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subject class:Occultism
subject class:Theosophy
author class:Alice Bailey
book class:A Treatise on Cosmic Fire



I. The nature of the etheric body.

1. Its purpose and description.

2. Eight statements.

II. The nature of prana.

1. Solar prana.

2. Planetary prana.

3. The prana of forms.

III. The function of the etheric body.

1. It is the receiver of prana.

2. It is the assimilator of prana.

3. It is the transmitter of prana.

4. Disorders of the etheric body.

IV. Macrocosmic and microcosmic ethers.

1. The planetary Logos and the ethers.

2. Cosmic and systemic ethers.

3. Protective purpose of etheric body.

V. Death and the etheric body.

1. Microcosmic death.

2. Macrocosmic pralaya.

In our consideration of the internal fires of the system we shall find much of very real interest to the coming [78] generation of thinkers for three main reasons, which might be enumerated as follows:
1. Its Purpose and Description

First. In the study of the etheric body lies hid (for scientists and those of the medical profession) a fuller comprehension of the laws of matter and the laws of health. The word health has become too localised in the past, and its meaning confined to the sanity of the body corporeal, to the co-operative action of the atoms of the physical body of man, and to the full expression of the powers of the physical elemental. In days to come it will be realised that the health of man is dependent upon the health of all allied evolutions, and upon the co-operative action and full expression of the matter of the planet and of the planetary elemental who is himself a composite manifestation of the physical elementals of all manifested nature.

Second. In the study of the etheric body and prana lies the revelation of the effects of those rays of the sun which (for lack of better expression), we will call "solar pranic emanations." These solar pranic emanations are the produced effect of the central heat of the sun approaching other bodies within the solar system by one of the three main channels of contact, and producing on the bodies then contacted certain effects differing somewhat from those produced by the other emanations. These effects might be considered as definitely stimulating and constructive, and (through their essential quality) as producing conditions that further the growth of cellular matter, and concern its adjustment to environing conditions; they concern likewise the internal health (demonstrating as the heat of the atom and its consequent activity) and the uniform evolution of the form of which that particular atom of matter forms a constituent part. Emanative prana does little in connection with [79] form building; that is not its province, but it conserves the form through the preservation of the health of its component parts. Other rays of the sun act differently, upon the forms and upon their substance. Some perform the work of the Destroyer of forms, and others carry on the work of cohering and of attracting; the work of the Destroyer and of the Preserver is carried on under the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Some rays definitely produce accelerated motion, others produce retardation. The ones we are dealing with herepranic solar emanationswork within the four ethers, that matter which (though physical) is not as yet objectively visible to the eye of man. They are the basis of all physical plane life considered solely in connection with the life of the physical plane atoms of matter, their inherent heat and their rotary motion. These emanations are the basis of that "fire by friction" which demonstrates in the activity of matter.

Finally, in the study of the etheric body and prana comes comprehension of the method of logoic manifestation, and therefore much of interest to the metaphysician, and all abstract thinkers. The etheric body of man holds hid the secret of his objectivity. It has its correspondence on the archetypal plane,the plane we call that of the divine manifestation, the first plane of our solar system, the plane Adi. The matter of that highest plane is called often the "sea of fire" and it is the root of the akasha, the term applied to the substance of the second plane of manifestation. Let us trace the analogy a little more in detail, for in its just apprehension will be found much of illumination and much that will serve to elucidate problems both macrocosmic and microcosmic. We will begin with man and his etheric body.

The etheric body has been described as a network, permeated with fire, or as a web, animated with golden light. It is spoken of in the Bible as the "golden bowl." [80] It is a composition of that matter of the physical plane which we call etheric, and its shape is brought about by the fine interlacing strands of this matter being built by the action of the lesser Builders into the form or mould upon which later the dense physical body can be moulded. Under the Law of Attraction, the denser matter of the physical plane is made to cohere to this vitalised form, and is gradually built up around it, and within it, until the interpenetration is so complete that the two forms make but one unit; the pranic emanations of the etheric body itself play upon the dense physical body in the same manner as the pranic emanations of the sun play upon the etheric body. It is all one vast system of transmission and of interdependence within the system. All receive in order to give, and to pass on to that which is lesser or not so evolved. Upon every plane this process can be seen.

Thus the etheric body forms the archetypal plane in relation to the dense physical body. The thinker on his own plane stands, in relation to the physical, as the Logos to His system. In the synthesis of thought it might be expressed thus: The thinker on the astral plane, the plane of desire and of necessity, stands to the physical body as the Logos on the cosmic astral plane stands to His system.

As we continue the study we will work out the correspondence in the cosmos, the system, and in the three worlds, for we need to remember that the analogy must be perfect.

1. Man, the Microcosm, the manifesting Monad, or One.

2. The Heavenly Man, the planetary Logos, or the manifesting group.

3. The Grand Man of the Heavens, the Macrocosm, the solar Logos, the manifestation of all groups and of all evolutions within His Body, the solar system.


All these bodies the body of a man, a planetary Logos, and a solar Logosare the product of desire originating on the planes of abstract mind, whether cosmic, systemic, or mind in the three worlds, whether cosmic desire-mind or human desire-mind, and all their bodies are "Sons of Necessity," as H. P. B. so aptly expressed it. [xxxv]35, [xxxvi]36
2. Eight Statements.

It is with the etheric bodies of all we are dealing, and with their vivification by prana (whether cosmic, solar, planetary or human), with the organs of reception and with the basis of emanations. Here, therefore, we can arrive at certain dicta anent the etheric body which for purposes of clarity might well be enumerated:

First. The etheric body is the mould of the physical body.

Second. The etheric body is the archetype upon which [82] the dense physical form is built, whether it is the form of a solar system, or of a human body in any one incarnation.

Third. The etheric body is a web or network of fine interlacing channels, formed of matter of the four ethers, and built into a specific form. It forms a focal point for certain radiatory emanations, which vivify, stimulate and produce the rotary action of matter.

Fourth. These pranic emanations when focalised and received, react upon the dense matter which is built upon the etheric scaffolding and framework.

Fifth. This etheric web, during incarnation, forms a barrier between the physical and astral planes, which can only be transcended when consciousness is sufficiently developed to permit of escape. This can be seen in both the microcosm and the macrocosm. When a man has, through meditation and concentration, expanded his consciousness to a certain point he is enabled to include the subtler planes, and to escape beyond the limits of the dividing web.



1. First ether. Atomic plane.............

Adi. Divine. Sea of fire. First cosmic ether.

2. Second ether. Sub-atomic..........

Anupadaka. Monadic plane. Akasha. Second cosmic ether.

3. Third ether. Super-etheric...........

Atmic. Spiritual plane. Aether. Third cosmic ether.

4. Fourth ether. Super-gaseous......

Buddhic. Intuitional Plane. Air. Fourth cosmic ether.



5. Gaseous. Sub-etheric.................

Mental. Fire. Cosmic gaseous.

6. Liquid..........................................

Astral. Emotional plane. Water. Cosmic liquid.

7. Earthly. Dense............................

Physical plane. Earth. Cosmic dense.


When the Logos has expanded His Consciousness on cosmic levels He can then transcend the logoic etheric web, and escape beyond the ring-pass-not of His objective manifestation. In thinking out this analogy we must hold closely in mind the fact that the seven major planes of our solar system are the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical or the lowest cosmic plane.

We might note here the accurate working out of the correspondence in matter and the radiatory correspondence is equally accurate.

Sixth. In all the three bodieshuman, planetary, and systemic or logoicwill be found a great organ within the organism which acts as the receiver of prana. This organ has its etheric manifestation and its dense physical correspondence.

In the system. In the system, the organ of cosmic prana, of the force vitalising matter, is the central sun, which is the direct receiver and dispenser of cosmic radiation. This is one of the threefold divisions of the Primordial Ray of active intelligence. Each of the cosmic Rays is in essence threefold, a fact which is oft overlooked, though logically obvious; each Ray is the vehicle for a cosmic Entity, and all existence is necessarily triple in manifestation. The central Sun has within its periphery a centre of reception with a surface radiation.

In the Planet. In the planet there will be found a similar organ or receiver within its etheric body, the locality of which is not for exoteric publication and cannot therefore be revealed. It is connected with the location of the two poles, north and south, and is the centre around which the globe rotates, and is the source of the legend of a sacred fertile land within the sphere of polar influences. The mythic land of exceeding fertility, of abundant [84] luxuriance, and of phenomenal growth, vegetable, animal and human would naturally lie where prana is received. It is the esoteric Garden of Eden, the land of physical perfection. Surface radiation demonstrates, after distribution, as planetary prana.

In Man. The organ of reception is the spleen through its etheric counterpart. After distribution over the entire body via the etheric network it demonstrates in surface radiation as the health aura.

Seventh. Thus in all the three bodies will the resemblance clearly be seen, and the working out in perfect correspondence is easily demonstrable:



Entity manifesting.............................

The solar Logos.

Body of manifestation.......................

The solar system.

Receptive centre..............................

Pole of the central Sun.

Surface radiation or emanation........

Solar prana.

Movement produced........................

Systemic rotation.

Distri butive effect..............................

Solar etheric radiation (felt cosmically).


Entity manifesting..............................

A planetary Logos.

Body of manifestation........................

A planet.

Receptive centre...............................

The planetary pole.

Surface radiation or emanation.........

Planetary prana.

Movement produced.........................

Planetary rotation.

Distri butive effect...............................

Planetary etheric radiation (felt within the system).


Entity manifesting............................

The thinker, a Dhyan Chohan.

Body of manifestation......................

Physical body.

Receptive centre.............................

The spleen.

Surface radiation or emanation.......

Health aura.

Movement produced.......................

Atomic rotation.

Distri butive effect.............................

Human etheric radiation (felt by environment).



Entity manifesting................................

An elementary life.

Body of manifestation..........................

The atomic sphere.

Receptive centre.................................

Pole of the atom.

Surface radiation or emanation...........

Contri bution of atom to the united health aura of body.

Movement produced............................

Atomic rotation.

Distri butive effect.................................

Atomic etheric radiation (felt within the physical form).

Eighth. When the "will to live" vanishes, then the "Sons of Necessity" cease from objective manifestation. This is logically inevitable, and its working out can be seen in every case of entifed objectivity. When the Thinker on his own plane withdraws his attention from his little system within the three worlds and gathers within himself all his forces, then physical plane existence comes to an end and all returns within the causal consciousness; this is as much an abstraction in the three worlds of the Thinker as the Absolute is in the threefold solar system of the Logos. This demonstrates on the physical plane in the withdrawing from out of the top of the head of the radiant etheric body and the consequent disintegration of the physical. The framework goes and the dense physical form falls apart; the pranic life is abstracted bodily from out of the dense sheath, and the stimulation of the fires of matter ceases to be. The latent fire of the atom remains; it is inherent, but the form is made by the action of the two fires of matteractive and latent, radiatory and inherentaided by the fire of the second Logos, and when they are separated the form falls apart. This is a picture in miniature of the essential duality of all things acted upon by Fohat.


There is a close connection between the spleen and the top of the head in connection with the etheric body. The organ of the spleen has an interesting correspondence to the umbilical cord which attaches an infant to the mother for purposes of nourishment, and which is separated at birth. When a man starts to live his own life of conscious desire, when a man is born into a new world of a subtler form of life, that interlaced cord of etheric matter (which had united him to his physical body) is broken; the "silver cord is loosed" and the man severs his connection with the dense physical body and passes out through the highest center of the body instead of the lowest to life in a higher world and of another dimension. So it will be found in all the bodies and sheaths of the microcosm, for the analogy will persist on all planes during manifestation. When more scientific knowledge has been gained it will be found that the same procedure on a larger scale, takes place in planetary manifestation. A planet is but the body of a planetary Logos, that body being etheric, and the Logos expressing Himself through it and building upon the etheric scaffolding a vehicle of manifestation. The MOON once was the body of expression for one of the Logoi; the Earth now is, and the cycles change continuously. The centre of escape for the etheric body is found likewise in a physical planet, and the planetary silver cord is loosed at the time appointed; but the times and cycles, their commencement and termination are hid in the mysteries of Initiation, and do not concern us.

Again in the solar system itself similar action will eventuate at the close of a Mahamanvantara. The Logos will withdraw within Himself, abstracting His three major principles. [xxxvii]37 His body of manifestation the Sun [87] and the seven sacred Planets, all existing in etheric matterwill withdraw from objectivity and become obscured. From the usual physical standpoint, the light of the system will go out. This will be succeeded by a gradual inbreathing until He shall have gathered all unto Himself; the etheric will cease to exist, and the web will be no more. Full consciousness will be achieved, and in the moment of achievement existence or entified manifestation will cease. All will be reabsorbed within the Absolute; pralaya, [xxxviii]38 or the cosmic heaven of rest will then ensue, and the Voice of the Silence will be heard no more. The reverberations of the WORD will die away, and the "Silence of the High Places" will reign supreme.

In dealing with the subject of the etheric body and its functions as an assimilator and distributor of prana, we have dealt with it from the standpoint of its place in the scheme of things. We have considered this matter of etherics from the angle of correspondences, and have traced analogies in the system, the planet, and man. We have seen that it formed the foundation of the dense physical form, and in itself constituted a most important link between:

a. Physical man, and the emotional or astral plane.

b. Planetary Man, and essential emotional quality.

c. The Logos, the grand Heavenly Man, and the cosmic astral plane.

We might now narrow the subject down to the consideration of the etheric body of the human being and not touch upon correspondences to things systemic or cosmic at all, though it may be necessary to remind ourselves that for the wise student the line along which wisdom [88] comes is the interpretative one; he who knows himself (in objective manifestation, essential quality, and comprehensive development) knows likewise the Lord of his Ray, and the Logos of his system. It is only then a matter of application, conscious expansion, and intelligent interpretation, coupled to a wise abstention from dogmatic assertion, and a recognition that the correspondence lies in quality and method more than in detailed adherence to a specified action at any given time in evolution.

All that it is possible to give here is material which, if rightly pondered on, may result in more intelligent practical living in the occult sense of the term "living"; which, if studied scientifically, religiously and philosophically, may lead to the furthering of the aims of the evolutionary process in the immediately coming lesser cycle. Our aim, therefore, is to make the secondary body of man more real, and to show some of its functions and how it can eventually be brought consciously into the range of mental comprehension.

Science, as we know, is fast reaching the point where it will be forced to admit the fact of the etheric body, because the difficulties of refusing to acknowledge it, will be far more insuperable than an admission of its existence. Scientists admit already the fact of etheric matter; the success of photographic endeavor has demonstrated the reality of that which has hitherto been considered unreal, because (from the standpoint of the physical) intangible. Phenomena are occurring all the time which remain in the domain of the supernatural unless accounted for through the medium of etheric matter, and in their anxiety to prove the spiritualists wrong, scientists have aided the cause of the true and higher spiritism by falling back on reality, and on the fact of the etheric body, even though they consider it a body of [89] emanative radiationbeing concerned with the effect and not having yet ascertained the cause. Medical men are beginning to study (blindly as yet) the question of vitality, the effect of solar rays upon the physical organism, and the underlying laws of inherent and radiatory heat. They are beginning to ascribe to the spleen functions hitherto not recognised, to study the effect of the action of the glands, and their relation to the assimilation of the vital essences by the bodily frame. They are on the right road, and before long (perhaps within this century) the FACT of the etheric body and its basic function will be established past all controversy, and the whole aim of preventive and curative medicine will shift to a higher level. All we can do here is to give simply, and in a condensed form, a few facts which may hasten the day of recognition, and further the interest of the true investigator. Let me, therefore, briefly state what will be dealt with in our remaining three points:

The functions of the etheric body.

Its relation to the physical during life.

The ills or diseases of the etheric body (taking care to retain the original meaning of the word "disease.")

Its after death condition.

This will embody all that is as yet of practical use. More may later be forthcoming for our helping if that which is now given to the public is carefully followed up, and if investigators wisely, sanely and broadly study this important matter.

As the nature and functions of the etheric body of man assume their rightful place in the thought of the world and as it is realised that the etheric is the most important of the two physical bodies, man will be brought into closer conscious contact with the other evolutions [90] that evolve in etheric matter just as he does in a dense physical body. There are certain large groups of devas, called "the devas of the shadows," or the violet devas, who are closely allied with the evolutionary development of man's etheric body, and who transmit to him solar and planetary radiation. The etheric body of man receives prana in different ways and of different kinds, and all these ways bring him into touch with varying entities.
1. Solar prana.

This is that vital and magnetic fluid which radiates from the sun, and which is transmitted to man's etheric body through the agency of certain deva entities of a very high order, and of a golden hue. It is passed through their bodies and emitted as powerful radiations, which are applied direct through certain plexi in the uppermost part of the etheric body, the head and shoulders, and passed down to the etheric correspondence of the physical organ, the spleen, and from thence forcibly transmitted into the spleen itself. These golden hued pranic entities are in the air above us, and are specially active in such parts of the world as California, in those tropical countries where the air is pure and dry, and the rays of the sun are recognised as being specially beneficial. Relations between man and this group of devas are very close, but fraught as yet with much danger to man. These devas are of a very powerful order, and, along their own line, are further evolved than man himself. Unprotected man lies at their mercy, and in this lack of protection, and man's failure to understand the laws of magnetic resistance, or of solar repulsion comes, for instance, the menace of sunstroke. When the etheric body and its assimilative processes are comprehended scientifically, man will then be immune from dangers due to solar radiation. He will protect himself by the application of the laws governing [91] magnetic repulsion and attraction, and not so much by clothing and shelter. It is largely a question of polarisation. One hint might here be given: When men understand the deva evolution somewhat more correctly and recognise their work along certain lines in connection with the Sun and realise that they represent the feminine pole as they themselves represent the masculine (the fourth Creative Hierarchy being male) [xxxix]39 they will comprehend the mutual relationship, and govern that relationship by law.

These solar devas take the radiatory rays of the sun which reach from its centre to the periphery along one of the three channels of approach, pass them through their organism and focalise them there. They act almost as a burning glass acts. These rays are then reflected or transmitted to man's etheric body, and caught up by him and again assimilated. When the etheric body is in good order and functioning correctly, enough of this prana is absorbed to keep the form organised. This is the whole object of the etheric body's functioning, and is a point which cannot be sufficiently emphasised. The remainder is cast off in the form of animal radiation, or physical magnetismall terms expressing the same idea. Man therefore repeats on a lesser scale the work of the great solar devas, and in his turn adds his quota of repolarised or remagnetised emanation to the sumtotal of the planetary aura.
2. Planetary prana.

This is the vital fluid emanated from any planet, which constitutes its basic coloring or quality, and is produced by a repetition within the planet of the same process [92] which is undergone in connection with man and solar prana. The planet (the Earth, or any other planet) absorbs solar prana, assimilates what is required, and radiates off that which is not essential to its well-being in the form of planetary radiation. Planetary prana, therefore, is solar prana which has passed throughout the planet, has circulated through the planetary etheric body, has been transmitted to the dense physical planet, and has been cast off thence in the form of a radiation of the same essential character as solar prana, plus the individual and distinctive quality of the particular planet concerned. This again repeats the process undergone in the human body. The physical radiations of men differ according to the quality of their physical bodies. So it is with a planet.

Planetary emanative prana (as in the case of solar prana) is caught up and transmitted via a particular group of devas, called the "devas of the shadows," who are ethereal devas of a slightly violet hue. Their bodies are composed of the matter of one or other of the four ethers, and they focalise and concentrate the emanations of the planet, and of all forms upon the planet. They have a specially close connection with human beings owing to the fact of the essential resemblance of their bodily substance to man's etheric substance, and because they transmit to him the magnetism of "Mother Earth" as it is called. Therefore we see that there are two groups of devas working in connection with man:

a. Solar devas, who transmit the vital fluid which circulates in the etheric body.

b. Planetary devas of a violet color, who are allied to man's etheric body, and who transmit earth's prana, or the prana of whichever planet man may be functioning upon during a physical incarnation.

A very pertinent question might here be asked, and though we may not fully explain the mystery, a few suggestive [93] hints may be possible. We might ask: What causes the apparent deadness of the Moon? Is there deva life upon it? Does solar prana have no effect there? What constitutes the difference between the apparently dead Moon, and a live planet, such as the Earth? [xl]40

Here we touch upon a hidden mystery, of which the solution lies revealed for those who seek, in the fact that human beings and certain groups of devas are no longer found upon the Moon. Man has not ceased to exist upon the Moon because it is dead and cannot therefore support his life, but the Moon is dead because man and these deva groups have been removed from off its surface and from its sphere of influence. [xli]41 Man and the devas act on every planet as intermediaries, or as transmitting agencies. Where they are not found, then certain great activities become impossible, and disintegration sets in. The reason for this removal lies in the cosmic Law of Cause and Effect, or cosmic karma, and in the composite, yet individual, history of that one of the Heavenly Men Whose body, the Moon or any other dead planet at any time happened to be.
3. The prana of forms.

It must first be pointed out that forms are necessarily of two kinds, each having a different place in the scheme:

Forms that are the result of the work of the third and the second Logos, and Their united life. Such forms are the units in the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms.

Forms that are the result of the united action of the three Logoi, and comprise the strictly deva and human forms.

There is also the still simpler form embodied in the substance of which all the other forms are made. This matter is strictly speaking the atomic and molecular matter, and is animated by the life or energy of the third Logos.




In dealing with the first group of forms, it must be noted that the pranic emanations given off by units of the animal and vegetable kingdom (after they have absorbed both solar and planetary prana) are naturally a combination of the two, and are transmitted by means of surface radiation, as in solar and planetary prana, to certain lesser groups of devas of a not very high order, who have a curious and intricate relationship to the group soul of the radiating animal or vegetable. This matter cannot be dealt with here. These devas are also of a violet hue, but of such a pale color as to be almost grey; they are in a transitional state, and merge with a puzzling confusion with groups of entities that are almost on the involutionary arc. [xlii]42, [xliii]43, [xliv]43a


In dealing with the second group, the human form transmits the emanative radiations to a much higher grade of deva. These devas are of a more pronounced hue, and after due assimilation of the human radiation, they transmit it principally to the animal kingdom, thus demonstrating the close relationship between the two kingdoms. If the above explanation of the intricate inter-relation between the sun and the planets, between the planets and the evolving forms upon them, between the forms themselves in ever descending importance demonstrates nothing more than the exquisite interdependence of all existences, then much will have been achieved.

Another fact which must also be brought out is the close relationship between all these evolutions of nature, from the celestial sun down to the humblest violet via the [97] deva evolution which acts as the transmitting transmuting force throughout the system.

Lastly, all work with fire. Fire internal, inherent and latent; fire radiatory and emanative; fire generated, assimilated and radiated; fire vivifying stimulating, and destroying; fire transmitted, reflected, and absorbed; fire, the basis of all life; fire, the essence of all existence; fire, the means of development, and the impulse behind all evolutionary process; fire, the builder, the preserver and the constructor; fire, the originator, the process and the goal; fire the purifier and the consumer. The God of Fire and the fire of God interacting upon each other, till all fires blend and blaze and till all that exists, is passed through the firefrom a solar system to an antand emerges as a triple perfection. Fire then passes out from the ring-pass-not as perfected essence, whether essence emerging from the human ring-pass-not, the planetary ring-pass-not or the solar. The wheel of fire turns and all within that wheel is subjected to the threefold flame, and eventually stands perfected.

We will now continue with the discussion of the etheric body, and take up the consideration of its function and its relation to the physical body.

The two may wisely be considered together, for the inter-relation is so close that it is not possible to discuss them separately. Primarily the functions of the etheric body are three in number:

1. It is the receiver of prana.

2. It is the assimilator of prana.

3. It is the transmitter of prana.
1. The receiver of prana.

The etheric body may therefore be described as negative or receptive in respect to the rays of the sun, and as [98] positive and expulsive in respect to the dense physical body. The second function that of assimilationis strictly balanced or internal. As stated earlier, the pranic emanations of the sun are absorbed by the etheric body, via certain centres which are found principally in the upper part of the body, from whence they are directed downwards to the centre which is called the etheric spleen, as it is the counterpart in etheric matter of that organ. The main centre for the reception of prana at present is a centre between the shoulder blades. Another has been allowed to become partially dormant in man through the abuses of so-called civilisation, and is situated slightly above the solar plexus. In the coming rootrace, and increasingly in this, the necessity for the exposure of these two centres to the rays of the sun, will be appreciated, with a corresponding improvement in physical vitality and adaptability. These three centres,

1. Between the shoulder blades,

2. Above the diaphragm,

3. And the spleen

make, if one could but see it, a radiant etheric triangle, which triangle is the originating impulse for the later pranic circulation throughout the entire system. The etheric body is really a net-work of fine channels, which are the component parts of one interlacing fine cord,one portion of this cord being the magnetic link which unites the physical and the astral bodies and which is snapped or broken after the withdrawal of the etheric body from the dense physical body at the time of death. The silver cord is loosed, as the Bible expresses it [xlv]44 and this is the basis of the legend of the fateful sister who cuts the thread of life with the dreaded shears.

The etheric web is composed of the intricate weaving of this vitalised cord, and apart from the seven centres [99] within the web (which correspond to the sacred centres, and of which the spleen is frequently counted as one) it has the two above mentioned, which makewith the spleena triangle of activity. The etheric web of the solar system is of an analogous nature, and likewise has its three receptive centres for cosmic prana. The mysterious band in the heavens, which we call the Milky Way, (S. D. II.250) is closely connected with cosmic prana, or that cosmic vitality or nourishment which vitalises the solar etheric system.
2. The assimilator of prana.

The process of assimilation is carried on in this triangle, and the prana which enters into either centre, circulates three times around the triangle before being transmitted to all parts of the etheric vehicle and from thence to the dense physical body. The main organ of assimilation is the spleen the etheric centre and the dense physical organ. The vital essence from the sun is passed into the etheric spleen, and is there subjected to a process of intensification or devitalisation, according to the condition, healthy or not, of that organ. If the man is in a healthy state the emanation received will be augmented by his own individual vibration, and its rate of vibration will be keyed up before it is passed on into the physical spleen; or it will be slowed down and lowered if the man is in a poor condition of health.

These three centres are in the form that all centres take, of saucer-like depressions, resembling somewhat the appearance of small whirlpools, and which draw within their sphere of influence the currents that come their way.

The centres should be pictured as whirling vortices with a closely woven threefold channel passing from each centre to the other, and forming an almost separate circulatory system. This finds its point of departure for [100] the entire system at the further side of the spleen to that at which the prana entered. The vital fluid circulates through and between these three centres three times, before it finally passes out from them to the periphery of its little system. This final circulation carries the prana, via the fine interlacing channels, to every part of the body, which becomes entirely impregnated by these emanations, if it might be so expressed. These emanations find their way finally out of the etheric system by means of surface radiation. The pranic essence escapes from the circumference of its temporary ring-pass-not as emanative human prana, which is the same prana as earlier received, plus the peculiar quality that any single individual may convey to it during its transitory circulation. The essence escapes, plus individual quality.

Here again can be seen the correspondence to the escape of all essences from within any ring-pass-not when the cycle has been completed.

This matter of the etheric body is of a very practical interest, and when its importance is better realised, men will attend to the distribution of prana within the body with closer attention, and will see that the vitalisation of the body, via the three centres, proceeds unhindered.

The subject has necessarily to be handled in a superficial manner, and only outlines and scattered hints can be given. Nevertheless, it will be found that if this teaching is studied with care, it will convey a knowledge of truths whose calibre and content will prove invaluable and of a kind hitherto not given out. The place of the etheric sheath as a separator or ring-pass-not, and its functions as a receiver and distributor of prana, are dealt with here in a larger sense than heretofore, and the subject may later be enlarged.


Two fundamental truths stand out from the aggregate of facts so slightly dealt with here:


First. The fourth etheric subplane of the physical plane is the immediate concern of

a. Man, the Microcosm,

b. The Heavenly Man, the planetary Logos,

c. The Grand Man of the Heavens, the solar Logos.

Second. In this fourth chain and fourth round, the fourth ether is beginning to be studied, andviewed as a separating webit permits occasional exit to those of suitable vibration.
3. The Transmitter of Prana.

We have touched but little on the subject of the fire, the purpose of the etheric body being to convey it and distribute it to all parts of its system. We have dwelt on facts which might stimulate interest and emphasise the utility of this pranic vehicle. Certain facts need emphasis and consideration as we study this static ring and its circulating fires. Let me briefly recapitulate for the sake of clarity:

The System receives prana from cosmic sources via three centres, and redistributes it to all parts of its extended influence, or to the bounds of the solar etheric web. This cosmic prana becomes colored by solar quality and reaches the furthest confines of the system. Its mission might be described as the vitalisation of the vehicle which is the physical material expression of the solar Logos.

The Planet receives prana from the solar centre, and redistributes it via the three receiving centres to all parts of its sphere of influence. This solar prana becomes colored by the planetary quality and is absorbed by all evolutions found within the planetary ring-pass-not. Its mission might be described as the vitalisation of the vehicle which is the physical material expression of one or other of the seven Heavenly Men.


The Microcosm receives prana from the sun after it has permeated the planetary etheric vehicle, so that it is solar prana, plus planetary quality. Each planet is the embodiment of some one ray aspect, and its quality is marked predominantly on all its evolution.

Prana, therefore, which is active radiatory heat, varies in vibration and quality according to the receiving Entity. Man passes the prana through his etheric vehicle, colors it with his own peculiar quality, and so transmits it to the lesser lives that make up his little system. Thus, the great interaction goes on, and all parts blend, merge and are interdependent; and all parts receive, color, qualify and transmit. An endless circulation goes on that has neither a conceivable beginning nor possible end from the point of view of finite man, for its source and end are hid in the unknown cosmic fount. Were conditions everywhere perfected this circulation would proceed unimpeded and might result in a condition of almost endless duration, but limitation and termination result as the effects of imperfection giving place to a gradual perfection. Every cycle originates from another cycle of a relative completeness, and will give place ever to a higher spiral; thus eventuate periods of apparent relative perfection leading to those which are still greater.

The aim for this greater cycle is the blending, as we know, of the two fires of matter, latent and active, and their merging with the fires of mind and spirit till they are lost from sight in the general flame; the fires of mind and spirit burn up matter and thereby bring about liberation from the confining vehicles. The altar of earth is the birthplace of spirit, its liberator from the mother (matter), and its entrance into higher realms.

Hence, when the pranic vehicle is working perfectly in all three groups, human, planetary and solar, the union with latent fire will be accomplished. Here lies [103] the reason for the emphasis laid on the necessity for building pure, refined physical vehicles. The more refined and rarefied the form, the better a receiver of prana will it be, and the less will be the resistance found to the uprising of kundalini at the appointed time. Coarse matter and crude immature physical bodies are a menace to the occultist, and no true seer will be found with a body of a gross quality. The dangers of disruption are too great, and the menace of disintegration by fire too awful. Once in the history of the race (in Lemurian days) this was seen in the destruction of the race and the continents by means of fire. [xlvi]45 The Guides of the race at that time availed Themselves of just this very thing to bring about the finish of an inadequate form. The latent fire of matter (as seen in volcanic display, for instance) and the radiatory fire of the system were combined. Planetary kundalini and solar emanation rushed into conjunction, and the work of destruction was accomplished. The same thing may again be seen, only in matter of the second ether, and the effects therefore will be less severe owing to the rarity of this ether and the comparatively greater refinement of the vehicles.

We might here note a fact of interest, though of a mystery insoluble as yet to most of us, and that is, that these destructions by fire are part of the tests by fire of an initiation of that one of the Heavenly Men Whose karma is bound up with our earth.

Each destruction of a portion of the web results in a greater facility of exit, and is in reality (when seen from the higher planes) a step forward and an expansion. A repetition of this takes place likewise in the system at the stated cycles.

4. Disorders of the etheric body.

We will now study the etheric body, and its ills and also its after death condition. This matter can be only briefly touched upon. All that may now be indicated is a general idea of the fundamental ailments to which the etheric may be subject, and the trend which applied medicine may later take when occult laws are better understood. One fact must here be brought outa fact but little comprehended or even apprehended. This is the significant fact that the ills of the etheric vehicle, in the case of the microcosm, will be found likewise in the Macrocosm. Herein lies the knowledge that ofttimes explains the apparent miseries of nature. Some of the great world evils have their source in etheric ills, extending the idea of the etheric to planetary conditions and even to solar. As we touch upon the causes of etheric distress in man, their planetary and solar correspondences and reactions may perhaps be realised. We will need to bear carefully in mind when studying this matter, that all the diseases of the etheric body will appertain to its threefold purpose and be either:

a. Functional and thereby affecting its apprehension of prana,

b. Organic, and thereby affecting its distribution of prana,

c. Static, and thereby affecting the web, when viewed solely from the angle of providing a physical ring-pass-not, and acting as a separator between the physical and the astral.

These three different groups of functions or purposes are each of paramount interest, lead to totally different results, and react in a different manner both outwardly and inwardly.

Viewed from the planetary standpoint the same conditions will be perceived, and the etheric planetary body [105] (which is fundamentally the body in the case of the sacred planets, of which the Earth is not one) will have its functional disorders, which will affect its reception of prana, will suffer its organic troubles which may affect its distribution, and those disorders which permit of trouble in the etheric web, which forms the ring-pass-not for the involved planetary Spirit. Here I would point out that in the case of the planetary Spirits Who are on the divine evolutionary arc, the Heavenly Men Whose bodies are planets, the etheric web does not form a barrier, but (like the Karmic Lords on a higher plane) They have freedom of movement outside the bounds of the planetary web within the circumference of the solar ring-pass-not. [xlvii]46

Again from the systemic standpoint, these same effects may be observed, functionally, this time in connection with the cosmic centre; organically, in connection with the sum total of the planetary systems; and statically, in connection with the solar or logoic ring-pass-not.

We might now, for purposes of clarity, take up these three groups separately and briefly touch upon them and hint (for more will not be possible) at methods of cure and of adjustment.

a. Microcosmic functional disorders. These have to do with the reception by man, via the necessary centres, of the pranic fluids. We must always bear in mind, and thus keep the distinction clear, that these emanations of prana have to do with the heat latent in matter; when received and functioning through the etheric body correctly, they co-operate with the natural latent bodily [106] warmth, and (merging therewith) hold the body in a vitalised condition, imposing upon the matter of the body a certain rate of vibratory action that leads to the necessary activity of the physical vehicle, and the right functioning of its organs. It will, therefore, be apparent that the A. B. C. of bodily health is wrapped up in the right reception of prana, and that one of the basic changes that must be made in the life of the human animal (which is the aspect we are dealing with now) will be in the ordinary conditions of living.

The three fundamental centres whereby reception is brought about must be allowed to function with greater freedom, and with less restriction. Now, owing to centuries of wrong living, and to basic mistakes (originating in Lemurian days) man's three pranic centres are not in good working order. The centre between the shoulder blades is in the best receptive condition, though owing to the poor condition of the spinal column (which in so many is out of accurate alignment), its position in the back is apt to be misplaced. The splenic centre near the diaphragm is sub-normal in size and its vibration is not correct. In the case of the aboriginal dwellers in such localities as the South Seas, better etheric conditions will be found; the life they lead is more normal (from the animal standpoint) than in any other portion of the world.

The race suffers from certain incapacities, which may be described as follows:

First. Inability to tap pranic currents, owing to the unhealthy lives passed by so many. This involves the cutting off of the source of supply, and the consequent atrophying and shrinkage of the receptive centres. This is seen in an exaggerated form in the children of the congested quarters of any great city, and in the vitiated anemic dwellers of the slums. The cure is apparent the bringing about of better living conditions, the employment [107] of more appropriate clothing, and the adoption of a freer and more salubrious mode of living. When the pranic rays can find free access to the shoulders, and to the diaphragm, the subnormal state of the average spleen will adjust itself automatically.

Second. Over-ability to tap pranic currents. The first type of functional disorder is common and widespread. Its reverse can be found where conditions of life are such that the centres (through too direct and prolonged submittal to solar emanation) become overdeveloped, vibrate too rapidly, and receive prana in too great an amount. This is rarer, but is found in some tropical countries, and is responsible for much of the troublesome debility that attacks dwellers in these lands. The etheric body receives prana or solar rays too rapidly, passes it through and out of the system with too much force, and this leaves the victim a prey to inertia and devitalisation. Putting it otherwise, the etheric body becomes lazy, is like an unstrung web, or (to use a very homely illustration) it resembles a tennis racket which has become too soft, and has lost its resilience. The inner triangle transmits the pranic emanations with too great rapidity, giving no time for the subsidiary absorption, and the whole system is thereby the loser. Later it will be found that many of the ills that Europeans, living in India, fall heir to, originate in this way; and by attention, therefore, to the spleen, and by wise control of living conditions, some of the trouble may be obviated.

In touching upon similar conditions in the planet, both these types of trouble will be found. More cannot be said, but in the wise study of solar radiation upon the surface of the planet in connection with its rotary action, some of the group rules of health may be comprehended and followed. The spirit of the planet (or the planetary entity) likewise has his cycles, and in the absorption of [108] planetary prana, and in its correct distribution, lies the secret of fertility and equable vegetation. Much of this is hidden in the fabled story of the war between fire and water, which has its basis in the reaction of the fire latent in matter, to the fire emanating outside of matter, and playing upon it. In the interval that has to elapse while the two are in process of blending, come those periods where, through karmic inheritance, reception is unstable and distribution inequable. As the point of race equilibrium is reached, so planetary equilibrium will likewise be attained, and in planetary attainment will come the equilibrium that must mutually take place between the solar planets. When they attain a mutual balance and interaction then the system is stabilised and perfection reached. The even distribution of prana will parallel this balancing in the man, in the race, in the planet and in the system. This is but another way of saying that uniform vibration will be achieved.

b. Microcosmic organic disorders. These are basically two in number:

Troubles due to congestion.

Destruction of tissue due to over-absorption of prana, or its too rapid blending with latent physical fire.

We have a curious illustration of both of these forms of trouble in sun stroke and in heat stroke. Though supposedly understood by physicians, they are nevertheless altogether etheric disorders. When the nature of the etheric body is better understood, and its wise care followed both these types of disease will be prevented. They are due to solar pranic emanation; in one case the effect of the emanation is to bring about death or serious illness through the congestion of an etheric channel, while in the other the same result is brought about by destruction of etheric matter.

The above illustration has been used with definite intent, [109] but it should be pointed out that etheric congestion may lead to many forms of disease and of mental incompetence. Etheric congestion leads to the thickening of the web to an abnormal extent, and this thickening may prevent, for instance, contact with the higher Self or principles and its resultants, idiocy and mental unbalance. It may lead to abnormal fleshy development, to the thickening of some internal organ, and consequent undue pressure; one portion of the etheric body being congested may lead to the entire physical condition being upset, resulting in diverse complaints.

Destruction of tissue may lead to insanity of many kinds, especially those kinds deemed incurable. The burning of the web may let in extraneous astral currents against which man is helpless; the brain tissue may be literally destroyed by this pressure, and serious trouble be caused through the etheric ring-pass-not having been destroyed in some one place.

In connection with the planet a similar state of affairs may be found. Later information may be forthcoming, which is at present withheld; this will show that whole races have been influenced, and certain kingdoms of nature troubled by planetary etheric congestion, or the destruction of planetary etheric tissue.

We have dealt with the functional and organic ills of the etheric, giving certain indications for the extension of the concept to other realms than the purely human. In the human kingdom lies the key, but the turning of that key opens up a door to a wider interpretation as it admits one into the mysteries of nature. Though that key has to be turned seven times, yet even one turn reveals untold avenues of eventual comprehension. [xlviii]47, [xlix]48


We have considered the reception and distribution of pranic emanations in man, the planet, and the system, and have seen what produces temporary disorders, and the devitalisation or the over-vitalisation of the organic form. Now we can look at the subject from a third angle and therefore study:

c. Microcosmic static disorders, or a consideration of the etheric body in connection with its work of providing a ring-pass-not from the purely physical to the astral. As has been said, both here and in the books of H. P. B., the ring-pass-not [l]48a is that confining barrier which acts as a separator or a division between a system and that which is external to that system. This, as may well be seen, has its interesting correlations when the subject is viewed (as we must consistently endeavour to view it) from the point of view of a human being, a planet and a system, remembering always that in dealing with the [111] etheric body we are dealing with physical matter. This must ever be borne carefully in mind. Therefore, one paramount factor will be found in all groups and formations, and this is the fact that the ring-pass-not acts only as a hindrance to that which is of small attainment in evolution, but forms no barrier to the more progressed. The whole question depends upon two things, which are the karma of the man, the planetary Logos, and the solar Logos, and the dominance of the spiritual indwelling entity over its vehicle.
1. The Planetary Logos and the Ethers

Man, the indwelling thinker, passes at night from out of his etheric ring-pass-not and functions elsewhere. Therefore, under the law, the planetary Logos likewise can pass His ring-pass-not at stated seasons which correspond in the planet to the hours of man's temporary repose, or pralaya.

The solar Logos likewise does the same during stated cycles, which are not the cycles succeeding those which we term solar pralaya, but lesser cycles succeeding the 'days of Brahma' or periods of lesser activity, periodically viewed. All these are governed by karma, and just as the true Man himself applies the law of karma to his vehicles, and in his tiny system is the correspondence to that fourth group of karmic entities whom we call the Lipika Lords; He applies the law to his threefold lower nature. The fourth group of extra-cosmic Entities Who have Their place subsidiary to the three cosmic Logoi Who are the threefold sumtotal of the logoic nature, can pass the bounds of the solar ring-pass-not in Their stated cycles. This is a profound mystery and its complexity is increased by the recollection that the fourth Creative Hierarchy of human Monads, and the Lipika Lords in Their three groups (the first [112] group, the second, and the four Maharajahs, making the totality of the threefold karmic rulers who stand between the solar Logos and the seven planetary Logoi), are more closely allied than the other Hierarchies, and their destinies are intimately interwoven.

A further link in this chain which is offered for consideration lies in the fact that the four rays of mind (which concern the karma of the four planetary Logoi) in their totality hold in their keeping the present evolutionary process for Man, viewing him as the Thinker. These four, with the karmic four, work in the closest co-operation. Therefore, we have the following groups interacting:

First. The four Maharajahs, the lesser Lipika Lords, [li]49 who apply past karma and work it out in the present.

Second. The four Lipikas of the second group, referred to by H. P. B. as occupied in applying future karma, and wielding the future destiny of the races. The work of the first group of four cosmic Lipika Lords is occult and is only revealed somewhat at the fourth Initiation (and even then but slightly) so it will not be touched upon here.

Third. The fourth Creative Hierarchy of human Monads, held by a fourfold karmic law under the guidance of the Lipikas.

Fourth. The four planetary Logoi [lii]50 of Harmony, Knowledge, Abstract Thought and Ceremonial, who [113] are in Their totality the Quaternary of Manas while in process of evolution, and who pass under Their influence all the sons of men.

Fifth. The Deva Lords of the four planes of Buddhi, or the plane of spiritual Intuition, Manas, or the mental plane, Desire, and the Physical, who are likewise allied to the human evolution in a closer sense than the higher three.

A further interesting correspondence is found in the following facts that are even now in process of development:

The fourth plane of Buddhi is the one on which the planetary Logoi begin to make Their escape from Their planetary ring-pass-not, or from the etheric web that has its counterpart on all the planes.

When man begins in a small sense to co-ordinate the buddhic vehicle or, to express it otherwise, when he has developed the power to contact ever so slightly the buddhic plane, then he begins simultaneously and consciously to achieve the ability to escape from the etheric web on the physical plane. Later he escapes from its correspondence on the astral plane, and finally from the correspondence on the fourth subplane of the mental plane this time via the mental unit. This leads eventually to causal functioning, or to the ability to dwell, and to be active in, the vehicle of the Ego, who is the embodiment of the love and wisdom aspect of the Monad. Note here the correspondence to that proved fact, that many can even now escape from the etheric body, and function in their [114] astral sheath, which is the personality reflection of that same second aspect.

When a man takes the fourth Initiation, he functions in the fourth plane vehicle, the buddhic, and has escaped permanently from the personality ring-pass-not, on the fourth subplane of the mental. There is naught to hold him to the three worlds. At the first Initiation he escapes from the ring-pass-not in a more temporary sense, but he has yet to escape from the three higher mental levels, which are the mental correspondences to the higher ethers, and to develop full consciousness on these three higher subplanes. We have here a correspondence to the work to be done by the initiate after he has achieved the fourth solar plane, the buddhic. There yet remains the development of full consciousness on the three higher planes of spirit before he can escape from the solar ring-pass-not, which is achieved at the seventh Initiation, taken somewhere in the system, or in its cosmic correspondence reached by the cosmic sutratma, or cosmic thread of life [liii]51

This fourth earth chain is in this connection one of the most important, for it is the appointed place for the domination of the etheric body by the human monad, with the aim in view of both human and planetary escape from limitations. This earth chain, though not one of the seven sacred planetary chains, is of vital importance at this time to the planetary Logos, who temporarily employs it as a medium of incarnation, and of expression. This fourth round finds the solution of its strenuous and chaotic life in the very simple fact of the shattering of [115] the etheric web in order to effect liberation, and permit a later and more adequate form to be employed.

A further chain of ideas may be followed up in the remembrance that the fourth ether is even now being studied and developed by the average scientist, and is already somewhat harnessed to the service of man; that the fourth subplane of the astral plane is the normal functioning ground of the average man and that in this round escape from the etheric vehicle is being achieved; that the fourth subplane of the mental plane is the present goal of endeavor of one-fourth of the human family; that the fourth manvantara will see the solar ring-pass-not offering avenues of escape to those who have reached the necessary point; that the four planetary Logoi will perfect Their escape from Their planetary environment, and will function with greater ease on the cosmic astral plane, paralleling on cosmic levels the achievement of the human units who are the cells in Their bodies.

Our solar Logos, being a Logos of the fourth order, will begin to co-ordinate His cosmic buddhic body, and as He develops cosmic mind He will gradually achieve, by the aid of that mind, the ability to touch the cosmic buddhic plane.

These possibilities and correspondences have been somewhat dwelt upon, as it is necessary for us to realise the work to be done in connection with the etheric web before we take up the matter of the various causes which may hinder the desired progress, and prevent the appointed escape and destined liberation. Later we will take up the consideration of the etheric web, and its static condition. This will entail the recollection of two things:

First, that this static condition is only so when viewed from the standpoint of man at the present time, and is [116] only termed so in order to make plainer the changes that must be effected and the dangers that must be offset. Evolution moves so slowly from man's point of view that it seems to be almost stationary, especially where etheric evolution is concerned.

Second, that we are only concerning ourselves with the physical etheric body and not with its correspondences on all planes. This is because our system is on the cosmic etheric levels, and hence is of prime importance to us.
2. Cosmic and Systemic Ethers

For the sake of those who read this treatise, and because the sequential repetition of fact makes for clarity, let us here briefly tabulate certain fundamental hypotheses that have a definite bearing upon the matter in hand, and which may serve to clear up the present existing confusion concerning the matter of the solar system. Some of the facts stated are already well known, others are inferential, while some are the expression of old and true correspondences couched in a more modern form.

a. The lowest cosmic plane is the cosmic physical, and it is the only one which the finite mind of man can in any way comprehend.

b. This cosmic physical plane exists in matter differentiated into seven qualities, groups, grades, or vibrations.

c. These seven differentiations are the seven major planes of our solar system.

For purposes of clarity, we might here tabulate under the headings physical, systemic, and cosmic, so that the relationship and the correspondences may be apparent, and the connection to that which is above, and to that which is below, or included, may be plainly seen.





Physical Plane

Systemic Planes

Cosmic Planes


Atomic plane

Divine. Adi.

Atomic plane

1st ether

Primordial matter

1st ether



Monadic. Anupadaka


The Akasha

2nd ether



Spiritual. Atmic

3rd ether





Intuitional. Buddhic

4th Cosmic ether





Mental. Fire

Gaseous Sub-etheric



Astral. Emotional



Dense physical

Physical plane

Dense physical

d. These major seven planes of our solar system being but the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane, we can consequently see the reason for the emphasis laid by H. P. B. [liv]52, [lv]53 upon the fact that matter and ether are synonymous terms and that this ether is found in some form or other on all the planes, and is but a gradation of cosmic atomic matter, called when undifferentiated mulaprakriti or primordial pre-genetic substance, and when differentiated by Fohat (or the energising Life, the third Logos or Brahma) it is termed prakriti, or matter. [lvi]54

e. Our solar system is what is called a system of the fourth order; that is, it has its location on the fourth cosmic etheric plane, counting, as always, from above downwards.


f. Hence this fourth cosmic etheric plane forms the meeting ground for the past and the future, and is the present.

g. Therefore, also, the buddhic or intuitional plane (the correspondence in the system of this fourth cosmic ether) is the meeting ground, or plane of union, for that which is man and for that which will be superman, and links the past with that which is to be.

h. The following correspondences in time would repay careful meditation. They are based on a realisation of the relationship between this fourth cosmic ether, the buddhic plane, and the fourth physical etheric subplane.

The fourth subplane of mind, the correspondence on the mental plane of the physical etheric, is likewise a point of transition from out of a lower into a higher, and is the transferring locality into a higher body.

The fourth subplane of the monadic plane is in a very real sense the place of transition from off the egoic ray (whichever that ray may be) on to the monadic ray; these three major rays are organised on the three higher subplanes of the monadic plane in the same way that the three abstract subplanes of the mental are the group of transference from off the personality ray on to the egoic.

The four lesser rays blend with the third major ray of active intelligence on the mental plane and on the atmic plane. The four Logoi or planetary Spirits work as one, on the atmic plane.

i. Another synthesis takes place on the synthetic second ray on the second subplane of the buddhic plane and the monadic plane, while the comparatively few Monads of will or power are synthesised on the atomic subplane of the atmic. All three groups of Monads work in triple form on the mental plane under the Mahachohan, the Manu, and the Bodhisattva, or the Christ; on the second or monadic plane they work as a unit, only demonstrating [120] their dual work on the atmic plane, and their essential triplicity on the buddhic plane. [lvii]55

The fourth etheric plane holds the key to the dominance of matter, and it might be noted that:

On the fourth physical ether man begins to co-ordinate his astral, or emotional body, and to escape at ever more frequent intervals into that vehicle. Continuity of consciousness is achieved when a man has mastered the four ethers.

On the fourth subplane of the mental plane, man begins to control his causal or egoic body, and to polarise his consciousness therein until the polarisation is complete. He functions then consciously on it when he has mastered the correspondences to the ethers on the mental plane.

On the buddhic plane (the fourth cosmic ether) the Heavenly Men (or the grouped consciousness of the human and deva Monads) begin to function, and to escape eventually from the cosmic etheric planes. When these three cosmic ethers are mastered, the functioning is perfected, polarisation is centred in the monadic vehicles, and the seven Heavenly Men have achieved Their goal.

j. On these etheric levels, therefore, the Logos of our [121] system repeats, as a grand totality, the experiences of His tiny reflections on the physical planes; He co-ordinates His cosmic astral body, and attains continuity of consciousness when He has mastered the three cosmic ethers.

k. It is to be observed that just as in man the dense physical body in its three gradesdense, liquid and gaseousis not recognised as a principle, so in the cosmic sense the physical (dense) astral (liquid) and mental (gaseous) levels are likewise regarded as non-existing, and the solar system has its location on the fourth ether. The seven sacred planets are composed of matter of this fourth ether, and the seven Heavenly Men, whose bodies they are, function normally on the fourth plane of the system, the buddhic or the fourth cosmic ether. When man has attained the consciousness of the buddhic plane, he has raised his consciousness to that of the Heavenly Man in whose body he is a cell. This is achieved at the fourth Initiation, the liberating initiation. At the fifth Initiation he ascends with the Heavenly Man on to the fifth plane (from the human standpoint), the atmic, and at the sixth he has dominated the second cosmic ether and has monadic consciousness and continuity of function. At the seventh Initiation he dominates the entire sphere of matter contained in the lowest cosmic plane, escapes from all etheric contact, and functions on the cosmic astral plane.

The past solar system saw the surmounting of the three lowest cosmic physical planes viewed from the matter standpoint and the co-ordination of the dense threefold physical form in which all life is found, dense matter, liquid matter, gaseous matter. A correspondence may be seen here in the work achieved in the first three rootraces. [lviii]56, [lix]57

3. The Protective Purpose of the Etheric Body.

Now let us, after this somewhat lengthy digression, leave things cosmic and incomprehensible, and come down to practical evolution, and to the study of the matter of man's etheric body, and of the harm that may ensue to him should that body (through the breaking of the law) no longer perform its protective function. Let us see first of all what those protective functions are:

First. The etheric web acts as a separator or a dividing web between the astral and the dense physical body.

Second. It circulates the inflowing vitality or pranic fluid and carries on its work in three stages.

The first stage is that wherein the pranic fluid and [123] solar radiations are received, and circulated three times around the triangle, thence being distributed to the periphery of the body, animating and vitalising all the physical organs and conducing to the automatic subconscious workings of the body of dense matter. When perfectly accomplishing its object it protects from disease, and the ills of the flesh are unknown to the man who absorbs and distributes prana with accuracy. This hint is recommended to all physicians, and when properly comprehended, will result in a basic change in medicine, from a curative to a preventive foundation.


The second stage is that in which the pranic fluids begin to blend with the fire at the base of the spine and to drive that fire slowly upwards, transferring its heat from the centres below the solar plexus to the three higher centres that of the heart, the throat and the head. This is a long and slow process when left to the unaided force of nature, but it is just here that (in a few cases) a quickening of the process is permitted in order to equip workers in the field of human service. This is the object of all occult training. This angle of the matter we will take up in still greater detail when we handle our next point of "Kundalini and the Spine."

The third stage is that in which active radiatory matter or prana is blended ever more perfectly with the fire latent in matter; this results (as will be brought out later) in certain effects.

It produces a quickening of the normal vibration of the physical body so that it responds with more readiness to the higher note of the Ego, and causes a steady rising of the blending fires through the threefold channel in the spinal column. In the second stage this vitalising blended fire reaches a centre between the lower part of the shoulder blades, which is the point of conjunction, and of complete merging, of the fire from the base of the [124] spine and the fire circulating along the pranic triangle. It will be remembered how one point of this triangle originates there. When the threefold basic fire and the threefold pranic fire meet and merge, then evolution proceeds with greatly increased velocity. This is effected definitely at the first Initiation when the polarisation becomes fixed in one or other of the three higher centres,which centre being dependent upon a man's ray.

The result of this merging leads to a change in the action of the centres. They become "wheels turning upon themselves," and from a purely rotary movement become fourth dimensional in action, and manifest as radiant whirling centres of living fire.

The three major head centres (the sequence varying according to ray) become active and a similar process is effected between them as was effected in the pranic triangle. From being three centres that react faintly to each other's vibratory movement (feeling the warmth and rhythm of each other, yet separated), the fire leaps from centre to centre, and each whirling wheel becomes linked by a chain of fire till there is a triangle of fire through which the kundalini and pranic fires radiate back and forth. Circulation is also carried on. The fire of kundalini produces the heat of the centre, and its intense radiance and brilliance, while the pranic emanatory fire produces ever increasing activity and rotation.

As time elapses between the first and fourth Initiation, the threefold channel in the spine, and the entire etheric body is gradually cleansed and purified by the action of the fire till all "dross" (as the Christian expresses it) is burnt away, and naught remains to impede the progress of this flame.

As the fire of kundalini and prana proceed with their work, and the channel becomes more and more cleared, the centres more active, and the body purer, the flame [125] of spirit, or the fire from the Ego, comes more actively downwards till a flame of real brilliance issues from the top of the head. This flame surges upwards through the bodies towards its source, the causal body.

Simultaneously with the activity of these fires of matter and of Spirit, the fires of mind, or manas, burn with greater intensity. These are the fires given at individualisation. They are fed continuously by the fire of matter, and their heat is augmented by solar emanatory fire, which originates on the cosmic levels of mind. It is this aspect of the manasic fire that develops under the forms of instinct, animal memory, and functional recollection which are so apparent in the little evolved man. As time progresses the fire of mind burns more brightly and thus reaches a point where it begins to burn through the etheric web that portion of the web that can be found guarding the centre at the very top of the head, and admitting entrance to the downflow from the Spirit. By its means certain things are brought about:

The kundalini fire is consciously directed and controlled by the mind or will aspect from the mental plane. The two fires of matter by the power of the mind of man are blended first with each other, and, secondly, with the fire of mind.

The united result of this blending is the destruction (under rule and order), of the etheric web, and the consequent production of continuity of consciousness and the admission into the personal life of man of "Life more abundant," or the third fire of Spirit.

The downrush of Spirit, and the uprising of the inner fires of matter (controlled and directed by the conscious action of the fire of mind) produce corresponding results on the same levels on the astral and mental planes, so that a paralleling contact is brought about, and the great work of liberation proceeds in an ordered manner.

The three first initiations see these results perfected, [126] and lead to the fourth, where the intensity of the united fires results in the complete burning away of all barriers, and the liberation of the Spirit by conscious directed effort from out its threefold lower sheath. Man has consciously to bring about his own liberation. These results are self-induced by the man himself, as he is emancipated from the three worlds, and has broken the wheel of rebirth himself instead of being broken upon it.

It will be apparent from this elucidation that the exceeding importance of the etheric vehicle as the separator of the fires has been brought forward, and consequently we have brought to our notice the dangers that must ensue should man tamper injudiciously, ignorantly or wilfully with these fires.

Should a man, by the power of will or through an over-development of the mental side of his character, acquire the power to blend these fires of matter and to drive them forward, he stands in danger of obsession, insanity, physical death, or of dire disease in some part of his body, and he also runs the risk of an over-development of the sex impulse through the driving of the force in an uneven manner upwards, or in forcing its radiation to undesirable centres. The reason of this is that the matter of his body is not pure enough to stand the uniting of the flames, that the channel up the spine is still clogged and blocked, and therefore acts as a barrier, turning the flame backwards and downwards, and that the flame (being united by the power of mind and not being accompanied by a simultaneous downflow from the plane of spirit), permits the entrance, through the burning etheric, of undesirable and extraneous forces, currents, and even entities. These wreck and tear and ruin what is left of the etheric vehicle, of the brain tissue and even of the dense physical body itself.

The unwary man, being unaware of his Ray and therefore of the proper geometrical form of triangle that is [127] the correct method of circulation from centre to centre, will drive the fire in unlawful progression and thus burn up tissue; this will result then (if in nothing worse), in a setting back for several lives of the clock of his progress, for he will have to spend much time in rebuilding where he destroyed, and with recapitulating on right lines all the work to be done.

If a man persists from life to life in this line of action, if he neglects his spiritual development and concentrates on intellectual effort turned to the manipulation of matter for selfish ends, if he continues this in spite of the promptings of his inner self, and in spite of the warnings that may reach him from Those who watch, and if this is carried on for a long period he may bring upon himself a destruction that is final for this manvantara or cycle. He may, by the uniting of the two fires of matter and the dual expression of mental fire, succeed in the complete destruction of the physical permanent atom, and thereby sever his connection with the higher self for aeons of time. H. P. B. has somewhat touched on this when speaking of "lost souls"; [lx]58 [lxi]59 we must here emphasise the reality of this dire disaster and sound a warning note to those who approach this subject of the fires of matter with all its latent dangers. The blending of these fires must be the result of spiritualised knowledge, and must be directed solely by the Light of the Spirit, who works through love and is love, and who seeks this unification and this utter merging not from the point of view of sense or of material gratification, but because liberation and purification is desired in order that the higher union with the Logos may be effected; this union must be desired, not for selfish ends, but because group perfection is the goal and scope for greater service to the race must be achieved.


It is not our purpose to give facts for verification by science, or even to point the way to the next step onward for scientific investigators; that we may do so is but incidental and purely secondary. What we seek mainly is to give indications of the development and correspondence of the threefold whole that makes the solar system what it is the vehicle through which a great cosmic ENTITY, the solar Logos, manifests active intelligence with the purpose in view of demonstrating perfectly the love side of His nature. Back of this design lies a yet more esoteric and ulterior purpose, hid in the Will Consciousness of the Supreme Being, which perforce will be later demonstrated when the present objective is attained. The dual alternation of objective manifestation and of subjective obscuration, the periodic out-breathing, followed by the in-breathing of all that has been carried forward through evolution embodies in the system one of the basic cosmic vibrations, and the key-note of that cosmic ENTITY whose body we are. The heart beats of the Logos (if it might be so inadequately expressed) are the source of all cyclic evolution, and hence the importance attached to that aspect of development called the "heart" or "love aspect," and the interest that is awakened by the study of rhythm. This is true, not only cosmically and macrocosmically, but likewise in the study of the human unit. Underlying all the physical sense attached to rhythm, vibration, cycles and heart-beat, lie their subjective analogieslove, feeling, emotion, desire, harmony, synthesis and ordered sequence, and back of these analogies lies the source of all, the identity of that Supreme Being Who thus expresses Himself.

Therefore, the study of pralaya, or the withdrawal of the life from out of the etheric vehicle will be the same [129] whether one studies the withdrawal of the human etheric double, the withdrawal of the planetary etheric double, or the withdrawal of the etheric double of the solar system. The effect is the same and the consequences similar.

What is the result of this withdrawal, or rather what causes that something which we call death or pralaya? As we are strictly pursuing the text-book style in this treatise, we will continue our methods of tabulation. The withdrawal of the etheric double of a man, a planet, and a system is brought about by the following causes:

a. The cessation of desire. This should be the result of all evolutionary process. True death, under the law, is brought about by the attainment of the objective, and hence by the cessation of aspiration. This, as the perfected cycle draws to its close, will be true of the individual human being, of the Heavenly Man, and of the Logos Himself.

b. By the slowing down and gradual cessation of the cyclic rhythm, the adequate vibration is achieved, and the work accomplished. When the vibration or note is perfectly felt or sounded it causes (at the point of synthesis with other vibrations) the utter shattering of the forms.

Motion is characterised, as we know, by three qualities:

1. Inertia,

2. Mobility,

3. Rhythm.

These three are experienced in just the above sequence and presuppose a period of slow activity, succeeded by one of extreme movement. This middle period produces incidentally (as the true note and rate is sought) cycles of chaos, of experiment, of experience and of comprehension. Following on these two degrees of motion (which are characteristic of the atom, Man, of the Heavenly Man [130] or group, and of the Logos or the Totality) comes a period of rhythm and of stabilisation wherein the point of balance is achieved. By the force of balancing the pairs of opposites, and thus producing equilibrium, pralaya is the inevitable sequence.

c. By the severing of the physical from the subtler body on the inner planes, through the shattering of the web. This has a threefold effect:

First. The life that had animated the physical form (both dense and etheric) and which had its starting point in the permanent atom and from thence "pervaded the moving and the unmoving" (in God, the Heavenly Man, and the human being, as well as in the atom of matter) is withdrawn entirely within the atom upon the plane of abstraction. This "plane of abstraction" is a different one for the entities involved:

a. For the physical permanent atom, it is the atomic level.

b. For man, it is the causal vehicle.

c. For the Heavenly Man, it is the second plane of monadic life, His habitat.

d. For the Logos, it is the plane of Adi.

All these mark the points for the disappearance of the unit into pralaya. We need here to remember that it is always pralaya when viewed from below. From the higher vision, that sees the subtler continuously overshadowing the dense when not in objective manifestation, pralaya is simply subjectivity, and is not that "which is not," but simply that which is esoteric.

Second. The etheric double of a man, a planetary Logos, and a solar Logos, being shattered, becomes non-polarised as regards its indweller, and permits therefore of escape. It is (to word it otherwise) no longer a source of attraction, nor a focal magnetic point. It becomes non-magnetic, and the great Law of Attraction ceases to [131] control it; hence disintegration is the ensuing condition of the form. The Ego ceases to be attracted by its form on the physical plane, and, proceeding to inbrea the, withdraws its life from out of the sheath. The cycle draws to a close, the experiment has been made, the objective (a relative one from life to life and from incarnation to incarnation) has been achieved, and there remains nothing more to desire; the Ego, or the thinking entity, loses interest therefore in the form, and turns his attention inward. His polarisation changes, and the physical is eventually dropped.

The planetary Logos likewise in His greater cycle (the synthesis or the aggregate of the tiny cycles of the cells of His body) pursues the same course; He ceases to be attracted downward or outward, and turns His gaze within; He gathers inward the aggregate of the smaller lives within His body, the planet, and severs connection. Outer attraction ceases and all gravitates towards the centre instead of scattering to the periphery of His body.

In the system, the same process is followed by the solar Logos; from His high place of abstraction, He ceases to be attracted by His body of manifestation. He withdraws His interest and the two pairs of opposites, the spirit and the matter of the vehicle, dissociate. With this dissociation the solar system, that "Son of Necessity," or of desire, ceases to be, and passes out of objective existence.

Third. This leads finally, to the scattering of the atoms of the etheric body into their primordial condition. The subjective life, the synthesis of will and love taking active form, is withdrawn. The partnership is dissolved. The form then breaks up; the magnetism that has held it in coherent shape is no longer present, and dissipation is complete. Matter persists, but the form no longer persists.

The work of the second Logos ends, and the divine [132] incarnation of the Son is concluded. But the faculty or inherent quality of matter also persists, and at the end of each period of manifestation, matter (though distributed again into its primal form) is active intelligent matter plus the gain of objectivity, and the increased radiatory and latent activity which it has gained through experience. Let us illustrate: The matter of the solar system, when undifferentiated, was active intelligent matter, and that is all that can be predicated of it. This active intelligent matter was matter qualified by an earlier experience, and coloured by an earlier incarnation. Now this matter is in form, the solar system is not in pralaya but in objectivity,this objectivity having in view the addition of another quality to the logoic content, that of love and wisdom. Therefore at the next solar pralaya, at the close of the one hundred years of Brahma, the matter of the solar system will be coloured by active intelligence, and by active love. This means literally that the aggregate of solar atomic matter will eventually vibrate to another key than it did at the first dawn of manifestation.

We can work this out in connection with the planetary Logos and the human unit, for the analogy holds good. We have a correspondence on a tiny scale in the fact that each human life period sees a man taking a more evolved physical body of a greater responsiveness, tuned to a higher key, of more adequate refinement, and vibrating to a different measure. In these three thoughts lies much information, if they are carefully studied and logically extended.

d. By the transmutation of the violet into the blue. This we cannot enlarge on. We simply make the statement, and leave its working out to those students whose karma permits and whose intuition suffices.

e. By the withdrawal of the life, the form should gradually dissipate. The reflex action here is interesting to note, for the greater Builders and Devas who are the [133] active agents during manifestation, and who hold the form in coherent shape, transmuting, applying and circulating the pranic emanations, likewise lose their attraction to the matter of the form, and turn their attention elsewhere. On the path of out-breathing (whether human, planetary or logoic) these building devas (on the same Ray as the unit desiring manifestation, or on a complementary Ray) are attracted by his will and desire, and perform their office of construction. On the path of in-breathing (whether human, planetary or logoic) they are no longer attracted, and the form begins to dissipate. They withdraw their interest and the forces (likewise entities) who are the agents of destruction, carry on their necessary work of breaking up the form; they scatter itas it is occultly expressedto "The four winds of Heaven," or to the regions of the four breaths,a fourfold separation and distribution. A hint is here given for careful consideration.

Though no pictures have been drawn of death bed scenes nor of the dramatic escape of the palpitating etheric body from the centre in the head, as might have been anticipated, yet some of the rules and purposes governing this withdrawal have been mentioned. We have seen how the aim of each life (whether human, planetary or solar) should be the effecting and the carrying out of a definite purpose. This purpose is the development of a more adequate form for the use of the spirit; and when this purpose is achieved then the Indweller turns his attention away, and the form disintegrates, having served his need. This is not always the case in every human life nor even in each planetary cycle. The mystery of the moon is the mystery of failure. This leads, when comprehended, to a life of dignity and offers an aim worthy of our best endeavour. When this angle of truth is universally recognised, as it will be when the intelligence of the race suffices, then evolution will proceed with certainty, and the failures be less numerous.

