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object: - Self-Realisation
book class:Isha Upanishad
author class:Sri Aurobindo
--- Self-Realisation
Verses 6 - 7*

Brahman is, subjectively, Atman, the Self or immutable existence
of all that is in the universe. Everything that changes in us, mind,
life, body, character, temperament, action, is not our real and
unchanging self, but becomings of the Self in the movement,
In Nature, therefore, all things that exist, animate or inanimate, are becomings of the one Self of all. All these different
creatures are one indivisible existence. This is the truth each
being has to realise.
When this unity has been realised by the individual in every
part of his being, he becomes perfect, pure, liberated from ego
and the dualities, possessed of the entire divine felicity.
Atman, our true self, is Brahman; it is pure indivisible Being, selfluminous, self-concentrated in consciousness, self-concentrated
in force, self-delighted. Its existence is light and bliss. It is timeless, spaceless and free.
* 6. But he who sees everywhere the Self in all existences and all existences in the Self,
shrinks not thereafter from aught.
7. He in whom it is the Self-Being that has become all existences that are Becomings,
for he has the perfect knowledge, how shall he be deluded, whence shall he have grief
who sees everywhere oneness?

Atman represents itself to the consciousness of the creature in
three states, dependent on the relations between Purusha and
Prakriti, the Soul and Nature. These three states are Akshara,
unmoving or immutable; Kshara, moving or mutable; and Para
or Uttama, Supreme or Highest.
Kshara Purusha is the Self reflecting the changes and movements of Nature, participating in them, immersed in the consciousness of the movement and seeming in it to be born and
die, increase and diminish, progress and change. Atman, as the
Kshara, enjoys change and division and duality; controls secretly
its own changes but seems to be controlled by them; enjoys the
oppositions of pleasure and pain, good and bad, but appears to
be their victim; possesses and upholds the action of Nature, by
which it seems to be created. For, always and inalienably, the
Self is Ishwara, the Lord.
Akshara Purusha is the Self standing back from the changes
and movements of Nature, calm, pure, impartial, indifferent,
watching them and not participating, above them as on a summit, not immersed in these Waters. This calm Self is the sky that
never moves and changes looking down upon the waters that are
never at rest. The Akshara is the hidden freedom of the Kshara.
Para Purusha or Purushottama is the Self containing and
enjoying both the stillness and the movement, but conditioned
and limited by neither of them. It is the Lord, Brahman, the All,
the Indefinable and Unknowable.
It is this supreme Self that has to be realised in both the
unmoving and the mutable.

Atman, the Self, represents itself differently in the sevenfold
movement of Nature according to the dominant principle of
the consciousness in the individual being.
1 Gita XV. 16, 17. See also XIII passim.
2 Taittiriya Upanishad II. 1 - 6.

In the physical consciousness Atman becomes the material
being, annamaya purus.a.
In the vital or nervous consciousness Atman becomes the
vital or dynamic being, pran.amaya purus.a.
In the mental consciousness Atman becomes the mental
being, manomaya purus.a.
In the supra-intellectual consciousness, dominated by the
Truth or causal Idea (called in Veda Satyam, Ritam, Brihat, the
True, the Right, the Vast), Atman becomes the ideal being or
great Soul, vijnanamaya purus.a or mahat atman.3
In the consciousness proper to the universal Beatitude,
Atman becomes the all-blissful being or all-enjoying and allproductive Soul, anandamaya purus.a.
In the consciousness proper to the infinite divine selfawareness which is also the infinite all-effective Will (ChitTapas), Atman is the all-conscious Soul that is source and lord
of the universe, caitanya purus.a.
In the consciousness proper to the state of pure divine
existence Atman is sat purus.a, the pure divine Self.
Man, being one in his true Self with the Lord who inhabits
all forms, can live in any of these states of the Self in the world
and partake of its experiences. He can be anything he wills from
the material to the all-blissful being. Through the Anandamaya
he can enter into the Chaitanya and Sat Purusha.

Sachchidananda is the manifestation of the higher Purusha; its
nature of infinite being, consciousness, power and bliss is the
higher Nature, para prakr.ti. Mind, life and body are the lower
nature, apara prakr.ti.
The state of Sachchidananda is the higher half of universal
existence, parardha, the nature of which is Immortality, Amritam. The state of mental existence in Matter is the lower half,
3 The mahat atman or Vast Self is frequently referred to in the Upanishads. It is also
called bhuma, the Large.

aparardha, the nature of which is death, Mrityu.
Mind and life in the body are in the state of Death because by Ignorance they fail to realise Sachchidananda. Realising
perfectly Sachchidananda, they can convert themselves, Mind
into the nature of the Truth, Vijnana, Life into the nature of
Chaitanya, Body into the nature of Sat, that is, into the pure
When this cannot be done perfectly in the body, the soul
realises its true state in other forms of existence or worlds, the
"sunlit" worlds and states of felicity, and returns upon material
existence to complete its evolution in the body.
A progressively perfect realisation in the body is the aim of
human evolution.
It is also possible for the soul to withdraw for an indefinable
period into the pure state of Sachchidananda.
The realisation of the Self as Sachchidananda is the aim of
human existence.

Sachchidananda is always the pure state of Atman; it may either
remain self-contained as if apart from the universe or overlook,
embrace and possess it as the Lord.
In fact, it does both simultaneously. (Verse 8)
The Lord pervades the universe as the Virat Purusha, the
Cosmic Soul (paribhu of the eighth verse, the One who becomes
everywhere); He enters into each object in the movement, to
the Knowledge as Brahman supporting individual consciousness
and individual form, to the Ignorance as an individualised and
limited being. He manifests as the Jivatman or individual self in
the living creature.
From the standpoint of our lower state in the kingdom of
death and limitation Atman is Sachchidananda, supra-mental,
4 I have collected under this and the preceding headings the principal ideas of the
Upanishads with regard to the Self, although not expressly mentioned or alluded to in
our text, because they are indispensable to an understanding of the complete philosophy
of these Scriptures and to the relations of the thought which is developed in the Isha.
but reflected in the mind. If the mind is pure, bright and still,
there is the right reflection; if it is unpurified, troubled and obscured, the reflection is distorted and subjected to the crooked
action of the Ignorance.
According to the state of the reflecting mind we may have
either purity of self-knowledge or an obscuration and distortion
of knowledge in the dualities of truth and error; a pure activity
of unegoistic Will or an obscuration and deflection of Will in the
dualities of right and wrong action, sin and virtue; a pure state
and unmixed play of beatitude or an obscuration and perversion
of it in the dualities of right and wrong enjoyment, pleasure and
pain, joy and grief.
It is the mental ego-sense that creates this distortion by
division and limitation of the Self. The limitation is brought
about through the Kshara Purusha identifying itself with the
changeable formations of Nature in the separate body, the individual life and the egoistic mind, to the exclusion of the sense of
unity with all existence and with all existences.
This exclusion is a fixed habit of the understanding due to
our past evolution in the movement, not an ineffugable law of
human consciousness. Its diminution and final disappearance
are the condition of self-realisation.
The beginning of wisdom, perfection and beatitude is the
vision of the One.


The first movement of self-realisation is the sense of unity with
other existences in the universe. Its early or crude form is the
attempt to understand or sympathise with others, the tendency
of a widening love or compassion or fellow-feeling for others,
the impulsion of work for the sake of others.
The oneness so realised is a pluralistic unity, the drawing
together of similar units resulting in a collectivity or solidarity
rather than in real oneness. The Many remain to the consciousness as the real existences; the One is only their result.
Real knowledge begins with the perception of essential oneness, - one Matter, one Life, one Mind, one Soul playing in
many forms.
When this Soul of things is seen to be Sachchidananda,
then knowledge is perfected. For we see Matter to be only a
play of Life, Life a play of Mind energising itself in substance,
Mind a play of Truth or causal Idea representing truth of being
variously in all possible mental forms, Truth a play of Sachchidananda, Sachchidananda the self-manifestation of a supreme
Unknowable, Para-Brahman or Para-Purusha.
We perceive the soul in all bodies to be this one Self or
Sachchidananda multiplying itself in individual consciousness.
We see also all minds, lives, bodies to be active formations of
the same existence in the extended being of the Self.
This is the vision of all existences in the Self and of the Self in
all existences which is the foundation of perfect internal liberty
and perfect joy and peace.
For by this vision, in proportion as it increases in intensity
and completeness, there disappears from the individual mentality all jugupsa, that is to say, all repulsion, shrinking, dislike, fear,
hatred and other perversions of feeling which arise from division
and personal opposition to other beings or to the objectivities
that surround us. Perfect equality5 of soul is established.

Vision is not sufficient; one must become what inwardly one
sees. The whole inner life must be changed so as to represent
perfectly in all parts of the being what is understood by the
intellect and seen by the inner perception.
5 The state described in the Gita as samatva. Jugupsa is the feeling of repulsion caused
by the sense of a want of harmony between one's own limited self-formation and the
contacts of the external with a consequent recoil of grief, fear, hatred, discomfort,
suffering. It is the opposite of attraction which is the source of desire and attachment.
Repulsion and attraction removed, we have samatva.

In the individual soul extending itself to the All by the vision
of unity (ekatvam anupasyatah., seeing everywhere oneness), arranging its thoughts, emotions and sensations according to the
perfect knowledge of the right relation of things which comes by
the realisation of the Truth (vijanatah., having the perfect knowledge), there must be repeated the divine act of consciousness by
which the one Being, eternally self-existent, manifests in itself
the multiplicity of the world (sarvan.i bhutani atmaiva abhut,
the Self-Being became all Becomings).
That is to say, the human or egoistic view is that of a world of
innumerable separate creatures each self-existent and different
from the others, each trying to get its utmost possible profit
out of the others and the world, but the divine view, the way
in which God sees the world, is Himself, as the sole Being, living in innumerable existences that are Himself, supporting all,
helping all impartially, working out to a divine fulfilment and
under terms fixed from the beginning, from years sempiternal,
a great progressive harmony of Becoming whose last term is
Sachchidananda or Immortality. This is the view-point of the
Self as Lord inhabiting the whole movement. The individual
soul has to change the human or egoistic for the divine, supreme
and universal view and live in that realisation.
It is necessary, therefore, to have the knowledge of the transcendent Self, the sole unity, in the equation so'ham, I am He,
and in that knowledge to extend one's conscious existence so as
to embrace the whole Multiplicity.
This is the double or synthetic ideal of the Isha Upanishad;
to embrace simultaneously Vidya and Avidya, the One and the
Many; to exist in the world, but change the terms of the Death
into the terms of the Immortality; to have the freedom and peace
of the Non-Birth simultaneously with the activity of the Birth.
(Verses 9 - 14)
All parts of the lower being must consent to this realisation;
to perceive with the intellect is not enough. The heart must consent in a universal love and delight, the sense-mind in a sensation
of God and self everywhere, the life in the comprehension of all
aims and energies in the world as part of its own being.

This realisation is the perfect and complete Beatitude, embracing
action, but delivered from sorrow and self-delusion.
There is no possibility of self-delusion (moha); for the soul,
having attained to the perception of the Unknowable behind all
existence, is no longer attached to the Becoming and no longer
attri butes an absolute value to any particularity in the universe,
as if that were an object in itself and desirable in itself. All
is enjoyable and has a value as the manifestation of the Self
and for the sake of the Self which is manifested in it, but none
for its own.6 Desire and illusion are removed; illusion is replaced by knowledge, desire by the active beatitude of universal
There is no possibility of sorrow; for all is seen as Sachchidananda and therefore in the terms of the infinite conscious
existence, the infinite will, the infinite felicity. Even pain and grief
are seen to be perverse terms of Ananda, and that Ananda which
they veil here and for which they prepare the lower existence
(for all suffering in the evolution is a preparation of strength
and bliss) is already seized, known and enjoyed by the soul thus
liberated and perfected. For it possesses the eternal Reality of
which they are the appearances.
Thus it is possible, by the realisation of the unity of God
and the world (s and jagat ) in the complete knowledge of the
Brahman, to renounce desire and illusion through the ascent to
the pure Self and the Non-Becoming and yet to enjoy by means
of all things in the manifestation God in the universe through a
free and illuminated self-identification with Sachchidananda in
all existences.
We have, therefore, in the second movement the explanation of
the first verse of the Upanishad. The first line, asserting that all
6 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

Isha Upanishad: Analysis


souls are the one Lord inhabiting every object in the universe
and that every object is universe in universe, movement in the
general movement, has been explained in the terms of complete
oneness by the Brahman, transcendental and universal even in
the individual, One in the Many, Many in the One, Stable and
Motional, exceeding and reconciling all opposites. The second
line, fixing as the rule of divine life universal renunciation of
desire as the condition of universal enjoyment in the spirit, has
been explained by the state of self-realisation, the realisation
of the free and transcendent Self as one's own true being, of
that Self as Sachchidananda and of the universe seen as the
Becoming of Sachchidananda and possessed in the terms of the
right knowledge and no longer in the terms of the Ignorance
which is the cause of all attraction and repulsion, self-delusion
and sorrow.

