaphor for highly simplified scientific models of complex real life phenomena
Wikipedia - Stargate Project -- U.S. Army investigations of psychic phenomena
Wikipedia - Stateless society -- anthropological phenomenon of societies where state-like social organisation is not present
Wikipedia - Steve (atmospheric phenomenon) -- Atmospheric optical phenomenon, which appears as a light ribbon in the sky
Wikipedia - Stochastic resonance -- Signal boosting phenomenon using white noise
Wikipedia - Stod -- A phonological phenomenon of most Danish accents.
Wikipedia - Streaming current -- Electrokinetic phenomena produced by an electrolyte solution passing through a porous material with charged walls
Wikipedia - Streisand effect -- phenomenon that attempting to hide information attracts more attention to it
Wikipedia - Stroboscopic effect -- Visual phenomenon
Wikipedia - Studia Phaenomenologica
Wikipedia - Summer solstice -- Astronomical phenomenon when Earth's axial tilt toward the Sun is a maximum (currently 23.44M-BM-0)
Wikipedia - Sun dog -- Atmospheric optical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Sundowning -- neurological phenomenon
Wikipedia - Sunshower -- Meteorological phenomenon in which rain falls while the sun is shining
Wikipedia - Superbloom -- Botanical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Surface science -- Study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases
Wikipedia - Synapsis -- Biological phenomenon in meiosis
Wikipedia - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Systematic, computer-processable collection of medical terms, in human and veterinary medicine
Wikipedia - Taylor column -- A fluid dynamics phenomenon that occurs as a result of the Coriolis effect
Wikipedia - Telepathy -- Fictional/magical phenomenon
Wikipedia - Template talk:Visual phenomena
Wikipedia - Terrorism in Mexico -- Phenomenon of organized violenced against civilians
Wikipedia - Thank You NHS -- Social phenomenon in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology -- 1936 book by Edmund Husserl
Wikipedia - The Hum -- An acoustic possibly psychological phenomenon of humming, rumbling, or droning noise
Wikipedia - The Phenomenauts -- Science band from Oakland, California, USA
Wikipedia - The Phenomenology of Spirit -- 1807 book by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Wikipedia - The Phenomenon (2020 film) -- 2020 documentary film
Wikipedia - The Phenomenon of Man
Wikipedia - The Rocky Horror Picture Show cult following -- Cultural phenomenon surrounding the film's large fan base
Wikipedia - Throwing Like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment Motility and Spatiality
Wikipedia - Tiberius (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Tidal resonance -- Phenomenon that occurs when the tide excites a resonant mode of a part of an ocean, producing a higher tidal range
Wikipedia - Tifo -- Phenomenon of supporting a sport team
Wikipedia - Total internal reflection -- Optical phenomenon in which light is completely reflected at the boundary between a medium with a high index of refraction and a medium with a lower one
Wikipedia - Transcendental hermeneutic phenomenology
Wikipedia - Transcendental phenomenology
Wikipedia - Transference -- phenomenon within psychotherapy
Wikipedia - Transport phenomena -- Exchange of mass, energy, and momentum between observed and studied systems
Wikipedia - Tropical instability waves -- A phenomenon in which the interface between areas of warm and cold sea surface temperatures near the equator form a regular pattern of westward-propagating waves
Wikipedia - Twin Lakes, Mahnomen County, Minnesota -- Census-designated place in Minnesota, US
Wikipedia - Tyranny of small decisions -- Phenomenon of a series of small rational decisions leading to a significant unwanted consequence
Wikipedia - Uhthoff's phenomenon -- Worsening of neurologic symptoms in multiple sclerosis
Wikipedia - Urca process -- Phenomenon in astroparticle physics
Wikipedia - Validly published name -- In botanical nomenclature, a name that meets the requirements for valid publication.
Wikipedia - Vibius (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Viral phenomenon -- Objects or patterns that are able to replicate themselves or convert other objects into copies of themselves when these objects are exposed to them
Wikipedia - Virtual pitch -- Psychoacoustic phenomenon
Wikipedia - Voice confrontation -- Psychological phenomenon of not liking one's own voice
Wikipedia - Volcanology -- The study of volcanoes, lava, magma and associated phenomena
Wikipedia - Volesus (praenomen) -- Latin name
Wikipedia - Vopiscus (praenomen) -- Latin forename
Wikipedia - Vulpian-Heidenhain-Sherrington phenomenon -- Term used for slow contraction of denervated skeletal muscle
Wikipedia - Warburg effect (plant physiology) -- Biological phenomenon
Wikipedia - Weather pains -- Claims of pain associated with changes in barometric pressure, humidity or other weather phenomena
Wikipedia - Well-founded phenomenon
Wikipedia - Well-posed problem -- Term regarding the properties that mathematical models of physical phenomena should have
Wikipedia - Western alienation -- Phenomenon in Canadian politics
Wikipedia - Whisker (metallurgy) -- Phenomenon in electrical devices
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Getting to Philosophy -- Wikipedia phenomenon in which ~97% of all articles link to Philosophy
Wikipedia - Women-are-wonderful effect -- Psychological and sociological phenomenon
Wikipedia - World Phenomenology Institute
Wikipedia - Xocomil (weather) -- Weather phenomenon in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
Wikipedia - X-ray fluorescence -- Physical phenomenom
Wikipedia - Yield (engineering) -- Phenomenon of deformation due to structural stress
Wikipedia - Zygotic induction -- Biological phenomenon
auromere - the-phenomenon-of-double-consciousness
Integral World - 1st Person/2nd Person/3rd Person Integrated Perspective on the Alleged Phenomenon of Life after Death, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Psychic Phenomena, Evolution, and Universal Meaning, Elliot Benjamin
Integral World - Phenomenology and Integral Theory, Wendelin Kuepers
Integral World - The Phenomenon of Growth Centers, Hugh & Kaye Martin
Integral World - Keeping the Account Open: Seven Reasons Why I Accept the Existence of (Some) Psychic Phenomena, Steve Taylor
Godhead Gives Good Phenomena
selforum - integral phenomenology
selforum - epiphenomenal view of mind
selforum - cultural phenomena and bilogical
selforum - phenomenological properties are
selforum - indian psychology as phenomenon within
dedroidify.blogspot - husserl-and-adventure-of-phenomenology
Psychology Wiki - Category:Phenomenology
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Phenomenal_and_access_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#Phenomenology
Psychology Wiki - Consciousness#The_description_and_location_of_phenomenal_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Dharma#Dharmas_in_Buddhist_phenomenology
Psychology Wiki - Epiphenomenalism
Psychology Wiki - Heterophenomenology
Psychology Wiki - Phenomena
Psychology Wiki - Phenomenalism
Psychology Wiki - Phenomenology
Psychology Wiki - Phenomenology_(philosophy)
Psychology Wiki - Phenomenology_(psychology)
Psychology Wiki - Road_rage_(phenomenon)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - epiphenomenalism
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - ethics-it-phenomenology
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - phenomenal-intentionality
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - phenomenology-mg
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - phenomenology-religion
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - phenomenology
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - self-consciousness-phenomenological
Occultopedia - fortean_phenomena
Barney (1992 - 2010) - It started as a home video series in 1988 called Barney & The Backyard Gang created by Sheryl leach and starring Sandy Duncan. But from the moment Barney & Friends hit the airwaves on PBS in 1992, the famous purple dinosaur become a phenomenon in both children's television and pop culture. He was ev...
Friday Night Videos (1983 - 1994) - In the beginning, MTV was still a phenomenon that very few people actually could see in their homes, as cable television wasn't yet the "norm." Friday Night Videos took advantage of that fact and proved to be the next best thing.
Smoggies (1988 - 1990) - The Suntots lead by Princes Lila spend all thier time protecting thier paradise land (Coral Island) from the Smoggies (Emma and Clarance), a bunch of idiotic treasure hunters that pollute the waters around the island. Each epispode was quite envirnomentally educational without the overblown obviousn...
In Search of..... (1976 - 1982) - This series explored various phenomena, legends, and mysteries and still holds up 20 years after it left the air. I just loved this show as a grade schooler in the seventies, because I was heavy into monsters and ghost stories and the show frequently profiled legends like vampires, werewolves, Bigfo...
Happy Tree Friends (1999 - Current) - Happy Tree Friends is an American Flash cartoon created and developed by Aubrey Ankrum, Rhode Montijo, Kenn Navarro and Warren Graff for Mondo Media. The show is cited as an early example of a popular Internet phenomenon achieving a cult following.
Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993 - 1997) - Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman was a phenomenal television success. A much more lavish version of the popular Superman television series which had first aired forty years earlier, Lois & Clark focused more on the Man of Steel's early adult years in Metropolis.
The Sixth Sense (1971 - 1972) - The Sixth Sense was a Universal TV series about a Parapsychology researcher (Gary Collins) who investigates incidents involving psychic phenomena. The show was on NBC.
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005 - 2006) - In the year 2048, people are raving about a fighting race called Immortal Grand Prix, or IGPX in short, which is faster and more exciting than any of the existing motor sports. The phenomenon is so big that an entire city was built for the racing industry where competitions take place on a huge tr...
Suzumiya haruhi (2006 - 2009) - Kyon is a cynical and incredulous student of North High School in Nishinomiya. He is dragged along by his classmate, the eponymous protagonist Haruhi Suzumiya, an eccentric girl who is seeking supernatural phenomena and figures such as aliens, time travelers, and espers. With Kyon's reluctant help,...
American Idol (2002 - Current) - First created by Simon Fuller as an American version of the British show Pop Idol, the show soon expanded into a nationwide phenomenon. Each season, a group of individuals from each city audition in front of a panel of judges, originally Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and the very harsh and critical Si...
Lethal Weapon 3(1992) - Superstars Mel Gibson and Danny Glover return with director Richard Donner for Lethal Weapon 3, the third in the phenomenally successful action series. In this film, Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover) is only eight days away from retirement and his partner Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) once again manages to...
Phenomena(1985) - One of the masters of horror, Italian horror director Dario Argento (SUSPIRIA, TENEBRE) brings us a horror film that lies within telepathic minds, witnessing murder when sleepwalking, an
Bloodbath at the House of Death(1984) - Six scientists arrive at the creepy Headstone Manor to investigate a strange phenomena which was the site of a mysterious massacre years earlier where 18 guests were killed in one night. It turns out that the house is the place of a satanic cult lead by a minister monk who plans to kill the scientis...