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Wikipedia - 1978 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1978
Wikipedia - 1978 in video games
Wikipedia - 1978 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1978 Iranian Chinook shootdown -- Helicopters shot down by Soviet air defense forces
Wikipedia - 1978 LAV HS 748 accident -- Aviation accident off the Venezuelan coast
Wikipedia - 1979 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1979
Wikipedia - 1979 in video games
Wikipedia - 1979 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1980 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1980
Wikipedia - 1980 in video games
Wikipedia - 1980 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 1980s in video games -- Aspect of history
Wikipedia - 1981-82 Eredivisie -- Eredivisie
Wikipedia - 1981 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1981
Wikipedia - 1981 in video games
Wikipedia - 1981 Vienna synagogue attack -- Armed terrorist attacks in Vienna, Austria
Wikipedia - 1982 Bass and Golden Leisure Classic -- Invitational professional snooker event, held 29 May 1982
Wikipedia - 1982 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1982
Wikipedia - 1982 in video games
Wikipedia - 1982 World's Fair -- 1982 international exposition in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - 1983 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1983
Wikipedia - 1983 in video games
Wikipedia - 1984 (advertisement) -- 1984 American television commercial directed by Ridley Scott
Wikipedia - 1984 Biman Bangladesh Airlines Fokker F27 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1984 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1984
Wikipedia - 1984 in video games
Wikipedia - 1984 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1984 (song) -- David Bowie song
Wikipedia - 1984 (television commercial)
Wikipedia - 1984 Winter Olympics -- 14th edition of Winter Olympics, held in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) in 1984
Wikipedia - 1985-86 Scottish Premier Division -- Scottish Premier Division
Wikipedia - 1985 Gujarat riots -- 1985 communal violence in Gujarat State
Wikipedia - 1985 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1985
Wikipedia - 1985 in video games
Wikipedia - 1985 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1986 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 in Japanese television -- Television-related events in Japan in 1986
Wikipedia - 1986 in video games
Wikipedia - 1986 Killing of Kekuojalie Sachu and Vikhozo Yhoshu -- 1986 killing of students by police forces in Kohima, Nagaland, India
Wikipedia - 1986 Mozambican Tupolev Tu-134 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1986 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1987 Black Dragon fire -- Major wildfire in China and the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1987 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1987
Wikipedia - 1987 in video games
Wikipedia - 1987 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1988 British Army Lynx shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1988 Currie Cup Division B -- 49th season of the second division of the Rugby competition
Wikipedia - 1988 Gilgit massacre -- Major instance of Shia-Sunni sectarian violence in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Wikipedia - 1988 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1988
Wikipedia - 1988 in video games
Wikipedia - 1988 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1988 Naples bombing -- Terrorist attack against a United Service Organizations club
Wikipedia - 1988 Ordzhonikidze bus hijacking -- bus hijacking event in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1988 Santam Bank Trophy Division A -- Third tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1988 Santam Bank Trophy Division B -- Fourth tier of domestic South African rugby season
Wikipedia - 1989-90 Courage League National Division Three -- Rugby union league
Wikipedia - 1989 Currie Cup Division A -- Premier domestic rugby union competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 Currie Cup Division B -- Second division of the Currie Cup Rugby competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1989 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1989
Wikipedia - 1989 in video games
Wikipedia - 1989 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1989 Santam Bank Trophy Division A -- Third tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1989 Santam Bank Trophy Division B -- Fourth tier of domestic South African rugby
Wikipedia - 1990 Armagh City roadside bomb -- Killing of four men by the Provisional IRA
Wikipedia - 1990 British Army Gazelle shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1990 Currie Cup Division A -- Top division of the premier domestic rugby union competition in South Africa
Wikipedia - 1990 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 1990
Wikipedia - 1990 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1990
Wikipedia - 1990 in video games
Wikipedia - 1990 Lough Neagh ambush -- Killing of four men by the Provisional IRA
Wikipedia - 1990 Moscow Victory Day Parade -- Parade
Wikipedia - 1990 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1990s in video games -- Video game-related events in 1990s
Wikipedia - 1990s post-Soviet aliyah -- Migration of Jews from the former USSR to Israel
Wikipedia - 1991 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1991
Wikipedia - 1991 in video games
Wikipedia - 1991 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1991 Sino-Soviet Border Agreement
Wikipedia - 1991 Soviet coup d'etat attempt -- Attempted coup d'etat against Mikhail Gorbachev's government
Wikipedia - 1991 West Virginia derecho -- Weather event
Wikipedia - 1992 cageless shark-diving expedition -- First recorded cageless dive with great white sharks
Wikipedia - 1992 Erzincan earthquake -- Earthquake in Erzincan province, Turkey
Wikipedia - 1992 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1992
Wikipedia - 1992 in video games
Wikipedia - 1992 London Bridge bombing -- Provisional IRA attack in London
Wikipedia - 1992 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1992 Peruvian constitutional crisis -- Constitutional crisis after the dissolution of the Peruvian legislature and judiciary
Wikipedia - 1992 Staples Corner bombing -- Provisional IRA attack on London
Wikipedia - 1993 congressional hearings on video games -- USA video game industry lawmaking
Wikipedia - 1993 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 in video games
Wikipedia - 1993 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1993 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1993
Wikipedia - 1993 United States Virgin Islands status referendum -- Referendum in the U.S. Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - 1994-1996 United States broadcast television realignment -- Series of events between Fox Broadcasting Company and New World Communications
Wikipedia - 1994 Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes Returns -- 1993 television film directed by Kenneth Johnson
Wikipedia - 1994 British Army Lynx shootdown -- Helicopter downed by the Provisional IRA over Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - 1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash -- US aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1994 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1994
Wikipedia - 1994 in video games
Wikipedia - 1994 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1994 Sahara Airlines Boeing 737 crash -- Aviation accident in India
Wikipedia - 1994 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1994
Wikipedia - 1995 in Australian television -- television-related events in Australia during the year 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in British television -- television-related events in the UK during 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1995
Wikipedia - 1995 in video games
Wikipedia - 1995 Jacksonville Jaguars season -- Inaugural season for the franchise
Wikipedia - 1995 Moscow Victory Day Parades -- Victory day parades
Wikipedia - 1995 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1995 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1995
Wikipedia - 1996 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 in video games
Wikipedia - 1996 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1996 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1996
Wikipedia - 1996 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXVI Olympiad, in Atlanta
Wikipedia - 1997 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1997
Wikipedia - 1997 in video games
Wikipedia - 1997 Melavalavu massacre -- Caste related violence against Dalits
Wikipedia - 1997 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1997 Raghopur Massacre -- An incident in a series of caste related violence in the Eastern Indian state of Bihar
Wikipedia - 1997 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1997
Wikipedia - 1998-99 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1998 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1998
Wikipedia - 1998 in video games
Wikipedia - 1998 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1998 Ramgiri-Udaygiri violence -- Violence in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - 1998 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 1998
Wikipedia - 1999-2000 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 1999 F-117A shootdown -- 1999 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 1999 in home video -- Home video-related events of 1999
Wikipedia - 1999 in video games
Wikipedia - 1999 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 1999 Ranalai violence -- Anti-Christian violence
Wikipedia - 1999 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 1:99 Concert -- Fund raiser concert for victims of the 2003 SARS outbreak at the Hong Kong Stadium
Wikipedia - 199 Lives: The Travis Pastrana Story -- 2008 film by Gregg Godfrey
Wikipedia - 19 Kids and Counting -- American reality television show
Wikipedia - 19th-century Anglo-Saxonism -- Racial belief system developed by British and American individuals in the 19th century
Wikipedia - 1BR -- Film by David Marmor
Wikipedia - 1E -- Privately owned IT software and services company based in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - 1 for 3 -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - 1 Litre no Namida (TV series) -- 2005 Japanese television drama
Wikipedia - 1M-BM-: de Mayo (Seville Metro) -- Seville Metro station
Wikipedia - 1M-BM-= Knights: In Search of the Ravishing Princess Herzelinde -- 2008 film
Wikipedia - 1M-CM-7x=1 (Undivided) -- album by South Korean boy group Wanna One
Wikipedia - 1 (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 1RPH -- Radio reading service in Canberra, Australia
Wikipedia - 1% rule (Internet culture) -- Hypothesis that more people will lurk in a virtual community than will participate
Wikipedia - 1seg -- Audio/video and data broadcasting service for mobile phones
Wikipedia - 1 Special Service Battalion
Wikipedia - 1Sports -- Indian sports television channel
Wikipedia - 1st Air Base Group -- Puerto Rico State Guard aviation unit
Wikipedia - 1st Airborne Corps (Soviet Union) -- Airborne corps of the Red Army during World War II
Wikipedia - 1st Arkansas Cavalry Battalion (Stirman's) -- Confederate Army cavalry battalion during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - 1st Armored Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 1st Armoured Division (India) -- Division of the Indian Army
Wikipedia - 1st Armoured Division (Poland)
Wikipedia - 1st Armoured Division (Syria)
Wikipedia - 1st Army Group (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) -- Royal Yugoslav Army formation
Wikipedia - 1st Army (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) -- Royal Yugoslav Army formation
Wikipedia - 1st Aviation Regiment (Australia)
Wikipedia - 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 1st Canadian Screen Awards -- 1st year of awards given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division Band
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division (German Empire) -- Military unit
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division Horse Cavalry Detachment
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) -- Royal Yugoslav Army combat formation
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division (United Kingdom) -- Military unit
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division (United States) -- United States Army combat formation, active since 1921
Wikipedia - 1st Cavalry Division (Wehrmacht)
Wikipedia - 1st Civil Affairs Group
Wikipedia - 1st Coastal Division
Wikipedia - 1st Cossack Cavalry Division -- Russian Cossack division of German Army
Wikipedia - 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 1st Division (Japan)
Wikipedia - 1st Guards Composite Aviation Division
Wikipedia - 1st Guards Motor Rifle Division
Wikipedia - 1st Guards Tank Division -- 1942-1945 Red Army formation
Wikipedia - 1st Helicopter Squadron -- VIP Helicopter Squadron of the US Air Force base in the National Capital Region
Wikipedia - 1st Infantry Division (South Korea)
Wikipedia - 1st Infantry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 1st Infantry Division (Wehrmacht)
Wikipedia - 1st K-Drama Star Awards -- 2012 South Korean Television Award
Wikipedia - 1st Maine Cavalry Regiment -- American Civil War cavalry unit
Wikipedia - 1st Marine Division Band -- USMC military unit band
Wikipedia - 1st Marine Division
Wikipedia - 1st Mechanized Corps (Soviet Union)
Wikipedia - 1st Mountain Division (Wehrmacht) -- WWII German division
Wikipedia - 1st Panzer Division (Wehrmacht)
Wikipedia - 1st Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 1st Parliament of the Province of Canada -- Parliament of the former Province of Canada
Wikipedia - 1st Primetime Emmy Awards -- 1949 television awards event
Wikipedia - 1st Provisional Marine Brigade -- Ad hoc infantry brigade of the US Marine Corps
Wikipedia - 1st Rank Raju (2019 film) -- 2019 Telugu comedy film remake of Kannada movie by the same title
Wikipedia - 1st Soviet Antarctic Expedition
Wikipedia - 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler -- Military unit of Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - 1st Tank Brigade (Soviet Union) -- Soviet tank brigade in World War II
Wikipedia - 1st Tank Division (Imperial Japanese Army) -- Tank Division of IJA
Wikipedia - 1st Tennessee & Alabama Independent Vidette Cavalry -- Union Army cavalry regiment
Wikipedia - 1st (United Kingdom) Division -- Armoured division of the British Army
Wikipedia - 1st United States Sharpshooters -- Union unit during the US Civil War consisting of marksmen
Wikipedia - 1st West Virginia Cavalry Regiment
Wikipedia - 2000-01 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916 film) -- 1916 movie from Stuart Paton
Wikipedia - 2000 ASA Pesada Antonov An-24 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2000 Australia Beechcraft King Air crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2000 in home video -- home video-related events of 2000
Wikipedia - 2000 in video games
Wikipedia - 2000 in video gaming
Wikipedia - 2000 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2000s in video games -- Video game-related events in 2000s
Wikipedia - 2000 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 2000 Today -- International television special
Wikipedia - 2001 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2001
Wikipedia - 2001 in video games
Wikipedia - 2001 Marsh Harbour Cessna 402 crash -- 2001 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2001 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2001 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 2001 Vancouver TV realignment -- Realignment of television stations in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia
Wikipedia - 2002 in aviation -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2002 in home video -- home video-related events of 2002
Wikipedia - 2002 in video games
Wikipedia - 2002 M-CM-^\berlingen mid-air collision -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2002 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2002 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 2003 in American television -- TV-related events in the USA during 2003
Wikipedia - 2003 in home video -- home video-related events of 2003
Wikipedia - 2003 in video games
Wikipedia - 2003 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2003 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 2003 West Virginia sniper -- Sniper attacks
Wikipedia - 2004 Antenna Awards -- Awards show honouring achievements in Australian community television
Wikipedia - 2004 Dave Matthews Band Chicago River incident -- 2004 environmental incident in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - 2004 Davis Cup Americas Zone -- One of three Zones of the Davis Cup tennis competition in 2004
Wikipedia - 2004 in home video -- home video-related events of 2004
Wikipedia - 2004 in video games
Wikipedia - 2004 Kalapatti violence -- Anti-Dalit Violence in Kalapatti, Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - 2004 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2004 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 2004 Summer Olympics -- Games of the XXVIII Olympiad, held in Athens in 2004
Wikipedia - 2004 Uruguayan Primera Division -- Statistics for 2004 season of Primera Division Uruguaya
Wikipedia - 2005-06 Uruguayan Primera Division -- Statistics for 2005-06 season of Primera Division Uruguaya
Wikipedia - 2005 Andijan unrest -- Violent incident in Andijan, Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - 2005 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2005
Wikipedia - 2005 in video games
Wikipedia - 2005 Melbourne thunderstorm -- Severe weather event affecting parts of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - 2005 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2005 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2006
Wikipedia - 2005 Uruguayan Primera Division -- Statistics for 2005 season of Primera Division Uruguaya
Wikipedia - 2006 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2006
Wikipedia - 2006 in video games
Wikipedia - 2006 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2006 Sao Paulo violence outbreak -- Clash between law enforcement officials and criminals in Brazil
Wikipedia - 2006 Stinkers Bad Movie Awards -- Award ceremony presented by the Stinkers Bad Movie Awards in 2007
Wikipedia - 2006 Yeti Airlines Twin Otter Crash -- Aviation accident in Nepal
Wikipedia - 2007-08 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2007-08 Writers Guild of America strike -- US television labor dispute November 2007 - February 2008
Wikipedia - 2007 Boston Mooninite panic -- 2007 false-terrorism incident involving Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Wikipedia - 2007 Canada broadcast TV realignment -- Ownership and network changes affecting television stations in Canada
Wikipedia - 2007 Christmas violence in Kandhamal -- Anti- Christian violence in Orissa
Wikipedia - 2007 Davis Cup Americas Zone -- Men's Tennis competition
Wikipedia - 2007 Free Airlines L-410 crash -- Aviation accident in Democratic Republic of Congo
Wikipedia - 2007 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2007
Wikipedia - 2007 in video games
Wikipedia - 2007 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2008-09 Elitserien (men's handball) -- 75th season of the top division of Swedish handball
Wikipedia - 2008-09 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2008 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2008
Wikipedia - 2008 in video games
Wikipedia - 2008 Kandhamal violence -- Anti-Christian Violence in Orissa
Wikipedia - 2008 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2008 Tibetan unrest -- Political violence in Tibet
Wikipedia - 2008 unrest in Bolivia -- Political crisis between departments demanding autonomy and national government
Wikipedia - 2008 Victoria Cup -- Series of ice hockey games in 2008
Wikipedia - 2008 Viva World Cup
Wikipedia - 2009-10 Maltese Second Division -- Maltese Second Division season
Wikipedia - 2009-10 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2009 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 2009
Wikipedia - 2009 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2009
Wikipedia - 2009 in video games
Wikipedia - 2009 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 200 metres individual medley -- Competitive swimming event
Wikipedia - 2010-11 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2010 Appomattox shootings -- Mass murder in Appomattox, Virginia, U.S.
Wikipedia - 2010 Georgian news report hoax -- Hoax aired on Georgian television
Wikipedia - 2010 Ghana Movie Awards -- Movie Awards
Wikipedia - 2010 in American television
Wikipedia - 2010 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2010
Wikipedia - 2010 in video games
Wikipedia - 2010 Kashmir unrest -- Series of violent protests and riots in the Kashmir Valley which started in June 2010 after an Indian Army announcement
Wikipedia - 2010 Mirchpur caste violence -- Anti-Dalit violence in Haryana, India
Wikipedia - 2010 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2010 Papua earthquake -- 2010 magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Papua, province of Indonesia
Wikipedia - 2010 Regional League Division 2 North Eastern Region -- League competition
Wikipedia - 2010s in video games -- Video games-related events in 2010s
Wikipedia - 2010: The Year We Make Contact -- 1984 science fiction movie directed by Peter Hyams
Wikipedia - 2011-12 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2011 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 2011
Wikipedia - 2011 in video games
Wikipedia - 2011 Latvian parliamentary dissolution referendum -- Referendum in Latvia in 2011
Wikipedia - 2011 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2011 Tel Aviv nightclub attack -- Terrorist attack on a popular nightclub on 29 August 2011
Wikipedia - 2011 Victoria Curling Classic Invitational -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2012-13 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2012-2015 unrest in Romania -- Protests against civil unfairity
Wikipedia - 2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting -- Mass shooting in a movie theater in the United States
Wikipedia - 2012 Bain murder-kidnappings -- In Whiteville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - 2012 Davis Cup World Group -- 2012 edition of the Davis Cup World Group
Wikipedia - 2012 Deauville American Film Festival -- 2012 film festival edition
Wikipedia - 2012 Dharmapuri violence -- Caste related violence against Dalits in Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - 2012 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 2012
Wikipedia - 2012 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2012
Wikipedia - 2012 in video games
Wikipedia - 2012 Japanese television dramas -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2012 Kohistan video case -- Honour-killing case
Wikipedia - 2012 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak -- Epidemic of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
Wikipedia - 2012 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2012 Rakhine State riots -- Ethnic violence in western Myanmar
Wikipedia - 2012 transit of Venus -- Transit of Venus across the Sun visible from Earth on 5-6 June 2012
Wikipedia - 2012 Vic Open -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2012 Victoria Curling Classic Invitational -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2013-14 Segunda Division de Futsal -- 21st season of second-tier futsal in Spain
Wikipedia - 2013-14 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2013 Glasgow helicopter crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2013 in American television -- Television-related events in the US during 2013
Wikipedia - 2013 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2013
Wikipedia - 2013 in video games
Wikipedia - 2013 Little India riot -- 2013 civil unrest in Singapore
Wikipedia - 2013 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2013 Victoria Curling Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2013 ViM-CM-1a del Mar International Song Festival -- Chilean musical event
Wikipedia - 2014-15 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2014 Antenna Awards -- Awards show honouring achievements in Australian community television
Wikipedia - 2014 Armenian Mil Mi-24 shootdown -- Aviation incident
Wikipedia - 2014 in American television
Wikipedia - 2014 in British television
Wikipedia - 2014 in Canadian television -- Television-related events in Canada during the year of 2014
Wikipedia - 2014 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2014
Wikipedia - 2014 in Spanish television -- Spanish television related events from 2014
Wikipedia - 2014 in video games
Wikipedia - 2014 Isla Vista killings -- Spree killing which occurred in Isla Vista, California
Wikipedia - 2014 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2014 Syrian detainee report -- documented evidence about crimes against humanity in Syria
Wikipedia - 2015-16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany -- Overview about the 2015-16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany
Wikipedia - 2015-16 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2015-2016 Zika virus epidemic -- Widespread epidemic of Zika fever
Wikipedia - 2015 East Village gas explosion -- Explosion caused by illegal tapping of a gas main
Wikipedia - 2015 in American television
Wikipedia - 2015 in Australian television
Wikipedia - 2015 Indian swine flu outbreak -- Outbreak of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus in India
Wikipedia - 2015 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2015
Wikipedia - 2015 in video games
Wikipedia - 2015 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2015 Park Palace guesthouse attack -- 2015 armed attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, on international civilians
Wikipedia - 2015 Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack
Wikipedia - 2015 Services Air Airbus A310 crash -- Air accident in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - 2015 Seshasamudram violence -- Violence against Dalit community
Wikipedia - 2015 Seville Airbus A400M crash
Wikipedia - 2015 Texas pool party incident -- Viral video
Wikipedia - 2016-17 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2016 deaths in American television -- List of deaths of notable people in American television
Wikipedia - 2016 Golden Movie Awards -- African film award
Wikipedia - 2016 Great Smoky Mountains wildfires -- 2016 wildfires that occurred in Sevier County, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - 2016 in American television
Wikipedia - 2016 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2016
Wikipedia - 2016 in video games
Wikipedia - 2016 Magnanville stabbing
Wikipedia - 2016 Movida Bar grenade attack
Wikipedia - 2016 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2016 Nasirnagar Violence -- 2016 attack in Nasirnagar Upazila, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - 2016 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers -- Killings of police officers by Gavin Eugene Long in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Wikipedia - 2016 shooting of Dallas police officers -- Mass murder by Micah Xavier Johnson during Black Lives Matter protest
Wikipedia - 2016 Tel Aviv stabbings -- Terrorist attack in Israel on 8 March 2016
Wikipedia - 2016 UK Music Video Awards -- Awards show
Wikipedia - 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum -- National vote to advise Parliament on whether the UK should remain a member of, or leave, the European Union
Wikipedia - 2016 West Virginia flood -- Natural disaster
Wikipedia - 2017-18 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2017 Golden Movie Awards -- African film award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2017 in American television -- Television-related events in the US during 2017
Wikipedia - 2017 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2017
Wikipedia - 2017 in video games
Wikipedia - 2017 LFA Segunda -- Second season of the Liga Futebol Amadora Segunda Divisao
Wikipedia - 2017 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2017 Unnao rape case -- Gang rape involving a politician in Unnao
Wikipedia - 2018-19 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2018-19 V.League Division 1 Men's squads -- Japanese vollyball
Wikipedia - 2018 Ambalapattu violence -- Violence against the Dalit community in Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - 2018 Bangladesh quota reform movement -- Students' movement demanding reforms in Bangladesh government services
Wikipedia - 2018 Baskerville Shield -- New Zealand national rugby league team tour
Wikipedia - 2018 Bhima Koregaon violence -- Event in Pune, India
Wikipedia - 2018 Brazil truck drivers' strike -- Strike involving truck drivers throughout Brazil in 2018
Wikipedia - 2018 deaths in American television -- List of deaths of notable people in American television
Wikipedia - 2018 DStv Mzansi Viewers' Choice Awards -- Dstv media award
Wikipedia - 2018 Golden Movie Awards -- African film award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2018 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 2018
Wikipedia - 2018 in home video -- Home video-related events of 2017
Wikipedia - 2018 in video games
Wikipedia - 2018 Laos dam collapse -- 2018 dam breach in Champasak Province, Laos
Wikipedia - 2018 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2018 Sapphire Aviation Bell UH-1 crash -- Helicopter crash
Wikipedia - 2018 Southeastern Provisions raid -- 2018 immigration raid in Grainger County, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - 2018 Vienna stabbings -- Stabbing in Austria
Wikipedia - 2018 Yumbi violence -- Massacre in Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - 2019-20 ABA League First Division -- ABA League 19th season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Aston Villa F.C. season -- 2019-20 Aston Villa F.C. season
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Australian region cyclone season -- Period of tropical cyclone activity
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Calcutta Premier Division -- 122nd season of Calcutta Premier Division
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Canadian network television schedule -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2019-20 Eredivisie -- The 64th season of the Eredivisie
Wikipedia - 2019-20 South Pacific cyclone season -- Period of tropical cyclone activity in the South Pacific Ocean.
Wikipedia - 2019 Antenna Awards -- Awards show honouring achievements in Australian community television
Wikipedia - 2019 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress crash -- Vintage World War II heavy bomber crash during tourist flight
Wikipedia - 2019 Bougainvillean independence referendum -- Bougainville's referendum for independence from Papua New Guinea
Wikipedia - 2019 British Academy Television Awards -- 2019 British Academy Television Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 Cameron's Brewing Oakville Fall Classic -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - 2019 Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 -- The 26th season of Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 under its current title and the 66th season under its current league division format
Wikipedia - 2019 college admissions bribery scandal -- Ongoing corruption scandal involving major universities in the U.S.
Wikipedia - 2019 Colombia DC-3 crash -- 2019 aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2019 deaths in American television -- List of deaths of notable people in American television
Wikipedia - 2019 FAMAS Awards -- Awarding ceremony given by the Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences
Wikipedia - 2019 in American television -- Television-related events in the United States during 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 in television -- Television set index
Wikipedia - 2019 in video games
Wikipedia - 2019 merger of CBS and Viacom {{DISPLAYTITLE:2019 merger of CBS and Viacom -- 2019 merger of CBS and Viacom {{DISPLAYTITLE:2019 merger of CBS and Viacom
Wikipedia - 2019 MTV Movie & TV Awards -- The 28th edition of the MTV Movie & TV Awards
Wikipedia - 2019 MTV Video Music Awards -- Award ceremony
Wikipedia - 2019 Ponparappi violence -- Anti-Dalit violence in Ponparappi, Tamil Nadu
Wikipedia - 2019 Saha Airlines Boeing 707 crash -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2019 service delivery protests
Wikipedia - 2019 Tell Rifaat clashes -- Part of the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - 2019 USA Team Handball Nationals - Men's Elite Division -- Handball competition
Wikipedia - 2019 Virginia Beach shooting -- Mass shooting in Virginia
Wikipedia - 2019 Virginia political crisis -- February 2019 Virginia political scandals
Wikipedia - 2019 Visayas earthquake -- 2019 earthquake in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2019 VTV Awards -- Vietnamese Awards held in 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 Winter Deaflympics -- 19th Winter Deaflympics, Province of Sondrio 2019
Wikipedia - 2019 with the United Nations -- Overview of United Nations-related events in 2019
Wikipedia - 2020-2021 United States racial unrest -- Mass civil unrest driven by police brutality in the United States in 2020
Wikipedia - 2020-21 Ayn Issa clashes -- Part of the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - 2020-21 Canadian network television schedule -- Television schedule for the five major English commercial broadcast networks in Canada
Wikipedia - 2020-21 Eerste Divisie -- Sixty-fifth season of Eerste Divisie since its establishment in 1955
Wikipedia - 2020-21 Eredivisie -- The 65th season of the Eredivisie
Wikipedia - 2020-21 NCAA Division I FCS football season
Wikipedia - 2020-21 United States network television schedule (daytime) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - 2020 Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards -- Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards 2020
Wikipedia - 20/20 (American TV program) -- American television newsmagazine
Wikipedia - 2020 Campeonato Paulista Serie A2 -- The 27th season of Campeonato Paulista Serie A2 under its current title and the 97th season under its current league division format
Wikipedia - 2020 Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 -- The 27th season of Campeonato Paulista Serie A3 under its current title and the 67th season under its current league division format
Wikipedia - 2020 Central Vietnam floods -- Series of severve rainfall and floods in Central Vietnam, 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 coronavirus pandemic in the Philippines
Wikipedia - 2020 deaths in American television -- List of deaths of notable people in American television
Wikipedia - 2020 Delhi riots -- 2020 series of riots and violent incidents at North East Delhi
Wikipedia - 2020 Democratic National Convention -- U.S. political event held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and virtually online
Wikipedia - 2020 dismissal of inspectors general -- Overview of the dismissal of inspectors general of 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 Google services outages -- Global outage of Google services in 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 in television -- Television set index
Wikipedia - 2020 in video games
Wikipedia - 2020 Irish education shutdown -- Irish school and university closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - 2020 Jeeto Pakistan League -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - 2020 King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes -- 70th running of the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes
Wikipedia - 2020 Movistar Team season -- Cycling team season
Wikipedia - 2020 MTV Video Music Awards -- 2020 Award Show
Wikipedia - 2020 Nashville bombing -- Vehicle bombing in Nashville, Tennessee on December 25, 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 Nintendo data leak -- Online leak of video game development data
Wikipedia - 2020 Peruvian protests -- Demonstrations against the removal of President Vizcarra
Wikipedia - 2020 Republican National Convention -- U.S. political event held in Charlotte, North Carolina and virtually online
Wikipedia - 2020 Russian Mil Mi-24 shootdown -- aviation incident
Wikipedia - 2020 South West Aviation Antonov An-26 crash -- 22 August 2020 fatal aviation accident
Wikipedia - 2020 Tablighi Jamaat COVID-19 hotspot in Delhi -- Virus super spreader event
Wikipedia - 2020 Thai protests -- Pro-democracy demonstrations and other civil disobedience in Thailand
Wikipedia - 2020 United Kingdom education shutdown -- UK school and university closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Wikipedia - 2020 United States Postal Service crisis -- Events that caused delays in delivery of mail
Wikipedia - 2020 Vienna attack -- Armed terrorist attacks in Vienna, Austria
Wikipedia - 2020 Vijayawada fire -- Fire in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - 2020 Villejuif stabbing -- Knife attack in France on 3 January 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 Virginia Democratic presidential primary -- 2020 Virginia Democratic primary
Wikipedia - 2020 VTV Awards -- Vietnamese Awards held in 2020
Wikipedia - 2020 Zagreb shooting -- Civilian attack in Croatia, 2020
Wikipedia - 2021 in American television -- Television-related events in the USA during 2021
Wikipedia - 2021 in Armenia -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Armenia
Wikipedia - 2021 in aviation
Wikipedia - 2021 in Azerbaijan -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - 2021 in Bolivia
Wikipedia - 2021 in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - 2021 in British television
Wikipedia - 2021 in Georgia (country) -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Georgia
Wikipedia - 2021 in home video
Wikipedia - 2021 in Kazakhstan -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Kazakhstan
Wikipedia - 2021 in Kyrgyzstan -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Kyrgyzstan
Wikipedia - 2021 in Latvia
Wikipedia - 2021 in Mongolia -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Mongolia
Wikipedia - 2021 in Tajikistan -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Tajikistan
Wikipedia - 2021 in television
Wikipedia - 2021 in the environment and environmental sciences
Wikipedia - 2021 in Turkey -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Turkey
Wikipedia - 2021 in Turkmenistan -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Turkmenistan
Wikipedia - 2021 in Uzbekistan -- Individuals and events related to 2021 in Uzbekistan
Wikipedia - 2021 in video games
Wikipedia - 2021 in Vietnam
Wikipedia - 2021 League of Ireland Premier Division -- 37th season of the League of Ireland Premier Division
Wikipedia - 2021 Movistar Team season -- Cycling team season
Wikipedia - 2022 in video games
Wikipedia - 2048 (video game) -- Online puzzle game
Wikipedia - 2064: Read Only Memories -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - 2081: A Hopeful View of the Human Future -- Book by Gerard K. O'Neill
Wikipedia - 20 Dakika -- Turkish television drama series
Wikipedia - 20 Feet from Stardom -- 2013 US documentary film by Morgan Neville
Wikipedia - 20th Animation -- American television animation studio
Wikipedia - 20th Century Studios Home Entertainment -- American home video distributor
Wikipedia - 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 20th Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 20th Saskatchewan Legislature -- Provincial legislature of Saskatchewan from 1982 to 1986
Wikipedia - 20th Television -- American television production company
Wikipedia - 20XX (video game) -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - 21 Hours at Munich -- 1976 television film by William A. Graham
Wikipedia - 21 Sarfarosh - Saragarhi 1897 -- Television series
Wikipedia - 21st Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 221B Baker Street (video game)
Wikipedia - 22.2 surround sound -- Surround sound component of Super Hi-Vision
Wikipedia - 22Cans -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - 23rd Division (South Vietnam) -- Division of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam
Wikipedia - 24 (2001 film) -- 2001 film by David Beranek
Wikipedia - 24/7 (American TV program) -- American reality television program
Wikipedia - 24/7 service
Wikipedia - 24 Horas (Mexican TV program) -- Mexican television newscast (1970-1998)
Wikipedia - 24 Hour Restaurant Battle -- American food reality television series
Wikipedia - 24 Hours in Police Custody -- British documentary television series
Wikipedia - 24 Hours of a Woman's Life -- 1952 film by Victor Saville
Wikipedia - 24 Hours of Foo -- US television program
Wikipedia - 24 Hours of Le Mans Virtual -- 2020 sim racing esports event
Wikipedia - 24Hours -- Canadian local television news program
Wikipedia - 24 (Indian TV series) -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - 24: Live Another Day -- American television series
Wikipedia - 24 Oras -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - 24: Redemption -- 2008 television film
Wikipedia - 24 (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - 24: The Game -- Third-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - 24 (TV series) -- American television series (2001-2010)
Wikipedia - 251 Club of Vermont -- Civic tourism club in Vermont
Wikipedia - 252nd Rifle Division -- World War Two Soviet Rifle Division
Wikipedia - 257 Reasons to Live -- Russian television series
Wikipedia - 2.5D musical -- Japanese type of musical based on anime, manga or video games
Wikipedia - 25th Reserve Division (German Empire) -- Unit of the Imperial German Army in World War I
Wikipedia - 25 to Life -- Video game
Wikipedia - 266th Rifle Division (Soviet Union) -- Rifle division of Soviet Red Army during World War 2
Wikipedia - 267th Aviation Regiment of School of Reserve Officers -- Aviation regiment
Wikipedia - 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (diamond) -- Largest diamond ever found in Russia or the former USSR as of 2016
Wikipedia - 27th Mohammad Rasulullah Division -- Former division of the Iranian IRGC
Wikipedia - 287th Rifle Division -- Division of the Soviet Union's Red Army
Wikipedia - 28 Bolsheviks -- Group of Chinese students who studied in Moscow
Wikipedia - 29th Division (Spain) -- Spanish Republican Army formation
Wikipedia - 2B (Nier: Automata) -- Fictional gynoid in video game Nier: Automata
Wikipedia - 2 Broke Girls (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - 2 Broke Girls -- American situation comedy television series
Wikipedia - 2 Brothers -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - 2C2P -- Payment services company
Wikipedia - 2 cm Flak 30, Flak 38 and Flakvierling 38
Wikipedia - 2-D (character) -- Fictional vocalist and keyboard player for the virtual band Gorillaz
Wikipedia - 2. Divisioona -- Fourth level of Finnish ice hockey
Wikipedia - 2 Eivissa
Wikipedia - 2 Fast 2 Furious (video game) -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - 2 Fast 4 Gnomz -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - 2Fort -- Video game map in the Team Fortress series
Wikipedia - 2gether: The Series (Thai TV series) -- 2020 Thai television series
Wikipedia - 2 Hours Doing Nothing -- 2020 viral YouTube video
Wikipedia - 2K (company) -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - 2M-CM-^W2 (TV channel) -- Russian television channel
Wikipedia - 2M (TV channel) -- Moroccan television network
Wikipedia - 2nd APAN Star Awards -- 2013 South Korean Television Award
Wikipedia - 2nd Armored Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 2nd Avenue (TV channel) -- Philippine free-to-air television network
Wikipedia - 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 2nd Canadian Screen Awards -- 2nd year of awards given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
Wikipedia - 2nd Cavalry Division (German Empire) -- Unit of the German Army in World War I
Wikipedia - 2nd Division (Imperial Japanese Army) -- 1888-1945 Imperial Japanese Army formation
Wikipedia - 2nd Division (Portugal) -- Part of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps that fought in World War I
Wikipedia - 2nd Division (Yugoslav Partisans)
Wikipedia - 2nd Infantry Division (India)
Wikipedia - 2nd Marine Division (South Korea) -- Unit of the Republic of Korea Marine Corps
Wikipedia - 2nd Marine Division -- Active United States Marine Corps formation
Wikipedia - 2nd New Zealand Division -- Combat formation of the New Zealand Military Forces
Wikipedia - 2nd Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 2nd Red Banner Army -- Soviet field army of World War II
Wikipedia - 2nd Soviet Antarctic Expedition
Wikipedia - 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich -- German armored division
Wikipedia - 2nd Tank Division (Soviet Union) -- Division of the Red Army and Soviet Ground Forces
Wikipedia - 2nd United States Sharpshooters -- Union unit during the US Civil War consisting of marksmen.
Wikipedia - 2 (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 2 Player Productions -- American video production company
Wikipedia - 2RPH -- Radio reading service in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - 2 Stupid Dogs -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - 300-page iPhone bill -- viral video and internet meme
Wikipedia - 30 Coins -- Mistery horror web television series
Wikipedia - 30 Rock (season 1) -- season of television series
Wikipedia - 30 Rock (season 6) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - 30 Rock -- American satirical comedy television series
Wikipedia - 31 Minutos -- Chilean television show
Wikipedia - 31st PMPC Star Awards for Television -- Philippine awards given annually for excellence in television achievements
Wikipedia - 31st Union -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - 32nd Indiana Monument -- US Civil War monument
Wikipedia - 32nd Indian Armoured Division -- Armoured division of the Indian Army during World War II
Wikipedia - 32X -- Add-on for the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis video game console
Wikipedia - 33rd Armoured Division -- Part of I Corps "Strike Corp" of Indian Army
Wikipedia - 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne -- French units of the Waffen-SS
Wikipedia - 343 Guilty Spark -- Fictional character in the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - -- International environmental NGO
Wikipedia - 35 mm movie film -- Motion picture film gauge, the standard
Wikipedia - 35th Air Division -- Inactive US Air Force unit
Wikipedia - 360-degree video
Wikipedia - 365: Repeat the Year -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - 36th Infantry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 36 Views of Mount Fuji (Hokusai)
Wikipedia - 37 1/2 -- 2005 film by Vibeke Idsoe
Wikipedia - 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron -- Former rescue squadron of the USAF active during the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - 37th TVyNovelas Awards -- 2019 television award ceremony
Wikipedia - 39 Melachot -- Categories of activity prohibited by biblical law on Shabbat
Wikipedia - 3 Acts of Murder -- 2009 television film directed by Rowan Woods
Wikipedia - 3 A.M. (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Lee Davis
Wikipedia - 3 Civic Plaza -- Mixed-use complex in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - 3-D Docking Mission -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - 3D Dot Game Heroes -- 2009 video game
Wikipedia - 3DD Productions -- British television production company
Wikipedia - 3DM -- Chinese video game warez group
Wikipedia - 3DO Interactive Multiplayer -- Video game console
Wikipedia - 3D television -- Television that conveys depth perception to the viewer
Wikipedia - 3D Tetris -- 1996 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - 3D Virtual Creature Evolution
Wikipedia - 3 Idiots (TV series) -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - 3MV -- Soviet unmanned probe design
Wikipedia - 3net -- American 3D television channel
Wikipedia - 3 (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 3rd APAN Star Awards -- 2014 South Korean Television Award
Wikipedia - 3rd Canadian Screen Awards -- 3rd year of awards given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
Wikipedia - 3rd Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 3rd Primetime Emmy Awards -- Television award
Wikipedia - 3rd Soviet Antarctic Expedition
Wikipedia - 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf -- Waffen-SS division
Wikipedia - 3sat -- German cultural television channel
Wikipedia - 3 Will Be Free -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - 405-line television system -- Analogue television broadcasting system
Wikipedia - 42nd Street Shuttle -- New York City Subway line and service
Wikipedia - 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry -- Military unit in the Confederate army
Wikipedia - 441-line television system -- Early electronic monochrome television system
Wikipedia - 44 Inch Chest -- 2009 British crime drama film directed by Malcolm Venville
Wikipedia - 44th Airborne Division (India) -- Airborne division of the Indian Army during World War II
Wikipedia - 45 rpm (TV series) -- Spanish-language television series
Wikipedia - 45th Arkansas Infantry (Mounted) -- American Civil War Confederate Army regiment
Wikipedia - 4-6-0 -- Wheel arrangement of a locomotive with 4 leading wheels, 6 driving wheels and no trailing wheels
Wikipedia - 47 Meters Down: Uncaged -- 2019 American survival horror film directed by Johannes Roberts
Wikipedia - 47 Meters Down -- 2017 survival horror film by Johannes Roberts
Wikipedia - 480i -- Standard-definition video mode
Wikipedia - 480p -- Shorthand name for a family of video display resolutions
Wikipedia - 48 ore -- Italian television series
Wikipedia - 48th Army (Soviet Union) -- Field army of the Soviet Red Army
Wikipedia - 4A Games -- Ukrainian-Maltese video game developer
Wikipedia - 4 AM (2 Chainz song) -- 2017 single by 2 Chainz featuring Travis Scott
Wikipedia - 4 Devils -- 1928 film
Wikipedia - -- Japanese video game website
Wikipedia - 4G connectivity in Australia
Wikipedia - 4K resolution -- Video size standard
Wikipedia - 4mations -- Video hosting service
Wikipedia - 4mat -- British electronic musician, sound designer, and video game composer
Wikipedia - 4Music -- British free-to-air television channel
Wikipedia - 4 (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 4Players -- German electronic journal for video games
Wikipedia - 4 route du Champ d'EntraM-CM-.nement -- Government owned villa in Paris, France
Wikipedia - 4seven -- British free-to-air television channel
Wikipedia - 4th APAN Star Awards -- 2015 South Korean Television Award
Wikipedia - 4th Armoured Division (Egypt) -- | Egyptian Army combat formation
Wikipedia - 4th Canadian Screen Awards -- 4th year of awards given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
Wikipedia - 4th Mechanised Infantry Brigade (Turkey) -- Brigade of the Turkish Army based in KeM-EM-^_an, Edirne Province
Wikipedia - 4th Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 4 Wheeled Restaurant -- Korean television program
Wikipedia - 4X -- Genre of strategy-based video and board games
Wikipedia - 501.V2 variant -- Variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Wikipedia - 50 Cent -- American rapper, television producer, actor, and businessman from New York
Wikipedia - 54P/de Vico-Swift-NEAT -- Periodic comet with 7 year orbit
Wikipedia - 55th Street Playhouse -- Former movie theater in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, United States
Wikipedia - -- Chinese video sharing website
Wikipedia - 576i -- Standard-definition video mode
Wikipedia - 576p -- Shorthand name for a video display resolution
Wikipedia - 5 and Up -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - 5 jaar later -- Dutch television show
Wikipedia - 5 Kanal (Ukraine) -- Ukrainian television network
Wikipedia - 5 (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 5 Plus -- Philippine television network
Wikipedia - 5 Rebbecca's -- 2008 single by The View
Wikipedia - 5RPH -- Radio reading service in Adelaide, South Australia
Wikipedia - 5, Rue Sesame -- French children's television series
Wikipedia - 5 STAR Kitchen ITC Chef's Special -- 2020 Indian television show
Wikipedia - 5Star -- British digital television channel
Wikipedia - 5th Annual Honda Civic Tour -- 2005 tour by Maroon 5
Wikipedia - 5th APAN Star Awards -- 2016 South Korean Television Award
Wikipedia - 5th Canadian Screen Awards -- 5th year of awards given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
Wikipedia - 5th Division (Australia) -- Australian Army formation of World War I and II
Wikipedia - 5th New York Cavalry Regiment -- 5th New York Cavalry in the American Civil War 1861-1865
Wikipedia - 5th Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 5th Queens -- Former electoral district in Prince Edward Island province
Wikipedia - 5th Streamy Awards -- Online video awards
Wikipedia - 5th Ward The Series -- US television program
Wikipedia - 60 Minutes -- American television newsmagazine program
Wikipedia - 60second Recap -- Classic literature educational video website
Wikipedia - 60 Seconds! -- 2015 action video game
Wikipedia - 6180 the moon -- 2014 puzzle-platforming video game
Wikipedia - 61* -- 2001 television film by Billy Crystal
Wikipedia - 634-5789 (Soulsville, U.S.A.) -- 1966 single by Wilson Pickett
Wikipedia - 64DD -- Video game peripheral
Wikipedia - 64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi: Minna de Tamagotchi World -- 1997 board video game published by Bandai
Wikipedia - 6870 Pauldavies
Wikipedia - 68 Whiskey -- 2020 American military comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - 69th Golden Globe Awards -- Awards for best in film and television in 2011
Wikipedia - 6abc Dunkin' Donuts Thanksgiving Day Parade -- Annual Thanksgiving Day parade in Philadelphia, USA
Wikipedia - 6 AM -- 2013 single by J Balvin
Wikipedia - 6'eren -- Danish television station
Wikipedia - 6ixth Sense -- British television series
Wikipedia - 6 (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 6th Africa Movie Academy Awards -- Movie Awards
Wikipedia - 6th APAN Star Awards -- 2018 South Korean Television Award
Wikipedia - 6th Armoured Division (South Africa) -- South African Army combat formation
Wikipedia - 6th Canadian Screen Awards -- 6th year of awards given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
Wikipedia - 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia -- political event in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - 6th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Wikipedia - 6th Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 6th Texas Cavalry Regiment -- Confederate mounted volunteers, American Civil War
Wikipedia - 6th Vijay Awards -- 2012 Tamil film awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 6TV Telangana -- Indian Telugu-language television news channel
Wikipedia - 6 Voltios -- Peruvian punk rock band
Wikipedia - 70th Primetime Emmy Awards -- Award ceremony for 2017-2018 U.S. television programming
Wikipedia - 70 Virginis b -- Extrasolar planet
Wikipedia - 70 Virginis -- Star in the constellation Virgo
Wikipedia - 720p -- Video resolution
Wikipedia - 722 redemption -- Provision of United States bankruptcy law
Wikipedia - 72 Hours: Martyr Who Never Died -- 2019 Indian biographical drama film directed by Avinash Dhyani
Wikipedia - 72nd Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards -- 2020 American television programming awards
Wikipedia - 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards -- 2020 American television programming awards
Wikipedia - 74 Days of Love -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - 7554 -- First-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - 75 Livingston Street -- Residential skyscraper in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - 75th Golden Globe Awards -- 2018 film and television awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 7.62M-CM-^W39mm -- Soviet military intermediate rifle cartridge
Wikipedia - 76th Golden Globe Awards -- 2019 film and television awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 770 Eastern Parkway -- Lubavitch World Headquarters
Wikipedia - 7794 Sanvito -- Asteroid
Wikipedia - 77 Sunset Strip -- Television series
Wikipedia - 78th Infantry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 7 Billion Humans -- 2018 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - 7 Billion Others -- Series of videos by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Wikipedia - 7 Days in Hell -- 2015 mockumentary television film
Wikipedia - 7'eren -- Danish television station
Wikipedia - 7flix -- Free-to-air digital television multichannel
Wikipedia - 7food network -- Former Australian television channel
Wikipedia - 7 Gold -- Italian television network
Wikipedia - 7mate -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - 7 (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 7plus -- Australian video-on-demand platform
Wikipedia - 7th Africa Movie Academy Awards -- Award in Africa
Wikipedia - 7th Army (Kingdom of Yugoslavia) -- WWII Royal Yugoslav Army formation
Wikipedia - 7th Combat Service Support Battalion (Australia) -- Logistics unit of the Australian Army
Wikipedia - 7th Heaven (TV series) -- American drama television series
Wikipedia - 7th Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 7two -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - 7 (video)
Wikipedia - 800 Pound Gorilla Records -- American comedy record label based in Nashville
Wikipedia - 80legs -- Web crawling service
Wikipedia - 84 Charing Cross Road (film) -- 1987 film by David Hugh Jones
Wikipedia - 84th Infantry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 868-HACK -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - 88 Precepts -- White Nationalist manifesto written by David Lane
Wikipedia - 89.9 LightFM -- Radio station in Melbourne, Victoria
Wikipedia - 8-Bit Armies -- Video game
Wikipedia - 8 First Dates -- 2012 film by David Dodson and Aleksandr Malyarevsky
Wikipedia - 8K resolution -- Video size standard
Wikipedia - 8 mm video format -- Magnetic tape-based videocassette format for camcorders
Wikipedia - 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown -- British television panel game show
Wikipedia - 8 Out of 10 Cats -- British television comedy panel game
Wikipedia - 8th Canadian Screen Awards -- 8th year of awards given by the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television
Wikipedia - 8th Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 8TV (Malaysian TV network) -- Malaysian Chinese-language free-to-air television network
Wikipedia - 9012Live (video) -- 1985 live video album by Yes
Wikipedia - 90210 (TV series) -- 2008 American teen drama television series
Wikipedia - 902 TV -- Greek television network
Wikipedia - 90 Day Fiance -- American reality television series on TLC
Wikipedia - 90 nm process -- Semiconductor device fabrication technology node
Wikipedia - 90th Guards Lvov Tank Division (1985-1997) -- Armored division of the Soviet Army
Wikipedia - 90th Infantry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 9/11 Living Memorial Plaza -- Cenotaph in the Arazim Valley of Ramot, Jerusalem
Wikipedia - 9-1-1: Lone Star -- American procedural drama television series and spin-off of 9-1-1
Wikipedia - 9/11 Review Commission -- Commission to evaluate the FBI's counterterrorism performance following the attacks of September 11, 2001
Wikipedia - 9/11: The Twin Towers -- 2006 television film directed by Richard Dale
Wikipedia - 9-1-1 (TV series) -- American procedural drama television series
Wikipedia - 92 News -- Pakistan television news channel
Wikipedia - 94.7 The Pulse -- Radio station in Geelong, Victoria
Wikipedia - 95th Division (People's Republic of China) -- 95th Division (People's Republic of China)
Wikipedia - 96.5 Inner FM -- Radio station in Heidelberg, Victoria
Wikipedia - 979fm -- Radio station in Melton, Victoria
Wikipedia - 97 B-Line -- Former express bus service in Metro Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - 97th Infantry Division (United States)
Wikipedia - 98 B-Line -- Former express bus service in Metro Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - 99 B-Line -- Express bus service in Metro Vancouver, Canada
Wikipedia - 99% Invisible -- Radio program about design
Wikipedia - 99TV -- Indian satellite television news network
Wikipedia - 99Vidas -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - 9GAG -- Social media website whereby users upload and share user-generated images and videos
Wikipedia - 9Gem -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - 9Go! -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - 9M119 Svir/Refleks -- Gun-launched anti-tank missile
Wikipedia - 9 (New York City Subway service) -- Former New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - 9Rush -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - 9 Story USA -- American children's television company
Wikipedia - 9th Africa Movie Academy Awards -- Awards ceremony
Wikipedia - 9th Army (Soviet Union) -- Army of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - 9th G7 summit -- 1983 G7 summit in Williamsburg, Virginia, US
Wikipedia - 9th Parachute Division (Germany) -- German WWII airborne division
Wikipedia - 9th Streamy Awards -- Edition of awards for excellence in online video production
Wikipedia - 9TV -- Filipino commercial television network
Wikipedia - 9X Generation -- Vietnamese demographic cohort born in the 1990s
Wikipedia - 9XO -- Indian music television channel
Wikipedia - A1 Belarus -- Telecom, ICT & content service provider in Belarus
Wikipedia - A1 Ko Sa 'Yo -- 2016 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - A1 Televizija -- North Macedonian television network
Wikipedia - A2 Helmet -- Combat helmet of the Vietnam People's Army
Wikipedia - A2 Wind Tunnel -- Wind tunnel in Mooresville, Nort Carolina, U.S.
Wikipedia - A9 TV -- Turkish television network
Wikipedia - AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity -- Video game
Wikipedia - AAA Contest Board -- Former motorsports division of American Automobile Association
Wikipedia - Aaahh!!! Real Monsters -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - AAAS Prize for Behavioral Science Research
Wikipedia - AAA (video game industry) -- Classification term used for video games
Wikipedia - AAA (video gaming)
Wikipedia - AAA When Worlds Collide -- Professional wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - A Aa -- 2016 film by Trivikram Srinivas
Wikipedia - AACD-Servidor (Sao Paulo Metro) -- Sao Paulo Metro station
Wikipedia - Aadade Aadharam -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Aadat -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Aadesh Chaudhary -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Aade -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aadhavan -- 2009 film by K. S. Ravikumar
Wikipedia - Aadheys -- 2014 Maldivian family drama film
Wikipedia - Aadim Vichar -- 2014 Indian Sambalpuri language film
Wikipedia - Aadma -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Aadujeevitham (film) -- 2020 Indian Malayalam-language survival drama film written and directed by Blessy
Wikipedia - Aa, Estonia -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Aagarwadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aage Borchgrevink -- Norwegian writer and literary critic
Wikipedia - Aahista Aahista -- 2014 Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - AA Ireland -- Irish automotive services organization
Wikipedia - Aaj News -- Pakistani television news channel
Wikipedia - Aakasha Ganga 2 -- 2019 Indian Malayalam-language horror-thriller film directed by Vinayan
Wikipedia - Aakola -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aaliyah: The Princess of R&B -- 2014 biographical television film directed by Bradley Walsh
Wikipedia - Aalst-Oudenaarde (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Aamir Liaquat Hussain -- Pakistani television host and politician
Wikipedia - A&E (TV network) -- American cable and satellite television channel
Wikipedia - Aanchal Khurana -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - A and Others v National Blood Authority and Another -- Consumer law case involving claimants infected with hepatitis C
Wikipedia - Aane Kannambadi -- Village in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Aangnechi wadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aani Ver -- 1981 film directed by K. Vijayan
Wikipedia - Aan Paavam (TV series) -- 2012 Indian Tamil-language television series
Wikipedia - AapajM-CM-$rvi -- Lake in Finland
Wikipedia - Aap Ke Aa Jane Se -- Indian Hindi-language television show
Wikipedia - Aap Mujhe Achche Lagne Lage -- 2002 film by Vikram Bhatt
Wikipedia - Aaptar -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - AAR Corp -- Aviation Support Company
Wikipedia - Aarklash: Legacy -- 2013 tactical role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Aarogya Setu -- Mobile application for coronavirus contact tracing in India
Wikipedia - Aaro KiviperM-CM-$ -- Finnish modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Aaron Aaronsohn -- Jewish agronomist, botanist, and Zionist activist (1876-1919)
Wikipedia - Aaron Burr -- American Vice President and politician (1756-1836)
Wikipedia - Aaron Chalmers (television personality) -- English and mixed martial arts fighter and Reality star
Wikipedia - Aaron Davidson -- American lawyer and businessman
Wikipedia - Aaron Dixon -- American activist and former Black Panther captain
Wikipedia - Aaron Dworkin -- American violinist and music educator
Wikipedia - Aaron Ehasz -- American television writer and producer
Wikipedia - Aaron Farrugia -- Minister for the Environment, Climate Change & Planning
Wikipedia - Aaron Henry -- American civil rights leader and politician
Wikipedia - Aaron Hotchner -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - Aaron Levinson -- American record producer
Wikipedia - Aaron Neville -- American soul/R&B singer and musician
Wikipedia - Aaron Provincial Park -- provincial park in Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Aaron Rhodes -- American human rights activist, university lecturer, and essayist
Wikipedia - Aaron Rhyne -- American video and projection designer
Wikipedia - Aaron Rosand -- American violinist
Wikipedia - Aaron Ruben -- American television director and producer
Wikipedia - Aaron Sanchez -- American Mexican chef and television personality
Wikipedia - Aaron Shure -- American television writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Aaron Spelling -- American film and television producer
Wikipedia - Aart van Asperen -- Dutch television director
Wikipedia - Aarundivide Chodikkan -- 1986 film directed by Manoj Babu
Wikipedia - Aasha Davis -- American actress
Wikipedia - Aashiqui Deewangi -- 2001 unreleased Bollywood film by Vimal Kumar
Wikipedia - Aasif Mandvi -- British-American actor, comedian
Wikipedia - Aasmund Olavsson Vinje -- Norwegian poet and journalist (1818-1870)
Wikipedia - Aastha Chaudhary -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Aatish (TV series) -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Aatkoli -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aatos Hirvisalo -- Finnish sailor
Wikipedia - Aavi Kumar -- 2015 film by K. Kandeepan
Wikipedia - Aavin -- Food company in India
Wikipedia - Aaviri -- Film directed by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Aayal Tunia -- Village in Sindh Province, Pakistan
Wikipedia - AB1 -- French television channel
Wikipedia - Abacavir/dolutegravir/lamivudine -- Drug combination for HIV
Wikipedia - Abacavir/lamivudine -- Combination drug for HIV
Wikipedia - Abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine -- Mixture of chemical compounds
Wikipedia - Abacavir -- Chemical compound
Wikipedia - Abad, Kandiaro Taluka -- Village in Sindh Province, Pakistan
Wikipedia - A Banda das Velhas Virgens -- 1979 film directed by Amacio Mazzaropi
Wikipedia - Abandonia -- Online database of DOS video games
Wikipedia - Abangares (canton) -- canton in Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Abanga River -- River in Woleu-Ntem province, Gabon
Wikipedia - Abas Basir -- Minister of higher education, Former Director-General of the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme
Wikipedia - Abay, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Abbad II al-Mu'tadid -- Member of the Abbadid dynasty and emir of Seville, Al-Andalus (r. 1042-1069)
Wikipedia - Abbakumovo, Petushinsky District, Vladimir Oblast -- Village in Vladimir Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Abbasabad, Seyyedan -- A village in Fars, Iran
Wikipedia - Abbas III -- Safavid Shah of Iran (1732-c.1740) (r.1732-1736)
Wikipedia - Abbas II of Persia -- Safavid Shah of Iran (1632-1666) (r. 1642-1666)
Wikipedia - Abbas the Great -- Shah of the Persian Safavid Empire (1571-1629) (r. 1588-1629)
Wikipedia - ABBA: The Movie -- 1977 film by Lasse Hallstrom
Wikipedia - Abbaye Saint-Pierre d'Hautvillers
Wikipedia - Abbeville, Alabama -- City in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Abbeville Communal Cemetery -- First and Second World War cemetery in Somme, France
Wikipedia - Abbeville-la-Riviere -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Abbeville -- Subprefecture and commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Abbevillian -- Early stone age tool culture
Wikipedia - Abbey Clancy -- English lingerie, catwalk model, and television personality
Wikipedia - Abbey Hill -- Civil parish in Milton Keynes, England
Wikipedia - Abbey of Saint Genevieve -- Monastery in Paris suppressed at the time of the French Revolution
Wikipedia - Abbey of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif
Wikipedia - Abbey of Saint-Victor, Paris
Wikipedia - Abbey of St Genevieve
Wikipedia - Abbey of St. Victor, Marseille
Wikipedia - Abbey of St. Victor, Paris
Wikipedia - Abbey Theatre -- National Theatre of Ireland, Dublin, origins tied to the Irish Literary Revival
Wikipedia - Abbie Hoffman -- American political and social activist (1936-1989)
Wikipedia - Abbie Reynolds -- New Zealand environmental advocate
Wikipedia - Abbot Oliba -- Catalan count of Berga and Ripoll, abbot of Santa Maria de Ripoll and Sant Miquel de Cuixa and bishop of Vic (c.971-1046)
Wikipedia - Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man
Wikipedia - Abbott Laboratories -- American global medical devices and health care products company
Wikipedia - Abbreviated New Drug Application -- Application for a US generic drug approval
Wikipedia - Abbreviation -- Shortened form of a word or phrase
Wikipedia - AbbVie -- US pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Abby Fisher Leavitt -- American social reformer
Wikipedia - Abby Huntsman -- American journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Abby Johnson (activist) -- American activist and author
Wikipedia - Abby May -- American activist and social worker
Wikipedia - Abby Stein -- Trans author, rabbi, activist, and speaker
Wikipedia - Abby Whelan -- Character on American television series Scandal
Wikipedia - AbC-19 rapid antibody test -- Immunological test for COVID-19 exposure
Wikipedia - ABC1 (British and Irish TV channel) -- British and Irish television channel
Wikipedia - ABC Afterschool Special -- Television series
Wikipedia - ABC Australia (Southeast Asian TV channel) -- Asia-Pacific pay television channel
Wikipedia - ABC Cinemas -- Movie theatre chain
Wikipedia - ABC Family Worldwide -- Television subsidiary responsible for Freeform
Wikipedia - ABC Kids (TV programming block) -- Children's block of animated television series and live-action children's television series
Wikipedia - ABC Kinglake Ranges -- Temporary radio station in Kinglake, Victoria
Wikipedia - ABC Mildura Swan Hill -- ABC local radio station in Mildura, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - ABC News (Australia) -- News service by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - ABC News Live (24/7 channel) -- American television news network
Wikipedia - ABC NewsRadio -- Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio service
Wikipedia - ABC News Radio -- Radio service of ABC News in the United States
Wikipedia - ABC News -- News division of Walt Disney Television
Wikipedia - ABC Online -- Online services of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - ABC Owned Television Stations -- Television station division of ABC
Wikipedia - ABC Radio Melbourne -- Radio station in Melbourne, Victoria
Wikipedia - ABC Saturday Movie of the Week -- American television series
Wikipedia - ABC Signature -- Television production studio of Walt Disney Television
Wikipedia - ABC Theater -- Television series
Wikipedia - ABC TV (Australian TV network) -- Australian public television network
Wikipedia - ABC World News Tonight -- American television news program
Wikipedia - Abdalhasan, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn al-Musayyab al-Dabbi -- Provincial Abbasid governor, security chief
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Muhammad al-Khaqani -- Abbasid vizier (from 924-925)
Wikipedia - Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Zaynabi -- Provincial
Wikipedia - Ab Dekh Khuda Kya Karta Hai -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Abdelbaset al-Megrahi -- Libyan convicted of the Lockerbie bombing
Wikipedia - Abdelkarim Badjadja -- Algerian archivist and historian
Wikipedia - Abdellatif Loudiyi -- Moroccan civil servant
Wikipedia - Abdication of Edward VIII -- 1936 constitutional crisis in Britain
Wikipedia - Abdiel Colberg -- Puerto Rican television producer and movie director
Wikipedia - Abdilatif Abdalla -- Kenyan writer and political activist
Wikipedia - Abdollah Guivian -- Iranian writer and sociologist
Wikipedia - Abdolmajid Mahdavi Damghani -- Iranian sociologist
Wikipedia - Abdolrahim Mousavi -- Iranian general
Wikipedia - Abdomen -- Part of the body between the chest and pelvis
Wikipedia - Abdominal cavity -- Body cavity in the abdominal area
Wikipedia - Abdou Djabir -- Comorian politician and civil servant
Wikipedia - Ab Douglas -- Canadian television news anchor
Wikipedia - Abdu Gusau -- Nigerian civil engineer (1918-1994)
Wikipedia - Abdul Alim Musa -- Muslim American activist
Wikipedia - Abdul Hafeez Khan Al Yousefi -- Former Agricultural Adviser
Wikipedia - Abdulhalik Renda -- Turkish civil servant and politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Hameed Chapra -- Pakistani journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Abdul-Haqq Dehlavi
Wikipedia - Abdulkadir Selvi -- Turkish journalist
Wikipedia - Abdul Karim (the Munshi) -- Indian servant of Queen Victoria
Wikipedia - Abdullah al-Hamid -- Saudi poet and activist
Wikipedia - Abdullah Barghouti -- Commander of Hamas' armed wing serving 67 life-term sentences
Wikipedia - Abdullah Ghaznavi -- Muslim scholar
Wikipedia - Abdullah H. Abdur-Razzaq -- American activist
Wikipedia - Abdullahi Dikko -- Controller-General of the Nigeria customs service 2009-2015
Wikipedia - Abdullah Qureshi -- Pakistani activist
Wikipedia - Abdul Latif Ibrahimi -- Former Governor of the Afghan Provinces Kunduz, Faryab and Takhar
Wikipedia - Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov -- Soviet and Russian wrestling coach
Wikipedia - Abdul Mannan (aviation executive) -- Bangladeshi politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Qadeer Alvi -- Pakistani politician
Wikipedia - Abdul Raheem Abdul Latheef -- Maldivian soldier
Wikipedia - AbdulRazzaq Ibrahim Salman -- Nigerian activist
Wikipedia - Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi
Wikipedia - Abdul Sattar Moosa Didi -- Maldivian diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Abdur Rab Nishtar -- Pakistani politician and independence activist
Wikipedia - Abe Aronovitz -- American politician
Wikipedia - A Beautiful Mind (TV series) -- 2016 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Abedin Mahdavi -- Iranian filmmaker and photographer
Wikipedia - Abedin Nepravishta -- Albanian politician
Wikipedia - Abe Greenthal -- Expert pickpocket and convict
Wikipedia - A Behavioral Theory of the Firm
Wikipedia - Abel Costas MontaM-CM-1o -- 20th and 21st-century Bolivian Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Abe Levitow -- American animator
Wikipedia - Abelhaleem Hasan Abdelraziq Ashqar -- Palestinian Muslim activist
Wikipedia - Abel M-CM-^Avila -- Spanish Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Abel Sanchez -- Peruvian diver
Wikipedia - Abel's binomial theorem -- A mathematical identity involving sums of binomial coefficients
Wikipedia - AbemaTV -- Japanese video streaming website
Wikipedia - Abena Dugan -- Ghanaian activist
Wikipedia - Aber Bergen -- Norwegian television series
Wikipedia - Aberdeen Breviary
Wikipedia - Aberdeen Pavilion -- Exhibition hall in Ottawa
Wikipedia - Aberdeen Proving Ground
Wikipedia - Aberford -- Village and civil parish near Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Abergarwed -- Village in Neath Port Talbot, Wales
Wikipedia - Aberlemno -- parish and small village in Angus, Scotland
Wikipedia - Aberporth -- Coastal village, local-government community and electoral ward in Ceredigion, Wales
Wikipedia - Aberuthven -- Village in Scotland
Wikipedia - Abe Vigoda -- American actor
Wikipedia - Abgarmak-e Olya, Zaz va Mahru -- A village in Lorestan, Iran
Wikipedia - Abgar VIII -- King of Osroene from 177 to 212
Wikipedia - Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der UniversitM-CM-$t Hamburg -- Peer-reviewed mathematics journal published by Springer Science+Business Media
Wikipedia - Abhayagiri vihara -- Historical Buddhist monastery site in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Abhayanand -- Indian Police Service officer
Wikipedia - Abhay and Rani Bang -- Indian social activists, and researchers
Wikipedia - Abhidharma MahavibhaM-aM-9M-#a Sastra -- Ancient Buddhist text
Wikipedia - Abhina Aher -- Indian transgender activist
Wikipedia - Abhinavano Rasavichar -- 1969 book by [[Nagindas Parekh]]
Wikipedia - Abhishekam (TV series) -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Abhisheka -- Devotional activity in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
Wikipedia - Abhishek Gupta (television personality) -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Abhishek Sharma (actor) -- Indian model and television actor
Wikipedia - Abhishek Singhvi -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Abhishek Vinod -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Abhona -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Abid Raza Naqvi -- Indian poet (born 1947)
Wikipedia - Abid Sadykov -- Soviet chemist and politician
Wikipedia - Abie's Irish Rose (1928 film) -- 1928 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Abigail Dillen -- Executive, attorney and climate activist