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Ristorante Paradiso (2009 - 2009) - When Nicoletta was a little girl, her mother, Olga, abandoned her and ran off to Rome to remarry. Now, 15 years later and a young woman, she travels to Rome with the intention of ruining her mother's life. She tracks Olga down to a restaurant called Casetta dell'Orso, but the second Nicoletta steps...
Spaceballs(1987) - The titular "Spaceballs" are a bunch of unscrupulous nutjobs, intent on stealing the air of the beautiful world of Druidia to save their own over used homeworld. To this end they capture a druish princess (an extremly light Jewish gag that is carried on through the film) who can only be rescued by a...
The Fifth Element(1997) - It's the year 2257 and a taxi driver has been unintentionally given the task of saving a young girl who is part of the key that will ensure the survival of humanity. The Fifth Element is filmed in a futuristic metropolitan city and in a French comic book asthetic by a controversial British, French a...
Batman Returns(1992) - Batman Now Comes Face To Face With The Penguin, A Warped And Deformed Individual Who Is Intent On Being Accepted Into Gotham City's Society, Crooked Businessman Max Schreck Is Coerced Into Helping Him Become Mayor Of Gotham City And They Both Attempt To Expose Batman In A Different Light.
The Terminator(1984) - In the year 2029, super computers dominate the world, with only one intention, the extermination of the human race. They send an indestructible human-like cyborg, called a terminator, back in time to kill Sarah Connor whose unborn child will eventually become mankind
Weekend At Bernies(1989) - When two bumbling businessmen, Larry Wilson (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard Parker (Jonathan Silverman), alert their boss, Bernie Lomax (Terry Kiser), to an expensive discrepancy in the company books, he invites them to his home on the beach with the intent to have them murdered. However when they dis...
Superman III(1983) - Gus Gorman, Newly Trained As A Computer Whiz, Start's Working For A Conglomerate Run By The Corporate Nemesis Ross Webster, Intent On World Domination, He Is Then Sent To Smallville To Wipe Out Columbia's Coffee Crop By Fiddling With The Computer Side Of A Weather Satellite, Clark Kent Is In Town Fo...
The Adventures of Mark Twain(1986) - Based on elements from the stories of Mark Twain, this feature-length Claymation fantasy follows the adventures of Tom Sawyer, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn as they stowaway aboard the interplanetary balloon of Mark Twain. Twain, disgusted with the Human Race, is intent upon finding Halley's Comet a...
White Fang(1991) - In Randal Kleiser's entertaining adaptation of Jack London's classic novel White Fang, Ethan Hawke plays Jack Conroy, a young man who travels to Alaska with the intent of finding his father's lost gold mine. During the course of his travels, he's accompanied by a big white wolf that he rescued from...
Halloween is Grinch Night(1977) - The Grinch comes back to Whoville on Halloween night, along with his trusty sidekick Max, with intentions of spoiling the town festivities. Little does the Grinch know that young Ukariah Who is about to foil his plans. This Halloween follow-up to "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" plays...
Where's Willie?(1978) - Willie, an 8-year-old boy with the I.Q. of a genius, has only good intentions when he builds a powerful electronic device. But when his invention disrupts an entire town, Willie's in big trouble.
Juice(1992) - 4 Harlem teens, Q, Bishop, Raheem and Steel, are out skipping school one day when they find out an old friend was killed in a shootout at a bar. After this, Bishop tells his friends that they have no respect, or juice. To get some, they rob a corner grocery store, but the lunatic Bishop intentionall...
Night of the Lepus(1972) - A Group of Ranchers and Scienetist, must deal with A pack of giant,mutated,rabbits,intent on destroying anyone,or anything,that gets in their way.Starring Stuart Whitman,Janet Leigh,and Rory Calhoun.
Cruel Intentions(1999) - Slaking a thirst for dangerous games, Kathryn challenges her stepbrother, Sebastian, to deflower their headmaster's daughter before the summer ends. If he succeeds, the prize is the chance to bed Kathryn. But if he loses, Kathryn will claim his most prized possession.
Destroy All Planets(1968) - A group of aliens from another planet head for Earth with the intentions of conquering it. Their first ship is destroyed in transit by the giant flying turtle Gamera. A second ship makes it to Earth and captures two Boy Scouts and holds them captive so that Gamera will not attack them. The aliens th...
Mirage(1995) - This unintentionally campy suspense thriller takes a large part of its plot from Hitchcock's Vertigo. Matteo Juarez, a former policeman in Palm Springs, has been emotionally devastated by his accidental death of a female hostage he was trying to save. Donald Gale, a wealthy capitalist and environmen...
Mighty Joe Young(1998) - This 1998 version of Mighty Joe Young begins with a Gorillas in the Mist-type prologue and then jumps forward twelve years to find Bill Paxton leading a safari expedition to capture the legendary giant (two-ton) gorilla, the subject of the film's title. Paxton's intentions are admirable; he wants to...
Goof Troop Christmas(1992) - Big-hearted Goofy tries to go all out to give Max a great Christmas but as usual catastrophe follows Goofy's intentions. Excellent Christmas message of Family, Friends and Love conveyed.
Tattoo(1981) - A mentally unstable tattoo artist(Bruce Dern)kidnaps a model(Maud Adams)with the intention of tattooing her entire body.
Bug(1975) - An earthquake releases a strain of mutant cockroaches with the ability to start fires, which proceed to cause destructive chaos in a small town. The studies carried out by scientist James Parmiter, however, reveal an intent with much more far-reaching consequences.
The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming!(1966) - Without hostile intent, a Soviet submarine runs aground off New England. Men are sent for a boat, but many villagers go into a tizzy, risking bloodshed.
Robocop 2(1990) - OCP Is Back With A Plot To Bankrupt Detroit, MI And Build A New City, They Attempt To Create An Army Of Mechanical Police Officers But Robocop See's The Intent To Destroy The City And He Comes Back To Stop Them.
Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century(1977) - An Italian imitation of the 1976 KING KONG remake about a giant yeti that gets thawed out and trashes Toronto, Canada. A kin to KING KONG, he falls for a girl and a mad entrepreneur is involved to make money off of this monster. Unintentionall
The Man From Planet X(1951) - As a mysterious planet hurls itself toward earth, an enigmatic extraterrestrial scout arrives on a remote Scottish island with unknown intentions.
A Town Called Hell(1971) - A group of Mexican revolutionaries murders a town priest and a number of his christian followers. Ten years later, a widow arrives in town intent to take revenge from her husband's killers.
Star Crystal(1986) - Crew members aboard a space ship encounter an alien life form intent on killing them.
Bachelorette(2012) - Regan, Gena, Katie, and Becky have been best friends since high school. On the eve of Becky's wedding they reunite for one last bachelorette bacchanal. But the bride chooses not to partake so the iresponsible & capricious bridesmaids decide to have a little fun of their own. They unintentionally mak...
Notes On A Scandal(2006) - A veteran high school teacher befriends a younger art teacher, who is having an affair with one of her 15-year-old students. However, her intentions with this new "friend" also go well beyond platonic friendship.
Team America: World Police(2004) - A satire film about big-budget action films and their plots and cliches created by "South Park" creators Matt Parker and Trey Stone. Team America: World Police exists for the sole intention of stopping terrorists from performing evil deeds. With a home base located within the structure of Mount Rush...
Postal(2007) - In the ironically named city of Paradise, a recently laid-off loser teams up with his cult-leading uncle to steal a peculiar bounty of riches from their local amusement park; somehow, the recently arrived Taliban have a similar focus, but a far more sinister intent.
Meet the Parents(2000) - Meet the Parents is a remake of a 1992 film of the same name directed by Greg Glienna and produced by Jim Vincent. Gliennawho also played the original film's main protagonistand Mary Ruth Clarke co-wrote the screenplay. Universal Studios purchased the rights to Glienna's film with the intent of cr...
Alison's Birthday(1981) - An Australian adolescent girl is warned by her father's spirit not to go home for her 19th birthday during a ouija board game as her relatives have ominous intentions but returns nonetheless. When her aunt and uncle try to stop her boyfriend from seeing her before the day comes, then he investigates...
Flower Drum Song(1961) - A young woman arrives in San Francisco's Chinatown from Hong Kong with the intention of marrying a rakish nightclub owner, unaware he is involved with one of his singers.
Bring It On: Worldwide Cheersmack(2017) - In an attempt to take down rival cheer squad The Truth, cheer captain Destiny decides that she will bring Blake and his male street dancers onto her squad, The Rebels. Despite best intentions, the two groups do not mesh well together initially.
Rebel(1985) - This drama is set in World War II Australia, where an American Marine, Rebel is recuperating from wounds suffered in battle. He is weary of war and is intent on going AWOL and escaping from Australia. He becomes infatuated with a local singer, Kathy and pursues her. Kathy is married and initially is...
A Bullet for the General (1967) ::: 7.1/10 -- Quin sabe? (original title) -- A Bullet for the General Poster -- A band of Mexican gun-runners employed by a revolutionary general accept an American into their gang, unaware of his intentions. Director: Damiano Damiani Writers:
Barcelona (1994) ::: 7.0/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 41min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 29 July 1994 (USA) -- An American working in Barcelona, having sworn off beautiful women, is forced to be host to his playboy cousin in this witty comedy of good intentions and mixed signals. Director: Whit Stillman Writer:
Black Narcissus (1947) ::: 7.8/10 -- Not Rated | 1h 41min | Drama | December 1947 (USA) -- A group of nuns struggle to establish a convent in the Himalayas, while isolation, extreme weather, altitude, and culture clashes all conspire to drive the well-intentioned missionaries mad. Directors: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger Writers:
Body of Lies (2008) ::: 7.1/10 -- R | 2h 8min | Action, Drama, Thriller | 10 October 2008 (USA) -- A CIA agent on the ground in Jordan hunts down a powerful terrorist leader while being caught between the unclear intentions of his American supervisors and Jordan Intelligence. Director: Ridley Scott Writers:
Corpus Christi (2019) ::: 7.7/10 -- Boze Cialo (original title) -- Corpus Christi Poster -- Daniel experiences a spiritual transformation in a detention center. Although his criminal record prevents him from applying to the seminary, he has no intention of giving up his dream and decides to minister a small-town parish. Director: Jan Komasa
Cruel Intentions (1999) ::: 6.8/10 -- R | 1h 37min | Drama, Romance | 5 March 1999 (USA) -- Two vicious step-siblings of an elite Manhattan prep school make a wager: to deflower the new headmaster's daughter before the start of term. Director: Roger Kumble Writers:
Deliverance (1972) ::: 7.7/10 -- R | 1h 49min | Adventure, Drama, Thriller | 18 August 1972 (USA) -- Intent on seeing the Cahulawassee River before it's dammed and turned into a lake, outdoor fanatic Lewis Medlock takes his friends on a canoeing trip they'll never forget into the dangerous American back-country. Director: John Boorman Writers:
For a Few Dollars More (1965) ::: 8.2/10 -- Per qualche dollaro in pi (original title) -- For a Few Dollars More Poster -- Two bounty hunters with the same intentions team up to track down a Western outlaw. Director: Sergio Leone Writers:
Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995) ::: 7.0/10 -- Gojira vs. Desutoroi (original title) -- Godzilla vs. Destoroyah Poster The aftermath of the Oxygen Destroyer brings forth Destoroyah, a beast intent on killing Godzilla, who is on the verge of a nuclear meltdown. Directors: Takao Okawara, Ishir Honda | 4 more credits Writers: Kaoru Kamigiku (story "Gojira tai Juniagojira") (as Kaoru Kamikiku), Kichi Kawakita (story "Gojira tai Barubaroi") | 6 more credits
Head-On (2004) ::: 7.9/10 -- Gegen die Wand (original title) -- Head-On Poster -- With the intention to break free from the strict familial restrictions, a suicidal young woman sets up a marriage of convenience with a forty-year-old addict, an act that will lead to an outburst of envious love. Director: Fatih Akin
Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus (2019) ::: 7.5/10 -- TV-Y7-FV | 1h 11min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Movie 16 August -- Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus Poster -- ZIM discovers his almighty leaders never had any intention of coming to Earth and he loses confidence in himself for the first time in his life, which is the big break his human nemesis, Dib has been waiting for. Directors: Hae Young Jung (as Haeyoung Jung), Young Kyun Park | 1 more credit
Jeeves and Wooster ::: TV-PG | 55min | Comedy | TV Series (19901993) -- Bertram Wooster, a well-intentioned, wealthy layabout, has a habit of getting himself into trouble and it's up to his brilliant valet, Jeeves, to get him out. Stars:
Law & Order: Criminal Intent ::: TV-14 | 1h | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (20012011) -- This series focuses on the NYPD's Major Case Squad, a force of detectives who investigate high-profile cases, whilst also showing parts of the crime from the criminal's point of view to the audience. Creators:
Margaret (2011) ::: 6.5/10 -- R | 2h 30min | Drama | 1 June 2012 (Italy) -- A young woman witnesses a bus accident, and is caught up in the aftermath, where the question of whether or not it was intentional affects many people's lives. Director: Kenneth Lonergan Writer:
Notes on a Scandal (2006) ::: 7.4/10 -- R | 1h 32min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 26 January 2007 (USA) -- A veteran high school teacher befriends a younger art teacher, who is having an affair with one of her fifteen-year-old students. However, her intentions with this new "friend" also go well beyond a platonic friendship. Director: Richard Eyre Writers:
Rupert ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Adventure, Family | TV Series (1991-2020) Episode Guide 79 episodes Rupert Poster The adventures of a young bear named Rupert who unintentionally ends up in faraway/mystical places, but at the end manages to make it back safely to his home of Nutwood. Stars: Julie Lemieux, Valerie Boyle, Guy Bannerman Available on Amazon
Rustom (2016) ::: 7.1/10 -- Not Rated | 2h 28min | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 12 August 2016 (USA) -- A naval officer returns home to find out about his wife's affair. Soon, he surrenders after murdering the lover but as the case unfolds, it starts to reveal his hidden intention. Director: Dharmendra Suresh Desai Writer:
Seven Up! (1964) ::: 8.0/10 -- 40min | Documentary, Biography | TV Movie 5 May 1964 -- A group of seven-year-old British children from widely ranging backgrounds are interviewed about a range of subjects.The original intention was that they would be interviewed again in the ... S Director: Paul Almond Stars: Douglas Keay, Bruce Balden, Jacqueline Bassett Available on Amazon
Shadows and Fog (1991) ::: 6.7/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 25min | Comedy | 20 March 1992 (USA) -- With a serial strangler on the loose, a bookkeeper wanders around town searching for the vigilante group intent on catching the killer. Director: Woody Allen Writer: Woody Allen
Star Trek: First Contact (1996) ::: 7.6/10 -- PG-13 | 1h 51min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 22 November 1996 (USA) -- The Borg travel back in time intent on preventing Earth's first contact with an alien species. Captain Picard and his crew pursue them to ensure that Zefram Cochrane makes his maiden flight reaching warp speed. Director: Jonathan Frakes Writers:
Suddenly (1954) ::: 6.8/10 -- Unrated | 1h 17min | Crime, Drama, Film-Noir | 17 September 1954 (USA) -- In the city of Suddenly, three gangsters trap the Benson family in their own house, on the top of a hill nearby the railroad station, with the intention of killing the president of the USA. Director: Lewis Allen Writer:
Super (2010) ::: 6.7/10 -- R | 1h 36min | Action, Comedy, Drama | 10 June 2011 (Iceland) -- After his wife falls under the influence of a drug dealer, an everyday guy transforms himself into Crimson Bolt, a superhero with the best intentions, but lacking in heroic skills. Director: James Gunn Writer:
The Brain (1969) ::: 6.9/10 -- Le cerveau (original title) -- The Brain Poster -- When NATO transfers some of its funds from Paris to Brussels by train, a criminal mastermind posing as a British colonel plans to steal it but two petty French thieves also have the same intent. Director: Grard Oury Writers:
The Chess Players (1977) ::: 7.7/10 -- Shatranj Ke Khilari (original title) -- The Chess Players Poster -- Wazed Ali Shah was the ruler of one of the last independent kingdoms of India. The British, intent on controlling this rich country, had sent General Outram on a secret mission to clear the... S Director: Satyajit Ray Writers:
The Frankenstein Chronicles ::: TV-MA | 48min | Crime, Drama, Fantasy | TV Series (20152017) -- Inspector John Marlott investigates a series of crimes in 19th Century London, which may have been committed by a scientist intent on re-animating the dead. Creators:
The Informer (2019) ::: 6.6/10 -- R | 1h 53min | Action, Crime, Drama | 10 January 2020 (Canada) -- An ex-convict working undercover intentionally gets himself incarcerated again in order to infiltrate the mob at a maximum security prison. Director: Andrea Di Stefano Writers:
The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming (1966) ::: 7.1/10 -- Unrated | 2h 6min | Comedy, War | 25 May 1966 (USA) -- Without hostile intent, a Soviet submarine runs aground off New England. Men are sent for a boat, but many villagers go into a tizzy, risking bloodshed. Director: Norman Jewison Writers:
The Wonders (2014) ::: 6.5/10 -- Le meraviglie (original title) -- The Wonders Poster -- A family of beekeepers living in the Tuscan countryside finds their household disrupted by the simultaneous arrival of a silently troubled teenage boy and a reality TV show intent on showcasing the family. Director: Alice Rohrwacher Writer:
V ::: TV-14 | 42min | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller | TV Series (20092011) -- An extraterrestrial race arrives on Earth with seemingly good intentions, only to slowly reveal their true machinations the more ingrained into society they become. Creators:
Waves (2019) ::: 7.6/10 -- R | 2h 15min | Drama, Romance, Sport | 15 November 2019 (USA) -- Traces the journey of a suburban family - led by a well-intentioned but domineering father - as they navigate love, forgiveness, and coming together in the aftermath of a loss. Director: Trey Edward Shults Writer:|+League+of+Legends+Esports+Wiki+--&via=CurseGamepedia&url='S+BATTLEGROUNDS+Wiki+--&via=CurseGamepedia&url='s_Intent's_Intent
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- -- Maho Film -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Game Drama Fantasy Shounen -- 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- Second season of 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 27,971 N/A -- -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- -- Seven Arcs -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader, loves her family and friends more than anything else. One day, after having a strange dream in which a ferret gets injured, she sees the very same ferret in real life and rescues it. That ferret turns out to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to capture the 21 scattered Jewel Seeds before they cause serious damage to the universe. Yuuno is not powerful enough to capture the Jewel seeds on his own, so he grants Nanoha the intelligent device "Raising Heart" and begins training her as a mage. -- -- Unfortunately, the powerful Jewel Seeds attract those with ill intentions. Another mage, Fate Testarossa, is desperate to collect the seeds for some unknown and sinister purpose, though the solemn look in her eyes makes Nanoha think that there is more to Fate than meets the eye. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st is a retelling of the original series, which tells the story of two young mages and how their strong emotions shape their actions. -- -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 27,907 7.90
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- -- Maho Film -- ? eps -- Manga -- Action Game Drama Fantasy Shounen -- 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season -- Second season of 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru. -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 27,971 N/APlatinum End -- -- Signal.MD -- ? eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Shounen -- Platinum End Platinum End -- After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of his middle school graduation. Mirai, however, is saved by a pure white girl named Nasse who introduces herself as a guardian angel wishing to give him happiness—by granting him supernatural powers and a chance to become the new God. -- -- In order to earn the position, he must defeat 12 other "God Candidates" within 999 days. Soon, Mirai begins a struggle to survive as a terrifying battle royale erupts between himself and the candidates looking to obtain the most power in the world. -- -- TV - Oct ??, 2021 -- 27,914 N/A -- -- Touch -- -- Gallop, Group TAC, Studio Junio -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Drama Slice of Life Shounen -- Touch Touch -- The story centers around three characters—Uesugi Kazuya, his twin older brother Tatsuya, and Asakura Minami. Kazuya is the darling of his town as he's talented, hardworking, and the ace pitcher for his middle school baseball team. Tatsuya is a hopeless slacker who's been living the life of giving up the spotlight to Kazuya, despite the fact that he may be more gifted than him. Minami is the beautiful childhood girlfriend and for all intents, sister from next door who treats both of them as equals. Society largely assumes Kazuya and Minami will become the perfect couple, including Tatsuya. Yet as time progresses, Tatsuya grows to realize that he's willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of his brother, except at the expense of giving up Minami to Kazuya. And thus the story is told of Tatsuya trying to prove himself over his established younger brother, how it affects the relationship between the three, and both brothers' attempts to make Minami's lifelong dreams come true. -- 27,856 8.02
Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- -- Fanworks -- 10 eps -- Other -- Comedy Slice of Life -- Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season Aggressive Retsuko (ONA) 2nd Season -- Red panda Retsuko continues to work at her cyclic office job, with the occasional stress-venting via death metal karaoke on the side. With the company of her newfound friends Gori and Washimi, life is more enjoyable than ever before. But some new shake-ups to her status quo threaten to add more stress to her life. At the office, new employee Anai seems like a fine addition to the company. Yet when Retsuko is placed in charge of his training, she finds that beneath his steadfast dedication, he may pose a threat to the stability of the workplace. Meanwhile, at home, Retsuko's mother pays an abrupt visit, fully intent on having her daughter finally settle down and find a man. With this in mind, she sets Retsuko up for various marriage appointments, much to her chagrin. -- -- Now, Retsuko finds all the more reasons to head to the karaoke bar and unleash her furious diatribes. However, knowing that this will not truly solve her problems, she decides to make a more spontaneous choice to avoid her issues. And so, Retsuko finds herself set upon another self-reflecting journey, coming to learn more about herself and love, with the ever cathartic support of death metal karaoke. -- -- ONA - Jun 14, 2019 -- 73,221 7.78
Ane Naru Mono -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Horror Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Ane Naru Mono Ane Naru Mono -- Since the death of his parents, young Yuu has suffered considerably from neglect and abuse at the hands of his adoptive relatives, who leave him to his own resources to survive. Fortunately, a girl named Chiyo comes to his aid and offers to take care of Yuu while acting as his older sister. However, Chiyo is not what she seems, and Yuu knows all too well that her intentions are far from innocent. In exchange for her generosity, Yuu must supply Chiyo with his "life potential." -- -- OVA - ??? ??, ???? -- 7,864 N/A -- -- Call Me Tonight -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Comedy Horror Romance Sci-Fi -- Call Me Tonight Call Me Tonight -- Rumi's met a lot of guys through her job, and it's probably fair to assume that most of them could be said to have some sort of problem, but a man who literally turns into a beast when he gets turned on may be outside of this perky call girl's field of expertise. Still, a little challenge every now and again stimulates the mind and makes life so much more interesting, so she's willing to give it a shot. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Jul 28, 1986 -- 7,859 5.28