Hello Again(1987) - Lucy Chadman (Shelley Long) is a socialite who died after choking on some Chinese food. A year after her death, her spiritually-inclined sister Zelda (Judith Ivey) brings her back to life. Treated as a spiritual phenomenon, she also has to deal with the fact that her husband Jason (Corbin Bernsen) i...
Star Trek: The Motion Picture(1979) - An alien phenomenon of unprecedented size and power is approaching Earth, destroying everything in its path. The only starship in range is the U.S.S. Enterprise--still in drydock after a major overhaul. As Captain Decker readies his ship and his crew to face this menace, the legendary Admiral James...
The Cockettes(2002) - Documentary about the gender-bending San Francisco performance group who became a pop culture phenomenon in the early 1970s.
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer(2007) - When a strange silver object enters the Earth and causes strange phenomena to occur Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four must come back together to see what is going on. They soon see this is the work of the Silver Surfer, an alien who has destroyed every planet he has visited. They must now work to...
The Reaping(2007) - A former Christian missionary, who specializes in debunking religious phenomena, investigates a small town which seems to be suffering from the 10 biblical plagues.
Big Eyes (2014) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 46min | Biography, Crime, Drama | 25 December 2014 (USA) -- A drama about the awakening of painter Margaret Keane, her phenomenal success in the 1950s, and the subsequent legal difficulties she had with her husband, who claimed credit for her works in the 1960s. Director: Tim Burton Writers:
Clouds (2020) ::: 7.5/10 -- PG-13 | 2h 1min | Drama, Music | 16 October 2020 (USA) -- Young musician Zach Sobiech discovers his cancer has spread, leaving him just a few months to live. With limited time, he follows his dream and makes an album, unaware that it will soon be a viral music phenomenon. Director: Justin Baldoni Writers:
Culture in Decline ::: 30min | Documentary | TV Series (2012- ) Episode Guide 6 episodes Culture in Decline Poster A satirical yet serious expression that challenges various cultural phenomena existing today which most of society seem to take for granted. Stars: Peter Joseph, Dutch Merrick, Scott Dennett
Dolemite Is My Name (2019) ::: 7.3/10 -- R | 1h 58min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 25 October 2019 (USA) -- Eddie Murphy portrays real-life legend Rudy Ray Moore, a comedy and rap pioneer who proved naysayers wrong when his hilarious, obscene, kung-fu fighting alter ego, Dolemite, became a 1970s Blaxploitation phenomenon. Director: Craig Brewer Writers:
Fringe ::: TV-14 | 46min | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi | TV Series (20082013) -- An F.B.I. agent is forced to work with an institutionalized scientist and his son in order to rationalize a brewing storm of unexplained phenomena. Creators:
Jonny Quest ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (19641965) -- The Quest family and their bodyguard investigate strange phenomena and battle villains around the world. Creator: Doug Wildey
Oculus (2013) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 1h 44min | Horror, Mystery | 11 April 2014 (USA) -- A woman tries to exonerate her brother, who was convicted of murder, by proving that the crime was committed by a supernatural phenomenon. Director: Mike Flanagan Writers: Mike Flanagan (screenplay by), Jeff Howard (screenplay by) | 2 more
One Chance (2013) ::: 6.8/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 43min | Biography, Comedy, Drama | 25 October 2013 (UK) -- The true story of Paul Potts, a shy, bullied shop assistant by day and an amateur opera singer by night who became a phenomenon after being chosen for -- and ultimately winning -- Britain's Got Talent (2007). Director: David Frankel Writer:
Phenomenon (1996) ::: 6.4/10 -- PG | 2h 3min | Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 3 July 1996 (USA) -- An ordinary man sees a bright light descend from the sky, and discovers he now has super-intelligence and telekinesis. Director: Jon Turteltaub Writer: Gerald Di Pego (as Gerald Dipego)
Taboo-Tattoo ::: TV-MA | 24min | Animation, Action, Comedy | TV Series (2016- ) Episode Guide 12 episodes Taboo-Tattoo Poster "Tattoos" - ancient weapons that drastically enhance the physical abilities of their users, known as the "Sealed," allowing them to bring forth supernatural phenomena when activated through... S Stars: Justin Briner, Monica Rial, Christopher Bevins
The Song of Bernadette (1943) ::: 7.6/10 -- Approved | 2h 36min | Biography, Drama | April 1945 (USA) -- A young girl claims to have seen a divine vision, which prompts both a religious phenomenon and extreme skepticism. Director: Henry King Writers: George Seaton (screenplay), Franz Werfel (novel) Stars:'s_Investigation,_A_History:_The_True_Story_of_a_Boy_Wizard,_His_Fans,_and_Life_Inside_the_Harry_Potter_Phenomenon,_Phenomena,_Events,_and_Techniques,_the_Phenomenon,_the_People,_the_Television_Series,_the_Films,_the_Novels,_and_the_Recordings
AIKa Zero -- -- Studio Fantasia -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Ecchi Adventure Comedy -- AIKa Zero AIKa Zero -- Aika's story continues, she is now 19 years-old, 3 years older than in R-16 and 7 younger than in Agent AIKa. Strange phenomena have been occuring at a girls academy. Slowly but persistently the most cute and beautiful girls are joining an internal club, but instead of a sing-in they just get abducted by a strange being that takes control over them by some indecent means. -- -- By coincidence Aika was flying-by on her plane when one of this abductions occurred and she was attacked to prevent her from comming closer, but instead of repelling her, she is intrigued about the attack's origin and then the opportunity shows up when her late partners from R-16 decide to investigate those abductions. The story remains full of action and panty flashing that are a must in Aika's series. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Jul 6, 2009 -- 15,465 5.92
Another -- -- P.A. Works -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Mystery Horror Supernatural Thriller School -- Another Another -- In 1972, a popular student in Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3 named Misaki passed away during the school year. Since then, the town of Yomiyama has been shrouded by a fearful atmosphere, from the dark secrets hidden deep within. -- -- Twenty-six years later, 15-year-old Kouichi Sakakibara transfers into class 3-3 of Yomiyama North and soon after discovers that a strange, gloomy mood seems to hang over all the students. He also finds himself drawn to the mysterious, eyepatch-wearing student Mei Misaki; however, the rest of the class and the teachers seem to treat her like she doesn't exist. Paying no heed to warnings from everyone including Mei herself, Kouichi begins to get closer not only to her, but also to the truth behind the gruesome phenomenon plaguing class 3-3 of Yomiyama North. -- -- Another follows Kouichi, Mei, and their classmates as they are pulled into the enigma surrounding a series of inevitable, tragic events—but unraveling the horror of Yomiyama may just cost them the ultimate price. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2012 -- 1,275,253 7.53
Aoki Densetsu Shoot! -- -- Toei Animation -- 58 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Drama Romance School Shounen Sports -- Aoki Densetsu Shoot! Aoki Densetsu Shoot! -- Inspired by Yoshiharu Kubo's phenomenal performance that led Kakegawa High School to a miraculous victory in a soccer tournament, Toshihiko Tanaka decides to enter the same school as his idol and join the soccer club, hoping to become as successful as Kubo. -- -- Now a high school freshman, Tanaka is devastated as his expectations suddenly start falling apart. Kubo—the captain of the club—is absent due to illness. To make matters worse, the freshmen are not allowed to practice alongside the sophomores or become regulars on the team. The final nail in the coffin is the reluctance of Tanaka's friends, Kenji Shiraishi and Kazuhiro Hiramatsu, to join him in the club. Although Tanaka and his friends were once known as a deadly soccer trio in their junior high school days, Kenji and Kazuhiro have both quit soccer for personal reasons. -- -- When Tanaka starts to lose hope, an encounter with Kazumi Endo—a girl from his childhood—becomes the unexpected key to his freedom from despair. The disappointed Kazumi wants to see the trio reunite, so she takes matters into her own hands in her mischievous way. Thus, Tanaka's high school soccer career prepares for the kickoff. -- -- 11,742 7.40
Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- When a life ends, its soul departs to its final resting place known as the Soul Society. However, if a soul is left to wander in the human world for too long, it ends up turning into a corrupted "Hollow" that feeds on other souls. In such cases, spirits called "Soul Reapers" are needed to eliminate the Hollows and guide the lost souls to the Soul Society. -- -- Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki are two Soul Reapers who are used to dealing with Hollows that appear in Karakura Town. But when they encounter the hostile "Blanks"—souls devoid of memories and immune to the "soul burial" used by Reapers—they are thrown for a loop. Senna, a fellow Reaper that neither Ichigo or Rukia are familiar with, comes to their rescue and manages to fend off the Blanks. The mystery deepens when a mirage of the human world suddenly appears over Soul Society. What could be the reason behind the strange phenomena, and how is it connected to Senna, who avoids any questions about her identity? -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 16, 2006 -- 226,583 7.45
Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody Bleach Movie 1: Memories of Nobody -- When a life ends, its soul departs to its final resting place known as the Soul Society. However, if a soul is left to wander in the human world for too long, it ends up turning into a corrupted "Hollow" that feeds on other souls. In such cases, spirits called "Soul Reapers" are needed to eliminate the Hollows and guide the lost souls to the Soul Society. -- -- Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki are two Soul Reapers who are used to dealing with Hollows that appear in Karakura Town. But when they encounter the hostile "Blanks"—souls devoid of memories and immune to the "soul burial" used by Reapers—they are thrown for a loop. Senna, a fellow Reaper that neither Ichigo or Rukia are familiar with, comes to their rescue and manages to fend off the Blanks. The mystery deepens when a mirage of the human world suddenly appears over Soul Society. What could be the reason behind the strange phenomena, and how is it connected to Senna, who avoids any questions about her identity? -- -- Movie - Dec 16, 2006 -- 226,583 7.45
Boku dake ga Inai Machi -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Psychological Supernatural Seinen -- Boku dake ga Inai Machi Boku dake ga Inai Machi -- When tragedy is about to strike, Satoru Fujinuma finds himself sent back several minutes before the accident occurs. The detached, 29-year-old manga artist has taken advantage of this powerful yet mysterious phenomenon, which he calls "Revival," to save many lives. -- -- However, when he is wrongfully accused of murdering someone close to him, Satoru is sent back to the past once again, but this time to 1988, 18 years in the past. Soon, he realizes that the murder may be connected to the abduction and killing of one of his classmates, the solitary and mysterious Kayo Hinazuki, that took place when he was a child. This is his chance to make things right. -- -- Boku dake ga Inai Machi follows Satoru in his mission to uncover what truly transpired 18 years ago and prevent the death of his classmate while protecting those he cares about in the present. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,470,810 8.35