Wikipedia - Abigail Hopper Gibbons -- American abolitionist, reformer, activist and Civil War nurse
Wikipedia - Abigail Mavity -- American actress
Wikipedia - Abigail Spanberger -- U.S. Representative from Virginia
Wikipedia - Abigail Vieregg -- Professor of physics
Wikipedia - A Bigger Splash (1973 film) -- 1973/1974 film about David Hockney
Wikipedia - Abimbola Jayeola -- Nigerian aviators
Wikipedia - Abingdon (plantation) -- Plantation site in Virginia, United States of America
Wikipedia - Abinger -- Civil parish in Mole Valley, Surrey, England
Wikipedia - Abiogenesis -- Natural process by which life arises from non-living matter
Wikipedia - Abiotic stress -- Stress on organisms caused by nonliving factors
Wikipedia - Abisoye Ajayi-Akinfolarin -- Nigerian women's activist
Wikipedia - Abitha -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - A Bit of Fry & Laurie -- British sketch comedy television series
Wikipedia - Ab Kameh -- village in Razavi Khorasan, Iran
Wikipedia - Able UK -- British industrial services company
Wikipedia - A Bloody Night -- 2017 2D action video game
Wikipedia - A Blueprint for Survival
Wikipedia - ABM Nurul Alam -- Bangladeshi physician & activist
Wikipedia - Abner Vickery -- American golfer
Wikipedia - Abnormality (behavior)
Wikipedia - Abomination: The Nemesis Project -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Housing Victoria -- Community housing agency for Indigenous Australians in Victoria
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) -- Organisation providing legal services to Indigenous people in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory
Wikipedia - Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia -- Organisation providing legal services to Indigenous people in Western Australia
Wikipedia - Abortion-rights movements -- Social movement that advocates for the right of access to abortion services
Wikipedia - Abortion -- Ending of a pregnancy before a fetus can survive outside the uterus
Wikipedia - About Love. For Adults Only -- 2017 Russian film by Rezo Gigineishvili
Wikipedia - -- Personal web hosting service
Wikipedia - About Time (book) -- Essay by Paul Davies
Wikipedia - About Time (TV series) -- 2018 South Korean televisions series
Wikipedia - Above and Beyond (1952 film) -- 1952 film by Melvin Frank and Norman Panama
Wikipedia - A Boy of Flanders -- 1924 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - ABP Ananda -- Indian Bengali-language television news channel
Wikipedia - Abra de Ilog -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Occidental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Abraham Acton -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Abraham A. Manievich -- Ukrainian-American expressionist artist
Wikipedia - Abraham (Avi) Loeb
Wikipedia - Abraham ben David Caslari
Wikipedia - Abraham Calovius
Wikipedia - Abraham David Christian -- German sculptor
Wikipedia - Abraham David Taroc -- 14th-century Sephardic Jewish jeweller and aristocrat
Wikipedia - Abraham E. Kazan -- American activist
Wikipedia - Abraham Greenawalt -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln Bridge -- Cable-stayed bridge carrying northbound I-65 across the Ohio River at Louisville
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport -- Airport serving Springfield, Illinois, USA
Wikipedia - Abraham Lincoln's farewell address -- 1861 speech upon leaving Springfield, Ill.
Wikipedia - Abraham Louis Levin -- Physician and medical innovator
Wikipedia - Abraham Ludvipol -- Hebrew author and journalist
Wikipedia - Abraham Mutholath -- Multi-talented Catholic priest from India serving in the United States
Wikipedia - Abraham Octavianus Atururi -- Indonesian politician
Wikipedia - Abraham Palmer -- American behavior geneticist
Wikipedia - Abraham Samad -- Indonesian lawyer and activist
Wikipedia - Abraham Serving the Three Angels -- 1646 painting by Rembrandt
Wikipedia - Abraham Shakespeare -- American lottery winner and murder victim
Wikipedia - Abram Alikhanov -- Soviet nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Abram Besicovitch
Wikipedia - Abram Ioffe -- Soviet physicist
Wikipedia - Abram Irvin McDowell -- Former mayor of Columbus, Ohio
Wikipedia - Abram Khavin -- Ukrainian chess player
Wikipedia - Abram Onkgopotse Tiro -- South African activist
Wikipedia - Abram Petrovich Gannibal -- Russian general, military engineer and nobleman originally from Africa
Wikipedia - Abram P. Haring -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch -- Russian mathematician
Wikipedia - Abra Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Abra, Philippines
Wikipedia - Abrar Alvi -- Indian director, writer & actor
Wikipedia - Abro (serial) -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Abrosoma virescens -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Abrotanella nivigena -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Absalom Jordan -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - ABS-CBN TV Plus -- Philippine digital television service
Wikipedia - ABS-CBN -- Commercial television network in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Absentee voting in the United Kingdom -- Overview of absentee voting in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Absent-mindedness -- inattentive or forgetful behavior
Wikipedia - Absolute 100 -- 2001 film by Srdan Golubovic
Wikipedia - Absolute Beginners (David Bowie song) -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Absolute Evil -- 2009 film
Wikipedia - Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie -- 2016 film by Mandie Fletcher
Wikipedia - Absolutely Fabulous -- British television series
Wikipedia - Abso Lutely Productions -- American television production company
Wikipedia - Absolute Power (novel) -- Novel by David Baldacci
Wikipedia - Abstract art -- Art with a degree of independence from visual references in the world
Wikipedia - Abteilung III b -- Military intelligence service of the Prussian/German Army until the end of World War I
Wikipedia - Abu Abdallah ibn al-Hakim -- 13th-century Vizier of Grenada
Wikipedia - Abu al-Fath al-Busti -- 10th and 11th-century Ghaznavid poet
Wikipedia - Abu al-Razi Muhammad ibn Abd al-Hamid -- Provincial Abbasid governor
Wikipedia - Abu Awn Abd al-Malik ibn Yazid -- Provincial Abbasid governor
Wikipedia - Abu Dhabi Aviation -- UAE-based regional airline
Wikipedia - Abu Dhabi bus service -- Public bus Service
Wikipedia - Abu'l-Fadl ibn al-Amid -- 10th century Persian scholar, philosopher and vizier for the Buyid ruler Rukn al-Dawla
Wikipedia - Abu'l-Fazl ibn Mubarak -- Grand vizier of Mughal emperor Akbar
Wikipedia - Abu'l-Hasan Ali ibn al-Furat -- 10th century Abbasid vizier and Official
Wikipedia - Abu'l-Saj Devdad -- Provincial Abbasid governor and Commander
Wikipedia - Abundant number -- Number that is smaller than the sum of its proper divisors
Wikipedia - Abu Rawash -- Village in Giza Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Abuse (video game)
Wikipedia - Abu Simbel -- Village in Egypt
Wikipedia - Abusir -- Village in Giza Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Abusive supervision
Wikipedia - Abyan campaign (March-August 2015) -- Campaign of the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Abyss (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Acacia binervia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acacia havilandiorum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acacia: The War with the Mein -- Book by David Anthony Durham
Wikipedia - Acacia validinervia -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acacia victoriae -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Academe of St. Jude Thaddeus -- Private school in Cavite, Philippines
Wikipedia - Academica (charter school) -- American charter school service and support organization
Wikipedia - Academic achievement among different groups in Germany -- Overview of the academic achievement among different ethnic groups in Germany
Wikipedia - Academic advising
Wikipedia - Academic advisor
Wikipedia - Academic Evaluation Services -- Global organization
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Australia -- Overview of academic grading in Australia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Austria -- Overview of academic grading in Austria
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Bangladesh -- Overview of academic grading in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Canada -- Overview of academic grading in Canada
Wikipedia - Academic grading in China -- Overview of academic grading in China
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Denmark -- Overview of academic grading in Denmark
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Egypt -- Overview of academic grading in Egypt
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Finland -- Overview of academic grading in Finland
Wikipedia - Academic grading in France -- Overview of academic grading in France
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Germany -- Overview of academic grading in Germany
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Greece -- Overview of academic grading in Greece
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Hong Kong -- Overview of academic grading in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Academic grading in India -- Overview of academic grading in India
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Indonesia -- Overview of academic grading in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Ireland -- Overview of academic grading in Ireland
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Italy -- Overview of academic grading in Italy
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Morocco -- Overview of academic grading in Morocco
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Russia -- Overview of academic grading in Russia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Serbia -- Overview of academic grading in Serbia
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Singapore -- Overview of academic grading in Singapore
Wikipedia - Academic grading in Sweden -- Overview of academic grading in Sweden
Wikipedia - Academic grading in the Philippines -- Overview of academic grading in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Academic grading in the United Kingdom -- Overview of academic grading in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Academic quarter (year division) -- Division of the academic year into four parts
Wikipedia - Academic term -- Subdivision of the academic year at educational institutions
Wikipedia - Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay -- Best screenplay not based upon previously published material
Wikipedia - Academy Award for Best Visual Effects -- Academy Award given for the best achievement in visual effects
Wikipedia - Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons
Wikipedia - Academy of Interactive Entertainment -- Australian videos game and animation school
Wikipedia - Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union -- Highest scientific institution of the Soviet Union (1925-1991)
Wikipedia - Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation -- Charitable arm of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
Wikipedia - Academy of Television Arts & Sciences -- American television organization
Wikipedia - Acalitus brevitarsus -- Species of mite
Wikipedia - Acalles carinatus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acalles clavatus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acalles costifer -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acalles indigens -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acalles porosus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acallodes saltoides -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acallodes ventricosus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - A Calzon Quita'o -- Puerto Rican television talk show
Wikipedia - Acamptus echinus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acanthobrama telavivensis -- species of fish
Wikipedia - Acanthognathus brevicornis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthognathus laevigatus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthomyrmex laevis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthoponera peruviana -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acanthoscelidius curtus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acanthoscelidius guttatus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acanthoscelidius mendicus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acanthoscelidius utahensis -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Acanthostichus brevicornis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Acantun -- Ritual stone shafts placed at Yucatec Maya villages
Wikipedia - Acao Games -- Brazilian video game magazine (1991-2003)
Wikipedia - Acapulco District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Acapulco Shore -- Mexican television series
Wikipedia - A Carol Christmas -- 2003 television film
Wikipedia - A Carol for Another Christmas -- 1964 television film directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Wikipedia - Acaromimus americanus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - A. Carville Foster -- American politician
Wikipedia - A Casa das Sete Mulheres -- Brazilian television miniseries
Wikipedia - Acasis viretata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Acasis viridata -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aca Stankovic -- Serbian pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Aca Stanojevic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Accademia Vivarium Novum -- Italian school
Wikipedia - Accelerated failure time model -- Parametric model in survival analysis
Wikipedia - Accelerometer -- Device that measures proper acceleration
Wikipedia - Accent (sociolinguistics) -- Manner of pronunciation peculiar to a particular individual, location, or nation
Wikipedia - Acceptable in the 80s -- 2007 single by Calvin Harris
Wikipedia - Acceptance of evolution by religious groups -- General review of religious attitudes towards evolution
Wikipedia - Access Bank Group -- Nigerian financial services conglomerate
Wikipedia - Access key -- Keyboard shortcut allowing a user to jump to a specific part of a web page via the keyboard, definable through the HTML accesskey attribute
Wikipedia - Accessory breast -- Condition of having an additional breast
Wikipedia - Accessory to War -- 2018 science book by Neil deGrasse Tyson and Avis Lang
Wikipedia - Accessory visual structures -- External parts of the eye including eyebrow, eyelid, and lacrimal apparatus
Wikipedia - Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator -- G20 COVID-19 global initiative
Wikipedia - Access to information -- Ability for an individual to seek, receive, and impart information effectively
Wikipedia - Access violation
Wikipedia - Accidental Lovers -- Television series
Wikipedia - Accidentally in Love Chinese Drama -- Chinese television drama
Wikipedia - Accidental viewpoint -- Singular position from which an image can be perceived creating either an ambiguous image or an illusion
Wikipedia - Accidents and incidents involving the North American P-51 Mustang -- List of accidents and incidents involving the North American P-51 Mustang and its variants
Wikipedia - Acclaim Entertainment -- Defunct American video game publisher
Wikipedia - ACC Network -- American subscription television channel
Wikipedia - Accomack County Public Schools -- School district in Virginia
Wikipedia - Accommodation of Crews (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1970 -- International Labour Organization Convention
Wikipedia - Accompaniment -- Musical parts which provide the rhythmic and/or harmonic support for the melody or main themes of a song or instrumental piece
Wikipedia - According to Jim -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - Accretion (astrophysics) -- The accumulation of particles into a massive object by gravitationally attracting more matter
Wikipedia - Accretion (coastal management) -- The process of coastal sediment returning to the visible portion of a beach
Wikipedia - Accurizing -- Process of improving the accuracy and precision of a gun
Wikipedia - Accusing Evidence -- 1916 film
Wikipedia - AccuWeather -- Weather forecast service provider
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies -- 2001 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 2 -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation -- Combat flight simulation video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Advance -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat: Assault Horizon -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Infinity -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat: Joint Assault -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat -- Flight action Video game series
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Aceh -- Province of Indonesia
Wikipedia - A Cell Phone Movie -- 2011 film
Wikipedia - Ace of Cakes -- American reality television show
Wikipedia - A Certain Magical Index: The Movie - The Miracle of Endymion -- 2013 film by Hiroshi Nishikiori
Wikipedia - Acetic acid -- Colorless and faint organic acid found in vinegar
Wikipedia - Acetomicrobium flavidum -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - AcFun -- Chinese video sharing website
Wikipedia - Achachi Qala (Quiabaya) -- Mountain in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Achadas da Cruz -- civil parish in Porto Moniz
Wikipedia - Achadinha -- civil parish in Nordeste
Wikipedia - Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands
Wikipedia - Achaea (province)
Wikipedia - Achaia Channel -- Local television station in Achaia, Greece
Wikipedia - Achaia (Roman province)
Wikipedia - Achaler -- Village in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - A.Chal -- Peruvian singer-songwriter and producer
Wikipedia - A Change of Heart (TV series) -- Hong Kong television series
Wikipedia - Achankunju -- Indian film Actor in Malayalam movies
Wikipedia - Achan Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Acharavadee Wongsakon -- Thai lay Buddhist teacher who teaches Techo Vipassana Meditation
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Celebration -- 1982 television film
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Christmas -- 1965 television special directed by Bill Melendez
Wikipedia - A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving -- 1973 television special
Wikipedia - Acharya Vidyasagar -- Indian Jain monk
Wikipedia - Acharya Vishva Bandhu -- Indian Vedic scholar and educationist
Wikipedia - Achchhad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Acheux-en-Vimeu -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Achherr Bhaardwaj -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Achievement Hunter -- A video gaming website and a division of Rooster Teeth Productions
Wikipedia - Achieving Our Country -- 1998 book by Richard Rorty
Wikipedia - Achilleas Kallakis -- convicted fraudster
Wikipedia - Achint Kot -- Village in India
Wikipedia - Achintya Holte Nilsen -- Miss World Indonesia 2017, Indonesian supermodel, singer, greenpeace activist and beauty pageant titleholder
Wikipedia - A Chit Phwae Lay Nyin -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Achlya flavicornis -- Species of false owlet moth
Wikipedia - Achourya -- Non-stealing, a virtue in Indian religions
Wikipedia - Achra, India -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1982 film) -- 1982 Australian made-for-television animated film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1984 film) -- 1984 US television film directed by Clive Donner
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (1999 film) -- Television film directed by David Jones
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (2000 film) -- 2000 television movie directed by Catherine Morshead
Wikipedia - A Christmas Carol (2004 film) -- 2004 television film based on a 1994 stage musical
Wikipedia - A Christmas Melody -- 2015 television film
Wikipedia - A Christmas Story Live! -- 2017 live TV production inspired by the movie A Christmas Story
Wikipedia - A Christmas to Remember (2016 film) -- 2016 television film directed by David Weaver
Wikipedia - Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 -- 2010 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Achyut Kanvinde
Wikipedia - Acianthera breviflora -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera violaceomaculata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acianthera viridis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acid attack -- Form of violent assault
Wikipedia - Acidianus rod-shaped virus 1 -- Species of virus
Wikipedia - Acif HadM-EM->iahmetovic -- Yugoslav politician (1887-1945)
Wikipedia - A Civil War (book) -- 1991 book by Claudio Pavone
Wikipedia - A C Joshi -- Indian botanist, academic and civil servant
Wikipedia - Ackleton -- Village in Shropshire, England
Wikipedia - ACM Computing Reviews
Wikipedia - ACM Distinguished Service Award
Wikipedia - ACM/IEEE Virtual Reality International Conference
Wikipedia - Acokanthera laevigata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Acomb, North Yorkshire -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - A Comedy of Terrors -- 2021 historical novel by Lindsey Davis
Wikipedia - A Conflict of Visions
Wikipedia - Aconitum violaceum -- species of plant
Wikipedia - Acosta (canton) -- canton in San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - A Counterblaste to Tobacco -- 1604 anti-tobacco treatise by King James VI of Scotland
Wikipedia - A Country Practice -- Australian television series
Wikipedia - A Course in Miracles -- Book which claims to assist its readers in achieving spiritual transformation
Wikipedia - Acoustically Navigated Geological Underwater Survey -- A deep-towed still-camera sled operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the early 1970s
Wikipedia - Acoustic ecology -- Studies the relationship, mediated through sound, between human beings and their environment
Wikipedia - Acoustic levitation
Wikipedia - Acoustic radiometer -- Device used to measure elements of sound
Wikipedia - Acoustic release -- An oceanographic device for the deployment and subsequent recovery of instrumentation from the sea floor, in which the recovery is triggered remotely by an acoustic command signal
Wikipedia - Acoustic space -- An acoustic environment in which sound can be heard by an observer
Wikipedia - Acoustics -- Branch of physics involving mechanical waves
Wikipedia - Acoustic tag -- Device that enables detection and tracking of animals
Wikipedia - ACP 131 -- Defines Allied Military brevity codes
Wikipedia - Acraga victoria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - A Crime to Remember -- Television series
Wikipedia - Acrolepiopsis brevipennella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Acromioclavicular joint -- Shoulder junction between the scapula and the clavicle
Wikipedia - Acronis -- Swiss technology company specializing in backup and disaster recovery software and services
Wikipedia - Acronym Finder -- Online dictionary and database of abbreviations
Wikipedia - Acronyms and abbreviations in avionics
Wikipedia - Across the Great Divide (album)
Wikipedia - Across the Great Divide (song)
Wikipedia - Across the Imaginary Divide -- Album by Bela Fleck
Wikipedia - ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering -- eekly peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica B
Wikipedia - Acta Archaeologica -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Actavis -- Global pharmaceutical company
Wikipedia - Acteon Group (company) -- Subsea services company in Norwich, England
Wikipedia - Actigraphy -- Non-invasive method of monitoring human rest/activity cycles
Wikipedia - Acting Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja -- 1974 film
Wikipedia - Action 52 -- Unlicensed multicart video game compilation
Wikipedia - Action-adventure game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Action Bass -- 2000 fishing video game
Wikipedia - Action Bronson -- American rapper, writer, chef, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Action Button Entertainment -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Action (Canadian TV channel) -- Defunct Canadian television network
Wikipedia - Action for Children's Television -- Organization
Wikipedia - Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists -- German neo-Nazi organization banned in 1983
Wikipedia - Action News -- American television newscast format
Wikipedia - Action of 9 January 1921 -- Short naval battle of the Russian Civil War
Wikipedia - Action point (video gaming)
Wikipedia - Action (TV series) -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - Active asteroid -- Bodies orbiting within the main asteroid belt which have shown cometary activityt
Wikipedia - Active Directory Rights Management Services
Wikipedia - Active Directory -- Directory service created by Microsoft for Windows domain networks
Wikipedia - Active Format Description -- Standard set of codes for television or set-top-box decoders
Wikipedia - Active Lancer -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Active measures -- Term for the actions of political warfare conducted by the Soviet and Russian security services
Wikipedia - ActiveMovie
Wikipedia - Active Raid -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Active reserve (KGB) -- Member of the KGB undercover in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Active Worlds -- Virtual world launched in 1995
Wikipedia - Activia -- French yogurt brand
Wikipedia - Activision Blizzard Studios -- American film and television production company
Wikipedia - Activision Blizzard -- American video game company
Wikipedia - Activision -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Activism -- Efforts to make change in society toward a perceived greater good
Wikipedia - Activist shareholder -- Shareholder using equity to pressure management
Wikipedia - Activist
Wikipedia - Activities of daily living -- Term used in healthcare to refer to people's daily self care activities
Wikipedia - Activity-centered design
Wikipedia - Activity coefficient -- Value accounting for thermodynamic non-ideality of mixtures
Wikipedia - Activity diagram
Wikipedia - Activity model
Wikipedia - Activity Monitor (macOS)
Wikipedia - ActivityPub -- Decentralized social networking protocol
Wikipedia - Activity recognition
Wikipedia - Activity-specific approach in temperament research
Wikipedia - Activity Streams (format)
Wikipedia - Activity stream
Wikipedia - Activity Theory
Wikipedia - Activity theory
Wikipedia - Activity tracker
Wikipedia - Activity (UML)
Wikipedia - ActivTrak (software) -- cloud-based user activity monitoring software
Wikipedia - Act of Betrayal -- 1988 television film by Lawrence Gordon Clark
Wikipedia - Act of Violence (1959 film) -- 1958 Australian television film
Wikipedia - Act of Violence -- 1948 film by Fred Zinnemann
Wikipedia - Actor -- Person who acts in a dramatic or comic production and works in film, television, theatre, or radio
Wikipedia - ActRaiser -- 1990 SNES video game
Wikipedia - Acts25 -- Television station in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Acts of Reparation to the Virgin Mary
Wikipedia - Acts of repudiation -- Violence against critics of Cuban government
Wikipedia - Actual innocence -- Standard of review in legal cases
Wikipedia - Actua Sports -- Video game series
Wikipedia - ACT UP -- International AIDS activism, direct action and advocacy group
Wikipedia - AcuaExpreso -- Ferry service between CataM-CM-1o and San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Acuant -- Technology services company
Wikipedia - Acueducto de Ponce -- Historic gravity-based water supply system in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Acura -- Luxury vehicle division of Honda
Wikipedia - A Current Affair (American TV program) -- American television newsmagazine program (1986-1996, 2005)
Wikipedia - Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis -- Common, non-contagious infection of the gums with sudden onset
Wikipedia - Acute visual loss -- Loss of visual acuity associated with illness or aging
Wikipedia - A. C. Woolner -- 20th-century vice-chancellor of the University of the Punjab
Wikipedia - Adaa Khan -- Indian television actress and model
Wikipedia - Adaalat -- Indian television courtroom drama
Wikipedia - Ada Baker -- Australian soprano, vaudeville star and singing teacher
Wikipedia - Ada Bello -- Cuban American LGBT rights activist and medical laboratory researcher
Wikipedia - Ada Derana -- Sri Lanka television news channel and newscasts
Wikipedia - Adadia -- Village in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Wikipedia - Adagio and Rondo for glass harmonica, flute, oboe, viola and cello -- Composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Adaina invida -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Adaina parainvida -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Adair Hore -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - Adalar, AM-DM-^_li -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Adalberto Pereira dos Santos -- Former Vice President of Brazil
Wikipedia - Adalberts Bubenko -- Latvian racewalker
Wikipedia - Adaleres flandersi -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Adaleres humeralis -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Adaleres ovipennis -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Adali, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ada Livitsanou -- Greek actress and singer
Wikipedia - Adam-12 -- American television series 1968-1975
Wikipedia - Adam Adamant Lives! -- British television series
Wikipedia - Adam Adler -- British television executive producer
Wikipedia - Adam Alexander (sportscaster) -- American television announcer
Wikipedia - Adam Alsing -- Swedish television and radio host
Wikipedia - Adam Amin -- American television and radio sportscaster
Wikipedia - Adam and Eva -- 1923 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - Adam and Evil (1927 film) -- 1927 film
Wikipedia - Adam and Joe Go Tokyo -- BBC television series
Wikipedia - Adam Archibald -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Adam BahdanoviM-DM-^M -- Belarusian ethnographer
Wikipedia - Adam Bugajski -- Polish civil servant
Wikipedia - Adam Chen -- Singaporean television and film actor
Wikipedia - Adam Cvijanovic -- American painter (born 1960)
Wikipedia - Adam David Miller -- American writer
Wikipedia - Adam Davidson (journalist) -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Adam Davies (author) -- American author
Wikipedia - Adam DeVine -- American actor, comedian and writer
Wikipedia - Adam Eidinger -- American cannabis rights activist
Wikipedia - Adam Fergus -- Irish film, television and stage actor
Wikipedia - Adam F. Goldberg -- American television and film producer
Wikipedia - Adam Fierro -- American television writer and producer
Wikipedia - Adam Foundation Prize in Creative Writing -- International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University of Wellington Prize
Wikipedia - Adam Gardiner -- New Zealand voice, film and television actor
Wikipedia - Adam Hills -- Australian comedian and radio and television presenter
Wikipedia - Adamie Niviaxie -- Inuit sculptor
Wikipedia - Adam Kane -- American cinematographer & television director
Wikipedia - Adamkayalar -- Rock carved figures in Mersin Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - Adam Kuby -- American sculptor, visual artist and landscape designer
Wikipedia - Adam Levine -- American singer-songwriter from California, lead singer of the band Maroon 5
Wikipedia - Adam Levin -- American writer
Wikipedia - Adam Litovitz -- Canadian musician
Wikipedia - Adam Matan -- Somali-British civil society leader and social activist
Wikipedia - Adam Montoya -- Video game commentator
Wikipedia - Adam (murder victim) -- 2001 murder victim
Wikipedia - Adam Nimoy -- American television director
Wikipedia - Adam of Saint Victor
Wikipedia - Adam of St. Victor
Wikipedia - Adam Okruashvili -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - Adam-ondi-Ahman -- Historic site in Daviess County, Missouri, U.S.; according to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the site where Adam and Eve lived after being expelled from the Garden of Eden
Wikipedia - Adamova Manor -- Manor house in Latvia
Wikipedia - Adamow, Starachowice County -- Village in SwiM-DM-^Ytokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland
Wikipedia - Adam Parvipontanus
Wikipedia - Adam Richman -- American actor and television personality
Wikipedia - Adam Ross (CSI: NY) -- Fictional character on the television series CSI: NY, portrayed by A. J. Buckley.
Wikipedia - Adam Savage -- American special effects specialist and television host
Wikipedia - Adam Schefter -- American sportswriter and television analyst
Wikipedia - Adam's Rib (TV series) -- American television series - 1973
Wikipedia - Adam 'Tex' Davis -- American screenwriter and director
Wikipedia - Adam Vaclavik -- Czech biathlete
Wikipedia - Adam Viaduct -- Grade II listed railway underbridge in Wigan, England
Wikipedia - Adam Wakenshaw -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Adana Province
Wikipedia - Adan David Ruiz -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Adaoren, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Adaptations of works of Rabindranath Tagore in film and television
Wikipedia - Adapter -- Accessory for adapting or connecting two devices or two workpieces
Wikipedia - Adaptive behavior (ecology) -- Behavior which increases reproductive success
Wikipedia - Adaptive Behavior (journal)
Wikipedia - Adaptive behavior
Wikipedia - Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems
Wikipedia - Adaptive management -- Adaptive environmental assessment and management (AEAM)
Wikipedia - Adare -- Village in County Limerick, Munster, Ireland
Wikipedia - Adarki -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Dark Room -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Adarna (TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Ada Rogovtseva -- Soviet actress
Wikipedia - Adarsh Shastri -- Indian activist
Wikipedia - Ada Sacchi Simonetta -- Librarian and women's rights activist (b. 1874, d. 1944)
Wikipedia - Ad Astral Aviation -- Australian charter airline
Wikipedia - A Date with the Falcon -- 1942 film by Irving Reis
Wikipedia - Ada TV -- Television channel in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Wikipedia - A Daughter of the Wolf -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Adavad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A. David Andrews
Wikipedia - A. David Buckingham
Wikipedia - Adavi Donga -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Ada VidoviM-DM-^M Muha -- Slovene linguist
Wikipedia - Adavi (film) -- 2020 Tamil language film
Wikipedia - Adavi, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adavi Ramudu (2004 film) -- 2004 film directed by B. Gopal
Wikipedia - Ada Wong -- Resident Evil character
Wikipedia - A Day with the Devil -- 1945 film
Wikipedia - Ad blocking -- Software feature removing online advertising in a web browser or application
Wikipedia - Adbolton -- Village in Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Adcock antenna -- A type of radio antenna array, used mainly for early radio navigation
Wikipedia - Adcolna -- Village in Ponda, India
Wikipedia - Adda Motiram -- Village in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Add Fuel -- Portuguese visual artist and illustrator
Wikipedia - Addicted to You (Avicii song) -- 2013 song by Avicii
Wikipedia - Addiction vulnerability -- A range of genetic and environmental risk factors for developing an addiction
Wikipedia - Addiko Bank -- Austrian banking and financial services company
Wikipedia - Addington (provincial electoral district) -- Former electoral district of Ontario, Canada
Wikipedia - Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway -- International railway line serving Ethiopia and Djibouti
Wikipedia - Addis Ababa Light Rail -- Light rail transportation service in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Addison B. Colvin -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Addite Shirwaikar Malik -- Indian television actress and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Additi Gupta -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China -- Constitutional revisions and amendments that serve as the Constitution of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Additive color -- A model for predicting color created by mixing visible light
Wikipedia - Additive genetic effects -- Effects on a phenotype caused by multiple genes whose individual effects add together to produce their total effects
Wikipedia - Additive number theory -- Study of subsets of integers and behavior under addition
Wikipedia - Add It Up -- Song by Violent Femmes
Wikipedia - Adductor brevis muscle -- Muscle in the thigh situated immediately behind the pectineus and adductor longus
Wikipedia - Adebola Babatunde Ekanola -- Acting Vice Chancellor of University of Ibadan
Wikipedia - Adeela Abdulla -- Indian Administrative Service officer
Wikipedia - A Deeper Love -- 1991 single by Clivilles & Cole
Wikipedia - A Deepness in the Sky -- Novel by Vernor Vinge
Wikipedia - Adel Abo Hassoon -- Syrian television actor and voice actor
Wikipedia - Adela Cantalapiedra -- Spanish television presenter
Wikipedia - Adelaide, Abbess of Vilich
Wikipedia - Adelaide Casely-Hayford -- 19th and 20th-century Sierra Leonean activist, educator, feminist and writer
Wikipedia - Adelaide, Lake County, Colorado -- Ghost town near Leadville in Lake County, Colorado
Wikipedia - AdelaM-CM-/de Charlier -- Belgian climate activist
Wikipedia - Adelantado -- Title held by Spanish nobles in service of their respective kings during the Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Adela Vazquez -- Cuban American transgender activist and performer
Wikipedia - Adela violella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Adele at the BBC -- Television special
Wikipedia - Adele M. Fielde -- American social activist, missionary, scientist, writer
Wikipedia - Adele Zay -- Transylvanian pedagogue, teacher and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Adelheid und ihre Morder -- 1993-2007 German comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Adelina Adalis -- Soviet poet (1900-1969)
Wikipedia - Adelina Covian -- Spanish painter
Wikipedia - Adelina Galyavieva -- French ice dancer
Wikipedia - Adelina Nicholls -- Mexican-american human rights activist
Wikipedia - Adeline Marie Russell, Duchess of Bedford -- activist
Wikipedia - Adeline van Lier -- Dutch television and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Adelle Davis
Wikipedia - Adel, Leeds -- Village in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Adelle Onyango -- Kenyan radio presenter and social activist
Wikipedia - Adelphia Communications Corporation -- Former American cable television company
Wikipedia - Ade, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adem Jashari Olympic Stadium -- Multi-purpose stadium in Mitrovica, Kosovo
Wikipedia - Adem Somyurek -- Turkish Australian politician and Victorian State Minister
Wikipedia - Aden Adde International Airport -- International airport serving Mogadishu, Somalia
Wikipedia - Adenanthos flavidiflorus -- Species of shrub of the family Proteaceae native to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Adenike Akinsemolu -- Social entrepreneur and Environmental educator
Wikipedia - Adenike Oladosu -- Nigerian climate activist
Wikipedia - Adeno-associated virus -- Species of virus that infects humans mildly
Wikipedia - Adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis -- Common and highly contagious viral infection of the eye
Wikipedia - Adentro Cojutepeque -- 1942 song by Francisco Palaviccini
Wikipedia - Aderklaaer StraM-CM-^_e (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Adetomyrma clarivida -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - A Devil of a Woman -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - A Devil's Chaplain -- Book by Richard Dawkins
Wikipedia - A Devil with Women -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Adevism
Wikipedia - Adforton -- Rural village in Herefordshire, England
Wikipedia - Adgaon bk -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adgaon Budruk -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adgaon-chothava-Yeola -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adgaon Khurd -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adgaon Kh -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adgaon, Mulshi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adhale Budruk -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adhale Khurd -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adhe Khurd -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adhikar (1986 film) -- 1986 film directed by Vijay Sadanah
Wikipedia - Adhipathi -- 2001 film by Ravi Raja Pinisetty
Wikipedia - Adhugo -- Film directed by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Adhuri Kahaani Hamari -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Adhurs -- 2010 film directed by V. V. Vinayak
Wikipedia - Adiantum peruvianum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Adiantum viridimontanum -- A rare fern found only in outcrops of serpentine rock in New England and Eastern Canada
Wikipedia - Adi Barkan -- Israeli model agent and activist
Wikipedia - Adi Bielski -- Israeli theatre and movie actress
Wikipedia - Adik Sa'Yo -- 2009 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah -- Belgian film and television directors
Wikipedia - Adit & Sopo Jarwo -- Indonesian television series
Wikipedia - Aditi Govitrikar -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Aditi Ravi -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Aditi Sharma (actress, born 1983) -- Indian television and film actress
Wikipedia - Aditi Sharma (actress, born 1996) -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Aditya Vikram Birla -- Industrialist from India
Wikipedia - Aditya Vikram Sengupta -- Indian director
Wikipedia - Adivare -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Diva's Christmas Carol -- 2000 television film directed by Richard Schenkman
Wikipedia - A Divine Image
Wikipedia - A Divine Looking-Glass -- Book by John Reeve
Wikipedia - A Divisao -- Brazilian crime drama web television series
Wikipedia - Adivi Sesh -- Indian actor, director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - A Division (New York City Subway) -- Division of the New York City Subway
Wikipedia - A Division of the Spoils -- 1975 book by Paul Scott
Wikipedia - Adjoavi Trenou -- Togolese activist and politician
Wikipedia - Adjusted Service Rating Score -- System used by US Army at the end of WWII to determine which soldiers were eligible to be repatriated to the US
Wikipedia - Adjustment disorder -- Psychiatric disorder involving emotional difficulty in response to a stressor
Wikipedia - Adkhal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Adlah Donastorg Jr. -- Virgin Islander politician
Wikipedia - Adlai Stevenson I -- 19th-century U.S. Vice President and Congressman from Illinois
Wikipedia - Adlington, Lancashire -- Town and civil parish in Lancashire, England
Wikipedia - ADM-3A -- Early video display terminal
Wikipedia - Admal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Admete viridula -- Species of sea snail
Wikipedia - Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias -- Operator of most of Spain's railway infrastructure
Wikipedia - Administrative Behavior
Wikipedia - Administrative controls -- Training, procedure, policy, or practice that lessen the threat of a hazard by improving worker behavior
Wikipedia - Administrative counties of England -- Former subnational divisions of England
Wikipedia - Administrative detention -- Arrest and detention of individuals by the state without trial
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Armenia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Assam -- Regional divisions in Assam
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Bihar -- Regional divisions in Bihar
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Burma
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Cambodia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of China -- Class of regions in the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Croatia -- List of historical and current administrative divisions of Croatia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of France
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of French Polynesia -- List of administrative divisions in France
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Georgia (country)
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Haryana -- Regional divisions in Harayana
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Hungary
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of India -- Subnational administrative units of India
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of ISIL
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Jharkhand -- Regional divisions in Jharkhand
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Karnataka -- Regional divisions in Karnataka
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Michigan -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Morocco
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Moscow Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of New York (state) -- Administrative divisions of New York state
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Omsk Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Poland
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Portugal -- Overview of the administrative divisions of Portugal
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Romania
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Rostov Oblast
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Ryazan Oblast
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Singapore -- ways Singapore has been subdivided for administrative purposes
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Somalia
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Sverdlovsk Oblast -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Taiwan -- Administrative division of Taiwan
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of the Tang dynasty
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Tyumen Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Ukraine
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Ulyanovsk Oblast -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Uttarakhand -- Regional divisions in Uttarakhand
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Uttar Pradesh -- Regional divisions in Uttar Pradesh
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of West Bengal -- Regional divisions in West Bengal
Wikipedia - Administrative divisions of Yemen -- One of two main types of bureaucratic divisions in Yemen
Wikipedia - Administrative division -- A territorial entity for administration purposes
Wikipedia - Administrative geography of the United Kingdom -- Geographical subdivisions of local government in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Administrative regions of Greece -- First administrative subdivisions of Greece
Wikipedia - Administrative units of Pakistan -- Provinces and territories under the administrative authority of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate -- Russian class of frigates
Wikipedia - Admiralty Mountains -- Mountain range in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Wikipedia - Adnan Z. Amin -- Kenyan development economist, international civil servant and diplomat
Wikipedia - Adobe Acrobat -- Set of application software to view, edit and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF)
Wikipedia - Adobe Creative Cloud -- Software as a service offering from Adobe Inc.
Wikipedia - Adobe Flash Player -- Software for viewing multimedia, rich Internet applications, and streaming video and audio
Wikipedia - Adobe Flash -- Deprecated multimedia platform used to add animation and interactivity to websites
Wikipedia - Adobe Fonts -- Subscription service for fonts
Wikipedia - Adobe Premiere Pro -- Video editing software
Wikipedia - Adobe Sign -- E-signature service
Wikipedia - A Doctor's Diary -- 1937 film by Charles Vidor
Wikipedia - A Dog Year -- 2008 television film
Wikipedia - Adolf Baeumker -- German officer and aviation researcher
Wikipedia - Adolf Busch -- German-Swiss violinist, conductor, and composer
Wikipedia - Adolf Hitler's rise to power -- Overview of Adolf Hitler's rise to power
Wikipedia - Adolf Hitler's wealth and income -- Overview of the wealth and income of Adolf Hitler
Wikipedia - Adolfo Ballivian -- Bolivian politician
Wikipedia - Adolfo Figueroa-ViM-CM-1as -- Puerto Rican astrophysicist
Wikipedia - Adolfo Matos -- Puerto Rican activist
Wikipedia - Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport -- International airport serving Madrid, Spain
Wikipedia - Adolf Pavlovich Yushkevich
Wikipedia - Adolf VI of Berg
Wikipedia - Adolf VI
Wikipedia - Adolphe Colrat -- French senior civil servant
Wikipedia - Adolphine Fletcher Terry -- American political and social activist
Wikipedia - Adolphus Andrews -- American Vice admiral
Wikipedia - Adonis Juvenile Novices' Hurdle -- Hurdle horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Ado of Vienne
Wikipedia - Adopt-a-Highway -- Environmental and promotional campaign
Wikipedia - Adoption -- Legal provision for transference of legal parentage
Wikipedia - Adora Svitak -- American writer
Wikipedia - Adoration of the Magi (Leonardo) -- Unfinished painting by Leonardo da Vinci
Wikipedia - Adoration of the Shepherds -- Part of the nativity story and common subject in Christian art
Wikipedia - A dos Francos -- Civil parish of Caldas da Rainha, Portugal
Wikipedia - A dos vientos. Criticas y semblanzas -- book by Ramon Domenec Peres i Peres
Wikipedia - A Double Shot at Love -- Television series
Wikipedia - Adra railway division -- Railway division of India
Wikipedia - Adrar Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - Adrasan Bay -- Bay in the Antalya Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - Adria LaViolette -- American archaeologist
Wikipedia - Adriana Aizemberg -- Argentine film and television actress
Wikipedia - Adriana Davila Fernandez -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Adriana Farmiga -- American visual artist
Wikipedia - Adriana Ferreyr -- Brazilian film, television, stage actress and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Adriana Louvier -- Mexican actress and presenter
Wikipedia - Adriana Salvatierra -- Bolivian politician
Wikipedia - Adrian Berry, 4th Viscount Camrose -- British writer and noble
Wikipedia - Adrian Blevins
Wikipedia - Adrian Carmack -- Video game artist and co-founder of id Software
Wikipedia - Adrian Carton de Wiart -- British Army officer and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Adrian Chiles -- British television and radio presenter
Wikipedia - Adrian David Hugh Bivar
Wikipedia - Adrian Davis (civil servant) -- British economist and civil servant
Wikipedia - Adrian de Alesio -- Peruvian painter and poet
Wikipedia - Adrian Dvir -- Romanian medium
Wikipedia - Adrian Gaona -- Mexican journalist and radio announcer and murder victim
Wikipedia - Adrianna So -- Filipino television actor
Wikipedia - Adrianne Calvo -- American chef and television personality
Wikipedia - Adrianne Curry -- American fashion model, actress and television personality
Wikipedia - Adriano Luz -- Portuguese film and television actor
Wikipedia - Adrian Petriw -- Canadian television, film and voice actor
Wikipedia - Adrian Rappoldi -- German violinist
Wikipedia - Adrian Schiller -- British film, television, and theater actor
Wikipedia - Adrian Schwartz -- Israeli former backgammon player and convicted rapist
Wikipedia - Adrian Silva Moreno -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Adrian Vicente -- Spanish taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - Adriean Videanu -- Romanian politician
Wikipedia - Adrien Lavieille -- French painter
Wikipedia - Adrienne Bailon -- American singer, actress, television personality, and entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Adrienne Bolland -- Pioneering French aviatrix
Wikipedia - Adrienne C. Lahti -- American behavioural neurobiologist
Wikipedia - Adrienne Keene -- American and Native American academic, writer, and activist
Wikipedia - Adrienne McNeil Herndon -- American actress, professor and activist
Wikipedia - Adrift (video game) -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Adris PlM-EM-+ksna -- Latvian bobsledder
Wikipedia - AdS/CFT correspondence -- Duality between theories of gravity on anti-de Sitter space and conformal field theories
Wikipedia - ADS (video gaming)
Wikipedia - A.D. The Bible Continues -- 2015 television miniseries
Wikipedia - A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher -- 2017 action indie 3D video game
Wikipedia - Adult adoption -- Legal provision for transference of legal parentage of an adult
Wikipedia - Adult animated television series in the United States -- Television genre
Wikipedia - Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- The neurobiological condition of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults
Wikipedia - Adult Behavior -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Adult chat (television) -- Genre of television programming
Wikipedia - Adult Material -- British television series
Wikipedia - Adult movie theater -- Movie theater designed for the exhibition of pornographic films
Wikipedia - Adult Swim (Australian TV programming block) -- Australian television programming block
Wikipedia - Adult Swim (Canadian TV network) -- Canadian specialty television network
Wikipedia - Adult Swim Games -- Video game publishing division of Adult Swim
Wikipedia - Adult -- Living organism that has reached sexual maturity
Wikipedia - Adunni Oluwole -- Nigerian pre-independence politician and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Advaita Acharya -- Indian Hindu guru and Vishnu devotee (1434-1559)
Wikipedia - Advanced Computerized Execution System -- NASDAQ subscription service
Wikipedia - Advanced Computing Environment
Wikipedia - Advanced driver-assistance systems -- Electronic systems that help the vehicle driver while driving or during parking
Wikipedia - Advanced European Scientific Diver -- A diver competent to organise a scientific diving team
Wikipedia - Advanced Facer-Canceler System -- Mail sorting machine used by the US Postal Service
Wikipedia - Advanced Idea Mechanics -- Fictional comic book villainous organization
Wikipedia - Advanced Lawnmower Simulator -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Advanced life support -- Life-saving protocols
Wikipedia - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. v. Intel Corp.
Wikipedia - Advanced Micro Devices -- American multinational semiconductor company
Wikipedia - Advanced Open Water Diver -- Recreational scuba diving certification slightly above minimum entry level
Wikipedia - Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
Wikipedia - Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment
Wikipedia - Advanced Resistive Exercise Device -- Exercise device for exercise in zero gravity
Wikipedia - Advanced Television Systems Committee -- Group that developed standards for digital television in the US
Wikipedia - Advanced Video Coding -- The most widely used standard for video compression
Wikipedia - Advanced Warriors -- 2003 Interactive movie
Wikipedia - Advanced Wireless Services
Wikipedia - Advancement Project -- Civil rights advocacy organization
Wikipedia - Advances in Archaeological Practice -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Advance Wars: Days of Ruin -- Video game
Wikipedia - Advani Lakshmi Devi -- Indian Kannada actress
Wikipedia - Adventure (1925 film) -- 1925 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Adventure (1980 video game) -- Landmark Atari video game from 1980
Wikipedia - Adventure Activities Licensing Authority -- The licensing authority for outdoor activity centres for young people in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Adventure Capitalists -- US television program
Wikipedia - AdVenture Capitalist -- Incremental video game
Wikipedia - Adventure game -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Adventure International -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Adventure Island II -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Island: The Beginning -- 2009 platform video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Island (video game)
Wikipedia - Adventureland (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Park, Geelong -- Amusement and water park in Wallington, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - AdventureQuest -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Adventures of a Brown Man in Search of Civilization -- 1972 film
Wikipedia - Adventures of Superman (TV series) -- US 1950s television series
Wikipedia - Adventures of the Barber of Seville -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Adventure Time (1959 TV series) -- 1959-1975 live-action television show for children on WTAE TV-4 in Pittsburgh
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Distant Lands -- American animated streaming television limited series
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know! -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?!! -- Video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time (season 10) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Adventure Time (season 9) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom -- 2014 top-down adventure video game
Wikipedia - Adventure Time -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - AdvertCity -- Procedurally generated business simulation video game published in 2015
Wikipedia - Advertising in video games
Wikipedia - Advice (complexity) -- Computational input that relies on the length but not content of the input
Wikipedia - Advice (computer science)
Wikipedia - Advice from a Caterpillar -- 1999 film
Wikipedia - Advice in aspect-oriented programming
Wikipedia - Advice (opinion) -- Relayed to another person, group or party often offered as a guide to action and/or conduct
Wikipedia - Advice (programming)
Wikipedia - Advice (song) -- 2018 Single by [[Cadet (rapper)|Cadet]] & [[Deno (singer)|Deno]]
Wikipedia - Advice Taker
Wikipedia - Advice taker
Wikipedia - Advice to the Lovelorn -- 1933 film by Alfred L. Werker
Wikipedia - Advics Cup -- World Curling Tour event
Wikipedia - Advihir -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Advise & Consent -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Advise and Consent -- 1959 book by Allen Drury
Wikipedia - ADVISE
Wikipedia - Advision Studios -- Former recording studio in London, England
Wikipedia - A.D. Vision -- American entertainment company
Wikipedia - Advisory Board
Wikipedia - Advisory board -- Body providing strategic advice to an organisation
Wikipedia - Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names -- Advisory committee for the US geographic naming government agency
Wikipedia - Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens -- UK-wide governmental advisory committee
Wikipedia - Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments
Wikipedia - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices -- Centers for Disease Control committee
Wikipedia - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation -- American federal government agency
Wikipedia - Advisory opinion on Western Sahara -- 1975 ICJ advisory body on Western Sahara
Wikipedia - Advisory Service for Squatters -- Squatter self-help group in London, UK
Wikipedia - Ad Vitam -- French-language television series
Wikipedia - Ady Barkan -- American activist and attorney
Wikipedia - Adyenda -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Adygea -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Aechmea laevigata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Aechmea servitensis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - AEG C.VII -- Reconnaissance biplane prototype model by AEG
Wikipedia - Aegean civilization
Wikipedia - Aegis Defence Services -- British private military company
Wikipedia - Aegyptus (Roman province)
Wikipedia - Aellopos clavipes -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini
Wikipedia - Aeneas Silvius -- Ancient Roman mythological figure
Wikipedia - Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini
Wikipedia - Aeneid -- Latin epic poem by Virgil
Wikipedia - Aenictus brevipodus -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Aeolian processes -- Processes due to wind activity
Wikipedia - Aequorivita -- Gram-negative aerobic bacterial genus from the family Flavobacteriaceae
Wikipedia - Aerial Regional-scale Environmental Survey -- A 2008 proposal of a robotic Mars aircraft
Wikipedia - Aerial warfare -- Combat involving aircraft
Wikipedia - Aerocaribe Flight 7831 -- 2000 aviation incident in Mexico
Wikipedia - Aero Fighters -- 1993 video game
Wikipedia - Aero Flight 311 -- 1961 aviation accident in Kvevlax, Finland
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 120 -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 141 -- 1973 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1492 -- Aviation accident in Moscow on 5 May 2019
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1661 -- 1970 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 1912 -- 1971 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 19 -- 1973 airliner hijacking in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 2174 -- 1971 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 244 -- 1970 hijacking in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 245 -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 315 (1960) -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3519 -- 1984 Russian aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 36 (1960) -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3630 -- 1970 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 3932 -- 1973 plane crash in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6263 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 630 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 663 -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 6709 -- 1978 Russian aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight 7841 -- Soviet passenger flight involved in a 1985 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aeroflot Flight U-45 -- 1970 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aero L-60 BrigadM-CM-=r -- General aviation aircraft by Aero in Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Aerolineas Argentinas Flight 707 -- 1970 aviation accident in Argentina
Wikipedia - Aeromancy -- Divination conducted by interpreting atmospheric conditions
Wikipedia - Aeromexico Flight 229 -- 1973 aviation accident in Mexico
Wikipedia - Aeromonas bivalvium -- Species of bacterium
Wikipedia - Aeronautical Code signals -- Brevity codes used for aviation
Wikipedia - Aeropostal Alas de Venezuela Flight 108 -- 1991 aviation accident in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Aeropuertos del Peru -- Peruvian private airport operator
Wikipedia - Aeroput -- Yugoslavian airline
Wikipedia - Aerospace Medical Association -- A professional organization in aviation, space, hyperbaric and environmental medicine
Wikipedia - Aerospatiale Alouette III -- Light helicopter family by Sud Aviation, later Aerospatiale
Wikipedia - Aerospike (company) -- Technology company based in Mountain View, California, US
Wikipedia - AeroSur -- Bolivian airline
Wikipedia - Aeros Virtuoso -- Ukrainian paraglider
Wikipedia - Aerovias DAP -- Chilean airline
Wikipedia - Aerovias Quisqueyana -- Defunct Dominican airline
Wikipedia - AeroVironment -- American unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturer
Wikipedia - Aerowagon -- Soviet railcar powered by aircraft engine
Wikipedia - AerSale -- Aviation Company
Wikipedia - Aesthetic emotions -- Emotions felt during aesthetic activities
Wikipedia - Aestheticization of violence
Wikipedia - Aetbaar -- 2004 film by Vikram Bhatt
Wikipedia - AE Television Networks
Wikipedia - Aethes vicinana -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aetna Hill (Midlothian, Virginia house) -- Historical house in Virginia
Wikipedia - A.E. Vickery -- Wooden three-masted schooner built in 1861
Wikipedia - AEW All Out -- All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - AEW Bash at the Beach -- 2020 All Elite Wrestling television special
Wikipedia - AEW Blood and Guts -- All Elite Wrestling television special
Wikipedia - AEW Dark -- All Elite Wrestling web television program
Wikipedia - AEW Double or Nothing -- All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - AEW Full Gear -- All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - AEW Fyter Fest -- All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - AEW New Year's Smash -- 2021 All Elite Wrestling television special
Wikipedia - AEW Revolution -- All Elite Wrestling pay-per-view series
Wikipedia - AEW Winter Is Coming -- 2020 All Elite Wrestling television special
Wikipedia - Afagaloa -- Village in Samoa
Wikipedia - A Faithful Soldier of Pancho Villa -- 1967 film
Wikipedia - A Family Finds Entertainment -- 2004 video artwork
Wikipedia - Afanasijs Kuzmins -- Latvian sport shooter
Wikipedia - A Farewell to Arms (1957 film) -- 1957 American drama film by Charles Vidor
Wikipedia - Afatauri -- Village in Tahiti, French Polynesia
Wikipedia - Afdlin Shauki -- Malaysian actor, filem director, singer, songwriter, television presenter and comedian
Wikipedia - A. Felix du Pont Jr. -- American businessman, aviator and philanthropist
Wikipedia - A Few Ole Country Boys -- 1990 single by Randy Travis
Wikipedia - Affair in Trinidad -- 1952 film by Vincent Sherman
Wikipedia - Affair of the Diamond Necklace -- Scandal involving King Louis XVI of France and Marie Antoinette
Wikipedia - Affiche Rouge -- Vichy propaganda poster
Wikipedia - Affidavit
Wikipedia - Affirmative action -- Policy of promoting members of groups that have previously suffered from discrimination
Wikipedia - Affordance -- Affordance is the possibility of an action on an object or environment
Wikipedia - Afforestation in Scotland -- Scotland's environment
Wikipedia - Afforestation -- Establishment of trees where there were none previously
Wikipedia - Afghanistan Information Management Services
Wikipedia - A Fighting Colleen -- 1919 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Fire Upon the Deep -- 1992 science fiction novel by Vernor Vinge
Wikipedia - AFI's 100 Years...100 Heroes & Villains -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - AFI's 100 Years...100 Movie Quotes
Wikipedia - AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies (10th Anniversary Edition) -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - AFI Silver -- Movie theater in Silver Spring, Maryland
Wikipedia - Afiya Shehrbano Zia -- Pakistani feminist researcher, writer and activist
Wikipedia - Aflac -- Largest provider of supplemental insurance in the United States
Wikipedia - AfM-EM-^_ar, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AFM Solaiman Chowdhury -- Bangladeshi politician And Former civil servant
Wikipedia - AFN Berlin -- American military radio and television station in West Berlin
Wikipedia - Afonso Celso, Viscount of Ouro Preto -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Afonso Pena International Airport -- Airport serving Curitiba, Brazil
Wikipedia - A Fool's Advice -- 1932 film
Wikipedia - A-Frame (virtual reality framework)
Wikipedia - Afrasheem Ali -- Maldivian politician
Wikipedia - Africa Independent Television -- Private television network in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards -- Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards (AMVCA) is an annual accolade presented by Multichoice recognizing outstanding achievement in television and film.
Wikipedia - Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Animation -- Award Ceremony
Wikipedia - African American Civil War Memorial Museum -- Memorial and Museum in Washington, DC
Wikipedia - African Biodiversity & Conservation -- South African peer-reviewed open access scientific journal
Wikipedia - African buffalo -- Bovine species
Wikipedia - African diaspora -- People descending from native sub-Saharan Africans living outside Africa
Wikipedia - African forest elephant -- One of two living African elephant species (Loxodonta cyclotis)
Wikipedia - African Journal of Marine Science -- A peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all disciplines of marine science
Wikipedia - African reference alphabet -- Set of 60 letters (in the latter edition), used for writing various African languages; initially proposed in 1978 and revised in 1982
Wikipedia - African Review -- Ghanaian magazine
Wikipedia - African violet
Wikipedia - Africa, Prelude to Victory -- 1942 film
Wikipedia - Africa Province, Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Africa Province
Wikipedia - Africa (province)
Wikipedia - Africa (Roman province) -- Roman province in Northern Africa
Wikipedia - Africa Scout Region (World Organization of the Scout Movement) -- Divisional office of the World Scout Bureau headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya
Wikipedia - Africa's Next Top Model -- Television series
Wikipedia - Africville Apology -- 2010 formal government pronouncement in Halifax, Canada
Wikipedia - Africville -- Neighborhood in Halifax in Canada
Wikipedia - Afrika Bambaataa -- American DJ, record producer and activist
Wikipedia - Afrikaner Calvinism
Wikipedia - Afrikanisches Viertel -- Neighborhood in Berlin, Germany
Wikipedia - Afrikan Nikolaevich Krishtofovich
Wikipedia - Afroclivina -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Afroditi Theopeftatou -- Greek politician and civil engineer
Wikipedia - Afrotainment -- Family of television channels
Wikipedia - Afrotyphlops brevis -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Afrovivella -- Genus of flowering plants
Wikipedia - Afshan Anjum -- Indian television journalist and anchor
Wikipedia - After a Few -- Song by Travis Denning
Wikipedia - After Jimmy -- 1996 CBS TV movie directed by Glenn Jordan
Wikipedia - After Life (TV series) -- British streaming television series created by Ricky Gervais
Wikipedia - Afterlife (TV series) -- British television series created by Stephen Volk
Wikipedia - Aftermath of the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 attack -- Consequences of an attempt to detonate an explosive in a civil flight
Wikipedia - Afterparty (video game) -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - After-school activity
Wikipedia - After the Lovin' (album) -- 1976 album by Engelbert Humperdinck
Wikipedia - After Virtue -- 1981 book by Alasdair MacIntyre
Wikipedia - After... (visual novel) -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - After You've Gone (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Aftown -- Music download and streaming service
Wikipedia - Afua Hirsch -- Journalist, barrister, human rights activist
Wikipedia - Afzal Sharif -- Bangladeshi television and film actor
Wikipedia - AG-043 -- Soviet assault carbine
Wikipedia - AGA Aviation CG-9 -- American WWII proposed glider
Wikipedia - AGA Aviation LRG -- American WWII proposed glider
Wikipedia - Again, Dangerous Visions -- Science fiction short story anthology edited by Harlan Ellison
Wikipedia - Again (Lenny Kravitz song) -- 2000 song by American rock musician Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Again!! (manga) -- Manga and television series
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2005) -- 2005 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2006) -- 2006 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2007) -- 2007 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2008) -- 2008 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2009) -- 2009 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2010) -- 2010 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2011) -- 2011 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against All Odds (2012) -- 2012 Total Nonstop Action Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Against Civilization
Wikipedia - Against His-Story, Against Leviathan
Wikipedia - Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants -- 1525 pamphlet by Martin Luther
Wikipedia - Aga Khan Health Services -- Health agency
Wikipedia - Agal Vilakku -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Agamenon: The Film -- 2012 film by Victor Lopes
Wikipedia - Agardanda -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Agaricomycotina -- Subdivision of fungi
Wikipedia - -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - A Garota da Moto -- Brazilian drama television series
Wikipedia - Agartala-Anand Vihar Terminal Rajdhani Express -- Railway station in Bihar
Wikipedia - Agarvayangani Vanoshi Tarf -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Agasanahalli (Sorab) -- village in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Agaskhand -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Agasphaerops nigra -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Aga Syed Mohsin Al Mosvi -- Kashmiri religious leader
Wikipedia - Agata Szymczewska -- Polish women violinist
Wikipedia - Agatea -- Genus of flowering plants in Eudicot family Violaceae
Wikipedia - Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple -- Anime television series
Wikipedia - Agatha Christie's Marple -- British ITV television series
Wikipedia - Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime -- Television series
Wikipedia - Agathodaemon -- Spirit (daemon) of the vineyards and grainfields in ancient Greek religion
Wikipedia - Agathonas Iakovidis -- Greek singer
Wikipedia - Agave vilmoriniana -- species of plant in the family Asparagaceae
Wikipedia - Agawin Mo Man ang Lahat -- 2006 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Agbowa-ikosi -- Village in Lahos, Nigeria
Wikipedia - AGBO -- American film and television production company
Wikipedia - Agda Meyerson -- 19th and 20th-century Swedish nurse and activist
Wikipedia - Age Before Beauty -- Television series
Wikipedia - Age disparity in sexual relationships -- Difference of ages of individuals in sexual relationships
Wikipedia - Agencia Federal de Aviacion Civil -- Civil aviation regulatory body of Mexico
Wikipedia - Agency (philosophy) -- Capacity of an actor to act in a given environment
Wikipedia - Agenda with Cito Beltran -- Philippine television program
Wikipedia - Ageneotettix brevipennis -- Species of grasshopper
Wikipedia - A General Theory of Oblivion -- 2013 novel by Jose Eduardo Agualusa
Wikipedia - A General View of Positivism
Wikipedia - Agent Carter (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Agent Hamilton (TV series) -- TV spy drama series involving secret agent Carl Hamilton
Wikipedia - A Gentleman's Agreement -- 1918 film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Gentleman's Dignity -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (season 3) -- television season
Wikipedia - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (season 4) -- television season
Wikipedia - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (season 6) -- Season of a television series
Wikipedia - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. -- American television series
Wikipedia - Agent Vinod (2012 film) -- 2012 film by Sriram Raghavan
Wikipedia - Agenvillers -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Agenville -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition -- 2019 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition -- 2020 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires III -- 2005 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires II -- 1999 real-time strategy video game
Wikipedia - Age of Empires (video game)
Wikipedia - Age of Empires -- Real-time strategy video game series
Wikipedia - Age of Mythology: The Titans -- Video game
Wikipedia - Age of Mythology -- Spinoff video game of Age of Empires
Wikipedia - Age of Paladins (video game) -- 2008 Iranian video game
Wikipedia - A Gert Lush Christmas -- 2015 television film
Wikipedia - Ages of consent in Africa -- Ages of consent for sexual activity in the countries of Africa
Wikipedia - Ages of consent in Asia -- Overview of ages of consent in Asia
Wikipedia - Ages of consent in Europe -- Overview of ages of consent in Europe
Wikipedia - Ageurta -- Village in Akhmeta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Agfa Optima Flash Sensor -- German 35 mm viewfinder camera
Wikipedia - Aggabai Sasubai -- Marathi-language television program
Wikipedia - Aggression - Reign over Europe -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Aggressive behaviour
Wikipedia - Aghane -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Agha Shaukat Ali -- Pakistani civil servant
Wikipedia - Aghori -- Sect within Shaivism
Wikipedia - Aghurubw -- Carolinian navigator
Wikipedia - Agia Paraskevi metro station -- Metro railway station in Athens, Greece
Wikipedia - A Gift For Whom You Hate -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Agila Probinsya -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Aging of wine -- Overview about the aging of wine
Wikipedia - Agios Charalampos -- Ellispontos, Kozani village
Wikipedia - A Girl and a Dolphin -- 1979 Soviet/Russian animated film directed by Rozaliya Zelma
Wikipedia - A Girl in the Street, Two Coaches in the Background -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - A Girl with Guitar -- 1958 Soviet musical comedy film
Wikipedia - Agitators -- Elected soldiers' representatives during the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Agitu Ideo Gudeta -- Ethiopian farmer, entrepreneur, and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Aglona Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - A Glove Shop in Vienna: And Other Stories -- 1984 short story collection by Eva Ibbotson
Wikipedia - Agnar Aas -- Norwegian civil servant
Wikipedia - Agnes Arvidsson -- Swedish pharmacist
Wikipedia - Agnes Baker Pilgrim -- American activist
Wikipedia - Agnes Bakkevig -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Agnes Buzyn -- French physician, academic and civil servant
Wikipedia - Agnes Chan -- Hong Kong-born singer and activist
Wikipedia - Agnes Davies -- Female snooker and billiards player
Wikipedia - Agnes de Silva -- Sri Lankan social activist
Wikipedia - Agnes Dollan -- Scottish suffragette and political activist
Wikipedia - Agnese KoklaM-DM-^Ma -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Agnese Pastare -- Latvian race walker
Wikipedia - Agnes E. Wells -- American mathematician, educator and women's rights activist (1876-1959)
Wikipedia - Agnes Jones Adams -- African American activist and teacher (1858-1923)
Wikipedia - Agnes Kay Eppers Reynders -- Bolivian cyclist and triathlete
Wikipedia - Agnes Macphail -- Canadian politician and activist
Wikipedia - Agnes McCullough -- Irish teacher, philanthropist and activist