Ane Naru Mono -- -- - -- ? eps -- Manga -- Horror Supernatural Romance Ecchi -- Ane Naru Mono Ane Naru Mono -- Since the death of his parents, young Yuu has suffered considerably from neglect and abuse at the hands of his adoptive relatives, who leave him to his own resources to survive. Fortunately, a girl named Chiyo comes to his aid and offers to take care of Yuu while acting as his older sister. However, Chiyo is not what she seems, and Yuu knows all too well that her intentions are far from innocent. In exchange for her generosity, Yuu must supply Chiyo with his "life potential." -- -- OVA - ??? ??, ???? -- 7,864 N/AOkitegami Kyouko no Bibouroku x Monogatari -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Supernatural -- Okitegami Kyouko no Bibouroku x Monogatari Okitegami Kyouko no Bibouroku x Monogatari -- A short promotional video cross-promoting Monogatari and Okitegami Kyouko no Bibouroku. -- ONA - Dec 31, 2014 -- 7,826 5.79
Armitage III: Poly-Matrix -- -- AIC -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Police Romance Mecha -- Armitage III: Poly-Matrix Armitage III: Poly-Matrix -- In the year 2046 humans are moving away from using robots and begin to trust them less and less. In this time life becomes very perilous for the beings known as seconds. The seconds are the most recent line of robots, as far as the public knows. This is the world Detective Ross Sylibus lives in. Detective Sylibus is transferred to Mars by his request after his partner was killed by a robot. As he arrives he falls headfirst into a murder where a country singer on his flight was murdered. He steps off the plane and watches as a scene unfolds and he meets his partner, Armitage a female cop with a major attitude. A rash of murders begins when yet more women are killed. As the investigation is continued a secret is uncovered. There is another line of robots known as Thirds. More and more Thirds turn up missing, as a serial killer who is intent on wiping out all the Thirds runs rampant. Armitage in her quest to put the murderer to justice reveals a secret. She herself is a Third. -- -- (Source: ANN, edited) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA -- Movie - Apr 20, 1996 -- 12,616 7.07
Ashita no Joe 2 -- -- Tokyo Movie Shinsha -- 47 eps -- Manga -- Action Drama Shounen Slice of Life Sports -- Ashita no Joe 2 Ashita no Joe 2 -- Yabuki Joe is left downhearted and hopeless after a certain tragic event. In attempt to put the past behind him, Joe leaves the gym behind and begins wandering. On his travels he comes across the likes of Wolf Kanagushi and Goromaki Gondo, men who unintentionally fan the dying embers inside him, leading him to putting his wanderings to an end. His return home puts Joe back on the path to boxing, but unknown to himself and his trainer, he now suffers deep-set issues holding him back from fighting. In attempt to quell those issues, Carlos Rivera, a world renowned boxer is invited from Venezuela to help Joe recover. -- TV - Oct 13, 1980 -- 32,084 8.66
Astarotte no Omocha! -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Demons Ecchi Fantasy Romance Seinen -- Astarotte no Omocha! Astarotte no Omocha! -- Succubi, like the young princess Astarotte "Lotte" Ygvar, require the life seed from men to survive, replenish their magic, and continue the royal lineage of the magical realm. This means succubi are required to keep a harem of men close at hand. Ironically, Lotte despises men, which will put her life at risk once she matures. To convince her to fulfill her duties, one of her attendants, Judith Snorrevik, goes to the human realm to find a human male whom Lotte can tolerate. -- -- Judith returns with 23-year-old Naoya Touhara, a single father who unfortunately leaves his daughter, Asuha, behind in the human realm. As the first member of Lotte's harem, Naoya quickly adapts to this new environment, serving the princess to make her happy, rather than viewing her with sexual intent. Unfortunately, when his daughter is allowed to arrive in the magical realm, Naoya's relationship quickly worsens with Lotte. Even so, he strives to patch up their relationship. -- -- It soon becomes clear, however, that Naoya's presence in the magical realm is more than just mere coincidence. As he develops his bond with Lotte, fate begins to pull together the connections that tie him and everyone else within this enchanting world. -- -- TV - Apr 11, 2011 -- 124,210 6.58
Big Order (TV) -- -- Asread -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Big Order (TV) Big Order (TV) -- Ten years ago, a fairy by the name of Daisy appeared and asked the child Eiji Hoshimiya what his one and only wish was. Although his wish remains a mystery, the consequences were catastrophic. In an event called the "Great Destruction," the world started to fall apart as everything collapsed and countless people died. -- -- Now, Eiji is a high school student whose only concern is his sick sister. He does not remember what he wished for; all that he remembers is that his wish caused the Great Destruction. In the years since that event, thousands of other people have also received abilities to make their heart's desire come true. These people called "Orders" are believed to be evil and are hated by the general public. However, some of these Orders are after Eiji's life in vengeance for those that he killed. Will Eiji be able to survive the numerous assassination attempts? And the biggest mystery of all: what did he wish for, and what were his intentions in wishing for something that caused so much desolation? -- -- 183,563 5.38
Big Order (TV) -- -- Asread -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Action Shounen Super Power -- Big Order (TV) Big Order (TV) -- Ten years ago, a fairy by the name of Daisy appeared and asked the child Eiji Hoshimiya what his one and only wish was. Although his wish remains a mystery, the consequences were catastrophic. In an event called the "Great Destruction," the world started to fall apart as everything collapsed and countless people died. -- -- Now, Eiji is a high school student whose only concern is his sick sister. He does not remember what he wished for; all that he remembers is that his wish caused the Great Destruction. In the years since that event, thousands of other people have also received abilities to make their heart's desire come true. These people called "Orders" are believed to be evil and are hated by the general public. However, some of these Orders are after Eiji's life in vengeance for those that he killed. Will Eiji be able to survive the numerous assassination attempts? And the biggest mystery of all: what did he wish for, and what were his intentions in wishing for something that caused so much desolation? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Discotek Media -- 183,563 5.38
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Drama Magic Romance Shoujo -- Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: The Movie -- When Mamoru was little he gave a rose to a little boy named Fiore. Fiore promised that one day he would bring Mamoru lots of flowers. Now Fiore has come back to earth but his intentions are not merely to fulfil a promise... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Dec 5, 1993 -- 53,171 7.70
Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls -- -- Kyotoma -- 13 eps -- Original -- Comedy Game Space -- Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Game Girls -- One day, Saya, an agent of the World Space Association, receives a sudden message that says a large number of asteroids are on a collision course with Earth, and it is her mission to stop them. Unfortunately, the only way to save the Earth is by having three people with extraordinary potential demonstrate a new skill on a crane game, which will create a beam of energy able to divert the asteroids. -- -- The only three people with enough potential are three high school girls—Asuka, Mirai, and Kyouko. In order to harness their energy, Saya tells them that she has scouted them as idols and has them work at an arcade where she can monitor them. She says to the girls that all successful idols are good at crane games, and that building their skills is their first step in idol training. As the girls learn new crane game techniques, they begin to doubt Saya's intentions but are nonetheless unaware that the fate of the Earth lies in their hands. -- -- 6,757 4.42
Blend S -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- 4-koma manga -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Blend S Blend S -- Wishing to be independent, 16-year-old Maika Sakuranomiya is desperate to nail down a part-time job so that she can afford to study abroad. Unfortunately, her applications are constantly rejected due to the menacing look she unintentionally makes whenever she smiles, despite her otherwise cheerful disposition. -- -- After yet another failed interview, she chances upon Café Stile, a coffee shop where the servers interact with the customers while roleplaying distinctive characteristics. The Italian store manager, Dino, becomes infatuated with Maika's cuteness at first sight, and offers her a job as a waitress with a sadistic nature. Coupled with her inherent clumsiness, she successfully manages to serve a pair of masochistic customers in accordance with her new, ruthless persona. Alongside Kaho Hinata as the tsundere and Mafuyu Hoshikawa as the younger sister, Maika decides to make the most out of her unique quirk and cements her position in the cafe with merciless cruelty! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 478,788 7.34
Brave Witches: Petersburg Daisenryaku -- -- SILVER LINK. -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Ecchi Magic Military Sci-Fi -- Brave Witches: Petersburg Daisenryaku Brave Witches: Petersburg Daisenryaku -- As New Year’s Eve draws closer, preparations for a holiday party are underway in Petersburg. In anticipation of the event, Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing is determined to take Sanya V. Litvyak on a leisurely walk around the city. However, despite Eila's best intentions, she gets interrupted every time she gets a chance to ask Sanya out, ruining the moment and separating the girls. To make things worse, a Neuroi is approaching the base, threatening both the squadmates and the celebration in Petersburg. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- Special - Aug 25, 2017 -- 8,466 7.02
Bungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Super Power Supernatural Seinen -- Bungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season Bungou Stray Dogs 2nd Season -- Despite their differences in position, three men—the youngest senior executive of the Port Mafia, Osamu Dazai; the lowest ranking member, Sakunosuke Oda; and the intelligence agent, Angou Sakaguchi—gather at the Lupin Bar at the end of the day to relax and take delight in the company of friends. -- -- However, one night, Ango disappears. A photograph taken at the bar is all that is left of the three together. -- -- Fast forward to the present, and Dazai is now a member of the Armed Detective Agency. The Guild, an American gifted organization, has entered the fray and is intent on taking the Agency's work permit. They must now divide their attention between the two groups, the Guild and the Port Mafia, who oppose their very existence.  -- -- -- Licensor: -- Crunchyroll, Funimation -- 529,838 8.20
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- 347,666 8.16
Cardcaptor Sakura -- -- Madhouse -- 70 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Drama Magic Romance Fantasy School Shoujo -- Cardcaptor Sakura Cardcaptor Sakura -- Sakura Kinomoto is your garden-variety ten-year-old fourth grader, until one day, she stumbles upon a mysterious book containing a set of cards. Unfortunately, she has little time to divine what the cards mean because she accidentally stirs up a magical gust of wind and unintentionally scatters the cards all over the world. Suddenly awakened from the book, the Beast of the Seal, Keroberos (nicknamed Kero-chan), tells Sakura that she has released the mystical Clow Cards created by the sorcerer Clow Reed. The Cards are no ordinary playthings. Each of them possesses incredible powers, and because they like acting independently, Clow sealed all the Cards within a book. Now that the Cards are set free, they pose a grave danger upon the world, and it is up to Sakura to prevent the Cards from causing a catastrophe! -- -- Appointing Sakura the title of "the Cardcaptor" and granting her the Sealed Key, Keroberos tasks her with finding and recapturing all the Cards. Alongside her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and with Kero-chan's guidance, Sakura must learn to balance her new secret duty with the everyday troubles of a young girl involving love, family, and school, all while she takes flight on her magical adventures as Sakura the Cardcaptor. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA, Nelvana, NIS America, Inc. -- 347,666 8.16
Chihayafuru 2: Waga Miyo ni Furu Nagame Shima ni -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Josei School Slice of Life -- Chihayafuru 2: Waga Miyo ni Furu Nagame Shima ni Chihayafuru 2: Waga Miyo ni Furu Nagame Shima ni -- The cultural festival is one of the most important events on the academic calendar. Just like all other clubs, Mizusawa's Karuta Club is preparing to participate as well. Due to previous circumstances, Team Captain Chihaya Ayase is temporarily absent during the team planning. First year student Sumire Hanano is intent on taking advantage of this occasion to fulfill her dream and finally make her teammate, Taichi Mashima, fall in love with her. A play based on Genji Monogatari might be just the thing she needs to enact her plan. -- -- OVA - Sep 13, 2013 -- 36,378 7.03
Crayon Shin-chan -- -- Shin-Ei Animation -- ? eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Ecchi School Seinen -- Crayon Shin-chan Crayon Shin-chan -- There is no such thing as an uneventful day in the life of kindergartener Shinnosuke "Shin-chan" Nohara. The five-year-old is a cut above the most troublesome, perverted, and shameless kid one can imagine. Shin-chan is almost always engaged in questionable activities such as forgetting about a friend during hide and seek, sumo wrestling for love, performing various gags including the notorious "elephant" in public, and flirting with college girls. The exemplary troublemaker has done it all and has no plans to stop anytime soon. -- -- Crayon Shin-chan follows the daily shenanigans of Shin-chan with his group of friends, parading around as the self-proclaimed "Kasukabe Defense Force." The adults witnessing these shenanigans unfold can't help but adore Shin-chan, as he keeps them entertained while unintentionally solving their daily troubles through his mindless antics—leaving himself as the only problem they do not know what to do with. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 60,098 7.69
Cybersix -- -- Telecom Animation Film -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Adventure Romance Sci-Fi -- Cybersix Cybersix -- Anime based upon the original Argentine graphic novel series of the same name. -- -- The story follows the titular character who is a genetically engineered super-soldier; one of the creations of Dr. Von Reichter's diabolic experiments. (The fictional) Von Reichter is actually a former Nazi who conducted horrendous experiments during the second world war. He flees to South America where he continues his experiments which culminate in the creation of the "Cybers," one of which happens to be Cybersix. However, since the Cybers exhibit free will at an young age (an undesired trait), Von Reichter destroys all the Cybers to prevent a rebellion. -- -- In the present day, Cybersix is one of the Cybers who managed to escape and is living a quiet life under the alias of "Adrian Seidelman"; however, she finds out that her survival is dependent on a special substance that Von Reichter created and thus she is forced to hunt down the "Technos," a newer generation of super-soldiers created by him, in order to survive. Unintentionally, in the process, Cybersix becomes a superhero protecting the world from Dr. Von Reichter's creations and his evil plans. -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media -- 7,462 7.23
Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Police Shounen -- Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky Detective Conan Movie 08: Magician of the Silver Sky -- Once again, Kaitou Kid crosses swords with Conan Edogawa in this annual installment of the Detective Conan movie franchise. After receiving a letter from the thief, famous actress Juri Maki seeks the help of private detective Kogorou Mouri to protect the Star Sapphire—the "Jewel of Destiny," said to represent faith, fate, and hope. Thinking he has deciphered Kid's riddle, Kogorou personally shows up to the newly constructed space theater where Juri is acting in the play "Josephine" in order to catch Kid in the act. -- -- The next day, Conan and the gang are invited by Juri to her holiday home, to celebrate the thwarting of Kid's plan and the success of the play. However, their triumph crumbles when a murder occurs during the flight there. Although unintentional, this sets off a series of events that escalate to catastrophic results. Conan and Kid, unlikely allies that they are, must work together to save both their friends and every other passenger aboard the plane. -- -- Movie - Apr 17, 2004 -- 44,589 8.10
Detective Conan OVA 01: Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Mystery Comedy Shounen -- Detective Conan OVA 01: Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba Detective Conan OVA 01: Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba -- Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya lends Conan Edogawa a massive amount of manga, which Conan starts reading, despite the overwhelming quantity. Elsewhere, Kogorou Mouri is asked by the Mine family to protect the treasured sword in their dojo, as Kaitou Kid has sent a note of his intent to steal it. Upon arriving at the dojo, Conan and the others meet Yaiba Kurogane. Together, they aim to thwart the phantom thief's plans. However, Conan begins to notice something strange about the case... -- -- OVA - ??? ??, 2000 -- 16,966 7.25
Diabolik Lovers -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Harem School Shoujo Vampire -- Diabolik Lovers Diabolik Lovers -- At the behest of her father, Yui Komori goes to live in a secluded mansion, home to the six Sakamaki brothers—Shuu, Reiji, Ayato, Kanato, Laito, and Subaru—a family of vampires. Though at first the siblings are confused as to why the girl has arrived, they soon realize that she is to be their new "sacrificial bride," not to mention their other, more carnal intentions for her. After meeting the brothers, Yui quickly begins to question why her father would have sent her here and why she feels a strange, new pain in her chest. With each brother more sadistic than the last, Yui's life as a captive takes a harrowing turn in her new home. As her days turn into endless nights, and each brother vows to make her his own, Yui falls deeper and deeper into madness and ecstasy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Sep 16, 2013 -- 261,538 5.28
Dirty Pair Flash -- -- Sunrise -- 6 eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Police Comedy Sci-Fi -- Dirty Pair Flash Dirty Pair Flash -- Kei and Yuri were originally junior auxiliary agents in the Worlds Works and Welfare Agency (W.W.W.A. or 3WA for short) when the two were paired together under the codename "Lovely Angels." Kei was coming off her fourth probation for something she had done, and Yuri's dating exploits were common knowledge, not to mention the two had an instant dislike for each other when they met. -- -- At first, Kei and Yuri refused to work with each other, and Kei even resigned from the 3WA. Afterwards, the two continued to work together, although they earned their nickname, "the Dirty Pair" because of all the collateral damage the two (unintentionally) cause in the completion of their cases. And even though the two now get along with one another, they continue to bicker and complain to each other. -- -- Although it is often said that these are younger versions of the original Lovely Angels Kei and Yuri, in truth this series is an alternate universe telling of Dirty Pair, set in the years 2248-49. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Nozomi Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 21, 1994 -- 7,309 6.65
DNA² OVA -- -- Madhouse -- 3 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Sci-Fi -- DNA² OVA DNA² OVA -- Junta's great granddaughter goes back in time in order to make Junta stay as the Mega-Playboy so she can continue to exist. Along with her comes an old man with the intention of making Junta stay as the Mega-Playboy forever for his own purposes.When Junta starts getting attacked, he has no choice but to return to being the Mega-Playboy in order to protect his loved ones. -- -- Licensor: -- Central Park Media, Discotek Media -- OVA - Feb 21, 1995 -- 11,363 6.55
Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- Forty-one years ago on Planet Vegeta, home of the infamous Saiyan warrior race, King Vegeta noticed a baby named Broly whose latent power exceeded that of his own son. Believing that Broly's power would one day surpass that of his child, Vegeta, the king sends Broly to the desolate planet Vampa. Broly's father Paragus follows after him, intent on rescuing his son. However, his ship gets damaged, causing the two to spend years trapped on the barren world, unaware of the salvation that would one day come from an unlikely ally. -- -- Years later on Earth, Gokuu Son and Prince Vegeta—believed to be the last survivors of the Saiyan race—are busy training on a remote island. But their sparring is interrupted when the appearance of their old enemy Frieza drives them to search for the last of the wish-granting Dragon Balls on a frozen continent. Once there, Frieza shows off his new allies: Paragus and the now extremely powerful Broly. A legendary battle that shakes the foundation of the world ensues as Gokuu and Vegeta face off against Broly, a warrior without equal whose rage is just waiting to be unleashed. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Dec 14, 2018 -- 224,797 8.10
Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Super Power Martial Arts Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly Dragon Ball Super Movie: Broly -- Forty-one years ago on Planet Vegeta, home of the infamous Saiyan warrior race, King Vegeta noticed a baby named Broly whose latent power exceeded that of his own son. Believing that Broly's power would one day surpass that of his child, Vegeta, the king sends Broly to the desolate planet Vampa. Broly's father Paragus follows after him, intent on rescuing his son. However, his ship gets damaged, causing the two to spend years trapped on the barren world, unaware of the salvation that would one day come from an unlikely ally. -- -- Years later on Earth, Gokuu Son and Prince Vegeta—believed to be the last survivors of the Saiyan race—are busy training on a remote island. But their sparring is interrupted when the appearance of their old enemy Frieza drives them to search for the last of the wish-granting Dragon Balls on a frozen continent. Once there, Frieza shows off his new allies: Paragus and the now extremely powerful Broly. A legendary battle that shakes the foundation of the world ensues as Gokuu and Vegeta face off against Broly, a warrior without equal whose rage is just waiting to be unleashed. -- -- Movie - Dec 14, 2018 -- 224,797 8.10
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV -- -- - -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Action Adventure Comedy Romance Fantasy -- Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV -- Fourth season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka. -- TV - ??? ??, 2022 -- 55,073 N/A -- -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- -- SILVER LINK. -- ? eps -- Light novel -- Magic Fantasy School -- Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e -- Second season of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou. -- TV - ??? ??, ???? -- 55,065 N/A -- -- Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 55,008 7.77
Durarara!!x2 Shou -- -- Shuka -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Mystery Supernatural -- Durarara!!x2 Shou Durarara!!x2 Shou -- Although peace has finally returned to Ikebukuro, many of the odd occurrences have become common sights around the city. One such case is the police's constant pursuit of Celty Sturluson, the Headless Rider. Moreover, someone has placed a large bounty on her, igniting the motivation of gang members all over to begin searching for the supernatural creature as well. Meanwhile, Mikado Ryuugamine is approached by Aoba Kuronuma, a mysterious underclassman with unknown intentions, who reveals that he knows Mikado's true identity. -- -- But Ikebukuro's state of tranquility is short-lived, as a new threat appears in the form of a murderer who goes by the pseudonym "Hollywood," known for wearing a different mask each time they commit a crime. As the various events taking place prove to be connected yet again, Ikebukuro is thrown into another conflict that threatens to engulf the entire city in chaos. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 399,569 8.02