Date A Live -- -- AIC PLUS+ -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Sci-Fi Harem Comedy Romance Mecha School -- Date A Live Date A Live -- Thirty years ago, the Eurasian continent was devastated by a supermassive "spatial quake"—a phenomenon involving space vibrations of unknown origin—resulting in the deaths of over 150 million people. Since then, these quakes have been plaguing the world intermittently, albeit on a lighter scale. -- -- Shidou Itsuka is a seemingly average high school student who lives with his younger sister, Kotori. When an imminent spatial quake threatens the safety of Tengu City, he rushes to save her, only to be caught in the resulting eruption. He discovers a mysterious girl at its source, who is revealed to be a "Spirit," an otherworldly entity whose appearance triggers a spatial quake. Soon after, he becomes embroiled in a skirmish between the girl and the Anti-Spirit Team, a ruthless strike force with the goal of annihilating Spirits. -- -- However, there is a third party that believes in saving the spirits: "Ratatoskr," which surprisingly is commanded by Shidou's little sister! Kotori forcibly recruits Shidou after the clash, presenting to him an alternative method of dealing with the danger posed by the Spirits—make them fall in love with him. Now, the fate of the world rests on his dating prowess, as he seeks out Spirits in order to charm them. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 762,164 7.20
Digimon Adventure -- -- Toei Animation -- 54 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure -- When a group of seven children go to summer camp, the last thing that they expect is snow falling in July. In the confusion that follows this phenomenon, they each receive an odd device that transports them to another world. As soon as they wake up in this new world, they encounter strange creatures who call themselves "Digimon." The Digimon tell them that they've landed in the "Digital World," far from home. -- -- With only the Digimon and the "Digivices" as protection, the seven children set off to find their way home and learn the reason why they were brought here. Led by the impulsive Taichi Yagami and his hungry Digimon partner Agumon, this group will have to fight unknown evils as they discover more about this outlandish Digital World. -- -- 335,127 7.78
Digimon Adventure -- -- Toei Animation -- 54 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Kids -- Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure -- When a group of seven children go to summer camp, the last thing that they expect is snow falling in July. In the confusion that follows this phenomenon, they each receive an odd device that transports them to another world. As soon as they wake up in this new world, they encounter strange creatures who call themselves "Digimon." The Digimon tell them that they've landed in the "Digital World," far from home. -- -- With only the Digimon and the "Digivices" as protection, the seven children set off to find their way home and learn the reason why they were brought here. Led by the impulsive Taichi Yagami and his hungry Digimon partner Agumon, this group will have to fight unknown evils as they discover more about this outlandish Digital World. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Flatiron Film Company, Saban Entertainment -- 335,127 7.78
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- -- Yumeta Company -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama -- Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna -- As the Chosen Children and their partner Digimon live happily together in the human world, Taichi Yagami and Yamato Ishida, alongside their friends, dedicate themselves to maintaining this hard-earned peace. Though united by this innate responsibility, each one has already started to take their first steps toward a future beyond being a Chosen Child. -- -- However, this new journey is interrupted by the appearance of Menoa Bellucci, an American professor specializing in Digimon research. She bears news of several Chosen Children from around the world being found comatose, with their partner Digimon nowhere to be found. Menoa's investigations indicate that a new breed of Digimon is behind the alarming phenomenon: Eosmon, who hides within the internet's depths. -- -- To succeed in this mission, the team must endeavor through the growing distance between them and band together one last time. -- -- Movie - Feb 21, 2020 -- 26,274 8.19
Enen no Shouboutai -- -- David Production -- 24 eps -- Manga -- Action Supernatural Shounen -- Enen no Shouboutai Enen no Shouboutai -- Spontaneous Human Combustion: a chaotic phenomenon that has plagued humanity for years, randomly transforming ordinary people into flaming, violent creatures known as Infernals. While Infernals make up the first-generation accounts of Human Combustion, the second and third generations became known as pyrokinetics—people gifted with the ability to manipulate and control their flames while remaining human. To combat the Infernal threat and discover the cause, the Tokyo Armed Forces, Fire Defense Agency, and Holy Church of Sol produced their answer: the Special Fire Force. -- -- Young and eager third-generation pyrokinetic Shinra Kusakabe, nicknamed Devil's Footprints for his explosive ability to ignite his feet at will, becomes a member of the lively Special Fire Force Company 8. Upholding the brigade's duty to extinguish the blazing Infernals and lay their souls to rest, Shinra is determined to become a hero who will save the lives of those threatened by the flame terror. -- -- However, this is not the hero's game Shinra imagined. The Fire Force is a fractured mess of feuding brigades, abnormal Infernal sightings are increasing all over Tokyo, and a shadowy group is claiming to have answers to the strange fire that caused the death of Shinra's family 12 years ago. Faced with many obstacles within and outside the Fire Force, Shinra fights to uncover the truth behind the burning mysteries that have kept him in the dark. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 779,039 7.67
Ergo Proxy -- -- Manglobe -- 23 eps -- Original -- Psychological Mystery Sci-Fi -- Ergo Proxy Ergo Proxy -- Within the domed city of Romdo lies one of the last human civilizations on Earth. Thousands of years ago, a global ecological catastrophe doomed the planet; now, life outside these domes is virtually impossible. To expedite mankind's recovery, "AutoReivs," humanoid-like robots, have been created to assist people in their day-to-day lives. However, AutoReivs have begun contracting an enigmatic disease called the "Cogito Virus" which grants them self-awareness. Re-l Mayer, granddaughter of Romdo's ruler, is assigned to investigate this phenomenon alongside her AutoReiv partner Iggy. But what begins as a routine investigation quickly spirals into a conspiracy as Re-l is confronted by humanity's darkest sins. -- -- Elsewhere in Romdo, an AutoReiv specialist by the name of Vincent Law must also face his demons when surreal events begin occurring around him. Re-l, Iggy, Vincent, and the child AutoReiv named Pino, will form an unlikely faction as they struggle to uncover Romdo's mysteries and ultimately, discover the true purpose of the mythical beings called "Proxies." -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- 494,821 7.92
Fruits Basket -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance Shoujo -- Fruits Basket Fruits Basket -- After the accident in which she lost her mother, 16-year-old Tooru moves in with her grandfather, but due to his home being renovated, is unable to continue living with him. Claiming she will find someone to stay with but also fearing the criticism of her family and not wanting to burden any of her friends, Tooru resorts to secretly living on her own in a tent in the woods. -- -- One night on her way back from work, she finds her tent buried underneath a landslide. Yuki Souma, the "prince" of her school, and his cousin Shigure Souma, a famous author, stumble across Tooru's situation and invite her to stay with them until her grandfather's home renovations are complete. -- -- Upon arriving at the Souma house, Tooru discovers their secret: if a Souma is hugged by someone of the opposite gender, they temporarily transform into one of the animals of the zodiac! However, this strange phenomenon is no laughing matter; rather, it is a terrible curse that holds a dark history. As she continues her journey, meeting more members of the zodiac family, will Tooru's kindhearted yet resilient nature be enough to prepare her for what lies behind the Souma household's doors? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 439,385 7.69
Gakusen Toshi Asterisk -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Comedy Ecchi Fantasy Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Gakusen Toshi Asterisk -- In the previous century, an unprecedented disaster known as the Invertia drastically reformed the world. The powers of existing nations declined significantly, paving the way for a conglomerate called the Integrated Empire Foundation to assume control. But more importantly, the Invertia led to the emergence of a new species of humans who are born with phenomenal physical capabilities—the Genestella. Its elite are hand-picked across the globe to attend the top six schools, and they duel amongst themselves in entertainment battles called Festas. -- -- Ayato Amagiri is a scholarship transfer student at the prestigious Seidoukan Academy, which has recently been suffering from declining performances. Through a series of events, he accidentally sees the popular Witch of Resplendent Flames, Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld, half-dressed! Enraged, Julis challenges him to a duel for intruding on her privacy. After said duel is voided by the student council president, Ayato reveals that he has no interest in Festas. Instead, he has enrolled in the academy to investigate the whereabouts of his missing elder sister. But when a more devious plot unravels, Ayato sets out to achieve victory, while being surrounded by some of the most talented Genestella on the planet. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 507,111 6.88
Gegege no Kitarou (2018) -- -- Toei Animation -- 97 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Gegege no Kitarou (2018) Gegege no Kitarou (2018) -- Nearly twenty years into the 21st century, people have forgotten the existence of youkai. When a number of unexplainable phenomena plague adults of the human world with confusion and chaos, thirteen-year-old Mana writes a letter to the Youkai Post in search of answers, only to be greeted by Gegege no Kitarou... -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- 41,121 7.22
Gilgamesh -- -- Group TAC, Japan Vistec -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Drama Fantasy Sci-Fi Supernatural -- Gilgamesh Gilgamesh -- The half-divine King of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was considered but a paltry legend... until his majestic tomb was discovered in the Middle East. This imperial crypt drew scientists from across the globe to the land, and with that came recognition of their fame. In a joint effort, they built Heaven's Gate in pursuit of advancing human knowledge. -- -- One day, a group of terrorists driven by greed attack Heaven's Gate, causing an explosion within the facility for archaeological excavation. The resulting phenomenon had much more impact than anyone could have imagined. -- -- More specifically, it triggered the birth of supernatural beings. In the midst of this mess, two siblings by the names of Kiyoko and Tatsuya encounter mysterious men with supernatural powers who, despite the scientific crisis around them, claim the ability to restore good to the world. Nevertheless, these seemingly heroic and all-powerful creatures act under the rule of factions. Are they here to save the world, or destroy it? -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- TV - Nov 2, 2003 -- 34,423 6.65
Girls & Panzer -- -- Actas -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sports Military School -- Girls & Panzer Girls & Panzer -- "Senshadou" is a traditional sport using World War II era tanks in elimination-based matches. Widely practiced by women and girls alike, it's advertised as a form of art geared towards making ladies more prominent in culture and appealing to men. Becoming a worldwide phenomenon over time, the influence of senshadou leads to the creation of a world championship which will soon be held in Japan. -- -- Miho Nishizumi, who comes from a lineage of well-respected senshadou specialists, is at odds with the sport after a traumatic event led to her retirement and eventually a rift to form between her and her family. To steer clear of the practice as much as possible, she transfers to Ooarai Girls High School where the senshadou program has been abolished. However, with the news of the upcoming championships, the school revives their tankery program, and Miho is pushed into joining. -- -- Now, with the aid of some new friends, she must overcome her past and once again take command of a squadron of tanks in an effort to save her school from closure, all while proving to her family that the Nishizumi-style of senshadou is not solely about victory. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 233,999 7.54