Wikipedia - Agnes Odhiambo (accountant) -- Kenyan accountant and civil servant
Wikipedia - Agnes of Cleves -- Navarrese royal consort, Princess consort of Viana
Wikipedia - Agnes Torres Hernandez -- Mexican activist
Wikipedia - Agneta Sjodin -- Swedish television personality
Wikipedia - Agnidra fulvior -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Agnidra vinacea -- Species of hook-tip moth
Wikipedia - Agniopsis flavovittatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Agnipariksha (TV series) -- 2009 Indian television series
Wikipedia - Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis -- Greek professor and researcher in biology
Wikipedia - Agniya Barto -- Soviet poet and writer
Wikipedia - AgnM-DM-^W SimonaviM-DM-^MiM-EM-+tM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian balloonist
Wikipedia - Agnosticism -- View that the existence of any deity is unknown or unknowable
Wikipedia - A Golden Wake -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Agon Channel -- Albanian television channel
Wikipedia - Agonopterix curvilineella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agonopterix curvipunctosa -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agonopterix kuznetzovi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agony Again -- British television series
Wikipedia - Agony (dying) -- State experienced by a living entity before dying
Wikipedia - Agony (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd -- Japanese adult visual novel developed by August, and manga and anime adaptation
Wikipedia - Agostina Livia Pietrantoni
Wikipedia - Agostina Mileo -- Argentine science communicator, environmentalist
Wikipedia - Agostino Pallavicini -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa and king of Corsica
Wikipedia - Agostino Paravicini Bagliani
Wikipedia - Agostino Viale -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Agos (TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - A Grande Vitoria -- 2014 film directed by Stefano Capuzzi
Wikipedia - Agra Road (1957 film) -- 1957 Bollywood film directed by Ravindra Dave
Wikipedia - Agra Subah -- Province in the Mughal Empire
Wikipedia - Agravity Boys -- Japanese manga series by Atsushi Nakamura
Wikipedia - Agricultural diversification -- re-allocation of farming activities to other crops or livestock or to non-farming activities
Wikipedia - Agricultural marketing -- The entire process of moving agricultural products from the farm to the consumer
Wikipedia - Agricultural Research Service -- Research agency of the US Department of Agriculture
Wikipedia - Agricultural value chain -- The whole range of goods and services necessary for an agricultural product to move from the farm to the final customer
Wikipedia - Agriculture in California -- Overview of agriculture in California
Wikipedia - Agriculture in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Agriculture in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Agriculture -- Cultivation of plants and animals to provide useful products
Wikipedia - Agriphila indivisellus -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Agris Elerts -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Agris KazeM-DM- -- Latvian strongman
Wikipedia - Agritourism -- Agriculturally based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch
Wikipedia - Agrobom -- locality and former civil parish in Portugal
Wikipedia - Agronus carri -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Agrupacion Virgen de Fatima-SaddleDrunk -- Argentine cycling team
Wikipedia - Aguabuena -- district in Coto Brus canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Aguacaliente -- district in Cartago canton, Cartago province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Aguadito -- Peruvian soup
Wikipedia - Aguas Claras District -- district in Upala canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Aguas Zarcas -- district in San Carlos canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Agua (Tainy and J Balvin song) -- 2020 single by Tainy and J Balvin
Wikipedia - Agudas Chasidei Chabad -- Chabad-Lubavitch organization.
Wikipedia - Agusan del Norte Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Agusan del Norte, Philippines
Wikipedia - Agusan del Sur Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Agusan del Sur, Philippines
Wikipedia - Agusan (province) -- Former province of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Agustin Rueda -- Catalan anarchist and anti-Francoist activist
Wikipedia - Agusti Villaronga -- Spanish film director
Wikipedia - Agutaya -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Palawan
Wikipedia - Agwan -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ahad Israfil -- Gunshot survivor
Wikipedia - Ahalya (TV series) -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Aham (Kashmir Shaivism)
Wikipedia - A Harlot's Progress -- series of paintings and engravings by William Hogarth
Wikipedia - Aharon Solomons -- Anglo-Israeli former Army officer, holder of the Israeli national record for freediving.
Wikipedia - Aha (streaming service)
Wikipedia - Ahat, Azdavay -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - A Hat in Time -- 2017 platforming video game
Wikipedia - Aha! (TV program) -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - A Heart So White -- Book by Javier Marias
Wikipedia - Ahed Tamimi -- Palestinian activist
Wikipedia - Ah Fong Village, Hawaii -- Census-designated place in Maui County, HawaiM-JM-;i, United States
Wikipedia - AHICE -- Supraregional art and heritage news service
Wikipedia - Ahimsa -- Nonviolence, one of the cardinal virtues of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
Wikipedia - Ahirvade -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A History of Violence (comics) -- 1997 graphic novel
Wikipedia - A History of Violence -- 2005 film by David Cronenberg
Wikipedia - Ahitsa -- Unpopulated village in VM-CM-5ru County, Estonia
Wikipedia - Ahlam Khudr -- Sudanese activist
Wikipedia - Ahlatcik, Devrekani -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ahmadabad, Asadabad -- Village in Hamadan, Iran
Wikipedia - Ahmad Ammar Ahmad Azam -- Islamic activist
Wikipedia - Ahmad Batebi -- Iranian activist
Wikipedia - Ahmad ibn al-Khasib al-Jarjara'i -- Abbasid Vizier and civil officer
Wikipedia - Ahmad ibn Isma'il ibn Ali al-Hashimi -- Provincial
Wikipedia - Ahmad ibn Nizam al-Mulk -- Persian vizier of Later Abbasid period
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya in Germany -- Overview of the Ahmadiyya in Germany
Wikipedia - Ahmadiyya views on evolution -- The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam universally accepts a process of divinely guided evolution
Wikipedia - Ahmad Kasravi
Wikipedia - Ahmad Keshvari -- Iranian aviator (1953-1980)
Wikipedia - Ahmad Mahdavi Damghani -- Iranian Islamic scholar
Wikipedia - Ahmad Marvi -- Iranian Twelver Shia cleric
Wikipedia - Ahmad Maymandi -- 11th-century Ghaznavid vizier
Wikipedia - Ahmad Nady -- Egyptian political cartoonist, comic artist and activist
Wikipedia - Ahmad Najib Aris -- Convicted murderer in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ahmadpur, Uttar Pradesh -- A village in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Ahmad Yasavi
Wikipedia - Ahmed Adeeb -- Maldivian politician (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ahmed Afif -- Vice President of Seychelles
Wikipedia - Ahmed Akkari -- Danish political activist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Asim -- Maldivian film actor and editor
Wikipedia - Ahmed Azmeel -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Ahmed Easa -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Ahmed Elkadi -- American Muslim activist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Falah -- Maldivian filmmaker
Wikipedia - Ahmed Habib Ki Betiyan -- Television series
Wikipedia - Ahmed Harkan -- Egyptian human rights activist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Nimal -- Maldivian actor, director, writer and producer
Wikipedia - Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi -- 19th and 20th-century Indian scholar
Wikipedia - Ahmed Subhy Mansour -- Egyptian activist
Wikipedia - Ahmed Yesevi
Wikipedia - Ahmet Erdem -- Turkish civil servant
Wikipedia - Ahmetolen, Kepsut -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ahmet Yesevi University
Wikipedia - Ah! My Goddess: The Movie -- 2000 film by Hiroaki GM-EM-^Mda
Wikipedia - Ahn Doo-hee -- (1917-1996) Korean lieutenant and assassin of independence activist Kim Koo
Wikipedia - A House Divided (1931 film) -- 1931 film
Wikipedia - A House with a View of the Sea -- 2001 film directed by Alberto Arvelo
Wikipedia - Ahqaf al Jabhiya -- Village in Cyrenaica, Libya
Wikipedia - Ahron Villena -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Ahtanum View Corrections Center -- Convalescent hospital for convicts in Washington, US
Wikipedia - Ahupe -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ahuvia Kahane -- Israeli classicist working in Ireland
Wikipedia - Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences -- Medical school in Khuzestan Province of Iran
Wikipedia - Aichgati Union -- Place in Khulna Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Aichi Television Broadcasting -- TV station in Nagoya, Japan
Wikipedia - Aichkirchen, Germany -- village in the Upper Palatinate, Bavaria
Wikipedia - Aichryson villosum -- Species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae
Wikipedia - Aida Abdullayeva -- Azerbaijani Soviet harpist and teacher
Wikipedia - Aida Basevich -- Russian anarchist
Wikipedia - Aid Access -- Abortion services provider
Wikipedia - Aida Kancepolski -- Argentine political activist
Wikipedia - Aida Marina Arvizu Rivas -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Aidan Davitt -- Irish Fianna Fail politician
Wikipedia - Aidan Devine -- English-Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Aidan J. David -- British actor
Wikipedia - Aida Overton Walker -- American vaudeville performer
Wikipedia - AIDS (computer virus)
Wikipedia - AIDS Services of Austin -- Non-profit service organization
Wikipedia - Aidu, Ida-Viru County -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Aidu-Liiva -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Aidu-NM-CM-5mme -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Aidu-Sookula -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - AI effect -- When onlookers discount the behavior of an artificial intelligence program by arguing that it is not real intelligence
Wikipedia - Aiga Grabuste -- Latvian heptathlete
Wikipedia - Aigars Fadejevs -- Latvian racewalker
Wikipedia - Aigars KriM-DM-7is -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Aigars M-EM- tokenbergs -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Aigars PrM-EM-+sis -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Aigneville -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Aigues-Vives, Ariege -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Aigues-Vives, Aude -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Aigues-Vives, Gard -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Aihole -- Village
Wikipedia - Ai Iijima -- Japanese television personality (1972-2008)
Wikipedia - Aijaz Aslam -- Pakistani television actor and model
Wikipedia - Aikinsville, Missouri
Wikipedia - Aileen Baviera -- Filipino sinologist
Wikipedia - Aileen Geving -- American curler
Wikipedia - Aileen Hernandez -- American union organizer and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Aileen Palmer -- (1915-1988) poet, translator and political activist
Wikipedia - Ailing DojM-DM-^Min -- Hero of South Slavic epic poetry
Wikipedia - Ai Liya -- Chinese film and television actress
Wikipedia - Ailleville -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Aimee Stephens -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Aime Vingtrinier -- French writer
Wikipedia - AI Mk. VIII radar
Wikipedia - AIM (software) -- Instant messaging service
Wikipedia - AIM Tell-A-Vision -- New York City based television syndication and production company
Wikipedia - Aina Karlsone -- Latvian artist and author
Wikipedia - Aina Muceniece -- Latvian immunologist
Wikipedia - Ainaro Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Aine, Dahanu -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aini, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ainars Podnieks -- Latvian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Aino Nykopp-Koski -- Finnish nurse convicted of killing patients
Wikipedia - Ainselu Kharka -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Ainsley Harriott -- English chef, television presenter, and entertainer
Wikipedia - Ain't Misbehavin' (song) -- 1929 song
Wikipedia - Ain't Nobody Got Time for That -- 2012 viral video
Wikipedia - Ain't Them Bodies Saints -- 2013 film by David Lowery
Wikipedia - Ainur (Middle-earth) -- Divine race from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Wikipedia - Aipaloovik -- Inuit water deity associated with death
Wikipedia - Air 424 -- Survival training course for Royal Navy pilots
Wikipedia - Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex -- British helicopter ambulance service
Wikipedia - Air Ambulance Northern Ireland -- Irish helicopter medical service
Wikipedia - AirAttack 2 -- 2015 mobile video game
Wikipedia - Airborne Launch Control Center -- US Strategic forces charged with maintaining survivable launch control system for ballistic missile force
Wikipedia - Airborne Launch Control System -- US Strategic Command platform for survivable launch control system for ballistic missile force
Wikipedia - Airboy -- Boy aviation superhero
Wikipedia - Air Buddies -- 2006 film by Robert Vince
Wikipedia - Airbus Industrie Flight 129 -- 1994 Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Air China Flight 129 -- 2002 aviation accident in South Korea
Wikipedia - Aircraft catapult -- Device used to launch aircraft from ships
Wikipedia - Aircraft registration -- Registration and identification assigned to an individual aircraft by national aviation authorities
Wikipedia - Aircrew Survival Egress Knife -- U.S. Army aircrew survival knife
Wikipedia - Air Devils -- 1938 film by John Rawlins
Wikipedia - Airdrie-Chestermere -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Airdrie (electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Aire and Calder Navigation -- Canal in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Aire River (Victoria) -- river in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Air Evac Lifeteam -- Air ambulance service
Wikipedia - Aire View -- Linear settlement in Cononley, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Air filter -- Device composed of fibrous or porous materials which removes solid particulates from the air
Wikipedia - Airfix Dogfighter -- 2000 flight-combat video game
Wikipedia - Airfone -- Air-ground radiotelephone service
Wikipedia - Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Air warfare branch of Bosnia's military forces
Wikipedia - Air Force Museum of New Zealand -- Military and Aviation Museum in Christchurch, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Air Force Two -- Air traffic control call sign of any US Air Force aircraft carrying the vice president of the US
Wikipedia - Air horn -- Noisemaking device
Wikipedia - Air-jet loom -- Textile weaving machine
Wikipedia - Air Leap -- Scandinavian airline
Wikipedia - Airlift (dredging device) -- Dredging device using injected air to move water and entrained load up a pipe
Wikipedia - Airlift Northwest -- Air ambulance service
Wikipedia - Airline (1998 TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Air-line diving -- Type of underwater diving
Wikipedia - Airlines (Indian TV series) -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Airline -- Company that provides air transport services for travelling passengers and freight
Wikipedia - Air lock diving-bell plant -- An underwater work support barge used at Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Airmail -- Service which transports mail by air
Wikipedia - Airman -- Member of the air component of an armed service
Wikipedia - AirMed International -- Air ambulance service
Wikipedia - Air Midwest Flight 5481 -- 2003 aviation accident in North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Air Navigation and Engineering Company -- British aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Air navigation service provider
Wikipedia - Air navigation -- Method used in air traffic control
Wikipedia - Air Niugini Flight 73 -- 2018 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Air operator's certificate -- Approval by national aviation authorities to operate aircraft for commercial purposes
Wikipedia - Airport City (video game) -- 2011 free-to-play city-building simulation game
Wikipedia - Airport racial profiling in the United States -- Activity directed at individuals because of their appearance
Wikipedia - Air Putih (Terengganu state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Air-Sea Battle -- Video game for the Atari VCS/2600 from 1977
Wikipedia - Air Services Cargo -- Former cargo airline
Wikipedia - Air Serv Limited -- Ugandan aviation company
Wikipedia - Airsoft -- Activity which can be played as a game or shooting hobby
Wikipedia - Air sports -- range of aerial activities
Wikipedia - Air spread -- The topside base for surface-supplied air diving operations
Wikipedia - Airtable -- Cloud collaboration service
Wikipedia - AirTags -- Rumored Apple tracking device
Wikipedia - AirTag -- Mobile shopping and payments provider
Wikipedia - AirTanker Services -- British military aircraft leasing company
Wikipedia - Airtel Africa -- African subsidiary of Airtel, providing telecommunications and mobile money services
Wikipedia - Airtel digital TV -- Indian satellite television provider
Wikipedia - Air vice-marshal -- Two-star air-officer rank
Wikipedia - Air Warrior III -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Airwolf -- American television series that ran from 1984 until 1987
Wikipedia - Air Yugoslavia -- Yugoslavian airline (1969-2005)
Wikipedia - Airy wave theory -- A linearised description of the propagation of gravity waves on the surface of a homogeneous fluid layer
Wikipedia - Aisa Pyaar Kahan -- 1986 Hindi-language film directed by Vijay Sadanah
Wikipedia - A Is for Aardvark -- Television series
Wikipedia - Aisha Diori -- Activist
Wikipedia - Aisha Khalid -- Pakistani contemporary visual artist
Wikipedia - Aisha (Latvian singer) -- Latvian singer
Wikipedia - Aisha Mughal -- Pakistani transgender rights activist
Wikipedia - A.I.SHA My Virtual Girlfriend -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Aisha Tandiwe Bell -- American visual artist
Wikipedia - Aishath Gulfa -- Maldivian film actress
Wikipedia - Aishath Nahula -- Maldivian politician (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Aishath Rishmy -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Aishath Shiranee -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Aisha (TV series) -- Maldivian TV series
Wikipedia - Aisha Yesufu -- Nigerian socio-political activist
Wikipedia - Aisi Hai Tanhai -- 2017 Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Aisling (name) -- Irish language feminine given name meaning "dream" or "vision"
Wikipedia - AistM-DM-^W GedvilienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Aitebar -- 1993 studio album by Vital Signs
Wikipedia - Aiura -- Television series
Wikipedia - Aiva Aparjode -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Aivars Aksenoks -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Aivars Bogdanovs -- Latvian biathlete
Wikipedia - Aivars Gipslis -- Latvian chess player
Wikipedia - Aivars M-EM- nepsts -- Latvian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Aivars Polis -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Aivars Trops -- Latvian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Aivi & Surasshu -- Dutch-American music duo
Wikipedia - Aivis M-EM- vans -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Aivis Ronis -- Latvian diplomat and politician
Wikipedia - Aix-en-Othe -- Part of Aix-Villemaur-PM-CM-"lis in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Aix-Villemaur-PM-CM-"lis -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Aizkalne Parish -- Administrative unit in Latvia
Wikipedia - Aizkraukle Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Aizpute Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Ajahn Viradhammo -- Theravada Buddhist monk (b. 1947)
Wikipedia - Ajanale -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aja Naomi King -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Ajang -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ajanta, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ajas Pasha -- Bosnian sanjak-bey, founder of Visoko
Wikipedia - Ajax-Pickering (provincial electoral district) -- Former provincial electoral district
Wikipedia - Ajax (provincial electoral district) -- Provincial electoral district
Wikipedia - AjaxView
Wikipedia - Ajay Chaudhary -- Indian television actor and model
Wikipedia - Ajaz Khan -- Indian film and television actor
Wikipedia - A. J. Brown -- English theatre, film, and television actor
Wikipedia - Ajdabiya Revolutionaries Shura Council -- Militant group in the Second Libyan Civil War
Wikipedia - Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - A.J. Han Vinck -- Dutch academic
Wikipedia - Ajil (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ajit Chandra Chatterjee -- Indian civil servant
Wikipedia - Ajith Rupasinghe Surendra -- Sri Lankan political activist
Wikipedia - Ajit Kumar Banerjee -- Indian environmentalist
Wikipedia - Ajivali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ajivika
Wikipedia - AJK TV -- Pakistani pay television channel
Wikipedia - Ajmer-Merwara -- Former province of British India
Wikipedia - A. J. Muste -- Christian pacifist and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Ajnale -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ajnuj -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ajomuzu Collette Bekaku -- Cameroon activist
Wikipedia - A. J. S. Lakshmi Shree -- Bangalore-based Indian visual artist
Wikipedia - AJS Review -- American Jewish studies journal
Wikipedia - Ajuy, Iloilo -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - AK-230 -- A Soviet fully automatic naval twin 30 mm gun
Wikipedia - AK-47 -- 1940s rifle of Soviet origin
Wikipedia - AK-630 -- Soviet and Russian fully automatic naval close-in weapon system
Wikipedia - Akaal Channel -- UK based, free-to-air satellite Television channel
Wikipedia - Akademi Fantasia (season 5) -- Season of the Malaysian reality television series
Wikipedia - Akademi Fantasia -- Malaysian reality television show
Wikipedia - Akagera Aviation School -- Rwandan aviation school
Wikipedia - Akai videotape format -- Early videotape format
Wikipedia - Akai VK -- Videocassette format
Wikipedia - Akaklike -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Akalabeth: World of Doom -- 1979 role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Aka Nanitashvili -- Georgian fashion designer
Wikipedia - Akanksha Sahai -- Indian Vovinam martial artist (born 1988)
Wikipedia - Akara Amarttayakul -- Thai film and television actor
Wikipedia - Akari Kaida -- Japanese video game music composer
Wikipedia - Akarsu, Altieylul -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akashadoothu (TV series) -- Indian television drama
Wikipedia - Akashathile Paravakal -- 2001 film by V. M. Vinu
Wikipedia - Akashic Re:cords -- 2016 mobile video game
Wikipedia - Akash Vijayvargiya -- Indian politician and criminal
Wikipedia - Akathisia -- Movement disorder involving a feeling of inner restlessness
Wikipedia - Akazukin Chacha -- 1994 television anime
Wikipedia - AkbaM-EM-^_, Balya -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AkbaM-EM-^_lar, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akbarabad, Khomeyn -- A village in Markazi, Iran
Wikipedia - Akbayir, Cide -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akbot -- Computer virus
Wikipedia - Akcaguney, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcakaya, Altieylul -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcakese, AM-DM-^_li -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcakese, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcakoy, Kepsut -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcal, M-DM-0vrindi -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcam, Abana -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcaova, Manyas -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcapinar, Devrekani -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akcapinar, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akciju sabiedrM-DM-+ba -- A legal form of a corporation in Latvia
Wikipedia - AkdeM-DM-^_irmen, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akdivan, AM-DM-^_li -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AkdoM-DM-^_an, Devrekani -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AkdoM-DM-^_an, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akebar -- Township and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Akgecit, Arac -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akguney, M-DM-0nebolu -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akhatwada -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad -- Indian student organisation
Wikipedia - Akhil Gogoi -- Indian activist
Wikipedia - Akhtar Hameed Khan -- Pakistani development activist and social scientist
Wikipedia - Akhtar Raza Khan -- Indian Barelvi Muslim scholar, cleric and mufti
Wikipedia - Akihiko Mori -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Akihiko Narita -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Aki Kurose -- Teacher and education/affordable housing activist
Wikipedia - Akila Viraj Kariyawasam -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Akilcalman, Daday -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akina Nakamori videography -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Akinator -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - A Kind of Loving (film) -- 1962 film by John Schlesinger
Wikipedia - A Kind of Loving
Wikipedia - Akin Pa Rin ang Bukas -- 2013 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Akinwale Arobieke -- Convicted criminal
Wikipedia - Akio Tamashiro -- Peruvian karateka
Wikipedia - Aki Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Akira Toriyama -- Japanese manga artist and video game character designer, known for his work Dragon Ball
Wikipedia - Akira Ueda -- Japanese video game designer
Wikipedia - Akira (video game) -- 1988 adventure video game
Wikipedia - Akismet -- Spam filtering service
Wikipedia - A Kiss for the Petals -- Japanese visual novel, launched 2006
Wikipedia - Akito Nakatsuka -- Japanese video game composer
Wikipedia - Akkalwadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Akka Mahadevi
Wikipedia - Akkihebbal Ravishankara
Wikipedia - Aklad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aklan Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Aklan, Philippines
Wikipedia - Aklan State University -- Public university in Aklan province, Philippines
Wikipedia - AKM Amanul Islam Chowdhury -- Bangladeshi political advisor
Wikipedia - Akacijas -- Village in Latvia
Wikipedia - AkmeM-EM-^Frags Lighthouse -- lighthouse in Latvia
Wikipedia - Akmescit, Devrekani -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AknM-DM-+ste Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Akole, Mulshi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Akolner -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Korean Odyssey -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Akornion -- Ancient Greek political advisor
Wikipedia - Ako si Kim Samsoon -- 2008 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Akosua Menu -- Ghanaian social marketer and a political activist
Wikipedia - Akpinar, Daday -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akpinar, SavaM-EM-^_tepe -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akram Vignan Movement
Wikipedia - Akrivi -- Greek singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Aksana Sivitskaya -- Belarusian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Akseki, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akseki, Tosya -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Aksel Gresvig (sailor) -- Norwegian sailor
Wikipedia - Aksel Rykkvin -- Norwegian singer
Wikipedia - Aksharathettu (TV series) -- Indian Malayalam television series
Wikipedia - Akshaya Patra -- Divine Vessel in Hindu Scriptures
Wikipedia - Aksu, Arac -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AktaM-EM-^_, Arac -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akte Gruninger -- 2014 television film directed by Alain Gsponer
Wikipedia - Aktham Naisse -- Syrian lawywer and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Aktiogavialis -- Species of reptile (fossil)
Wikipedia - Aktion T4 -- Nazi German euthanasia programme with 275,000-300,000 victims
Wikipedia - Akulivik Airport -- Airport in Akulivik, Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Akuol de Mabior -- South Sudanese model, filmmaker, and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Akupara Games -- American video game publisher
Wikipedia - Akurdi, Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Akvavit Theatre -- Theater company in Chicago, Illinois
Wikipedia - Akvavit -- Flavored Scandinavian spirit
Wikipedia - AK vs AK -- 2020 film by Vikramaditya Motwane
Wikipedia - Akwaeke Emezi -- Writer and video artist
Wikipedia - Akwasi Evans -- African-American journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Akwesasne Task Force on the Environment -- Mohawk Nation environmental organization
Wikipedia - Akyar, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Akyayla, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - A Kyin Nar Myit Phyar -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Alaa Abd El-Fattah -- Egyptian activist
Wikipedia - Alaa Salah -- Sudanese student and activist
Wikipedia - Al-Ababeed -- Syrian television series
Wikipedia - Alabama-Huntsville Chargers -- Athletic teams based at University of Alabama in Huntsville
Wikipedia - Alabama Public Library Service -- Official library agency of Alabama
Wikipedia - Alabama Public Television -- PBS member network serving Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Al-Abbas ibn Musa ibn Isa al-Hashimi -- Provincial
Wikipedia - Alaca, M-DM-0nebolu -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alacam, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alacaoluk, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Aladar Komjat -- Poet and communist activist
Wikipedia - Aladdin (animated TV series) -- Animated television series made by Walt Disney Television
Wikipedia - Ala de la Piedra -- Barrio of Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Alaettinkoy, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Al-Aflaj -- Province of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Ala Gertner -- German Nazi concentration camp victim
Wikipedia - Alaguney, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ala Hazrat Express (via Ahmedabad) -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Ala Hazrat Express (via Bhildi) -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Ala, Hiiu County -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Al Ahly TV -- Egyptian-Arab sports television network
Wikipedia - Alain Celo -- French composer and violist with the
Wikipedia - Alain David (politician) -- French politician
Wikipedia - Alain Duvivier -- French canoeist
Wikipedia - Alain Glavieux
Wikipedia - Alain Krivine -- French politician
Wikipedia - AlajM-CM-$rvi administrative centre -- Municipal buildings in AlajM-CM-$rvi, Finland
Wikipedia - AlajM-CM-$rvi city library -- Library in Finland
Wikipedia - Alajuela (canton) -- canton in Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alajuela Province -- Province of Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alajuela -- district in Alajuela canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alajuelita (canton) -- canton in San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alajuelita -- district in Alajuelita canton, San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alakapura -- Village in Chickballpur District
Wikipedia - Alakdana -- 2011 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Alamabatak, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AlamakayiM-EM-^_, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AlamaM-EM-^_iM-EM-^_li, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alamat (TV program) -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Alamdevi -- Place in Nepal
Wikipedia - Alamo Drafthouse Cinema -- American movie theater chain
Wikipedia - Alamork Davidian -- Ethiopian-Israeli film director
Wikipedia - Alana Austin -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Alana Davis -- American singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Alan Aisenberg -- American actor and television producer
Wikipedia - Alana Mann -- Food activist and food politics scholar
Wikipedia - Alan Armer -- American television writer, producer, and director
Wikipedia - Alan Arnett McLeod -- Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alan Bateman -- Australian television producer and director
Wikipedia - Alan Brind -- British violinist
Wikipedia - Alan Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke
Wikipedia - Alan Bush -- British composer, pianist, conductor, teacher and political activist
Wikipedia - Alan Carr -- English comedian and television personality
Wikipedia - Alan Cherkasov -- Kazakhstani television personality
Wikipedia - Alan Clark (television executive) -- Canadian television executive
Wikipedia - Alan Cockshaw -- civil engineer
Wikipedia - Alan David Butler -- Rhodesian sailor and businessman
Wikipedia - Alan David Rowan MacAuslan -- British doctor
Wikipedia - Alan Davies Apres-Ski -- British television series
Wikipedia - Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled -- British television series
Wikipedia - Alan Davies (poet)
Wikipedia - Alan Davies -- English comedian, presenter and actor.
Wikipedia - Alan D. Berenbaum Distinguished Service Award
Wikipedia - Alan de Neville (forester) -- 12th-century English nobleman and royal official
Wikipedia - Alan Devine -- Irish actor
Wikipedia - Alan Durning -- American activist
Wikipedia - Aland (Vidhana Sabha constituency) -- Constituency of the Karnataka legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - A Lane near Arles -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Alan Ferguson (director) -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Alan Frumin -- American lawyer and political advisor
Wikipedia - Alan Gilbert (conductor) -- American conductor and violinist
Wikipedia - Alan Hamel's Comedy Bag -- Canadian television series
Wikipedia - Alan Hayes Davidson -- British architect
Wikipedia - Alan Hevesi -- American politician and convict
Wikipedia - Alan Jackson (The Sarah Jane Adventures) -- Fictional character from the television series The Sarah Jane Adventures
Wikipedia - Alan J. Viergutz -- Venezuelan chief executive
Wikipedia - Alan J. W. Bell -- British television producer and director
Wikipedia - Alankoy, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alan Lee (illustrator) -- Illustrator and movie conceptual designer
Wikipedia - Alan M. Davis
Wikipedia - Alanna Homes Champion Novice Hurdle -- Hurdle horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Alanoud Alsharekh -- Kuwaiti women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Alan Pattillo -- British television director
Wikipedia - Alan Poul -- American film and television producer and director
Wikipedia - Alan Poza -- 2013 film by Charles Novia
Wikipedia - Alan Resnick -- American visual artist, filmmaker and comedian
Wikipedia - Alan Richard Hill -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alan Sugar -- British business magnate, media personality, and political advisor
Wikipedia - Alan T. Davies -- Canadian Christian minister and academic
Wikipedia - Alan Thicke -- Canadian actor, songwriter, and television host (1947-2016)
Wikipedia - Alan Titchmarsh -- British television show presenter
Wikipedia - Alan Villafuerte -- Dutch trampoline gymnast
Wikipedia - Alan Vince
Wikipedia - Alan Wake's American Nightmare -- Psychological horror video game developed by Remedy Entertainment
Wikipedia - Alan Young -- English actor, comedian, radio host and television host
Wikipedia - Alan Zaslove -- Television producer
Wikipedia - Alapalooza: The Videos -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Alappuzha-Chennai Express -- Express train service between Alappuzha and Chennai
Wikipedia - Al Arabiya -- Saudi domestic and international television broadcaster
Wikipedia - Al-Arab News Channel -- Arabic-language television news channel; broadcast for one day
Wikipedia - Al-Araqeeb -- Bedouin village in Israel
Wikipedia - Alaric II -- 5th and 6th-century Visigothic king
Wikipedia - Alaric I -- 4th and 5th-century King of the Visigoths
Wikipedia - Alarm device -- Type of signal (or device) that alerts people to a dangerous condition
Wikipedia - Alarm fur Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (season 4) -- Season 8 of the German police drama television series
Wikipedia - Alarm fur Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (season 8) -- Season 8 of the German police drama television series
Wikipedia - Alaska Airlines Flight 261 -- Aviation accident over the Pacific Ocean in 2000
Wikipedia - Alaska Native languages -- Overview of the languages spoken by Alaska Natives
Wikipedia - Alaskan Bush People -- American television series
Wikipedia - Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement tunnel
Wikipedia - Alaskan Way Viaduct -- Former elevated highway in Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Alaska P. Davidson -- First female FBI agent
Wikipedia - Alaska Rural Communications Service -- Television network in Alaska, United States
Wikipedia - Alaska State Troopers (TV series) -- American television series about the Alaska state police
Wikipedia - Alaska: The Last Frontier -- American reality cable television series
Wikipedia - Alasoku, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alaudagasse (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Alaul Haq Pandavi
Wikipedia - Alavi Bohras -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Alavi Bohra
Wikipedia - Alavi Shirazi
Wikipedia - Alaya-vijnana
Wikipedia - Alayuz, Cide -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Al-Aziziyah (Iraq) -- Town in Wasit Province, Iraq
Wikipedia - Albacete Provincial Museum -- Museum of archeology and fine art located in Albacete, Spain
Wikipedia - Al-Bahah Province -- Administrative region of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Alban Dobson -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest -- Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest
Wikipedia - Albania in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest
Wikipedia - Albania in the Turkvision Song Contest
Wikipedia - Albanian Civil War -- 1997 unrest in Albania
Wikipedia - Albanian Screen -- Former Albanian television channel
Wikipedia - Albanians in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- Bosnians of partial or full Albanian ancestry
Wikipedia - Albania-Yugoslavia relations -- Bilateral relations between Albania and Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Alban Muja -- Kosovan visual artist
Wikipedia - Albatross (2015 film) -- 2015 film by SnM-CM-&var Solvi Solvason
Wikipedia - Albay Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Albay, Philippines
Wikipedia - Albazino -- Village in Skovorodinsky District of Amur Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Albeluvisols -- Soil type
Wikipedia - Alben W. Barkley -- Vice President of the United States
Wikipedia - Albert Abongo -- Ghanaian politician and civil engineer
Wikipedia - Alberta Highway 1A -- Designation for two disconnected sections of provincial highway in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Alberta Highway 93 -- Provincial highway in Banff and Jasper national parks in Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Albert Alarr -- American television soap opera director
Wikipedia - Albert and David Maysles -- American brothers documentary filmmaker duo
Wikipedia - Alberta Order of Excellence -- Civilian honour for merit in the Canadian province of Alberta
Wikipedia - Alberta Pensions Services Corporation -- Company
Wikipedia - Alberta Views -- regional magazine published in Alberta, Canada since 1997
Wikipedia - Alberta Virginia Scott -- American educator
Wikipedia - Alberta -- Province of Canada
Wikipedia - Alberta Wilderness Association -- Alberta, Canada provincial wilderness protection group
Wikipedia - Albert Ball -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross, British World War I flying ace
Wikipedia - Albert Borella -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Albert Bryan (politician) -- Governor of the United States Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Albert Cashier -- American Civil War soldier assigned female at birth but who lived as a man
Wikipedia - Albert Chowne -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Albert David (sculptor) -- French sculptor
Wikipedia - Albert David -- United States Navy Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Albert de Courville -- British film director
Wikipedia - Albert DeSalvo -- American criminal and convicted rapist
Wikipedia - Albert D. Sturtevant -- United States naval aviator
Wikipedia - Albert Dupuy -- French civil servant
Wikipedia - Albert Edward Curtis -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Albert Einstein in popular culture -- Overview about Albert Einstein in popular culture
Wikipedia - Albert Einstein -- German-born scientist who developed the theory of relativity
Wikipedia - Albert Flynn -- British civil servant and author (1863-1933)
Wikipedia - Albert Gillis von Baumhauer -- Dutch aviation pioneer (1891-1939)
Wikipedia - Albert Gill -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Albert Greenwood Brown -- Convicted rapist and murderer on death row
Wikipedia - Albert JM-CM-$rvinen -- Finnish guitarist
Wikipedia - Albert Kimmerling -- French aviator
Wikipedia - Albert Knapp -- German poet and animal welfare activist
Wikipedia - Albert Lowerson -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Albert Luthuli -- South African teacher, activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and politician
Wikipedia - Albert Marsh (Medal of Honor) -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Albert McCleery -- American television producer
Wikipedia - Albert Mokeyev -- Soviet modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Alberto Antonio PeM-CM-1a Jr. -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Alberto Barton -- Peruvian microbiologist
Wikipedia - Alberto Bevilacqua -- Italian writer
Wikipedia - Albert O'Connor -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Alberto David -- Luxembourgian-Italian chess grandmaster
Wikipedia - Alberto Ismodes Dulanto -- Peruvian chess player
Wikipedia - Alberto Mondi -- Television personality
Wikipedia - Alberto Moravia
Wikipedia - Alberto Pineda Villa -- Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Alberto Pizango -- Peruvian activist
Wikipedia - Alberto Rodriguez (FALN) -- Puerto Rican activist
Wikipedia - Alberto Ruz Buenfil -- Mexican writer and activist
Wikipedia - Alberto San Juan -- Spanish film, television, and theater actor
Wikipedia - Alberto Santos-Dumont -- Brazilian aviation pioneer
Wikipedia - Alberto Schiavi -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Alberto Sevieri -- Italian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Alberto Visconti -- Italian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Albert, Prince Consort -- Husband of Queen Victoria (1819-1861)
Wikipedia - Albert Ravila -- Finnish sports shooter
Wikipedia - Albert R. Behnke -- US Navy physician and diving medicine researcher
Wikipedia - Albert Salomon (musician) -- Israeli troubadour, accordion player and social activist
Wikipedia - Alberts Bels -- Latvian writer
Wikipedia - Alberts Melnbardis -- Latvian chess player
Wikipedia - Alberts OzoliM-EM-^FM-EM-! -- Latvian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Alberts Rumba -- Latvian speed skater
Wikipedia - Albert Texeira -- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines crickter
Wikipedia - Albert Turner (activist) -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Albert Udachin -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Albert Viaplana -- Spanish architect and author
Wikipedia - Albertville, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Albert Vitali -- Swiss politician
Wikipedia - Albert Wesker -- Resident Evil character
Wikipedia - Albi De Abreu -- Venezuelan theater and television actor
Wikipedia - Albie Sachs -- South African anti-Apartheid activist leader, author and judge of the Constitutional Court
Wikipedia - Albina Yelkina -- Soviet athlete
Wikipedia - Albin Sandqvist -- Swedish singer
Wikipedia - Albion-class landing platform dock -- Type of amphibious warfare ship in service with the Royal Navy
Wikipedia - Albion plantation -- Sugar plantation in Saint David Parish, Jamaica
Wikipedia - Albion Viking VK -- Bus chassis manufactured by Albion between 1963 and 1980
Wikipedia - Al borde del deseo -- Puerto Rican television series
Wikipedia - Alborz Province -- Province of Iran
Wikipedia - Albrecht Durer's Visit to Antwerp in 1520 -- Painting by Henri Leys
Wikipedia - Albrechtice (M-CM-^Zsti nad Orlici District) -- village in M-CM-^Zsti nad Orlici county of Pardubice region
Wikipedia - Albrecht VII. von Mansfeld
Wikipedia - Albrekt Almqvist -- Swedish tug of war competitor
Wikipedia - Alb'swissTV -- News television station based in Geneva, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Albuquerque (song) -- 1999 song performed by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Albury V/Line rail service -- Passenger rail service in Victoria and New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Alcantara, Cebu -- 5th Class Municipality in the Cebu province, Philippines
Wikipedia - Alcantara, Romblon -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Al Cappuccino -- Hong Kong television series
Wikipedia - Alcazar of Seville -- Royal palace in Seville, Spain
Wikipedia - Alcazarquivir
Wikipedia - Alcester -- Market town and civil parish in Warwickshire, England
Wikipedia - Alchemist (company) -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Alcilar, Devrekani -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alcis (gods) -- Divine brothers worshipped by the Germanic Naharvali
Wikipedia - Alcohol-related crime -- Criminal activities that involve alcohol use
Wikipedia - Alcott Skei Gwentshe -- South African anti-Apartheid activist (d. 1966)
Wikipedia - Alcoy, Cebu -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Alda Levi -- Italian archaeologist
Wikipedia - Al Davis (boxer)
Wikipedia - Aldbourne -- Village in Wiltshire, England
Wikipedia - Alderman Lesmond -- United States Virgin Islands sportsman
Wikipedia - Alder's razor -- A philosophical razor devised by Mike Alder
Wikipedia - Alderville First Nation -- Band of indigenous people in Canada
Wikipedia - Aldis KM-DM- -- Latvian canoeist
Wikipedia - Aldis KuM-EM-!M-DM-7is -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Aldo Chaparro -- Peruvian sculptor
Wikipedia - Aldo Gonzalez -- Bolivian shot putter
Wikipedia - Aldona AleM-EM-!keviM-DM-^MienM-DM-^W-StatuleviM-DM-^MienM-DM-^W -- Lithuanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Aldo Vidussoni -- Italian politician
Wikipedia - Aldrich Killian -- Fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books
Wikipedia - Aldwark, North Yorkshire -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Aldwincle -- Village in the Northamptonshire, England
Wikipedia - Alec David Young
Wikipedia - Alec Garden Fraser -- British educator and Anglican vicar
Wikipedia - Alec Holowka -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Alec Horwood -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Aleck Bovick -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - Alec Merrison -- Nuclear physicist, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol
Wikipedia - Alectryomancy -- Form of divination based on animal pecking
Wikipedia - Aled Davies (field athlete) -- Welsh Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Aleeta curvicosta -- Species of insect
Wikipedia - Aleftina Pryakhina -- Soviet artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alega Gang: Public Enemy No.1 of Cebu -- 1988 film starring Ramon "Bong" Revilla and Robin Padilla
Wikipedia - Alegaon Paga -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alegria, Cebu -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Alegria District -- district in Siquirres canton, Limon province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alejandra Ambrosi -- Mexican television actress
Wikipedia - Alejandra Forlan -- Uruguayan orator, psychologist and activist
Wikipedia - Alejandra Gonzalez Soca -- Artista visual, psicologa, docente
Wikipedia - Alejandrina Torres -- Puerto Rican activist
Wikipedia - Alejandro Abellan -- Canadian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Alejandro Betts -- Argentine political activist
Wikipedia - Alejandro Cao de Benos -- Spanish-North Korean political activist
Wikipedia - Alejandro Davila -- Colombian equestrian
Wikipedia - Alejandro Felipe -- Mexican television and film actor
Wikipedia - Alejandro M-CM-^Avila -- Mexican actor
Wikipedia - Alejandro Rey -- actor and television director
Wikipedia - Alejandro Santiago Ciena -- Music video director
Wikipedia - Alejandro Villanueva (American football)
Wikipedia - Alekhine's Gun (video game) -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Alek Osmanovic -- Croatian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Aleksa Jankovic -- Serbian lawyer and politician
Wikipedia - Aleksa KovaM-DM-^Mevic -- Yugoslav athlete
Wikipedia - Aleksa M-EM- antic -- Poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina (1868-1924)
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Cincar-Markovic -- Yugoslav diplomat
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Filimonovic -- Serbian actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Jovanovic (politician) -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Ljahnicky -- Croatian architect and visual artist
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Popovic (writer) -- Serbian writer
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Radenkovic -- German actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandar Rakovic -- Serbian racewalker
Wikipedia - Aleksandar ViM-EM-!njic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Aleksander Mirecki -- Polish violinist
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Albu -- Moldovian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Apanovich -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Abdulov -- Soviet and Russian actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Butvina -- Russian heptathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Grigoryeva -- Soviet racewalker
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Klimova -- Soviet actress
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Aksyonov (politician) -- Soviet politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blagonravov -- Soviet and Russian engineer and designer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Shmuk -- Russian biochemist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Volkov -- Soviet cosmonaut
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Alekseevich Borovkov -- Russian mathematician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Alekseyevich Moiseyev -- Russian naval officer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Alipov -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Mojsilovic -- Serbian engineer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Andronov -- Soviet Russian physicist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Androshkin -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Antonov (actor) -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Radenovic -- Swiss-Croatian bioengineer
Wikipedia - Aleksandras AmbrazeviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Slavkovic -- American statistician
Wikipedia - Aleksandra Vasiljevic -- Bosnian biathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Belyakov -- Soviet luger
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Blinov (equestrian) -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Borisov (actor) -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Budnikov -- Soviet sailor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Chakovsky -- Soviet editor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Cherkasov -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Danilin -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Danilovich Aleksandrov -- Russian mathematician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Dekhayev -- Soviet modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Eiduk -- Latvian Soviet Cheka operative and poet
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Elizarov -- Soviet biathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Feklistov -- Soviet and Russian actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Fyodorovich Middendorf
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Fyodorovich Vasilev -- Red Army general
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gazov -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gendrikson -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gerasimov (painter) -- Soviet artist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gordon -- Russian-Soviet director, screenwriter, and actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gorelik -- Soviet pair skater
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Grammatin -- Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of computational optics
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Grebenyuk -- Soviet decathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Grigorevich Sharov
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gunyashev -- Soviet weightlifter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Gurevich
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Ivanovich Blagonravov -- Soviet engineer and designer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Ivanovsky -- Soviet film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kalnitzhenko -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Karpov -- Soviet aviator
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kedyarov -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kerchenko -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Khanov -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kharlov -- Soviet hurdler
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Khoroshavin -- Russian politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kidyayev -- Soviet weightlifter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Klimov -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kondakov -- Soviet politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Krasavin -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Krupskiy -- Soviet pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Kurlovich -- Belarusian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Leonidovich Zaitsev
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Levitov -- Russian writer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Makarov (athlete) -- Soviet athlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Maleyev -- Soviet artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Malyutin -- Soviet pole vaulter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Mastyanin -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Mikhailovich Bezobrazov
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Mikhailovich Lyapunov
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nikolskii
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Mikhailovich of Tver -- Russian Grand Prince
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Min -- Soviet army officer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Mitrofanov -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Muzychenko -- Soviet sailor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nebogov -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nevskiy (athlete) -- Soviet decathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nikolaevich Bartenev
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nikolaevich Vasiliev -- Russian politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nikolayevich Balandin -- Russian cosmonaut
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Nikolayevich Denisov -- Soviet and Russian military officer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Popov (weightlifter) -- Soviet weightlifter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Portnov -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Potapov (sailor) -- Soviet sailor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Privalov -- Soviet biathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Prokofyevich Markevich
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Pryanikov -- Russian television personality
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Purtov -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Rogov -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Safronov -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs AntoM-EM-^Fenko -- Latvian tenor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Sergeyevich Trofimov -- Russian artist
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Gerasimjonoks -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Golubovs -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Shablenko -- Soviet decathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Shcherbakov (politician) -- Soviet politician
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Shelkovnikov -- Soviet sailor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Silayev -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs JackM-DM-^SviM-DM-^Ms -- Latvian judoka
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Jakushin -- Latvian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Kublinskis -- Latvian composer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Sokolov (sport shooter) -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Romans -- Latvian artist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Stolper -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs ViM-DM- -- Latvian conductor
Wikipedia - Aleksandrs Zerebkovs -- Latvian weightlifer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Tarasov (pentathlete) -- Soviet modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Titovich Golubev -- Soviet and Russian intelligence officer
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Tsarevich -- Belarusian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Tvardovsky -- Soviet poet
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kovalyov -- Russian canoeist
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Vorobey -- Soviet athlete
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Vtorov -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Yakovlevich Mikhailov -- Russian film actor
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Yevdokimov -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Zlydenny -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksandr Zybin -- Soviet sailor
Wikipedia - Aleksei Brusilov -- Russian and Soviet military commander
Wikipedia - Aleksei Dikiy -- Russian and Soviet actor and theatre director
Wikipedia - Aleksei Ignatovich -- Belarusian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aleksei Kapler -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Aleksei Konstantinovich Zagulajev
Wikipedia - Aleksei Yevgenyevich Kravchenko -- Russian actor
Wikipedia - Aleksejs Rumjancevs -- Latvian canoeist
Wikipedia - Aleksejs Vidavskis -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Aleksey Abrikosov -- Soviet pathologist
Wikipedia - Aleksey Aygi -- Russian composer and violinist
Wikipedia - Aleksey Botyan -- Soviet and Russian intelligence officer
Wikipedia - Aleksey Dmitrievich Popov -- Russian actor and film director (1892-1961)
Wikipedia - Alekseyev Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau -- Russian aviation company based in Nizhniy Novgorod
Wikipedia - Aleksey Golovin (bobsleigh) -- Russian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Aleksey Gushchin -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Aleksey Igorevich Kuznetsov -- Kazakhstani ice hockey goalie
Wikipedia - Aleksey Ivanovich Kandinsky -- Russian musicologist
Wikipedia - Aleksey Nemkov -- Hero of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy -- Russian-Soviet writer
Wikipedia - Aleksey Pavlovitch Hansky -- Russian astronomer
Wikipedia - Aleksey Pershin -- Soviet racewalker
Wikipedia - Aleksey Polosin -- Hero of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Aleksey Ryazanov (pilot) -- Soviet flying ace
Wikipedia - Aleksey Sinkevich -- Belarusian gymnast
Wikipedia - Aleks Paunovic -- Canadian actor
Wikipedia - Ale, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alemdar Mustafa Pasha -- Ottoman Grand Vizier (1755-1808)
Wikipedia - Alena Vinnitskaya -- Ukrainian singer
Wikipedia - Alen Hodzovic -- German actor and singer
Wikipedia - Alen Liveric -- Croatian film and television actor
Wikipedia - A. Leo Levin -- American legal academic
Wikipedia - Aleppo Eyalet -- Ottoman province (1534-1864)
Wikipedia - Aleppo Vilayet
Wikipedia - Alerame Maria Pallavicini -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa
Wikipedia - Alessandra de Osma -- Peruvian attorney and Hanoverian princess
Wikipedia - Alessandra Picagevicz -- Brazilian racewalker
Wikipedia - Alessandra Torres -- Puerto Rican American visual artist
Wikipedia - Alessandro Alvisi -- Italian equestrian
Wikipedia - Alessandro Borghese -- Italian cook and television presenter
Wikipedia - Alessandro Cattelan -- Italian television personality
Wikipedia - Alessandro Salvio -- Italian chess player
Wikipedia - Alessandro Torlonia, 2nd Prince of Civitella-Cesi -- Italian prince
Wikipedia - Alessandro Viligiardi -- Italian gymnast
Wikipedia - Alessandro Vitali -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Alessia Mancini -- Italian television host, television personality, actress and showgirl
Wikipedia - Alessio Vinci -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Alesso Baldovinetti -- Italian painter (1427-1499)
Wikipedia - Aletejah TV -- Iraqi television channel
Wikipedia - A Letter for Evie -- 1946 film
Wikipedia - A Letter to a Young Poet -- letter by Virginia Woolf
Wikipedia - Aleviler -- Wikipedia disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Alevism -- Mystical religious minority
Wikipedia - Alexa Chung -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Alex AcuM-CM-1a -- Peruvian musician
Wikipedia - Alexa Internet -- American analytics company providing web traffic data
Wikipedia - Alexa Irvin -- Canadian kayaker
Wikipedia - Alexa Martin -- Mexican television actress
Wikipedia - Alex & Amie -- 2019 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Alexander Aaronsohn -- Jewish author and activist (1888-1948)
Wikipedia - Alexander Abramsky -- Soviet composer
Wikipedia - Alexander (actor) -- Japanese-Peruvian actor and model
Wikipedia - Alexander A. Gilman -- German musician and violinist
Wikipedia - Alexander Alexandrovich Chuprov
Wikipedia - Alexander Alexeyevich Makarov
Wikipedia - Alexander Allerson -- German film and television actor
Wikipedia - Alexander Andreyevich Baranov
Wikipedia - Alexander Bakulev -- Soviet surgeon
Wikipedia - Alexander Bard -- Musician, record producer, author, and activist
Wikipedia - Alexander Barvinok -- Russian mathematician
Wikipedia - Alexander Belavin -- Russian physicist
Wikipedia - Alexander Belyaev -- Soviet writer
Wikipedia - Alexander Bogdanov -- Physician, philosopher, writer, Bolshevik
Wikipedia - Alexander Chayanov -- Soviet scholar (1888-1937)
Wikipedia - Alexander Cools -- Dutch behavioral pharmacologist
Wikipedia - Alexander Davion -- Actor
Wikipedia - Alexander Davitashvili -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - Alexander Dennis Enviro200 MMC -- Single-decker bus produced since 2014
Wikipedia - Alexander Dovzhenko -- Soviet filmmaker
Wikipedia - Alexander E. Braunstein -- Soviet biochemist
Wikipedia - Alexander Edwards -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alexander Egorovich Varlamov -- Russian composer
Wikipedia - Alexander Fadeyev (writer) -- Soviet writer and politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Fraser (archivist) -- Canadian scholar, journalist, historian and archivist
Wikipedia - Alexander Fraser (Victorian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Glazastikov -- Russian activist
Wikipedia - Alexander Grigoriev (artist) -- MarSoviet artist, public figure and academician
Wikipedia - Alexander Gurvich
Wikipedia - Alexander Hamilton Vinton -- American Anglican bishop
Wikipedia - Alexander Heubel -- Latvian painter
Wikipedia - Alexander Hotovitzky
Wikipedia - Alexander H. Stephens -- Vice president of the Confederate States and 50th governor of Georgia
Wikipedia - Alexander I of Moldavia
Wikipedia - Alexander I of Yugoslavia -- Prince regent of Kingdom of Serbia and later King of Yugoslavia 1921-34
Wikipedia - Alexander Irvin -- American politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Ivanovich Chuprov
Wikipedia - Alexander Ivanovich Mikhailov
Wikipedia - Alexander Ivanovich Yakovlev
Wikipedia - Alexander John Goodrum -- American activist
Wikipedia - Alexander Kashlinsky -- Latvian astronomer and cosmologist
Wikipedia - Alexander Kekule -- German virologist
Wikipedia - Alexander Kolenkovsky -- Russian and Soviet military leader and historian
Wikipedia - Alexander Korovin -- Russian pair skater
Wikipedia - Alexander Krein -- Soviet composer
Wikipedia - Alexander Lascelles, Viscount Lascelles -- British noble
Wikipedia - Alexander Leslie, 1st Earl of Leven -- Scottish soldier in Dutch, Swedish and Scottish service
Wikipedia - Alexander Leslie-Melville, 7th Earl of Leven -- Scottish Whig politician and peer
Wikipedia - Alexander Levitzki
Wikipedia - Alexander Litvinenko -- Russian defector
Wikipedia - Alexander Livingston, 2nd Earl of Linlithgow -- Scottish nobleman and politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Livingstone, 1st Earl of Linlithgow -- Scottish nobleman and politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Mahone -- Character on American television series Prison Break
Wikipedia - Alexander Marinesko -- Soviet naval officer
Wikipedia - Alexander Markovich Polyakov
Wikipedia - Alexander Mavrocordatos Delibey -- Prince of Moldavia
Wikipedia - Alexander Mavrocordatos Firaris -- Moldavian prince
Wikipedia - Alexander Maysuryan -- Soviet journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander McLean (Province of Canada politician) -- Politician in Upper Canada and Province of Canada
Wikipedia - Alexander Melentyev -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Alexander Mikhailovich Nikolsky
Wikipedia - Alexander Mikhaylovich Zaytsev
Wikipedia - Alexander Mirsky -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Muddiman -- Indian civil servant
Wikipedia - Alexander Naumovich Frumkin
Wikipedia - Alexander Neville
Wikipedia - Alexander Nikolaevich Deutsch
Wikipedia - Alexander Nikolayevich Abaza -- Russian diplomat
Wikipedia - Alexander Nikolayevich Mikhailov -- Russian politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Nove -- British historian of the economy of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Alexander of Villedieu
Wikipedia - Alexander P. de Seversky -- Russian-American aviation pioneer
Wikipedia - Alexander Peacock -- Australian politician, 20th Premier of Victoria
Wikipedia - Alexander Petrov (actor) -- Russian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Alexander Petrovich Karpinsky
Wikipedia - Alexander Petrunkevitch
Wikipedia - Alexander Poe -- United States Virgin Islands bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alexander Ponomarenko -- Soviet entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Alexander Poskrebyshev -- Soviet politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Rado -- Hungarian cartographer, Communist activist, spy
Wikipedia - Alexander Ross (civil servant) -- British civil servant in India
Wikipedia - Alexander Ross (cricketer) -- Scottish cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Alexander Schwab -- German Left Communist activist
Wikipedia - Alexander Sdvizhkov -- Belarusian journalist
Wikipedia - Alexander Semionov -- Soviet Russian painter
Wikipedia - Alexander Semyonovich Belyakov -- Russian politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Serafimovich -- Russian and Soviet writer
Wikipedia - Alexander Sergeyevich Makarov -- Russian politician
Wikipedia - Alexander Sergeyevich Yakovlev -- Soviet aeronautical engineer
Wikipedia - Alexander Shields -- Scottish nonconformist minister, activist, and author
Wikipedia - Alexander Somerville -- Scottish radical journalist and soldier
Wikipedia - Alex Anderson (quilter) -- American quilter, television host, and author
Wikipedia - Alexander's Ragtime Band -- 1911 song composed by Irving Berlin
Wikipedia - Alexander Stein -- Soviet writer
Wikipedia - Alexander Stepanovich Popov
Wikipedia - Alexander-Svirsky Monastery
Wikipedia - Alexander Svirsky
Wikipedia - Alexander: The Other Side of Dawn -- 1977 television film directed by John Erman
Wikipedia - Alexander Thomson (pioneer) -- doctor, pastoralist & politician from Victoria Australia born 1800
Wikipedia - Alexander Tikhonov -- Soviet biathlete
Wikipedia - Alexander Trevino -- American mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Alexander Tschugguel -- Austrian Catholic activist
Wikipedia - Alexander Tselikov -- Soviet metallurgist, industrial machines designer, and Hero of Socialist Labor
Wikipedia - Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov -- Russian Soviet composer
Wikipedia - Alexander Vasilyevich Belyakov
Wikipedia - Alexander Viets Griswold -- 19th-century American Episcopal bishop
Wikipedia - Alexander Viktorovich Blokhin -- Russian diplomat
Wikipedia - Alexander Vilenkin
Wikipedia - Alexander Vindman -- US Army officer
Wikipedia - Alexander Vinnik -- Computer expert
Wikipedia - Alexander Vinogradov (geochemist)
Wikipedia - Alexander Vinokourov -- Kazakh road bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Alexander Vinokurov (businessman) -- Russian businessman
Wikipedia - Alexander Virgili -- Italian political scientist
Wikipedia - Alexander VI
Wikipedia - Alexander Volfovich -- Belarusian general
Wikipedia - Alexander Vologin -- Hero of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Alexander von Falkenhausen -- German general and military advisor
Wikipedia - Alexander Vvedensky (religious leader) -- Soviet era Russian religious leader
Wikipedia - Alexander Wetmore -- American ornithologist and avian paleontologist (1886-1978)
Wikipedia - Alexander Worthy Clerk -- Jamaican Moravian educator and missionary
Wikipedia - Alexander Wright (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alexander Yakovlev -- Soviet politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Alexander Yashin -- Soviet writer
Wikipedia - Alexander Young (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alexander Ypsilantis (1725-1805) -- Greek Voivode of Wallachia and Moldavia
Wikipedia - Alexander Zinoviev -- Russian writer
Wikipedia - Alexandra Avierino -- Lebanese journalist and poet
Wikipedia - Alexandra Bogojevic -- German actress
Wikipedia - Alexandra Cabot -- Fictional character on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Wikipedia - Alexandra David-Neel -- French explorer, spiritualist, Buddhist, Taoist, anarchist, and writer
Wikipedia - Alexandra David-Nel
Wikipedia - Alexandra DiNovi -- American actress
Wikipedia - Alexandra Grande -- Peruvian karateka
Wikipedia - Alexandra Grant -- American visual artist
Wikipedia - Alexandra Levit -- American writer
Wikipedia - Alexandr Alexandrovich Fischer von Waldheim -- Russian botanist (1839-1920)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Mousavizadeh -- Danish economist
Wikipedia - Alexandra Nazarova (actress) -- Soviet actress (1940-2019)
Wikipedia - Alexandra Palace television station -- Television transmission site in north London
Wikipedia - Alexandra Sanmark -- Archaeologist of the Viking Age
Wikipedia - Alexandra Timoshenko -- Soviet rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alexandra Wong -- Hong Kong social activist
Wikipedia - Alexandre Borovik
Wikipedia - Alexandre Debanne -- French television presenter
Wikipedia - Alexandre de Lur Saluces -- French viticulturist
Wikipedia - Alexandre de Villeneuve -- French composer
Wikipedia - Alexandre Gonsse de Rougeville -- French couter-revolutionary
Wikipedia - Alexandre Paulikevitch -- Lebanese dancer
Wikipedia - Alexandre Vinet
Wikipedia - Alexandria Historic District -- National Historic Landmark District in Alexandria, Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Alexandria "Blue Boy" Postmaster's Provisional -- Unique stamp from Alexandria
Wikipedia - Alexandria VillaseM-CM-1or -- American climate activist
Wikipedia - Alexandria, Virginia -- Independent city in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Alexandroupoli-Svilengrad railway -- Railway connecting Alexandropouli, Greece and Svilengrad, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Alexandr Pavlovich Rasnitsyn
Wikipedia - Alexandru of Moldavia
Wikipedia - Alexandru Papana -- Romanian bobsledder and aviator
Wikipedia - Alexandru Robot -- Soviet writer
Wikipedia - Alexandru Tomescu -- Romanian violinist
Wikipedia - Alex Askew -- Virginia house of delegates member
Wikipedia - Alex Balfanz -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Alex Blake (Criminal Minds) -- Character in American television series Criminal Minds
Wikipedia - Alex B. Novikoff -- American biologist
Wikipedia - Alex Brooker -- British television presenter and sports journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Carter (Canadian actor) -- Canadian television and film actor
Wikipedia - Alex Chisholm -- British Civil servant
Wikipedia - Alex Chow -- Hong Kong student activist
Wikipedia - Alex Davies-Jones -- British Labour politician
Wikipedia - Alex Diamond -- German visual artist
Wikipedia - Alex Dimitriades -- Australian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Alex Dimitrov -- American poet living in New York City
Wikipedia - Alexe Iacovici -- Romanian canoeist
Wikipedia - Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov
Wikipedia - Alexei Devotchenko -- Russian actor and activist
Wikipedia - Alexei Kosygin -- Soviet politician (1904-1980)
Wikipedia - Alexei Navalny -- Russian politician and anti-corruption activist
Wikipedia - Alexei Nikolaevich Leont'ev
Wikipedia - Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov
Wikipedia - Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia -- Last heir apparent of the last imperial family of Russia (1904-1917)
Wikipedia - Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsesarevich of Russia
Wikipedia - Alexei Petrovich Pavlov
Wikipedia - Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia
Wikipedia - Alexei Rykov -- Premier of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Alexei Shirov -- Latvian-Spanish chess player
Wikipedia - Alexei Volkoff -- Fictional character on the television series Chuck
Wikipedia - Alexei Yuryevich Smirnov
Wikipedia - Alexey Dushkin -- Soviet architect
Wikipedia - Alexey Gribov -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Alexey Grigorevich Ivakhnenko
Wikipedia - Alexey Koroluck -- Soviet-Russian sculptor and medallist
Wikipedia - Alexey Lysenkov -- Russian television presenter
Wikipedia - Alexey Molchanov -- Russian freediver and world record holder for free-diving
Wikipedia - Alexey Pajitnov -- Russian video game designer and computer engineer, creator of the video game "Tetris"
Wikipedia - Alexey Sergeevich Malchevsky
Wikipedia - Alexey Sorokin (admiral) -- Soviet admiral
Wikipedia - Alexey Surkov -- Soviet poet and critic
Wikipedia - Alex Fein -- activist, writer, businesswoman
Wikipedia - Alex Fort Brescia -- Peruvian businessman
Wikipedia - Alex Hardcastle -- British television director and producer
Wikipedia - Alex Hershaft -- American activist
Wikipedia - Alex Holeh Ahavah -- 1986 film by Boaz Davidson
Wikipedia - Alex Hutchinson (video game director) -- Australian video game director and designer
Wikipedia - Alexis Amore -- Peruvian pornographic actress
Wikipedia - Alexis Arquette -- Actress, cabaret performer, and activist
Wikipedia - Alexis Ayala -- Mexican film, television, and stage actor
Wikipedia - Alexis Candelario Santana -- Puerto Rican convicted criminal
Wikipedia - Alexis Charles Doxat -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alexis Davis (fighter) -- Canadian MMA fighter
Wikipedia - Alexis Davis -- Fictional character
Wikipedia - Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
Wikipedia - Alexis De Tocqueville
Wikipedia - Alexis de Tocqueville
Wikipedia - Alexis Galperine -- French classical violinist
Wikipedia - Alexis Golovin -- Russian pianist
Wikipedia - Alexis Govciyan -- Armenian-French activist
Wikipedia - Alexis Jones -- American activist, author, media personality and motivational speaker
Wikipedia - Alexis Kennedy -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Alexis Lavigne -- French fashion designer and tailor
Wikipedia - Alexis Massol Gonzalez -- Puerto Rican environmentalist
Wikipedia - Alexis Rose -- Fictional character from Canadian television
Wikipedia - Alexis Skyy -- American reality television personality
Wikipedia - Alexis Vila -- Cuban wrestler, mixed martial artist and murderer
Wikipedia - Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym
Wikipedia - Alexius Sylvius Polonus -- Polish astronomer (1593 - c. 1653)
Wikipedia - Alex Kresovich -- American music producer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Alex Kurtzman -- American television producer
Wikipedia - Alex Levinsky
Wikipedia - Alex Pacheco (activist)
Wikipedia - Alex Paul Menon -- Indian civil servant
Wikipedia - Alex Rubens -- American television writer
Wikipedia - Alex Sharp -- English film, television, and theater actor
Wikipedia - Alex Trebek -- Canadian-American television personality (1940-2020)
Wikipedia - Alex Villanueva -- Sheriff of Los Angeles County, California
Wikipedia - Alex Virot -- French journalist
Wikipedia - Alex Weil -- American music video director
Wikipedia - Alex Winters -- Welsh television presenter
Wikipedia - Alexx Woods -- Fictional character on American television series CSI: Miami
Wikipedia - Alex Zahara -- Canadian television, film and voice actor
Wikipedia - Al-Fadl ibn al-Rabi -- Abbasid vizier
Wikipedia - Al-Fadl ibn Sahl -- Abbasid vizier
Wikipedia - Al-Fadl ibn Salih -- Abbasid Provincial governor