ef: A Tale of Melodies. -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance -- ef: A Tale of Melodies. ef: A Tale of Melodies. -- In a story set years in the past, Himura Yuu is a studious and diligent young man intent solely on maintaining his top academic position at Otowa Academy. One day, he meets a mysterious girl named Amamiya Yuuko, who, to his surprise, recognizes him. Memories of a distant childhood, memories rather left forgotten... meeting Yuuko again will force Yuu to confront the regrets and sorrows of their collective pasts and presents. -- -- In the present, Kuze Shuuichi may seem like a womanizer, but upon closer inspection, is a man who would rather be left alone. Hayama Mizuki, however, is not the type of girl who would let him be, especially after hearing the beautiful sounds of his violin performance. As Mizuki attempts to become closer to him, Kuze attempts to push her away—the tale of their budding relationship is darkened with undertones of an imminent tragedy. -- -- 148,230 8.04
ef: A Tale of Melodies. -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Mystery Supernatural Drama Romance -- ef: A Tale of Melodies. ef: A Tale of Melodies. -- In a story set years in the past, Himura Yuu is a studious and diligent young man intent solely on maintaining his top academic position at Otowa Academy. One day, he meets a mysterious girl named Amamiya Yuuko, who, to his surprise, recognizes him. Memories of a distant childhood, memories rather left forgotten... meeting Yuuko again will force Yuu to confront the regrets and sorrows of their collective pasts and presents. -- -- In the present, Kuze Shuuichi may seem like a womanizer, but upon closer inspection, is a man who would rather be left alone. Hayama Mizuki, however, is not the type of girl who would let him be, especially after hearing the beautiful sounds of his violin performance. As Mizuki attempts to become closer to him, Kuze attempts to push her away—the tale of their budding relationship is darkened with undertones of an imminent tragedy. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 148,230 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NYAV Post, Pied Piper -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- -- Studio Rikka -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Slice of Life -- Eve no Jikan (Movie) Eve no Jikan (Movie) -- In the Japan of the future, employing androids for various purposes is nothing out of the ordinary. However, treating androids on the same level as humans is frowned upon, and there is constant paranoia surrounding the possibility of robots defying humans, their masters. Those who appear too trustworthy of their androids are chided and labeled "dori-kei," or "android-holics." -- -- High school student Rikuo Sakisaka notices when his house droid, Sammy, starts behaving curiously—she has been leaving the house without his instruction. When he inspects the movement logs in her database, a cryptic line grabs his attention: "Are you enjoying the time of EVE?" Accompanied by his friend Masakazu Masaki, Rikuo tracks the whereabouts of his houseroid to a cafe called Time of Eve, where it is forbidden for customers to display prejudice against one another. The cafe, Rikuo realizes, is frequented by both man and machine, with no evidence to tell either apart. -- -- Each customer—from the cheerful Akiko, to a robot dangerously close to breaking down—has their own story and challenges to overcome. While Rikuo tries to reveal Sammy's intentions, he begins to question the legitimacy of the fear that drives humans to regard androids as nothing more than mere tools. -- -- Movie - Mar 6, 2010 -- 108,248 8.04
Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- In the mountains of north Fiore lies the Fire Village, where a lush-blue relic known as the Phoenix Stone is preserved. Entrusted to a mystifying woman named Éclair, it is said to contain the power of an ancient phoenix. She wanders the land alone and protects the stone from harm, despite having no memory of why it was left in her care and only the faintest recollection of where she must take it. -- -- After encountering the wizard guild Fairy Tail, Éclair receives an offer from Natsu Dragneel and his friends to help her uncover the mysteries surrounding the stone. However, in the midst of the group's journey, Éclair is suddenly attacked and the stone is taken from her. With this, nefarious intentions to revive the blazing phoenix for its unparalleled power come to light, and the wizards of Fairy Tail find themselves in a situation that could spell calamity. They must now work together to prevent the revival of the phoenix and save the world from ruin. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Aug 18, 2012 -- 171,203 7.39
Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- -- A-1 Pictures, Satelight -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko Fairy Tail Movie 1: Houou no Miko -- In the mountains of north Fiore lies the Fire Village, where a lush-blue relic known as the Phoenix Stone is preserved. Entrusted to a mystifying woman named Éclair, it is said to contain the power of an ancient phoenix. She wanders the land alone and protects the stone from harm, despite having no memory of why it was left in her care and only the faintest recollection of where she must take it. -- -- After encountering the wizard guild Fairy Tail, Éclair receives an offer from Natsu Dragneel and his friends to help her uncover the mysteries surrounding the stone. However, in the midst of the group's journey, Éclair is suddenly attacked and the stone is taken from her. With this, nefarious intentions to revive the blazing phoenix for its unparalleled power come to light, and the wizards of Fairy Tail find themselves in a situation that could spell calamity. They must now work together to prevent the revival of the phoenix and save the world from ruin. -- -- Movie - Aug 18, 2012 -- 171,203 7.39
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Military Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- Chasing a runaway alchemist with strange powers, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric stumble into the squalid valley of the Milos. The Milosians are an oppressed group that seek to reclaim their holy land from Creta: a militaristic country that forcefully annexed their nation. In the eye of the political storm is a girl named Julia Crichton, who emphatically wishes for the Milos to regain their strength and return to being a nation of peace. -- -- Befriending the girl, Edward and Alphonse find themselves in the midst of a rising resistance that involves the use of the very object they have been seeking all along—the Philosopher's Stone. However, their past experiences with the stone cause them reservation, and the brothers are unwilling to help. -- -- But as they discover the secrets behind Creta's intentions and questionable history, the brothers are drawn into the battle between the rebellious Milos, who desire their liberty, and the Cretan military, who seek absolute power. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Jul 2, 2011 -- 154,554 7.31
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- -- Bones -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Magic Military Shounen -- Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos -- Chasing a runaway alchemist with strange powers, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric stumble into the squalid valley of the Milos. The Milosians are an oppressed group that seek to reclaim their holy land from Creta: a militaristic country that forcefully annexed their nation. In the eye of the political storm is a girl named Julia Crichton, who emphatically wishes for the Milos to regain their strength and return to being a nation of peace. -- -- Befriending the girl, Edward and Alphonse find themselves in the midst of a rising resistance that involves the use of the very object they have been seeking all along—the Philosopher's Stone. However, their past experiences with the stone cause them reservation, and the brothers are unwilling to help. -- -- But as they discover the secrets behind Creta's intentions and questionable history, the brothers are drawn into the battle between the rebellious Milos, who desire their liberty, and the Cretan military, who seek absolute power. -- -- Movie - Jul 2, 2011 -- 154,554 7.31
Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Adventure Fantasy -- Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2nd Season Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2nd Season -- Several months have passed since the infamous Ginza Incident, with tensions between the Empire and JSDF escalating in the vast and mysterious "Special Region" over peace negotiations. The greed and curiosity of the global powers have also begun to grow, as reports about the technological limitations of the magical realm's archaic civilizations come to light. -- -- Meanwhile, Lieutenant Youji Itami and his merry band of female admirers struggle to navigate the complex political intrigue that plagues the Empire's court. Despite her best efforts, Princess Piña Co Lada faces difficulties attempting to convince her father that the JSDF has no intention of conquering their kingdom. Pressured from both sides of the Gate, Itami must consider even more drastic measures to fulfill his mission. -- -- 428,999 7.76
Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2nd Season -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Action Military Adventure Fantasy -- Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2nd Season Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2nd Season -- Several months have passed since the infamous Ginza Incident, with tensions between the Empire and JSDF escalating in the vast and mysterious "Special Region" over peace negotiations. The greed and curiosity of the global powers have also begun to grow, as reports about the technological limitations of the magical realm's archaic civilizations come to light. -- -- Meanwhile, Lieutenant Youji Itami and his merry band of female admirers struggle to navigate the complex political intrigue that plagues the Empire's court. Despite her best efforts, Princess Piña Co Lada faces difficulties attempting to convince her father that the JSDF has no intention of conquering their kingdom. Pressured from both sides of the Gate, Itami must consider even more drastic measures to fulfill his mission. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 428,999 7.76
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa -- -- Magic Bus -- 1 ep -- Novel -- Action Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu Gaiden: Ougon no Tsubasa -- The Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance have been locked in a seemingly endless war for more than a century and a half. In the Empire, a young Siegfried Kircheis meets Reinhard von Müsel and his older sister Annerose. Kircheis enjoys a happy friendship with the two beautiful blonde-haired siblings until the day that their alcoholic father, a lesser nobleman with low standing, accepts a request for Annerose to be sold as a concubine to the Kaiser. Although enraged, Reinhard is powerless to stop the whims of the Imperial Court. He and his father soon move away, leaving Kircheis behind. -- -- A few years later, Reinhard returns in a military uniform and declares his intent to rise through the ranks and free his sister from sexual servitude. Kircheis joins Reinhard on this daring journey to save Annerose, yearning to forever stay by the side of his friends. -- -- Movie - Dec 12, 1992 -- 12,113 6.27
Gokusen -- -- Madhouse -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Drama School Josei -- Gokusen Gokusen -- Kumiko Yamaguchi is smart, enthusiastic, and ready to start her dream job as a math teacher at Shirokin Academy. But as her first day opens on atrocious students and cowering teachers, Kumiko realizes that the all-boys high school is a cesspool of delinquents with no intention of improving themselves. -- -- However, what her rowdy students don't know is that behind her dorky facade, Kumiko is the acting head of a powerful yakuza clan, and she has the skills to prove it! Capable of overpowering even the strongest of gangsters in seconds, Kumiko must keep her incredible strength and criminal influence a secret in order to keep her job. Unfortunately, with the vice principal constantly trying to get her fired and Shin Sawada, the leader of her class of delinquents, suspecting she's stronger than she lets on, Kumiko has a difficult teaching career ahead of her. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters, NYAV Post -- TV - Jan 7, 2004 -- 35,804 7.41
Golden Kamuy -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Historical Seinen -- Golden Kamuy Golden Kamuy -- In early 1900s Hokkaido after the Russo-Japanese war, Saichi Sugimoto tirelessly pans for gold. Nicknamed "Sugimoto the Immortal" for his death-defying acts in battle, the ex-soldier seeks fortune in order to fulfill a promise made to his best friend before he was killed in action: to support his family, especially his widow who needs treatment overseas for her deteriorating eyesight. One day, a drunken companion tells Sugimoto the tale of a man who murdered a group of Ainu and stole a fortune in gold. Before his arrest by the police, he hid the gold somewhere in Hokkaido. The only clue to its location is the coded map he tattooed on the bodies of his cellmates in exchange for a share of the treasure, should they manage to escape and find it. -- -- Sugimoto does not think much of the tale until he discovers the drunken man’s corpse bearing the same tattoos described in the story. But before he can collect his thoughts, a grizzly bear—the cause of the man's demise—approaches Sugimoto, intent on finishing her meal. He is saved by a young Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose father happened to be one of the murdered Ainu. With Asirpa's hunting skills and Sugimoto's survival instincts, the pair agree to join forces and find the hidden treasure—one to get back what was rightfully her people's, and the other to fulfill his friend's dying wish. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 235,656 7.83
Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 -- -- 8bit -- 1 ep -- Visual novel -- Drama -- Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 Grisaia no Meikyuu: Caprice no Mayu 0 -- Having attended Mihama Academy for about a year, Yuuji Kazami has seemingly found his place within the school, but he suddenly decides to pursue a promotion in CIRS. After consulting JB about his intentions, they both thoroughly examine Yuuji's documents and dissect the events of his upbringing to determine if the job is fit for him. -- -- Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the two, the girls of Mihama uncover some torn documents in Yuuji's room. After restoring the papers, they discover the story that has formed—or perhaps broken—Yuuji into the man he is today. However, what was thought to be history has haunted him to the present, and the chains of the past begin to drag him back into the darkness... -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Special - Apr 12, 2015 -- 184,573 7.90
Groove Adventure Rave -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Romance Shounen -- Groove Adventure Rave Groove Adventure Rave -- Fifty years ago, malevolent stones known as Dark Brings brought about the "Overdrive," a calamitous event that destroyed one-tenth of the world. In the present day, the nefarious organization Demon Card seeks the Dark Brings' power for their all but innocent intentions. -- -- Haru Glory, a sword-wielding silver-haired teenager, inherits the title of Rave Master: the person who wields the power of the legendary Rave Stones, artifacts capable of destroying the Dark Brings. However, the many Rave Stones were scattered across the globe as a result of the Overdrive, allowing Demon Card to continue their malpractices. -- -- Groove Adventure Rave follows Haru, his strange dog Plue, the fiery blonde Ellie, and the infamous thief Musica, as they embark on a great journey that will take them around the vast world, searching for the Rave Stones that will finally end Demon Card's injustice. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Tokyopop -- TV - Oct 13, 2001 -- 85,990 7.26
Groove Adventure Rave -- -- Studio Deen -- 51 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Fantasy Romance Shounen -- Groove Adventure Rave Groove Adventure Rave -- Fifty years ago, malevolent stones known as Dark Brings brought about the "Overdrive," a calamitous event that destroyed one-tenth of the world. In the present day, the nefarious organization Demon Card seeks the Dark Brings' power for their all but innocent intentions. -- -- Haru Glory, a sword-wielding silver-haired teenager, inherits the title of Rave Master: the person who wields the power of the legendary Rave Stones, artifacts capable of destroying the Dark Brings. However, the many Rave Stones were scattered across the globe as a result of the Overdrive, allowing Demon Card to continue their malpractices. -- -- Groove Adventure Rave follows Haru, his strange dog Plue, the fiery blonde Ellie, and the infamous thief Musica, as they embark on a great journey that will take them around the vast world, searching for the Rave Stones that will finally end Demon Card's injustice. -- -- TV - Oct 13, 2001 -- 85,990 7.26
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen -- -- Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Game Psychological Thriller Seinen -- Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen -- Owing to an increasing debt, Kaiji Itou ends up resuming his old lifestyle. One day, while walking on the street, he stumbles upon Yuuji Endou, who is hunting Kaiji due to the money he owes to the Teiai Group. Unaware of this, Kaiji eagerly follows Endou, hoping for a chance to participate in another gamble, but soon finds out the loan shark's real intentions when he is kidnapped. -- -- Given that Kaiji is unable to pay off his huge debt, the Teiai Group instead sends him to work in an underground labor camp. He is told that he will have to live in this hell for 15 years, alongside other debtors, until he can earn his freedom. His only hope to put an early end to this nightmare is by saving enough money to be able to go back to the surface for a single day. Once he is there, he plans to obtain the remaining money needed to settle his account by making a high-stakes wager. However, as many temptations threaten his scarce income, Kaiji may have to resort to gambling sooner than he had expected. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 145,107 8.25
.hack//Quantum -- -- Kinema Citrus -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Fantasy Game Sci-Fi -- .hack//Quantum .hack//Quantum -- Tobias, Mary, and Sakuya challenge the impregnable "The One Sin", but they lose their way in the maze and unintentionally trap other guild members. A mysterious cat is watching their blunder. Is it another player character or NPC? -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Jan 28, 2011 -- 36,917 7.17
Hanayamata -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Hanayamata Hanayamata -- Naru Sekiya is an average 14-year-old girl with average intelligence, average athleticism, and average talents. She once had hopes that starting high school would change all that. Unfortunately, the reality could not be further from the truth and she remains a wallflower. Why can't real life be like fairy tales where a handsome prince lifts a poor girl from obscurity and transforms her into a dazzling princess? -- -- Her average student life changes when she meets a blonde girl dancing on top of a gate to a shrine. Naru assumes the girl is a fairy, but it turns out she's just a regular girl, too. But it also just so happens that she's a transfer student named Hana from America who fell in love with yosakoi, a type of dance, and came to Japan with the intention to start her own club! Excited that she's classmates with the girl she met the night before, Hana tries to recruit Naru to become the first member of the brand new yosakoi club. Too bad the thought of dancing in front of everyone terrifies her! -- -- Can Hana convince Naru to join the club? Will Naru fall in love with yosakoi? Find out in Hanayamata! -- 95,307 7.33
Hanayamata -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy School -- Hanayamata Hanayamata -- Naru Sekiya is an average 14-year-old girl with average intelligence, average athleticism, and average talents. She once had hopes that starting high school would change all that. Unfortunately, the reality could not be further from the truth and she remains a wallflower. Why can't real life be like fairy tales where a handsome prince lifts a poor girl from obscurity and transforms her into a dazzling princess? -- -- Her average student life changes when she meets a blonde girl dancing on top of a gate to a shrine. Naru assumes the girl is a fairy, but it turns out she's just a regular girl, too. But it also just so happens that she's a transfer student named Hana from America who fell in love with yosakoi, a type of dance, and came to Japan with the intention to start her own club! Excited that she's classmates with the girl she met the night before, Hana tries to recruit Naru to become the first member of the brand new yosakoi club. Too bad the thought of dancing in front of everyone terrifies her! -- -- Can Hana convince Naru to join the club? Will Naru fall in love with yosakoi? Find out in Hanayamata! -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 95,307 7.33
Handa-kun -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Handa-kun Handa-kun -- Hated by everyone around him, Sei Handa goes about his high school life regarded as an outcast—or at least that's what he believes. In reality, Sei is the most popular student on campus, revered by all for his incomparable calligraphy skills, good looks, and cool personality. However, due an endless series of misunderstandings, Handa perceives the worship he receives from his legions of fans as bullying, leading the school's idol to shut himself off from the rest of his classmates. -- -- But distancing himself from his peers doesn't deter them from adoring him; in fact, his attempts at drawing attention away from himself often end up unintentionally converting even the most skeptical of students into believers. Fashion models, shut-in delinquents, obsessive fangirls, and more—none can stand against the brilliance that is Sei Handa. -- -- 209,730 7.38
Handa-kun -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Slice of Life Comedy Shounen -- Handa-kun Handa-kun -- Hated by everyone around him, Sei Handa goes about his high school life regarded as an outcast—or at least that's what he believes. In reality, Sei is the most popular student on campus, revered by all for his incomparable calligraphy skills, good looks, and cool personality. However, due an endless series of misunderstandings, Handa perceives the worship he receives from his legions of fans as bullying, leading the school's idol to shut himself off from the rest of his classmates. -- -- But distancing himself from his peers doesn't deter them from adoring him; in fact, his attempts at drawing attention away from himself often end up unintentionally converting even the most skeptical of students into believers. Fashion models, shut-in delinquents, obsessive fangirls, and more—none can stand against the brilliance that is Sei Handa. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 209,730 7.38
Happiness Charge Precure! -- -- Toei Animation -- 49 eps -- Original -- Action Magic Fantasy Shoujo -- Happiness Charge Precure! Happiness Charge Precure! -- Some time ago, the opening of a box known as the "Axia" set loose the previously sealed members of the Phantom Empire into the world. Rising to protect humanity from these spiteful villains are warriors known as the Precure, whose heroic feats have garnered them celebrity status on television screens across the globe. -- -- Hime Shirayuki, princess of the kingdom where the Axia was originally held, is one such warrior who transforms into "Cure Princess" to battle monsters summoned by the Empire. However, Hime's timid personality often hampers her success in fending off the enemy. Frustrated with her hard luck and determined to find a Precure partner, Hime befriends Megumi Aino, a happy-go-lucky teenager. When a general of the Phantom Empire appears, Hime fails to do much in the face of his attacks. Intent on protecting her new friend, Megumi ignites her hidden potential—transforming into "Cure Lovely." -- -- With their sights set on protecting the world, Megumi and Hime form a new Precure team known as the "Happiness Charge Precure" whilst embarking on a journey to discover true love. -- -- TV - Feb 2, 2014 -- 9,181 6.77