Hamatora The Animation -- -- NAZ -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama -- Hamatora The Animation Hamatora The Animation -- The ability to create miracles is not just a supernatural phenomenon; it is a gift which manifests in a limited number of human beings. "Minimum," or small miracles, are special powers that only selected people called "Minimum Holders" possess. The detective agency Yokohama Troubleshooting, or Hamatora for short, is composed of the "Minimum Holder PI Duo," Nice and Murasaki. Their office is a lone table at Cafe Nowhere, where the pair and their coworkers await new clients. -- -- Suddenly, the jobs that they begin to receive seem to have strange connections to the serial killer whom their friend Art, a police officer, is searching for. The murder victims share a single similarity: they are all Minimum Holders. Nice and Murasaki, as holders themselves, are drawn to the case—but what exactly is the link between Nice and the one who orchestrates it all? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 8, 2014 -- 255,384 7.29
Hamatora The Animation -- -- NAZ -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama -- Hamatora The Animation Hamatora The Animation -- The ability to create miracles is not just a supernatural phenomenon; it is a gift which manifests in a limited number of human beings. "Minimum," or small miracles, are special powers that only selected people called "Minimum Holders" possess. The detective agency Yokohama Troubleshooting, or Hamatora for short, is composed of the "Minimum Holder PI Duo," Nice and Murasaki. Their office is a lone table at Cafe Nowhere, where the pair and their coworkers await new clients. -- -- Suddenly, the jobs that they begin to receive seem to have strange connections to the serial killer whom their friend Art, a police officer, is searching for. The murder victims share a single similarity: they are all Minimum Holders. Nice and Murasaki, as holders themselves, are drawn to the case—but what exactly is the link between Nice and the one who orchestrates it all? -- -- TV - Jan 8, 2014 -- 255,384 7.29
Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku -- -- Polygon Pictures -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Psychological Drama Seinen -- Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku Human Lost: Ningen Shikkaku -- "Mine has been a life of much shame." -- -- Tokyo, 2036 (Showa year 111): a revolution in medical treatment has conquered death... -- By means of internal nanomachines and the "S.H.E.L.L." system whose network controls them, human beings suffer no diseases, require no treatment for injuries, and are guaranteed a 120-year lifespan, free from illness. Yet this consummate social system warps the Japanese nation in a host of ways: unresolved economic disparities, ethical decadence resulting from deathlessness, grave environmental pollution, and the "Human Lost" phenomenon, in which people themselves, disconnected from the S.H.E.L.L. network, become malformed. Japan teeters wildly between two potential futures: civilization's restoration or its destruction. -- -- Atmospheric pollution suffuses "Route 16" in the Outside—the area outside the Route 16 beltway. Youzou Oba, who lives an idle, drug-saturated life, joins Masao Horiki, a mysterious man who associates with the drag-racing gangs, on an incursion Inside—the area within the Route 7 loop where the privileged class lives—only to be embroiled in a violent struggle. When he encounters a malformed sufferer of the Human Lost phenomenon, a "Lost," Youzou's life is saved by Yoshiko Hiiragi, a girl of mysterious abilities who belongs to the anti-Lost agency H.I.L.A.M., and he discovers that he himself also possesses extraordinary powers... -- -- Degradation and death. Life and hope. Buffeted by fate, a man tears himself apart and cries out. Rage. Sorrow. Pathos. Consumed by despair and bitter tears, Youzou Oba is himself transformed into a demon. A human lost... or a human who can find himself? -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Oct 22, 2019 -- 14,939 5.84
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) -- In the year 2048, people are raving about a fighting race called “Immortal Grand Prix”, or IGPX in short, which is faster and more exciting than any of the existing motor sports. The phenomenon is so big that an entire city was built for the racing industry where competitions take place on a huge track. In the “Immortal Grand Prix,” two teams of three IG machines, high-tech humanoid mechs driven by humans, race at speeds greater than 400km/h. The teams make three laps of a 60 km course while intercepting the opponent as they vie for a first place finish. The best machine performance, the best pilots and the best teamwork are the only factors that can make them the winners. -- -- (Source: Production I.G.) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media -- TV - Oct 6, 2005 -- 17,061 7.11
IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) -- -- Production I.G -- 13 eps -- Original -- Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Shounen Sports -- IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (2005) -- In the year 2048, people are raving about a fighting race called “Immortal Grand Prix”, or IGPX in short, which is faster and more exciting than any of the existing motor sports. The phenomenon is so big that an entire city was built for the racing industry where competitions take place on a huge track. In the “Immortal Grand Prix,” two teams of three IG machines, high-tech humanoid mechs driven by humans, race at speeds greater than 400km/h. The teams make three laps of a 60 km course while intercepting the opponent as they vie for a first place finish. The best machine performance, the best pilots and the best teamwork are the only factors that can make them the winners. -- -- (Source: Production I.G.) -- TV - Oct 6, 2005 -- 17,061 7.11
Kikumana -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Psychological -- Kikumana Kikumana -- This work "Kikumana" is an animation of a girl called Kikumana who acts like in a stage performance, the role defeated by such an ill circumstance though she tries to find herself. The primal aim is to get the audience feeling a strange atmosphere spread from this work. The image has a pictorial atmosphere and a documentary touch at the same time. Unrealistic phenomena take place there. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Jul 14, 2001 -- 7,416 5.77
Kimi no Na wa. -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Romance Supernatural School Drama -- Kimi no Na wa. Kimi no Na wa. -- Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile in the city, Taki Tachibana lives a busy life as a high school student while juggling his part-time job and hopes for a future in architecture. -- -- One day, Mitsuha awakens in a room that is not her own and suddenly finds herself living the dream life in Tokyo—but in Taki's body! Elsewhere, Taki finds himself living Mitsuha's life in the humble countryside. In pursuit of an answer to this strange phenomenon, they begin to search for one another. -- -- Kimi no Na wa. revolves around Mitsuha and Taki's actions, which begin to have a dramatic impact on each other's lives, weaving them into a fabric held together by fate and circumstance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, NYAV Post -- Movie - Aug 26, 2016 -- 1,865,222 8.94
Kokoro Connect -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Slice of Life Comedy Supernatural Drama Romance School -- Kokoro Connect Kokoro Connect -- When five students at Yamaboshi Academy realize that there are no clubs where they fit in, they band together to form the Student Cultural Society, or "StuCS" for short. The club consists of: Taichi Yaegashi, a hardcore wrestling fan; Iori Nagase, an indecisive optimist; Himeko Inaba, a calm computer genius; Yui Kiriyama, a petite karate practitioner; and Yoshifumi Aoki, the class clown. -- -- One day, Aoki and Yui experience a strange incident when, without warning, they switch bodies for a short period of time. As this supernatural phenomenon continues to occur randomly amongst the five friends, they begin to realize that it is not just fun and games. Now forced to become closer than ever, they soon discover each other's hidden secrets and emotional scars, which could end up tearing the StuCS and their friendship apart. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 660,720 7.81
Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kokoro Connect: Michi Random Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- Not long after putting the previous supernatural incident behind them, the members of Yamaboshi Academy's Student Cultural Society (StuCS) must deal with Fuusenkazura's newest trial—emotion transmission. This phenomenon allows the club members to hear each others' true thoughts, but with one catch: the timing, sender, and recipient are all completely random. To make matters worse, the club's supervisor, Ryuuzen Gotou, may have to step down due to his responsibilities for the upcoming school year. With emotions running high and Valentine's Day around the corner, the seemingly close bonds of the StuCS will be tested when their true feelings for each other are laid bare. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Nov 19, 2012 -- 217,012 7.99
Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 4 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Drama Romance School Slice of Life Supernatural -- Kokoro Connect: Michi Random Kokoro Connect: Michi Random -- Not long after putting the previous supernatural incident behind them, the members of Yamaboshi Academy's Student Cultural Society (StuCS) must deal with Fuusenkazura's newest trial—emotion transmission. This phenomenon allows the club members to hear each others' true thoughts, but with one catch: the timing, sender, and recipient are all completely random. To make matters worse, the club's supervisor, Ryuuzen Gotou, may have to step down due to his responsibilities for the upcoming school year. With emotions running high and Valentine's Day around the corner, the seemingly close bonds of the StuCS will be tested when their true feelings for each other are laid bare. -- -- Special - Nov 19, 2012 -- 217,012 7.99
Kurokami The Animation -- -- Sunrise -- 23 eps -- Manga -- Action Super Power Martial Arts Seinen -- Kurokami The Animation Kurokami The Animation -- High school student Ibuki Keita has been haunted by misfortune for as long as he can remember. For no apparent reason, everyone around him dies tragically. Ultimately, he refuses to become too close to anyone, even his childhood friend Akane. This leaves Keita alone in a life full of misery and disgrace. -- -- While eating at his favorite ramen shop one evening, Keita meets a strange young girl named Kuro. Possessing abilities that surpass that of a normal human being, Kuro classifies herself as a Mototsumitama. She explains to Keita about "Terra," a life-energy force split between three identical looking people; a global phenomenon dubbed the "Doppeliner System." As a Mototsumitama, Kuro guards the "Coexistence Equilibrium," the beings that protect the flow of Terra around the world. Keita refuses to believe her story, until he is caught up in the crossfire of this hidden world. On the verge of death, he makes a contract with Kuro, unbeknownst to its true meaning. Now he is bound to Kuro, and must be with her at all times. Could Keita's misfortune possibly get any greater? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, NYAV Post, Sentai Filmworks -- 108,073 7.16