Wikipedia - Alfaro District -- district in San Ramon canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alfa Romeo in Formula One -- Formula One activities of Alfa Romeo
Wikipedia - Alfa TV -- Former pay TV service in Cyprus
Wikipedia - Alf Clausen -- American film and television composer
Wikipedia - Alferd Packer -- U.S. Union Army soldier convicted of manslaughter
Wikipedia - Alfonsas Vincentas AmbraziM-EM-+nas -- Lithuanian sculptor
Wikipedia - Alfons BM-DM-^SrziM-EM-^FM-EM-! -- Latvian speed skater
Wikipedia - Alfonso Agra -- Spanish film, television, and voice actor
Wikipedia - Alfonso Barrantes -- Peruvian politician
Wikipedia - Alfonso Bustamante -- Peruvian businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Alfonso, Cavite
Wikipedia - Alfonso Ferrabosco the younger -- English composer and viol player (c1575-1628)
Wikipedia - Alfonso Ottaviani -- Italian modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Alfonso Segovia -- Spanish equestrian
Wikipedia - Alfonso Ugarte -- Peruvian military commander during the War of the Pacific
Wikipedia - Alfonso VIII of Castile
Wikipedia - Alfonso VIII
Wikipedia - Alfonso VII of Len and Castile
Wikipedia - Alfonso VII of Len
Wikipedia - Alfonso VII of Leon and Castile
Wikipedia - Alfonso VII
Wikipedia - Alfonso VI of Castile
Wikipedia - Alfonso VI of Len and Castile
Wikipedia - Alfonso Virgen Meza -- Mexican aviator
Wikipedia - Alfonso Visconti -- 17th-century Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Alfons Rudzinkas -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Alfonza W. Davis -- American World War II pilot
Wikipedia - Alford plea -- Guilty plea whereby a defendant in a criminal case does not admit to the criminal act and asserts innocence, but admits that sufficient evidence exists to convict
Wikipedia - Alfortville Armenian Genocide Memorial bombings -- Attack on an Armenian Genocide Memorial in France
Wikipedia - Alfred Apps -- Canadian lawyer, businessman and activist
Wikipedia - Alfred-Arthur Brunel de Neuville -- French painter
Wikipedia - Alfredas Kulpa-KulpaviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian architect and artist
Wikipedia - Alfred Atkinson -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alfred-Auguste Cuvillier-Fleury -- French historian
Wikipedia - Alfred Beebe Caywood -- Canadian aviator
Wikipedia - Alfred Bernstein -- activist
Wikipedia - Alfred Chicken -- 1993 platform video game
Wikipedia - Alfred Comyn Lyall -- British civil servant, historian, and poet
Wikipedia - Alfred Daviel -- French politician
Wikipedia - Alfred Davies (Carmarthen MP) -- British politician
Wikipedia - Alfred de Vigny
Wikipedia - Alfred D. Herger -- Puerto Rican television host
Wikipedia - Alfred Durlacher -- Australian civil servant
Wikipedia - Alfred Edward Durrant -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alfred Edward Sephton -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alfred Ernest Ind -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alfred Gaby -- Australian recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alfred Hitchcock Presents -- American television anthology series
Wikipedia - Alfred J. Marrow -- American industrial psychologist, executive, civil rights leader, and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Alfred J. Sellers -- soldier and veteran of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner -- British statesman and colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Alfred Nicdao -- Australian television actor
Wikipedia - Alfredo Barnechea -- Peruvian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Alfredo Beltran Leyva -- Convicted Mexican drug lord
Wikipedia - Alfredo Bryce -- Peruvian writer
Wikipedia - Alfredo Campoli -- British violinist
Wikipedia - Alfredo Da Silva -- Bolivian-American artist
Wikipedia - Alfredo De Villa -- Mexican director
Wikipedia - Alfredo Deza (hurdler) -- Peruvian hurdler
Wikipedia - Alfred Ofosu-Ahenkorah -- Ghanaian energy engineer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Alfredo Genovese -- Fileteador and visual artist
Wikipedia - Alfredo M-CM-^Alvarez Calderon -- Peruvian diver
Wikipedia - Alfredo Obviar -- 20th-century Filipino Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Alfredo Ottaviani -- Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Alfredo Romero (activist) -- Venezuelan activist and lawyer
Wikipedia - Alfred Robert Wilkinson -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alfred Schakron -- Belizean businessman and murder victim
Wikipedia - Alfred Sharland -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - Alfred Shout -- New Zealand-born Australian Victoria Cross recipient
Wikipedia - Alfreds Meders -- German-Latvian mathematician
Wikipedia - Alfred Victor Smith -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Alfred Vincent -- Australian cartoonist
Wikipedia - Alfred William Begbie -- British civil servant in India
Wikipedia - Alfred Wittenberg -- German violinist and pianist
Wikipedia - Alfreton -- Town and civil parish in Amber Valley, Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - AlfrM-DM-^Sds KalniM-EM-^FM-EM-! (athlete) -- Latvian racewalker
Wikipedia - AlfrM-DM-^Sds Ruks -- Latvian athlete
Wikipedia - ALF: The First Adventure -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - ALF (video game) -- 1989 video game
Wikipedia - Algaculture -- Aquaculture involving the farming of algae
Wikipedia - Algebraically compact module -- Module such that infinite systems of linear equations can be solved by solving finite subsystems
Wikipedia - Algebra of sets -- Identities and relationships between sets involving complements, inclusions M-bM-^JM-^F, and finite unions M-bM-^HM-* and intersections M-bM-^HM-).
Wikipedia - Alger Hiss -- alleged Soviet agent and American diplomat
Wikipedia - Algerian Civil Concord referendum, 1999
Wikipedia - Algerian Civil War
Wikipedia - Algernon Greville, 2nd Baron Greville -- British politician
Wikipedia - Algiers Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - Algimantas M-EM- alna -- Lithuanian and Soviet biathlete
Wikipedia - Algimantas MerkeviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian judoka
Wikipedia - Algimantas Norvilas -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Algirdas ButkeviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Algirdas GureviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian adventurer, touring cyclist, and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Algirdas MonkeviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Algonquin Provincial Park -- Protected area of Ontario
Wikipedia - Al Gore's Penguin Army -- Parody webvideo
Wikipedia - Al Gore -- 45th Vice President of the United States
Wikipedia - Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf -- Umayyad governor of Iraq and viceroy of the eastern caliphate
Wikipedia - Alhaj Moulana Ghousavi Shah
Wikipedia - Al-Hamadaniah Olympic Swimming and Diving Complex
Wikipedia - Alhambra, Phoenix -- Urban village of Phoenix, Arizona
Wikipedia - Alhanwadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Al Hayba -- Lebanese - Syrian television series
Wikipedia - Alhierd Baharevich -- Belarusian writer and translator (born 1975)
Wikipedia - Al Hudaydah offensive -- Offensive of the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Alhurra -- US television station
Wikipedia - Aliabad-e Olya, South Khorasan -- A village in Iran
Wikipedia - Aliabad, Sonqor -- Village in Kermanshah Province, Iran
Wikipedia - Aliaksandra Narkevich -- Belarusian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aliaksandr Liakhovich -- Belarusian racewalker
Wikipedia - Aliaksei Charnushevich -- French chess player
Wikipedia - Ali Alavi
Wikipedia - Ali A. Rizvi -- Journalist and ex-Muslim secular activist
Wikipedia - Alias Mrs. Jessop -- 1916 American silent comedy film directed by Will S. Davis
Wikipedia - Alias (TV series) -- American spy-action television series
Wikipedia - Alia Zafar -- Pakistani civil servant and businessperson
Wikipedia - Ali Azim -- Maldivian film actor
Wikipedia - Ali Baba Goes to Town -- 1937 film by David Butler
Wikipedia - Ali Beg Zanganeh -- Kurdish nobleman in Safavid Empire
Wikipedia - Ali bin Towar al-Kuwari -- Qatari Television Presenter and author
Wikipedia - Alibi (TV channel) -- Digital television channel broadcasting in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Alibi -- |Statement by a suspect of having been elsewhere at the time a crime had occurred
Wikipedia - Alice (2002 film) -- 2002 film by Sylvie Ballyot
Wikipedia - Alice Allison Dunnigan -- Journalist, civil rights activist and author
Wikipedia - Alice (American TV series) -- American sitcom television series
Wikipedia - Alice & Smith -- Canadian video game developer
Wikipedia - Alice Bungisngis and Her Wonder Walis -- 2012 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Alice Bush -- Doctor, paediatrician, family planning activist
Wikipedia - Alice Cardona -- Puerto Rican activist and community organizer
Wikipedia - Alice Cassie -- New Zealand political activist
Wikipedia - Alice David -- French actress
Wikipedia - Alice Davies -- British suffragette
Wikipedia - Alice de Rivera -- American physician and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Alice Estes Davis -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1981 film) -- Soviet animated film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1985 video game)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (1988 film) -- 1988 Australian 51-minute direct-to-video animated film
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (2000 video game)
Wikipedia - Alice in Wonderland (2010 video game)
Wikipedia - Alice Jenkins -- British activist
Wikipedia - Alice K. Leopold -- American politician, social activist and government official
Wikipedia - Alice Lakey -- American activist
Wikipedia - Alice Lee Jemison -- Native American journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Alice Levine -- British broadcaster
Wikipedia - Alice Louise Davison -- American linguist
Wikipedia - Alice Mabel Bacon -- American writer/women's educator/foreign advisor to the Japanese government in Meiji period Japan
Wikipedia - Alice Marie Johnson -- American criminal-justice activist and commuted convict
Wikipedia - Alice Paul -- American suffragist, feminist and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Alice Roberts -- English physician, anatomist, physical anthropologist, television presenter, author
Wikipedia - Alice Serber Petluck -- Jewish and female pioneer in law and social activist
Wikipedia - Alice SOS -- Television anime
Wikipedia - Alice Vickery -- English physician and campaigner
Wikipedia - Alice Vieira -- Portuguese writer
Wikipedia - Alice (virtual assistant) -- Russian intelligent personal assistant software
Wikipedia - Alice Walker -- American author and activist
Wikipedia - Alice Weidel -- German politician serving as Leader of Alternative for Germany
Wikipedia - Alichino (devil)
Wikipedia - Alicia Cuaron -- American educator, women's and human rights activist, Franciscan nun
Wikipedia - Alicia Kozakiewicz -- American kidnapping victim and advocate
Wikipedia - Alicia MaguiM-CM-1a -- Peruvian singer
Wikipedia - Alicia Menendez -- American television commentator
Wikipedia - Alicia Miranda Hevia -- Costa Rican writer
Wikipedia - Alicia Rodriguez (FALN) -- Puerto Rican activist
Wikipedia - Alicia Sanchez -- Latina activist
Wikipedia - Alicia Vikander -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Alicia Zamora Villalva -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Alidemirci, Balya -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alien (1984 video game) -- 1984 strategy/adventure video game
Wikipedia - Alien 3 -- 1992 American science-fiction horror film by David Fincher
Wikipedia - Alien 8 -- 1985 video game
Wikipedia - Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County -- 1998 television film
Wikipedia - Alien abduction -- subjective experience of victimization by extraterrestrials
Wikipedia - Alien Arena (video game)
Wikipedia - Alienation (video game) -- Shooter video game
Wikipedia - Alien Breed 2: Assault -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Alien Breed 3: Descent -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Alien: Isolation - The Digital Series -- American animated science fiction horror web television series
Wikipedia - Alien (law) -- Person in a country not having citizenship
Wikipedia - Alien Mom, Alien Dad -- 2018 South Korean television program
Wikipedia - Alien Racers -- American television series
Wikipedia - Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction -- Video game
Wikipedia - Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Alien Swarm -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - AliExpress -- International online selling service
Wikipedia - Ali Farahnakian -- American actor, writer, and improvisational comedian
Wikipedia - Alif Laila -- Indian television series from 1993 to 2001
Wikipedia - Ali Forney -- LGBT advocate, sex worker, murder victim
Wikipedia - Alif Satar -- Malaysian reality television contestant, singer, television host and actor
Wikipedia - Alif (TV series) -- 2019 Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Ali Hewson -- Irish activist and businesswoman
Wikipedia - Ali ibn Sulayman ibn Ali al-Hashimi -- Abbasid Provincial governor
Wikipedia - Ali ibn Yusuf -- 5th Almoravid king
Wikipedia - Ali Irsan -- Jordanian-American convicted murderer on death row
Wikipedia - Ali Kaaf -- German-Syrian visual artist
Wikipedia - Alika Kinan -- Argentina-born feminist and anti-trafficking activist
Wikipedia - Ali Kazi -- Sindhi-Pakistani journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Ali Khalifa Al-Kuwari -- Qatari democracy activist
Wikipedia - Alikoy, Azdavay -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alik Sakharov -- Soviet-British cinematographer
Wikipedia - Ali Mirza Safavi
Wikipedia - Alimodian -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Alimony -- Legal obligation to provide financial support to one's spouse due to marital separation
Wikipedia - Alina Artts -- Russian pop singer, actress, television presenter and writer
Wikipedia - Alinah Kelo Segobye -- Social development activist and archaeologist
Wikipedia - Ali Naqi Naqvi -- 20th-century Indian Grand ayatollah
Wikipedia - Alina Tsviliy -- Ukrainian race walker
Wikipedia - Alina Tumilovich -- Belarusian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Alina Vera Savin -- Romanian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Alina von Davier -- Romanian-American psychometrician
Wikipedia - Aline Davis Hays -- American clothing designer, textile manufacturer, and arts promoter
Wikipedia - Ali Nejad -- Iranian-American television personality
Wikipedia - Ali Nejati -- Iranian labor activist
Wikipedia - A Lin Htae Ka Lu -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Ali Niyaf -- First Maldivian Neurosurgeon of the Maldives
Wikipedia - Alinoren, Arac -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ali-Qoli Khan Shamlu -- 16th century Iranian Safavid governor of Harat and guardian of the future Shah Abbas I
Wikipedia - Aliquot sum -- Sum of all proper divisors of a natural number
Wikipedia - Alisa Knows What to Do! -- Russian animated television series
Wikipedia - Ali Salem Tamek -- Moroccan Sahrawi independence activist
Wikipedia - Alisaray, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Alisa (virtual assistant)
Wikipedia - Alise Alousi -- Iraqi American poet living in Detroit
Wikipedia - Alise Dzeguze -- Latvian figure skater
Wikipedia - Ali Seezan -- Maldivian actor
Wikipedia - Alisen Down -- Canadian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Ali Sina (activist) -- Iranian-born Canadian activist and critic of Islam
Wikipedia - Alison Des Forges -- American historian and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Alison Knowles -- American visual artist
Wikipedia - Alison Kreviazuk -- Canadian curler
Wikipedia - Alison Schapker -- American television writer and producer
Wikipedia - Alison Sinclair (virologist) -- Virologist
Wikipedia - Alison (song) -- 1977 song performed by Elvis Costello
Wikipedia - Alison Viktorin -- American voice actor
Wikipedia - Alison Vincent -- information technologist
Wikipedia - Alissa Golob -- Canadian feminist activist
Wikipedia - Alistair Appleton -- British television presenter and writer
Wikipedia - Alistair Davis -- South African sport shooter
Wikipedia - Alisto -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Alitta virens -- Species of annelid worm
Wikipedia - A Little Bit (Nina M-CM-^Estrom song) -- Finnish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2000
Wikipedia - A Little Less Conversation -- 1968 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - A Little Snow Fairy Sugar -- 2001 television anime
Wikipedia - A Little Vicious -- 1991 film
Wikipedia - Aliu Mahama -- Former Ghanaian vice president
Wikipedia - Alive from Off Center -- Television series
Wikipedia - Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors -- 1974 non-fiction book
Wikipedia - Ali (village) -- Village in Georgia
Wikipedia - Ali Viola -- American softball player
Wikipedia - Alix d'Unienville -- British spy
Wikipedia - Aliyah Saleem -- British author and secular activist
Wikipedia - Aliya Teregulova -- Azerbaijani Soviet actress
Wikipedia - Ali Zaidi (lawyer) -- American lawyer and political advisor
Wikipedia - Al Jaber Aviation -- Former business jet airline in the UAE
Wikipedia - Aljapur -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Al-Jawf Province -- Administrative region of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Al Jazeera America -- Defunct pay television news channel
Wikipedia - Al Jean -- American television writer and producer (born 1961)
Wikipedia - Alkapur -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Al Kass Sports Channels -- Qatari sports television network
Wikipedia - Alkesh Kumar Sharma -- Indian Administrative Service officer
Wikipedia - Alkiviadis Papageorgopoulos -- Greek sports shooter
Wikipedia - Alkuti -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Allaberdy Berdyev -- Soviet Turkmen politician
Wikipedia - All Aboard! Rosie's Family Cruise -- 2006 television film
Wikipedia - All About Eve (Philippine TV series) -- 2009 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - All About Evil -- 2010 film by Peaches Christ
Wikipedia - All About Loving -- 1964 film
Wikipedia - All About My Romance -- 2013 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Allahabad division -- Administrative division of Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Allahabad railway division -- Railway division of India
Wikipedia - Allama Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi
Wikipedia - Alla Masevich -- Soviet neuroscientist
Wikipedia - All-America City Award -- Community recognition program in the United States given by the National Civic League
Wikipedia - All American (TV series) -- 2018 American sports drama television series
Wikipedia - Alla Misnik -- Soviet artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Allamraju Subrahmanyakavi
Wikipedia - Allan Arkush -- American film and television director
Wikipedia - Allan Beard -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - Allan Bergkvist -- Swedish chess player
Wikipedia - Allan B. Polunsky Unit -- State prison in West Livingston, Texas formerly known as the Terrell Unit
Wikipedia - Allan Burns -- American television producer
Wikipedia - Allandrus populi -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Allan Erdman -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Allan Kroeker -- Canadian film and television director
Wikipedia - Allan Leonard Lewis -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Allan MacNab -- Political leader in Upper Canada and the Province of Canada
Wikipedia - Allan Melvin -- American Actor, impressionist, voice actor
Wikipedia - Allan Nevins -- American historian, journalist
Wikipedia - Allan Novak -- Canadian television producer
Wikipedia - Allan Octavian Hume
Wikipedia - Allan Paivio -- Canadian psychologist and writer
Wikipedia - Allan Pettersson -- Swedish composer and violist
Wikipedia - Allan Pinkerton -- American Civil War detective and spy
Wikipedia - Allapalli -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alla Peunova -- Soviet archer
Wikipedia - Allari (film) -- 2002 Telugu film directed by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Allari Pidugu -- Indian Telugu movie
Wikipedia - Alla Selina -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Allauddinum Albhutha Vilakkum -- 1999 film by I. V. Sasi
Wikipedia - Al-Layth ibn al-Fadl -- Provincial
Wikipedia - All Caps (song) -- Single by Madvillain
Wikipedia - Allegheny Airlines Flight 485 -- 1971 aviation accident in Connecticut, United States
Wikipedia - Allegheny Trail -- Hiking trail in West Virginia
Wikipedia - Allegiance (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Allegiance (video game) -- free and open-source multiplayer online game
Wikipedia - Allegories (Bellini) -- Series of paintings by Giovanni Bellini and Andrea Previtali in the Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Wikipedia - Allegory of Virtue and Vice (Veronese) -- Painting by Paolo Veronese
Wikipedia - Allegra's Window -- American children's television series
Wikipedia - Allen Beville Ramsay -- English academic and Latin poet (1872-1955)
Wikipedia - Allen Bowie Davis -- American businessman
Wikipedia - Allen Case -- television actor
Wikipedia - Allen Daviau -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - Allen School -- Private school in Asheville, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Allergen immunotherapy -- Medical treatment for environmental allergies
Wikipedia - Allergen -- Type of antigen that produces an abnormally vigorous immune response
Wikipedia - Allerston -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Allerton Mauleverer -- Village near Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Allerton Mauleverer with Hopperton -- Civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Allerton, West Yorkshire -- Former village in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Alley Cats Strike -- Comedic movie
Wikipedia - Alleyway (video game) -- 1989 Breakout clone video game published by Nintendo
Wikipedia - All For Love (TV series) -- Colombian television series
Wikipedia - All for Victory -- Political party in Peru
Wikipedia - All God's Children (1996 film) -- 1996 film by Sylvia Rhue
Wikipedia - All Good Things (miniseries) -- BBC television series
Wikipedia - All Hail King Julien -- Animated television series
Wikipedia - Alliance Air Flight 7412 -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws -- Nonprofit civil rights organisation
Wikipedia - Alliance for Local Living -- British political party
Wikipedia - Alliance for Revival -- Political party in Benin
Wikipedia - Alliance of Evil -- Fictional group of supervillains
Wikipedia - Alliance of Libertarian Activists -- Former student organization
Wikipedia - Alliance of Valiant Arms -- Online video game
Wikipedia - Allie DiMeco -- American actress, reality television personality, and multi-instrumentalist
Wikipedia - Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War
Wikipedia - Allied plans for German industry after World War II -- Overview of the plans by the Allies for Germany's industry after World War II
Wikipedia - Allied Universal -- Facility services company
Wikipedia - Allie Grant -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Alligator Effigy Mound -- Effigy mound in Granville, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Alligator snapping turtle -- Heaviest freshwater turtle in the world
Wikipedia - Allika, Hiiu County -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam -- Political party in India
Wikipedia - All India Latchiya Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam -- Indian political party
Wikipedia - All India Society for Electronics and Computer Technology -- Social enterprise providing education about computers to people in rural and semi-rural areas of India
Wikipedia - Allinson Chapman -- English cricketer and civil servant
Wikipedia - All in the Family -- American television series
Wikipedia - Alliott Verdon Roe -- English aviation pioneer and manufacturer
Wikipedia - Allis-Chalmers Energy -- American oil services and equipment company
Wikipedia - Allison & Allison -- Architectural firm of James Edward Allison and his brother David Clark Allison
Wikipedia - Allison & Lillia -- 2008 anime television series
Wikipedia - Allison Davis (television executive) -- Television executive
Wikipedia - Allison Davis
Wikipedia - Allison Strong -- American pop singer, songwriter and actress of stage, television and film
Wikipedia - Allister Brimble -- British video game music composer
Wikipedia - Allium atroviolaceum -- species of plant in the family Amaryllidaceae
Wikipedia - Allium botschantzevii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium brevicaule -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium brevidens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium brevidentatum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium brevidentiforme -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium brevipes -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium breviradium -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium breviscapum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium eivissanum -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium goloskokovii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium litvinovii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium olivieri -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium popovii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium purpureoviride -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium tel-avivense -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Allium tuberosum -- A species of onion native to southwestern parts of the Chinese province of Shanxi
Wikipedia - Allium zaprjagajevii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Alliyambal -- Malayalam-language television serial
Wikipedia - AllMovie -- Database of information about movie stars, movies and television shows
Wikipedia - All My Life (TV series) -- 2009 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - All My Love For You -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - All My Loving (film) -- 2019 film
Wikipedia - All News Channel -- Former American satellite television news channel
Wikipedia - All-Night Vigil (Rachmaninoff) -- 1915 a cappella choral composition by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Wikipedia - All-Night Vigil (Tchaikovsky)
Wikipedia - All-Night Vigil
Wikipedia - All-night vigil
Wikipedia - All of Us Are Dead -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - All of Us -- American television sitcom 2003-2007
Wikipedia - Allometry -- Study of the relationship of body size to shape, anatomy, physiology, and behavior
Wikipedia - Allonville -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - All or Nothing (sports docuseries) -- Prime Video series
Wikipedia - All Out of Love (TV series) -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - All-Out Sundays -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - All Over the Guy -- 2001 film by Julie Davis
Wikipedia - All Over the Place (TV programme) -- British television series
Wikipedia - All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment -- Equipment
Wikipedia - All Rise (TV series) -- American legal drama television series
Wikipedia - All's Fair -- American television series 1976-1977
Wikipedia - All Shook Up -- Song by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - All Souls (TV series) -- American paranormal medical drama television series
Wikipedia - All-Star K! -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - All Star Pro-Wrestling -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - All-Star Superman (film) -- 2011 direct-to-video animated superhero film directed by Sam Liu
Wikipedia - All-Star Videoke -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Alltag -- 2003 television film directed by Neco Celik
Wikipedia - All That Divides Us -- 2017 film by Thierry Klifa
Wikipedia - All That -- American sketch comedy television series
Wikipedia - All the Brothers Were Valiant (1923 film) -- 1923 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - All the Love in the World (album) -- 1974 album by Mac Davis
Wikipedia - All the Real Girls -- 2003 film by David Gordon Green
Wikipedia - All the Young Dudes -- 1972 glam rock single by Mott the Hoople, written by David Bowie
Wikipedia - All-time California Victory roster -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - All-time Greenville Triumph SC roster -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - All Together Now (Philippine TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - All to You -- Austrian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2000
Wikipedia - All Tvvins -- Irish musical group
Wikipedia - Alludugaaru Vachcharu -- 1999 film by Ravi Raja Pinisetty
Wikipedia - Alluvial fan -- A fan- or cone-shaped deposit of sediment crossed and built up by streams
Wikipedia - Alluvial plain -- Region on which rivers have deposited sediment
Wikipedia - Alluvium -- Loose soil or sediment that is eroded and redeposited in a non-marine setting
Wikipedia - All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (poetry collection) -- Book by Richard Brautigan
Wikipedia - Ally McBeal -- American legal comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Allyn Vine
Wikipedia - All You Need Is Cash -- 1978 television film
Wikipedia - All your base are belong to us -- Internet meme about a bad translation of a video game cutscene transcript
Wikipedia - Almaas Elman -- Human rights activist
Wikipedia - Alma Canales -- American organizer and activist
Wikipedia - Alma de angel -- Mexican comedy television series
Wikipedia - Alma de Bretteville Spreckels -- American philanthropist
Wikipedia - Alma Deutscher -- British composer, pianist and violinist
Wikipedia - Alma Edwviges Alcaraz -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Almala -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alma Lepina -- Latvian figure skater
Wikipedia - Alma Marina Vitela -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Almanach cracoviense ad annum 1474
Wikipedia - Al-Manar -- Lebanese television station affiliated with Hezbollah
Wikipedia - Alma Reville -- British screenwriter, film editor, and wife of Alfred Hitchcock
Wikipedia - Alma Selimovic -- Queer human rights activist (b. 1981)
Wikipedia - Al-Masih ad-Dajjal -- Evil figure in Islamic eschatology
Wikipedia - Al Masini -- American television producer
Wikipedia - Almaz -- Soviet military space station program
Wikipedia - AlM-DM-+na Fjodorova -- Latvian figure skater
Wikipedia - Almeley -- Village in Herefordshire, England
Wikipedia - Al Melvin (politician) -- American politician
Wikipedia - AlM-EM-+ksne Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - AlM-EM-+ksnes ZiM-EM-^Fas -- Regional newspaper in Latvia
Wikipedia - Almeric FitzRoy -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - ALM Flight 980 -- Aviation accident in the Caribbean Sea on 2 May 1970
Wikipedia - Al Michaels -- American television sportscaster
Wikipedia - Almighty Thor -- 2011 television film directed by Christopher Ray
Wikipedia - Almington -- Village in Staffordshire, England
Wikipedia - Almira Hollander Pitman -- American suffragist and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Almonds in California -- Overview of almonds in California
Wikipedia - Almoravid Dynasty
Wikipedia - Almoravid dynasty -- Medieval Berber dynasty in Spain and northern Africa
Wikipedia - Almoravid
Wikipedia - Almost Christmas (film) -- 2016 film by David E. Talbert
Wikipedia - Almost Family -- 2019 American drama television series
Wikipedia - Almost Happy (TV series) -- 2020 Spanish language television series
Wikipedia - Almost Summer -- 1978 film by Martin Davidson
Wikipedia - Almsgiving
Wikipedia - Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad -- Last ruler of the taifa of Seville in Al-Andalus and poet (1040-1095) (r. c.1069-1091)
Wikipedia - A lo divino
Wikipedia - Alo, Docura! -- Brazilian television series base on American TV series I Love Lucy
Wikipedia - Aloguinsan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Aloha Airlines Flight 243 -- Aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aloha from Hawaii Via Satellite -- 1973 film by Marty Pasetta
Wikipedia - Aloha Hawaii -- Australian television variety show
Wikipedia - Aloja Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Alojz PetroviM-DM-^M -- Croatian gymnast
Wikipedia - Alo KM-CM-5rve -- Estonian theater, film, and television actor
Wikipedia - Alok Vaid-Menon -- American performance artist and LGBTQ rights activist
Wikipedia - Alona Beach -- Tourist beach in the province of Bohol, Philippines
Wikipedia - Alone Together (TV series) -- American comedy series created by and starring Benji Aflalo and Esther Povitsky
Wikipedia - Alone (TV series) -- American survival reality television series
Wikipedia - Along the Great Divide -- 1951 film
Wikipedia - Along the Way (TV series) -- Canadian children's television series
Wikipedia - Alonso de Benavides -- Portuguese missionary
Wikipedia - Alonso de Ojeda -- Spanish conquistador, navigator and governor
Wikipedia - Alonso Valdez -- Peruvian equestrian
Wikipedia - Alonso Wong -- Peruvian judoka
Wikipedia - Alonzo Davis -- African-American artist and academic
Wikipedia - Alonzo H. Pickle -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Aloor Shanavas -- Indian politician, activist, writer, and orator
Wikipedia - Alore -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alor Pongsu (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - A Lovely Way to Die -- 1968 film by David Lowell Rich
Wikipedia - A Love Never Lost -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - A Love So Beautiful -- Chinese web television series
Wikipedia - Aloysius Bevilacqua -- 17th-century Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Aloy -- Protagonist of the Horizon video games
Wikipedia - Alpendorf -- Village in St. Johann im Pongau, Austria
Wikipedia - Alphabear 2 -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Alpha Black Zero -- 2004 tactical shooter video game
Wikipedia - Alphablocks -- British animated children's television series
Wikipedia - Alphacoronavirus 1 -- Species of virus in the genus Alphacoronavirus
Wikipedia - Alphacoronavirus -- Genus of viruses
Wikipedia - AlphaDream -- Defunct Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Alpha (ethology) -- Individual in the community with the highest rank
Wikipedia - Alphaflexiviridae -- Family of viruses in the order Tymovirales affecting plants and fungi
Wikipedia - AlphaSights -- British information services company
Wikipedia - Alpha Star Aviation -- Private charter airline based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - AlphaStar (satellite broadcasting service) -- Direct-to-home satellite broadcasting service
Wikipedia - Alphas -- An American science fiction dramatic television series
Wikipedia - Alpha-thalassemia -- Thalassemia involving the genes HBA1and HBA2 hemoglobin genes
Wikipedia - Alphavirus -- Genus of viruses
Wikipedia - Alphington, Devon -- Village in Devon, England
Wikipedia - Alphius Avitus -- Ancient Roman poet
Wikipedia - Alphonse Beni -- Cameroonian actor and movie director
Wikipedia - Alphonso David -- American attorney
Wikipedia - Alphonso Dennie -- Vincentian educator
Wikipedia - Alpine Racer 2 -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Alpine Visitor Center -- Visitor center at Fall River Pass, Colorado
Wikipedia - Al-Qassim Province -- Administrative region of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Al Robbins -- Fictional character on American television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Wikipedia - Al Roker -- American weather presenter, television and radio personality
Wikipedia - Alrosa Flight 514 -- Aviation accident - electrical failure followed by emergency landing
Wikipedia - Al-Sawalima -- Village in Jaffa, Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - Alser StraM-CM-^_e (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Al Sharpton -- American Baptist minister, civil rights activist and talk show host
Wikipedia - Alsigarh -- Village in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Al Sogara -- Village in Ad Dakhiliyah Governorate, Oman
Wikipedia - Alsophila havilandii -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Al Souda -- Village in the Abha region of Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Alstonefield -- Village in Staffordshire, England
Wikipedia - Alstonville, New South Wales -- Town in New South Wales, Australia
Wikipedia - Alstrom syndrome -- Rare genetic disorder involving childhood obesity and multiple organ dysfunction
Wikipedia - Alsunde -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alsunga Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Alta California -- Former province of New Spain
Wikipedia - Alta Devices -- Solar energy company
Wikipedia - Altaf Khanani -- Pakistani convicted in the U.S. of money laundering
Wikipedia - Al-Taghreba al-Falastenya -- Syrian television series
Wikipedia - Altai Krai -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Altai Republic -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Alta Schrock -- Biology professor and community activist
Wikipedia - Altavilla -- Village and former municipality in the district of See in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Altavista High School -- American public high school
Wikipedia - Altavista
Wikipedia - AltaVista -- Web search engine
Wikipedia - ALTBalaji -- Subscription based Video on demand platform
Wikipedia - Altcar Novices' Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Alte Donau (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Altered Carbon (TV series) -- Science-fiction television series
Wikipedia - Altered Space -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - Alterlaa (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Alternatiba, Village of Alternatives -- French social movement fighting climate change
Wikipedia - Alternative financial service -- Financial service provided outside traditional banking institutions
Wikipedia - Alternative Service Book
Wikipedia - Alternative versions of Invisible Woman
Wikipedia - Alternativna TV -- Bosnian television company
Wikipedia - Alternator (automotive) -- Devices in automobiles to charge the battery and power the electrical system
Wikipedia - Alternator -- Electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current
Wikipedia - Altes Landgut (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Metro station in Vienna, Austria
Wikipedia - Altice Studio -- French pay television network
Wikipedia - Altikulac, Abana -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Altinlar, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Altitude diving -- Underwater diving at altitudes above 300 m
Wikipedia - Altkula, Ida-Viru County -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Altmore -- Village and townland in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Alto da Boa Vista (Sao Paulo Metro) -- Sao Paulo Metro station
Wikipedia - Altofts -- Village in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Altona refinery -- An oil refinery in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Altona, Victoria
Wikipedia - Alton, Derbyshire -- Village in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Alton Lemon -- Civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Alto's Odyssey -- 2018 video game
Wikipedia - Altshof -- Village in the canton of Thurgau, Switzerland
Wikipedia - Alt-tech -- Group of websites, social media platforms, and Internet service providers that position themselves as alternatives to more mainstream offerings
Wikipedia - ALTV -- Thai educational television channel
Wikipedia - Alucita flavicincta -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita flaviserta -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita pluvialis -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alucita sailtavica -- Species of many-plumed moth in genus Alucita
Wikipedia - Alugha -- German video-hosting platform
Wikipedia - Alulim -- Mythological, antediluvian first king of Eridu and Sumer
Wikipedia - Aluminium division of Rio Tinto -- Canadian aluminum company
Wikipedia - Aluminium in Africa -- Overview of ore deposits and extraction
Wikipedia - Alun Davies (biologist)
Wikipedia - Alun Davies (historian) -- Welsh historian
Wikipedia - Alun Davies (politician) -- Welsh Labour politician and Senedd (Welsh Parliament) Minister for Blaenau Gwent
Wikipedia - Alun Davies (sailor) -- Caymanian sailor
Wikipedia - Alur Limbat (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Alur, Nanded -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alur, Osmanabad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Alva Campbell -- American convicted of murder
Wikipedia - Alvarado (canton) -- canton in Cartago province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Alvaro Vitali -- Italian actor
Wikipedia - Alvar -- Biological environment based on a limestone plain with thin or no soil and, as a result, sparse grassland vegetation
Wikipedia - Alverthorpe -- Former village in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Alvia Wardlaw -- American art scholar
Wikipedia - Alvier -- River in Austria
Wikipedia - Alviina AlametsM-CM-$ -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - A. L. Vijay -- Tamil film director
Wikipedia - Alvikh Maharaj -- Fijian politician
Wikipedia - Alvik metro station -- Stockholm Metro station
Wikipedia - Alvin Aguilar -- Martial Arts Expert
Wikipedia - Alvin Ailey -- African-American dancer, choreographer and activist
Wikipedia - Alvina Krause -- American theatre director
Wikipedia - Alvin Alden -- American businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Alvin Alvarez -- Actor
Wikipedia - Alvin Andrew Callender -- American pursuit pilot during World War I
Wikipedia - Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked -- 2011 film by Mike Mitchell
Wikipedia - Alvin and the Chipmunks (video game) -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Alvin and the Chipmunks -- Virtual band
Wikipedia - Alvin Anthons -- Malaysian entertainer (born 1976)
Wikipedia - Alvin Botes -- South African politician
Wikipedia - Alvin Brown -- American politician from Florida
Wikipedia - Alvin Carlsson -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Alvin Cash -- American actor and singer
Wikipedia - Alvin Cassel -- American lawyer
Wikipedia - Alvin C. Eurich
Wikipedia - Alvin Chau -- Canadian former competitive ice dancer
Wikipedia - Alvin Childress -- American actor
Wikipedia - Alvin C. Jacobs Jr. -- American documentary photographer
Wikipedia - Alvin Clark (schooner) -- United States historic place
Wikipedia - Alvin Colt -- American costume designer
Wikipedia - Alvin Community College
Wikipedia - Alvin Cooperman -- American television producer
Wikipedia - Alvin Curling -- Jamaican-born Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Alvin Devane -- American singer and police lieutenant
Wikipedia - Alvin Drew -- American astronaut
Wikipedia - Alvin Dueck -- American psychologist and theologian
Wikipedia - Alvin Duskin -- American educator, entrepreneur, and activist
Wikipedia - Alvin Epstein -- American actor
Wikipedia - Alvin E. Roth
Wikipedia - Alvin Feldman -- American airline executive and mechanical engineer
Wikipedia - Alvin F. Harlow -- American writer and biographer
Wikipedia - Alvin Garcia -- Filipino politician and lawyer
Wikipedia - Alvin Goldman
Wikipedia - Alvin Greene -- American politician
Wikipedia - Alvin Hansen
Wikipedia - Alvin Hellerstein
Wikipedia - Alvin Hirsch Rosenfeld -- American scholar of religion
Wikipedia - Alvin Holmes -- American politician
Wikipedia - Alvin Huang -- Chinese-American architect
Wikipedia - Alvin I. Goldman
Wikipedia - Alvin J. DeGrow -- American politician
Wikipedia - Alvin Karpis
Wikipedia - Alvin Klein
Wikipedia - Alvin Kraenzlein -- Athletics competitor
Wikipedia - Alvin Kritschmann -- American gymnast
Wikipedia - Alvin Landy -- American bridge player
Wikipedia - Alvin Langdon Coburn
Wikipedia - Alvin Leung -- British-born Hong Kong chef and television personality
Wikipedia - Alvin Liberman
Wikipedia - Alvin Libin -- Canadian businessman and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Alvin M. Johnston -- American test pilot (1914-1998)
Wikipedia - Alvin Moore -- American equestrian
Wikipedia - Alvin Morell Bentley -- American politician
Wikipedia - Alvin M. Strauss -- American architect
Wikipedia - Alvin M. Weinberg -- American nuclear physicist
Wikipedia - Alvin Ng -- Hong Kong male singer, host and actor under Voice Entertainment
Wikipedia - Alvin N. Hart -- American politician
Wikipedia - Alvin O'Konski -- 20th century American congressman for northwestern Wisconsin.
Wikipedia - Alvino Rey -- American swing era musician
Wikipedia - Alvin Pam -- American psychologist
Wikipedia - Alvin P. Carey -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Alvin Plantinga's free will defense
Wikipedia - Alvin Plantinga's free-will defense
Wikipedia - Alvin Plantinga -- American Christian philosopher
Wikipedia - Alvin Purple -- 1972 Australian film directed by Tim Burstall
Wikipedia - Alvin Ratz Kaufman -- Canadian industrialist and birth control advocate
Wikipedia - Alvin Rides Again -- 1974 film by Robin Copping, David Bilcock
Wikipedia - Alvin Roth (bridge) -- American bridge player
Wikipedia - Alvin Saunders Johnson
Wikipedia - Alvin Schwartz (children's author)
Wikipedia - Alvin Swen Dixon -- Liberian international defender
Wikipedia - Alvin Tan (blogger) -- Malaysian blogger
Wikipedia - Alvin Tan (politician) -- Singaporean politician
Wikipedia - Alvin Toffler
Wikipedia - Alvin Tyler -- American R&B and neo-bop jazz saxophonist and arranger
Wikipedia - Alvin V. Tollestrup -- American physicist
Wikipedia - Alvin Weinberg
Wikipedia - Alvin Wiederspahn -- American politician and attorney
Wikipedia - ALVIN
Wikipedia - Alvin Wyckoff -- American cinematographer
Wikipedia - Alvin Yeung -- Chinese barrister and politician in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Alvin York -- United States Army Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Alvira Khan Agnihotri -- Indian film producer
Wikipedia - Alvise Casellati -- Italian conductor
Wikipedia - Alvise De Vidi -- Italian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Alvise Loredan -- 15th-century Venetian nobleman and captain
Wikipedia - Alvise Vivarini
Wikipedia - Alvise Zorzi -- Italian writer
Wikipedia - Alviss -- Norse mythical character
Wikipedia - Alwadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Always (Bon Jovi song) -- 1994 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Always on the Run -- 1991 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Alwoodley -- Suburb of Leeds and civil parish in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Alwyn Davies
Wikipedia - Alyakhnovich -- Surname disambiguation page
Wikipedia - Alyas Pusa: Ang Taong May 13 Buhay -- 1988 Filipino film starring Ramon Revilla
Wikipedia - Alyas Robin Hood -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Al Yazmalim -- Turkish television series
Wikipedia - Alycia Lane -- Television journalist
Wikipedia - Alyona Apina -- Soviet and Russian actress,singer
Wikipedia - Alyosha Popovich -- Folk hero in the Rus' folklore
Wikipedia - Alys McKey Bryant -- American aviatrix
Wikipedia - Alyson Hannigan -- American actress and television presenter
Wikipedia - Alyssa Alano -- Film and television actress
Wikipedia - Alyssa Diaz -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Alyssa Farah -- American political advisor and communications professional
Wikipedia - Alys (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Alyvia Alyn Lind -- American child actress
Wikipedia - Alyz Henrich -- Venezuelan model, environmentalist and beauty queen
Wikipedia - AM2R -- Fan-made video game
Wikipedia - Amabrio del Villar -- Argentine equestrian
Wikipedia - Amadade -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amade, Ambegaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy
Wikipedia - Amadeus VIII of Savoy
Wikipedia - Amadeus VI of Savoy
Wikipedia - Ama (diving) -- Japanese pearl divers
Wikipedia - A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines -- Janna Levin book
Wikipedia - Amafa aKwaZulu-Natali -- Provincial heritage resources authority in terms of South Africa's National Heritage Resources Act
Wikipedia - Amagaon, Palghar -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amal Azzudin -- Egyptian-born Scottish activist
Wikipedia - Amal Clooney -- British-Lebanese barrister, activist and author
Wikipedia - Amalgaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amalia Puga de Losada -- Peruvian writer (1866-1963)
Wikipedia - Amalia Ziv -- Israeli academic and queer activist
Wikipedia - Amal Saad Eddin -- Syrian television actress
Wikipedia - Amalthe -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amalus scortillum -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Amamriabatis -- Extinct genus of Devilray
Wikipedia - A Man Called Sledge -- 1970 film by Vic Morrow, Giorgio Gentili
Wikipedia - Amanda Aizpuriete -- Latvian poet and translator
Wikipedia - Amanda Congdon -- American former video blogger
Wikipedia - Amanda Davies (scientist) -- Australian geographer
Wikipedia - Amanda Davin -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Amanda E. Peele -- African/American biologist and activist
Wikipedia - Amanda Gailey -- American academic and activist
Wikipedia - Amanda Holden -- English actress, singer and television personality
Wikipedia - Amanda Kimmel -- American actress, model, beauty queen, animal rights advocate, and reality television show contestant
Wikipedia - Amanda Knox -- American woman wrongfully convicted of murder then exonerated
Wikipedia - Amanda Lynch -- Environmental and social scientist
Wikipedia - Amanda Purvis -- American archer
Wikipedia - Amanda Rollins -- Fictional character on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Wikipedia - Amanda Seales -- American actress, podcaster, rapper, singer, songwriter, comedian, DJ, poet, activist, presenter and media personality
Wikipedia - Amanda Vilanova -- Puerto Rican model
Wikipedia - Amane, Bhiwandi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amani Ballour -- Syrian pediatrician and activist
Wikipedia - Amanita virosa -- Species of fungus
Wikipedia - A Man of Means -- 1991 short story collection by P.G. Wodehouse and C.H. Bovill
Wikipedia - Amanpour & Company -- American global affairs interview television program hosted by Christiane Amanpour on PBS
Wikipedia - Amanpour -- Global affairs interview television program hosted by [[British-Iranian]] journalist Christiane Amanpour on CNN
Wikipedia - Aman Singh Gulati -- Indian visual artist
Wikipedia - Amanullah Asaduzzaman -- 20th-century Bengali student activist
Wikipedia - Aman Verma (actor) -- Indian television anchor and actor
Wikipedia - Ama Quiambao -- Filipino film, television, and theater actress
Wikipedia - Amarale Wadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amaranta Kun -- Peruvian actress (born 1993)
Wikipedia - Amaranth Advisors -- American multi-strategy hedge fund
Wikipedia - Amaravathi (2009 film) -- 2009 Telugu film directed by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Amar Bukvic -- Croatian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Amarilis (actress) -- American television actress
Wikipedia - Amarillo Civic Center -- Convention center in Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Amarin TV -- Thai television network
Wikipedia - A Mascara -- Portuguese singing competition television show
Wikipedia - Amata Giramata -- Rwandan poet and activist
Wikipedia - Amata Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Amaterasu (M-EM-^Lkami) -- Fictional character in M-EM-^Lkami video game
Wikipedia - Amate (Seville Metro) -- Seville Metro station
Wikipedia - Amateur flight simulation -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Amateur television
Wikipedia - Amatino Manucci -- Provider of the first account of double-entry bookkeeping
Wikipedia - Amatonormativity
Wikipedia - A Matter of Conscience -- Artist book of oral histories of the Vietnam War veterans who resisted the war
Wikipedia - Amauli Thakuran -- Village in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Amavis
Wikipedia - Amax Vixen 105 -- Australian homebuilt aircraft
Wikipedia - Amaya (TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Amazing Cooking Kids -- 2011 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Amazing Earth -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Amazing Grace (Australian TV series) -- Upcoming Australian television drama series
Wikipedia - Amazing Stories (1985 TV series) -- American anthology television series
Wikipedia - Amazing Stories (2020 TV series) -- 2020 American anthology television series
Wikipedia - Amazon Echo -- Voice command device from
Wikipedia - Amazon Game Studios -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Amazon Glacier -- Online file archival and backup service
Wikipedia - Amazonian Craton -- A geologic province in South America
Wikipedia - Amazon Kindle -- E-book reading device
Wikipedia - Amazon Luna -- Amazon cloud gaming/streaming service
Wikipedia - Amazon Machine Image -- Virtual appliance within the Amazon EC2
Wikipedia - Amazon Mechanical Turk -- Micro-work service launched by Amazon
Wikipedia - Amazon Prime -- Paid subscription service offered by
Wikipedia - Amazon Rekognition -- Cloud-based Software as a service computer vision platform
Wikipedia - Amazon Relational Database Service
Wikipedia - Amazon S3 -- Cloud storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Wikipedia - Amazon Simple Notification Service
Wikipedia - Amazon Simple Queue Service
Wikipedia - Amazon Video
Wikipedia - Amazon Vine
Wikipedia - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
Wikipedia - Amazon Web Services -- On-demand cloud computing company
Wikipedia - Ambadawe -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambadevi rock shelters -- Caves and archaeological site in India
Wikipedia - Ambadwet -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambalandingana -- Village in Madagascar
Wikipedia - Ambale, Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambarnagar -- Village in Osmanabad, Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Ambarwet -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambassador of New Zealand to the Soviet Union -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ambassador of New Zealand to Vietnam -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ambassador of Russia to Yugoslavia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Ambassador Theatre (St. Louis) -- Former movie theater in St. Louis
Wikipedia - Ambavane -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambav -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambaye -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambedara -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambegaon, Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambegaon, Mulshi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambeghar (Balapur) -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambeghar Dharampur -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amber Cove -- A cruise terminal in Puerto Plata Province in the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Amber L. Hollibaugh -- American writer and political activist
Wikipedia - Amber Portwood -- American reality television personality
Wikipedia - Amber Robles-Gordon -- American mixed media visual artist
Wikipedia - Ambesari -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambeshetgaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambewadi, Dahanu -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambhora -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambient (desktop environment) -- MUI-based desktop environment for MorphOS
Wikipedia - Ambient Devices
Wikipedia - Ambient device
Wikipedia - Ambient pressure diving -- Underwater diving where the diver is exposed to the ambient pressure
Wikipedia - Ambika (actress) -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Ambika Charan Choudhury -- Indian litterateur, historian and activist
Wikipedia - Ambika nagar -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambili Ammavan (film) -- 1986 film directed by KG Vijayakumar
Wikipedia - Ambili Devi -- South Indian actress
Wikipedia - Ambi, Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambistewadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambiste -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - AmBisyon Natin 2040 -- Vision developed by the government of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Ambition (1916 film) -- 1916 film by James Vincent
Wikipedia - Ambivali Tarf Bahare -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambivali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amblin Television -- TV production division of Amblin Partners
Wikipedia - Amblyptilia viettei -- Species of plume moth
Wikipedia - Ambolgad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Amboli, Pune -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ambos Camarines -- Former province of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Ambrella -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Ambrose Barker -- 19th-century British political activist
Wikipedia - Ambrose Hundley Sevier -- American politician
Wikipedia - Ambrosia peruviana -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ambrosio de Benavides -- Spanish colonial governor
Wikipedia - Ambrosiu Dimitrovici -- Romanian publisher
Wikipedia - Ambrosius Ruwindrijarto -- Social activist
Wikipedia - Ambrotius Olsen Lindvig -- Norwegian Minister of Trade
Wikipedia - A M-CM-^Arvore dos Sexos -- 1977 film by Silvio de Abreu
Wikipedia - AM-CM-/n Defla Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - AM-CM-/n Temouchent Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - AM-CM-/ssata Lam -- Mauritanian activist
Wikipedia - AM-CM-/t Benhaddou -- Historical village in southeastern Morocco
Wikipedia - AMC Theatres -- US-based movie theater chain in the US and Europe
Wikipedia - Amdad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - AMD Eyefinity -- Brand of AMD video card products
Wikipedia - AM-DM-^_acbuku, Cide -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AM-DM-^_daM-DM-^_, Goygol -- Village in Goygol, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - AM-DM-^_in Bridge -- Bridge over the Keban Lake in the ElaziM-DM-^_ Province in Turkey
Wikipedia - A Meat Stall with the Holy Family Giving Alms -- painting by Pieter Aertsen
Wikipedia - Ameba TV -- Subscription based streaming video
Wikipedia - Amedeo Lavini -- Italian architect
Wikipedia - Ameer Faisal Alavi -- Pakistan army officer
Wikipedia - Amelia Bloomer -- Women's rights activist and temperance advocate
Wikipedia - Amelia Boynton Robinson -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Amelia Earhart -- American aviation pioneer and author
Wikipedia - Amelia Greenhall -- American feminist, technology industry blogger, activist, former computer UX/UI designer
Wikipedia - Amelia Haviland -- American statistician
Wikipedia - Amelia Rose Earhart -- American journalist and aviator
Wikipedia - Amelia Summerville -- American actress
Wikipedia - Amelie Fried -- German writer and television presenter
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_aM-DM-^_icamli, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_aM-DM-^_idaniM-EM-^_ment, SavaM-EM-^_tepe -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_aM-DM-^_igocek, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_aM-DM-^_imusalar, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_aM-DM-^_iyaM-DM-^_cilar, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_aM-DM-^_i Zurnabad -- Village in Goygol, Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_k-i Memnu (2008 TV series) -- 2008 Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^_k ve Mavi -- Turkish tv series
Wikipedia - AM-EM-^[vins -- Hindu twin gods of medicine
Wikipedia - Amentane -- Village in Batna, Algeria
Wikipedia - Amen (website) -- Social networking service
Wikipedia - Ameprod Television Game 10 -- Home video game console by PPZ Ameprod
Wikipedia - Amercedes subulirostris -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - America 3000 -- 1986 film directed by David Engelbach
Wikipedia - America Alive! -- US daytime television talk show
Wikipedia - American Academy of Underwater Sciences -- Organization responsible for standards for American scientific diving certification and operation of scientific diving programs
Wikipedia - Americana (film) -- 1983 film directed by David Carradine
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 320 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 383 (2016) -- 2016 aviation accident in the United States
Wikipedia - American Airlines Flight 514 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - American Airlines Shuttle -- Air shuttle service in the northeastern United States
Wikipedia - American Antiquity -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American Anti-Vivisection Society -- Organization
Wikipedia - Americana (Ray Davies album) -- 2017 album
Wikipedia - American Archive of Public Broadcasting -- Archive of radio and television public broadcasting
Wikipedia - American Association of Individual Investors -- Nonprofit membership organization
Wikipedia - American Behavioral Scientist -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American bison -- Species of bovid artiodactyl mammal
Wikipedia - American Body Shop -- American parody television series - 2007
Wikipedia - American Broadcasting Company -- American broadcast television network
Wikipedia - American Capital -- U.S. financial services firm
Wikipedia - American Chopper -- American reality television program
Wikipedia - American Cinematheque Award -- American award for film and television personnel
Wikipedia - American Civic Association -- US organization
Wikipedia - American Civil Liberties Union v. National Security Agency
Wikipedia - American Civil Liberties Union v. Schundler -- United States federal case establishing standards for a government-sponsored holiday display to contain religious symbols
Wikipedia - American Civil Liberties Union -- Legal advocacy organization
Wikipedia - American Civil Rights Union -- Non-profit organisation in the USA
Wikipedia - American Civil War Centennial -- Official US commemoration of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - American Civil War: From Sumter to Appomattox -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - American Civil War reenactment
Wikipedia - American civil war
Wikipedia - American Civil War -- Internal war in the United States primarily over slavery
Wikipedia - American Collectors (Fred and Marcia Weisman) -- 1968 painting by David Hockney
Wikipedia - American Crime Story -- Television series
Wikipedia - American Crime (TV series) -- 2015 American crime drama television series
Wikipedia - American Dad! (season 15) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - American Dad! (season 16) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - American Dad! (season 17) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - American Dad! (season 5) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - American Defense Service Medal -- Military award of the United States
Wikipedia - American Eclipse (book) -- Book by David Baron
Wikipedia - American Experience -- PBS documentary television series
Wikipedia - American Express -- American multinational financial services corporation
Wikipedia - American Family Physician -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists -- former performers' union
Wikipedia - American folk music revival -- 20th-century American musical movement
Wikipedia - American Forces Network -- Broadcast service operated by the United States Armed Forces
Wikipedia - American Forces Press Service
Wikipedia - American Forces Radio and Television Service
Wikipedia - American Friends Service Committee
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (1989 TV series) -- Television program
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (2008 TV series, season 1) -- Season of American reality television series
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (2008 TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - American Gladiators (video game) -- 1991 video game
Wikipedia - American Gods (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - American Heart Journal -- Peer-reviewed medical journal
Wikipedia - American Historical Review
Wikipedia - American Horror Story: Apocalypse -- Eighth season of the horror anthology television series
Wikipedia - American Horror Story -- American anthology horror television series
Wikipedia - American Housewife -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - American Hustle -- 2013 film directed by David O. Russell
Wikipedia - American Idol (season 8) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - American Institute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch Office -- Division of the U.S. representative mission in Taiwan
Wikipedia - American Invitational Mathematics Examination -- Mathematics test used to determine qualification for the U.S. Mathematical Olympiad
Wikipedia - American Journalism Review -- An American magazine about journalism
Wikipedia - American Journal of Archaeology -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American Journal of Public Health -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - American logistics in the Normandy campaign -- Supplies services during World War II
Wikipedia - American Masters -- American biography television series
Wikipedia - American Micro Devices -- American technology company
Wikipedia - American music during World War II -- The music that American civilians and soldiers listen to during World War II
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 10) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 11) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 12) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 2) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 3) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 4) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 5) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 6) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 7) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 8) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior (season 9) -- Season of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior: USA vs. The World -- Special episodes of American realty/sport competition television series American Ninja Warrior
Wikipedia - American Ninja Warrior -- American competition television series
Wikipedia - American Orchid Society Visitors Center and Botanical Garden -- Former botanical garden in Florida, US
Wikipedia - American philosophy -- Activity, corpus, and tradition of philosophers affiliated with the United States
Wikipedia - American Political Science Review
Wikipedia - American Postal Workers Union -- American labor union representing employees of the United States Postal Service
Wikipedia - American Public Television -- American public television syndicator
Wikipedia - American Red Cross Clubmobile Service -- WWII morale-building program
Wikipedia - American Service-Members' Protection Act -- United States federal law enacted 2 August 2002
Wikipedia - American Society of Civil Engineers -- US professional association
Wikipedia - American Sociological Review
Wikipedia - American Song Contest -- Eurovision spinoff
Wikipedia - American Sports Cavalcade -- American motorsports television program
Wikipedia - American Trucker -- American television series
Wikipedia - American Urban Radio Networks -- Radio network providing programming for African American audiences
Wikipedia - American Utopia -- Album by David Byrne
Wikipedia - American Virgin (2000 film) -- 2000 film by Jean-Pierre Marois
Wikipedia - American Virgin (2009 film) -- 2009 film by Clare Kilner
Wikipedia - American Virgin (comics) -- American comic book series
Wikipedia - American Viticultural Area -- Designated wine grape-growing region in the United States
Wikipedia - American West Indies -- Geographic region that includes Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Navassa
Wikipedia - America One -- U.S. television network
Wikipedia - America's Army -- Series of video games
Wikipedia - America's Caribbean -- Loosely used nickname for the U.S. Virgin Islands and for Florida's Key West
Wikipedia - America's Civil War -- American military magazine
Wikipedia - America's Funniest Home Videos -- American reality television program
Wikipedia - America's Got Talent -- Televised American talent show competition
Wikipedia - America's Most Wanted -- Television program
Wikipedia - America's Next Top Model (season 22) -- season of television series
Wikipedia - America's Next Top Model -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - America's Other Army -- Book covering visits to foreign American embassies
Wikipedia - America's Talking -- American cable television channel
Wikipedia - America Television -- Peruvian broadcast television network
Wikipedia - America to Me -- 2018 American documentary television series
Wikipedia - America Tropical: Oprimida y Destrozada por los Imperialismos -- 1932 mural by David Alfaro Siqueiros
Wikipedia - America TV -- Argentine television station and network
Wikipedia - AmeriCorps -- Program of the U.S. federal government engaging adults in intensive community service
Wikipedia - Amerigo Vespucci -- 15th and 16th-century Italian explorer, financier, navigator, and cartographer
Wikipedia - Amerika (miniseries) -- 1987 American television serial
Wikipedia - Ameriprise Financial -- Financial services company
Wikipedia - Ameristar Casino Vicksburg -- A riverboat casino located in Vicksburg, Mississippi
Wikipedia - Amer M-DM-^Fenanovic -- Bosnian politician
Wikipedia - Amerton -- Village in Staffordshire, England
Wikipedia - Amesha Spenta -- Class of divine entities in Zoroastrianism
Wikipedia - Amethyst Incident -- Incident during the Chinese civil war involving the British navy
Wikipedia - A+ (Mexican TV network) -- Mexican regionalized television service
Wikipedia - Amfilohije Radovic -- Metropolitan of Montenegro
Wikipedia - Amfreville battery -- WWII German artillery battery in Normandy
Wikipedia - AMGTV -- American television network
Wikipedia - Amhara Province
Wikipedia - Amherstview Jets -- Canadian junior ice hockey team
Wikipedia - Ami Cusack -- Television personality and model
Wikipedia - Ami Dolenz -- American actress, film producer, and television producer
Wikipedia - A Midsummer Night's Dream (2016 film) -- 2016 British television film
Wikipedia - AMI Entertainment Network -- Jukebox and music video company (e. 1909)
Wikipedia - Amiga Power -- British video game magazine
Wikipedia - Amiga Sidecar -- Commodore expansion hardware device
Wikipedia - Amiga Survivor
Wikipedia - Amiga video connector
Wikipedia - A Mighty Fortress (novel) -- Novel by David Weber
Wikipedia - Amigna -- Administrative division in Ethiopia
Wikipedia - Amigo de Aluguel -- Brazilian comedy television series
Wikipedia - Amigoland Mall -- Shopping mall in Brownsville, Texas
Wikipedia - Amika George -- British activist
Wikipedia - A Million Little Things -- 2018 American family drama television series
Wikipedia - A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates
Wikipedia - A Millon -- Television series
Wikipedia - Ami Mammadov -- Soviet Navy seaman
Wikipedia - Amina Azimi -- Afghan activist
Wikipedia - Amina Doherty -- Nigerian activist
Wikipedia - Aminata Kone -- French housing activist
Wikipedia - Aminata Traore -- Malian author, politician and activist
Wikipedia - Aminath Rishfa -- Maldivian actress
Wikipedia - Aminatou Haidar -- Sahrawi political activist
Wikipedia - A Mind of Its Own -- 2002 single by Victoria Beckham
Wikipedia - Aminul Islam Badsha -- Bangladeshi language movement activist
Wikipedia - Amirabad Union, Lohagara -- Union in Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Amir AghaKouchak -- Iranian American civil engineer, academic and researcher
Wikipedia - Amirali Nabavian -- Iranian presenter
Wikipedia - Amiram Levin -- Israeli general
Wikipedia - Amiran Papinashvili -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - Amiran Totikashvili -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - Amir Darvish -- American actor
Wikipedia - Amirkhan Kamizovich Shomakhov -- Soviet Kabardian lyrics, prose, and play writer
Wikipedia - Amir Taaki -- British-Iranian anarchist revolutionary, hacktivist, and programmer
Wikipedia - Amish Devgan -- Indian Journalist and television news anchor (born 1984)
Wikipedia - Amish Paradise -- 1996 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Ami Sirajer Begum -- Indian Bengali television historical soap opera
Wikipedia - Amit Bhatt -- Indian television actor (born 1972)
Wikipedia - Amit Halevi -- Israeli rabbi and politician
Wikipedia - Amith Thenuka Vidanagamage -- Sri Lankan politician
Wikipedia - Amit Jethwa -- Indian activist
Wikipedia - Amitsur-Levitzki theorem -- States that the algebra of n by n matrices satisfies a certain identity of degree 2n
Wikipedia - Amityville: It's About Time -- 1992 American supernatural horror film
Wikipedia - Amityville: The Awakening -- 2017 film directed by Franck Khalfoun
Wikipedia - Ami Yamato -- Japanese virtual YouTube vlogger
Wikipedia - Amjad Ibrahim -- Maldivian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Amlan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Negros Oriental
Wikipedia - Amla Ruia -- Indian environmentalist
Wikipedia - Amleth -- figure in Scandinavian romance
Wikipedia - Amman Kovil Kizhakale -- 1986 film by R. Sundarrajan
Wikipedia - Ammayariyathe -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Ammaye Navvithe -- 2001 film by V. Jyoti Kumar
Wikipedia - Ammayilu Abbayilu -- 2003 film by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Ammirekala -- village in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Ammi visnaga -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ammon Bundy -- American activist
Wikipedia - Ammon Hennacy -- American Christian pacifist, anarchist and social activist (1893-1970)
Wikipedia - Ammophila breviligulata -- Species of flowering plant in the grass family Poaceae
Wikipedia - Ammore e malavita -- 2017 film
Wikipedia - Ammuvinte Aattinkutty -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Amna Mawaz Khan -- Pakistani classical dancer and activist
Wikipedia - Amnat Charoen Province -- Province of Thailand
Wikipedia - Amnesia (2011 video game) -- Japanese visual novel series
Wikipedia - Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs -- Video game
Wikipedia - Amnesia: The Dark Descent -- Video game
Wikipedia - Amneville -- Commune in Moselle, Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Amnon David Ar -- Israeli painter
Wikipedia - Amoda -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Modest Video Game Proposal -- 2005 open letter by Jack Thompson
Wikipedia - Amol Arvindrao Kulkarni -- Indian research scientist
Wikipedia - AMOLED -- Display technology for use in mobile devices and televisions
Wikipedia - Amondi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Mone Mha The -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Among Nonbelievers -- 2015 television programme
Wikipedia - Among the Living (1941 film) -- 1941 film by Stuart Heisler
Wikipedia - Among the Living (film)
Wikipedia - Among the Sleep -- 2014 video game
Wikipedia - Among Us -- 2018 multiplayer video game
Wikipedia - A Month by the Lake -- 1995 film by John Irvin
Wikipedia - Amon: The Darkside of the Devilman -- Horror manga
Wikipedia - Amor a Vida -- Brazilian telenovela by Walcyr Carrasco
Wikipedia - Amore & Vita-Prodir -- Cycling team
Wikipedia - Amores de mercado -- Television series
Wikipedia - Amores (Ovid)
Wikipedia - A. Morley Davies
Wikipedia - Amory Lovins
Wikipedia - Amos Elkana -- Israeli composer and improviser
Wikipedia - Amos Lavi -- Israeli actor
Wikipedia - A Most Violent Year -- 2014 American crime drama film by J. C. Chandor
Wikipedia - Amote Sias -- American activist and educator
Wikipedia - Amotus setulosus -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Amo (TV series) -- Philippine drama television series
Wikipedia - Amour de Femme -- 2001 film by Sylvie Verheyde
Wikipedia - Amoureux House -- Historic house and museum in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri
Wikipedia - Ampangan (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Amparo Davila -- Mexican writer
Wikipedia - Ampeloglypter ampelopsis -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Ampeloglypter ater -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Ampeloglypter longipennis -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Ampeloglypter sesostris -- Species of weevil beetle
Wikipedia - Ampelomyia viticola -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Ampelomyia vitiscoryloides -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Ampelomyia vitispomum -- Species of fly
Wikipedia - Ampere (microarchitecture) -- GPU microarchitecture designed by NVIDIA
Wikipedia - Ampex 2 inch helical VTR -- Family of videotape recorders
Wikipedia - Ampex -- American company that pioneered the use of videotape
Wikipedia - Amphidromus elvinae -- Species of snail in the family Camaenidae
Wikipedia - Amphipyra livida -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Amphoe -- Second level administrative subdivision of Thailand
Wikipedia - Amplexus -- Type of mating behavior exhibited by some externally fertilizing species
Wikipedia - Amplifier -- Electronic device
Wikipedia - Amplitude (2003 video game) -- 2003 music video game
Wikipedia - Amplitude (2016 video game) -- 2016 music video game remake
Wikipedia - Amplitude modulation -- Radio modulation via wave amplitude
Wikipedia - Ampoule -- Small sealed vial
Wikipedia - Amr Ali (youth leader) -- Egyptian political activist
Wikipedia - Amrapali Gupta -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Amrita Gogoi -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Amrita Mukherjee -- Indian television child actor
Wikipedia - Amrita Singh -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Amruta Fadnavis -- Indian banker, singer and social activist
Wikipedia - Amruta Khanvilkar -- Indian Hindi and Marathi films actress
Wikipedia - Amrutham Dhvitheeyam -- Indian sitcom web series
Wikipedia - Amrutham (TV series) -- Indian television sitcom by Gangaraju Gunnam
Wikipedia - Am Schopfwerk (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Amselina virgo -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Amsterdam Haggadah -- Illustrated Jewish Passover service book
Wikipedia - Amsterdam Vice -- 2019 Dutch film
Wikipedia - Amtali, Barisal -- Town and municipality in Barisal Division
Wikipedia - Amtrak Cascades -- Passenger train service in the United States and Canada
Wikipedia - Amtrak paint schemes -- History of paint schemes applied to Amtrak locomotvies and rail cars