Hayate no Gotoku!! -- -- J.C.Staff -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku!! Hayate no Gotoku!! -- Hayate Ayasaki's misfortune continues to hand him the short end of the stick. Now settled into his routine at the Sanzenins' mansion and Hakuou Academy, the butler continues to work as hard as ever in caring for his young mistress Nagi while studying the school's grueling curriculum—all on top of trying his best to survive the multitude of troubles that life relentlessly pushes onto him. -- -- The unintentional chick magnet's life is far from quiet, forced to deal not only with Nagi's yet unnoticed infatuation with him, but also the evergrowing string of accidentally seduced girls—most notably, the exceptionally plain Ayumu Nishizawa, a friend of his before he became a butler, and the diligent Hinagiku Katsura, Hakuou's student council president. While one struggles to gain his affection and the other desperately tries to deny her own, both the girls are going to make the boy's life a little more complicated than it already is. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 101,521 7.72
Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Hayate no Gotoku! -- According to Murphy's Law, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," and truer words cannot describe the unfortunate life of the hard-working Hayate Ayasaki. Abandoned by his parents after accumulating a debt of over one hundred fifty million yen, he is sold off to the yakuza, initiating his swift getaway from a future he does not want. On that fateful night, he runs into Nagi Sanzenin, a young girl whom he decides to try and kidnap to pay for his family's massive debt. -- -- Unfortunately, due to his kind-hearted nature and a string of misunderstandings, Nagi believes Hayate to be confessing his love to her. After saving her from real kidnappers, Hayate is hired as Nagi's personal butler, upon which she is revealed to be a member of one of the wealthiest families in Japan. -- -- Highly skilled but cursed with the world's worst luck, Hayate gets straight to work serving his employer all the while trying to deal with the many misfortunes that befall him. From taking care of a mansion to fending off dangerous foes, and even unintentionally wooing the hearts of the women around him, Hayate is in over his head in the butler comedy Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 1, 2007 -- 197,130 7.57
Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- SynergySP -- 52 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Parody Romance Shounen -- Hayate no Gotoku! Hayate no Gotoku! -- According to Murphy's Law, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," and truer words cannot describe the unfortunate life of the hard-working Hayate Ayasaki. Abandoned by his parents after accumulating a debt of over one hundred fifty million yen, he is sold off to the yakuza, initiating his swift getaway from a future he does not want. On that fateful night, he runs into Nagi Sanzenin, a young girl whom he decides to try and kidnap to pay for his family's massive debt. -- -- Unfortunately, due to his kind-hearted nature and a string of misunderstandings, Nagi believes Hayate to be confessing his love to her. After saving her from real kidnappers, Hayate is hired as Nagi's personal butler, upon which she is revealed to be a member of one of the wealthiest families in Japan. -- -- Highly skilled but cursed with the world's worst luck, Hayate gets straight to work serving his employer all the while trying to deal with the many misfortunes that befall him. From taking care of a mansion to fending off dangerous foes, and even unintentionally wooing the hearts of the women around him, Hayate is in over his head in the butler comedy Hayate no Gotoku! -- -- TV - Apr 1, 2007 -- 197,130 7.57
Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. -- -- J.C.Staff -- 12 eps -- Light novel -- Harem Comedy Supernatural Romance School -- Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. -- Youto Yokodera wants to be seen in a way different from most men: as a pervert. However, his lewd actions are often misinterpreted as good intentions, and people cannot see his true nature. Upon hearing rumors of a cat statue that can banish an unwanted trait, he searches for it and prays for his façade to be removed. But each wish comes at a price: those unwelcomed traits are transferred to someone else who desires them! -- -- After realizing that vocalizing his dirty thoughts is not the best thing, Youto decides to regain his lost traits by seeking out the person who received them. Unfortunately, he was not alone in praying to the cat statue, and now he must not only fix his life, but the lives of others as well. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 380,300 7.23
Hibike! Euphonium -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 13 eps -- Novel -- Music School Drama -- Hibike! Euphonium Hibike! Euphonium -- After swearing off music due to an incident at the middle school regional concert band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae enters high school hoping for a fresh start. As fate would have it, she ends up being surrounded by people with an interest in the high school brass band. Kumiko finds the motivation she needs to make music once more with the help of her bandmates, some of whom are new like novice tubist Hazuki Katou; veteran contrabassist Sapphire Kawashima; and band vice president and fellow euphonist Asuka Tanaka. Others are old friends, like Kumiko's childhood friend and hornist-turned-trombonist Shuuichi Tsukamoto, and trumpeter and bandmate from middle school, Reina Kousaka. -- -- However, in the band itself, chaos reigns supreme. Despite their intention to qualify for the national band competition, as they currently are, just competing in the local festival will be a challenge—unless the new band advisor Noboru Taki does something about it. -- -- From the studio that animated Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Kyoto Animation's Hibike! Euphonium is a fresh and musical take on the slice-of-life staple that is the high school student's struggle to deal with their past, find romance, and realize their dreams and aspirations. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Ponycan USA -- 342,518 8.00
Hisone to Maso-tan -- -- Bones -- 12 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama Fantasy Military -- Hisone to Maso-tan Hisone to Maso-tan -- Straightforward and innocent Hisone Amakasu is a Self-Defense Force rookie stationed at the Air Self-Defense Force's Gifu Base. She was struggling with the fact that she sometimes hurts people unintentionally by her innocent words and decided to join the Air Self-Defense Force, hoping to maintain a certain distance from people. This decision led her to a fateful encounter which profoundly changed her life. It was the "OTF" dragon hidden in the base and it chose Hisone as his pilot. When it soared into the sky with Hisone, her fate as a dragon pilot was decided. It is said that dragons have a key to the future of the world... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 66,634 7.36
Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Other -- Action Sci-Fi Music -- Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Rhyme Anima -- In a world overtaken by war and conflict, "Hypnosis Microphones"—devices through which a user channels lyrics that can affect the listener's brain and even cause physical damage—were introduced to the masses by the Party of Words. Revolutionizing warfare, Hypnosis Mics have transformed words and music into the sole weapons used by gangsters, terrorists, and the military, with physical weapons having been banned from use. -- -- As a result of swooping in during the chaos, the all-female Party of Words rules over the Japanese government. Women in Japan now live in Chuuouku, while men battle over surrounding territories outside the ward through rap battles. -- -- With intentions unknown, the Party of Words begins to gather the former members of the now-disbanded legendary rap crew The Dirty Dawg to fight not for territory or war, but for their respective crew's pride and honor in the greatest rap battle of all time. The first Division Rap Battle is about to commence, and practice isn't something these rappers are going to need. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 37,829 6.76
Ichigo 100% Special 2 -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Comedy Ecchi Romance Shounen -- Ichigo 100% Special 2 Ichigo 100% Special 2 -- Yui's father forbids Yui from staying at Junpei's house and decides she'll attend a local High School instead of Oumi Academy. Junpei visits with the intention of straightening out a misunderstanding for Yui's sake. Episode takes place prior to Episode 10 of Ichigo 100% TV series. -- Special - Dec 18, 2005 -- 16,821 6.87
Jam -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Music Dementia Fantasy -- Jam Jam -- This film is based on a very simple idea: the increasingly varied the sounds, the greater is the number of creatures... My intention in this film was to fill the screen with chaotic movements. -- -- (Source: Mirai Mizue) -- Music - ??? ??, 2009 -- 740 4.77
Juubee Ninpuuchou -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Historical Horror Supernatural Romance Samurai Fantasy Shounen -- Juubee Ninpuuchou Juubee Ninpuuchou -- Jubei Kibagami wanders feudal Japan as an itinerant swordsman-for-hire. After a past betrayal left him masterless, he has no more patience for warring political factions and their schemes. Unfortunately, both past and political intrigue collide when he meets and saves a female ninja named Kagero from a man with the ability to make his body as hard as stone. -- -- The sole survivor of a ninja clan, Kagero continues her team's last mission: investigate a mysterious plague that wiped out an entire village. Jubei wants nothing to do with this, but the stone-like man's allies, a group of ninja with supernatural powers known as the Devils of Kimon, make that option difficult. To make matters worse, a government spy poisons Jubei, promising him an antidote if he can unravel the true intentions of the Devils of Kimon and their connection to the plague. The trail leads to shadow leaders, a plot to overthrow the government, and a man that Jubei thought he would never see again. -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jun 5, 1993 -- 104,294 7.61
Juubee Ninpuuchou -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Original -- Adventure Historical Horror Supernatural Romance Samurai Fantasy Shounen -- Juubee Ninpuuchou Juubee Ninpuuchou -- Jubei Kibagami wanders feudal Japan as an itinerant swordsman-for-hire. After a past betrayal left him masterless, he has no more patience for warring political factions and their schemes. Unfortunately, both past and political intrigue collide when he meets and saves a female ninja named Kagero from a man with the ability to make his body as hard as stone. -- -- The sole survivor of a ninja clan, Kagero continues her team's last mission: investigate a mysterious plague that wiped out an entire village. Jubei wants nothing to do with this, but the stone-like man's allies, a group of ninja with supernatural powers known as the Devils of Kimon, make that option difficult. To make matters worse, a government spy poisons Jubei, promising him an antidote if he can unravel the true intentions of the Devils of Kimon and their connection to the plague. The trail leads to shadow leaders, a plot to overthrow the government, and a man that Jubei thought he would never see again. -- Movie - Jun 5, 1993 -- 104,294 7.61
Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- -- Anima&Co. -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Police Vampire Fantasy -- Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana Keishichou Tokumubu Tokushu Kyouakuhan Taisakushitsu Dainanaka: Tokunana -- In Tokyo, there exists a peaceful cohabitation between supernatural creatures—elves, dwarves, vampires, and more—and humans. However, contrary to history, powerful dragons once ruled over this world of creatures and humans but have since disappeared. Consequently, a diabolical group under the alias "Nine," who seek the miracles of the once godlike dragons, stirs up trouble in the streets of Tokyo, commiting mass murder and causing destruction. To combat the dangerous group of Nine, the police organize the Special 7—a group of highly skilled professionals whose abilities exceed those of ordinary humans. -- -- Caught up in a bank robbery turned hostage crisis, Seiji Nanatsuki, having recently become a detective, has a chance encounter with Shiori Ichinose, a member of Special 7. Assisting with the resolution of the robbery, Seiji is recognized for his clear sense of justice and refreshing character, suddenly earning him a spot on the elite unit. -- -- As he takes on new missions, Seiji finds that being a detective as part of Special 7 isn't the police work he expected, where working alongside a team of different species with special abilities and vibrant personalities brings unpredictability to his daily life and police work. While the everyday crime in Tokyo continues, Seiji and the Special 7 will fight not only to resolve special cases, but also obstruct the ill-intentioned plans of the merciless group of Nine. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 38,207 6.02
Kodomo no Jikan (TV) -- -- Diomedéa -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Ecchi School -- Kodomo no Jikan (TV) Kodomo no Jikan (TV) -- 3rd grade teacher Aoki Daisuke didn't expect the first class he ever taught to be one of the toughest obstacles of his life. After getting off on the wrong foot with the entire class, a moment of kind-heartedness instantly convinces one of his students, Rin Kokonoe, to make the ill-fated Aoki-sensei her lover. But what exactly are Rin's intentions for wanting to actively seduce Aoki-sensei, and will Aoki-sensei be able to help her to deal with them? -- TV - Oct 12, 2007 -- 98,015 6.80
Kokkoku -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Mystery Seinen -- Kokkoku Kokkoku -- Having failed 19 job interviews in one day, Juri Yukawa's dreams of moving out of her parents' home are utterly dashed. Stuck living with her working mother Nobuko, NEET brother Tsubasa, laid-off father Takafumi, and single-parent sister Sanae, the only hope for this family to raise a decent adult is her little nephew Makoto. However, this struggling family's life takes a turn for the worse when Makoto and Tsubasa are violently kidnapped by a mysterious organization and held for ransom. With only 30 minutes to deliver five million yen to the criminals, Juri's grandfather reveals a dangerously powerful secret to her and Takafumi. -- -- By offering blood to her grandfather's mystical stone, the three enter the world of "Stasis," a version of their world where time stops for everyone but the users. Having arrived at their destination, their rescue efforts go awry when they are assailed by a surprising group of people who are somehow able to move around within Stasis. While all hope seems lost, a monstrous giant known only as the Herald appears amidst the chaos, its intent and motivations as cryptic as the very nature of this timeless world. -- -- 145,749 7.03
Kokkoku -- -- Geno Studio -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Psychological Supernatural Drama Mystery Seinen -- Kokkoku Kokkoku -- Having failed 19 job interviews in one day, Juri Yukawa's dreams of moving out of her parents' home are utterly dashed. Stuck living with her working mother Nobuko, NEET brother Tsubasa, laid-off father Takafumi, and single-parent sister Sanae, the only hope for this family to raise a decent adult is her little nephew Makoto. However, this struggling family's life takes a turn for the worse when Makoto and Tsubasa are violently kidnapped by a mysterious organization and held for ransom. With only 30 minutes to deliver five million yen to the criminals, Juri's grandfather reveals a dangerously powerful secret to her and Takafumi. -- -- By offering blood to her grandfather's mystical stone, the three enter the world of "Stasis," a version of their world where time stops for everyone but the users. Having arrived at their destination, their rescue efforts go awry when they are assailed by a surprising group of people who are somehow able to move around within Stasis. While all hope seems lost, a monstrous giant known only as the Herald appears amidst the chaos, its intent and motivations as cryptic as the very nature of this timeless world. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 145,749 7.03
Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Supernatural Comedy Parody Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji II Specials Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- According to the Kuroshitsuji website, there are 6 OVAs included in the DVD releases. -- -- DVD 2: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 1) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 3: Welcome to the Phantomhive's -- This is meant to be like a simulation game. Elizabeth invites a lady (perhaps the viewer) to join her at a ball held at the Phantomhive mansion. -- -- DVD 5: The Making of Kuroshitsuji II -- This is a Hollywood style documentary with behind the scenes interviews with Sebastian, Ciel, Claude and Alois etc. -- -- DVD 6: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 2) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 8: The Tale of William the Shinigami -- William and Grell have to train new shinigami and reminisce about when they were training partners. -- -- DVD 9: The Spider's Intention -- The life in Trancy household and how those work under Alois is caring for him. -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Special - Oct 27, 2010 -- 103,888 7.46
Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 6 eps -- Manga -- Fantasy Supernatural Comedy Parody Shounen -- Kuroshitsuji II Specials Kuroshitsuji II Specials -- According to the Kuroshitsuji website, there are 6 OVAs included in the DVD releases. -- -- DVD 2: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 1) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 3: Welcome to the Phantomhive's -- This is meant to be like a simulation game. Elizabeth invites a lady (perhaps the viewer) to join her at a ball held at the Phantomhive mansion. -- -- DVD 5: The Making of Kuroshitsuji II -- This is a Hollywood style documentary with behind the scenes interviews with Sebastian, Ciel, Claude and Alois etc. -- -- DVD 6: Ciel in Wonderland (Part 2) -- This re-imagines the cast of Kuroshitsuji II as characters in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland story. -- -- DVD 8: The Tale of William the Shinigami -- William and Grell have to train new shinigami and reminisce about when they were training partners. -- -- DVD 9: The Spider's Intention -- The life in Trancy household and how those work under Alois is caring for him. -- Special - Oct 27, 2010 -- 103,888 7.46
Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei -- -- Connect -- ? eps -- Manga -- Sci-Fi Magic Fantasy -- Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei -- A century has passed since magic—true magic, the stuff of legends—has returned to the world. It is spring, the season of new beginnings, and a new class of students is about to begin their studies at the First National Magic University Affiliated High School, nickname: First High. -- -- A manga spin-off of the immensely popular light novel series Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (The Irregular at Magic High School), Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei (The Honor Student at Magic High School) follows the events of the original series as seen through the eyes of Miyuki Shiba, Tatsuya's sister. The life of an honor student comes with a lot of expectations...and unexpected hidden feelings?! -- -- (Source: Yen Press, edited) -- TV - Jul ??, 2021 -- 34,380 N/A -- -- Matantei Loki Ragnarok -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Matantei Loki Ragnarok Matantei Loki Ragnarok -- Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has been exiled to the human world for what was apparently a bad joke. Along with being exiled, he's forced to take the form of a child. He's told the only way he can get back to the world of the gods is if he can collect auras of evil that take over human hearts, and so to do this he runs a detective agency. Loki is soon joined by a human girl named Mayura who is a maniac for mysteries, and she soon helps out in her own way. However, soon other Norse gods begin to appear, and most have the intent to assassinate Loki for reasons unclear. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 5, 2003 -- 34,376 7.28
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- -- Seven Arcs -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Drama Magic -- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st -- Nanoha Takamachi, an ordinary third-grader, loves her family and friends more than anything else. One day, after having a strange dream in which a ferret gets injured, she sees the very same ferret in real life and rescues it. That ferret turns out to be Yuuno Scrya, a mage from another world who is trying to capture the 21 scattered Jewel Seeds before they cause serious damage to the universe. Yuuno is not powerful enough to capture the Jewel seeds on his own, so he grants Nanoha the intelligent device "Raising Heart" and begins training her as a mage. -- -- Unfortunately, the powerful Jewel Seeds attract those with ill intentions. Another mage, Fate Testarossa, is desperate to collect the seeds for some unknown and sinister purpose, though the solemn look in her eyes makes Nanoha think that there is more to Fate than meets the eye. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st is a retelling of the original series, which tells the story of two young mages and how their strong emotions shape their actions. -- -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 27,907 7.90
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Magic Psychological Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari -- Though Sayaka Miki's wish was fulfilled, the unforeseen consequences that came with it overwhelm her, causing her soul gem to become tainted as she succumbs to despair and eventually loses her humanity. Homura Akemi reveals to Kyouko Sakura and Madoka Kaname the ultimate fate of magical girls: once their soul gem becomes tainted, it transforms into a Grief Seed, and they are reborn as witches—a truth Homura learned only through repeating history countless times in a bid to prevent Madoka's tragedy. -- -- Kyuubey only compounds their despair when he confesses his true intentions: to harness the energy created from magical girls and use it to prolong the life of the universe. As the threat of Walpurgisnacht, a powerful witch, looms overhead, Homura once again vows to protect Madoka and the world from a grim fate. -- -- Caught between honoring Homura's wish and saving the world, which one will Madoka choose in the end? -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari is a story of inescapable destiny, and an unlikely hero who could change it all. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - Oct 13, 2012 -- 166,656 8.39
Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari -- -- Shaft -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Magic Psychological Thriller -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari -- Though Sayaka Miki's wish was fulfilled, the unforeseen consequences that came with it overwhelm her, causing her soul gem to become tainted as she succumbs to despair and eventually loses her humanity. Homura Akemi reveals to Kyouko Sakura and Madoka Kaname the ultimate fate of magical girls: once their soul gem becomes tainted, it transforms into a Grief Seed, and they are reborn as witches—a truth Homura learned only through repeating history countless times in a bid to prevent Madoka's tragedy. -- -- Kyuubey only compounds their despair when he confesses his true intentions: to harness the energy created from magical girls and use it to prolong the life of the universe. As the threat of Walpurgisnacht, a powerful witch, looms overhead, Homura once again vows to protect Madoka and the world from a grim fate. -- -- Caught between honoring Homura's wish and saving the world, which one will Madoka choose in the end? -- Mahou Shoujo Madoka� -- Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari is a story of inescapable destiny, and an unlikely hero who could change it all. -- -- Movie - Oct 13, 2012 -- 166,656 8.39
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Josei -- Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion, and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- 99,261 7.05
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- -- Doga Kobo -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Comedy Historical Demons Supernatural Fantasy School Josei -- Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist -- The story revolves around William, an aristocratic family's progeny with rare intellect. One day, his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his family's name has been tarnished, William returns home and searches with his family's butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the room is a magical seal, and William unintentionally summons a devil. The summoned devil tells William his name Dantalion, and reveals that William is the designator who can choose the acting ruler of the demon world. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 99,261 7.05