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic Kuroshitsuji Movie: Book of the Atlantic -- The young Earl Ciel Phantomhive—the Queen's Guard Dog—is once again called to investigate seemingly supernatural phenomena when news of miraculous resurrections begins to surface in Victorian London. Along with Sebastian Michaelis, his demon butler, they board the luxury cruise liner Campania to investigate rumors of the Aurora Society—a medical organization suspected of experimenting on the dead. -- -- Grim reapers begin to appear on the ship, and it becomes apparent that the ship is about to be overrun with the undead as a devious plan is put into motion. Ciel and Sebastian must now uncover the secrets that lie behind the Aurora Society's phoenix symbol, and with the help of some old acquaintances, return the undead to their coffins or share a watery grave. -- -- Movie - Jan 21, 2017 -- 141,317 8.26
Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) -- -- Next Media Animation -- 16 eps -- - -- Horror Demons Supernatural Fantasy -- Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) Kyoufu Shinbun (2014) -- Rei Kigata is a first year middle schooler at Ishido Middle School. He is not a believer of any paranormal phenomena such as existence of ghosts or spirits in any kind, but one day at midnight, while he is sleeping, a mysterious newspaper called "Horror News" is delivered to his room. The newspaper tells a story in which one of his teachers at the school will get killed in a car accident the following morning and Kigata will be a witness of the accident. The story turns into a fact in the following day and since then, the mysterious newspaper is delivered everyday. He realizes he is haunted by this newspaper and that his life span would be shortened in 100 days every time he reads it. -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll, edited) -- ONA - Apr 28, 2014 -- 1,563 5.66
Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon -- -- Sunrise -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Action Sci-Fi Fantasy -- Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon -- In the far future, humans abandon a devastated Earth and traveled to outer space. However, due to unknown phenomenon that prevents them from traveling into space, humanity returns to Earth only to find it inhospitable except for Japan. -- -- To accommodate the entire human population, pocket dimensions are created around Japan to house in the populace. In order to find a way to return to outer space, the humans began reenacting human history according to the Holy book Testament. But in the year 1413 of the Testament Era, the nations of the pocket dimensions invade and conquer Japan, dividing the territory into feudal fiefdoms and forcing the original inhabitants of Japan to leave. -- -- It is now the year 1648 of the Testament Era, the refugees of Japan now live in the city ship Musashi, where it constantly travels around Japan while being watched by the Testament Union, the authority that runs the re-enactment of history. However, rumors of an apocalypse and war begin to spread when the Testament stops revealing what happens next after 1648. -- -- Taking advantage of this situation, Toori Aoi, head of Musashi Ariadust Academy's Supreme Federation and President of the student council, leads his fellow classmates to use this opportunity to regain their homeland. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 156,554 7.08
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki -- -- Nomad -- 26 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Sci-Fi -- Kyouran Kazoku Nikki Kyouran Kazoku Nikki -- Midarezaki Ouka is used to having strange things happen to him -after all, he is the head of the Great Japanese Empire Paranormal Phenomena Bureau of Measures. But when he catches a small cat girl in the shopping district stealing apples, his whole life rearranges to fit a new operation... -- -- OPERATION COZY FAMILY. -- -- Thousands of years ago, Enka the God of Destruction, was killed. However, with a dying breath it claimed that its child would appear and destroy humanity. Now in futuristic Japan, all of the potential children of Enka have been found and placed into a haphazard family. -- -- Teika the lion, Gekka the jellyfish, Yuuka the oni, Ginka the cross-dressing mafia son, and Hyouka the bioweapon--along with their parents Ouka and Kyouka (the ruler of a demon underworld)--all live under one roof in a family frenzy. -- TV - Apr 12, 2008 -- 26,755 7.27
Macross Δ -- -- Satelight -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Music Space Romance Mecha -- Macross Δ Macross Δ -- Eight years after the events of Macross F, a mysterious phenomenon known as the Var Syndrome is gradually consuming the galaxy. It's up to a new generation of highly capable Valkyrie pilots to deal with this universal menace. And if they didn't have enough on their plate already, the Aerial Knights Valkyrie fighter team from the Kingdom of Wind have come to challenge the Delta Squadron. -- 63,760 7.27
Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden -- -- Gainax, Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden -- Vesper is a secret agency fighting an army of alien invaders by using super-powerful battle androids. Mahoro is Vesper's most powerful battle android and has won many battles, but she has little operating time left and soon will cease to function. However, if she lays down her arms and conserves her remaining power, the time she has left can be prolonged to just over a year. Mahoro is given an opportunity to live the remaining time she has as a normal human. She chooses to live as a maid for Suguru, a phenomenally messy middle school student who lives by himself after his family passed away. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Oct 5, 2001 -- 54,135 7.18
Monster Strike: Zoku Saishuu-banashi - Pandora no Hako -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Fantasy Game -- Monster Strike: Zoku Saishuu-banashi - Pandora no Hako Monster Strike: Zoku Saishuu-banashi - Pandora no Hako -- - A strange phenomenon is overtaking the world?! - -- -- After defeating the War Gods, Ren and his friends are living the dream. It seems like they've finally managed to regain their normal lives. However, a mysterious girl by the name of Pandora appears, bringing with her a box that must never be opened. An unfortunate incident results in the box opening (of course), setting the world up for some big changes... -- -- (Source: YouTube) -- ONA - Dec 31, 2016 -- 2,560 6.30
Mushishi -- -- Artland -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Mushishi -- "Mushi": the most basic forms of life in the world. They exist without any goals or purposes aside from simply "being." They are beyond the shackles of the words "good" and "evil." Mushi can exist in countless forms and are capable of mimicking things from the natural world such as plants, diseases, and even phenomena like rainbows. -- -- This is, however, just a vague definition of these entities that inhabit the vibrant world of Mushishi, as to even call them a form of life would be an oversimplification. Detailed information on Mushi is scarce because the majority of humans are unaware of their existence. -- -- So what are Mushi and why do they exist? This is the question that a "Mushishi," Ginko, ponders constantly. Mushishi are those who research Mushi in hopes of understanding their place in the world's hierarchy of life. -- -- Ginko chases rumors of occurrences that could be tied to Mushi, all for the sake of finding an answer. -- -- It could, after all, lead to the meaning of life itself. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 641,581 8.69
Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi -- -- Artland -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi -- Mysterious, unknowable creatures alien to the laws of nature—known only to some and feared by others—"Mushi" lie behind many of life's strange phenomena. -- -- Long ago, a Mushi of terrifying power threatened to extinguish all life. The Minai clan of Mushishi were born from those who stopped this malevolent force, their members bound by duty to serve as retainers to the Karibusa family, within whom the Mushi remains sealed. The Mushishi Ginko is given a job request from Tanyuu Karibusa: oversee the work of the head of the Minai clan, Kumado Minai, in investigating an abandoned village where dead wood and even houses spring back to life as flourishing plants. -- -- Though the Minai clan are oddly ruthless among Mushishi, even more peculiar is their widespread dull character, with little appreciation for beauty or sentiment. Tanyuu believes there is more to this trend than meets the eye. Ginko aims to answer her curiosity as he follows Kumado into a "Path of Thorns," a place where Mushi flow from their own strange sources into the world of the living. Rare and deadly varieties of Mushi lurk in these depths, along with the secret nature of the Minai clan's resolve to their ancient task. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Special - Aug 20, 2014 -- 79,783 8.46
Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi -- -- Artland -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Historical Mystery Seinen Slice of Life Supernatural -- Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi -- Mysterious, unknowable creatures alien to the laws of nature—known only to some and feared by others—"Mushi" lie behind many of life's strange phenomena. -- -- Long ago, a Mushi of terrifying power threatened to extinguish all life. The Minai clan of Mushishi were born from those who stopped this malevolent force, their members bound by duty to serve as retainers to the Karibusa family, within whom the Mushi remains sealed. The Mushishi Ginko is given a job request from Tanyuu Karibusa: oversee the work of the head of the Minai clan, Kumado Minai, in investigating an abandoned village where dead wood and even houses spring back to life as flourishing plants. -- -- Though the Minai clan are oddly ruthless among Mushishi, even more peculiar is their widespread dull character, with little appreciation for beauty or sentiment. Tanyuu believes there is more to this trend than meets the eye. Ginko aims to answer her curiosity as he follows Kumado into a "Path of Thorns," a place where Mushi flow from their own strange sources into the world of the living. Rare and deadly varieties of Mushi lurk in these depths, along with the secret nature of the Minai clan's resolve to their ancient task. -- -- Special - Aug 20, 2014 -- 79,783 8.46
One Piece Film: Z -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece Film: Z One Piece Film: Z -- The Straw Hat Pirates enter the rough seas of the New World in search of the hidden treasures of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger-One Piece. On their voyage, the pirates come across a terrifying, powerful man, former Marine Admiral Z. -- -- Z is accused of having stolen the "Dyna Stones", weapons believed to have the power to shake up the New World. The Marine Headquarters believes Z is about to use it to end the pirate era, and with it, the lives of many innocent people. In fear of such a phenomenal event, marines start to take action against the former admiral. -- -- Even if it means stumbling upon marines and the navy, the Straw Hat Pirates decided to chase after Z and stop him from causing havoc. As they continue to embark on their ventures, the pirates bump into new and familiar acquaintances. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 15, 2012 -- 189,506 8.18
One Piece Film: Z -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Shounen -- One Piece Film: Z One Piece Film: Z -- The Straw Hat Pirates enter the rough seas of the New World in search of the hidden treasures of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger-One Piece. On their voyage, the pirates come across a terrifying, powerful man, former Marine Admiral Z. -- -- Z is accused of having stolen the "Dyna Stones", weapons believed to have the power to shake up the New World. The Marine Headquarters believes Z is about to use it to end the pirate era, and with it, the lives of many innocent people. In fear of such a phenomenal event, marines start to take action against the former admiral. -- -- Even if it means stumbling upon marines and the navy, the Straw Hat Pirates decided to chase after Z and stop him from causing havoc. As they continue to embark on their ventures, the pirates bump into new and familiar acquaintances. -- Movie - Dec 15, 2012 -- 189,506 8.18
Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution -- -- OLM -- 4 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution -- Previously an assistant of Miare City's Professor Platane, Alain and his Lizardon set off on a journey to become even stronger, by mastering the powers of mega evolution. Investigating the mysteries of this phenomenon, at the behest of the enigmatic Fleur-de-lis, Alain and Lizardon travel across Kalos and Hoenn in search of capable trainers who can use mega evolution in order to improve, as well as help Fleur-de-lis with his research. Along the way, they meet a young girl named Manon who, with her Harimaron, decide to accompany Alain, to which he reluctantly agrees. -- -- Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution follows Alain and Lizardon in their journey to become the strongest users of mega evolution, while also fighting against legendary monsters to protect the ambitions of Fleur-de-lis as well as the safety of those most important to him. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Special - Apr 3, 2014 -- 23,976 7.43
Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- -- Studio Deen -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Magic Fantasy -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage -- Long ago in the nine provinces of Kyushu, a calamitous event was prophesied to take place: falling comets would exhaust the spiritual energies of both the heavens and the lands and thus bring about an age of chaos upon the world. But contrary to the prophecy, the comets passed by with no calamity taking place. At the same time, as if touched by the phenomenon, a boy was born in a remote village of the Sokei region by the name of Ouriku. -- -- Twelve years later, as the memories of the event have faded from people's minds, the Reikenzan clan—one of the five supreme sects of the nine provinces—decides to hold an examination in order to gather the most talented individuals fit to become disciples and eventually sages. Hearing about this news, Ouriku and his servant Ouchou head toward the site, unaware that the organizer Oubu, despite her elegant appearance, is infamous for being extremely irresponsible and carefree; hence, making the trials in the examination unpredictable. -- -- Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage follows the story of Ouriku as he journeys through these trials to become a powerful sage. -- -- 79,165 7.10
Revisions -- -- Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Mecha -- Revisions Revisions -- "This is a prophecy for you, where five people will meet huge adversaries, and only you can protect everyone." Daisuke Toujima is a second-year high school student who was abducted when he was young. He was involved in a special phenomenon—Shibuya Drift—with his childhood friends Gai, Ru, Marimari, and Keisaku. They were transferred to the center of Shibuya over 300 years into the future. What's waiting for them is endless wilderness and forest, Interspersed ruin, future citizens, and "Revisions" which are huge mechanical monsters. Trampled by the monsters without understanding the situation, a girl who has the same name as the person who saved Daisuke when he was abducted, Miro, provided a mobile suit "String Puppet" and told them to save Shibuya. With separated paths, adversaries, destined prophecies, the boys, and girls are on their journey to return to their original time. -- -- (Source: MAL News) -- ONA - Jan 10, 2019 -- 50,240 6.10
Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- -- Zero-G -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Romance -- Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. -- It is widely believed that science can provide rational explanations for the countless phenomena of our universe. However, there are many aspects of our existence that science has not yet found a solution to and cannot decipher with numbers. The most notorious of these is the concept of love. While it may seem impossible to apply scientific theory to such an intricate and complex emotion, a daring pair of quick-witted Saitama University scientists aim to take on the challenge. -- -- One day the bold and beautiful Ayame Himuro outwardly declares that she is in love with Shinya Yukimura, her fellow logical and level-headed scientist. Acknowledging his own lack of experience with romance, Yukimura questions what factors constitute love in the first place and whether he is in love with Himuro or not. Both clueless in the dealings of love, the pair begin to conduct detailed experiments on one another to test the human characteristics that indicate love and discern whether they demonstrate these traits towards each other. -- -- As Himuro and Yukimura begin their intimate analysis, can the two scientists successfully apply scientific theory, with the help of their friends, to quantify the feelings they express for one another? -- -- ONA - Jan 11, 2020 -- 185,005 7.35
Scan2Go -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Original -- Game Cars Space Kids -- Scan2Go Scan2Go -- Sometime in the near future, in an age in which we have established contact and communications with planets outside our galaxy, Scan2Go has become a huge phenomenon throughout all of outer space. Giant races are held at every locality, with each racer gunning for the title of the universe's number one racer! -- -- The main character in the series, Kazuya, possesses the power of the eagle, performed well with his blazing, innate power commanding his falconine beast spirit. He competes in a tournament, the "Pro-Racer Exhibition Race.", but was no match for the other teams that had won their way through the competitive Space Preliminaries. -- -- Realizing the difficult obstacles that lie before them, Kazuya and his friends leave the small Earth behind and set off on a universe-wide quest to hone their skills as warriors! -- -- Licensor: -- Cookie Jar Entertainment -- TV - Aug 9, 2010 -- 2,232 6.10
s.CRY.ed -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Super Power Drama -- s.CRY.ed s.CRY.ed -- A strange environmental phenomenon 22 years ago in the Kanazawa prefecture caused the land to split and protrude upwards reaching unprecedented heights, creating the secluded area known as The Lost Ground. Kazuma is a young mercenary who lives in the Lost Ground, looking for any work he can find to sustain his livelihood within the harsh environment. He is one of the few people that are gifted with the Alter ability, which allows him to plaster his right arm and torso with a metallic alloy. When this mercenary encounters HOLY, an order whose purpose is to suppress and capture what they call Native Alter Users, and one of the elite members of HOLY, Ryuho, an epic rivalry begins. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 73,269 7.37
s.CRY.ed -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Super Power Drama -- s.CRY.ed s.CRY.ed -- A strange environmental phenomenon 22 years ago in the Kanazawa prefecture caused the land to split and protrude upwards reaching unprecedented heights, creating the secluded area known as The Lost Ground. Kazuma is a young mercenary who lives in the Lost Ground, looking for any work he can find to sustain his livelihood within the harsh environment. He is one of the few people that are gifted with the Alter ability, which allows him to plaster his right arm and torso with a metallic alloy. When this mercenary encounters HOLY, an order whose purpose is to suppress and capture what they call Native Alter Users, and one of the elite members of HOLY, Ryuho, an epic rivalry begins. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Discotek Media, Sentai Filmworks -- 73,269 7.37
Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden -- -- Platinum Vision -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Comedy Supernatural Drama Vampire Josei -- Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden -- The Servamps and their pact-bound "Eves" are finally getting back to their normal lives as they recover from their injuries from the previous battles. However, when it starts snowing in the middle of summer, one of the Eves, Mahiru Shirota, suspects vampiric interference. Concerned by the strange phenomenon, he sets out to gather the group once more to try and solve the mystery; however, they suddenly lose contact with Misono Arisuin, the Eve of the Servamp of Lust. -- -- Servamp Movie: Alice in the Garden delves into the untold past of Misono and his brother Mikuni Arisuin, as well as the many mysteries of the grand Arisuin Mansion. -- -- Movie - Apr 7, 2018 -- 18,487 7.20
Shin Kaitei Gunkan -- -- Phoenix Entertainment -- 2 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Fantasy Historical Military Sci-Fi -- Shin Kaitei Gunkan Shin Kaitei Gunkan -- Moments after an atomic bomb falls over Hiroshima, a secret Japanese submarine sails into battle against its American counterpart, and both are lost to history. Some fifty years later, a special UN task force sent to investigate unusual phenomena in Antarctica is threatened by a mysterious black cylinder. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- OVA - Dec 21, 1995 -- 1,612 6.11
Steins;Gate -- -- White Fox -- 24 eps -- Visual novel -- Sci-Fi Psychological Drama Thriller -- Steins;Gate Steins;Gate -- The self-proclaimed mad scientist Rintarou Okabe rents out a room in a rickety old building in Akihabara, where he indulges himself in his hobby of inventing prospective "future gadgets" with fellow lab members: Mayuri Shiina, his air-headed childhood friend, and Hashida Itaru, a perverted hacker nicknamed "Daru." The three pass the time by tinkering with their most promising contraption yet, a machine dubbed the "Phone Microwave," which performs the strange function of morphing bananas into piles of green gel. -- -- Though miraculous in itself, the phenomenon doesn't provide anything concrete in Okabe's search for a scientific breakthrough; that is, until the lab members are spurred into action by a string of mysterious happenings before stumbling upon an unexpected success—the Phone Microwave can send emails to the past, altering the flow of history. -- -- Adapted from the critically acclaimed visual novel by 5pb. and Nitroplus, Steins;Gate takes Okabe through the depths of scientific theory and practicality. Forced across the diverging threads of past and present, Okabe must shoulder the burdens that come with holding the key to the realm of time. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,871,415 9.11
Tenshi no Tamago -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy -- Tenshi no Tamago Tenshi no Tamago -- The surrealist world of Tenshi no Tamago is desolate and devoid of the bustle of traditional everyday life. Instead, the world is filled with ominous phenomena, including floating orbs populated with statues of goddesses, gargantuan army tanks that seem to move unmanned, armies of fishermen who chase after the shadows of nonexistent fish, and caverns solely decorated with glass vessels of water. -- -- In this run-down world, a young girl takes care of a large egg and scavenges for food and drink. She encounters a mysterious man with a cross over his shoulder, who soon becomes curious about who she is and what her egg contains. They decide to explore the lost and broken landscape together, questioning each other about the nature of faith, the purpose of the world, and the origins of their lives. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Anchor Bay Films -- OVA - Dec 22, 1985 -- 95,684 7.69
Tenshi no Tamago -- -- Studio Deen -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia Drama Fantasy -- Tenshi no Tamago Tenshi no Tamago -- The surrealist world of Tenshi no Tamago is desolate and devoid of the bustle of traditional everyday life. Instead, the world is filled with ominous phenomena, including floating orbs populated with statues of goddesses, gargantuan army tanks that seem to move unmanned, armies of fishermen who chase after the shadows of nonexistent fish, and caverns solely decorated with glass vessels of water. -- -- In this run-down world, a young girl takes care of a large egg and scavenges for food and drink. She encounters a mysterious man with a cross over his shoulder, who soon becomes curious about who she is and what her egg contains. They decide to explore the lost and broken landscape together, questioning each other about the nature of faith, the purpose of the world, and the origins of their lives. -- -- OVA - Dec 22, 1985 -- 95,684 7.69
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Super Power -- Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara Toaru Kagaku no Railgun: Misaka-san wa Ima Chuumoku no Mato Desu kara -- Continuing after the Level Upper incident, another phenomenon torments Misaka. A phenomenon called "Someone's Watching," its effect feels like the electricity in one's body flow backwards. With the help of her friends, Misaka fights against the unknown enemy. -- OVA - Sep 26, 2010 -- 58,235 7.47