Wikipedia - A Mulher Invisivel -- Brazilian television series
Wikipedia - Amund Gismervik -- Norwegian Olympic diver
Wikipedia - Amundsen (film) -- Norwegian movie from 2019
Wikipedia - Amur Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Amvrosije Jankovic -- Serbian painter-iconographer.
Wikipedia - AMV video format
Wikipedia - AMX LLC -- American video equipment and control manufacturer
Wikipedia - Amy (1981 film) -- 1981 American family drama film by Vincent McEveety
Wikipedia - Amy Benedict -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Amy B. Harris -- American producer and writer for television and film
Wikipedia - Amy Biehl -- American activist and scholar
Wikipedia - Amy Davidson -- American actress
Wikipedia - Amy Devers -- American carpenter and television host
Wikipedia - Amy Domini -- American investment adviser and author
Wikipedia - Amy Freeze -- American television meteorologist
Wikipedia - Amy Irving -- American actress
Wikipedia - Amy Jacques Garvey -- Jamaican journalist and political activist, Marcus Garvey's second wife.
Wikipedia - Amy Johnson -- Pioneering English aviator
Wikipedia - Amy Kvilhaug -- American softball coach
Wikipedia - Amy Langville -- American mathematician
Wikipedia - Amy Lazaro-Javier -- Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Amy Locane -- American television and film actress
Wikipedia - Amyloidosis -- Metabolic disease involving abnormal deposited amyloid proteins
Wikipedia - Amy Lukavics -- American young adult horror author
Wikipedia - Amy Paffrath -- American television presenter and actress
Wikipedia - Amy Sherman-Palladino -- American television writer, director, and producer
Wikipedia - Amy Siskind -- American activist and writer (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Amy Soranno -- Animal rights activist
Wikipedia - Amy's Orgasm -- 2001 film by Julie Davis
Wikipedia - Amy Willerton -- British beauty pageant contestant and television personality
Wikipedia - Amy Wright (activist) -- American advocate for disabled people
Wikipedia - Ana (2020 TV series) -- Mexican comedy television series
Wikipedia - Anabella Villalobos -- Medicinal chemist
Wikipedia - Ana Betancourt -- Cuban activist
Wikipedia - Ana Boulter -- British television presenter
Wikipedia - Ana Branger -- Pioneering Venezuelan female aviator
Wikipedia - Ana Carolina Vidal -- Brazilian mixed martial arts fighter
Wikipedia - Anachronisms in the Book of Mormon -- Overview of Book of Mormon anachronisms
Wikipedia - Anachronox -- Role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Ana Chumachenco -- Violinist and professor
Wikipedia - Anaconda 3: Offspring -- 2008 television film directed by Don E. Fauntleroy
Wikipedia - Anaconda (character) -- Fictional comic book villain
Wikipedia - Anaconda Plan -- Union military strategy for suppressing the Confederacy established at the beginning of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Anacondas: Trail of Blood -- 2009 television film directed by Don E. Fauntleroy
Wikipedia - Anadoly -- Village in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - An Adventure in Space and Time -- 2013 British television docudrama directed by Terry McDonough
Wikipedia - Anaerobic organism -- Organism that can survive in the absence of oxygen
Wikipedia - Anaesthetic machine -- medical device used to generate a fresh gas flow for anaesthesia
Wikipedia - An Affair to Die For -- 2019 film directed by Victor Garcia
Wikipedia - An Afternoon with SCTV -- Canadian-American comedy web television special
Wikipedia - Ana Galvis Hotz -- Colombian gynaecologist
Wikipedia - Ana Garcia-SiM-CM-1eriz -- Spanish television presenter
Wikipedia - Anagarika Dharmapala -- Sri Lankan Buddhist revivalist and writer (1864-1933)
Wikipedia - Anagarika Govinda
Wikipedia - Anaglog's Daughter Mares Novice Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Ana Gutierrez -- United States Virgin Islands athlete
Wikipedia - Anak ni Waray vs. Anak ni Biday -- 2020 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Anal hook -- BDSM play device
Wikipedia - Analia de Victoria Pereira -- Angolan politician
Wikipedia - Ana Liliana Aviao -- Miss Angola 2018
Wikipedia - Ana Livia Cordero -- Puerto Rican doctor and political activist
Wikipedia - Analog delay line -- Electronic device
Wikipedia - Analog Devices -- American semiconductor manufacturer
Wikipedia - Analog device
Wikipedia - Analog high-definition television system -- Analog video broadcast television system
Wikipedia - Analog stick -- Input device for a video game controller
Wikipedia - Analog television -- Television that uses analog signals
Wikipedia - Analog transmission -- Transmission method of conveying voice, data, image, signal or video
Wikipedia - Analogue (company) -- American video game hardware company
Wikipedia - Analogy of the divided line
Wikipedia - Anal sex -- Insertion of the penis into the anus, or other sexual activity involving the anus
Wikipedia - Ana Lucia Cortez -- Character from the American mystery fiction television series Lost
Wikipedia - Ana Lucrecia Taglioretti -- Paraguayan violinist
Wikipedia - Analysis of Soviet-type economic planning
Wikipedia - Analytical Review -- Periodical (London : Printed for J. Johnson, 1788-1799. )
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Brescia Cafferata -- Peruvian billionaire heiress
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Choquehuanca -- Peruvian politician
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Desevici -- Uruguayan pentathlete
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Duran Calisto -- Ecuadorean architect, urbanist, and environmental planner
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Flores -- Bolivian engineer, businesswoman, ex-senator
Wikipedia - Ana Maria O'Neill -- Puerto Rican activist and writer
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Polo -- Cuban-American lawyer and television arbitrator
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Sanchez de Rios -- Peruvian diplomat
Wikipedia - Ana Maria Vignoli -- Former minister of Social Development
Wikipedia - Ana Maslac Plenkovic -- Croatian jurist
Wikipedia - An Amateur Devil -- 1920 film by Maurice Campbell
Wikipedia - AnaM-CM-/s de Bassanville -- 19th-century French writer and journalist
Wikipedia - A Name for Evil -- 1973 film by Bernard Girard
Wikipedia - An American Carol -- 2008 film by David Zucker
Wikipedia - An American Family -- An American television series
Wikipedia - An American in Paris (film) -- 1951 film by Vincente Minnelli
Wikipedia - Anam Goher -- Pakistani television actress
Wikipedia - Anam Tanveer -- Pakistani television host, actress
Wikipedia - Anamur Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in the province of Mersin, Turkey
Wikipedia - Anan ben David -- Major founder of the Karaite movement of Judaism
Wikipedia - Ananda Devi -- Mauritian writer
Wikipedia - Ananda Lewis -- American television host, model and social activist
Wikipedia - Ananda Mahidol -- Eighth monarch of Siam from the Chakri dynasty as Rama VIII
Wikipedia - Anandha Kanneer -- 1980 film by K. Vijayan
Wikipedia - Anand Kumar (IAS officer) -- Indian Administrative Service officer
Wikipedia - Anand Mohan Zutshi Gulzar Dehlvi -- Indian poet
Wikipedia - Anandpal Singh -- Convicted criminal
Wikipedia - Anandpur, Vikramgad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anandrao Vithoba Adsul -- Indian Politician
Wikipedia - Anang Desai -- Indian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Ana Novkovic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Ananth Hegde Ashisara -- Environmentalist
Wikipedia - Ananya Agarwal -- Indian television child actress
Wikipedia - Ana Paula Renault -- Brazilian journalist and television personality
Wikipedia - Ana P. Barros -- American civil and environmental engineer
Wikipedia - Anaphalis triplinervis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Anaphoric clitic -- A clitic that refers to a previously mentioned constituent
Wikipedia - Anarchism and education -- Overview of the relationship between anarchism and education
Wikipedia - Anarchism and violence
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Germany -- Overview about anarchism in Germany
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Latvia
Wikipedia - Anarchism in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Anarcho-collectivism
Wikipedia - Anarcho-primitivism -- Anarchist critique of civilization
Wikipedia - Ana Renovica -- Serbian film producer
Wikipedia - Ana Roque de Duprey -- Puerto Rican activist
Wikipedia - Ana Shalikashvili -- Georgian painter (b. 1919, d. 2004)
Wikipedia - Ana Simonovic -- Serbian biologist and politician
Wikipedia - Ana Sofrenovic -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Anastasia Brown -- American music supervisor
Wikipedia - Anastasia Golovina -- Moldovan-Bulgarian physician
Wikipedia - Anastasia Melnichenko -- Ukrainian human rights activist
Wikipedia - Anastasia Novitskaya -- Russian ballerina
Wikipedia - Anastasia Shevchenko -- Russian public figure and civil activist
Wikipedia - Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna -- 1986 TV film directed by Marvin J. Chomsky
Wikipedia - Anastasia Vashukevich -- Russia escort
Wikipedia - Anastasia Volovich -- Physicist
Wikipedia - Anastasija Grigorjeva -- Latvian freestyle wrestler (born 1990)
Wikipedia - Anastasius of Pavia
Wikipedia - Anastasiya Karlovich -- Ukrainian chess player and journalist
Wikipedia - Anastas Mikoyan -- Russian revolutionary and Soviet statesman
Wikipedia - Anastassiya Vinogradova -- Kazakhstani hurdler
Wikipedia - Anasuya Bharadwaj -- Indian television presenter and actress
Wikipedia - Anasuya (film) -- 2007 Telugu film directed by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Anatalavis -- Extinct genus of birds
Wikipedia - Anatane: Saving the Children of Okura -- French animated television series
Wikipedia - Anathallis abbreviata -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Anathallis brevipes -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Anathallis vitorinoi -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Anatole Litvak -- Soviet film director
Wikipedia - Anatol Hrytskievich -- Belarusian historian
Wikipedia - Anatoli Bogdanov (shooter) -- Soviet sport shooter
Wikipedia - Anatoli Georgievich Vitushkin
Wikipedia - Anatoli Golovnya -- Soviet cinematographer
Wikipedia - Anatoli Granovsky -- Soviet NKVD defector
Wikipedia - Anatolii Alexeevitch Karatsuba
Wikipedia - Anatolijs Gorbunovs -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Anatolijs MackeviM-DM-^Ms -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Anatoli Ktorov -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Anatoli, Lasithi -- prefecture municipality village
Wikipedia - Anatoli Starostin -- Soviet modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Anatoliy Lure -- Soviet engineer and applied mathematician
Wikipedia - Anatoliy Matviyenko -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Anatoliy Nogovitsyn -- Russian military officer
Wikipedia - Anatoliy Novikov -- Ukrainian judoka
Wikipedia - Anatoly Alexandrov (physicist) -- Soviet physicist
Wikipedia - Anatoly Avdeyev -- Soviet modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Anatoly Berezovoy -- Soviet cosmonaut
Wikipedia - Anatoly Chernyaev -- Soviet historian and politician
Wikipedia - Anatoly Gurevich -- Russian spy
Wikipedia - Anatoly Khrapaty -- Soviet weightlifter
Wikipedia - Anatoly Kolesov -- Soviet wrestler and coach
Wikipedia - Anatoly Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky
Wikipedia - Anatoly Kozlov -- Soviet weightlifter
Wikipedia - Anatoly Kudryavitsky -- Russian/Irish novelist, poet, literary translator and magazine editor
Wikipedia - Anatoly Mashkov -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Anatoly Medennikov -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Anatoly Mikhailovich Stepin -- Russian mathematician
Wikipedia - Anatoly Mikhaylov -- Soviet hurdler
Wikipedia - Anatoly Moskvin -- Russian ethnographer, linguist and criminal
Wikipedia - Anatoly Nagiyev -- Soviet serial killer, mass murderer and rapist
Wikipedia - Anatoly Nikolayevich Davidovich -- Decorated Azerbaijani soldier deceased in 1992
Wikipedia - Anatoly Novikov -- Russian composer
Wikipedia - Anatoly Onishchuk -- Soviet sports shooter
Wikipedia - Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov
Wikipedia - Anatoly Petrovich Andriyashev
Wikipedia - Anatoly Pisarenko -- Soviet weightlifter
Wikipedia - Anatoly Rubin -- Israeli holocaust survivor from Belarus
Wikipedia - Anatoly Sagalevich
Wikipedia - Anatoly Shariy -- Ukrainian journalist, videoblogger
Wikipedia - Anatoly Sharykin -- Soviet canoeist
Wikipedia - Anatoly Sofronov -- Soviet author and poet
Wikipedia - Anatoly Tankov -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Anatoly Timoshenko -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Anatoly Torkunov -- Soviet/Russian diplomat and scholar
Wikipedia - Anatoly Vedyakov -- Soviet racewalker
Wikipedia - Anatoly Vishevsky -- American scholar of Russian
Wikipedia - Anatomy of a Disaster -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Anatomy of Violence -- 2016 film
Wikipedia - Ana Torfs -- Belgian visual artist
Wikipedia - An Audience with... -- Television series
Wikipedia - Ana Vicente -- Anglo-Portuguese author and feminist
Wikipedia - Ana Vieira -- Portuguese artist
Wikipedia - Ana Villanueva -- Dominican karateka
Wikipedia - Anavitrinella pampinaria -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Anayatpora -- Village in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Ana Zaninovic -- Croatian taekwondo practitioner
Wikipedia - An Chang-nam -- Korean aviator
Wikipedia - Anchor Electricals Pvt. Ltd. -- Indian electrical device manufacturing subsidiary of Panasonic
Wikipedia - Anchoring (cognitive bias) -- A cognitive bias where an individual depends too heavily on an initial piece of information offered when making decisions
Wikipedia - Anchor Street -- village in Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Anchor text -- The visible, clickable text in a hyperlink
Wikipedia - Anchor -- Device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting
Wikipedia - Anchorwoman (TV series) -- American comedy/reality hybrid television series
Wikipedia - Anchovy essence -- A thick, oily sauce of pounded anchovies and spices
Wikipedia - Anchovy paste -- Fish paste food product using anchovies as a primary ingredient
Wikipedia - Ancient Aliens -- American extraterrestrial visitation television series
Wikipedia - Ancient astronauts -- Pseudo-scientific hypothesis that posits intelligent extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth
Wikipedia - Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Ancient Diocese of Vienne
Wikipedia - Ancient Egyptian technology -- devices, and technologies invented or used in Ancient Egypt
Wikipedia - Ancient Egypt -- Civilization of ancient North Africa in the place that is now the country Egypt
Wikipedia - Ancient Forest Alliance -- Grassroots environmental organization in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Ancient God of Evil -- 1995 studio album by Unanimated
Wikipedia - Ancient Greece -- Greek civilization from the 12th-century BC to the 2nd-century BC
Wikipedia - Ancient Greek philosophy -- Philosophical origins and foundation of western civilization
Wikipedia - Ancient Maya: The Rise and Fall of a Rainforest Civilization -- Book by Arthur Demarest
Wikipedia - Ancient Near East -- Home of early civilizations within a region roughly corresponding to the modern Middle East
Wikipedia - Ancients of Ooga -- 2010 platforming video game
Wikipedia - Ancient technology -- Technological results from advances in engineering in ancient civilizations
Wikipedia - Ancient Wars: Sparta -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - An Crisis -- Irish comedy television series
Wikipedia - Ancroft Northmoor -- Village in Northumberland, England
Wikipedia - Andainville -- Commune in Hauts-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Andal Ampatuan Jr. -- Filipino former politician convicted for the Maguindanao massacre
Wikipedia - Andaman and Nicobar Command -- tri-services command of the Indian Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Anda M-EM- afranska -- Latvian chess player
Wikipedia - Andean civilizations
Wikipedia - Andecavi -- Gallic tribe
Wikipedia - Andere Tijden -- Dutch documentary television series
Wikipedia - Anders Behring Breivik -- Norwegian far-right terrorist
Wikipedia - Anders Hellqvist -- Swedish judoka
Wikipedia - Anders Henriksson i Vinstorp -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Anders Kristian Rorvik -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Anders Kvissberg -- Swedish sport shooter
Wikipedia - Anders LindbM-CM-$ck (vicar) -- Swedish priest
Wikipedia - Anders Mannelqvist -- Swedish biathlete
Wikipedia - Anderson Cooper 360M-BM-0 -- American television news show on CNN and CNN International
Wikipedia - Anderson's Mill, Smeaton -- Flour mill in Smeaton, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Anderson Valley Brewing Company -- Brewery in Boonville, California
Wikipedia - Anderson Valley Unified School District -- Public unified school district based in Boonville, Mendocino County, California (USA)
Wikipedia - Andersonville National Historic Site -- Site of former Confederate prisoner-of-war camp in Georgia
Wikipedia - Andersonville (novel) -- Book by MacKinlay Kantor
Wikipedia - Andersonville Raiders -- Civil War prison gang
Wikipedia - Andersonville, South Carolina -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Anders Tegnell -- Swedish physician and civil servant
Wikipedia - Anders Trulsson Bruland -- Norwegian civil servant and politician
Wikipedia - Anders Vilhelm Lundstedt
Wikipedia - An der Via Egnatia - Historisches und Heutiges uber Stadt und Messe -- 1957 film
Wikipedia - Andeshe -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Andgaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Andhale -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Andhari, Siddhicharan -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Andhari, Vikramgad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Response and Fire Services Department -- Agency in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Andhra University -- Public university in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Wikipedia - Andi Almqvist -- Swedish singer, musician and composer
Wikipedia - Andi Mack -- American television series
Wikipedia - Andina (news agency) -- Peruvian news agency
Wikipedia - Andi Peters -- British television personality
Wikipedia - Andi village -- Village in Dagestan, Russia
Wikipedia - AndM-EM->ejs M-DM-;ebedevs -- Latvian speedway rider
Wikipedia - AndM-EM- -- Polish activist
Wikipedia - AndM-EM->s Flaksis -- Latvian bicycle racer
Wikipedia - Andorra Televisio -- Andorran public TV channel
Wikipedia - Andra Gavrilovic -- Serbian writer and historian
Wikipedia - Andra Neiburga -- Latvian writer and translator
Wikipedia - Andra Stevanovic -- Serbian architect and professor
Wikipedia - Andras Visontai -- Hungarian ice dancer
Wikipedia - Andrea Arsovic -- Serbian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Andrea Boehlke -- American television personality
Wikipedia - Andrea Bowers -- American visual artist
Wikipedia - Andrea BrM-CM-&in Hovig -- Norwegian actress
Wikipedia - Andrea Calderwood -- British film and television producer
Wikipedia - Andre, a Cara e a Coragem -- 1971 film directed by Xavier de Oliveira
Wikipedia - Andrea Cavallari -- Italian composer and visual artist
Wikipedia - Andrea Covi -- Italian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Andrea Darvi -- American actress
Wikipedia - Andrea Di Vito -- Italian comic book artist
Wikipedia - Andrea Dovizioso -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Andrea Elisabeth Rudolph -- Danish television and radio host
Wikipedia - Andrea Feczko -- American television presenter
Wikipedia - Andrea Fulvio -- Italian Renaissance humanist, poet and antiquarian
Wikipedia - Andrea Hinding -- American archivist
Wikipedia - Andrea IvanM-DM-^Mevic -- Croatian hurdler
Wikipedia - Andrea James -- American writer, film producer, director, and activist
Wikipedia - Andre Aldridge -- American television personality
Wikipedia - Andrea Luka Zimmerman -- Filmmaker and activist (b. 1969)
Wikipedia - Andrea Marcovicci -- American actress and singer
Wikipedia - Andrea Marzi -- German-American virologist
Wikipedia - Andrea Palm -- Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Wikipedia - Andrea Politti -- Argentine actress and television host
Wikipedia - Andrea Salvietti -- Italian canoeist
Wikipedia - Andrea Salvisberg -- Swiss triathlete
Wikipedia - Andreas Bonnevie -- Norwegian priest and politician
Wikipedia - Andreas Bueno -- Peruvian GIL
Wikipedia - Andreas Cervin -- Swedish artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andreas Faehlmann -- Estonian sailor and aviation engineer
Wikipedia - Andreas Hedwig -- German archivist
Wikipedia - Andreas Heinecke -- German disability rights activist
Wikipedia - Andreas, Isle of Man -- Village on the Isle of Man
Wikipedia - Andreas Karkavitsas -- Greek writer
Wikipedia - Andreas Libavius -- 16th century German doctor and chemist
Wikipedia - Andreas Samuelsen Vibstad -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Andreas Vikhos -- Greek sports shooter
Wikipedia - Andreas WeiM-CM-^_gerber -- Austrian Hungarian violinist
Wikipedia - Andrea Vescovi -- Italian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Andrea Vici -- Italian architect and engineer
Wikipedia - Andre Bervil -- French actor
Wikipedia - Andre Blavier -- Belgian poet
Wikipedia - Andre Blaze -- a Nigerian radio personality, rapper,television host and executive producer
Wikipedia - Andre Cauvin -- Belgian film director
Wikipedia - Andre Durville -- French Physician
Wikipedia - Andrei Abrikosov -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Andrei Alekseyevich Popov -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Andrei Andreyevich Popov -- Russian painter
Wikipedia - Andrei Bahdanovich -- Belarusian canoeist
Wikipedia - Andrei Chabanenko -- Soviet naval officer
Wikipedia - Andrei Chikatilo -- Soviet serial killer
Wikipedia - Andrei Chuvilaev -- Russian pair skater
Wikipedia - Andrei Deviatkin -- Russian chess grandmaster
Wikipedia - Andrei Evseev -- Soviet serial killer
Wikipedia - Andrei Fajt -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Andrei Gromyko -- Soviet diplomat
Wikipedia - Andrei Mikhnevich -- Belarusian shot putter
Wikipedia - Andrei Miloradovich -- Russian general
Wikipedia - Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov
Wikipedia - Andrei Sakharov -- Soviet nuclear physicist and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Andrei Severny -- Soviet astronomer
Wikipedia - Andrei Tupolev -- Russian and Soviet aerospace engineer
Wikipedia - Andrei Vittenberg -- Russia-French ice hockey forward
Wikipedia - Andrei Vladimirovich Bogdanov -- Russian politician
Wikipedia - Andrei Voznesensky -- Soviet and Russian poet
Wikipedia - Andrei Zelevinsky -- Russian-American mathematician
Wikipedia - Andre Jacquemetton -- American television writer and producer
Wikipedia - Andreja Marinkovic -- Serbian athlete
Wikipedia - Andrej Dojkic -- Croatian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Andrej Plenkovic -- Prime Minister of Croatia
Wikipedia - Andrejs ElksniM-EM-^FM-EM-! -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Andrejs Jurjans -- Latvian composer and musicologist
Wikipedia - Andrejs Klementjevs -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Andrejs Mamikins -- Latvian politician and journalist
Wikipedia - Andrejs Osokins -- Latvian pianist
Wikipedia - Andrejs Rastorgujevs -- Latvian biathlete
Wikipedia - Andrejs UpM-DM-+ts' Memorial Museum -- Museum in Latvia
Wikipedia - Andre Jubelin -- French naval aviator
Wikipedia - Andrej Vizjak -- Slovenian politician
Wikipedia - Andrej ZdraviM-DM-^M -- 20th and 21st-century Slovenian filmmaker and artist
Wikipedia - Andreotti VI Cabinet -- 47th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andreotti VII Cabinet -- 48th government of the Italian Republic
Wikipedia - Andre Previn -- German-American pianist, conductor and composer
Wikipedia - Andre Ptaszynski -- British television producer
Wikipedia - Andre Reboucas -- Brazilian activist
Wikipedia - Andre Renard -- Belgian activist
Wikipedia - Andre Rieu -- Dutch violinist and conductor
Wikipedia - Andres Andreani -- Argentinean visual artist and filmmaker
Wikipedia - Andres de Saya -- 2011 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Andres Duque -- Colombian American gay rights activist
Wikipedia - Andre Senik -- French philosopher and communist activist
Wikipedia - Andres Figueroa Cordero -- Puerto Rican activist and militant
Wikipedia - Andres IndriM-CM-0ason -- Icelandic television producer
Wikipedia - Andres Levin -- Venezuelan musician
Wikipedia - Andres Prado -- Peruvian musician and educator
Wikipedia - Andres Raag -- Estonian theater, film, television, and radio actor and singer
Wikipedia - Andres Reggiardo -- Peruvian politician
Wikipedia - Andres Rodriguez de Villegas -- Spanish royal governor
Wikipedia - Andres Rodriguez Vila -- Uruguayan chess player
Wikipedia - Andres Segovia -- Spanish guitarist
Wikipedia - Andres Ulises Castillo Villarreal -- Mexican serial killer
Wikipedia - Andres Vicente Gomez -- Film producer
Wikipedia - Andre the Giant (film) -- 2018 television programme
Wikipedia - Andre Thomas -- American convicted murderer on death row
Wikipedia - Andretti Racing -- 1996 racing video game
Wikipedia - Andreu Capdevila i Puig -- Spanish trade unionist (1894-1987)
Wikipedia - Andreus Fricius Modrevius
Wikipedia - Andre Vidart -- French equestrian
Wikipedia - Andre Viger -- Canadian paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Andre Villers -- French photographer
Wikipedia - Andre Villiers -- French politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Adelson -- American television producer
Wikipedia - Andrew Bacevich -- American historian and retired colonel
Wikipedia - Andrew Batavia -- disability rights activist
Wikipedia - Andrew Bevis -- Australian-born actor
Wikipedia - Andrew B. Steinberg -- Aviation regulatory lawyer
Wikipedia - Andrew Cividino -- Canadian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Coltart -- Scottish golfer and television commentator
Wikipedia - Andrew Colville (writer) -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Colvin -- Australian police officer
Wikipedia - Andrew Cray -- American LGBT rights activist and political figure
Wikipedia - Andrew Cunningham, 1st Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope -- British Admiral of the Fleet
Wikipedia - Andrew David Edwards -- American serial killer
Wikipedia - Andrew Davidson (Army surgeon) -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Andrew Davies (British runner) -- British athlete
Wikipedia - Andrew Davies (weightlifter) -- British weightlifter
Wikipedia - Andrew Davies (writer) -- British screenwriter and novelist (born 1936)
Wikipedia - Andrew Davis (businessman) -- British businessman
Wikipedia - Andrew Denton -- Australian television producer, comedian and host
Wikipedia - Andrew DM-EM-)ng-LM-aM-:M-!c -- Vietnamese Catholic martyr
Wikipedia - Andrew Eiva -- American activist
Wikipedia - Andrew Ervin -- American author, critic and editor
Wikipedia - Andrew Fisher (political activist) -- British political activist and author
Wikipedia - Andrew Francis -- Canadian voice, film and television actor
Wikipedia - Andrew Goodman (activist) -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Andrew Granville -- British mathematician
Wikipedia - Andrew Guest -- American television writer
Wikipedia - Andrew Hayden-Smith -- English actor and voiceover artist and former television presenter
Wikipedia - Andrew Henry (VC) -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Andrew Hood (business) -- British businessperson and former UK government adviser
Wikipedia - Andrew Hulshult -- American video game composer
Wikipedia - Andrew Irvine (mountaineer) -- English mountaineer
Wikipedia - Andrew Jackson Davis
Wikipedia - Andrew J. Bell Jr. -- AfricanAmerican civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Andrew Johnson (soldier) -- American Civil War Medal of Honor recipient
Wikipedia - Andrew J. Viterbi
Wikipedia - Andrew Kevin Walker -- American screenwriter
Wikipedia - Andrew Lawson (motorcyclist) -- Australian deviant
Wikipedia - Andrew Leach (economist) -- Canadian energy and environmental economist
Wikipedia - Andrew Levitas -- American artist, filmmaker, and actor
Wikipedia - Andrew Martinez -- American activist
Wikipedia - Andrew Mickel -- American convicted of murder on death row
Wikipedia - Andrew Mlangeni -- South African anti-apartheid activist and politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Morse -- Television executive
Wikipedia - Andrew Moynihan -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Andrew Murray, 1st Viscount Dunedin -- British politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Porter (Civil War general) -- United States Army general
Wikipedia - Andrew Probyn -- Australian journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Andrew R. T. Davies -- AM for South Wales Central and former leader of the Welsh Conservatives
Wikipedia - Andrew R. Wheeler -- 15th Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Wikipedia - Andrews & Arnold -- British Internet service provider
Wikipedia - Andrew Service -- Hong Kong sailor
Wikipedia - Andrew Smith (Canadian politician) -- Canadian provincial politician
Wikipedia - Andrews plot -- type of data visualization
Wikipedia - Andrew Thompson (convict, magistrate) -- Australian settler
Wikipedia - Andrew Van de Kamp -- Fictional character in the ABC television series Desperate Housewives
Wikipedia - Andrew Vinius -- Russian statesman
Wikipedia - Andrew Viterbi
Wikipedia - Andrew Whitehurst -- British visual effects artist
Wikipedia - Andrew Wilkie -- Australian soldier, intelligence officer, environmental activist, politician
Wikipedia - Andrew Young -- American politician, diplomat, activist and pastor from Georgia
Wikipedia - Andrey Andreyevich Andreyev -- Soviet politician (1895-1971)
Wikipedia - Andrey Avinoff
Wikipedia - Andrey Bobrov -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Andrey Borisovich Sholokhov -- Russian journalist and editor
Wikipedia - Andrey Dmitriyeu -- Belarusian politician and social activist
Wikipedia - Andrey Dmitriyevich Sakharov
Wikipedia - Andrey Favorsky -- Soviet equestrian
Wikipedia - Andrey Gaponov-Grekhov -- Soviet Russian physicist
Wikipedia - Andrey Goncharov -- Soviet theatre director
Wikipedia - Andrey Ivanovich Kolganov -- Soviet Russian economist
Wikipedia - Andrey Kirilyuk -- Olympic sailor from the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Andrey Kizhevatov -- Hero of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Andrey Kolmogorov -- Soviet mathematician
Wikipedia - Andrey Likhovitskiy -- Belarusian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Andrey Malikov -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Andrey Markov (Soviet mathematician)
Wikipedia - Andrey Mazovka -- Soviet sailor
Wikipedia - Andrey Melnikov -- Belarusian aviator, posthumously declared Hero of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov
Wikipedia - Andrey Nikolayevich Tikhonov
Wikipedia - Andrey Nikolayevich Tychonoff
Wikipedia - Andrey Razin (athlete) -- Soviet athlete
Wikipedia - Andrey Rochilov -- Soviet luger
Wikipedia - Andrey Ruzavin -- Russian racewalker
Wikipedia - Andrey Vasilyevich Martynov
Wikipedia - Andrey Vdovin -- Russian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Andrey Vladimirovich Gorokhov -- Russian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Andrey Yevgenyevich Lichko
Wikipedia - Andrija Artukovic -- Convicted World War II war criminal (1899-1988)
Wikipedia - Andrija Markovic -- Builder and stonemason
Wikipedia - Andrija Popovic -- Montenegro politician
Wikipedia - Andrijevica Municipality -- Municipality of Montenegro
Wikipedia - Andrina (film) -- 1981 television play
Wikipedia - Andris Ameriks -- Latvian politician and economist
Wikipedia - Andris BM-DM-^SrziM-EM-^FM-EM-! (Latvian Prime Minister) -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Andris KeiM-EM-!s -- Latvian actor
Wikipedia - Andris M-DM-^@rgalis -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Andris M-EM- ics -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Andris M-EM- M-DM-7M-DM-^Sle -- Latvian politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Andris Piebalgs -- Latvian politician and diplomat
Wikipedia - Andris Vilks -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Andrius Pojavis -- Lithuanian singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Andriy Matviyevych Bobyr -- Ukrainian musician
Wikipedia - Androcentrism -- Practice of placing male human beings or the masculine point of view at the center of one's view of the world and its culture and history
Wikipedia - Android Auto -- Mobile app providing a vehicle-optimized user interface
Wikipedia - Android Cloud to Device Messaging
Wikipedia - Android Go -- Variant of the Android operating system for low-end devices
Wikipedia - Android Nim -- 1978 video game
Wikipedia - Andro Krstulovic Opara -- Croatian politician and art historian
Wikipedia - Andromachi Papanikolaou -- Greek-Bolivian laboratory technician
Wikipedia - Andro Melos -- Japanese tokusatsu television miniseries
Wikipedia - Andronico Rodriguez -- Bolivian politician
Wikipedia - Andrud -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Andrzej Witos -- Polish politician and activist
Wikipedia - And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself -- 2003 television film by Bruce Beresford
Wikipedia - And the Devil is Their Third Accomplice -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - And Then Came Lola -- 2009 movie by Ellen Seidler and Megan Siler
Wikipedia - And Then There Were None (miniseries) -- 2015 British television miniseries
Wikipedia - And the Sea Will Tell -- Book by Vincent Bugliosi
Wikipedia - And the Winner Is Love -- Chinese 2020 television series
Wikipedia - And TV -- Indian Hindi-language television channel
Wikipedia - Andy Ackerman -- American television director
Wikipedia - Andy and Bill's law -- Statement that new software consumes any increase in computing power that new hardware can provide
Wikipedia - Andy Bailey Provincial Park -- | provincial park in Canada
Wikipedia - Andy Bobrow -- American television writer and producer
Wikipedia - Andy Byford -- British civic employee
Wikipedia - Andy Carvin -- American journalist
Wikipedia - Andy Chukwu -- Nigerian movie director
Wikipedia - Andy Cohen -- American television executive and host
Wikipedia - Andy Collins (TV presenter) -- British television host and personality
Wikipedia - Andy Day -- British actor and television presenter
Wikipedia - Andy De Emmony -- British television and film director
Wikipedia - Andy Devine (English actor) -- English actor
Wikipedia - Andy Devine -- American actor
Wikipedia - And yet it moves -- Phrase attributed to Galileo Galilei on being forced to recant his scientific view
Wikipedia - Andy Galvin -- British speedway rider
Wikipedia - Andy Gavin
Wikipedia - Andy Griffith -- American actor, television producer, Southern-gospel singer, and writer
Wikipedia - Andy Hodgson -- English television presenter and teleshopping auctioneer
Wikipedia - Andy Irvine (musician) -- Irish folk musician
Wikipedia - Andy Levin -- American politician
Wikipedia - Andy Muirhead -- Australian former radio and television presenter
Wikipedia - Andy Ogilvie -- Canadian lacrosse player
Wikipedia - And you are lynching Negroes -- Soviet catchphrase
Wikipedia - Andy Pandy -- UK children's television series
Wikipedia - Andy Pirki -- Animated television series
Wikipedia - Andy Schatz -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Andy Sipowicz -- Fictional character in television series NYPD Blue
Wikipedia - Andy Slavitt -- American medical official
Wikipedia - Andy Sturmer -- American television composer
Wikipedia - Andy Thayer -- American activist
Wikipedia - Andy Travis -- Character on the television situation comedy WKRP in Cincinnati
Wikipedia - Andy Vince -- English athlete
Wikipedia - Andy Wright (sound engineer) -- Australian supervising sound editor
Wikipedia - Anecdotal evidence -- Evidence relying on personal testimony
Wikipedia - Anedie Azael -- Haitian model and activist
Wikipedia - Aneesh Vidyashankar -- Indian violinist (born 1991)
Wikipedia - Aneeta Prem -- British woman activist
Wikipedia - Anegada -- Northernmost of the British Virgin Islands
Wikipedia - Anelson Vieira -- Brazilian judoka
Wikipedia - Anemone parviflora -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemone virginiana -- Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae
Wikipedia - Anemoscope -- Device invented to show the direction of the wind
Wikipedia - Anencephaly -- Neural tube defect involving absence of much of the brain, skull and scalp
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Castle -- 1978 British television series
Wikipedia - An Englishman's Home -- 1940 film by Albert de Courville
Wikipedia - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding -- Philosophical book by David Hume
Wikipedia - An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances
Wikipedia - Anette Fischer -- Danish librarian and human rights activist
Wikipedia - An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe -- 1970 television film directed by Kenneth Johnson
Wikipedia - An Evening Visit -- 1934 film
Wikipedia - An Evening with Kevin Smith -- 2002 film
Wikipedia - An Everlasting Piece -- 2000 film by Barry Levinson
Wikipedia - A New Beginning (video game) -- 2010 German video game
Wikipedia - A New Englander Over-Sea -- Pen name of American writer and activist John Neal (1793-1876)
Wikipedia - A New Kind of Family -- Television series
Wikipedia - A (New York City Subway service) -- New York City Subway service
Wikipedia - An Expensive Visit -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Angad Vir Singh Bajwa -- Indian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Angana P. Chatterji -- Indian anthropologist, activist, and feminist historian
Wikipedia - Ang Babaeng Hinugot sa Aking Tadyang -- 2009 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Angband (video game) -- Dungeon-crawling roguelike computer game
Wikipedia - Ang Dalawang Mrs. Real -- 2014 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Angel (1999 TV series) -- American television series (1999-2004)
Wikipedia - Angela and Jennifer Chun -- Korean-American violinists
Wikipedia - Angela Asher -- Canadian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Angela Barker -- Australian advocate for victims of domestic violence
Wikipedia - Angela Batinovich -- American businesswoman
Wikipedia - Angela BoM-EM-!kin -- First professionally trained Slovenian nurse and social worker in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Angela Bundalovic -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Angela Clayton -- Transgender rights activists and physicist (1959 - 2014)
Wikipedia - Angela D'Audney -- New Zealand television news anchor and actress
Wikipedia - Angela Davis (musician) -- Australian saxophonist
Wikipedia - Angela Davis -- American political activist
Wikipedia - Angela Dwamena-Aboagye -- Ghanaian lawyer, gender activist, and an Executive Director of The Ark Foundation Ghana.
Wikipedia - Angela Funovits -- American magician, mentalist, and physician
Wikipedia - Angela Goethals -- American film, television and stage actress
Wikipedia - Angela Gregovic -- Serbian actress
Wikipedia - Angela J. Davis -- American law professor
Wikipedia - Angela King (environmentalist) -- British environmentalist
Wikipedia - Angela King (peace activist) -- American activist
Wikipedia - Angela Lanfranchi -- American surgeon and political activist
Wikipedia - Angelamaria Davila -- Puerto Rican poet and writer
Wikipedia - Angela Mason -- British civil servant and activist
Wikipedia - Angela Minervini -- Italian actress
Wikipedia - Angela Nicole Walker -- American activist from Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Angela Orosz -- Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Angela Paton -- American actor, stage actor and television actor (1930-2016)
Wikipedia - Angela Patton -- Activist; creator of Camp Diva
Wikipedia - Angela Rasmussen -- Virologist and researcher
Wikipedia - Angela Rippon -- English television presenter
Wikipedia - Angela Santomero -- American television executive producer
Wikipedia - Angela Sinclair-Loutit -- English social justice activist
Wikipedia - Angela Vincent
Wikipedia - Angela Y. Davis
Wikipedia - Angel Beside Me -- 2020 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Angel Delgado Fuentes -- Cuban visual artist
Wikipedia - Angele Dubeau -- Canadian violinist
Wikipedia - Angel Eyes (TV series) -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Angel Falls (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Angelfire -- Website hosting service
Wikipedia - Angelica Kvieczynski -- Brazilian rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Angelica McDaniel -- American television producer
Wikipedia - Angelica Mendoza de Ascarza -- Peruvian Quechua human rights activist
Wikipedia - Angelica (television host) -- Brazilian television presenter
Wikipedia - Angelic Layer -- Manga and television anime
Wikipedia - Angelina Immanuel -- Namibian youth activist
Wikipedia - Angelina Keeley -- American nonprofit founder and CEO and political activist
Wikipedia - Angelina Pivarnick -- American television personality
Wikipedia - Angelina Radivilova -- Ukrainian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Angelina Sandovich -- Belarusian acrobatic gymnast
Wikipedia - Angelina Stepanova -- Soviet actor (1905-2000)
Wikipedia - Angelina Vidal -- Portuguese writer
Wikipedia - Angel investor -- Affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity
Wikipedia - Angelique Kidjo -- Beninese musician, actress, and activist
Wikipedia - Angella Escudero -- Peruvian engineer, model, and beauty pageant titleholder
Wikipedia - Angellica Bell -- British television presenter
Wikipedia - AngelM-DM-+na KuM-DM-^MvaM-DM- -- Latvian figure skater
Wikipedia - Angelo Borrelli -- Italian government official, Head of the Civil Protection
Wikipedia - Angelo Fierro -- American film and television actor
Wikipedia - Angel of Victory (ValdepeM-CM-1as) -- Monument in Granada
Wikipedia - Angelo's Civita Farnese -- Italian restaurant, Rhode Island
Wikipedia - Angelo Vicardi -- Italian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Angelo Vincenzo Zani -- Italian prelate and Vatican official
Wikipedia - Angels Fall (film) -- 2007 television film directed by Ralph Hemecker
Wikipedia - Angel's Last Mission: Love -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Angels of Death (video game) -- 2016 Japanese horror adventure game by Hoshikuzu KRNKRN (Makoto Sanada) for Microsoft Windows
Wikipedia - Angels Rest Cluster -- Protected natural area in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Angel TV -- Indian religious television channel
Wikipedia - Angel Viera Martinez -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Angerville, Essonne -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Angervilliers -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Angevin Empire -- Medieval dynastic union of states in present-day UK, France, and Ireland
Wikipedia - Angevin horse -- Extinct French horse breed
Wikipedia - Angevin kings of England
Wikipedia - Ang Forever Ko'y Ikaw -- 2018 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Anghami -- Music streaming service
Wikipedia - Angharad Davies -- Welsh violinist, composer and musician
Wikipedia - An Giang Province -- Province of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Angie David -- French writer, actress and publisher
Wikipedia - Angie Kent -- Australian television personality
Wikipedia - Angie's List -- American home services directory website
Wikipedia - Angie Tribeca -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - ANGI Homeservices -- US-based website containing crowd-sourced reviews of local businesses
Wikipedia - Ang Iibigin ay Ikaw Pa Rin -- 2003 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Ang Iibigin ay Ikaw -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Angioscopy -- Medical technique for visualizing the interior of blood vessels
Wikipedia - Angkas -- Motorcycle transport and delivery service company in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Angladon Museum -- Museum in Avignon, France
Wikipedia - Angle bisector theorem -- On the relative lengths of two segments that divide a triangle
Wikipedia - Anglican Breviary
Wikipedia - Anglican Church of Southern Africa -- Province of the Anglican Communion in Southern Africa
Wikipedia - Anglican Service Book
Wikipedia - Ang Lihim ni Annasandra -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Anglo-Saxon Deviant Burial Customs -- Book by Andrew Reynolds
Wikipedia - Anglo-Spanish War (1625-1630) -- 1625-1630 war fought by Spain against the Kingdom of England and the United Provinces
Wikipedia - Ang Mahiwagang Baul -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Angoche District -- District of Nampula Province, Mozambique
Wikipedia - Angoda, Western Province, Sri Lanka -- Village in Western Province, Sri Lanka
Wikipedia - Angolan Civil War
Wikipedia - Angot -- Ethiopian province of medieval times
Wikipedia - Ang Pagbabago -- 2006 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Ang Pinaka -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Angrakshak -- 1995 film by Ravi Raja Pinisetty
Wikipedia - Angram, Harrogate -- Village in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Angry Birds 2 -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Blues -- Finnish animated television series
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Evolution -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Fight! -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Friends -- Puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Star Wars -- video game
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Stella (TV series) -- Finnish animated television series
Wikipedia - Angry Birds Toons -- Finnish animated television series
Wikipedia - Angry Birds (video game) -- puzzle video game by Rovio
Wikipedia - Angry Birds -- video game series and franchise by Rovio
Wikipedia - Angry Video Game Nerd -- Internet review comedy web series about video games
Wikipedia - Angry white male -- Stereotype used to refer to a white male holding conservative viewpoint in the context of U.S. politics
Wikipedia - Ang sa Iyo ay Akin -- Philippine melodrama television series
Wikipedia - Angular resolution -- Ability of any image-forming device to distinguish small details of an object
Wikipedia - Angur Baba Joshi -- Nepalese social activist
Wikipedia - Angus Deayton -- English television presenter, actor, writer, comedian
Wikipedia - Angus Fraser (television producer) -- Canadian film and television writer
Wikipedia - Angus Mackay (Victorian politician) -- Australian politician
Wikipedia - Angus MacVicar -- Author
Wikipedia - Angus Wright (academic) -- Environmental studies academic
Wikipedia - Ang Yaman ni Lola -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Anh Do -- Vietnamese-born Australian author, actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Anhe -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anh ThM-FM-0 -- Vietnamese famous actor and model
Wikipedia - Anh TuM-aM-:M-%n -- Vietnamese voice actor
Wikipedia - Anhui Province
Wikipedia - Anhui -- Province of China
Wikipedia - Anibal Acevedo Vila -- Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Ani Batikian -- Armenian violinist
Wikipedia - Anicee Alvina -- French singer and actress
Wikipedia - Anielow, Masovian Voivodeship -- Village in Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Wikipedia - Anies Baswedan -- Indonesian politician currently serving as governor of Jakarta
Wikipedia - Anigozanthos flavidus -- Species of plant found in Southwest Australia
Wikipedia - Ani*Kuri15 -- Short subject anime television series
Wikipedia - Anil Agarwal (environmentalist)
Wikipedia - Anilao, Iloilo -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Anil Baijal -- Indian civil servant
Wikipedia - Anil Bordia -- Educationist, social activist
Wikipedia - Anil Dhawan -- Indian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Anil Misra -- Indian American professor of civil engineering
Wikipedia - Anil Raj -- American human rights activist
Wikipedia - Anil Ravipudi -- Indian film director
Wikipedia - Anil Sadgopal -- Indian educator and activist
Wikipedia - Anil Vij -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Animal Atlas -- American television series
Wikipedia - Animal attack -- violent, often fatal attacks caused by non-human animals against humans
Wikipedia - Animal Behavior Society
Wikipedia - Animal behavior
Wikipedia - Animal Behaviour (journal)
Wikipedia - Animal behaviour
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: City Folk -- 2008 life simulation video game for Nintendo Wii
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: New Horizons -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: New Leaf -- 2013 video game for the Nintendo 3DS
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing (video game) -- 2001 Nintendo 64 and GameCube video game
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing -- Video game series developed by Nintendo
Wikipedia - Animal Crossing: Wild World -- 2005 social simulation video game
Wikipedia - Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society
Wikipedia - Animal ecology -- Scientific study of the relationships between living animals and their environment
Wikipedia - Animal Kingdom (TV series) -- 2016 American drama television series
Wikipedia - Animal Logic -- Australian animation and visual effects studio
Wikipedia - Animal Magic (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Animal magnetism -- Purported force in living things
Wikipedia - Animal mobbing behavior
Wikipedia - Animal navigation
Wikipedia - Animal Park (1991 TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Animal Park -- Television documentary about keepers and animals at Longleat Safari Park, UK
Wikipedia - Animal Planet (Australia and New Zealand) -- Australian television channel
Wikipedia - Animal Planet (Canadian TV channel) -- Canadian specialty television channel
Wikipedia - Animal Planet (Dutch TV channel) -- Dutch pay television channel
Wikipedia - Animal Planet (European TV channel) -- European pay television channel
Wikipedia - Animal Planet (German TV channel) -- German television channel
Wikipedia - Animal Planet (Italian TV channel) -- Italian television channel
Wikipedia - Animal Planet Nordic -- Pay television channel
Wikipedia - Animal Planet (Polish TV channel) -- Polish television channel
Wikipedia - Animals (American TV series) -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Animal sexual behaviour -- Sexual behavior of non-human animals
Wikipedia - Animals in space -- An overview of space research concerning live animals
Wikipedia - Animal Talking with Gary Whitta -- Virtual talk show
Wikipedia - Animal transporter -- Transport for moving animals
Wikipedia - Anima mundi -- According to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet
Wikipedia - Animaniacs (2020 TV series) -- 2020 revival of the 1993 to 1998 animated series of the same name
Wikipedia - Animaniacs -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Animated sitcom -- Subgenre of television show
Wikipedia - Animation -- Method of creating moving pictures
Wikipedia - Animaux -- French television channel
Wikipedia - Animax (Asian TV channel) -- Asian television network
Wikipedia - Anime music video
Wikipedia - Anime Network -- Group of anime television programming services
Wikipedia - Anina Fivian -- Swiss former competitive figure skater
Wikipedia - An Inconvenient Truth -- 2006 film directed by Davis Guggenheim
Wikipedia - Aninhalli Vasavi -- Indian anthropologist
Wikipedia - An Innocent Adventuress -- 1919 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - An Inspector Calls (TV series) -- 1982 television film by Michael Simpson
Wikipedia - An Invitation to Lubberland -- Song
Wikipedia - An Invitation to the White House -- Book by Hillary Clinton
Wikipedia - Aniplus Asia -- Southeast Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - Aniridia -- Absence of the iris, usually involving both eyes
Wikipedia - Aniruddh Dave -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Anirudh Ravichander -- Indian musician
Wikipedia - Anisogamy -- Sexual reproduction involving a large, "female" gamete and a small, "male" gamete
Wikipedia - Anissa Rawda Najjar -- Lebanese feminist activist
Wikipedia - Anita Anand (journalist) -- British radio and television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Anita Borg Institute Women of Vision Awards
Wikipedia - Anita Bryant -- American singer and anti gay-rights activist
Wikipedia - Anita: Dances of Vice -- 1988 film
Wikipedia - Anita Das -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Anita GrM-EM-+be -- Latvian actress
Wikipedia - Anita Hoffman -- American activist, writer, and prankster
Wikipedia - Anita Jacoby -- Australian film and television producer
Wikipedia - Anita Lett -- Irish activist who founded the Irish Countrywomen's Association
Wikipedia - Anita LiepiM-EM-^Fa -- Latvian athlete
Wikipedia - Anita Loos -- American screenwriter, playwright, author, actress, and television producer
Wikipedia - Anita Lyons Bond -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Anita Mavi -- Indian kabaddi player
Wikipedia - Anita Singhvi -- Indian singer
Wikipedia - Anita Stukane -- Latvian high jumper (born 1954)
Wikipedia - Anita Trumpe -- Latvian hurdler
Wikipedia - Anita White -- American blues singer and activist
Wikipedia - Anitha Jepchumba Kiptum -- Living people from Kenya
Wikipedia - Anitta (singer) -- Brazilian singer, songwriter, television host and actress
Wikipedia - Aniversario: Never Compromise -- 2013 Chikara internet pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Aniyaa -- 2014 Maldivian family drama film
Wikipedia - Anjali Devi (athlete) -- Indian athlete
Wikipedia - Anjali Devi -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Anja Lundqvist -- Swedish actress
Wikipedia - Anja M-EM- ovagovic-Despot -- Croatian actress
Wikipedia - Anjandoh -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anjangaon Bari -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anjani Khurd -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anjarle -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anjem Choudary -- British Islamist and political activist
Wikipedia - Anju Aravind -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Anjum Fakih -- Indian television actress and model
Wikipedia - Anjum Rahman -- New Zealand Muslim community leader and human rights activist
Wikipedia - An Jung-geun -- Korean independence activist and nationalist
Wikipedia - Anjur (Maharashtra) -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anka Radakovich -- American author and columnist
Wikipedia - Ankh: Battle of the Gods -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ankita Lokhande -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Ankit Arora -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Ankit Bathla -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Ankit Bhardwaj -- Indian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Ankle weights (diving) -- Diver trim weights worn at the ankles
Wikipedia - Anlaug Amanda Djupvik -- Norwegian astronomer
Wikipedia - An Lemmens -- Belgian television and radio presenter
Wikipedia - AnM-DM-^Qelka Atanaskovic -- Serbian mechanical engineer and politician
Wikipedia - AnM-DM-^Qelko RistiM-DM-^Mevic -- Serbian athlete
Wikipedia - AnM-EM->ela Brice -- Latvian biathlete
Wikipedia - Anna Aleksandrova -- Soviet athlete
Wikipedia - Anna Aloys Henga -- Tanzanian lawyer and activist
Wikipedia - Anna Anthropy -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Anna Arnold Hedgeman -- American civil rights leader and politician
Wikipedia - Anna Ascends -- 1922 film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - Annaba Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - Annabel Chaulvin -- French yacht racer
Wikipedia - Annabel Davis-Goff -- Irish/US author
Wikipedia - Annabelle Laprovidence -- Mauritian judoka
Wikipedia - Anna BM-DM-^Srzkalne -- Latvian teacher and folklorist
Wikipedia - Anna Caspari Agerholt -- Norwegian women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Anna Daly -- Irish television presenter
Wikipedia - Anna David (singer) -- Danish R&B and Soul singer
Wikipedia - Anna Davin -- British academic and community historian
Wikipedia - Anna Dodonova -- Bolshevik activist and intellectual
Wikipedia - Anna (dog) -- Dog that was the first survivor of pulmonary bypass surgery
Wikipedia - Anna, Estonia -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Anna Galvin -- Australian actress
Wikipedia - Ann Agee -- American visual artist
Wikipedia - Anna Gelman -- Soviet chemist
Wikipedia - Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman -- Ghanaian-born American activist, writer, CEO
Wikipedia - Anna Golubkova -- Soviet writer, poet and literary critic
Wikipedia - Anna Hazare -- Indian activist
Wikipedia - Annai E. V. R. Nagammai -- Indian women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Annai Poopathy -- Sri Lankan activist (1932-1988)
Wikipedia - Anna Jens -- 18/19th century Dutch East Indies resident, convicted of abuse of slaves
Wikipedia - Anna JM-CM-$rvinen -- Swedish-Finnish singer and musician
Wikipedia - Anna Johnson Julian -- African-American sociologist and civic activist
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1948 film) -- 1948 film by Julien Duvivier
Wikipedia - Anna Karenina (1996 TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Anna KareNina (2013 TV series) -- 2013 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Anna Kingsford -- English physician, activist, and feminist
Wikipedia - Anna Kleman -- Swedish women's rights activist and pacifist
Wikipedia - Anna Kotchneva -- Soviet rhythmic gymnast
Wikipedia - Annakurban Amanklychev -- Turkmenistani human rights activist
Wikipedia - Anna-Liisa Hirviluoto -- Finnish archaeologist
Wikipedia - Annalise Braakensiek -- Australian model, actress, television presenter, businesswoman and campaign ambassador
Wikipedia - Anna-Lise Williamson -- Professor of Virology
Wikipedia - Anna Liza -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Anna Louise Beer -- Norwegian lawyer and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Anna Lucasta (1949 film) -- 1949 film by Irving Rapper
Wikipedia - Anna Mae Aquash -- Native American Activist
Wikipedia - Anna Margaret Urbas -- American murder victim
Wikipedia - Anna Maria della Pieta -- Italian violinist, composer and teacher
Wikipedia - Anna Maria Napoles -- American behavioral epidemiologist and science administrator
Wikipedia - Anna Marie Skalka -- American virologist
Wikipedia - Anna Mayevskaya -- Soviet luger
Wikipedia - Anna May Wong on film and television -- Filmography of the American actress
Wikipedia - Anna Mazzotta -- British visual artist
Wikipedia - Anna Mohr -- Swedish archeologist and activist
Wikipedia - Anna Morpurgo Davies
Wikipedia - Anna Nicole Smith -- American model, actress, and television personality
Wikipedia - Anna Nilsson Simkovics -- Austrian orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Anna Nordqvist -- Swedish professional golfer
Wikipedia - Anna of the Five Towns (TV series) -- Brtitish television drama series
Wikipedia - Anna Orlova -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Anna Pankratova -- Soviet historian
Wikipedia - Anna Pappritz -- German Women's rights activist and abolitionist (prostitution)
Wikipedia - Anna P. Baker -- Canadian visual artist
Wikipedia - Anna Politkovskaya -- Russian journalist, writer, and activist (1958-2006)
Wikipedia - Anna Popplewell -- English film, television and theatre actress
Wikipedia - Anna Prelevic -- Greek tv presenter and model
Wikipedia - Anna Prysazhnuka -- Latvian cue sports player
Wikipedia - Annapurna Devi Yadav -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Anna Richardson -- English presenter, television producer, writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Anna Sakse -- Latvian writer and translator
Wikipedia - Anna Seile -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Anna Sharevich -- Belarusian chess player (born 1985)
Wikipedia - Anna Sharyhina -- Ukrainian feminist activist
Wikipedia - Annas -- 1st century CE High Priest of the Roman province of Iudaea
Wikipedia - Anna Tifu -- Italian classical violinist
Wikipedia - AnnaTommy -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Anna Vickers -- British phycologist
Wikipedia - Anna Vignoles -- British economist and educationalist
Wikipedia - Annavin Aasai -- 1966 film by Dada Mirasi
Wikipedia - Anna Vinnitskaya -- Russian pianist
Wikipedia - Anna Vissi
Wikipedia - Anna Vittoria Dolara
Wikipedia - Anna Wald -- American epidemiologist and clinical virology researcher
Wikipedia - Ann B. Davis -- American actress (1926-2014)
Wikipedia - Ann Biderman -- American film and television writer
Wikipedia - Ann Bowtell -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - Ann-Christin Nykvist -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Ann Davison -- English sailor
Wikipedia - Ann Dusenberry -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Anne Aaron -- Filipino engineer and the director of video algorithms at Netflix
Wikipedia - Anne Alvik -- Norwegian physician and civil servant
Wikipedia - Anne Antoine, Comte d'Ache -- Vice Admiral of France
Wikipedia - Anne Bishop (activist) -- Canadian activist and social justice advocate (1950-)
Wikipedia - Anne Boleyn -- Second wife of Henry VIII of England
Wikipedia - Anne Catherine Emmerich -- German Augustinian canoness, mystic, Marian visionary, ecstatic and stigmatist (1774-1824)
Wikipedia - Anne Chao -- Taiwanese environmental statistician
Wikipedia - Anne-Christine Davis -- British theoretical physicist
Wikipedia - Anne Cleary -- Video artist
Wikipedia - Anne Cofell Saunders -- American television writer and producer
Wikipedia - Anne Conway, Viscountess Conway
Wikipedia - Anne C. Steinemann -- American civil and environmental engineering academic
Wikipedia - Anne Curtis -- Filipino-Australian actress, model, television host, VJ and recording artist
Wikipedia - Anne Faber -- Luxembourg cookbook writer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Anne Frank -- German-born diarist and Holocaust victim
Wikipedia - Anne Gallagher -- Australian lawyer and activist
Wikipedia - Anne Glover (biologist) -- Scottish biologist, Vice Principal at University of Aberdeen
Wikipedia - Anne Griffiths -- British librarian and archivist
Wikipedia - Anne Hegerty -- Television personality
Wikipedia - Anne H. Ehrlich -- American activist
Wikipedia - Anne J. Gilliland -- Archivist and academic
Wikipedia - Anne Johnson Davis -- American woman
Wikipedia - Anne Laubies -- French civil servant
Wikipedia - Anne-Laure Dalibard -- French mathematician working on asymptotic behavior of fluid equations occurring in oceanographic models
Wikipedia - Annelien Coorevits -- Belgian TV-presenter and model
Wikipedia - Anne Mackenzie-Stuart -- Scottish activist
Wikipedia - Annemarie Davidson -- German-born American artist
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie David -- French singer
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Imafidon -- British child prodigy and STEM activist
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Olivier -- Canadian actress and playwright
Wikipedia - Anne-Marie Rivier
Wikipedia - Anne-Mari Virolainen -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Anne Matthews -- College lecturer and environmental author
Wikipedia - Anne Neville (engineer)
Wikipedia - Anne Neville -- English queen
Wikipedia - Anne Noggle -- American aviator and photographer
Wikipedia - Anne of Green Gables (1956 film) -- 1956 television film by Don Harron
Wikipedia - Anne Olivier Bell -- English art scholar
Wikipedia - Anne Patrizio -- Scottish activist
Wikipedia - Anne Rasa -- British ethologist who studied social behaviour of dwarf mongoose
Wikipedia - Anne Robinson -- English television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Anne Solsvik -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Anne-Sophie Mutter -- German violinist
Wikipedia - Anne Spencer -- Poet, librarian and civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Anne-Sylvie Mouzon -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Annette Bjelkevik -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - Annette Herfkens -- Sole survivor of aviation accident
Wikipedia - Annette Vilhelmsen -- Danish politician
Wikipedia - Annette Vissing-Jorgensen -- Danish financial economist
Wikipedia - Annette Wieviorka -- French historian
Wikipedia - Annevig Schelde Ebbe -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Anne Villeneuve (scientist) -- American geneticist
Wikipedia - Anne+ -- Television series
Wikipedia - Anne with an E -- Canadian drama television series
Wikipedia - Annibale Bugnini -- Italian Vincentian and archbishop
Wikipedia - Annie: A Royal Adventure! -- 1995 television film directed by Ian Toynton
Wikipedia - Annie Besant -- British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator
Wikipedia - Annie Chapman -- Whitechapel murder victim
Wikipedia - Annie David -- French politician
Wikipedia - Annie de Chabert -- USVI businessperson and activist
Wikipedia - Annie Dodge Wauneka -- Navajo Nation activist
Wikipedia - Annie Get Your Gun (musical) -- 1946 musical by Irving Berlin
Wikipedia - Annie Gill -- Indian television actress.
Wikipedia - Annie Laurie Gaylor -- American atheism activist
Wikipedia - Annie Leibovitz -- American photographer
Wikipedia - Annie Lobert -- Former prostitute; social service worker; missionary
Wikipedia - Annie Niviaxie -- Inuit artist
Wikipedia - Annie O'Meara de Vic Beamish -- Irish author (1883-1969)
Wikipedia - Annie Pearson, Viscountess Cowdray -- English philanthropist and feminist
Wikipedia - Annie Vidal -- French politician
Wikipedia - Annie Villiger -- Swiss diver
Wikipedia - Annie Vivanti -- Italian poet and writer
Wikipedia - Annihilator method -- Method of solving non-homogeneous ordinary differential equations
Wikipedia - Annika Duckmark -- Swedish television presenter
Wikipedia - Annika Linde -- Swedish physician, virologist
Wikipedia - Annika Urvikko -- Finnish artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Annika von Hausswolff -- Swedish visual artist
Wikipedia - Annika Zimmermann -- German television presenter and journalist
Wikipedia - Annis Mound and Village Site -- Archaeological site in Kentucky, US
Wikipedia - Anniversary 4-Y-O Novices' Hurdle -- Hurdle horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Ann-Kio Briggs -- English-born Nigerian activist
Wikipedia - Ann Kreiter -- American television host
Wikipedia - Ann Lewis (artist) -- Activist artist
Wikipedia - Ann Lewis -- American political advisor
Wikipedia - Ann McBride Norton -- American activist and executive
Wikipedia - Annna -- Lativian-Dutch singer
Wikipedia - Ann Njogu -- Kenyan activist
Wikipedia - Anno 1503 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Anno 2205 -- City-building and economic simulation video game
Wikipedia - Annobon -- Province of Equatorial Guinea
Wikipedia - Annoru Ravil -- 1986 film directed by M. R. Joseph
Wikipedia - Ann Pellegreno -- American aviator
Wikipedia - Ann Rohmer -- Canadian television personality
Wikipedia - Ann Rosalie David -- British egyptologist
Wikipedia - Ann Smith (activist) -- 17th-century political activist
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Clinical Psychology
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Critical Psychology
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Entomology
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Information Science and Technology -- American information technology journal
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Law and Social Science
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Marine Science -- An annual peer-reviewed scientific review journal published by Annual Reviews
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Materials Research
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Political Science -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Psychology
Wikipedia - Annual Review of Sociology
Wikipedia - Annual Reviews (publisher)
Wikipedia - Ann Vickers (film) -- 1933 film by John Cromwell
Wikipedia - An Obvious Situation -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - Anochetus brevidentatus -- Extinct species of ant
Wikipedia - Anode -- Electrode through which conventional current flows into a polarized electrical device
Wikipedia - Anoka Primrose Abeyrathne -- Shi Lankan eco-social entrepreneur/environmentalist
Wikipedia - Anolis cuvieri -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Anolis gingivinus -- Species of reptile
Wikipedia - Anon Nampa -- Thai human rights activist, lawyer and political activist
Wikipedia - Anonymous (group) -- Hacktivist group
Wikipedia - Anopheles claviger -- species of mosquito
Wikipedia - Anoshirvan Taghavi -- Iranian musician
Wikipedia - Another Country (2015 film) -- 2015 Australian documentary film written by David Gulpilil and directed by Molly Reynolds
Wikipedia - Another Eden -- 2017 video game
Wikipedia - Another Gay Movie -- 2006 film by Todd Stephens
Wikipedia - Another Life (2019 TV series) -- American sci-fi television series
Wikipedia - Another Miss Oh -- 2016 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Another One Rides the Bus -- 1981 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Another Peaceful Day of Second-Hand Items -- South Korean television show
Wikipedia - Another War -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Another World (TV series) -- American television soap opera
Wikipedia - Another World (video game) -- Action-adventure video game by Eric Chahi
Wikipedia - Anovia -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - A Novice at X-Rays -- 1898 film directed by Georges Melies
Wikipedia - Anoyara Khatun -- Indian children's rights activist
Wikipedia - An Post -- State-owned provider of universal postal service and related services in Ireland
Wikipedia - Anrijs MatM-DM-+ss -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Ansel Adams -- American photographer and environmentalist
Wikipedia - Anselmo Llorente -- district in Tibas canton, San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Anselmo Silvino -- Italian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Ansgar Torvik -- Norwegian physician
Wikipedia - Ansha Sayed -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - ANSI device numbers -- System of identifying electrical power devices
Wikipedia - ANSI escape code -- Method using in-band signaling to control the formatting, color, and other output options on video text terminals
Wikipedia - Ansing -- Indian village
Wikipedia - Ansis Dale -- Latvian windsurfer
Wikipedia - Anson Chan -- Hong Kong civil servant and politician
Wikipedia - Ansovinus
Wikipedia - Anston -- Civil parish in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Anstruther Davidson -- Botanist and naturalist (1860-1932)
Wikipedia - ANS TV -- Television channel in Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Answer for Heaven -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Answer to History -- 1980 memoir by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
Wikipedia - An Sylvia -- Lied Schubert
Wikipedia - ANT1 Prime -- Greek international television network
Wikipedia - Anta da Vidigueira -- Megalithic burial tomb in Evora district, Portugal
Wikipedia - An Taisce -- Environmental and built heritage non-governmental organisation, Ireland
Wikipedia - Antakalnis -- Eldership in Vilnius, Lithuania
Wikipedia - Antal Banhidi -- Hungarian aviator
Wikipedia - Antal Barat-Lemberkovits -- Hungarian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Antanas JaroM-EM-!eviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian painter
Wikipedia - Antanas MackeviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian priest
Wikipedia - Antanas Vinkus -- Lithuanian diplomat
Wikipedia - Ant Anstead -- English television presenter, motor specialist and designer
Wikipedia - Antara Banerjee -- Indian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Antara Senior Living -- Indian healthcare company
Wikipedia - Antarctica Service Medal -- American Service medal
Wikipedia - Anta Rugate -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Anteater (video game) -- Video game first released in 1982
Wikipedia - Antecedent (behavioral psychology)
Wikipedia - Antediluvian
Wikipedia - Ante Kotromanovic -- Croatian politician and army officer
Wikipedia - Antel Arena -- A multipurpose indoor arena in Villa EspaM-CM-1ola, Montevideo, Uruguay
Wikipedia - Antena 1 (Romania) -- Television network in Romania
Wikipedia - Antena 3 (Spanish TV channel) -- Private Spanish generalist television network
Wikipedia - Antena TV -- Regional television network in Peru
Wikipedia - Antenna 3 Lombardia -- Italian television channel
Wikipedia - Antenna Awards -- Australian awards given for excellence in community television production
Wikipedia - Antenna (radio) -- Electrical device
Wikipedia - Antenna TV -- American television network
Wikipedia - Ante Pavlovic (chiropractor) -- Croatian chiropractor
Wikipedia - Ante PivM-DM-^Mevic -- Croatian sailor
Wikipedia - Anterior sternoclavicular ligament -- Broad band of fibers, covering the anterior (front) surface of the joint between the sternum and clavicle
Wikipedia - Antes (people) -- Early Slavic people inhabiting parts of Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
Wikipedia - Ante Vican -- Croatian actor
Wikipedia - Ante Zupanovic -- Croatian politician
Wikipedia - Anthea Redfern -- British television personality
Wikipedia - Anthea Turner -- English television presenter and media personality
Wikipedia - Anthem of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Anthimus VII of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Anthimus VI of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Anthology series -- Radio or television series that presents a different story and a different set of characters in each episode
Wikipedia - Anthony Babington -- English nobleman convicted of plotting the assassination of Elizabeth I of England
Wikipedia - Anthony Bailey (PR advisor) -- British public relations consultant
Wikipedia - Anthony Beattie -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - Anthony Bevilacqua
Wikipedia - Anthony Blunt -- British art historian and Soviet spy
Wikipedia - Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown -- American television series
Wikipedia - Anthony Chenevix-Trench -- Head Master of Eton
Wikipedia - Anthony Clarke Booth -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Anthony Davis (composer) -- American pianist and composer
Wikipedia - Anthony DiNozzo -- fictional character from television series NCIS
Wikipedia - Anthony D. Romero -- American activist
Wikipedia - Anthony Fokker -- Dutch aviation pioneer
Wikipedia - Anthony Irvine Adams -- Australian Chief Medical Officer
Wikipedia - Anthony (Khrapovitsky)
Wikipedia - Anthony Levandowski -- American Self Driving Car Engineer
Wikipedia - Anthony Ludovici
Wikipedia - Anthony Marwood -- English classical violinist (born 1965)
Wikipedia - Anthony Previte -- Clergyman
Wikipedia - Anthony Radziwill -- American television producer, filmmaker
Wikipedia - Anthony Ruivivar -- American actor
Wikipedia - Anthony S. Baxter -- British television presenter
Wikipedia - Anthony Shriver -- American activist
Wikipedia - Anthony Vincent Genovese -- American architect
Wikipedia - Anthony William -- Self-proclaimed medium offering pseudoscientific medical advice
Wikipedia - Anthony Woodville, 2nd Earl Rivers -- 15th-century English noble, courtier, and writer
Wikipedia - Anthony Yerkovich -- American television producer and writer
Wikipedia - Anthophila filipjevi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Anthophyta -- Division of plants bearing flower-like structures
Wikipedia - Anthropological relativism
Wikipedia - Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View
Wikipedia - Anthropology -- Scientific study of humans, human behavior and societies
Wikipedia - Anthroposphere -- The part of the environment that is made or modified by humans for use in human activities and human habitat
Wikipedia - Antibiotic sensitivity testing -- Microbiology test used in medicine
Wikipedia - Anti-cession movement of Sarawak -- Anti-colonial activism in Sarawak, 1946-1950
Wikipedia - Antichamber -- Single-player first-person puzzle-platform video game
Wikipedia - Anticipation -- Emotion involving pleasure or anxiety in considering or awaiting an expected event
Wikipedia - Anti-collectivism
Wikipedia - Anti-corporate activism
Wikipedia - Anti-cosmopolitan campaign -- Thinly disguised antisemitic campaign in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, 1948-1953
Wikipedia - Anticosti Island -- Island in the Quebec Province, Canada
Wikipedia - Antidote (Travis Scott song) -- 2015 single by Travis Scott
Wikipedia - Anti-fascism -- Opposition to fascist ideologies, groups and individuals
Wikipedia - Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia -- World War II-era political body established in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Antifa (United States) -- Anti-fascist political activist movement in the United States
Wikipedia - Anti-gay purges in Chechnya -- Overview about anti-gay purges in Chechnya
Wikipedia - AntiGravity, Inc -- Performance troupe
Wikipedia - Anti-gravity -- Idea of creating a place or object that is free from the force of gravity
Wikipedia - Antiguo Oriente -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Anti Horse Thief Association -- Vigilance committee formed to provide protection against marauders
Wikipedia - Anti-individualism
Wikipedia - Anti-Jewish violence in Czechoslovakia (1918-1920) -- Wave of anti-Jewish rioting and violence in Czechoslovakia
Wikipedia - Antinomianism -- View which rejects laws or legalism
Wikipedia - Antiochian Village
Wikipedia - Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate
Wikipedia - Antiochus VI Dionysus
Wikipedia - Antiochus VIII Grypus
Wikipedia - Antiochus VII Sidetes
Wikipedia - Anti-pedophile activism -- Form of activism
Wikipedia - Antiplanes vinosa -- Species of mollusc
Wikipedia - Antipope Boniface VII
Wikipedia - Antipope Clement VIII
Wikipedia - Antipope Clement VII
Wikipedia - Antipope Gregory VIII
Wikipedia - Antipope Gregory VI
Wikipedia - Antipope John VIII -- Antipope in 844
Wikipedia - Antipope John XVI -- priest, chaplain, bishop and antipope (c.945-c.1001)
Wikipedia - Antipope Victor IV (1138)
Wikipedia - Antipope Victor IV (1159-1164)
Wikipedia - Antipositivism -- A theoretical stance, which proposes that the social realm cannot be studied with the scientific method of investigation applied to Nature
Wikipedia - Antique aircraft -- vintage aeroplanes
Wikipedia - Antique Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Antique, Philippines