Maria†Holic -- -- Shaft -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Parody School Shoujo Ai -- Maria†Holic Maria†Holic -- In search of true love, Kanako Miyamae transfers to Ame no Kisaki Catholic school, inspired by how her parents fell in love with each other there. There is just one difference, though: because men make Kanako break into hives, she has actually come to the all-girls school to find a partner of the same sex. -- -- When she meets the beautiful Mariya Shidou, Kanako believes she has found that special someone; however, there's more to Mariya than meets the eye—it turns out that Kanako's first love is actually a cross-dressing boy. Mariya threatens to expose Kanako's impure intentions unless she keeps his real gender a secret, and to make things worse, he also replaces her original roommate so that he can now keep a close eye on her. -- -- Maria†Holic follows Kanako as she looks for love in all the wrong places and searches for the girl of her dreams—that is, if she can survive being Mariya's roommate! -- -- TV - Jan 4, 2009 -- 150,996 7.04
Matantei Loki Ragnarok -- -- Studio Deen -- 26 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Magic Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Matantei Loki Ragnarok Matantei Loki Ragnarok -- Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has been exiled to the human world for what was apparently a bad joke. Along with being exiled, he's forced to take the form of a child. He's told the only way he can get back to the world of the gods is if he can collect auras of evil that take over human hearts, and so to do this he runs a detective agency. Loki is soon joined by a human girl named Mayura who is a maniac for mysteries, and she soon helps out in her own way. However, soon other Norse gods begin to appear, and most have the intent to assassinate Loki for reasons unclear. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Apr 5, 2003 -- 34,376 7.28
Mitsudomoe -- -- Bridge -- 13 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Slice of Life -- Mitsudomoe Mitsudomoe -- The 11-year-old Marui triplets could not be any more different. The oldest one, Mitsuba, is sadistic and kind of mature for her age. The middle one, Futaba, is perverted and very athletic and has the strength of a full-grown man. The youngest one, Hitoha, is generally very quiet and gentle but when push comes to shove, she might just be the strongest, the most perverted and the most sadistic out of the three. -- -- The three are all in the same class, led by the newly graduated teacher Yabe Satoshi. He usually gets pushed around by the girls and, on occasion, abused but the triplets also try to lead him and the new school nurse, the clumsy Kuriyama Aiko, together. However, Yabe had no intention of dating Aiko and the methods the triplets use to accomplish their goal are highly unorthodox... -- TV - Jul 3, 2010 -- 92,595 7.58
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans -- -- Sunrise -- 25 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans -- Over three hundred years have passed since the Calamity War, the great conflict between Earth and its outer space colonies. Now Earth is ruled over by four economic blocs, and the military organization Gjallarhorn is responsible for keeping the peace. Mars, on the other hand, depends heavily on Earth's economy. -- -- Horrified by the appalling living conditions that Mars' inhabitants have to bear, Kudelia Aina Bernstein, a young aristocrat from the Chryse Autonomous Region, gets involved in the Red Planet's independence movement. She hires the services of a local company, Chryse Guard Security (CGS), to escort her on the journey to Earth to negotiate economic conditions with the earthly bloc that controls the region. The Third Army Division—consisting of Mikazuki Augus, Orga Itsuka, and many other child soldiers—are chosen to protect her. -- -- When Gjallarhorn attacks the CGS facilities to assassinate the young revolutionary threatening their interests, Orga and his comrades must not let the attackers accomplish their goal—in fact, Gjallarhorn's actions might turn out to be the unintentional catalyst that leads the children to be the forgers of their own destiny. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 172,819 8.03
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz -- -- Sunrise -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Mecha Military Sci-Fi Space -- Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz -- In the year After Colony 196, one year after the conclusion of the intergalactic civil war, a state of stasis prevails over the Earth and its colonies. Seeing no further use for their Gundam mobile suits, war heroes Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, and Quatre Raberba Winner decide to destroy these weapons by launching them into the sun's surface. -- -- Before the Gundam reach their destination, the universal peace is shattered by the emergence of Mariemaia Khushrenada—the only child of the former tyrannical aristocrat Treize. Mariemaia abducts diplomat Relena Peacecraft and announces plans to launch "Operation Meteor," with the intention of posthumously fulfilling Treize's world domination plot. -- -- With the help of former enemy Zechs Marquise and his mobile suit Tallgeese, the heroic pilots must reacquire their mobile suits to wage one final battle against the Khushrenada dynasty, including fighting against their former ally Wufei Chang, now aligning himself with Mariemaia's ambitions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment -- OVA - Jan 25, 1997 -- 41,721 7.76
Mouse -- -- Production Reed, Studio Deen, Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Ecchi Shounen -- Mouse Mouse -- Teacher Sorata Muon carries on his family's centuries-old old tradition of being the master thief Mouse who can steal anything after properly alerting authorities of his intentions so they can be there yet fail to stop him. He is assisted by 3 nubile female assistants who also use the teaching cover and who, in typical Satoru Akahori, favor tight/skimpy/bondage outfits over their ample curves as they constantly pursue Sorata much more than he pursues them, although the girls do get some attention from their master. Not only is Mouse pursued by the girls & the local law enforcement authorities, there is also a secret art protection society employing the services of a former ally of Sorata's after his pretty little hide, all in 15 minute episodes. -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- TV - Jan 6, 2003 -- 17,111 6.02
Mouse -- -- Production Reed, Studio Deen, Studio Hibari -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Harem Comedy Ecchi Shounen -- Mouse Mouse -- Teacher Sorata Muon carries on his family's centuries-old old tradition of being the master thief Mouse who can steal anything after properly alerting authorities of his intentions so they can be there yet fail to stop him. He is assisted by 3 nubile female assistants who also use the teaching cover and who, in typical Satoru Akahori, favor tight/skimpy/bondage outfits over their ample curves as they constantly pursue Sorata much more than he pursues them, although the girls do get some attention from their master. Not only is Mouse pursued by the girls & the local law enforcement authorities, there is also a secret art protection society employing the services of a former ally of Sorata's after his pretty little hide, all in 15 minute episodes. -- TV - Jan 6, 2003 -- 17,111 6.02
Mugen no Ryvius -- -- Sunrise -- 26 eps -- Original -- Drama Mecha Military Psychological Sci-Fi Space -- Mugen no Ryvius Mugen no Ryvius -- The year is AD 2225. Kouji Aiba and Aoi Housen are serving as astronauts in-training in Liebe Delta which is located on the edge of the Geduld Sea. When saboteurs with unknown intents suddenly strike during a routine dive procedure, the space station plummets into the Geduld, a plasma field that links all the planets like a nervous system and crushes any ship that strays too far into it. With all the adults onboard killed, the young astronauts will have to survive this long journey home in midst of the growing tension amongst each other. Meanwhile the organizers of the sabotage look on and prepare to attack once more. -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Sentai Filmworks -- 37,128 7.48
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- 235,521 8.72
Mushishi Zoku Shou -- -- Artland -- 10 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Slice of Life Mystery Historical Supernatural Fantasy Seinen -- Mushishi Zoku Shou Mushishi Zoku Shou -- Perceived as strange and feared by man, over time the misshapen ones came to be known as Mushi. Although they harbor no ill intentions towards humans, many suffer from the side effects of their existence and strange nature; exploiting the Mushi without understanding them, even unintentionally, can lead to disaster and strife for any involved. Mushishi Zoku Shou continues the story of Mushishi Ginko on his journey to help the visible world to coexist with the Mushi. -- -- During his travels, Ginko discovers various gifted individuals—those cursed by circumstance and those maintaining a fragile symbiosis with the Mushi—inevitably confronting the question of whether humanity, talented and tortured alike, can manage the responsibility of the unseen. Moreover, as a Mushishi, Ginko must learn more about these strange beings and decide if he has the right to interfere with the complex relationships between Mushi and mankind. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 235,521 8.72
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth -- -- Gainax, Production I.G -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Mecha Psychological Sci-Fi -- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth -- In the year 2015, more than a decade has passed since the catastrophic event known as Second Impact befell mankind. During this time of recovery, a select few learned of beings known as the Angels—colossal malevolent entities with the intention of triggering the Third Impact and wiping out the rest of humanity. -- -- Called into the city of Tokyo-3 by his father Gendou Ikari, teenager Shinji is thrust headlong into humanity's struggle. Separated from Gendou since the death of his mother, Shinji presumes that his father wishes to repair their shattered familial bonds; instead, he discovers that he was brought to pilot a giant machine capable of fighting the Angels, Evangelion Unit-01. Forced to battle against wave after wave of mankind's greatest threat, the young boy finds himself caught in the middle of a plan that could affect the future of humanity forever. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Manga Entertainment -- Movie - Mar 15, 1997 -- 188,445 7.45
No Game No Life: Zero -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Game Supernatural Drama Romance Fantasy -- No Game No Life: Zero No Game No Life: Zero -- In ancient Disboard, Riku is an angry, young warrior intent on saving humanity from the warring Exceed, the sixteen sentient species, fighting to establish the "One True God" amongst the Old Deus. In a lawless land, humanity's lack of magic and weak bodies have made them easy targets for the other Exceed, leaving the humans on the brink of extinction. One day, however, hope returns to humanity when Riku finds a powerful female Ex-machina, whom he names Schwi, in an abandoned elf city. Exiled from her Cluster because of her research into human emotions, Schwi is convinced that humanity has only survived due to the power of these feelings and is determined to understand the human heart. Forming an unlikely partnership in the midst of the overwhelming chaos, Riku and Schwi must now find the answers to their individual shortcomings in each other, and discover for themselves what it truly means to be human as they fight for their lives together against all odds. Each with a powerful new ally in tow, it is now up to them to prevent the extinction of the human race and establish peace throughout Disboard! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- Movie - Jul 15, 2017 -- 638,129 8.29
Ookiku Furikabutte -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Seinen Sports -- Ookiku Furikabutte Ookiku Furikabutte -- Ren Mihashi was the ace of his middle school's baseball team, but due to his poor pitching, they could never win. Constant losses eventually lead to his teammates bullying him and reached the point where his teammates no longer tried to win, causing Mihashi to graduate with little self-esteem. As a result, Mihashi decides to go to a high school in a different prefecture where he has no intention of playing baseball. Unfortunately, upon his arrival at Nishiura High, he is dragged into joining their new team as the starting pitcher. -- -- Although unwilling at first, Mihashi realizes that this is a place where he will be accepted for who he is; with help from the catcher Takaya Abe, he starts to have more confidence in his own abilities. Abe, seeing the potential in Mihashi, makes it a goal to help him become a pitcher worthy of being called an ace. -- -- TV - Apr 13, 2007 -- 84,910 7.94
Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Light novel -- Comedy Harem Romance School -- Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru -- The infidelity of Eita Kidou's parents not only made his family fall apart, but also made him skeptic of love. Having no intention to delve into romance, Eita devotes his entire high school life to his studies in order to become a doctor. -- -- It did not take long for the beautiful and popular Masuzu Natsukawa to notice Eita's apathy. Tired of being the object of people's affection, she asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend, as she too feels disgusted at the notion of love. Eita, however, refuses—yet Masuzu has one trick left up her sleeve: Eita’s journal and threatening to post the embarrassing content online if he does not comply. -- -- Now entangled in a fake romance with the most desired girl at school, Eita's life is turned upside down. Whether envied by his peers or receiving a confession, he must cope with his newfound relationship and all the troubles that come along with it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 419,803 7.03
Pandora Hearts -- -- Xebec -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts -- To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed. -- -- Based on the supernatural fantasy manga of the same name, Pandora Hearts tells the story of fifteen-year-old Oz's journey to discover the meaning behind the strange events that have overtaken his life. Assisted by a mysterious Chain named Alice, whose nickname is "Bloodstained Black Rabbit," and members of a clandestine organization known as "Pandora," Oz begins to realize his existence may have more meaning than he could have ever imagined. -- -- 368,756 7.71
Pandora Hearts -- -- Xebec -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Fantasy Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Pandora Hearts Pandora Hearts -- To young Oz Vessalius, heir to the Vessalius Duke House, the perilous world called the Abyss is nothing more than a folktale used to scare misbehaving children. However, when Oz's coming-of-age ceremony is interrupted by the malicious Baskerville Clan intent on banishing him into the depths of the Abyss, the Vessalius heir realizes that his peaceful life of luxury is at its end. Now, he must confront the world of the Abyss and its dwellers, the monstrous "Chains," which are both not quite as fake as he once believed. -- -- Based on the supernatural fantasy manga of the same name, Pandora Hearts tells the story of fifteen-year-old Oz's journey to discover the meaning behind the strange events that have overtaken his life. Assisted by a mysterious Chain named Alice, whose nickname is "Bloodstained Black Rabbit," and members of a clandestine organization known as "Pandora," Oz begins to realize his existence may have more meaning than he could have ever imagined. -- -- -- Licensor: -- NIS America, Inc. -- 368,756 7.71
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- 157,790 7.83
Paradise Kiss -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Paradise Kiss Paradise Kiss -- On her way home from school, Yukari Hayasaka is approached by a weird-looking guy who starts looking at her body intently. He's got blond spiky hair, a spiked choker, and multiple piercings on his ears and face. She wants nothing to do with him, and runs away, only to bump into a very tall and beautiful purple-haired woman with a flower pattern around her eye. Yukari faints from shock and wakes up later in a strange place called the Atelier. It turns out that these strangers are fashion designers who attend the most famous art school around, Yazawa Art Academy, and their group wants Yukari to model for their brand in Yazawa Academy's upcoming show. -- -- Yukari turns down their offer and escapes the Atelier, but unknowingly leaves her school ID behind. George Koizumi, the head designer, later sees it and immediately knows she would be the perfect model for them and will not stop until he gets what he wants—and he wants her. Yukari had never considered something as frivolous as modeling before, but could life among these eccentric designers actually prove to be fun? Or will Yukari lose herself in this world of art and passion? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Geneon Entertainment USA -- 157,790 7.83
Pokemon -- -- OLM -- 276 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon Pokemon -- Pokemon are peculiar creatures with a vast array of different abilities and appearances; many people, known as Pokemon trainers, capture and train them, often with the intent of battling others. Young Satoshi has not only dreamed of becoming a Pokemon trainer but also a "Pokemon Master," and on the arrival of his 10th birthday, he finally has a chance to make that dream a reality. Unfortunately for him, all three Pokemon available to beginning trainers have already been claimed and only Pikachu, a rebellious Electric type Pokemon, remains. However, this chance encounter would mark the start of a lifelong friendship and an epic adventure! -- -- Setting off on a journey to become the very best, Satoshi and Pikachu travel across beautiful, sprawling regions with their friends Kasumi, a Water type trainer, and Takeshi, a Rock type trainer. But danger lurks around every corner. The infamous Team Rocket is always nearby, seeking to steal powerful Pokemon through nefarious schemes. It'll be up to Satoshi and his friends to thwart their efforts as he also strives to earn the eight Pokemon Gym Badges he'll need to challenge the Pokemon League, and eventually claim the title of Pokemon Master. -- -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, VIZ Media -- 485,459 7.34
Pokemon Movie 12: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 12: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e Pokemon Movie 12: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e -- In ages long forgotten, when Earth found itself on a collision course with a meteor, Legendary Pokémon Arceus used its power to avert the danger. However, this feat caused the 16 Plates surrounding it to scatter across the world. Without the Plates providing Arceus with life energy, it began to die. A human named Damon managed to find one of the Plates and returned it to the moribund Pokémon, helping it recover. As a reward, Arceus created the Jewel of Life and gave it to the people of Michina Town, stipulating that it must be returned, but the humans refused, hogging the Jewel to themselves. In the battle that ensued, Damon was killed and Arceus went into slumber, vowing to punish humanity upon its return. -- -- Satoshi and his companions arrive in Michina Town where they come across Sheena, a descendant of Damon, who claims to be in possession of the Jewel of Life and intends on giving it back to Arceus when it awakens. -- -- The situation takes an unexpected turn when Arceus, despite Sheena's best intentions, remains unsatisfied. Satoshi must now prevent the destruction of the entire human race, as Arceus' fury causes distortions in the fabric of the universe, enraging the Legendary trio—Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina—and disturbing the world's balance. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Movie - Jul 18, 2009 -- 65,796 7.01
Pokemon Movie 12: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 12: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e Pokemon Movie 12: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e -- In ages long forgotten, when Earth found itself on a collision course with a meteor, Legendary Pokémon Arceus used its power to avert the danger. However, this feat caused the 16 Plates surrounding it to scatter across the world. Without the Plates providing Arceus with life energy, it began to die. A human named Damon managed to find one of the Plates and returned it to the moribund Pokémon, helping it recover. As a reward, Arceus created the Jewel of Life and gave it to the people of Michina Town, stipulating that it must be returned, but the humans refused, hogging the Jewel to themselves. In the battle that ensued, Damon was killed and Arceus went into slumber, vowing to punish humanity upon its return. -- -- Satoshi and his companions arrive in Michina Town where they come across Sheena, a descendant of Damon, who claims to be in possession of the Jewel of Life and intends on giving it back to Arceus when it awakens. -- -- The situation takes an unexpected turn when Arceus, despite Sheena's best intentions, remains unsatisfied. Satoshi must now prevent the destruction of the entire human race, as Arceus' fury causes distortions in the fabric of the universe, enraging the Legendary trio—Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina—and disturbing the world's balance. -- -- Movie - Jul 18, 2009 -- 65,796 7.01
Pokemon Movie 13: Genei no Hasha Zoroark -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 13: Genei no Hasha Zoroark Pokemon Movie 13: Genei no Hasha Zoroark -- The shapeshifting Pokémon Zorua and Zoroark are captured by a mysterious group intent on using their illusory powers for their own gain. They unleash Zoroark on Crown City, forcing her beforehand to take the form of Suicune, Entei, and Raikou, the guardians of the town. -- -- As Satoshi and his companions visit Crown City to watch the much-anticipated Pokémon Baccer World Cup, they encounter Zorua, who managed to escape captivity. At the same time, Zoroark goes on a rampage, unaware of Zorua's breakout. Disguised as the Legendary Beast Trio, she starts destroying the city and terrorizing its inhabitants. -- -- Will Satoshi manage to stop the deranged Pokémon before Crown City perishes? Will the sudden arrival of long-unseen Celebi change the outcome of the seemingly inevitable clash between Zoroark and the impersonated Legendary Beasts? -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- Movie - Jul 10, 2010 -- 54,630 6.87
Pokemon XY&Z -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon XY&Z Pokemon XY&Z -- The journey of Satoshi and his friends through the Kalos region continues! After Satoshi obtains his seventh gym badge, the group is moving toward the next town when Eureka discovers a mysterious Pokemon resting in her pochette. Soon given the name Puni-chan, it is one that even Satoshi and Serena's new Pokemon Zukan cannot identify. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Puni-chan is the target of a mysterious group clad in bright red suits known as Team Flare, aiming to capture the new Pokemon to further their agenda. But when Satoshi and the gang realize that the enigmatic organization has no intention of treating Puni-chan with any decency, they take a stand in opposition to Team Flare's plans, daring to fight back. -- -- With Gojika's predictions looming above them, Satoshi aims for his final gym badge while Serena contests for her last Princess Key in order to be able to compete at the TriPokalon Master Class. But as Team Flare begins to move in search of the mysterious Z, the stories of Pokemon XY and Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution cross paths as Satoshi and his friends, along with Team Rocket, get caught up in a scheme that could put Kalos in great danger. -- -- 89,368 7.63
Pokemon XY&Z -- -- OLM -- 47 eps -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Kids Fantasy -- Pokemon XY&Z Pokemon XY&Z -- The journey of Satoshi and his friends through the Kalos region continues! After Satoshi obtains his seventh gym badge, the group is moving toward the next town when Eureka discovers a mysterious Pokemon resting in her pochette. Soon given the name Puni-chan, it is one that even Satoshi and Serena's new Pokemon Zukan cannot identify. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Puni-chan is the target of a mysterious group clad in bright red suits known as Team Flare, aiming to capture the new Pokemon to further their agenda. But when Satoshi and the gang realize that the enigmatic organization has no intention of treating Puni-chan with any decency, they take a stand in opposition to Team Flare's plans, daring to fight back. -- -- With Gojika's predictions looming above them, Satoshi aims for his final gym badge while Serena contests for her last Princess Key in order to be able to compete at the TriPokalon Master Class. But as Team Flare begins to move in search of the mysterious Z, the stories of Pokemon XY and Pokemon XY: Mega Evolution cross paths as Satoshi and his friends, along with Team Rocket, get caught up in a scheme that could put Kalos in great danger. -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International -- 89,368 7.63