Trinity Seven -- -- Seven Arcs Pictures -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance Ecchi Fantasy School Shounen -- Trinity Seven Trinity Seven -- One day, the bright red sun stopped shining, causing the "Breakdown Phenomenon"—the destruction of Arata Kasuga's town and the disappearance of the people inhabiting it. All, however, is not yet lost; by utilizing the magical grimoire given to him by his childhood friend and cousin Hijiri Kasuga, Arata's world gets artificially reconstructed. -- -- In order to investigate the phenomenon, Lilith Asami appears before Arata, whose artificial world suddenly disintegrates. He is given two choices: hand over the book, or die. However, Arata chooses the third option—enrolling in the top-secret magic school Royal Biblia Academy, where six other magical users await him. Together with Lilith, these six form the Trinity Seven, the elite of the school who each bolster their own power and skill. -- -- With the ambition to save Hijiri and the help of his newfound friends, Arata stops at nothing to prevent the destruction of his beloved hometown and to bring his best friend back. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 638,128 7.14
Uchuu Kyoudai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 99 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sci-Fi Seinen Slice of Life Space -- Uchuu Kyoudai Uchuu Kyoudai -- On a fateful summer night in 2006, Mutta Nanba and his younger brother Hibito witness what they believe to be a UFO flying toward the Moon. This impressing and unusual phenomenon leads both siblings vowing to become astronauts, with Hibito aiming for the Moon and Mutta, convinced that the eldest brother has to be one step ahead, for Mars. -- -- Now an adult, life hasn't turned out how Mutta had pictured it: he is diligently working in an automotive company, whereas Hibito is on his way to be the very first Japanese man to step on the Moon. However, after losing his job, Mutta is presented with an unexpected opportunity to catch up to his younger brother when the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, commonly known as JAXA, accepts his application to participate in the next astronaut selection. Despite self-doubts about his prospects, Mutta is unwilling to waste this chance of a lifetime, and thus embarks on an ambitious journey to fulfill the promise made 19 years ago. -- -- 154,647 8.52
Uchuu Kyoudai -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 99 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Sci-Fi Seinen Slice of Life Space -- Uchuu Kyoudai Uchuu Kyoudai -- On a fateful summer night in 2006, Mutta Nanba and his younger brother Hibito witness what they believe to be a UFO flying toward the Moon. This impressing and unusual phenomenon leads both siblings vowing to become astronauts, with Hibito aiming for the Moon and Mutta, convinced that the eldest brother has to be one step ahead, for Mars. -- -- Now an adult, life hasn't turned out how Mutta had pictured it: he is diligently working in an automotive company, whereas Hibito is on his way to be the very first Japanese man to step on the Moon. However, after losing his job, Mutta is presented with an unexpected opportunity to catch up to his younger brother when the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, commonly known as JAXA, accepts his application to participate in the next astronaut selection. Despite self-doubts about his prospects, Mutta is unwilling to waste this chance of a lifetime, and thus embarks on an ambitious journey to fulfill the promise made 19 years ago. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 154,647 8.52
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou -- -- Lesprit -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Romance Seinen -- Ueno-san wa Bukiyou Ueno-san wa Bukiyou -- As the head of her middle school's science club, it's only fitting that Ueno is also a brilliant inventor. With devices that can convert any liquid into drinkable water, deodorize the most foul smells, or even generate dark matter to be used as a means of concealment, it seems like nothing is beyond Ueno's capabilities. However, she doesn't invent these devices for the advancement of mankind. Rather, the one force that motivates her is love, the only phenomenon she can't quite figure out. -- -- Ueno is head over heels for Tanaka, her nonchalant fellow club member. Yet, because she is too nervous to confess her love and he is too oblivious to notice her affection, her love life is completely stagnant. In Ueno's mind, if she could just expose him to perverted situations, then surely he'd get flustered and fall for her, right? Assisted by her stone-faced classmate and dedicated wingwoman Yamashita, Ueno employs her many inventions on Tanaka in a lewd manner in hopes that he may one day understand how she feels. -- -- 87,391 6.62
xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama -- xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- Summer break has arrived, but while his other classmates are out having fun, Kimihiro Watanuki continues to work as compensation for the eccentric Yuuko in her shop. With the spirits and supernatural phenomena that bother him lessening, he pays his dues by cleaning, cooking, and doing whatever else the apparently lazy Yuuko needs. -- -- Watanuki, however, gets involved in a new predicament when Yuuko receives a mysterious invitation to a mansion whose owner seeks Yuuko's wish-granting ability. When he, Yuuko, and his classmate Shizuka Doumeki make their way to the peculiar residence, they meet others who were summoned by the same strange invitation. All of them are collectors of various unique items, drawn there by the chance to expand their collections. But as the collectors begin to disappear one by one, Watanuki and his companions must solve the mystery and put the case to rest, or find themselves in risk of danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Aug 20, 2005 -- 57,008 7.96
xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- -- Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Psychological Supernatural Drama -- xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume xxxHOLiC Movie: Manatsu no Yoru no Yume -- Summer break has arrived, but while his other classmates are out having fun, Kimihiro Watanuki continues to work as compensation for the eccentric Yuuko in her shop. With the spirits and supernatural phenomena that bother him lessening, he pays his dues by cleaning, cooking, and doing whatever else the apparently lazy Yuuko needs. -- -- Watanuki, however, gets involved in a new predicament when Yuuko receives a mysterious invitation to a mansion whose owner seeks Yuuko's wish-granting ability. When he, Yuuko, and his classmate Shizuka Doumeki make their way to the peculiar residence, they meet others who were summoned by the same strange invitation. All of them are collectors of various unique items, drawn there by the chance to expand their collections. But as the collectors begin to disappear one by one, Watanuki and his companions must solve the mystery and put the case to rest, or find themselves in risk of danger. -- -- Movie - Aug 20, 2005 -- 57,008 7.96
Yuugen Kaisha -- -- Madhouse -- 4 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Super Power Supernatural Magic Vampire -- Yuugen Kaisha Yuugen Kaisha -- In a country where companies are categorized into many subdivisions and corporations, only one of them is a ghost corp—the Phantom quest corp. When otherworldly supernatural phenomenon threatens the city and its populace, Ayaka Kisaragi and her employees are on the job to fight any and all supernatural menace. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Aug 25, 1994 -- 4,562 6.48
Zettai Shounen -- -- Ajia-Do -- 26 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Zettai Shounen Zettai Shounen -- Oftentimes, people are most vulnerable when they are lonely and unable to get along with those around them. Isolation is felt more keenly amongst a crowd, so some will try to find solace in the strangest of places, where the unknown lurks. Such people include Ayumu Aizawa, a former city boy now living in the countryside of Tana, and Kisa Tanigawa, a young girl who has a hard time relating to others. What these two share in common is a feeling that their life has gone astray. -- -- Zettai Shounen tells a story of strange phenomena affecting two different settings, with no explanations of their origin or sudden appearance. All that is known is that these phenomena seem to center on individuals with mixed emotions toward themselves and others. -- -- 17,196 6.93
Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead -- -- Studio Binzo -- 4 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead -- Clay animation about a guy stuck in a room during zombie apocalypse. -- OVA - ??? ??, 2011 -- 292 N/A -- -- The Girl and the Monster -- -- - -- ? eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- The Girl and the Monster The Girl and the Monster -- A girl quietly reads a book in her room. Suddenly, a monster comes crawling out from under her bed! Is it friend or foe? -- ONA - Jul 26, 2019 -- 291 N/A -- -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi -- -- DLE -- 2 eps -- Original -- Comedy Historical Parody Horror Supernatural -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi -- A Matsue City collaboration anime with Eagle Talon. Yoshida book-ends the story as horror tales, both modern and historical, originated within the city are narrated by another person. -- ONA - Mar 17, 2017 -- 289 N/A -- -- 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan -- -- - -- 7 eps -- Book -- Historical Horror Parody Supernatural -- 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan 3-bu de Wakaru Koizumi Yakumo no Kaidan -- Stories from Patrick Lafcadio Hearn's book Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things. The Greek-American author was known as Koizumi Yakumo in Japan and is renowned for collecting and publishing stories of Japanese folklore and legends. -- -- The shorts were made for a Matsue City tourism promotion, as Hearn taught, lived, and married there. His home is a museum people can visit. -- ONA - May 9, 2014 -- 287 N/A -- -- Kimoshiba -- -- Jinnis Animation Studios, TMS Entertainment -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror Kids Supernatural -- Kimoshiba Kimoshiba -- Kimoshiba is a weird type of life form with the shape of an oversize shiba inu, loves eating curry (particularly curry breads), and works at a funeral home. Similar life forms include yamishiba and onishiba. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 284 N/A -- -- Ehon Yose -- -- - -- 50 eps -- Other -- Historical Horror Kids -- Ehon Yose Ehon Yose -- Anime rakugo of classic Japanese horror tales shown in a wide variety of art styles. -- TV - ??? ??, 2006 -- 279 N/A -- -- Higanjima X: Aniki -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Fantasy Horror Seinen Vampire -- Higanjima X: Aniki Higanjima X: Aniki -- A new episode of Higanjima X that was included in Blu-ray. -- Special - Aug 30, 2017 -- 277 N/A -- -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- - -- Historical Horror -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki Yamiyo no Jidaigeki -- Tales include: -- -- The Hill of Old Age, which tells of a conspiracy hatched against Japan's unifier, Oda Nobunaga. -- -- Seeing the Truth, about the assassin sent to murder Nobunaga's successor leyasu Tokugawa. -- -- The broadcast was a part of the Neo Hyper Kids program. -- -- (Source: Anime Encyclopedia) -- Special - Feb 19, 1995 -- 275 N/A -- -- Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II -- -- Topcraft -- 2 eps -- Original -- Demons Horror -- Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II Youkai Ningen Bem: Part II -- For 1982 a 26-episode TV series sequel to Youkai Ningen Bem was planned. Because the original producers disbanded, the animation was done by Topcraft. 2 episodes were created and the project shut down without airing on television. The episodes were released to the public on a LD-Box Set a decade later. 2,000 units were printed and all were sold out. -- Special - Oct 21, 1992 -- 268 N/A -- -- Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- 1 ep -- - -- Comedy Horror Kids Shounen -- Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai Kaibutsu-kun: Kaibutsu Land e no Shoutai -- Based on the shounen manga by Fujiko Fujio. -- -- Note: Screened as a double feature with Doraemon: Nobita no Uchuu Kaitakushi. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Mar 14, 1981 -- 266 N/A -- -- Ushiro no Hyakutarou -- -- - -- 2 eps -- - -- Horror School Supernatural -- Ushiro no Hyakutarou Ushiro no Hyakutarou -- Horror OVA based on the manga by Jirou Tsunoda. The title roughly means "Hyakutarou behind". -- -- A boy named Ichitarou Ushiro deals with various horrifying phenomena with the help of his guardian spirit Hyakutarou. -- -- 2 episodes: "Kokkuri Satsujin Jiken", "Yuutai Ridatsu". -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Aug 21, 1991 -- 254 N/A -- -- Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! -- -- Studio Binzo -- 4 eps -- Original -- Comedy Horror -- Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! Zombie Clay Animation: I'm Stuck!! -- Spin-off series of Zombie Clay Animation: Life of the Dead. -- ONA - Mar 2, 2014 -- 247 N/A -- -- Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Horror Sci-Fi -- Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu Shou-chan Sora wo Tobu -- An anime version of Ikkei Makina's horror novel of the same name. It aired at the same time as the live-action adaptation. -- Movie - Nov 14, 1992 -- 235 N/A -- -- Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour -- -- DLE -- 2 eps -- Original -- Comedy Historical Parody Horror -- Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour -- An accompaniment to Heisei Matsue Kaidan: Ayashi. This ghost tour takes a more realistic approach featuring Yoshia (the fictional Eagle Talon character), Kihara Hirokatsu (horror and mystery novelist), Chafurin (voice actor and Shimae Prefecture ambassador), and Frogman (Ryou Ono's caricature; real-life director of the anime studio DLE). The quartet travels around Matsue City exploring horror/haunted real life locations talking about the history and how it became a paranormal focus. -- -- The end of the episode promotes ticket sale and times for a real ghost tour watchers can partake in. -- ONA - Mar 16, 2017 -- 227 N/A -- -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) -- -- Sunrise -- 2 eps -- - -- Historical Horror -- Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) Yamiyo no Jidaigeki (OVA) -- A direct sequel that was put straight to video. -- -- The Ear of Jinsuke, about a wandering swordsman saving a damsel in distress from evil spirits. -- -- Prints from the Fall of the Bakufu, features a tomboy from a woodcut works charged with making a print of the young warrior Okita Soji. -- -- (Source: Anime Encyclopedia) -- -- OVA - Aug 2, 1995 -- 227 N/A -- -- Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Other -- Comedy Horror Parody -- Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan Inunaki-mura x Taka no Tsume-dan -- A collaboration between the live-action horror film Inunaki-mura slated to be released in theaters February 7, 2020 and the Eagle Talon franchise. The film is based on the urban legend of the real-life abandoned Inunaki Village and the old tunnel that cut through the area. -- ONA - Jan 17, 2020 -- 226 N/A -- -- Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Demons Horror Kids -- Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo Echigo no Mukashibanashi: Attaten Ganoo -- A collection of four folk tales from Koshiji (from 2005, part of Nagaoka), Niigata prefecture (Echigo is the old name of Niigata). -- -- Episode 1: The Azuki Mochi and the Frog -- A mean old woman tells an azuki mochi to turn into a frog, if her daughter-in-law wants to eat it. The daughter-in-law hears this, and... -- -- Episode 2: Satori -- A woodcutter warms himself at the fire of deadwood, when a spirit in the form of an eyeball appears in front of him. The spirit guesses each of the woodcutter's thoughts right... -- -- Episode 3: The Fox's Lantern -- An old man, who got lost in the night streets, finds a lantern with a beautiful pattern, which was lost by a fox spirit. The next day, he returns it reluctantly, and what he sees... -- -- Episode 4: The Three Paper Charms -- An apprentice priest, who lost his way, accidentally puts up at the hut of the mountain witch. To avoid being eaten, he uses three paper charms to get back to the temple... -- -- (Source: Official site) -- OVA - May ??, 2000 -- 221 N/A -- -- Jigoku Koushien -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Sports Comedy Horror Shounen -- Jigoku Koushien Jigoku Koushien -- (No synopsis yet.) -- OVA - Feb 13, 2009 -- 220 N/A -- -- Nanja Monja Obake -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Kids Horror -- Nanja Monja Obake Nanja Monja Obake -- An anime made entirely in sumi-e following a child fox spirit and his morphing ability for haunting but he ends up getting scared himself. -- Special - Dec 6, 1994 -- 215 N/A -- -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan -- -- DLE -- 7 eps -- Original -- Horror Parody Supernatural -- Heisei Matsue Kaidan Heisei Matsue Kaidan -- A Matsue City collaboration anime with Eagle Talon. Yoshida book-ends the story as modern horror tales, originated within the city, are narrated by another person. The shorts are meant to promote the Patrick Lafcadio Hearn's Ghost Tour offered by the city. -- -- Some episodes feature biographical segments of the Matsue Kankou Taishi Sanri ga Iku! Matsue Ghost Tour group. -- ONA - Apr 9, 2015 -- 211 N/A -- -- Akuma no Organ -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Music -- Music Horror Demons -- Akuma no Organ Akuma no Organ -- Music video for Devil's Organ by GREAT3. From Climax E.P. (2003) -- Music - ??? ??, 2003 -- 210 5.16
1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg
2012 phenomenon
4-digit UNESCO Nomenclature
6-digit UNESCO nomenclature
Acidinus (cognomen)
Aeschynomene americana
Aeschynomene aspera
Aeschynomene elaphroxylon
Aeschynomene indica
Aeschynomene rudis
Aeschynomene virginica
Ashman phenomenon
Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena
Avitus (cognomen)
Baggio Rakotonomenjanahary
Balbus (cognomen)
Battery nomenclature
Bell's phenomenon
Binomial nomenclature
Blue field entoptic phenomenon
Botanical nomenclature
Box Office Entertainment Award for Phenomenal Box Office Star
Bracketing (phenomenology)
Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon
British Society for Phenomenology
Broken escalator phenomenon
Buttered toast phenomenon
Caeso (praenomen)
Ceanothus sonomensis
Chemical nomenclature
Collis (planetary nomenclature)
Color phi phenomenon
Combined Nomenclature
Compendium of Analytical Nomenclature
Compendium of Macromolecular Nomenclature
Controlled aerodynamic instability phenomena
Corona (optical phenomenon)
Crassus (cognomen)
Critical phenomena
Daphne Mainomene
Dawn phenomenon
Deathbed phenomena
Death row phenomenon
De Phenomenis in Orbe Lunae
Descriptive phenomenological method in psychology
Deudorix dinomenes
DeuringHeilbronn phenomenon
Dienes phenomenon
Divination by Astrological and Meteorological Phenomena
Drug nomenclature
Early phenomenology
Electrical phenomena
Electrokinetic phenomena
Electronic voice phenomenon
Endaural phenomena
Entoptic phenomena (archaeology)
Entoptic phenomenon
Fenomeno (album)
Fenomeno (song)
Filiative nomen
First-dose phenomenon
Fossa (planetary nomenclature)
Gene nomenclature
Gibbs phenomenon
Global Medical Device Nomenclature
Glory (optical phenomenon)
Gutter Phenomenon
Halo (optical phenomenon)
HantzschWidman nomenclature
Holmes rebound phenomenon
Hong Kong Kids phenomenon
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
Hypomyrina nomenia
Ideomotor phenomenon
International Code of Area Nomenclature
International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants
International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients
International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature
Interpretative phenomenological analysis
IUPAC nomenclature for organic transformations
IUPAC nomenclature of chemistry
IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry
IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic chemistry 2005
IUPAC nomenclature of organic chemistry
Jaume Nomen
Jedi census phenomenon
Jod-Basedow phenomenon
John Diakrinomenos
Kazan phenomenon
Koebner phenomenon
Kohnstamm's phenomenon
Lalana Nomenjanahary
List of archaic technological nomenclature
List of gear nomenclature
List of geological phenomena
List of Internet phenomena
List of Internet phenomena in China
List of Internet phenomena in Pakistan
List of natural phenomena
List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature
List of severe weather phenomena
Looming and similar refraction phenomena
Macroscopic quantum phenomena
Mahnomen, Minnesota
Manius (praenomen)
Marcus Gunn phenomenon
Marcus (praenomen)
Mariko Aoki phenomenon
Mechanical Spin Phenomena
Michelangelo phenomenon
MizuoNakamura phenomenon
Monkey tree phenomenon
Mons (planetary nomenclature)
Munich phenomenology
National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena
New Biological Nomenclature
New York City Subway nomenclature
Nomen clef
Nomen (ancient Egypt)
Nomenclator Botanicus Hortensis
Nomenclature codes
Nomenclature Committee for Fungi
Nomenclature of mechanical ventilation
Nomenclature of monoclonal antibodies
Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry
Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics
Nomen dubium
Nomen gentilicium
Nomenia duodecimlineata
Nomenia obsoleta
Nomen illegitimum
Nomen nescio
Nomen novum
Nomen nudum
Nomen oblitum
Nonus (praenomen)
No reflow phenomenon
Numerius (praenomen)
Oligosaccharide nomenclature
Optical phenomena
Patera (planetary nomenclature)
Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena
Petrozavodsk phenomenon
Phaenomena Aratea
Phaenomenella callophorella
Phaenomenella cirsiumoides
Phnomenal egal
Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
Phenomena (band)
Phenomena (disambiguation)
Phenomenal and the Treasure of Tutankhamen
Phenomenal concept strategy
Phenomenal Handclap Band
Phenomenal Handclap Band (album)
Phenomenal Smith
Phenomenal Woman
Phenomenological life (Michel Henry)
Phenomenological model
Phenomenological quantum gravity
Phenomenology (architecture)
Phenomenology of Perception
Phenomenology of religion
Phenomenology (philosophy)
Phenomenology (physics)
Phenomenology (psychology)
Phenomenology (sociology)
Phenomenon-based learning
Phenomenon (film)
Phenomenon (LL Cool J album)
Phenomenon (Monsta X album)
Phenomenon (TV program)
Phenomenon (UFO album)
Philippus (cognomen)
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
Phi phenomenon
Phylogenetic nomenclature
Pinsky phenomenon
Planetary nomenclature
Ponte Nomentano
Prenomen (Ancient Egypt)
Pulchrana melanomenta
Quadriga phenomenon
Quake (natural phenomenon)
Quintus (praenomen)
Remixes (Phenomenal Handclap Band album)
Renbk phenomenon
Research in Phenomenology
Rod (optical phenomenon)
Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Hegel and the Phenomenology of Spirit
Runge's phenomenon
Salvia sonomensis
Scientific phenomena named after people
Scipio (cognomen)
Seima-Turbino phenomenon
Shiranui (optical phenomenon)
Shwartzman phenomenon
Social phenomenon
Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
Solar phenomena
South Australia Nomenclature Act of 1935
Speech and Phenomena
Staub-Traugott Phenomenon
Stephanomenyllus quadricostulatus
Steve (atmospheric phenomenon)
Stick-slip phenomenon
Stock nomenclature
Stokes phenomenon
Street light interference phenomenon
Studia Phaenomenologica
Symbol Nomenclature For Glycans
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
Talk:Electronic voice phenomenon
The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology
The Garbage Picking Field Goal Kicking Philadelphia Phenomenon
The Phenomenauts
The Phenomenology of Spirit
The Phenomenon 19681998
The Phenomenon of Man
The Phenomenon (Smash)
The Roussos Phenomenon
The Secret of the Flowers of Phenomenon
The Sherbet Phenomenon
Tiger Mask donation phenomenon
Tolkien: A Cultural Phenomenon
Transient lunar phenomenon
Transport phenomena
Transport Phenomena (book)
Trinomial nomenclature
Tullio phenomenon
Twilight phenomena
Uhthoff's phenomenon
UNESCO nomenclature
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force
Viral phenomenon
Von Baeyer nomenclature
Von Magnus phenomenon
VulpianHeidenhainSherrington phenomenon
Well-founded phenomenon
Werner's Nomenclature of Colours
Will Rogers phenomenon
Windshield phenomenon
World Phenomenology Institute

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