Wikipedia - Antique radio -- Vintage telecommunication audio receiver
Wikipedia - Antiques Roadshow (American TV program) -- American television program
Wikipedia - Antiques Roadshow (series 32) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Antiquities of the Jews -- historiographical work by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus
Wikipedia - Anti-religious campaign during the Russian Civil War -- Religious repression in Russia from 1917 to 1922
Wikipedia - Anti-revisionism -- Marxist-Leninist position which emerged in the 1950s in opposition to the reforms of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev
Wikipedia - Anti-roll bar -- Device that reduces the body roll of a vehicle
Wikipedia - Anti-Serb sentiment -- Negative view of Serbs
Wikipedia - Anti-Shi'ism -- Prejudice, hatred of, discrimination or violence directed against Shia Muslims
Wikipedia - Anti-Slavic sentiment
Wikipedia - Anti-social behavior
Wikipedia - Anti-social behaviour order -- Former type of civil order made in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Anti-social behaviour
Wikipedia - Antisocial (Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott song) -- 2019 single by Ed Sheeran and Travis Scott
Wikipedia - Anti-Social (film) -- 2015 film by Reg Traviss
Wikipedia - Antisocial personality disorder -- Personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others
Wikipedia - Anti-Sovietism
Wikipedia - Anti-Soviet propaganda
Wikipedia - Anti-Soviet sentiment
Wikipedia - Antistatic device -- Device that reduces or inhibits electrostatic discharge
Wikipedia - Anti-Submarine Division (Royal Navy) -- Former division of the Admiralty Department
Wikipedia - Anti-Sunnism -- Prejudice, hatred of, discrimination or violence directed against Sunni Muslims
Wikipedia - Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany -- Overview about the anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany
Wikipedia - Anti urination devices in Norwich -- Hostile architecture installed in the 19th century
Wikipedia - Anti-Vietnamese sentiment
Wikipedia - Anti Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Anti-Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Antiviral drug -- Medication used to treat a viral infection
Wikipedia - Antiviral (film) -- 2012 film
Wikipedia - Anti-virus product
Wikipedia - Anti-virus program
Wikipedia - Anti-virus software
Wikipedia - Antivirus software -- Computer software to defend against malicious computer viruses
Wikipedia - Anti-Vivisection Coalition
Wikipedia - Anti-War Coalition -- Coalition of South African activists.
Wikipedia - Antje Weithaas -- German violinist
Wikipedia - Ant McPartlin -- English television presenter, producer and actor
Wikipedia - Antnio Vieira
Wikipedia - Antoine Bertrand -- Canadian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Antoine de Saint-Exupery -- French writer and aviator
Wikipedia - Antoine Joseph Lavigne -- French oboist
Wikipedia - Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville
Wikipedia - Antoinette Bower -- Film and television actress
Wikipedia - Antoinette Hertsenberg -- Dutch television presenter
Wikipedia - Anto KovaM-DM-^Mevic -- Croatian politician
Wikipedia - Anton Alexandrovich Ivanov -- Russian businessman and politician
Wikipedia - Anton Corbijn -- Dutch film director, video director and photographer
Wikipedia - Anton Davidoglu -- Romanian mathematician
Wikipedia - Anton Djupvik -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Anton Doda -- Albanian vice consul
Wikipedia - Antonella Attili -- Italian film and television actress
Wikipedia - Antonella Costa -- Argentine film and television actress
Wikipedia - Anton Feichtner -- German television actor
Wikipedia - Anton Glasnovic -- Croatian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Anton Gogiashvili -- 20th-century Georgian painter
Wikipedia - Antonia (aunt of Mark Antony) -- Roman kidnapping victim
Wikipedia - Antonia Garcia de Videgain -- Spanish singer and actress
Wikipedia - Antonia Martinez -- Puerto Rican murder victim
Wikipedia - Antonija Mitrovic -- New Zealand computer scientist
Wikipedia - Antonije Isakovic -- Serbian academic
Wikipedia - Antonijs SpringoviM-DM-^Ms -- Latvian archbishop
Wikipedia - Antoni Kalina -- Polish activist, ethnographer, ethnologist, and rector
Wikipedia - Antonina Ivanova -- Soviet shot putter
Wikipedia - Antonina Khudyakova -- WWII pilot and Heroine of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Antonina Lebedeva -- Soviet female aviator
Wikipedia - Antonina Prikhot'ko -- Soviet physicist (1906-1995)
Wikipedia - Antonin de Selliers de Moranville -- Belgian general
Wikipedia - Antonin Kratochvil -- American photojournalist
Wikipedia - Antonio Arnaiz-Villena -- Spanish immunologist
Wikipedia - Antonio Bonvisi
Wikipedia - Antonio Buehler -- American police accountability activist
Wikipedia - Antonio Camacho Vizcaino -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Antonio Capuzzi -- Italian violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Antonio Cisneros -- Peruvian poet
Wikipedia - Antonio Cupo -- Canadian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Antonio da Cividale -- Italian composer
Wikipedia - Antonio de Benavides y Bazan -- 17th-century Roman Catholic patriarch
Wikipedia - Antonio de Hervias
Wikipedia - Antonio de Valdivieso
Wikipedia - Antonio di Vincenzo -- Italian architect
Wikipedia - Antonio Fernandez Bordas -- Spanish violinist and musical teacher
Wikipedia - Antonio Frasconi -- Uruguayan-American visual artist
Wikipedia - Antonio Jose Benavides -- Venezuelan Major General
Wikipedia - Antonio Lara de Gavilan -- Spanish graphic artist, editorial cartoonist and author of comic theatre
Wikipedia - Antonio Luis Baena Tocon -- Spanish civil servant and military officer
Wikipedia - Antonio Maccanico -- Italian politician and civil servant
Wikipedia - Antonio Oliviero -- Italian sailor
Wikipedia - Antonio Osorio y Villegas -- Spanish nobleman, soldier and politician
Wikipedia - Antonio Possevino
Wikipedia - Antonio Rivera Rodriguez Airport -- Airport on the island of Vieques in Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Antonio Rodiles -- Cuban political activist.
Wikipedia - Antonio Ruiz de Montoya -- Peruvian Jesuit priest and missionary (1585-1652)
Wikipedia - Antonio Sanchez (politician) -- Filipino convicted rapist-murderer and former politician
Wikipedia - Antonio Sanchez (Puerto Rican host) -- Puerto Rican radio and television personality
Wikipedia - Antonio Servillo -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Antonio S. Pedreira -- Puerto Rican activist
Wikipedia - Antonio Vico (Cardinal)
Wikipedia - Antonio Vidaurre -- Spanish painter, poet and writer
Wikipedia - Antonio Vieira -- 17th-century Portuguese diplomat and missionary
Wikipedia - Antonio Villaraigosa -- American politician
Wikipedia - Antonio Villas Boas -- Brazilian farmer who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials in 1957
Wikipedia - Antonio Virgili -- Italian professor,
Wikipedia - Antonio Vita -- Peruvian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Antonio Vivaldi -- Italian baroque period composer, virtuoso violinist and teacher
Wikipedia - Antonio Vivarini
Wikipedia - Antonio Viviani -- Italian painter
Wikipedia - Antonio Xavier Lopez Adame -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Antonio Xavier Pereira Coutinho -- Portuguese botanist and agronomist
Wikipedia - Antonio Xavier Trindade -- Bombay School painter
Wikipedia - Antonius Felix -- 1st century Roman politician and procurator of the Judea Province
Wikipedia - Antoni Vila Arrufat -- Spanish engraver
Wikipedia - Anton Jivaev -- Russian violist
Wikipedia - Anton Koprivitsa -- Russian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Anton Luckievich -- Belarusian politician
Wikipedia - Anton Maria Salvini -- Italian naturalist and classicist
Wikipedia - Antonov An-124 Ruslan -- Soviet/Ukraine four-engine large military transport aircraft
Wikipedia - Antonov An-225 Mriya -- Soviet/Ukrainian six-engine heavy strategic cargo aircraft
Wikipedia - Antonov An-74 -- Soviet/Ukrainian military transport aircraft
Wikipedia - Anton Romanovich Zhebrak -- Soviet botanist
Wikipedia - Antons Justs -- Latvian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Anton von Winzor -- Governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Antony Davies -- American economist, speaker, and author
Wikipedia - Anton Yelchin -- American film and television actor
Wikipedia - Antony (Khrapovitsky)
Wikipedia - Antragsdelikt -- Category of offense which cannot be prosecuted without a complaint by the victim
Wikipedia - Antrim, County Antrim -- Town and civil parish in County Antrim in the northeast of Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Antrum (film) -- 2018 film directed by David Amito, Michael Laicini
Wikipedia - Ants Antson -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Antti Kurvinen -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Antti Litja -- Finnish film and television actor
Wikipedia - Antun Mihalovic -- Croatian politician
Wikipedia - Antun Vakanovic -- Croatian politician
Wikipedia - Antwerp Province -- Province of Belgium
Wikipedia - Antz Extreme Racing -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Anubavi Raja Anubavi -- 1967 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Anudi, Gauribidanur -- Village in Chickballpur District
Wikipedia - Anuj Dhar -- Indian activist, journalist
Wikipedia - Anuj Sharma (IPS) -- Indian Police Service officer
Wikipedia - Anukriti Gusain -- Indian model, television host
Wikipedia - Anum Fayyaz -- Pakistani television actress
Wikipedia - Anuna De Wever -- Belgian climate activist
Wikipedia - Anupallavi (film) -- 1979 film
Wikipedia - Anupallavi -- Usually the second section of any composition in Carnatic music
Wikipedia - Anupamaa -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Anupam Bhattacharya -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Anupriya Kapoor -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Anuradha Pal -- Indian tabla virtuoso
Wikipedia - Anuradhapura Maha Viharaya
Wikipedia - Anuradha Seneviratna -- Sri Lankan scholar
Wikipedia - Anushakti Nagar (Vidhan Sabha constituency) -- Constituency of the Maharashtra legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Anusha Siriratne -- Sri Lankan aviator
Wikipedia - Anushilan Samiti -- Bengali Indian organisation supporting violence to end British rule in India
Wikipedia - Anutin Charnvirakul -- Thai politician
Wikipedia - Anu VehvilM-CM-$inen -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Anvar Alikhanov -- Soviet politician
Wikipedia - Anveshanam -- 2020 film directed by Prasobh Vijayan
Wikipedia - Anviksiki
Wikipedia - Anvil (band) -- Canadian heavy metal band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 1978
Wikipedia - Anvil firing -- Launching an anvil into the air with gunpowder
Wikipedia - AnvilNext
Wikipedia - Anvil of Stars
Wikipedia - Anvil -- Metalworking tool
Wikipedia - An ViM-CM-*n Television -- Vietnamese television service provider
Wikipedia - Anvis Group -- German automotive company
Wikipedia - Anvita Abbi -- Indian linguist, scholar
Wikipedia - Anwain -- Village in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Anwir -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Anxiolytic -- Class of medications used to alleviate anxiety
Wikipedia - An XuyM-CM-*n Province -- Historic province of South Vietnam
Wikipedia - Anya Hurlbert -- human visual perception scientist
Wikipedia - AnyDecentMusic? -- Website collating music album reviews from magazines, websites, and newspapers
Wikipedia - Any Dream Will Do (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Any Given Wednesday with Bill Simmons -- Television series
Wikipedia - Anzaldo Formation -- Ordovician geologic formation in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Anzhela Stasyulevich -- Soviet diver
Wikipedia - Aoi Bungaku -- Anime television series
Wikipedia - Aoi (Japanese singer) -- Japanese visual kei rock musician
Wikipedia - AOL Hometown -- Former web hosting service
Wikipedia - AOL Mail -- free web-based email service provided by AOL
Wikipedia - AOL Video
Wikipedia - AOL -- American web portal and online service provider
Wikipedia - Aonach Beag -- 1234 m high mountain in Scotland near Ben Nevis
Wikipedia - A-One (TV channel) -- Russian television channel
Wikipedia - A. O. Neville -- Australian public servant
Wikipedia - AO Tennis 2 -- 2020 sports video game
Wikipedia - Apache ServiceMix
Wikipedia - Apache Subversion -- Free and open source software versioning and revision control system
Wikipedia - Apache: The Life of Carlos Tevez -- 2019 Spanish-language television series
Wikipedia - Apache Tomcat -- Java-based HTTP web server environment
Wikipedia - Apadhup -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Apalachee Province -- Area in present-day Florida
Wikipedia - APAN Star Awards -- South Korea annual award for excellence in television
Wikipedia - Aparat -- Iranian video sharing service
Wikipedia - Aparna Dixit -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - A Passage to India (film) -- 1984 drama film directed by David Lean
Wikipedia - Apati, Ambegaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Apati, Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A. Paul Alivisatos
Wikipedia - Apayao Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Apayao, Philippines
Wikipedia - A.P. Bio -- American comedy television series created by Mike O'Brien for NBC
Wikipedia - AP Diving -- British manufacturer of underwater diving equipment
Wikipedia - Apede -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Apeks -- British manufacturer of scuba diving equipment
Wikipedia - Ape Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - AP Environmental Science -- College Board test
Wikipedia - Ape Out -- 2019 video game
Wikipedia - A Perfect Getaway -- 2009 film by David Twohy
Wikipedia - A Performance of Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja
Wikipedia - A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies -- 1995 film directed by Martin Scorsese and Michael Henry Wilson
Wikipedia - Apesanahkwat -- Native American tribal leader and film and television actor
Wikipedia - Apex (diacritic) -- Latin and Middle Vietnamese diacritic similar to an acute accent
Wikipedia - Apex Learning -- Privately held provider of e-Learning software for K-12 education
Wikipedia - Apex Legends -- 2019 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - APF TV Fun series -- Series of home video game consoles
Wikipedia - APG III system -- The second revision (2009) of a classification of flowering plants by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Wikipedia - APG IV system -- The third revision (2016) of a classification of flowering plants by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group
Wikipedia - Aphaenogaster avita -- Extinct species of ant
Wikipedia - Aphantasia -- Condition in which an individual cannot voluntarily visualize imagery
Wikipedia - A. Philip Randolph -- Black American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - A Philosophical View of Reform
Wikipedia - A Piece of Your Mind -- 2020 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Apistogramma viejita -- Species of fish of Colombia
Wikipedia - A Place for Annie -- American television series
Wikipedia - A Place in the Sun (South Korean TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - A Place to Call Home (season 5) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - A Place to Live -- 1941 film by Irving Lerner
Wikipedia - A Plea for Captain John Brown -- Book by Henry David Thoreau
Wikipedia - A-Plus TV -- Pakistani television channel
Wikipedia - Apna Channel -- Pakistani television channel
Wikipedia - Apni Apni Love Story -- 2019 Pakistani television film
Wikipedia - Apocalypse: the Cold War -- French television series
Wikipedia - Apocalyptica (video game) -- Third-person shooter computer game
Wikipedia - Apodicticity -- Propositions that are demonstrably, necessarily or self-evidently true
Wikipedia - A Poem a Day -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Apollo command and service module -- Component of the Apollo spacecraft
Wikipedia - Apollo Guidance Computer -- Guidance and navigation computer used in Apollo spacecraft
Wikipedia - Apollo Marine Park -- Marine park in Australia in Bass Strait off the coast of Victoria
Wikipedia - Apollo service module
Wikipedia - Apollo-Soyuz -- First joint U.S.-Soviet space flight
Wikipedia - Apollo TV camera -- Outerspace broadcasting device
Wikipedia - Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Wikipedia - Apology (film) -- 1986 television film directed by Robert Bierman
Wikipedia - Apolonia MuM-CM-1oz Abarca -- Mexican-American health professional and activist
Wikipedia - Apoorva Mandavilli -- US science writer and journalist
Wikipedia - Apophatic theology -- Way of describing the divine by explaining what God is not
Wikipedia - Apoplania valdiviana -- Species of archaic bell moth
Wikipedia - Apostle Islands National Lakeshore -- 69,372 acres in Wisconsin (US) managed by the National Park Service
Wikipedia - Apostolic Vicariate of Eastern Oceania
Wikipedia - Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Germany
Wikipedia - Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh -- Apostolic vicariate
Wikipedia - Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Princesa
Wikipedia - Apostolic Vicariate of Saxony -- Latin Catholic pre-diocesan jurisdiction
Wikipedia - Apostolic vicariate
Wikipedia - Apostolic Vicar of the Hawaiian Islands
Wikipedia - Apostolic visitor
Wikipedia - Apotheosis -- Glorification of a subject to divine level
Wikipedia - A. Powell Davies
Wikipedia - Apoy sa Dagat -- Television series
Wikipedia - Appalachian Studies Association -- Organization of scholars and activists
Wikipedia - Apparaopeta -- Village in Dammapeta Mandal, Bhadradri Kottagudem District, Telangana, India
Wikipedia - Apparent weight -- Weight of an object when a force additional to gravity is present
Wikipedia - Appare-Ranman! -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Apparition of the Virgin to St Bernard (Filippino Lippi) -- Painting by Filippino Lippi in the Badia Fiorentina, a church in Florence
Wikipedia - Appavin Meesai -- Tamil language film directed by Rohini
Wikipedia - Append output of an external command | Vim Tips Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
Wikipedia - Apperley Bridge -- Village in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Appias sylvia -- Species of butterfly
Wikipedia - Appius Claudius Pulcher (triumvir monetalis 8 BC) -- 1st century BC Roman patrician and moneyer
Wikipedia - Appius Junius Silanus -- First century Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Apple Arcade -- Video game subscription service by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Appleby (law firm) -- Offshore legal services provider
Wikipedia - Applegreen -- Service station chain operating in Ireland, the UK and the USA
Wikipedia - Apple Help Viewer
Wikipedia - Apple ID -- Apple Inc. device authentication method
Wikipedia - Apple Inc. litigation -- Overview of the litigation of Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Interactive Television Box
Wikipedia - Apple Music -- Music streaming service
Wikipedia - Apple-Oids -- Video game clone of Asteroids made for the Apple II computer in 1980
Wikipedia - Apple One (service) -- Apple subscription bundle
Wikipedia - Apple Open Collaboration Environment
Wikipedia - Apple Orchard Mountain -- Mountain in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Apple Pay -- Mobile payment and digital wallet service
Wikipedia - Apple ProRes -- Video compression format developed by Apple
Wikipedia - Apple Push Notification service
Wikipedia - Apple Qmaster -- Video effects processing software from Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Appleseed XIII -- Original video animation
Wikipedia - Apple Services
Wikipedia - Appleton East and West -- Civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Appleton International Airport -- International airport serving the Fox Cities and Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Wikipedia - Appleton-with-Eaton -- Civil parish in Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England
Wikipedia - Apple TV -- Home media receiver device made by Apple
Wikipedia - Apple TV+ -- Streaming video service by Apple Inc.
Wikipedia - Apple Video
Wikipedia - Apple Worldwide Video
Wikipedia - Application permissions -- Limits on apps' access to sensitive device information
Wikipedia - Application service provider
Wikipedia - Applications of computer vision
Wikipedia - Applications of virtual reality
Wikipedia - Application virtualization
Wikipedia - Applied animal behavior
Wikipedia - Applied Behavior Analysis
Wikipedia - Applied behavior analysis
Wikipedia - Applied improvisation -- Application of improvisational methods in various fields
Wikipedia - Applied Organometallic Chemistry -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Applied Physics Reviews -- Scientific journal
Wikipedia - Applied Psychology: An International Review
Wikipedia - Appomattox Court House National Historical Park -- 1,700 acres in Virginia (US) managed by the National Park Service
Wikipedia - Appreciative advising -- Academic advising philosophy
Wikipedia - Appropriate Behavior -- 2014 film by Desiree Akhavan
Wikipedia - Appropriate technology -- Technological choice and application that is small-scale, decentralized, labor-intensive, energy-efficient, environmentally sound, and locally autonomous
Wikipedia - AppScale -- Software company offering cloud infrastructure software and services
Wikipedia - Appuchi Graamam -- 2014 film by Vi Anand
Wikipedia - Appuntamento in riviera -- 1962 film
Wikipedia - Aprelevka Record Plant -- Defunct vinyl record manufacturer
Wikipedia - April Brockman -- Canadian reality television personality
Wikipedia - April Daniels -- American television personality
Wikipedia - April (tapir) -- Tapir living at the Belize Zoo
Wikipedia - ApriM-DM-7i Manor -- Manor house in LaM-EM->a parish, Aizpute, Courland, Latvia
Wikipedia - A Prince of the Captivity -- 1933 novel by John Buchan
Wikipedia - Apron of Magic -- 2010 collectible card cooking video game
Wikipedia - APRS Calling -- Brevity code used via APRS to request communications elsewhere
Wikipedia - Apshinge -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Apsinga -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - APT Bulletin -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - APT Entertainment -- Television and Film company
Wikipedia - Apti Budruk -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Apti Khurd -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Apti, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aptuca -- Village and Archaeolocical site in Tunisia
Wikipedia - Aptum Technologies -- Managed services provider
Wikipedia - Apud -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - APU International School -- Vietnamese school
Wikipedia - A Pup Named Scooby-Doo -- American animated mystery comedy television series
Wikipedia - Apurvi Chandela -- Indian sport shooter
Wikipedia - AQ Interactive -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Aquae Flaviae -- Human settlement in Portugal
Wikipedia - Aqua Lung America -- American company manufacturing recreational diving equipment
Wikipedia - Aqua Lung/La Spirotechnique -- French company manufacturing breathing apparatus and diving equipment
Wikipedia - Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - Aquaman (TV series) -- Animated television series
Wikipedia - Aquamarine (video game) -- Turn based survival video game
Wikipedia - Aquamog -- Machine for removing weeds on lakes
Wikipedia - Aquaponics -- system combining aquaculture with hydroponics in A symbiotic environment
Wikipedia - Aquaria (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Aquarion Logos -- Anime television series
Wikipedia - Aquarium diving -- Occupational diving in large aquariums
Wikipedia - Aquarium (video game) -- 1996 video game
Wikipedia - Aquarius (American TV series) -- 2015 American period crime drama television series
Wikipedia - Aquascope -- underwater viewing device
Wikipedia - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters -- 2007 film directed by Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis
Wikipedia - Aqua Teen Hunger Force -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Aquatic ecology -- The study of interactions between organisms and the environment in water
Wikipedia - Aquatic plant -- Plant that has adapted to living in an aquatic environment
Wikipedia - Aqua Virgo
Wikipedia - Aqueductal stenosis -- Narrowing of the aqueduct of Sylvius
Wikipedia - Aqueduct Bridge (Potomac River) -- Bridge between Georgetown, Washington, D.C., and Rosslyn, Virginia
Wikipedia - Aqueduct of Segovia
Wikipedia - Aqueducts on the C&O Canal -- 11 navigable aqueducts used to carry the canal over rivers and streams that were too wide for a culvert to contain
Wikipedia - Aquel Que Habia Muerto -- 1998 studio album by Vico C
Wikipedia - A Question of Europe -- 1975 televised debate on the United Kingdoms membership in the European Economic Community
Wikipedia - Aquilaria banaensae -- Species of agarwood tree from Vietnam
Wikipedia - Aquila (TV series) -- British children's television show
Wikipedia - Aquiles Delle Vigne -- Argentine pianist
Wikipedia - Aquilia Severa -- Vestal Virgin, wife of Roman emperor Elagabalus
Wikipedia - Aquinas College (Tennessee) -- Catholic college in Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Aquinas High School (Nebraska) -- Private, coeducational school in David City, Nebraska
Wikipedia - Arabacilar, Daday -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Arab Chileans -- Arab immigrants living in Chile
Wikipedia - Arabhavi (Vidhana Sabha constituency) -- Constituency of the Karnataka legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Arab News Network -- Arabic-language television channel
Wikipedia - Arab Winter -- Wide-scale violence and instability evolving in the aftermath of the Arab Spring
Wikipedia - Araceli Sanchez Urquijo -- First female civil engineer practitioner in Spain
Wikipedia - Arachis villosulicarpa -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Arac (video game) -- 1986 action-adventure game
Wikipedia - Aradgaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aradhiya Khan -- Transwoman activist and social worker
Wikipedia - Ara Eivissa -- Political party
Wikipedia - Araeophylla flavigutella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Aragam -- Village in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Aragatsotn Province -- Province of Armenia
Wikipedia - Arag -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Arahant Upatissa -- 1st-2nd-century Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist monk and author of the Vimuttimagga
Wikipedia - Arakan Division -- British territory
Wikipedia - ARA Moreno -- Argentine Rivadavia-class battleship
Wikipedia - Arancibia District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - ARA News -- Arabic online news service
Wikipedia - Ar Angel Aviles -- Filipino actress
Wikipedia - A+ (rapper) -- American musician (Andre Levins)
Wikipedia - Ararat Province -- Province of Armenia
Wikipedia - ARA Rivadavia -- Argentine Rivadavia-class battleship
Wikipedia - Arat (The Walking Dead) -- Fictional character from The Walking Dead television series
Wikipedia - Arava Institute for Environmental Studies -- Israeli study and research institute
Wikipedia - Aravina Anastasia -- Russian theater and film actress
Wikipedia - Aravinda Chakravarti
Wikipedia - Aravind Akash -- Indian actor and dancer
Wikipedia - Aravindan Puraskaram -- Film award for best debutant director in India
Wikipedia - Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava -- 2018 Telugu action film directed by Trivikram Srinivas
Wikipedia - Aravind Bellad -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Aravind Enrique Adyanthaya -- Puerto Rican theater director and playwright
Wikipedia - Aravind Eye Hospitals -- Network of eye hospitals in India
Wikipedia - Aravindh Chithambaram -- Indian chess grandmaster
Wikipedia - Aravind Joshi
Wikipedia - Aravind K. Joshi
Wikipedia - Aravind L. Iyer -- Evolutionary biologist
Wikipedia - Aravind Malagatti -- Indian Kannada poet, critic
Wikipedia - Aravind Subramaniam -- Indian comedian
Wikipedia - Aravinnd Singh -- Indian cinematographer
Wikipedia - Aravis -- Fictional girl, the female lead human in The Horse and His Boy (Narnia, book 5)
Wikipedia - Araxie Babayan -- Soviet and Armenian organic chemist
Wikipedia - ARB (Azerbaijani Television Company) -- Television station in Azerbaijan
Wikipedia - Arbiter (Halo) -- Fictional character in the Halo video game series
Wikipedia - Arbitrary arrest and detention -- Arrest or detention without evidence or likelihood of crime or without due process
Wikipedia - ARB (martial art) -- Soviet martial art
Wikipedia - Arbor Day -- Holiday in which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant and care for trees
Wikipedia - Arboreal locomotion -- Moving through trees
Wikipedia - Arboretum de l'Abietinee -- Arboretum in Malzeville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France
Wikipedia - Arbovirus (band) -- Bangladeshi rock band
Wikipedia - Arcade (TV series) -- Australian television series
Wikipedia - ArcaMax Publishing -- American web syndication service
Wikipedia - Arcane Legends -- Mobile video game
Wikipedia - Arcangelo Corelli -- Italian violinist and composer (1653-1713)
Wikipedia - Arcata and Mad River Transit System -- Bus service in Arcata, California
Wikipedia - Arcenio James Advincula -- Martial artist
Wikipedia - Arcevia Altarpiece -- Painting by Luca Signorelli
Wikipedia - ArcExplorer -- Lightweight data viewer
Wikipedia - Archaeogaming -- Archaeology of gaming or the use of video games in archaeology
Wikipedia - Archaeological Park of Urbs Salvia -- Archaeological site in Urbisaglia, Italy
Wikipedia - Archaeological record -- Body of physical (i.e. not written) evidence about the past
Wikipedia - Archaeological Review from Cambridge -- Academic journal
Wikipedia - Archaeological Site of Alto da Vigia -- Portuguese archaeological site
Wikipedia - Archaeological site -- Place in which evidence of past activity is preserved
Wikipedia - Archaeology in Oceania -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Archaeology of shipwrecks -- Study of human activity through the analysis of shipwreck artifacts
Wikipedia - ARCH Air Medical Service -- Air ambulance service
Wikipedia - Archambaud VIII of Bourbon -- 13th-century French nobleman
Wikipedia - Archana Chandhoke -- Tamil television host
Wikipedia - Archana Soreng -- Indian environment activist (born 1996)
Wikipedia - Archangel (2005 film) -- 2005 television film by Jon Jones
Wikipedia - Arch Bevis -- Australian Labor Party politician
Wikipedia - Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province
Wikipedia - Archbishop Flavian of Constantinople
Wikipedia - Archbishop of Seville
Wikipedia - Archbishop of Vienna
Wikipedia - Archbishop of Vienne
Wikipedia - Archbishopric of Moravia -- Ecclesiastical province
Wikipedia - Archcathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Andrew, Frombork -- Cathedral in Frombork, Poland
Wikipedia - Archdiocesan Shrine of Santa Teresa de Avila -- Roman Catholic church in Graeco-Roman architectural style located in Talisay City, Cebu
Wikipedia - Archdiocese of Seville
Wikipedia - Archdiocese of Vienne
Wikipedia - Archean life in the Barberton Greenstone Belt -- Some of the most widely accepted fossil evidence for Archean life
Wikipedia - Archelaus (Pontic army officer) -- Military officer of King Mithridates VI of Pontus
Wikipedia - Archeologia Medievale -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Archeological Museum of Seville
Wikipedia - Archeological Society of Virginia -- Non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Archer (1975 TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Archer (2009 TV series) -- American adult animated sitcom television series
Wikipedia - Archer Maclean's Mercury -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Archer (season 11) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed large bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual fixed small bird -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 28 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Individual moving bird, 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 28 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 33 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Team moving bird, 50 metres -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1972 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1976 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1980 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1984 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1988 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1992 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 1996 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Men's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2000 Summer Olympics - Women's individual -- Archery at the Olympics
Wikipedia - Archery at the 2016 Summer Paralympics - Women's individual recurve open -- 2016 Paralympics open recurve archery
Wikipedia - Archibald Leslie-Melville, 13th Earl of Leven -- British soldier and peer
Wikipedia - Archibald's Next Big Thing -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Archibald Vivian Hill
Wikipedia - Archie Bunker's Place -- American television series 1979-1983
Wikipedia - Archie Jewell -- sailor who survived the sinking of the Titanic
Wikipedia - Archie's law -- Relationship between the electrical conductivity of a rock to its porosity
Wikipedia - Archimantis vittata -- Species of praying mantis
Wikipedia - Architectural Review -- Architectural Magazine
Wikipedia - Architectural Services Department -- Hong Kong government department
Wikipedia - Architecture of Australia -- Overview of the architecture in Australia
Wikipedia - Architecture of Berlin -- Overview of the architecture in Berlin
Wikipedia - Architecture of Brazil -- Overview of the architecture in Brazil
Wikipedia - Architecture of Canada -- Overview of the architecture in Canada
Wikipedia - Architecture of Germany -- Overview of the architecture of Germany
Wikipedia - Architecture of Hungary -- Overview of architecture in Hungary
Wikipedia - Architecture of India -- Overview of the architecture in India
Wikipedia - Architecture of Indonesia -- Overview of the architecture in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Architecture of Istanbul -- Overview of architecture in Istanbul
Wikipedia - Architecture of Italy -- Overview of the architecture in Italy
Wikipedia - Architecture of Lahore -- Overview of architecture in Lahore
Wikipedia - Architecture of Liverpool -- Overview of architecture of Liverpool, England
Wikipedia - Architecture of London -- Overview of the architecture in London
Wikipedia - Architecture of Manchester -- Overview of the architecture of Manchester, England
Wikipedia - Architecture of Mexico -- Overview of the architecture in Mexico
Wikipedia - Architecture of Munich -- Overview of the architecture of Munich
Wikipedia - Architecture of New York City -- Overview of the architecture in New York City
Wikipedia - Architecture of New Zealand -- Overview of the architecture in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Architecture of Paris -- Overview of the architecture in Paris
Wikipedia - Architecture of Rome -- Overview of the architecture in Rome
Wikipedia - Architecture of Saudi Arabia -- Overview of the architecture in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Architecture of Seattle -- Overview of the architecture in Seattle
Wikipedia - Architecture of South Korea -- Overview of the architecture in South Korea
Wikipedia - Architecture of Sweden -- Overview of the architecture in Sweden
Wikipedia - Architecture of Switzerland -- Overview of the architecture in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Architecture of Sydney -- Overview of the architecture in Sydney
Wikipedia - Architecture of the United Arab Emirates -- Overview of the architecture of the United Arab Emirates
Wikipedia - Architecture of the United Kingdom -- Overview of the culture in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Architecture of Turkey -- Overview of the architecture of Turkey
Wikipedia - Archival Disc -- Optical disc designed by Sony and Panasonic meant for data archiving
Wikipedia - Archives of Manitoba -- Provincial and HBC archives of Manitoba
Wikipedia - Archives of Sexual Behavior
Wikipedia - Archive Team -- Group dedicated to web archiving and preserving digital history
Wikipedia - Archiving
Wikipedia - Archivist of the United States -- Chief official of the National Archives and Records Administration
Wikipedia - Archivists
Wikipedia - Archivist
Wikipedia - Archivo Historico Provincial de Almeria -- Spanish historical archive
Wikipedia - Archivo Historico Provincial de Granada -- Archives for Granada
Wikipedia - Arclight (comics) -- Mutant super-villain character from Marvel Comics
Wikipedia - Arco dei Gavi, Verona -- Ancient Roman triumphal arch
Wikipedia - Arc of Justice -- 2004 book by Kevin Boyle
Wikipedia - Arconville -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Arco (Renfe Operadora service) -- Passenger train service
Wikipedia - ARC Riders -- 1995 novel by David Drake and Janet Morris
Wikipedia - Arctia flavia -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Arctic Air -- Drama television series from Canada
Wikipedia - Arctic ice pack -- The sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean and its vicinity
Wikipedia - Arctic rabies virus -- Strain of Rabies lyssavirus that circulates throughout the arctic regions
Wikipedia - ArcView 3.x -- Geographic information system software
Wikipedia - Ardabil Province -- Province of Iran
Wikipedia - ARD-alpha -- German television channel
Wikipedia - Arda Viraf Namag
Wikipedia - Ardeh, Lebanon -- Village in North Governorate
Wikipedia - Arde Madrid -- Spanish television series
Wikipedia - Ardeth Platte -- Anti-nuclear activist
Wikipedia - Ardhangini (2007 TV series) -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Ardicli, SavaM-EM-^_tepe -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ardie Clark Halyard -- American bankera and civil rights advocate (1896-1989)
Wikipedia - Ardisia nigrovirens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Ardnacrusha -- Village in County Clare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ardsley, South Yorkshire -- Village in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Arduino IDE -- Integrated development environment for Arduino hardware
Wikipedia - Area 51 (2005 video game) -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Area 51: The Dreamland Chronicles -- Book by David Darlington
Wikipedia - Area code 206 -- Telephone area code serving Seattle, Washington
Wikipedia - Area code 250 -- Telephone area code serving British Columbia, Canada, and Alaska, US
Wikipedia - Area code 405 -- Area code serving central Oklahoma, United States
Wikipedia - Area code 434 -- Area code for southern Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Area code 502 -- Area code that serves north central Kentucky, primarily Louisville, its suburbs, and the state capital, Frankfort
Wikipedia - Area code 540 -- Area code for northwestern Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Area code 559 -- Area code for Fresno and Visalia, California
Wikipedia - Area code 662 -- Telephone area code serving the northern half of Mississippi, US
Wikipedia - Area code 784 -- Local telephone area code of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Wikipedia - Area code 804 -- Telephone area code in east-central Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Area code 865 -- Area code for Knoxville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Area code 901 -- Telephone area code serving Memphis, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Area codes 304 and 681 -- Area codes of West Virginia
Wikipedia - Area codes 512 and 737 -- Area codes serving Austin, Texas, United States
Wikipedia - Area codes 619 and 858 -- Area codes serving San Diego County, California
Wikipedia - Area denial weapon -- Weapon device for preventing occupation or traversing of a specified location
Wikipedia - A Reality Tour -- 2003-2004 concert tour by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Area navigation -- Aircraft navigation method
Wikipedia - Aredvi Sura Anahita
Wikipedia - Aref Khosravinia -- Iranian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Aref Qazvini
Wikipedia - Arenal District, Tilaran -- district in Tilaran canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - ArenaNet -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Arena of Valor -- Multiplayer online battle arena video game
Wikipedia - Arena Sport -- Pay television sports network
Wikipedia - Arena, Vienna -- Cultural centre in Austria
Wikipedia - Arenavirus -- Family of RNA viruses
Wikipedia - A Requiem for Homo Sapiens -- Trilogy of science fiction novels by David Zindell
Wikipedia - Arequipa-Antofalla -- A basement unit underlying the central Andes in northwestern Argentina, western Bolivia, northern Chile and southern Peru
Wikipedia - Ares (DC Comics) -- Fictional supervillain appearing in DC Comics publications and related media
Wikipedia - Ares (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess) -- Character on the television shows Xena: Warrior Princess, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Young Hercules
Wikipedia - Arester Earl -- African-American quilter from Covington, GA
Wikipedia - Ares (TV series) -- Dutch television series
Wikipedia - Aretas Akers-Douglas, 1st Viscount Chilston -- British politician
Wikipedia - Arete (moral virtue)
Wikipedia - Aret Kapetanovic -- British singer/songwriter, actress, model, and producer
Wikipedia - Arevik Tserunyan -- Armenian artist
Wikipedia - Arewa 24 -- Nigerian television channel
Wikipedia - Are We Civilized? -- 1934 film by Edwin Carewe
Wikipedia - Are You an Egghead? -- Television series
Wikipedia - Are You Being Served? -- Television series
Wikipedia - Are You Gonna Go My Way (song) -- 1993 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Are You Human? -- 2018 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Are You in the House Alone? -- 1978 television film by Walter Grauman
Wikipedia - Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? -- Television format
Wikipedia - Are You Smarter than a Canadian 5th Grader? -- Television series
Wikipedia - Are You the Next Big Star? -- 2009 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Are You the One? -- Reality television series in the USA
Wikipedia - Arezo Tv -- Afghan satellite television network
Wikipedia - Argaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Argao -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Argentavis -- Extinct genus of very large birds
Wikipedia - Argentine Alington -- British Vice-Admiral
Wikipedia - Argentine Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Argevollen -- Japanese anime television series
Wikipedia - Argo AI -- Autonomous driving technology company
Wikipedia - Argo Navis -- Obsolete Southern constellation
Wikipedia - Argumentation ethics -- Argument deriving the private property ethics from the fact of rational discourse
Wikipedia - Argument from authority -- Logical fallacy of using a high-status figure's belief as evidence in an argument
Wikipedia - Argus Media -- American commodity markets information provider
Wikipedia - Argyresthia laevigatella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Argyroxiphium virescens -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Arhaan Behll -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Ariadna Scriabina -- Russian poet and activist in the French Resistance (1905-1944)
Wikipedia - Ariadna Shengelaya -- Soviet actress
Wikipedia - Ariana Afghan Airlines Flight 202 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Ariana Campero -- Bolivian doctor
Wikipedia - Ariana Grande at the BBC -- Television special starring Ariana Grande
Wikipedia - Ariana Grande videography -- artist videography
Wikipedia - Ariana Orrego -- Peruvian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Ariane de Bonvoisin -- International advisor, author and executive coach
Wikipedia - Ariane Lavigne -- Canadian snowboarder
Wikipedia - Aria Party -- Defunct fascist political party in Pahlavi Iran
Wikipedia - Ariarathes VIII of Cappadocia -- 2nd and 1st-century BC king of Cappadocia
Wikipedia - Aricare Lake -- Lake in Bolivia
Wikipedia - Arick Wierson -- American television executive and columnist
Wikipedia - Arief Budiman -- Indonesian activist
Wikipedia - Ariel Alexandria Davis -- American former child actress
Wikipedia - Ariel Kalil -- American behavioral economist and academic
Wikipedia - Ariel Muzicant -- Austro-Israeli entrepreneur, former president of the Jewish Community Vienna
Wikipedia - Ariel Nicholson -- American model and activist
Wikipedia - Ariel (poetry collection) -- Poetry book by Sylvia Plath
Wikipedia - Ariel Ze'evi -- Israeli judoka
Wikipedia - Arif Alvi -- President of Pakistan (2018-present)
Wikipedia - Ari Fuji -- Japanese aviator
Wikipedia - Ari Harow -- Israeli civil servant
Wikipedia - Arijana Jaha -- Bosnia and Herzegovina judoka
Wikipedia - Arij Fatyma -- Pakistani television actress and vlogger
Wikipedia - Arikana Chihombori Quao -- Doctor, activist, and diplomat
Wikipedia - Arika -- Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Arili River -- Water stream in Rize province
Wikipedia - AriljaM-DM-^Ma -- Village in Kosovo
Wikipedia - Ari Melber -- American television journalist (born 1980)
Wikipedia - Ariolasoft -- German video game developer
Wikipedia - Ario Sagantoro -- Movie producer
Wikipedia - Arirang TV -- English-language television network based in South Korea
Wikipedia - Arisaka -- Family of Japanese service rifles
Wikipedia - Ari Shavit -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Aris Servetalis -- Greek film and television actor
Wikipedia - Aristide Laurent -- American publisher and LGBT civil rights advocate
Wikipedia - Aristides Chavier Arevalo -- Puerto Rican musician
Wikipedia - Aristolochia paucinervis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Aristotle's views on women
Wikipedia - Aritana Yawalapiti -- Brazilian indigenous rights activist
Wikipedia - Ariya Gulite -- Soviet speed skater
Wikipedia - Ariyalur division -- Revenue division of Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Arizona Legion -- 1939 American western film directed by David Howard
Wikipedia - Arizona Public Service -- Electric utility in Arizona, United States
Wikipedia - Arizona State Sun Devils
Wikipedia - Arizona State University Sun Devils Division 1 Women's Ice Hockey -- Ice hockey team in Arizona
Wikipedia - Arjunali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Arjuna River -- River in Virudunager district, Tamilnadu, India
Wikipedia - Arjun Bijlani -- Indian television and film actor
Wikipedia - Arjuni-Morgaon taluka -- Subdivision in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Arjuni-Morgaon (Vidhan Sabha constituency) -- Constituency of the Maharashtra legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Arjunnagar -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Arjun Punj -- Indian television and film actor
Wikipedia - Arjun Rampal -- Indian actor, model, and television personality
Wikipedia - Arjun Vishnuvardhan -- Indian chess player
Wikipedia - Arjunwad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Arkady Adamovich Brish -- Soviet physicist
Wikipedia - Arkady Burdan -- American fencing coach of Soviet descent
Wikipedia - Arkady Davidowitz
Wikipedia - Arkady Dvorkovich -- Russian public servant and economist
Wikipedia - Arkady Mikhailovich Chernetsky -- Russian politician
Wikipedia - Arkady Mordvinov -- Soviet architect
Wikipedia - Arkane Studios -- French video game developer
Wikipedia - Arkanoid DS -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Arkanoid Plus! -- 2009 WiiWare video game
Wikipedia - Arkanoid -- 1986 video game
Wikipedia - Ark Area -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Arkeon -- Italian personal growth movement founded by Vito Carlo Moccia
Wikipedia - Arkhale, Khotang -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Arkham Knight -- Fictional supervillain appearing in DC Comics media
Wikipedia - Arkhangelsk FSB office bombing -- 2018 terrorist attack against the Russian security service
Wikipedia - Arkhangelsk Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Arkle Novice Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Arknights -- Mobile video game, 2020
Wikipedia - Ark on the Move (TV series) -- Canadian television documentary series
Wikipedia - Arksey -- Village in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Ark: Survival Evolved -- Action-adventure survival video game
Wikipedia - Arlene Francis -- American actress, radio and television talk show host, and game show panelist
Wikipedia - Arlette Contreras -- Peruvian lawyer and advocate for women
Wikipedia - Arlinda Dudaj (Hovi) -- Albanian publisher
Wikipedia - Arline Garson -- American film and television editor
Wikipedia - Arlington County, Virginia -- County in the United States
Wikipedia - Arlington Hall -- Historic building in Virginia
Wikipedia - Arlington Heights Army Air Defense Site -- Missile instillation in Northern Virginia
Wikipedia - Arlington Heights, Illinois -- Village in Illinois, United States
Wikipedia - Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial -- Historic estate in Virginia operated by the U.S. National Park Service
Wikipedia - Arlington National Cemetery -- Military cemetery in Virginia, U.S
Wikipedia - Arlington, Virginia
Wikipedia - Arlo Looking Cloud -- Former Native American activist
Wikipedia - Arlon-Bastogne-Marche-NeufchM-CM-"teau-Virton (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Arlon Bayliss -- Visual artist and professor emeritus
Wikipedia - Arlon-Marche-Bastogne-NeufchM-CM-"teau-Virton (Chamber of Representatives constituency) -- Belgian political subdivision
Wikipedia - Arlon-Marche-en-Famenne-Bastogne-NeufchM-CM-"teau-Virton (Walloon Parliament constituency) -- Political subdivision in Belgium
Wikipedia - Arluzea -- Village in Spain
Wikipedia - Arlyn Phoenix -- American activist
Wikipedia - Armadillo (comics) -- Fictional supervillain
Wikipedia - Armageddon (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armageddon (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Armand David -- Lazarist missionary Roman Catholic priest, zoologist, and botanist from the Basque Country, France
Wikipedia - Armand de Fluvia -- Spanish genealogist and heraldist
Wikipedia - Armand-Francois Cillart de Suville -- French Navy officer of the War of American Independence
Wikipedia - Armand Jammot -- French television producer
Wikipedia - Armand Jean d'Allonville -- French noble
Wikipedia - Armando Lopez-Torres -- Peruvian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Armando Riesco -- Puerto Rican film and television actor
Wikipedia - Armando Rodriguez (journalist) -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Armando SaldaM-CM-1a Morales -- Mexican crime journalist and murder victim
Wikipedia - Armando Salvietti -- Bolivian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Armands LiM-EM->bovskis -- Latvian Paralympic athlete
Wikipedia - Armands M-DM-^@bols -- Latvian pianist
Wikipedia - Arma Senkrah -- 19th-century American violinist
Wikipedia - Armavir Province -- Province of Armenia
Wikipedia - Armchair Theatre -- British television series
Wikipedia - Armchair warrior -- A pejorative term that alludes to verbally fighting from the comfort of one's living room
Wikipedia - Armed Forces and Police Savings & Loan Association, Inc. -- Philippine banking corporation
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Reserve Medal -- United States military service award
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Service Medal -- Award of the United States military
Wikipedia - Armed Forces Special Operations Division -- Joint formation of the Indian Armed Forces responsible for special operations
Wikipedia - Armed Services Editions -- Books distributed in the U.S. military in World War II
Wikipedia - Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
Wikipedia - Armeena Khan -- Pakistani Canadian film and television actress and model
Wikipedia - Armenak Khanperyants Military Aviation University -- Armenia air force university
Wikipedia - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan -- Armenian, Soviet, Russian actor
Wikipedia - Armenian carpet -- A weaving technique used for carpet, rugs and floor covers, etc.
Wikipedia - Armenian Genocide survivors -- Armenians who survived the 1915 genocide
Wikipedia - Armenian Red Army -- Field army in the Russian Civil War
Wikipedia - Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Wikipedia - Armen V. Kevorkian -- Visual effects supervisor and TV director
Wikipedia - Armi Aavikko -- Finnish beauty queen and singer
Wikipedia - Arminiya -- Province of the Arab Caliphates
Wikipedia - Armin Navabi -- Iranian-born ex-Muslim atheist and secular activist
Wikipedia - Armin Pavic -- Croatian linguist
Wikipedia - Armin SinanM-DM-^Mevic -- Serbian shot putter
Wikipedia - Armin Vilas -- Austrian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Armor Attack -- 1980 video game
Wikipedia - Armored Core 2 -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Armored Core: Nine Breaker -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Armorial of Spain -- Heraldic visual designs displayed in Spain
Wikipedia - Armori -- Large Village in Maharashtra, India
Wikipedia - Arms-length management organisation -- not-for-profit company that provides housing services on behalf of a local authority
Wikipedia - Armutlu, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Armutlu, Kepsut -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Army Hall (Sarajevo) -- Building in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (Natal) -- British Colonial Army medal
Wikipedia - Army of Shadows -- 1969 film by Jean-Pierre Melville
Wikipedia - Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces
Wikipedia - Army of the Republic of Vietnam -- Former ground forces of the South Vietnamese military
Wikipedia - Army of Two -- Third-person shooter video game series
Wikipedia - Army Slavic
Wikipedia - Army Transport Service
Wikipedia - Arnab Goswami -- Indian journalist and television news anchor
Wikipedia - Arnaha, Saptari -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Arnaldus de Villa Nova
Wikipedia - Arnaldus de Villanova
Wikipedia - Arnama Rampur -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Arnaud Beauville -- French mathematician
Wikipedia - Arnaud de Via -- French Cardinal
Wikipedia - Arnaud River -- Tributary of East side of Ungava Bay. River Arnaud flows in Nunavik territory, in administrative region of Nord-du-Quebec, in e, in Canada.
Wikipedia - Arnaud Viala -- French politician
Wikipedia - Arnaud Vincent -- French motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Arne Aasheim -- Norwegian civil servant and diplomat
Wikipedia - Arne Aas -- Norwegian civil servant and politician
Wikipedia - Arne Ekeberg -- Norwegian judge and civil servant
Wikipedia - Arne Ervig -- Norwegian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Arne Fliflet -- Norwegian jurist and civil servant
Wikipedia - Arne Foldvik -- Norwegian oceanographer
Wikipedia - Arnela OdM-EM->akovic -- Bosnian karateka
Wikipedia - Arne Palmqvist -- 20th-century Swedish theologian and bishop
Wikipedia - Arne Weise -- Swedish television personality
Wikipedia - Arnie (TV series) -- American television sitcom
Wikipedia - Arnis Rumbenieks -- Latvian racewalker
Wikipedia - Arno Almqvist -- Finnish modern pentathlete
Wikipedia - Arno Hilf -- German violinist
Wikipedia - Arnold Black -- American violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Arnold Davidson
Wikipedia - Arnold Janssen -- German-Dutch Roman Catholic priest and missionary and founder of the Society of the Divine Word in Steyl, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Arnold J. Levine -- American molecular biologist
Wikipedia - Arnold Loosemore -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arnold Lorand -- Austrian physician and longevity researcher
Wikipedia - Arnold Manoff -- American screenwriter and political activist
Wikipedia - Arnold Orville Beckman
Wikipedia - Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights -- Overview about Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights
Wikipedia - Arnolds Indriksons -- Latvian athlete
Wikipedia - Arnolds KrM-EM-+kliM-EM-^FM-EM-! -- Latvian racewalker
Wikipedia - Arnold Viiding -- Estonian athlete
Wikipedia - Arnold Vitarbo -- American sports shooter
Wikipedia - Arnomobula -- Extinct Devil Ray Genus
Wikipedia - A Rocha -- International environmental organization
Wikipedia - Aroga flavicomella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - A Romance of Seville -- 1929 film
Wikipedia - Aromatherapy -- Usage of aromatic materials for improving well-being
Wikipedia - Aromaticity -- Phenomenon providing chemical stability in resonating hybrids of cyclic organic compounds
Wikipedia - Aronda -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aron Shaviv -- Political strategist
Wikipedia - A Room for Three -- 1952 film by Antonio Lara de Gavilan
Wikipedia - A Room of One's Own -- book by Virginia Woolf
Wikipedia - A Room with a View (1985 film) -- 1985 British romance drama film by James Ivory, based on the novel
Wikipedia - A Room with a View -- Novel by E. M. Forster
Wikipedia - Around the Beatles -- 1964 television special featuring the Beatles, produced by Jack Good for ITV/Rediffusion London
Wikipedia - Around the World with Orson Welles -- 1955 television film by Orson Welles
Wikipedia - A Royal Christmas -- 2014 television film directed by Alex Zamm
Wikipedia - Arpad Viragh -- Hungarian cinematographer
Wikipedia - ARPANET encryption devices -- Security tools used on ARPANET
Wikipedia - Arpege -- 1927 perfume made by Jeanne Lanvin
Wikipedia - Ar Rahidah -- Village in Yemen
Wikipedia - Arrangement -- Musical reconceptualization of a previous work
Wikipedia - Arras Flying Services Memorial -- World War I memorial located in Pas-de-Calais, in France
Wikipedia - Array DBMS -- System that provides database services specifically for arrays
Wikipedia - Arrested Development (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrested Development (season 2) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrested Development (season 3) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrested Development (season 4) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrested Development -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - Arrest warrant -- Warrant authorizing the arrest and detention of an individual
Wikipedia - Arricam -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arrifes -- civil parish in Ponta Delgada
Wikipedia - Arriflex 416 -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arriflex 435 -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arriflex 535 -- 35 mm movie camera line
Wikipedia - Arriflex 765 -- 65 mm movie camera by Arri
Wikipedia - Arrigo Levi -- Italian journalist
Wikipedia - Arriscope (lens) -- Animorphic lens for movie camera
Wikipedia - Arrival (film) -- 2016 American science fiction drama film directed by Denis Villeneuve
Wikipedia - Arriva London -- Bus company operating services in Greater London
Wikipedia - Arriva Sapphire -- Brand of bus services
Wikipedia - ARRL Numbered Radiogram -- Brevity code for sending standard Ham radio messages
Wikipedia - Arrondissements of Belgium -- 43 administrative subdivisions of Belgium
Wikipedia - Arrondissements of France -- France territorial subdivision of a department
Wikipedia - Arrondissements of the Haute-Vienne department -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Arrondissements of the Marne department -- List of subdivisions of the Marne department in France
Wikipedia - Arron Villaflor -- Filipino actor
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 2) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 3) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 4) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 5) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 6) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 7) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Arrow (season 8) -- American action-adventure television series season
Wikipedia - Arrows (TV series) -- Canadian television miniseries
Wikipedia - Arrow (TV series) -- 2012 American action-adventure television series
Wikipedia - Arrowverse -- Fictional DC comics television universe
Wikipedia - Arroyo Grande Jane Doe -- Unidentified American murder victim
Wikipedia - Arroz chaufa -- Chinese-Peruvian fried rice dish
Wikipedia - Arsames II -- King of Sophene, a province of the Roman Empire
Wikipedia - Arsch huh, ZM-CM-$ng ussenander -- campaign against right-wing extremist violence in Cologne, Germany
Wikipedia - Arsene Louviau -- Belgian chess player
Wikipedia - Arsene Lupin (TV series) -- French television show
Wikipedia - Arsene Vigeant -- French fencing master and historian
Wikipedia - Arsenije Teodorovic -- Serbian painter
Wikipedia - Arsenio Climaco -- Governor of the province of Cebu, Philippines from 1923-1930
Wikipedia - Arsenio Hall -- American actor, comedian and television host
Wikipedia - Arsenius (Matseyevich)
Wikipedia - Arsenals - Fine Arts Museum -- Latvian art museum
Wikipedia - Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
Wikipedia - Arshavir
Wikipedia - Arshi Khan -- Indian model, actress, and television personality
Wikipedia - Arslanli, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ars longa, vita brevis -- Latin translation of a Greek aphorism
Wikipedia - Arsys Software -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Art Academy of Latvia -- Institution in Riga, Latvia
Wikipedia - Art Alive! -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Art Andrew -- United States Virgin Islands sailor
Wikipedia - Art Angel -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Artashat orthonairovirus -- Species of virus in the genus Orthonairovirus affecting ticks
Wikipedia - Art Davie -- Mixed martial art executive
Wikipedia - Art Decade -- 1977 song performed by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Art director -- Responsible for leading teams in the artistic design and production of various kinds of visual art works
Wikipedia - Artem Alikhanian -- Soviet Armenian physicist (1908-1978)
Wikipedia - Artemije Radosavljevic -- Serbian Orthodox clergyman
Wikipedia - Artemisa Province -- Province of Cuba
Wikipedia - Artemis Joukowsky III -- Film director and disabilities activist
Wikipedia - Artem Novikov -- Kyrgyzstan politician
Wikipedia - Artemy Lyubovich -- Ukrainian politician
Wikipedia - Arteriviridae -- Family of viruses in the suborder Arnidovirineae
Wikipedia - Arthdal Chronicles -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Arthington -- Village and civil parish in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Arthrophaga myriapodina -- A fungus in the order Entomophthorales that parasitizes the millipedes Apheloria virginiensis corrugata, Boraria infesta, and Nannaria
Wikipedia - Arthur Adams (spy) -- Soviet spy
Wikipedia - Arthur Agar-Robartes, 8th Viscount Clifden -- English cricketer and British Army officer
Wikipedia - Arthur Alexandrovich Rean -- Russian psychologist (born 1957)
Wikipedia - Arthur and the Invisibles -- 2006 film by Luc Besson
Wikipedia - Arthur Annesley, 11th Viscount Valentia -- British politician
Wikipedia - Arthur B. Davies
Wikipedia - Arthur B. Kinsolving -- American Episcopalian Bishop
Wikipedia - Arthur Blackburn -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur Burr Stone -- American aviation pioneer
Wikipedia - Arthur Campbell (Virginia soldier) -- American soldier and politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Carlson -- Character on the television situation comedy WKRP in Cincinnati
Wikipedia - Arthur Charles Fox-Davies -- British expert on heraldry
Wikipedia - Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich -- Russian noble
Wikipedia - Arthur Chu -- 21st-century American television personality
Wikipedia - Arthur Darvill -- British actor and musician
Wikipedia - Arthur David Hall III
Wikipedia - Arthur Davis (gymnast) -- American acrobatic gymnast
Wikipedia - Arthur D. Levinson
Wikipedia - Arthur D. Morse -- Print and television journalist and author, known for "While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy"
Wikipedia - Arthur Edwin Covington
Wikipedia - Arthur Evans -- English archaeologist and pioneer in the study of Aegean civilisation
Wikipedia - Arthur Ewert -- German communist political activist (1890-1959)
Wikipedia - Arthur Fancy -- Fictional character in television series NYPD Blue
Wikipedia - Arthur Frederick Pickard -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur George Hammond -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur Godfrey -- American radio personality and television actor
Wikipedia - Arthur Greville Collins -- American film director
Wikipedia - Arthur Grimble -- British Colonial Service administrator
Wikipedia - Arthur Haliburton, 1st Baron Haliburton -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - Arthur Herbert Lindsay Richardson -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur Hertzberg -- American rabbi, historian, and activist
Wikipedia - Arthur Irvin -- English cricketer and clergyman
Wikipedia - Arthur Javis University -- Private university in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Arthur John Priest -- fireman and stoker who survived the sinking of the Titanic
Wikipedia - Arthur Joseph Davis -- English architect
Wikipedia - Arthur Kent -- Canadian television journalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Kleps -- American psychologist and activist
Wikipedia - Arthur Lavine -- American photographer, photojournalist
Wikipedia - Arthur Lee, 1st Viscount Lee of Fareham -- British politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Levitt -- American businessman, journalist and 25th SEC chairman
Wikipedia - Arthur Louis Aaron -- RAF pilot, recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur Lumley Davids
Wikipedia - Arthur Malet -- English stage, film and television actor in the USA
Wikipedia - Arthur Martin-Leake -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur O'Connell -- American actor; acting on stage, film and television; Oscar nominee
Wikipedia - Arthur Ollivier -- New Zealand cricketer and mountaineer
Wikipedia - Arthur Peel, 1st Viscount Peel -- British politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Pomeroy, 1st Viscount Harberton -- Irish peer and politician
Wikipedia - Arthur Qvist -- Norwegian equestrian
Wikipedia - Arthur Read -- Fictional character in Arthur television series
Wikipedia - Arthur R. Thompson -- American anti-communist and anti-Russian political activist
Wikipedia - Arthur Scarf -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur (season 18) -- season of television series
Wikipedia - Arthur (season 22) -- season of television series
Wikipedia - Arthur Smith (producer) -- 20th and 21st-century Canadian-born American television producer
Wikipedia - Arthur Sullivan (Australian soldier) -- Australian banker, soldier, and recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur Sullivan Memorial -- Memorial in Victoria Embankment Gardens, London
Wikipedia - Arthur Thomas Moore -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Arthur Tsuneo Wakabayashi -- Canadian civil servant
Wikipedia - Arthur Vernon Davies -- British politician and surgeon
Wikipedia - Arthur Vivian Watkins
Wikipedia - Artichoke Italian latent virus -- Species of virus
Wikipedia - Article 809 of the Korean Civil Code
Wikipedia - Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution -- Clause in the Constitution of Japan outlawing war as a means to settle international disputes involving the state
Wikipedia - Article processing charge -- Fee charged by some scholarly publication services
Wikipedia - Article video marketing -- Online advertising using short videos
Wikipedia - Artificial Creativity
Wikipedia - Artificial gills (human) -- Hypothetical devices to allow a human to take in oxygen from surrounding water
Wikipedia - Artificial gravity -- The use of circular rotational force to mimic gravity
Wikipedia - Artificial insemination -- Pregnancy through in vivo fertilization
Wikipedia - Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach -- Book by Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig
Wikipedia - Artificial intelligence in video games
Wikipedia - Artificial intelligence in Wikimedia projects -- Overview of field as applied to Wikimedia
Wikipedia - Artificial Intelligence (journal) -- Journal published by Elsevier
Wikipedia - Artificial intelligence (video games)
Wikipedia - Artificial seawater -- A mixture of dissolved mineral salts (and sometimes vitamins) that simulates seawater
Wikipedia - Artificial vagina -- Device designed to imitate the female sex organ
Wikipedia - Artika Sari Devi -- Indonesian actor and model
Wikipedia - Artillery observer -- Military role for observing artillery strikes and directing them to their targets
Wikipedia - Artisan Entertainment -- American movie studio
Wikipedia - Artishia Wilkerson Jordan -- American civic and religious leader
Wikipedia - Artis Kampars -- Latvian politician and businessman
Wikipedia - Artis Pabriks -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Artisphere -- Defunct arts center in Arlington, Virginia
Wikipedia - Artista Academy -- Television series
Wikipedia - Artistic inspiration -- unconscious burst of creativity
Wikipedia - Artists and repertoire -- division of a record label
Wikipedia - Artists' Television Access -- Art gallery and screening venue in San Francisco
Wikipedia - Artivism
Wikipedia - ArtjM-CM-$rvi -- Former municipality in PM-CM-$ijM-CM-$nne Tavastia, Finland
Wikipedia - Art manifesto -- Public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an artist or artistic movement
Wikipedia - ArtM-EM-+rs Cavara -- Latvian opera singer
Wikipedia - ArtM-EM-+rs PlM-DM-^Ssnieks -- Latvian weightlifter
Wikipedia - ArtM-EM-+rs Rubiks -- Latvian politician
Wikipedia - Art Monthly Australasia -- Australian visual arts periodical established 1987
Wikipedia - Art Neville -- American funk and R&B musician, singer, and songwriter
Wikipedia - Art of ancient Egypt -- art produced by the Ancient Egyptian civilization
Wikipedia - Art of Balance -- 2010 physics-based puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Art of Living Foundation
Wikipedia - Artoon -- Defunct Japanese video game developer
Wikipedia - Artplus Hotel -- Boutique hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel
Wikipedia - Art Rooijakkers -- Dutch television presenter
Wikipedia - ARTSaha! -- Previous Nebraskan music festival
Wikipedia - Artsakh (historic province) -- Province in Armenia from 189BC to 387AD
Wikipedia - Arts and culture of Washington, D.C. -- Overview of arts and culture of Washington, D.C., United States
Wikipedia - Arts-based environmental education
Wikipedia - Art Style -- Video game series
Wikipedia - ART Television (Sri Lanka) -- Sri Lankan television channel
Wikipedia - Artturi Ilmari Virtanen
Wikipedia - Artuklu, Mardin -- Place in Mardin Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - Artur Alvim (Sao Paulo Metro) -- Sao Paulo Metro station
Wikipedia - Artur Davis -- American attorney and politician
Wikipedia - Artur Litvinchuk -- Belarusian canoeist
Wikipedia - Artur Lundkvist
Wikipedia - Artur Meleshkevich -- Belarusian racewalker
Wikipedia - Arturo Alfonso Schomburg -- Puerto Rican historian, writer and activist
Wikipedia - Arturo Castro (Guatemalan actor) -- Guatemalan film and television actor
Wikipedia - Arturo Cavero Calisto -- Peruvian politician
Wikipedia - Arturo L. Carrion MuM-CM-1oz -- Former Executive Vice-President of the Puerto Rico Bankers Association
Wikipedia - Arturo Murillo -- Bolivian politician
Wikipedia - Arturo "Zambo" Cavero -- Peruvian singer
Wikipedia - Arturo Viligiardi -- Italian architect
Wikipedia - Arturo Villanueva -- Mexican sports shooter
Wikipedia - Arturo VillaseM-CM-1or -- Mexican politician
Wikipedia - Arturs Akopjans -- Latvian painter
Wikipedia - Arturs Bernotas -- Latvian chess player
Wikipedia - Artur S. d'Avila Garcez
Wikipedia - Arturs Darznieks -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Arturs KriM-EM-!janis KariM-EM-^FM-EM-! -- Prime Minister of Latvia (2019-present)
Wikipedia - Arturs Maskats -- Latvian composer
Wikipedia - Artur Talvik -- Estonian politician
Wikipedia - Artvin (electoral district) -- Electoral district in Turkey
Wikipedia - Art Wolff -- American television director
Wikipedia - Artyom Bogucharsky -- Russian stage, film and television actor
Wikipedia - Artyom Novichonok
Wikipedia - Aruanas -- Brazilian television series
Wikipedia - Arukula, Hiiu County -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Arukula, Luganuse Parish -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Arumugam Vijiaratnam -- Singaporean sportsperson
Wikipedia - Arumuka Navalar -- Sri Lankan Shaivism and Tamil language scholar, reformer, revivalist
Wikipedia - Aruna Asaf Ali -- Indian independence activist
Wikipedia - Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - Aruna Roy -- Indian activist
Wikipedia - Arundhati Devi
Wikipedia - Arundhati Roy -- Indian novelist, essayist, and activist (BORN 1961)
Wikipedia - Arun Ferreira -- Activist, lawyer
Wikipedia - Arun Govil -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Arun Pathak -- Indian political activist
Wikipedia - Arun Rural Municipality -- Rural Municipality in Province No. 1, Nepal
Wikipedia - Arun Vijay -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Arup Group -- Multinational professional services firm
Wikipedia - ArupM-CM-$M-CM-$lse -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Aruppukkottai railway station -- Railway station in Aruppukkottai of Virudhunagar district, Tamil Nadu, India
Wikipedia - Arusha Accords (Rwanda) -- set of five accords (or protocols) signed in Arusha, Tanzania on 4 August 1993 to end the Rwandan Civil War
Wikipedia - Arussi Unda -- Activist related to violence against women
Wikipedia - AruvM-CM-$lja, Ida-Viru County -- Village in Estonia
Wikipedia - Arvato -- German global services company
Wikipedia - Arvibacter -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Arvicola -- Genus of mammals (water voles)
Wikipedia - Arvid Andersen -- Danish musician
Wikipedia - Arvid Andersson-Holtman -- Swedish gymnast
Wikipedia - Arvid Andersson (weightlifter) -- Swedish weightlifter
Wikipedia - Arvid Andren -- Swedish archaeologist and art historian
Wikipedia - Arvid Boecker -- German painter and curator
Wikipedia - Arvid Carlsson
Wikipedia - Arvid Costmar -- Swedish professional ice hockey centre
Wikipedia - Arvid E. Gillstrom -- Swedish film director
Wikipedia - Arvid Gerhard Damm -- Swedish engineer and inventor
Wikipedia - Arvid Hoflund -- Swedish sports shooter
Wikipedia - Arvid Holmberg -- Swedish artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Arvid Horn -- 17th and 18th-century Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Arvid Johansen -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Arvid KM-CM-$llstrom -- Swedish sculptor
Wikipedia - Arvid Knoppel (sculptor) -- Swedish sculptor
Wikipedia - Arvid Knoppel -- Swedish sport shooter
Wikipedia - Arvid Laurin -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Arvid Libak -- Norwegian politician
Wikipedia - Arvid Mauritz Posse -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Arvid Muller -- Danish screenwriter
Wikipedia - Arvid NergM-CM-%rd -- Norwegian bishop
Wikipedia - Arvid Noe -- Norwegian sailor and trucker, the earliest confirmed case of HIV/AIDS in Europe
Wikipedia - Arvid Sand -- Swedish actor
Wikipedia - Arvidsjaur porphyry -- Igneous rocks found in northernmost Sweden
Wikipedia - Arvid Sjoqvist -- Swedish sailor
Wikipedia - Arvid SpM-CM-%ngberg -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Arvid Torgeir Lie -- Norwegian writer
Wikipedia - Arvid Wallman -- Swedish diver
Wikipedia - Arviere-en-Valromey -- Commune in Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France
Wikipedia - Arvieu -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Arvigna -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Arvi Grotenfelt
Wikipedia - Arvi Kontu -- Finnish politician
Wikipedia - Arvin Boolell -- Leader of Opposition of Mauritius
Wikipedia - Arvin Brown -- American theatre and television director
Wikipedia - Arvind Chandrakant Patil -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arvind Desai Ki Ajeeb Dastaan -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Arvind Dharmapuri -- Member of the 17th Lok Sabha
Wikipedia - Arvinder Singh Lovely -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arvind Gupta (academic)
Wikipedia - Arvind Kejriwal -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arvind Krishna (actor) -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Arvind Krishna Mehrotra -- Indian writer
Wikipedia - Arvind Krishna -- Indian American business executive and CEO of IBM
Wikipedia - Arvind Kumar Sharma -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arvind Mediratta -- Indian business executive
Wikipedia - Arvind Panagariya
Wikipedia - Arvind Parikh
Wikipedia - Arvind Sastry -- Indian film producer & actor
Wikipedia - Arvind Sawant -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arvind Saxena -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Arvind Shah -- Indian sociologist
Wikipedia - Arvind Sharma
Wikipedia - Arvind Singhal (academician) -- Indian-born American social scientist
Wikipedia - Arvind Singh Mewar -- Indian businessman (born 1944)
Wikipedia - Arvind Venugopal -- Indian playback singer
Wikipedia - Arvingen -- 1954 film
Wikipedia - Arvin Reingold -- American politician
Wikipedia - Arvin Vohra -- American politician, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Arvirargus -- Legendary British king of the 1st century AD
Wikipedia - Arvis Vilkaste -- Latvian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Arvi Tervalampi -- Finnish equestrian
Wikipedia - ArvM-DM-+ds Jurgens -- Latvian sportsman
Wikipedia - ArvM-DM-+ds Lejnieks -- Latvian speed skater
Wikipedia - ArvM-DM-+ds M-DM-6ibilds -- Latvian athlete
Wikipedia - ArvM-DM-+ds Ozols-BernM-DM-^S -- Latvian shot putter
Wikipedia - ArvM-DM-+ds Talavs -- Latvian chess player
Wikipedia - Arvonne Fraser -- American political activist
Wikipedia - Arvo Ojala -- Stuntman, marksman, technical advisor
Wikipedia - Arx Fatalis -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Arya (actress) -- Indian film actress, comedian, television presenter
Wikipedia - Arya: A Philosophical Review
Wikipedia - Ary Abramovich Sternfeld -- Polish-Russian early spaceflight scientist
Wikipedia - Aryan TV -- Indian Hindi-language television news channel
Wikipedia - Arya Vaiv -- 1994 video game
Wikipedia - Arya Vidyapeeth College -- College in Assam
Wikipedia - ARY Digital UK -- Pakistani television channel
Wikipedia - ARY Digital -- Pakistani television channel