Prince of Stride: Alternative -- -- Madhouse -- 12 eps -- Visual novel -- Sports Drama School -- Prince of Stride: Alternative Prince of Stride: Alternative -- "Stride"—an extreme sport that combines parkour, free running, relay, and sprinting—is what made first year high school student Nana Sakurai enroll in Honan Academy, after being captivated by the school's stride team. Sharing the mutual intention of joining the team is fellow first year and stride maniac, Takeru Fujiwara, and together they request to join. Much to their dismay, however, the stride club is no longer active due to lack of members, and they are now operating under the shogi club. -- -- In order to revive the stride club, Nana and Takeru recruit first year Riku Yagami—a fast runner who is interested in almost every sport. With this new team, the club now aims high at a new goal: to win the prestigious End of Summer competition, and bring the Honan stride team back to their prime. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 148,461 6.91
Psycho-Pass -- -- Production I.G -- 22 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi Police Psychological -- Psycho-Pass Psycho-Pass -- Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harboring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work. -- -- Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 1,266,562 8.37
Re:␣Hamatora -- -- Lerche -- 12 eps -- Original -- Mystery Comedy Super Power Drama -- Re:␣Hamatora Re:␣Hamatora -- It has been three months since the incident at Yokohama. Things have been settling down at Cafe Nowhere. Murasaki and Hajime have teamed up and started investigating again. After an unforeseen reunion, Art holds Nice at gunpoint. What are his real intentions? What will become of the connection between Art and Hamatora? -- -- (Source: Crunchyroll) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 143,773 7.39
Ristorante Paradiso -- -- David Production -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Drama Josei Romance Slice of Life -- Ristorante Paradiso Ristorante Paradiso -- When Nicoletta was a little girl, her mother, Olga, abandoned her and ran off to Rome to remarry. Now, 15 years later and a young woman, she travels to Rome with the intention of ruining her mother's life. She tracks Olga down to a restaurant called Casetta dell'Orso, but the second Nicoletta steps through its door, everything changes. It's a peculiar place staffed entirely by mature gentlemen wearing spectacles, and like their clientele, she is helpless against their wise smiles and warm voices. Before Nicoletta realizes it, her plans for vengeance start to fade, and she's swept up in the sweet romance of everyday Italian life. -- -- (Source: Right Stuf) -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 37,997 7.36
Seikaisuru Kado -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi -- Seikaisuru Kado Seikaisuru Kado -- Cool-headed and rational, Koujirou Shindou is a government official and master negotiator with a well-earned reputation. While departing on a business trip, a giant cube materializes and his plane is taken undamaged into the mysterious, indestructible structure. -- -- As Japanese authorities attempt to identify the cube's properties and origins, Shindou encounters an otherworldly entity known as Yaha-kui zaShunina, who materializes in the form of a human man. He assures Shindou that the passengers are not in any danger and requests help in negotiations with the human world. -- -- Hailing from a higher dimensional universe known as Novo, Yaha-kui zaShunina is able to transfer information between Novo and Shindou's universe through a cube called Kado. Despite having these unfathomable abilities, he does not appear hostile. Instead, he announces that he has come to this world with only one intention: to "advance" humanity—starting with Japan. -- -- 95,698 6.80
Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 13 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Mystery Comedy Supernatural School -- Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin -- The story revolves around Maya, the daughter of the former Headmaster of Waldstein Academy, and a time traveling agent Fumiaki Uchida. In the year 2012, the world had been invaded by aliens and time travelers were sent back to the year 1999 in order to find and destroy the Nostradamus Key, which Nostradamus Prophecy foretold as what would bring about the apocalypse. The series then turns to the year 1999, where Maya returns to the Academy with the intention of destroying the Academy by superseding her late father's position as the principal. Her plan was interrupted when she meets Fumiaki and learns of the forthcoming destruction. Despite being distrusting towards Fumiaki, they form a pact to look for the Nostradamus Key. -- -- In order to find the Nostradamus Key, time agents were provided with specially created cell phones. When a user finds an object of interest, by thinking of destroying it and taking a photo, and if the resulting image is that of a peaceful world, then the subject is the Nostradamus Key. Conversely, if the subject is not the Nostradamus Key, then the photo displays destruction. By using the phone, Maya and Fumiaki investigates occult occurrences as they occur in the town. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- 91,327 7.07
Seisenshi Dunbine -- -- Sunrise -- 49 eps -- Novel -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Drama Fantasy Mecha -- Seisenshi Dunbine Seisenshi Dunbine -- Shou Zama is an ordinary 18-year-old from Tokyo who finds himself summoned to the medieval fantasy world of Byston Well. Upon arrival, he is put into service under the ambitious lord Drake Luft, who seeks to greatly expand his power. Those like Shou who come from "Upper Earth" possess strong aura power and are ordered to pilot "Aura Battlers," insectoid mecha designed by a man named Shot Weapon, who also came from Upper Earth. -- -- However, Shou's alliances quickly change when he meets Marvel Frozen, a young woman who has decided to rebel against Drake's political agenda. As he realizes the lord's true intentions, the boy chooses to join the fight against Drake and team up with Neal Given, who leads the resistance movement. The resistance isn't alone—Riml, daughter of their enemy and Neal's secret love, aids their efforts, hoping to escape from her father's clutches. As Shou finds himself fighting alongside his new comrades, they put their lives on the line to prevent the villainous Drake from taking over Byston Well before it's too late. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films, Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Feb 5, 1983 -- 8,897 7.05
Senki Zesshou Symphogear G -- -- Satelight -- 13 eps -- Original -- Action Music Sci-Fi -- Senki Zesshou Symphogear G Senki Zesshou Symphogear G -- Three months after a Lunar Attack which nearly caused Earth's destruction, Hibiki Tachibana, Tsubasa Kazanari, and Chris Yukine continue to fight the Noise—a mysterious alien threat—using powerful armor known as Symphogear. After defending an American convoy from a Noise attack, Hibiki and Chris race toward the Queens of Music concert hall to attend one of Tsubasa's concerts. -- -- Meanwhile, Tsubasa and rising international superstar Maria Cadenzavna Eve deliver an amazing performance that is broadcast throughout the entire world. Just as the concert is about to conclude, a group of Noise suddenly appear, plunging the hall into chaos. Amidst the panic, Maria declares war against the world as the successor of Finé—Chris' former mistress—and her allies Kirika Akatsuki and Shirabe Tsukuyomi reveal Symphogear powers of their own. After initiating a skirmish with Tsubasa and her teammates, they retreat mysteriously, leaving the three friends bewildered as to what their true intentions could be. -- -- 50,142 7.46
Senyoku no Sigrdrifa -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 12 eps -- Original -- Action Military -- Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Senyoku no Sigrdrifa -- When humanity is driven to the brink of despair by an alien threat called Pillars, a self-proclaimed god named Odin appears and bestows upon the people the power of "Valkyries"—battle maidens who pilot vintage aircraft called Hero Wings. -- -- Claudia "Schwertleite" Bruford is the ace of the European Valkyrie Wing. When Japan's S-class Valkyrie passes away in battle, Claudia is relocated to Japan as a replacement. However, with a dark record of being the sole survivor in every mission that results in being nicknamed "Grim Reaper," she suspects she already knows why she was chosen. -- -- Prepared to be shunned yet again, she arrives at the Tateyama Valkyrie Wing. Little does she know, her new comrades are a bunch of oddballs who have zero intention of accepting her dreadful nickname! -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 33,834 6.46
Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts School Shounen -- Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- "Weak Legs" Kenichi Shirahama would rather spend his time reading self improvement books than fighting. However, when he finally works up the courage to become strong and join his school's karate club, he is coerced into fighting a bullying upperclassman who is intent on getting him kicked out of the club. He is about to give it all up until he falls for his mysterious new classmate, Miu Furinji. In order to face this challenge, he undergoes rigorous training at the dojo she lives at, Ryouzanpaku. Some initial training by the masters there allow him to defeat his upperclassman, however his fighting prowess brings him to the attention of the powerful gang of delinquents, Ragnarok. Wishing to protect the things he loves and determined to have the strength to face the increasing adversity, he must learn various martial arts from the dojo's resident masters, taking Karate, Muay Thai, Ju Jitsu and Chinese Martial Arts and combining them to create his own fighting style! -- -- Licensor: -- Discotek Media, Funimation -- TV - Oct 7, 2006 -- 248,869 8.10
Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- -- TMS Entertainment -- 50 eps -- Manga -- Action Comedy Martial Arts School Shounen -- Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi -- "Weak Legs" Kenichi Shirahama would rather spend his time reading self improvement books than fighting. However, when he finally works up the courage to become strong and join his school's karate club, he is coerced into fighting a bullying upperclassman who is intent on getting him kicked out of the club. He is about to give it all up until he falls for his mysterious new classmate, Miu Furinji. In order to face this challenge, he undergoes rigorous training at the dojo she lives at, Ryouzanpaku. Some initial training by the masters there allow him to defeat his upperclassman, however his fighting prowess brings him to the attention of the powerful gang of delinquents, Ragnarok. Wishing to protect the things he loves and determined to have the strength to face the increasing adversity, he must learn various martial arts from the dojo's resident masters, taking Karate, Muay Thai, Ju Jitsu and Chinese Martial Arts and combining them to create his own fighting style! -- TV - Oct 7, 2006 -- 248,869 8.10
Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi -- -- T.P.O -- 1 ep -- - -- Historical Military -- Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi -- In the Fifth Year of the Keicho era, the Tokugawa clan sought to solidify their control of Japan. Hidetada Tokugawa has come to the doorsteps of Ueda Castle with the intentions of having the Sanada clan open its doors to him. But the Sanada and their retainers have other plans... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- Special - Jan 29, 2005 -- 819 6.00
Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi The Animation -- -- G&G Entertainment, Group TAC -- 12 eps -- - -- Action Comedy Historical Military Samurai -- Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi The Animation Shinshaku Sengoku Eiyuu Densetsu: Sanada Juu Yuushi The Animation -- In the Fifth Year of the Keicho era, the Tokugawa clan sought to solidify their control of Japan. Hidetada Tokugawa has come to the doorsteps of Ueda Castle with the intentions of having the Sanada clan open its doors to him. But the Sanada and their retainers have other plans... -- -- (Source: ANN) -- TV - May 7, 2005 -- 1,467 6.06
Shirobako -- -- P.A. Works -- 24 eps -- Original -- Comedy Drama -- Shirobako Shirobako -- It all started in Kaminoyama High School, when five best friends—Aoi Miyamori, Ema Yasuhara, Midori Imai, Shizuka Sakaki, and Misa Toudou—discovered their collective love for all things anime and formed the animation club. After making their first amateur anime together and showcasing it at the culture festival, the group vow to pursue careers in the industry, aiming to one day work together and create their own mainstream show. -- -- Two and a half years later, Aoi and Ema have managed to land jobs at the illustrious Musashino Animation production company. The others, however, are finding it difficult to get their dream jobs. Shizuka is feeling the weight of not being recognized as a capable voice actor, Misa has a secure yet unsatisfying career designing 3D models for a car company, and Midori is a university student intent on pursuing her dream as a story writer. These five girls will learn that the path to success is one with many diversions, but dreams can still be achieved through perseverance and a touch of eccentric creativity. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 359,940 8.34
Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- -- - -- 13 eps -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi -- Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng Shuang Yue Zhi Cheng -- In the year 2200, a new Cold War between two forces is set to end with a peace treaty. However, one side is hiding a dark secret, which results in numerous tragedies in the following months. In the wake of a crisis, a paramilitary team is founded to steal information at the center of the conflict. -- ONA - Mar 30, 2016 -- 553 N/A -- -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- -- I.Gzwei, Production I.G -- 3 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond Part 4 -- Episodes 10-12 of the Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor - The Beyond series. -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 542 N/A -- -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Action Mecha Military Sci-Fi -- Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 Koutetsu no Vendetta Episode 0 -- The doujin (self-published) creators of the Koutetsu no Vendetta (Iron Vendetta) military robot anime project released a preview DVD at Tokyo's Comic Market 75 convention. The DVD included the unedited versions of the project's pilot film, special supplemental videos, and a collection of key animation drawings. The running times of the pilot and the supplemental video collection are each under five minutes long. -- -- Note: The project is on hold due to the dissolution of the production division of its sponsor Ankama Japan. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- ONA - Feb 22, 2013 -- 509 N/A -- -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- -- - -- 32 eps -- - -- Military Historical -- Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi Dalam-iwa Goseumdochi -- Squirrel and Hedgehog documents various animal communities warring and in conflict against one another, each animal being a symbolic representation of real life countries and sometimes political events. -- -- A North Korean propaganda anime that was developed and produced in North Korea to be aired on state television. -- TV - ??? ??, 1977 -- 475 N/AAoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Drama Historical Military -- Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi Aoi Kioku: Manmou Kaitaku to Shounen-tachi -- A class of Japanese youths volunteer for the war effort during WWII, but then get stranded in Manchuria. -- Movie - Dec 18, 1993 -- 439 N/A -- -- Guan Hai Ce -- -- Tong Ming Xuan -- 16 eps -- Original -- Action Military Historical Martial Arts Fantasy -- Guan Hai Ce Guan Hai Ce -- (No synopsis yet.) -- ONA - Jun 17, 2018 -- 396 N/A -- -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- -- J.C.Staff -- 1 ep -- - -- Military Historical -- Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari Konpeki no Kantai: Sourai Kaihatsu Monogatari -- A special which tells the story of the development of the japanese Sourai interceptor plane. -- Special - ??? ??, 1997 -- 392 N/AZhen Gyi Hong Shi -- -- - -- 52 eps -- - -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Mecha -- Zhen Gyi Hong Shi Zhen Gyi Hong Shi -- This series, which is set in the future, is about several events that break out after troops successfully rescued a teenager who was kidnapped by the mysterious Black Armors. -- Ever since Marty had his first contact with the Black Armors and was subsequently rescued, he has been found to possess mysterious prophetic abilities as he is able to see the future in fragmented visions portraying an avalanche, a tsunami, a storm and other catastrophes. These disasters will always come true after Marty experiences the prophetic visions, but he is unable to predict accurately when and where they will occur. -- When the government learns about this, a unit is sent to protect Marty, and World Peacekeepers, abbreviated as WPK, is established to fight against the Black Armors. In order to defeat the Black Armors, the government grants permission for World Peacekeepers to use Ammobots – mechanical armors which have been developed over many years. -- -- After several battles with the Black Armors, the World Peacekeepers realizes that they are actually linked to the unusual natural disasters and discovers that they originate from a small planet called Mirzam, which is outside the solar system. -- -- Their real intention is to seize the abundant ecological resources on Earth and when these resources are seized, the ecosystem will lose its balance, thus leading to natural disasters. -- -- (Source: Official Site) -- TV - Oct 4, 2014 -- 389 N/A -- -- Spy Gekimetsu -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Historical -- Spy Gekimetsu Spy Gekimetsu -- A war propaganda film which begins with Roosevelt and Churchill in a secret meeting preparing their spy plans. Western spies in fancy suits and top hats parachute into Japan, disturbing innocent farmers. The Japanese civilians manage to thwart the spy activities. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- Movie - Jul 16, 1942 -- 351 N/A -- -- Malay Oki Kaisen -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Historical Military -- Malay Oki Kaisen Malay Oki Kaisen -- A war propaganda film by Oofuji Noburou. -- Movie - Nov 26, 1943 -- 345 5.42
SKET Dance -- -- Tatsunoko Production -- 77 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Shounen -- SKET Dance SKET Dance -- At Kaimei High School there is a special club dedicated to helping others known as the SKET Brigade. The brains of the group is Kazuyoshi "Switch" Usui, a tech-savvy otaku who speaks through speech synthesis software, while the brawn is provided by Hime "Himeko" Onizuka, the hockey stick-wielding girl once known as "Onihime." And last but not least, their leader is Yuusuke "Bossun" Fujisaki, whose latent ability is evoked by his goggles, allowing him to summon the awesome power of extraordinary concentration. -- -- However, most of the school only know them as the club that handles odd jobs. Many of their days are spent in the clubroom slacking off, but when there is something to be done, they give their all to help others—usually in sincere, but unintentionally hilarious, ways. The SKET Brigade do all they can to provide support, kindness, encouragement, and troubleshooting to any students crazy enough to ask for their services. -- -- 189,583 8.24
Soukou Kihei Votoms: Case;Irvine -- -- Sunrise -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Drama Mecha -- Soukou Kihei Votoms: Case;Irvine Soukou Kihei Votoms: Case;Irvine -- Irvine Lester is an AT repairman. In order to make a living with his sister, he is secretly fighting in AT gambling matches and intentionally losing the games for money. But the other fighters find out about his excellent AT maneuvering skills and demand a real match. -- OVA - Nov 6, 2010 -- 2,552 6.51
Sword Art Online II -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 24 eps -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online II Sword Art Online II -- A year after escaping Sword Art Online, Kazuto Kirigaya has been settling back into the real world. However, his peace is short-lived as a new incident occurs in a game called Gun Gale Online, where a player by the name of Death Gun appears to be killing people in the real world by shooting them in-game. Approached by officials to assist in investigating the murders, Kazuto assumes his persona of Kirito once again and logs into Gun Gale Online, intent on stopping the killer. -- -- Once inside, Kirito meets Sinon, a highly skilled sniper afflicted by a traumatic past. She is soon dragged in his chase after Death Gun, and together they enter the Bullet of Bullets, a tournament where their target is sure to appear. Uncertain of Death Gun's real powers, Kirito and Sinon race to stop him before he has the chance to claim another life. Not everything goes smoothly, however, as scars from the past impede their progress. In a high-stakes game where the next victim could easily be one of them, Kirito puts his life on the line in the virtual world once more. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- 1,507,504 6.75
Tamako Market -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Tamako Market Tamako Market -- Inside the Usagiyama Shopping District lies an eccentric but close-knit community of business owners. Tamako Kitashirakawa, a clumsy though adorable teenage girl, belongs to a family of mochi bakers who own a quaint shop called Tama-ya. One day, Tamako stumbles upon a talking bird that presents himself as royalty from a distant land. Dera Mochimazzi, as he calls himself, states that he’s seeking a bride for his country’s prince. Intent on his mission, Dera follows Tamako home and develops an addiction to mochi, becoming painfully overweight and subsequently unable to fly back to his homeland; thus, he takes up residence with Tamako's family and becomes the community’s beloved mascot. -- -- Meanwhile, Tamako's friend, Mochizou Ooji, continues to hide his true feelings for her. Their fathers are fierce mochi rivals, but will it be enough to drive a wedge between Tamako and Mochizou? And just what will happen to Dera's task of finding his prince’s destined bride? -- -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- TV - Jan 10, 2013 -- 312,560 7.38
Tamako Market -- -- Kyoto Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Slice of Life Comedy -- Tamako Market Tamako Market -- Inside the Usagiyama Shopping District lies an eccentric but close-knit community of business owners. Tamako Kitashirakawa, a clumsy though adorable teenage girl, belongs to a family of mochi bakers who own a quaint shop called Tama-ya. One day, Tamako stumbles upon a talking bird that presents himself as royalty from a distant land. Dera Mochimazzi, as he calls himself, states that he’s seeking a bride for his country’s prince. Intent on his mission, Dera follows Tamako home and develops an addiction to mochi, becoming painfully overweight and subsequently unable to fly back to his homeland; thus, he takes up residence with Tamako's family and becomes the community’s beloved mascot. -- -- Meanwhile, Tamako's friend, Mochizou Ooji, continues to hide his true feelings for her. Their fathers are fierce mochi rivals, but will it be enough to drive a wedge between Tamako and Mochizou? And just what will happen to Dera's task of finding his prince’s destined bride? -- -- TV - Jan 10, 2013 -- 312,560 7.38
Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- 55,008 7.77
Tegamibachi Reverse -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 25 eps -- Manga -- Adventure Supernatural Fantasy Shounen -- Tegamibachi Reverse Tegamibachi Reverse -- After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's sister, who's definitely not human friendly, shows up to turn family drama into a full-scale siege! It all spells serious trouble for the Letter Bees, but if anyone can weather the storms and gloom of night, Lag and his team are the ones who'll deliver. -- -- (Source: FUNimation) -- -- Licensor: -- Sentai Filmworks -- 55,008 7.77
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Harem Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- Ever since his powers awakened, Tenchi Masaki has attracted the attention of many powerful galactic beings, including the mysterious Lady Takami who dispatches her best warrior, Z, to observe him. Though he is under strict orders not to harm Tenchi, Z has no intention of playing by the rules and begins plotting his demise. -- -- Meanwhile, on Earth, Tenchi tries to piece together more information about his family and the universe. But as usual, his life won't be getting any easier, as his entire household enters a state of panic when Noike Kamiki Jurai—a woman claiming to be Tenchi’s fiancée—shows up out of the blue. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Sep 18, 2003 -- 17,940 7.31
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- -- AIC -- 6 eps -- Original -- Action Comedy Harem Sci-Fi Shounen Space -- Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 3rd Season -- Ever since his powers awakened, Tenchi Masaki has attracted the attention of many powerful galactic beings, including the mysterious Lady Takami who dispatches her best warrior, Z, to observe him. Though he is under strict orders not to harm Tenchi, Z has no intention of playing by the rules and begins plotting his demise. -- -- Meanwhile, on Earth, Tenchi tries to piece together more information about his family and the universe. But as usual, his life won't be getting any easier, as his entire household enters a state of panic when Noike Kamiki Jurai—a woman claiming to be Tenchi’s fiancée—shows up out of the blue. -- -- OVA - Sep 18, 2003 -- 17,940 7.31
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Ore no Gurren wa Pikka-Pika!! -- -- Gainax -- 1 ep -- Original -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Sci-Fi -- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Ore no Gurren wa Pikka-Pika!! Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Ore no Gurren wa Pikka-Pika!! -- A special episode bundled with the Nintendo DS game based on the series. Envious of seeing how Simon keeps his Lagann clean and neat, Kamina asks the mysterious Chitori to clean up his Gurren for him, unaware of her true intentions. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- OVA - Oct 25, 2007 -- 29,860 6.78
Tentacle and Witches -- -- - -- 4 eps -- Visual novel -- Hentai Supernatural Magic -- Tentacle and Witches Tentacle and Witches -- High school can be a complicated time for young men, especially for young men named Ichirou Tachibana. Ichirou knows his homeroom teacher Yuuko Morino's biggest secret: she's a witch! When fellow classmate and witch Lily Ramses Futaba catches him peaking on Yuuko, she decides it's the perfect time for her to use a new spell she's acquired and turn Ichirou into her familiar servant. -- -- Lily's planned antagonism for Ichirou goes awry when the spell turns him into some sort of twisted, purple, tentacle monster. Now he must directly acquire sexual energy from witches in order to sate the tentacle monster's lust and retain elements of his humanity. To make matters worse for the two witches, Ichirou's new form gives him the power to control them to satisfy his basest desires! -- -- The trio also find out that the spell that Lily acquired was sold to her deceptively and intentionally made to appear genuine. Amidst all the sexual misadventures in the Witches and Tentacle, they're about to discover that something far more sinister is at work, and they are but pawns within a larger game. -- OVA - May 27, 2011 -- 14,597 7.11
Tokyo Babylon -- -- Madhouse -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Magic Mystery Supernatural -- Tokyo Babylon Tokyo Babylon -- Subaru Sumeragi is the 13th head of the Sumeragi Clan and a most powerful onmyouji. Subaru is hired to exorcise a construction site, but his employer mysteriously died. The only suspect is a man who repeatedly walks away from situations in which he should have died. Then Subaru meets a young woman intent upon cursing the man, saying that he killed her brother. Subaru must figure out how his employer died and fight the evil spirits that are protecting the man with the help of his friend and twin sister, Seishirou Sakurazuka and Hokuto Sumeragi. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Oct 21, 1992 -- 16,356 6.72
Tokyo ESP -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Tokyo ESP Tokyo ESP -- Rinka Urushiba works part time as a waitress to help out her unemployed father. By all accounts, her life in Tokyo is a relatively normal one—but her sense of normalcy begins to fade when she inexplicably sees a flying penguin one day. Chasing it all the way to the top of a building, she encounters more surprises, including flying goldfish and another person—a classmate named Kyoutarou Azuma—who can also see these strange things. After Rinka passes out when a goldfish phases through her, she wakes up an esper with the ability to phase her body through solid matter. -- -- However, her newfound ability is not the only strange thing about her: when she uses her powers, her hair turns white. Deciding reluctantly to use this new gift to help the city, she becomes Tokyo's new hero, dubbed the "White Girl." Along with Kyoutarou, who gained the power of teleportation, Rinka begins righting the wrongs in the city while fighting other espers who have much less noble intentions. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- TV - Jul 12, 2014 -- 151,358 6.57
Tokyo ESP -- -- Xebec -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Comedy Super Power Supernatural Shounen -- Tokyo ESP Tokyo ESP -- Rinka Urushiba works part time as a waitress to help out her unemployed father. By all accounts, her life in Tokyo is a relatively normal one—but her sense of normalcy begins to fade when she inexplicably sees a flying penguin one day. Chasing it all the way to the top of a building, she encounters more surprises, including flying goldfish and another person—a classmate named Kyoutarou Azuma—who can also see these strange things. After Rinka passes out when a goldfish phases through her, she wakes up an esper with the ability to phase her body through solid matter. -- -- However, her newfound ability is not the only strange thing about her: when she uses her powers, her hair turns white. Deciding reluctantly to use this new gift to help the city, she becomes Tokyo's new hero, dubbed the "White Girl." Along with Kyoutarou, who gained the power of teleportation, Rinka begins righting the wrongs in the city while fighting other espers who have much less noble intentions. -- -- TV - Jul 12, 2014 -- 151,358 6.57
Touch -- -- Gallop, Group TAC, Studio Junio -- 101 eps -- Manga -- Sports Romance School Drama Slice of Life Shounen -- Touch Touch -- The story centers around three characters—Uesugi Kazuya, his twin older brother Tatsuya, and Asakura Minami. Kazuya is the darling of his town as he's talented, hardworking, and the ace pitcher for his middle school baseball team. Tatsuya is a hopeless slacker who's been living the life of giving up the spotlight to Kazuya, despite the fact that he may be more gifted than him. Minami is the beautiful childhood girlfriend and for all intents, sister from next door who treats both of them as equals. Society largely assumes Kazuya and Minami will become the perfect couple, including Tatsuya. Yet as time progresses, Tatsuya grows to realize that he's willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of his brother, except at the expense of giving up Minami to Kazuya. And thus the story is told of Tatsuya trying to prove himself over his established younger brother, how it affects the relationship between the three, and both brothers' attempts to make Minami's lifelong dreams come true. -- 27,856 8.02
Turn A Gundam -- -- Nakamura Production, Sunrise -- 50 eps -- Original -- Action Military Sci-Fi Adventure Space Drama Romance Mecha -- Turn A Gundam Turn A Gundam -- It is the Correct Century, two millennia after a devastating conflict which left the world broken. Earth is now mostly uninhabitable, and thus a remnant of humanity has resided on the Moon while the Earth and its few survivors recover. For years, the "Moonrace," the people of the Moon, have continued to check if Earth is fit for resettlement. -- -- A boy named Rolan Cehack and two others are sent down to Earth for a reconnaissance mission. Rolan ends up spending a year on the planet working for the Heim Family, aristocrats living in a Victorian-like society. This family, like others of similar wealthy status, celebrates one's coming of age with a ceremony involving a giant stone statue known as the "White Doll." -- -- To Rolan's surprise, the Moonrace suddenly touches down on Earth with the intent of taking it by force. During the attack, the White Doll is broken apart, revealing a mobile suit called the "Turn A Gundam" inside. With Rolan in its cockpit, the Turn A causes a standoff between the forces of Earth and Moon. The young pilot, along with the people of both sides, must keep the peace and avoid another all-out, catastrophic war. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- 36,606 7.70
Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen -- -- HS Pictures Studio -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen Uchuu no Hou: Reimei-hen -- University students, Ray, Anna, Tyler, Halle, and Eisuke are enjoying college life and pursuing their dreams, but in reality, They have a secret mission, to fight against invading Reptilians from outer space. One day, Ray travels back in time to 330 million years ago on Earth, to find his missing friend Tyler who has fallen into a trap set by the evil alien, Dahar. During that time, Alpha, the God of the Earth, was planning to create a new civilization on Earth and invited Queen Zamza and her fellow Reptilian from the planet Zeta, to Earth. -- -- What is the intention of Dahar? What will happen to Ray and Tyler? -- -- And what is “the plan of the God of the Earth"? -- -- (Source: Eleven Arts) -- Movie - Oct 12, 2018 -- 1,370 5.42
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi -- -- Xebec -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Drama Military Sci-Fi Space -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi -- Three years since the return of the legendary Space Battleship Yamato, Earth has begun rebuilding itself and has made peace with the Gamilans. However, this recovery comes at the cost of utilizing the forbidden Wave Motion technology. -- -- Meanwhile, the notorious former crew members of the Yamato, who have each gone their separate ways, receive a psychic message from the mysterious Goddess Teresa. She urges them to return to their beloved ship and travel to the distant planet Terezart. They are promised a revolutionary power to combat the unprecedented threat of the relentless Gatlantis Empire, who are approaching Earth with all but innocent intentions. -- -- Unable to resist her plea, the crew reassembles and sets sail on another perilous intergalactic voyage, one that will test their sheer courage and versatility in the face of an even greater foe. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- OVA - Feb 25, 2017 -- 18,035 7.69
Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Movie) -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Military Sci-Fi Space Drama -- Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Movie) Uchuu Senkan Yamato (Movie) -- In the year 2199, the Gamilon race declares war on humans, intent on taking Earth for themselves. The fighters on Earth do everything in their might to keep the planet stable, but alien technology proves to be far too advanced, and the resulting destruction renders the surface of planet Earth completely uninhabitable. The underground shelters are also becoming weak, and if nothing changes, humans will become extinct in less than a year. -- -- But just when all seems lost, Queen Starsha from the planet Iscandar offers a helping hand. The key to victory lies in the Cosmo-Cleaner D, which can eliminate the radiation that Earth is suffering from. However, the only way to get a hold of this life-saving device is if someone from Earth goes to Iscandar―148,000 light years away―to retrieve it. The problem is, they have less than a year before time runs out. -- -- The fate of the entire human race lies in the hands of the crew of a salvaged WWII craft, the Space Battleship Yamato. -- Movie - Aug 6, 1977 -- 4,218 6.72
UFO Gakuen no Himitsu -- -- HS Pictures Studio -- 1 ep -- Original -- Sci-Fi Space -- UFO Gakuen no Himitsu UFO Gakuen no Himitsu -- Ray, Anna, Tyler, Halle, and Eisuke are five high school students who are suddenly wrapped up in a mysterious incident. -- -- An alien species called Grey abducts Halle's sister and embeds her with a special chip inside her brain. The five stand up to save Halle's sister and try to reveal the existence of aliens, but continue to be met with mysterious events. -- -- The high school students' story progresses into a shocking development! -- -- What truths hide on the dark side of the moon? What are the true intentions of the aliens that are infiltrating America, Russia, and China? What is the true crisis that is closing in on Earth and what hope can we have towards the future!? -- -- (Source: HS Pictures Studio) -- Movie - Oct 10, 2015 -- 2,556 5.14
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Nozomi Entertainment -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- -- Zexcs -- 12 eps -- Game -- Supernatural Drama Magic Romance Fantasy -- Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto Umi Monogatari: Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto -- Marin and her younger sister Urin are seafolk who happen upon something quite strange: a beautiful silver ring lost beneath the waves. The kind-hearted Marin, intent on returning it to its owner, drags a reluctant Urin along with her to the sky world despite reminders of a turtle elder who left for the surface and never returned. After locating the ring's owner, Kanon Miyamori, they learn that Kanon had tossed it into the sea after her boyfriend dumped her earlier that day. -- -- Though Marin insists that such a lovely item should not be thrown away, Kanon discards it once again. As they search for the ring, Urin becomes separated from the other two and accidently breaks the seal on a stone coffin, releasing an evil being known as Sedna. Sensing Sedna's release, the formerly missing turtle elder, Matsumoto, reveals himself to Kanon and her companions, naming Marin as the Priestess of the Sea. Together with the Priestess of the Sky, she has the power to seal Sedna away again. And as luck would have it, during an encounter with one of Sedna's minions, Kanon discovers that she is the Priestess of the Sky. Though Kanon is hesitant, she and Marin decide to work together to save the world from the evil that threatens it. -- -- TV - Jun 25, 2009 -- 23,914 6.63
Un-Go -- -- Bones -- 11 eps -- Novel -- Mystery Supernatural -- Un-Go Un-Go -- In a dystopian future, detective Shinjuurou Yuuki—known by some as the "Defeated Detective"—solves mysteries throughout Tokyo. Aided by his odd associate Inga, Shinjuurou's insight and ingenuity in cracking cases, particularly homicides, lead to numerous mysteries solved and culprits caught. However, his partner seems to have some other, more sinister intentions for the people they catch, and the truth of the assistant's identity and motivation is shrouded in secrecy. -- -- 130,995 7.39
Urahara -- -- EMT Squared, Shirogumi -- 12 eps -- Web manga -- Comedy Fantasy Psychological Sci-Fi -- Urahara Urahara -- Three high school girls are putting together a limited-time shop called "PARK" in Japan's Harajuku. One day, aliens come to Earth with the intent to steal the famed district's culture. At the same time, a mysterious girl appears. The three girls band together to defeat the alien threat and protect their beloved Harajuku. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 30,632 5.78
Wo de Ni Tian Shen Qi -- -- Haoliners Animation League, Pb Animation Co. Ltd. -- 16 eps -- Web manga -- Adventure Comedy Supernatural Magic Romance Fantasy -- Wo de Ni Tian Shen Qi Wo de Ni Tian Shen Qi -- One day, while being attacked, Chang Tian unintentionally invokes an artifact called Xiao Bai that protects him from a terrible fate. After this, he finds himself on a battlefield, where he will fight alongside several other people like him, able to invoke artifacts... -- ONA - Apr 26, 2018 -- 10,279 6.51
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- 277,381 7.82
Wolf's Rain -- -- Bones -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Adventure Drama Fantasy Mystery Sci-Fi -- Wolf's Rain Wolf's Rain -- In a dying world, there exists an ancient legend: when the world ends, the gateway to paradise will be opened. This utopia is the sole salvation for the remnants of life in this barren land, but the legend also dictates that only wolves can find their way to this mythical realm. Though long thought to be extinct, wolves still exist and live amongst humans, disguising themselves through elaborate illusions. -- -- A lone wolf named Kiba finds himself drawn by an intoxicating scent to Freeze City, an impoverished town under the rule of the callous Lord Orkham. Here, Kiba discovers that wolves Hige, Tsume, and Toboe have been drawn in by the same aroma. By following the fragrance of "Lunar Flowers," said to be the key to opening the door to their ideal world, the wolves set off on a journey across desolate landscapes and crumbling cities to find their legendary promised land. However, they are not the only ones seeking paradise, and those with more sinister intentions will do anything in their power to reach it first. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Bandai Entertainment, Funimation -- 277,381 7.82
Yami no Teio: Kyuuketsuki Dracula -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Other -- Vampire -- Yami no Teio: Kyuuketsuki Dracula Yami no Teio: Kyuuketsuki Dracula -- On a seemingly normal night in Boston, a satanic ritual is taking place: a bride is to be offered up as a sacrifice. However, Dracula, the King of Vampires, swoops in and steals her, with the intent of depriving the woman of both her blood and her life. And yet, despite his earlier motives for abducting the bride, Dracula is astonished by her beauty and decides to keep the woman as his wife. -- -- He and Domini, his spouse, lead a fruitful life together, bearing a healthy son by the name of Janus, with Dracula's crime against Satan fading from memory. On the other hand, Satan hasn't forgiven him for stealing his rightful bride and is plotting to ruin his happiness when the time is right. Another group, the Vampire Hunters, similarly wish to destroy Dracula as vengeance for the souls he has taken to feed himself. -- -- Now carrying the burden of a family, Dracula must protect himself from Satan's plots as well as from the vengeful Vampire Hunters in a desperate fight for survival and forbidden love. -- -- Special - Aug 19, 1980 -- 3,030 3.80
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- -- Gallop -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Adventure Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- While riding with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, Yuusei Fudou's Stardust Dragon is captured by Paradox, a mysterious Turbo Duelist from the future, during a Turbo Duel and turned into a Sin Monster. With the help of the Crimson Dragon, Yuusei chases after Paradox as he enters a time slip, ending up in the past. During this time, Paradox duels against Jaden Yuki, who is still able to use the powers of Yubel and The Supreme King. However, by this time Paradox had also captured Cyber End Dragon and Rainbow Dragon and overwhelms Jaden. He is saved thanks to Yuusei and the Crimson Dragon. Jaden informs Yuusei of Paradox's true intentions. By stealing various monsters from across time and turning them dark, he plans to kill Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, preventing the game from being created and causing the events of all three series to never happen. -- -- Yuusei and Jaden agree to pursue Paradox, which leads them to the past and causes a meeting with the King of Games, Yuugi Mutou. However, by the time Yuusei and Jaden arrive, Paradox had already attacked his time, supposedly killing both Pegasus and Yuugi's grandpa, and had also managed to steal Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon. After explaining everything to Yuugi, he agrees to fight with Yuusei and Jaden against Paradox in the ultimate three-on-one duel to free the trapped monsters and save both the world and time itself before it's too late. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- -- Licensor: -- 4Kids Entertainment, Flatiron Film Company -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 38,569 7.13
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- -- Gallop -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Game Adventure Shounen -- Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Movie: Chou Yuugou! Toki wo Koeta Kizuna -- While riding with Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan, Yuusei Fudou's Stardust Dragon is captured by Paradox, a mysterious Turbo Duelist from the future, during a Turbo Duel and turned into a Sin Monster. With the help of the Crimson Dragon, Yuusei chases after Paradox as he enters a time slip, ending up in the past. During this time, Paradox duels against Jaden Yuki, who is still able to use the powers of Yubel and The Supreme King. However, by this time Paradox had also captured Cyber End Dragon and Rainbow Dragon and overwhelms Jaden. He is saved thanks to Yuusei and the Crimson Dragon. Jaden informs Yuusei of Paradox's true intentions. By stealing various monsters from across time and turning them dark, he plans to kill Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters, preventing the game from being created and causing the events of all three series to never happen. -- -- Yuusei and Jaden agree to pursue Paradox, which leads them to the past and causes a meeting with the King of Games, Yuugi Mutou. However, by the time Yuusei and Jaden arrive, Paradox had already attacked his time, supposedly killing both Pegasus and Yuugi's grandpa, and had also managed to steal Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon. After explaining everything to Yuugi, he agrees to fight with Yuusei and Jaden against Paradox in the ultimate three-on-one duel to free the trapped monsters and save both the world and time itself before it's too late. -- -- (Source: Wikipedia) -- Movie - Jan 23, 2010 -- 38,569 7.13
Zoids Genesis -- -- Shogakukan Music & Digital Entertainment -- 50 eps -- - -- Action Adventure Comedy Mecha Military -- Zoids Genesis Zoids Genesis -- Natural disasters have devastated planet Zi, killing off almost all life. A thousand years later humans have gradually re-established civilization, salvaging ancient Zoids through diving and mining efforts. In a village whose most previous item is a giant sword which they worship as a holy symbol. A teenage boy discovers an ancient Liger-type Zoid while on a deep water salvage operation. Suddenly the village is attacked by skeletal Bio-Zoids intent on stealing a powerful generator located in the village. Our teenage hero awakens the Liger and discovers that the town`s sacred sword is the Liger`s weapon, together they fight off the mysterious Bio-Zoids. At least for now... -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- TV - Apr 10, 2005 -- 13,965 7.23
Anteojito y Antifaz, mil intentos y un invento
Authorial intent
Bad Intentions
Bad Intentions (album)
Beautiful Intentions Tour
Beliefdesireintention model
Beliefdesireintention software model
Best Intentions
Best Intentions (album)
Best of Intentions
Collective intentionality
Common intention (property law)
Criminal intent
Criminal Intents/Morning Star
Cruel Intentions
Cruel Intentions 2
Cruel Intentions 3
Cruel Intentions (disambiguation)
Cruel Intentions (EP)
Cruel Intentions (pilot)
Cruel Intentions: The '90s Musical
Dichomeris intentella
Evol Intent
Foundation for Intentional Community
Frame (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Full Intention
Functionalismintentionalism debate
Genocidal intent
Good Intent (album)
Good Intentions
Good Intentions (album)
Good Intentions (EP)
Good Intentions (Toad the Wet Sprocket song)
Harmful Intent
Intentional base on balls
Intentional community
Intentional harassment, alarm or distress
Intentional infliction of emotional distress
Intentionalism (disambiguation)
Intentional living
Intentional Logic
Intentionally blank page
Intentional misspelling
Intentional programming
Intentional Software
Intentional stance
Intentional Talk
Intentional tort
Intention (criminal law)
Intention mining
Intentions (disambiguation)
Intention (song)
Intention to create legal relations
Intention-to-treat analysis
Intention tremor
Intent (military)
Intentona de Yauco
Intents and Purposes
Intent to Destroy
Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Legislative intent
Letter of intent
List of countries by intentional homicide rate
List of countries by intentional homicide rate by decade
List of Law & Order: Criminal Intent characters
List of Law & Order: Criminal Intent episodes
Loitering with Intent (film)
Love Letters with Intent
Mnesiloba intentata
National Letter of Intent
Naturalization of intentionality
Non-Intentional Lifeform
Notice of Intent to Deny
One (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Original intent
Percutaneous intentional extraluminal revascularization
Sins Without Intentions
Soul Intent
The Bad Intentions
The Best Intentions
The Hell of Good Intentions
The Intent
The Intent 2: The Come Up
The Intention Economy
The Unintentional Kidnapping of Mrs. Elfriede Ott
To Hell with Good Intentions
Transferred intent
Tremor of Intent: An Eschatological Spy Novel
Unintentional discharge
Unintentional radiator
Unusual Suspects: Deadly Intent
User intent
User:The Founders Intent/Userboxes/MEM
Web Intents
Weeping Willow (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Writing with Intent
WWE Wreckless Intent
Yo No Canto, Pero Lo Intentamos
Zale intenta

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