Wikipedia - Aryeh Levin
Wikipedia - ARY Qtv -- Pakistani television channel
Wikipedia - ARY Zindagi -- Pakistani television channel
Wikipedia - Arzest -- Japanese video game development company
Wikipedia - Arzoo Lakhnavi -- Pakistani poet, lyricist
Wikipedia - Asaad Kelada -- Egyptian-born American television director
Wikipedia - Asabe Vilita Bashir -- Nigerian politician
Wikipedia - Asa Binns -- British civil engineer
Wikipedia - ASAB Medal -- Scientific award given by the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
Wikipedia - Asade -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asadora -- Japanese serialized television series
Wikipedia - Asael Bielski -- Soviet partisan
Wikipedia - Asaf Avidan -- Israeli singer-songwriter
Wikipedia - Asahi Broadcasting Corporation -- Regional radio and television broadcaster in Japan
Wikipedia - A Sainted Devil -- 1924 film
Wikipedia - Asane, Ambegaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asangaon Budruk -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asangaon, Dahanu -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asanka Nawaratne -- Sri Lankan politician, provincial councillor, and Member of Parliamen
Wikipedia - Asanpur -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Asante Capital -- British private equity placement and advisory firm
Wikipedia - ASAP Rocky -- American rapper, singer, record producer, and music video director from New York
Wikipedia - Asaram -- Indian spiritual leader and rape convict
Wikipedia - Asar Talo Lahat Panalo! -- 2010 Philippine television show
Wikipedia - As a service
Wikipedia - As Aventuras de Gui & Estopa -- Brazilian animated television series
Wikipedia - Asave -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asawa Ko, Karibal Ko -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - A. S. Besicovitch
Wikipedia - Asbestos and the law -- Legal and regulatory issues involving the mineral asbestos
Wikipedia - Ascalenia viviparella -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Ascender (climbing) -- Devices used for ascending, braking, or protection in climbing
Wikipedia - Ascending and descending (diving) -- Procedures for safe ascent and descent in underwater diving
Wikipedia - Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer -- 2010 deck-building card game and 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Ascension (Gorillaz song) -- 2017 single by Gorillaz and Vince Staples
Wikipedia - Asch conformity experiments -- Study of if and how individuals yielded to or defied a majority group
Wikipedia - Aschlin Ditta -- British television and film screenwriter
Wikipedia - Ascomycota -- Division or phylum of fungi
Wikipedia - Ascriptivism
Wikipedia - Asda Story -- Video game
Wikipedia - ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution -- ASEAN environment agreement
Wikipedia - Asegaon, Jintur -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asegaon, Yavatmal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asemane shab -- Iranian television program
Wikipedia - A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV series) -- American streaming television series
Wikipedia - Aserri (canton) -- canton in San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Aserri District -- district in Aserri canton, San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Asgeir Mickelson -- Norwegian musician, artist, photographer, and music reviewer
Wikipedia - Asghar Gondvi -- Indian poet
Wikipedia - Asgiri Maha Viharaya
Wikipedia - Asha Aravind -- Indian model and actress
Wikipedia - Asha Devi Aryanayakam -- Indian freedom fighter, educationist and gandhian
Wikipedia - Asha Devi Yadav -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Ashagad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asha Negi -- Indian television actress.
Wikipedia - Ashanti Alston -- American anarchist activist
Wikipedia - Asharkota -- Place in Chittagong Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Ash Atalla -- Egyptian-born British television producer
Wikipedia - A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon -- 2019 film directed by Will Becher and Richard Phelan
Wikipedia - Ashaway, Rhode Island -- Village and CDP in Hopkinton, Rhode Island, US
Wikipedia - Ashbritt -- Disaster Recovery and Environmental Services
Wikipedia - Ashburn, Virginia
Wikipedia - Ashcroft and Mermin -- Introductory condensed matter physics textbook by Neil Ashcroft and N. David Mermin
Wikipedia - Ash, Derbyshire -- Civil parish in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Ashen Victor -- Manga
Wikipedia - Asher Levine -- American fashion designer
Wikipedia - Ashes to Ashes (David Bowie song) -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Asheville Brewing Company -- American brewery
Wikipedia - Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College -- Public community college in Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Asheville Mall -- Regional mall in Asheville, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Asheville, North Carolina
Wikipedia - Asheville Regional Airport -- Airport located in Fletcher, North Carolina, USA
Wikipedia - Asheville Smoke -- American ice hockey team
Wikipedia - Asheville-Weaverville Speedway -- Former raceway
Wikipedia - Asheville
Wikipedia - Ashingdon -- Village and civil parish in Essex, England
Wikipedia - Ashi Singh -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Ashita Dhawan -- Indian television actress (born 1982)
Wikipedia - Ashlee Marie Preston -- Media personality, journalist, activist
Wikipedia - Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut -- American Broadway, film, and television actress
Wikipedia - Ashley Altadonna -- American filmmaker, musician, author, activist
Wikipedia - Ashley Blaker -- British comedian and television producer
Wikipedia - Ashley Bratcher -- American actress and activist
Wikipedia - Ashley Buccille -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Ashley Iaconetti -- American television personality
Wikipedia - Ashley Madison -- Canadian online dating service
Wikipedia - Ashley Massaro -- American professional wrestler, valet, glamour model, and reality television participant
Wikipedia - Ashley Monique Clark -- American television actress
Wikipedia - Ashley Warren -- village in Hampshire, England
Wikipedia - Ashmead Village, Pennsylvania -- Unincorporated community in Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Wikipedia - Ashoa -- Village in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Ashok Chhaviram Argal -- Indian Politician
Wikipedia - Ashoke Pandit -- Indian filmmaker and social activist (b. 1966)
Wikipedia - Ashokpur Balkawa -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - A Short Hike -- Video game
Wikipedia - A Short Vision -- 1956 animated horror film
Wikipedia - A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila -- American television series
Wikipedia - A Show Called Fred -- Television series
Wikipedia - A Show from Two Cities -- Television series
Wikipedia - Ashpan Annie -- Halifax Explosion survivor
Wikipedia - Ashraf Abbasov -- Soviet composer (1920-1992)
Wikipedia - Ashraf Shishir -- Bangladeshi independent film director, screenwriter and human rights activists
Wikipedia - Ash Sarkar -- 21st-century British writer and activist
Wikipedia - Ash Sharaf, Sanaa -- Village in SanM-bM-^@M-^XaM-bM-^@M-^Y Governorate, Yemen
Wikipedia - Ashtanga vinyasa yoga -- A school of modern yoga
Wikipedia - Ashte, Dahanu -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ashti, Gadchiroli -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ashti, Jalna -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ashti, Khed -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ashton Villa -- historic home in Galveston, Texas, USA
Wikipedia - Ashville, Alabama -- City in Alabama, United States
Wikipedia - Ashvin Gatha -- Indian-born international photojournalist, advertising and editorial photographer
Wikipedia - Ashvini Yardi -- Indian Bollywood film and TV serials producer
Wikipedia - Ashvin Raja -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Ashwi KD -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ashwin Navin -- Indian-American entrepreneur
Wikipedia - Asia Literary Review -- Quarterly literary journal published in English
Wikipedia - Asian Business Aviation Association -- Non-profit organization in Hong Kong.
Wikipedia - Asianet Film Awards -- Indian Television Awards
Wikipedia - Asianet News -- Leading Indian television news channel broadcasting in Malayalam
Wikipedia - Asianet Television Awards -- Indian Television Awards
Wikipedia - Asianet (TV channel) -- Malayalam language Indian general entertainment pay television channel
Wikipedia - Asia Network Television -- Iraqi satellite TV Channel
Wikipedia - Asian Food Network -- Pan-Asian television channel
Wikipedia - Asian Games Village (New Delhi) -- Located in the Siri Fort area
Wikipedia - Asian palm civet -- Species of viverrid
Wikipedia - Asian Treasures -- 2007 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Asian Viewers Television Awards -- Asian television awards
Wikipedia - Asia (Roman province) -- Roman province
Wikipedia - Asia's Next Top Model -- Television series
Wikipedia - Asia Television -- online media company in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - Asif Mohiuddin -- Bangladeshi blogger and activist
Wikipedia - Asi Levi -- Israeli actress
Wikipedia - Asilo De Pobres -- Historic social services facility in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - As It Happens -- CBC Radio One (Canadian) interview show
Wikipedia - As I Was Going Down Sackville Street
Wikipedia - Ask Ann Landers -- American daily advice column by Ann Landers (pseudonym), originated 1943 by Ruth Crowley
Wikipedia - Aske, North Yorkshire -- Civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Asker Hundred -- Former subdivision of Sweden
Wikipedia - Askill -- Village in Ireland
Wikipedia - Ask Max -- 1986 television film directed by Vincent McEveety
Wikipedia - Ask Me (Elvis Presley song) -- 1964 single by Elvis Presley
Wikipedia - Askold Vinogradov -- Russian mathematician
Wikipedia - AskReddit -- Subreddit providing a forum for users to ask questions
Wikipedia - Askrigg -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Askville
Wikipedia - Aslamas Beg -- Safavid general and governor of Kandahar
Wikipedia - AslihantepeciM-DM-^_i, Altieylul -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - As Long as You're Loving Me -- 2001 single by Vitamin C
Wikipedia - Asmaa James -- Sierra Leone journalist and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Asma Mansour -- Tunisian entrepreneur and women's activist
Wikipedia - As Man Desires -- 1925 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Asnath Mahapa -- South African aviator
Wikipedia - Aso Boy -- Limited express train service in Kyushu, Japan
Wikipedia - Asociacin Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas y Videogramas
Wikipedia - Asoda -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asokan Charuvil -- Indian short story writer
Wikipedia - Asoli -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Asond -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Song for You (TV series) -- Canadian music variety television series
Wikipedia - Aso ni San Roque -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - A Son of David -- 1920 film
Wikipedia - A Son of His Father -- 1925 silent film by Victor Fleming
Wikipedia - A Soul to Devils -- 1971 film
Wikipedia - Aspen Movie Map
Wikipedia - Aspen/Pitkin County Airport -- Airport serving Aspen, Colorado, USA
Wikipedia - Aspen Review Central Europe -- English-language quarterly
Wikipedia - Aspern Nord (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - AspernstraM-CM-^_e (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Asperula breviflora -- species of plant in the family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Asperula pulvinaris -- species of plant in the family Rubiaceae
Wikipedia - Asphalt 6: Adrenaline -- 2010 racing video game
Wikipedia - Asphalt 7: Heat -- 2012 racing video game
Wikipedia - Asphalt (series) -- Racing video game series
Wikipedia - Aspire (TV network) -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Aspirus MedEvac -- Air ambulance service
Wikipedia - Asplenium virens -- Species of fern in the family Aspleniaceae
Wikipedia - Assam Province -- Province of British India
Wikipedia - Assam Public Service Commission -- State government agency
Wikipedia - Assam Talks -- Indian Assamese-language television channel
Wikipedia - Assassination market -- Type of market that incentivizes assassination
Wikipedia - Assassination Nation -- 2018 film directed by Sam Levinson
Wikipedia - Assassination of Galip Balkar -- Assassination of the Turkish Ambassador to Yugoslavia by Armenian militants
Wikipedia - Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States -- Series of killings in the U.S.
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood -- 2010 historical action-adventure open world stealth video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed III -- Historical action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed Odyssey -- action-adventure video game released in 2018
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed Syndicate -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed (video game) -- 2007 action-adventure video game
Wikipedia - Assassin's Creed -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Assata Shakur -- American activist who was a member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army
Wikipedia - Assateague Island National Seashore -- Barrier island operated by the National Park Service of the United States
Wikipedia - Assa Traore -- French Black Lives Matter activist
Wikipedia - Assault of DeAndre Harris -- Assault that occurred at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia
Wikipedia - Assaye -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Assembly of Captive European Nations -- Coalition of representatives from nations in Central and Eastern Europe under Soviet domination (1954-1972)
Wikipedia - Assembly of the Cuban Resistance (Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana) -- Cuban activist group
Wikipedia - Assembly of Vizille
Wikipedia - Assendelft -- Village in North Holland, Netherlands
Wikipedia - Asset classes -- group of financial instruments with similar behavior and characteristics
Wikipedia - Asset (computer security) -- Data, device, or other component of a computing environment
Wikipedia - Asset flip -- Poor-quality video game developed using pre-made assets
Wikipedia - Assheton Curzon, 1st Viscount Curzon -- British Tory politician (1730-1820)
Wikipedia - Assia Ahhatt -- Ukrainian singer and violinist
Wikipedia - Assi Azar -- Israeli television personality
Wikipedia - Assignment: Underwater -- American adventure television series from 1960 to 1961
Wikipedia - Assil Diab -- contemporary Sudanese visual artist
Wikipedia - Assistance dog -- Working dog trained to aid or assist an individual with a disability
Wikipedia - Assistance for airline passengers with disabilities -- Assistance provided by airlines
Wikipedia - Assistant (by Speaktoit) -- Personal assistant application for mobile devices
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary for Health -- USHHS primary advisor on US public health
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations, Environment > Logistics)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Environment)
Wikipedia - Assistant Secretary of the Navy -- Senior civilian official of the Department of the Navy, position abolished in 1954
Wikipedia - Assistant United States Attorney -- Attorney employed by the Federal government of the United States and working under the supervision of a United States Attorney
Wikipedia - Assisted ascent -- An emergency ascent during which the diver is provided with breathing gas by another diver
Wikipedia - Assisted living facility
Wikipedia - Assisted living
Wikipedia - Assistive listening devices
Wikipedia - Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
Wikipedia - Assistive technology service provider
Wikipedia - Assistive technology -- Assistive devices for people with disabilities
Wikipedia - Associated TeleVision
Wikipedia - Associated Television -- British broadcast television network
Wikipedia - Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Wikipedia - Association for Behavior Analysis International
Wikipedia - Association for Contextual Behavioral Science -- Professional association for ACT, RFT, and behavior analysis
Wikipedia - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology -- American learned society
Wikipedia - Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development -- American not-for-profit organization
Wikipedia - Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
Wikipedia - Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia -- Association of artists in the early Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Association of Canadian Archivists
Wikipedia - Association of Military Surgeons of the United States -- Professional association of healthcare professionals serving in the Uniformed services of the United States
Wikipedia - Association of Moving Image Archivists -- US non-profit to advance the field of moving image archiving
Wikipedia - Association of Naval Services Officers -- Organization
Wikipedia - Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching -- Women's civil rights organization in the United States
Wikipedia - Association of Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Staff -- trade union
Wikipedia - Associative property -- Property allowing removing parentheses in a sequence of operations
Wikipedia - Associativity-Based Routing
Wikipedia - Associativity-based routing
Wikipedia - Associativity
Wikipedia - Assortative mating -- Preferential mating pattern between individuals with similar phenotypes (e.g., size, colour)
Wikipedia - Assortativity
Wikipedia - Assumption of Mary -- The bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her earthly life
Wikipedia - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, M-EM-;agan -- Church in M-EM-;agan, Poland
Wikipedia - Assumption of the Virgin (Carracci) -- Painting by Annibale Carracci, Prado
Wikipedia - Assumption of the Virgin (Cerasi Chapel) -- Painting by Annibale Carracci (Santa Maria del Popolo, Cappella Cerasi)
Wikipedia - Assumption of the Virgin Mary in art
Wikipedia - Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Rubens, 1637) -- C. 1637 painting by Peter Paul Rubens
Wikipedia - Assumption of the Virgin (Moretto) -- C.1526 painting by Moretto da Brescia
Wikipedia - Assurance services
Wikipedia - Assuta Medical Center -- Private medical center in Tel Aviv, Israel
Wikipedia - Assyrian captivity
Wikipedia - Astagaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Astaka (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Astal -- 1995 2D side-scrolling platformer video game
Wikipedia - Astan Quds Razavi Central Museum -- Museum of Mashhad
Wikipedia - Asta Olivia Nordenhof -- Danish poet and novelist
Wikipedia - Astarte (opera) -- Opera by Xavier Leroux
Wikipedia - Asta Vihandi -- Estonian opera singer, actress and dancer
Wikipedia - Asterix & Obelix XXL -- video game based on French comic book series
Wikipedia - Asteroids (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Astha Agarwal -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - As the World Turns -- American television soap opera (1956-2010)
Wikipedia - Astialakwa -- Former village of the ancestral Puebloan people
Wikipedia - Aston Cantlow -- Village in Warwickshire, England
Wikipedia - Aston Flamville -- Rural village in Leicestershire, England
Wikipedia - Astonia III -- Fantasy MMORPG video game
Wikipedia - Aston Martin in Formula One -- Formula One activities of Aston Martin
Wikipedia - Aston Martin Virage -- Series of luxury cars by Aston Martin
Wikipedia - A Story About My Uncle -- 2012 indie video game
Wikipedia - Astra Goldmane -- Latvian chess player
Wikipedia - Astrakhan Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Astra Klovane -- Latvian chess player
Wikipedia - Astral Chain -- 2019 action-adventure hack and slash video game
Wikipedia - Astra RM-DM-+bena -- Latvian luger
Wikipedia - Astra Taylor -- Canadian-American documentary filmmaker, writer, activist
Wikipedia - Astrid Chevallier -- French Visual Artist and Musician
Wikipedia - Astrid Farnsworth -- Fictional character in the television series Fringe
Wikipedia - Astrid Joosten -- Dutch television presenter
Wikipedia - Astrid Radjenovic -- Australian bobsledder
Wikipedia - Astrid Villaume -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - Astro Aruna -- Indonesian-language television network
Wikipedia - Astro Boy (film) -- 2009 animated film directed by David Bowers
Wikipedia - Astrodome (aeronautics) -- Window dome for astronomical navigation on airplanes
Wikipedia - Astrometry -- Branch of astronomy involving positioning and movements of celestial bodies
Wikipedia - Astronarium -- Polish documentary and popular science television series
Wikipedia - Astronomical Netherlands Satellite -- Space-based X-ray and ultraviolet telescope
Wikipedia - Astronomical Society of Victoria -- Amateur astronomy club in the state of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Astrope -- Village in Hertfordshire, England
Wikipedia - Astro Ria -- Bahasa Malaysia television channel
Wikipedia - Astrosmash -- Video game from 1981 for the Intellivision console
Wikipedia - Astro's Playroom -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Astro (television) -- Malaysian direct broadcast satellite pay TV service
Wikipedia - Astro Vaanavil -- Tamil channel in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Astro Vinmeen HD -- Malaysian television network
Wikipedia - Astrovirtel
Wikipedia - Astroworld (album) -- 2018 studio album by Travis Scott
Wikipedia - Asturias, Cebu -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Asturias -- Autonomous community and province of Spain
Wikipedia - Astwood, Buckinghamshire -- Civil parish in the Borough of Milton Keynes, England
Wikipedia - A Style For You (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - ASU College of Public Service & Community Solutions -- School unit of Arizona State University
Wikipedia - Asud, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Suitable Boy (TV series) -- BBC Television drama series by Mira Nair
Wikipedia - A Suitable Boy -- 1993 novel by Vikram Seth
Wikipedia - Asurde -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aswali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aswat (TV program) -- Emirati television program
Wikipedia - Asylums (book) -- 1961 book by Erving Goffman
Wikipedia - Asymmetric cell division -- Production of two daughter cells with different cellular fates
Wikipedia - Asymmetric digital subscriber line -- DSL service where downstream bandwidth exceeds upstream bandwidth
Wikipedia - Asymptotic analysis -- Description of limiting behavior of a function
Wikipedia - Asynchronous learning -- Learning that occurs on each individual student's time
Wikipedia - Asynchronous Transfer Mode -- Digital telecommunications protocol for voice, video, and data
Wikipedia - A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities -- 2018 Mandarin-language television series
Wikipedia - Ataky -- Village in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi Vishwavidyalaya -- University in Bhopal, India
Wikipedia - A Tale of the Wanderers -- Chinese television series
Wikipedia - A Tale of Thousand Stars -- upcoming 2021 Thai television series
Wikipedia - A Talking Cat!?! -- 2013 film by David DeCoteau
Wikipedia - AT&T Building (Nashville) -- skyscraper in Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - AT&T Mobility -- Subsidiary of AT&T that provides wireless services
Wikipedia - AT&T TV -- Streaming pay TV service provider
Wikipedia - AT&T Wireless Services -- Former American wireless carrier
Wikipedia - Atanasije II Gavrilovic -- Serbian archbishop
Wikipedia - Atanasoff-Berry computer -- Early electronic digital computing device
Wikipedia - ATA Packet Interface -- Interface to connect devices other than hard drives through the PATA and SATA interfaces
Wikipedia - Ataque de nervios -- Psychological syndrome
Wikipedia - Atari 2600 homebrew -- Video game genre
Wikipedia - Atari 2600 -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari 5200 -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari 7800 -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari Game Brain -- Unreleased dedicated first-generation home video game console that was supposed to be released by Atari in June 1978
Wikipedia - Atari, Inc. -- Defunct American video game and home computer company
Wikipedia - Atari Jaguar CD -- Peripheral for the Atari Jaguar video game console
Wikipedia - Atari Jaguar -- Home video game console
Wikipedia - Atari video game burial -- 1983 mass burial of unsold video game cartridges in New Mexico
Wikipedia - Ataur Rahman -- Bangladeshi stage and television actor
Wikipedia - Atavism (album) -- 2005 studio album by Slough Feg
Wikipedia - Atavism
Wikipedia - Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related -- Protein kinase that detects DNA damage and halts cell division
Wikipedia - ATBP: Awit, Titik at Bilang na Pambata -- Philippine children's television series
Wikipedia - At Eighteen -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Atelier Double -- Video game studio (1996-2004)
Wikipedia - Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout -- 2019 video game by Gust Co. Ltd.
Wikipedia - A Temperamental Wife -- 1919 American film directed by David Kirkland
Wikipedia - Atena Daemi -- Iranian civil rights activist, children's rights activist, human rights activist and political prisoner
Wikipedia - Atena Farghadani -- Iranian artist and political activist
Wikipedia - Atenas (canton) -- canton in Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Atenas -- district in Atenas canton, Alajuela province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Atencion Atencion -- Puerto Rican children's television series
Wikipedia - Ateneo de Ponce -- Nonprofit, civic, non governmental organization located in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - At Eternity's Gate -- Oil painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - ATF (video game) -- 1988 computer game
Wikipedia - AtGames -- American video game and video game console manufacturer
Wikipedia - Atgaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Athabasca-Barrhead-Westlock -- Provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Athabasca (provincial electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Athabasca-Sturgeon-Redwater -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Athadu -- 2005 film by Trivikram Srinivas
Wikipedia - Athahatha -- Village in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Athalia Ponsell Lindsley -- Model, dancer, political activist, television personality
Wikipedia - Athanase David -- 20th-century Canadian politician
Wikipedia - Atharid -- Thervingian Kunja
Wikipedia - Athaulf -- King of the Visigoths
Wikipedia - Atheist Delusions -- Book by David Bentley Hart
Wikipedia - Athena Cinema -- Movie theater in Athens, Ohio
Wikipedia - ATHENA (European cultural heritage project) -- European Union funded project which aims to provide content to Europeana
Wikipedia - Athenian School -- Private secondary school in Danville, California
Wikipedia - Atheris -- Genus of venomous vipers of tropical Africa
Wikipedia - Athersley -- Village in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Atherstone -- Market town and civil parish in Warwickshire, England
Wikipedia - Athisaya Piravi -- 1990 film by S. P. Muthuraman
Wikipedia - Athleisure -- Fashion trend featuring clothing designed for athletic activities
Wikipedia - Athletes Parade -- Soviet-era parade of national athletes
Wikipedia - Athletics at the 1920 Summer Olympics - Men's individual cross country -- Athletics at the Olympics
Wikipedia - At Home with Amy Sedaris -- American television series
Wikipedia - At Home with GMA Regional TV -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Athrips flavida -- Species of moth in the family Gelechiidae from southern Africa
Wikipedia - A. Thurairajah -- Sri Lankan Tamil Academic and vice-chancellor of the University of Jaffna (1934-1994)
Wikipedia - Atia Abawi -- American author and television journalist
Wikipedia - Aticioba, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Atigre -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Time to Remember (film) -- 2003 television film directed by John Putch
Wikipedia - ATI Rage series -- Series of video cards
Wikipedia - Atkins diet -- Low-carbohydrate fad diet devised by Robert Atkins
Wikipedia - Atlanta Braves tomahawk chop and name controversy -- Controversy involving the name and tomahawk chop of the Atlanta Braves MLB team
Wikipedia - Atlanta campaign -- Military campaign during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Atlanta Civic Center -- Closed theater in Atlanta, Georgia
Wikipedia - Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum -- former museum
Wikipedia - Atlanta Review
Wikipedia - Atlanta (TV series) -- American television comedy series
Wikipedia - Atlantic Bubble -- 2020 COVID-19 travel restrictions
Wikipedia - Atlantic Coast Line 501 -- Preserved (and only surviving) EMC E3 passenger diesel locomotive
Wikipedia - Atlantic-Congo languages -- Major division of the Niger-Congo language family
Wikipedia - Atlantic Entertainment Group -- Defunct movie studio company
Wikipedia - Atlantic meridional overturning circulation -- system of currents in the Atlantic Ocean, having a northward flow of warm, salty water in the upper layers and a southward flow of colder, deep waters that are part of the thermohaline circulation
Wikipedia - Atlantic-Pacific Capital -- American financial services firm
Wikipedia - Atlantic provinces
Wikipedia - Atlantika -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Atlantis: The Lost Tales -- 1997 fantasy adventure video game
Wikipedia - Atlantis (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Atlantis -- Fictional island in Plato's works, now a synonym for supposed prehistoric lost civilizations
Wikipedia - Atlas (anatomy) -- First cervical vertebra of the spine which supports the skull
Wikipedia - Atlas Shrugged Part III: Who Is John Galt? -- 2014 movie
Wikipedia - Atlas Supervisor
Wikipedia - Atlas (video game) -- 2018 early access video game by Instinct Games
Wikipedia - Atle VM-CM-%rvik -- Norwegian speed skater
Wikipedia - At Long Last Love -- 1975 film by Peter Bogdanovich
Wikipedia - Atlus -- Japanese video game company
Wikipedia - ATM card -- Type of bank card providing access to Automatic Teller Machines
Wikipedia - Atmosfear (series) -- 1991 video board game
Wikipedia - Atmosfear: The Gatekeeper -- 2004 video board game
Wikipedia - Atmosphere (Joy Division song) -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - Atmosphere of Mars -- Overview about the atmosphere of Mars
Wikipedia - Atmosphere -- Layer of gases surrounding an astronomical body held by gravity
Wikipedia - Atmospheric diving suit -- Articulated pressure resistant anthropomorphic housing for an underwater diver
Wikipedia - Atmospheric pressure diving
Wikipedia - Atmospheric pressure diving -- Atmospheric pressure diving
Wikipedia - Atmospheric theatre -- Type of movie theater
Wikipedia - ATM Rozrywka -- Polish television channel
Wikipedia - ATN Channel -- Canadian Asian television network
Wikipedia - Atoka County, Choctaw Nation -- Former political subdivision of the Choctaw Nation
Wikipedia - Ato Kwamina Yanney Snr. -- Ghanaian movie maker
Wikipedia - Atomic Blonde -- 2017 film by David Leitch
Wikipedia - Atomic chess -- chess variant where pieces "explode" upon capture, also removing surrounding pieces
Wikipedia - Atomic orbital -- A wave function for one electron in an atom having certain ''n'' and ''M-bM-^DM-^S'' quantum numbers
Wikipedia - Atomic Robo-Kid -- 1988 video game
Wikipedia - Atomic tourism -- Tourism involving travel to nuclear sites
Wikipedia - Atomic Train -- 1999 American television miniseries
Wikipedia - Atomized individualism
Wikipedia - Atom Tickets -- US movie ticket company
Wikipedia - Atomwaffen Division -- Neo-Nazi terrorist organization
Wikipedia - Atonement (satisfaction view)
Wikipedia - Atonement -- Concept of a person taking action to correct previous wrongdoing
Wikipedia - A Touch of Frost -- British television detective series
Wikipedia - A Touch of Grace -- Television series
Wikipedia - A Touch of Home: The Vietnam War's Red Cross Girls -- 2007 American documentary film
Wikipedia - Atour Sargon -- Assyrian American activist
Wikipedia - Atpadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Treatise of Civil Power
Wikipedia - A Treatise of Human Nature -- Work by David Hume
Wikipedia - Atreseries -- Spanish television network
Wikipedia - Atrichopogon levis -- A species of biting midges in the family Ceratopogonidae
Wikipedia - Atri (hot spring) -- Village in the Khurda district of Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Atriplex fissivalvis -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Atrocity Exhibition (song) -- Song by Joy Division
Wikipedia - ATSC standards -- American set of standards for digital television
Wikipedia - ATS Euromaster -- British affiliate of the European tyre service provider Euromaster
Wikipedia - Attack of Life: The Bang Tango Movie -- 2015 American documentary film by Drew Fortier
Wikipedia - Attack of the Mutant Artificial Trees -- Online video game
Wikipedia - Attack on HMS Invincible -- An attack
Wikipedia - Attack on Richard Nixon's motorcade -- Attack on the motorcade of US Vice President Richard Nixon in Caracas, Venezuela while he was visiting in 1958
Wikipedia - Attack on Titan (season 4) -- the fourth season of Attack on Titan anime television series
Wikipedia - Attack surface -- Software environment vulnerable to attack
Wikipedia - Atta laevigata -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Attapeu Province -- Province of Laos
Wikipedia - Attarintiki Daredi -- 2013 film by Trivikram Srinivas
Wikipedia - Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi -- Pakistani musician
Wikipedia - Atte Lindqvist -- Finnish diver
Wikipedia - Attenborough, Nottinghamshire -- Village in Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Attentat 1942 -- 2017 Czech WWII video game
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder controversies -- Controversies relating to ADHD
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder management
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive
Wikipedia - Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Wikipedia - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- Neurodevelopmental disorder marked by difficulty focusing, or excessive activity and impulsive behavior
Wikipedia - Attention to Detail -- British video game developer
Wikipedia - At the Crossing Places -- Book by Kevin Crossley-Holland
Wikipedia - At the Movies 1959-1974 -- 1996 compilation album by Cliff Richard
Wikipedia - At the Movies (1986 TV program) -- Movie review television program
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Maurice Elvey
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1930 film) -- 1930 film
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (1940 film) -- 1940 film by Walter Summers
Wikipedia - At the Villa Rose (novel) -- 1910 detective novel by A.E.W. Mason
Wikipedia - Attica TV -- Greek television station
Wikipedia - Attic Gold -- Television series
Wikipedia - Attila Adrovicz -- Hungarian sprint canoer
Wikipedia - Attorney-client privilege -- Concept of U.S. law client communications
Wikipedia - Attorney General (Isle of Man) -- Head legal advisor in the Isle of Man government
Wikipedia - Attorney General of Uganda -- Principal legal adviser of the Ugandan government
Wikipedia - Attorney general -- In common law jurisdictions, main legal advisor to the government
Wikipedia - Attribution bias -- The systematic errors made when people evaluate their own and others' behaviors
Wikipedia - Attribution (psychology) -- The process by which individuals explain the causes of behavior and events
Wikipedia - Attuma -- Fictional comic book supervillain
Wikipedia - Atul Parchure -- Indian television and film actor
Wikipedia - Atum General-Tavira-Maria Nova Hotel -- Portuguese professional cycling team
Wikipedia - Atvan -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - ATV Asia -- Television channel in Hong Kong
Wikipedia - ATV (Australian TV station) -- Network 10 television station in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - ATV (Austria) -- Television station in Austria
Wikipedia - ATV Home -- Hong Kong television channel
Wikipedia - ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - ATV Offroad Fury Pro -- 2006 video game
Wikipedia - ATV (Pakistan) -- Television network in Pakistan
Wikipedia - ATV (Peruvian TV channel) -- Peruvian broadcast television network
Wikipedia - ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 -- 2003 video game
Wikipedia - ATV (Turkish TV channel) -- Turkish television network
Wikipedia - ATV World -- Hong Kong television channel
Wikipedia - At Your Service-Star Power -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Atypical -- 2017 American comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Atzmus -- Divine essence in Kabbalah
Wikipedia - Auberge Ravoux -- Historic landmark in French village of Auvers-sur-Oise
Wikipedia - Aubrey Davis Park -- Park in Mercer Island, Washington
Wikipedia - Aubrey Dollar -- American television and film actress
Wikipedia - Aubrey Levin -- South African-born Canadian psychiatrist charged with abuse.
Wikipedia - Auburndale Subdivision -- CSX railroad line in Florida
Wikipedia - Auce Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Auchinloch -- village in North Lanarkshire, Scotland
Wikipedia - Auchnacree -- Village in Angus, Scotland
Wikipedia - Auckland Airport -- International airport serving Auckland, New Zealand
Wikipedia - Auckland Colvin -- English colonial administrator
Wikipedia - Auckley -- Village and civil parish in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Auction -- Process of offerings goods or services up for bid, and either selling to the highest bidder or buying from the lowest bidder
Wikipedia - Audain Prize for the Visual Arts -- Visual art award
Wikipedia - Aud Blegen Svindland -- Norwegian politician and physician
Wikipedia - Auden Thornton -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Audience (TV network) -- American pay television channel
Wikipedia - Audio and video interfaces and connectors -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Audio equipment -- Devices that reproduce, record, or process sound
Wikipedia - Audiogenic -- Video game developer
Wikipedia - Audiomack -- Media streaming service
Wikipedia - Audiosurf -- Video game
Wikipedia - Audio-to-video synchronization -- Relative timing of audio and video
Wikipedia - Audio Video Bridging -- Specifications for synchronized, low-latency streaming through IEEE 802 networks
Wikipedia - Audio Video Interleave -- File format
Wikipedia - Audio Video Standard -- Video codec
Wikipedia - Audiovisual art
Wikipedia - Audiovisual Communicators -- Philippine radio network
Wikipedia - Audio-visual speech recognition
Wikipedia - Audiovisual speech recognition
Wikipedia - Audio Visuals -- Unlicensed series of Doctor Who audio dramas made by British fans in the 1980s
Wikipedia - Audio-visual
Wikipedia - Audiovisual
Wikipedia - Auditorio Juan Pachin Vicens -- Sports venue in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Auditory hallucination -- Form of hallucination that involves perceiving sounds without auditory stimulus
Wikipedia - Audre Lorde -- Writer and activist
Wikipedia - Audrey Azoulay -- French civil servant and politician
Wikipedia - Audrey Dalton -- Irish television and film actress
Wikipedia - Audrius ButkeviM-DM-^Mius -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Audubon, Louisville -- Neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky, US
Wikipedia - Audubon Society of Haiti -- Non-profit environmental organization
Wikipedia - Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy -- Television series
Wikipedia - Augie Hiebert -- American television executive
Wikipedia - Augli -- Village in VM-CM-5ru County, Estonia
Wikipedia - Augmented reality -- View of the real world with computer-generated supplementary features
Wikipedia - Augmented virtuality
Wikipedia - Augusta Civic Center -- Multi purpose arena in Maine
Wikipedia - Augustana Divinity School (Neuendettelsau) -- Divinity school of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
Wikipedia - Augusta Victoria Hospital -- Hospital in East Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Augusta Viromanduorum -- Ancient Gallo-Roman settlement
Wikipedia - August Bournonville -- Danish ballet master and choreographer
Wikipedia - August David Krohn
Wikipedia - Auguste Beernaert -- 14th Prime Minister of Belgium and human rights activist
Wikipedia - Auguste Denayrouze -- French inventor of a demand air supply regulator for underwater diving
Wikipedia - Auguste Duvivier -- Belgian politician
Wikipedia - Auguste Lecerf -- French neo-Calvinist theologian (1872-1943)
Wikipedia - Auguste Victor Louis Verneuil -- French chemist
Wikipedia - August Friedrich Christian Vilmar -- German theologian
Wikipedia - Augustin-Cesar D'Hervilly de Devise -- French cleric
Wikipedia - Augustin-Charles d'Aviler -- French architect
Wikipedia - Augustine-Malvina Blanchecotte -- French poet
Wikipedia - Augustinian Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus of the Philippines
Wikipedia - Augustinian theodicy -- Type of Christian theodicy designed in response to the evidential problem of evil
Wikipedia - Augustin-Jean Fresnel -- French civil engineer and optical physicist
Wikipedia - Augustissimae Virginis Mariae -- 1897 encyclical on the Rosary Sodality
Wikipedia - August Kreis -- American neo-Nazi leader and convicted child molester
Wikipedia - August Mencken Jr. -- American civil engineer and author
Wikipedia - Augusto B. Leguia -- Peruvian politician and President of Peru (1863-1932)
Wikipedia - Augusto Boal -- Brazilian dramatist and political activist
Wikipedia - Augusto Larrabure -- Peruvian sports shooter
Wikipedia - Augusto M-CM-^Alvarez Rodrich -- Peruvian economist and journalist
Wikipedia - Augusto Nicolini -- Peruvian sailor
Wikipedia - Augusto Rademaker -- Former Vice President of Brazil
Wikipedia - Augusto Valentin Vizcarrondo -- Puerto Rican politician
Wikipedia - Augusts Annuss -- Latvian painter
Wikipedia - Augusts Malvess -- Latvian architect
Wikipedia - Augustus Cole -- Fictional character in the Gears of War video game series
Wikipedia - Augustus Dickens -- Brother of Victorian-era novelist Charles Dickens
Wikipedia - Augustus Octavius Bacon -- Member of the U.S. Senate from Georgia
Wikipedia - Augustus Siebe -- German-born British engineer mostly known for his contributions to diving equipment
Wikipedia - Augustus S. Miller -- Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, US
Wikipedia - Augustus Sol Invictus
Wikipedia - August Wilhelm Ambros -- Czech music reviewer, composer and musicologist
Wikipedia - Aula Al Ayoubi -- Syrian painter and visual artist
Wikipedia - Aulong (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Aulus Avilius Flaccus -- Imperial Roman prefect of Alexandria
Wikipedia - Aulus Plautius -- 1st century AD Roman politician and general, provincial governor and suffect consul
Wikipedia - Aulus Vicirius Proculus -- 1st century Roman senator, consul and governor of Roman Britain
Wikipedia - AuM-CM-0ur Eir Vilhjalmsdottir -- Icelandic protestant cleric
Wikipedia - Aundhe Khurd -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aundh Experiment -- Early test of village-level self-government in British India
Wikipedia - Aundholi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Auntie Boss! -- Kenyan comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Aura Augustinaviit
Wikipedia - Aurad Shahajani -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aurad (Vidhana Sabha constituency) -- Constituency of the Karnataka legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Auraiya, Nepal -- Village development committee in Narayani Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Aura (mythology) -- Divine personification of the breeze in Greek and Roman mythology
Wikipedia - Aurea Aguilar -- Mexican multimedia visual artist
Wikipedia - Aurel Benovic -- Croatian artistic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aurelia Henry Reinhardt -- American educator and social activist
Wikipedia - Aureliano Chaves -- Former Vice President of Brazil
Wikipedia - Aureliano Coutinho, Viscount of Sepetiba -- Brazilian politician
Wikipedia - Aurelio Hevia -- Cuban politician
Wikipedia - Aurelius Victor
Wikipedia - Aureolaria virginica -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Auric Goldfinger -- Fictional James Bond villain
Wikipedia - Auriesville, New York
Wikipedia - Aurora James -- Canadian creative director, activist, poet and fashion designer
Wikipedia - Aurora Levins Morales -- Puerto Rican Jewish writer
Wikipedia - Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill (provincial electoral district) -- Provincial electoral district
Wikipedia - Aurora Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Aurora, Philippines
Wikipedia - Aurora Sevilla -- Filipina television and film actress, Beauty Queen Titleholder, and Model
Wikipedia - Aurore Gagnon -- Canadian child abuse victim
Wikipedia - Auroville -- experimental township in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, South India
Wikipedia - Ausable Chasm -- Sandstone gorge near Keeseville, NY, USA
Wikipedia - Au Sable Institute -- Field-based environmental science course
Wikipedia - Auseklis BauM-EM-!M-DM-7enieks -- Latvian painter
Wikipedia - Auseklis -- Latvian deity
Wikipedia - Ausma Kantane-Ziedone -- Latvian actress and politician
Wikipedia - Ausatas -- Village in Latvia
Wikipedia - Aussie (financial group) -- Australian retail financial services group
Wikipedia - Aussie Pickers -- Australian reality television series
Wikipedia - Austentatious -- Long-form improvised comedy show
Wikipedia - Austin & Ally -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - Austin Armacost -- American reality television personality
Wikipedia - Austin City Limits -- American television music program
Wikipedia - Austin Energy -- Publicly owned utility providing electrical power to the city of Austin, Texas and surrounding areas
Wikipedia - Austin Eubanks -- American addiction recovery advocate and Columbine High School massacre survivor
Wikipedia - Austin Executive Airport -- Airport in Travis County, Texas, United States of America
Wikipedia - Austin K. Doyle -- United States Navy Vice admiral
Wikipedia - Austin Peay State University -- Public university in Clarksville, Tennessee, United States
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: Oh, Behave! -- 2000 action video game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers Operation: Trivia -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Austin Powers: Welcome to My Underground Lair! -- 2000 video game
Wikipedia - Austin Quinn-Davidson -- Alaska politician
Wikipedia - Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council -- Body representing fire and emergency service authorities in Australasia
Wikipedia - Australia in the Eurovision Song Contest -- Australia in the Eurovision Song Contest
Wikipedia - Australian Air Corps -- Australian military aviation unit
Wikipedia - Australian Archaeology -- Peer-reviewed academic journal
Wikipedia - Australian Book Review -- Literary magazine
Wikipedia - Australian Cattle Dog -- Breed of herding dog originally developed in Australia for droving cattle
Wikipedia - Australian Christian Channel -- Australian Christian television network
Wikipedia - Australian comedy -- Australian television series
Wikipedia - Australian Defence College -- Division within the Australian Department of Defence
Wikipedia - Australian Film, Television and Radio School -- Screen and broadcast school
Wikipedia - Australian Government Publishing Service -- Defunct publishing and printing service of the government of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Grains Genebank -- Plant gene bank in Horsham, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Idol (season 7) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Australian Liberal Party (Victoria) -- 1920s political party in Australia
Wikipedia - Australian Library and Information Association -- Peak professional organisation for the Australian library and information services sector
Wikipedia - Australian Public Service -- Federal civil service of Australia
Wikipedia - Australian science fiction television
Wikipedia - Australian Screen Online -- Online database of resources about the Australian film and television industries
Wikipedia - Australian Secret Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - Australians in Italy -- Australian individuals who travel to Italy on a permanent or/and temporary basis
Wikipedia - Australian Society of Archivists
Wikipedia - Australian Submarine Rescue Vehicle Remora -- Diving bell operated by the Australian Navy
Wikipedia - Australian Survivor -- Television series based on the reality show Survivor
Wikipedia - Australian Vintage -- Australian wine company
Wikipedia - Australian Wildlife Conservancy -- Independent Australian not-for-profit organisation dedicated to conserving threatened species and ecosystems
Wikipedia - Austral Lineas Aereas Flight 205 -- 1959 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Austria in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007 -- Austria participating in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007
Wikipedia - Austrian Airlines Flight 901 -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Austrian Civil War
Wikipedia - Austrian nationality law -- Overview of the nationality law in the Republic of Austria
Wikipedia - Austrian Riviera -- Advertising term for Austrian Gorizia and Istria
Wikipedia - Austrian World Summit -- Annual climate conference in Vienna
Wikipedia - Austria's Next Topmodel (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Austria victim theory -- Ideological basis for Austria under allied occupation and in the Second Austrian Republic until the 1980s
Wikipedia - Austria-Yugoslavia relations -- Overview of the relationship between Austria and Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 1878-1918 period of rule over Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary
Wikipedia - Austromorium flavigaster -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Austromuellera trinervia -- Species of tree in the family Proteaceae from north-eastern Queensland
Wikipedia - Autarchism -- Political philosophy that promotes the principles of individualism, the moral ideology of individual liberty and self-reliance.
Wikipedia - Authentication -- The act of proving an assertion, often the identity of a computer system user
Wikipedia - Autherine Lucy -- American activist and first African-American to attend the University of Alabama
Wikipedia - Authority (Law > Order: Special Victims Unit)
Wikipedia - Autism -- Neurodevelopmental disorder involving social communication difficulties and repetitive behavior
Wikipedia - Auto Boy - Carl from Mobile Land -- 2020 anime television series
Wikipedia - Auto Club Revolution -- 2013 video game
Wikipedia - Autodesk Revit -- Building information modelling software
Wikipedia - Autogamy -- Fusion of gametes from the same individual
Wikipedia - Autographiviridae -- Subfamily of viruses
Wikipedia - Autoinjector -- Medical device designed to deliver a dose of a particular drug
Wikipedia - Autoloader (data storage device)
Wikipedia - Automated Certificate Management Environment -- Communications protocol for automating interactions between certificate authorities and web servers
Wikipedia - Automated optical inspection -- System for visual inspection of printed circuit boards by a computerized system
Wikipedia - Automated sales suppression device -- Software that falsifies cash register records
Wikipedia - Automated theorem proving
Wikipedia - Automatic activation device -- Device that automatically opens a parachute
Wikipedia - Automatic behavior
Wikipedia - Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System -- American military aviation safety
Wikipedia - Automatic meter reading -- Transmitting consumption data from a utility meter to the utility provider
Wikipedia - Automatic Press / VIP
Wikipedia - Automatic terminal information service -- Continuous broadcast of aeronautical information near airports
Wikipedia - Automatic test switching -- System for high-speed testing of electronic devices
Wikipedia - Automatic theorem proving
Wikipedia - Automation (video game) -- A car company tycoon game
Wikipedia - Automne Pavia -- French Olympic judoka
Wikipedia - Automobile drag coefficient -- The resistance of a car to moving through air
Wikipedia - Automotive head-up display -- Any transparent display that presents data in the automobile without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Brazil -- Overview of the automotive industry in Brazil
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Canada -- Overview of the automotive industry in Canada
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in China -- Overview of the automotive industry in China
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in France -- Overview of the automotive industry in France
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Germany -- Overview of the automotive industry in Germany
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in India -- Overview of the automotive industry in India
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Indonesia -- Overview of the automotive industry in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Iran -- Overview of the automotive industry in Iran
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Italy -- Overview of the automotive industry in Italy
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Malaysia -- Overview of the automotive industry in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Mexico -- Overview of the automotive industry in Mexico
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in New Zealand -- Overview of the automotive industry in New Zealand
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Russia -- Overview of the automotive industry in Russia
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in South Korea -- Overview of the automotive industry in South Korea
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Spain -- Overview of the automotive industry in Spain
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in the Soviet Union -- Overview of the automotive industry in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in the United Kingdom -- Overview of the automotive industry in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Automotive industry in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Automotive navigation system
Wikipedia - Automotive night vision
Wikipedia - Autonegotiation -- Signaling mechanism used by Ethernet by which devices choose common transmission parameters
Wikipedia - Autonomic Insignia of Good Services -- Honor awarded by Madeira
Wikipedia - Autonomic nervous system -- Division of the peripheral nervous system supplying smooth muscle and glands
Wikipedia - Autonomous administrative division
Wikipedia - Autonomous communities of Spain -- First-level political and administrative division of Spain
Wikipedia - Autonomous driving
Wikipedia - Autonomous oblasts of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija
Wikipedia - Autonomous Region of Bougainville
Wikipedia - Autonomous Region of Principe -- Subdivision of Sao Tome and Principe
Wikipedia - Autonomous Republic of Crimea -- Administrative division of Ukraine; disputed with Russia since 2014
Wikipedia - Autonomous republic -- Type of administrative division similar to a province or state
Wikipedia - Autonomous social center -- Community self-managed spaces in which anti-authoritarians self-organise activities
Wikipedia - Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Autopax -- Holding company of two South African intercity bus services
Wikipedia - Auto racing -- Motorsport involving the racing of cars for competition
Wikipedia - Autoregressive integrated moving average
Wikipedia - Autosave -- Automatic saving function
Wikipedia - Auto Train -- Amtrak railway service
Wikipedia - Autovia A-92 -- Road in Spain
Wikipedia - Autumn Mist -- Doctor Who novel by David A. McIntee
Wikipedia - Autumn Peltier -- water protection activist
Wikipedia - Autumn Sandeen -- American activist
Wikipedia - Auvergne (province)
Wikipedia - Auxanography -- The study of the effects of changes in environment on the growth of microorganisms, by means of auxanograms
Wikipedia - Auxiliary nurse midwife -- Village-level female health worker in India
Wikipedia - Auxiliary Territorial Service -- Women's branch of the British Army
Wikipedia - AV1 -- Open and royalty-free video coding format developed by the Alliance for Open Media
Wikipedia - Ava Anderson, Viscountess Waverley -- 20th-century English political and social hostess
Wikipedia - Avaaz -- Nonprofit organization to promote global activism
Wikipedia - Avadhanum Paupiah -- Interpreter in the service of the British East India Company, of Telugu origin
Wikipedia - Avago (TV channel) -- UK and Ireland television channel
Wikipedia - Aval Kaathirunnu Avanum -- 1986 film by P. G. Viswambharan
Wikipedia - Avalon (1990 film) -- 1990 film directed by Barry Levinson
Wikipedia - Avalon (Al Jolson song) -- 1920 popular song written by Al Jolson, Buddy DeSylva and Vincent Rose
Wikipedia - Avalon Heights International School -- Secondary school in Vashi, Navi Mumbai
Wikipedia - Aval Viswasthayayirunnu -- 1970 film
Wikipedia - Avanangattilkalari Vishnumaya Temple -- Hindu Temple in India
Wikipedia - Avane Srimannarayana -- 2019 film directed by Sachin Ravi
Wikipedia - Avani Chaturvedi -- Indian aviator
Wikipedia - Avantika Express -- Express train service between Mumbai Central and Indore Junction
Wikipedia - Avant-pop -- Popular music that is experimental, new and distinct from previous styles while retaining an immediate accessibility for the listener
Wikipedia - Avant Window Navigator
Wikipedia - Avard Subdivision
Wikipedia - Avar Jeevikkunnu -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Avast Antivirus -- Antivirus computer program
Wikipedia - Avatar (1979 video game)
Wikipedia - Avatar: The Last Airbender -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Avdo Karabegovic Hasanbegov -- 19th-century Bosnian poet
Wikipedia - Avdo Sumbul -- Serb Muslim editor and activist
Wikipedia - Aveland -- Ancient subdivision of Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - Avelar Brandao Vilela -- Brazilian Roman Catholic cardinal
Wikipedia - Avelino Gonzalez-Claudio -- Puerto Rican activist
Wikipedia - Avelino MuM-CM-1oz Stevenson -- Puerto Rican television sportscaster
Wikipedia - Avenger (film) -- 2006 television film by Robert Markowitz
Wikipedia - Avenir Aleksandrovich Yakovkin -- Russian astronomer
Wikipedia - Aventuras en el tiempo -- Mexican television series
Wikipedia - Avenue 5 -- 2020 science fiction comedy television series
Wikipedia - Avenue of Poplars at Sunset -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Avenue of Poplars in Autumn -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Avenues Television -- Nepali TV news channel
Wikipedia - Avenue Victor-Hugo (Paris)
Wikipedia - Average absolute deviation
Wikipedia - Avery Alexander -- American civil rights leader and politician
Wikipedia - A Very Brady Renovation -- Television show on HGTV
Wikipedia - Avery Dennis Sr. -- Native American activist
Wikipedia - A Very Gaga Thanksgiving -- Television special
Wikipedia - A Very Merry Cricket -- 1973 animated television Christmas special
Wikipedia - Avery Ryan -- Fictional character on American television series CSI: Cyber
Wikipedia - Avet Avetisyan -- Soviet actor
Wikipedia - Avgas -- Aviation fuel
Wikipedia - Avhane -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Aviaarktika
Wikipedia - AviaBellanca Aircraft -- American aircraft design and manufacturing company
Wikipedia - Avia Brener -- Israeli acrobatic gymnast
Wikipedia - Aviacion EspaM-CM-1ola (Madrid Metro) -- Madrid Metro station
Wikipedia - Aviaco Flight 118 -- 1973 plane crash in Spain
Wikipedia - Aviacsa -- Former Mexican budget airline
Wikipedia - Aviadvigatel -- Russian manufacturer of aircraft engines
Wikipedia - Aviamotornaya (Bolshaya Koltsevaya line) -- Moscow metro station
Wikipedia - Aviamotornaya (Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line) -- Moscow Metro station
Wikipedia - Avianca Argentina -- Former Argentinian domestic airline
Wikipedia - Avianca Ecuador -- Ecuadorean domestic airline
Wikipedia - Avianca El Salvador -- Flag-carrier airline of El Salvador
Wikipedia - Avianca Flight 671 -- 1960 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Avianca Guatemala -- Guatemalan airline
Wikipedia - Avianca Honduras -- Honduran domestic airline
Wikipedia - Avianca Services -- Columbian aircraft maintenance company
Wikipedia - Avianca -- Flag-carrier airline of Colombia
Wikipedia - Avian encephalitis virus cis-acting replication element -- RNA element
Wikipedia - Avian immune system -- System of biological structures
Wikipedia - Avian influenza
Wikipedia - Avian Island -- Island in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Avian metaavulavirus 2 -- Species of virus that causes mild respiratory infections in domestic poultry
Wikipedia - Avianna Chao -- Chinese-born Canadian sport shooter
Wikipedia - Aviano American High School -- Department of Defense Education Activity secondary school
Wikipedia - Avian Tower -- Skyscraper in Surabaya, Indonesia
Wikipedia - Aviara, Carlsbad, California -- Neighborhood in Carlsbad, California, United States of America
Wikipedia - Avi Arad -- Israeli-American businessman and film producer
Wikipedia - Aviary (image editor)
Wikipedia - Avia S-199 -- Czechoslovak fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - -- Russian flight ticket metasearch engine
Wikipedia - Aviastar (Indonesia) -- Indonesian domestic passenger airline
Wikipedia - Aviastroitelnaya (Kazan Metro) -- Kazan Metro Station
Wikipedia - Aviasud Engineering -- Aircraft manufacturer in France
Wikipedia - Aviatik (Berg) Dr.I -- WWI Austro-Hungarian fighter
Wikipedia - Aviatik C.IX -- WWI German observation aircraft
Wikipedia - Aviatik C.VIII -- WWI German observation aircraft
Wikipedia - Aviatik D.VI -- WWI German fighter aircraft
Wikipedia - Aviation accidents and incidents -- Aviation occurrence involving serious injury, death, or destruction of aircraft
Wikipedia - Aviation archaeology
Wikipedia - Aviation (cocktail) -- Classic gin-based cocktail
Wikipedia - Aviation, Communication and Allied Workers Union -- Trade union in Trinidad and Tobago
Wikipedia - Aviation fuel
Wikipedia - Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee
Wikipedia - Aviation International News -- Aviation media company
Wikipedia - Aviation in World War I -- Use of aircraft during the First World War
Wikipedia - Aviation law
Wikipedia - Aviation medicine
Wikipedia - Aviation (painting) -- 1934 painting by Rufino Tamayo
Wikipedia - Aviation Park MRT station -- MRT station in Singapore
Wikipedia - Aviation Psychologist Badge
Wikipedia - Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) -- Aviation Safety Action Program
Wikipedia - Aviation Safety Network -- Website for tracking of aviation incidents and safety-related information
Wikipedia - Aviation safety -- A state in which risks associated with aviation are at an acceptable level
Wikipedia - Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine
Wikipedia - Aviation Technical Museum (Luhansk) -- Museum in Lugansk, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Aviation Technology Group -- American Aerospace Company
Wikipedia - Aviation Vacation -- 1941 film by Tex Avery
Wikipedia - Aviation Week & Space Technology -- American magazine
Wikipedia - Aviation -- Design, development, production, operation and use of aircraft
Wikipedia - Aviator Sports and Events Center -- Arena in Brooklyn, New York
Wikipedia - Aviator sunglasses
Wikipedia - Aviatour Air -- Filipino charter airline
Wikipedia - Avi (author) -- American author of children's books
Wikipedia - Avibacterium -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - Avi Balashnikov -- Israeli public figure
Wikipedia - Avi Belkin -- Israeli filmmaker
Wikipedia - Avi Belleli -- Israeli singer and musician
Wikipedia - Avi Ben-Abraham
Wikipedia - Avi Benedi -- Israeli singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Avi Berkowitz -- American attorney and political adviser
Wikipedia - Avi Berman -- Israeli composer
Wikipedia - Avi Bluth -- Israeli colonel
Wikipedia - Avi Bortnick -- American jazz guitarist
Wikipedia - AVIC AG100 -- Chinese aircraft
Wikipedia - AVIC AG600 -- Large amphibious flying boat
Wikipedia - Avicebron
Wikipedia - Avice Hill -- New Zealand entomologist
Wikipedia - Avice Maud Bowbyes -- Home science lecturer, writer
Wikipedia - Avicenna (crater)
Wikipedia - Avicenna Cultural and Scientific Foundation
Wikipedia - Avicenna Mausoleum
Wikipedia - Avicenna Prize
Wikipedia - Avicenna Research Institute -- Medical research institute in Tehran, Iran
Wikipedia - Avicenna -- Medieval Persian polymath, physician and philosopher (c.980-1037)
Wikipedia - Avicenne Hospital
Wikipedia - Avicennia marina -- Species of plant
Wikipedia - Avicennian logic
Wikipedia - Avicennism -- a school of Islamic philosophy
Wikipedia - AVICII Invector -- 2019 multi-player music video game
Wikipedia - Avicii -- Swedish DJ
Wikipedia - A. Victor Thomas -- American politician
Wikipedia - AVIDAC -- Early computer built by Argonne National Laboratory
Wikipedia - Avidathe Pole Ivideyum -- 1985 film
Wikipedia - Avid Dancer -- American rock musician
Wikipedia - Avid DNxHD
Wikipedia - Avideh Nazeri -- Iranian endocrinologist
Wikipedia - Avidemux -- Free and open-source transcoding and video editing software
Wikipedia - Avi Dichter -- Israeli politician
Wikipedia - Avidin -- Type of protein
Wikipedia - Avidius Cassius -- Roman general and usurper (c.130-175)
Wikipedia - Avid Technology
Wikipedia - Avidur Rahman -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Avidya (Hinduism)
Wikipedia - Avidyamaya and vidyamaya -- mystical realizations-based concepts
Wikipedia - Avidya (Buddhism) -- Ignorance or misconceptions about the nature of metaphysical reality
Wikipedia - Avidyne Corporation -- American Aerospace Company
Wikipedia - Avie Bennett -- Canadian businessman
Wikipedia - Aviel Barclay -- Canadian female sofer
Wikipedia - Avielochan -- Hamlet in Highland, Scotland
Wikipedia - Avie Luthra -- Indian film director and screenwriter
Wikipedia - Avient Aviation -- International cargo airline
Wikipedia - Avie Tevanian
Wikipedia - A View of Delft -- 1652 Painting by Carel Fabritius
Wikipedia - A View of Mount Fuji Across Lake Suwa -- Japanese woodblock print
Wikipedia - A View to a Kill (song) -- 1985 single by Duran Duran
Wikipedia - A View to a Kill -- 1985 James Bond film directed by John Glen
Wikipedia - Aviezri Fraenkel -- Israeli mathematician
Wikipedia - Avigail Kovari -- Israeli musician and actress
Wikipedia - Avigail Sperber -- Israeli cinematographer, film director, and LGBTQI activist
Wikipedia - Avigdor Lieberman -- Israeli politician
Wikipedia - Avi Gil -- Israeli diplomat
Wikipedia - Avignon Cathedral
Wikipedia - Avignon-les-Saint-Claude -- Commune in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte, France
Wikipedia - Avignon papacy
Wikipedia - Avignon Papacy -- period during which the pope decided to live in Avignon, France rather than in Rome
Wikipedia - Avignon Pope Benedict XIII
Wikipedia - Avignon Pope Clement VII
Wikipedia - Avignon pope
Wikipedia - Avignon
Wikipedia - Avi Gopher -- Archaeologist
Wikipedia - Avijaja Lund JM-CM-$rund -- Danish female curler and coach
Wikipedia - Avijatrik -- 2020 Bengali film
Wikipedia - A. Vijayakumar -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Avijit Roy -- Bangladeshi engineer, blogger and writer
Wikipedia - Avika Gor -- Indian actress
Wikipedia - Avi Kaplan -- American singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Avik Bhattacharya -- Microwave remote sensing specialist
Wikipedia - Avi Kushnir -- Israeli comedian, actor and host
Wikipedia - Avilenasului -- 2020 Sri Lankan road thriller film
Wikipedia - Avi Lerner -- Israeli-American film producer
Wikipedia - A. Vilhelm Lundstedt
Wikipedia - Avilius -- Australian thoroughbred racehorse
Wikipedia - A Village Romeo and Juliet
Wikipedia - A Village Scandal -- 1915 film
Wikipedia - Avilla, Indiana
Wikipedia - Avi Loeb
Wikipedia - Avinash Arun -- Indian cinematographer and director
Wikipedia - Avinash Chander (DRDO) -- Indian scientist
Wikipedia - Avinash Chander
Wikipedia - Avinash Chandra Vidyarthi -- Bhojpuri Author
Wikipedia - Avinash (film) -- 1986 film by Umesh Mehra
Wikipedia - Avinash Kak -- Indian American mathematician
Wikipedia - Avinash Kumar Agarwal
Wikipedia - Avinash Mishra -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Avinash Mukherjee -- Indian actor (born 1997)
Wikipedia - Avinash -- Indian actor
Wikipedia - Avincenna
Wikipedia - A Vindication of Natural Diet
Wikipedia - A Vindication of the Rights of Men -- Book by Mary Wollstonecraft
Wikipedia - A Vindication of the Rights of Woman -- philosophic feminist book by Mary Wollstonecraft
Wikipedia - A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Wikipedia - Avi Nesher -- Israeli film producer & director
Wikipedia - Avinesh Rekhi -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Avi Nissenkorn -- Israeli politician
Wikipedia - A. Vinod Bharathi -- Indian cinematographer (born 1983)
Wikipedia - Aviogenex Flight 130 -- 1971 aviation accident
Wikipedia - Aviogenex -- Serbian and Yugoslavian charter airline
Wikipedia - Aviomania G1SA Genesis Solo -- Gyrocopter
Wikipedia - Avion Express -- Airline based in Lithuania
Wikipedia - Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet -- special-purpose Ethernet physical layer for avionics, by Airbus
Wikipedia - Avionics software
Wikipedia - Avionics
Wikipedia - Avionne Mark -- Trinidadian model and beauty queen
Wikipedia - Avion Presidente Juarez -- Mexican presidential airplane
Wikipedia - Avions JDM -- French aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Avior Airlines -- Venezuelan airline
Wikipedia - Avi Ostrowsky -- Israeli musician
Wikipedia - Avi Peretz (singer) -- Israeli mizrahi singer
Wikipedia - A Viral Wedding -- 2020 Indian miniseries
Wikipedia - Aviraptor -- Small extinct bird of prey
Wikipedia - AVI Records -- American independent record label
Wikipedia - Avi Reichental -- Israeli-American business executive
Wikipedia - Avirey-Lingey -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - A Virgin Among the Living Dead -- 1973 film
Wikipedia - A Virginia Courtship -- 1921 film
Wikipedia - A Virgin Paradise -- 1921 film by J. Searle Dawley
Wikipedia - Aviron Bayonnais -- Rugby union team
Wikipedia - A Virtuous Vamp -- 1919 film by Sidney Franklin, David Kirkland
Wikipedia - Avis Acres -- New Zealand artist, writer, illustrator, conservationist (1910-1994)
Wikipedia - Avi Sagild -- Danish actress
Wikipedia - A. Visalakshi -- Mayor of Tiruppur Municipal Corporation
Wikipedia - Avis and Effie Hotchkiss -- Motorcycling pioneers
Wikipedia - Avisar Sheinmann -- Israeli judoka
Wikipedia - Avis Budget Group -- American rental car company
Wikipedia - Avis Car Rental -- American car rental company
Wikipedia - Avi Schiffmann -- American website developer
Wikipedia - Avis Crocombe -- English cook
Wikipedia - Avis de Recherche -- Canadian French-language specialty channel
Wikipedia - Avis DeVoto -- US book editor
Wikipedia - Avis Europe -- British car rental company
Wikipedia - Avishag Zahavi -- Israeli biologist
Wikipedia - Avishai Dekel
Wikipedia - Avishai Henik
Wikipedia - Avishay Braverman -- Israeli economist and politician
Wikipedia - A Vision of the Last Judgement
Wikipedia - A Visit from St. Nicholas -- 1823 poem attributed to Clement Clarke Moore
Wikipedia - A Visit from the Goon Squad -- Book by Jennifer Egan
Wikipedia - A Visit from the Old Mistress -- Painting by Winslow Homer
Wikipedia - A Visitor to a Museum -- 1989 film
Wikipedia - A visit to the Art Dealer -- 1600s painting by Frans Francken the Younger
Wikipedia - A Visit to the Seaside -- 1908 short film by George Albert Smith
Wikipedia - Avis Little Eagle -- Native American journalist
Wikipedia - Avison Young -- Property professional services firm
Wikipedia - Avispa -- Spanish record label
Wikipedia - Avis Scott -- British actress
Wikipedia - Avital Abergel -- Israeli film and TV actress
Wikipedia - Avital Ronell -- American philosopher
Wikipedia - Avitomyrmex -- Extinct genus of ants
Wikipedia - Avitortor -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - -- Russian classified advertisements website
Wikipedia - Avitriptan
Wikipedia - Avitus of Vienne
Wikipedia - Avitus -- Roman emperor from 455 to 456
Wikipedia - A Viuvinha (film) -- 1914 film directed by Luiz de Barros
Wikipedia - Aviva Baumann -- American actress
Wikipedia - Aviva Canada -- Canadian insurance group
Wikipedia - Aviva Cantor -- American journalist, lecturer and author
Wikipedia - Aviva Centre -- Tennis stadium in Toronto
Wikipedia - Aviva Chomsky -- American historian
Wikipedia - Aviva Dautch -- British poet, academic and curator
Wikipedia - Aviva Gileadi -- Israeli nuclear scientist
Wikipedia - Aviva Group Ireland -- Irish insurance group
Wikipedia - Aviva India -- Indian insurance company
Wikipedia - Aviva Investors -- Asset management company
Wikipedia - Aviva Italia Holding -- Italian holding company
Wikipedia - Aviva Kempner -- American filmmaker (born 1946)
Wikipedia - Aviva Slesin -- Lithuanian director
Wikipedia - Aviva Stadium -- Sports stadium in Dublin
Wikipedia - Aviva Uri -- Israeli painter
Wikipedia - Aviva -- British insurance company
Wikipedia - Aviv (film) -- 2003 film
Wikipedia - Avivore -- Animal that preys on and eats birds
Wikipedia - Aviv Regev
Wikipedia - Avi Wigderson
Wikipedia - Aviz cross
Wikipedia - Avlacik, Arac -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - AVN (Albania) -- First private television channel in Albania
Wikipedia - Avneet Kaur -- Indian television actress
Wikipedia - Avnu Alliance -- For open Audio Video Bridging (AVB) and Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards
Wikipedia - Avocation -- Calling, which may or may not provide employment
Wikipedia - Avodah -- "work, worship, and service"
Wikipedia - Avolition -- Inability to initiate and persist in goal-directed activities
Wikipedia - A Voyage to Arcturus -- Novel by David Lindsay
Wikipedia - A Voyage to Virginia -- Song
Wikipedia - Avrainville, Essonne -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Avram Davidson -- American writer
Wikipedia - Avram Mrazovic -- Serbian writer and aristocrat
Wikipedia - Avren Rocks -- Three adjacent rocks in Micalvi Cove in Robert Island, South Shetland Islands
Wikipedia - Avril Henry -- British university teacher and activist
Wikipedia - Avril Lavigne -- Canadian singer, songwriter and actress
Wikipedia - Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck -- Interceptor aircraft in service 1952-1981
Wikipedia - Avrodh: The Siege Within -- Indian military drama web-television series
Wikipedia - Avro Lincoln -- British four-engined heavy bomber in service 1945-1963
Wikipedia - Avtandil Tchrikishvili -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - AVTECH Corporation -- Taiwanese video surveillance technology company
Wikipedia - Avunu 2 -- 2015 film by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Avunu (film) -- 2012 film by Ravi Babu
Wikipedia - Avvai Shanmughi -- 1996 film by K. S. Ravikumar
Wikipedia - Awadhani -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Awaji Province -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Awalan, Mahabaleshwar -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Awalgaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Awa Province (Chiba) -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Awa Province (Tokushima) -- Former province of Japan
Wikipedia - Award for Civil Valor -- Award issued by Italy to recognize recipients as worthy of public honor
Wikipedia - Awards and decorations of the United States government -- Civilian awards of the U.S. federal government
Wikipedia - A Warning to the Hindus -- Book by Savitri Devi
Wikipedia - Awarpada -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Awasari Bk -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Awasari Kh -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Awashi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Waste of Shame -- 2005 television film
Wikipedia - Awati -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - A Way Out (TV series) -- Canadian do-it-yourself television show
Wikipedia - Away (TV series) -- 2020 American science fiction drama television series
Wikipedia - Awaz Television Network -- Pakistani Sindhi-language television channel
Wikipedia - Awem -- Video games developer
Wikipedia - A Wind-Beaten Tree -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - A Wing and a Prayer (film) -- 2015 television film
Wikipedia - A Winnie the Pooh Thanksgiving -- 1998 film directed by Jun Falkenstein
Wikipedia - Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens -- American comedy television series
Wikipedia - AWM Service Award -- AWM Service Award
Wikipedia - Awn al-Din ibn Hubayra -- Arab Vizier of Later Abbasid period
Wikipedia - AWS Elastic Beanstalk -- Orchestration service offered by Amazon Web Services
Wikipedia - Awsworth -- Village and civil parish in Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Awwad Eid Al-Aradi Al-Balawi -- Saudi Arabian Vice Admiral (b. 1955)
Wikipedia - Axel Blomqvist -- Swedish speed skater
Wikipedia - Axel Darvik -- Swedish politician
Wikipedia - Axel Garrido Rosenvinge -- Danish businessman
Wikipedia - Axe murder -- Murder in which the victim was struck and killed by an axe or hatchet
Wikipedia - Axiall -- A major manufacturer and marketer of chlorovinyls and aromatics
Wikipedia - Axial precession -- Gravity-induced, slow, and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body's rotational axis
Wikipedia - Axis naval activity in Australian waters -- Enemy activity in Australian waters in WWII
Wikipedia - AXN (Asian TV channel) -- Asian pay television channel
Wikipedia - AXN White -- Channel operated by Sony Pictures Television International Networks Europe
Wikipedia - AXN -- Pay television, cable and satellite television channel
Wikipedia - AXS TV Fights -- Television series
Wikipedia - Ayahualtempa -- Village in Guerrero, Mexico
Wikipedia - A Yake -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Ayakha Melithafa -- South African climate activist
Wikipedia - Ayakli, M-DM-0vrindi -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - A'yana Keshelle Phillips -- Miss British Virgin Islands 2018, contestant in Miss Universe 2018
Wikipedia - A Yankee Princess -- 1919 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - A Yank in Viet-Nam -- 1964 film by Marshall Thompson
Wikipedia - Ayas Mehmed Pasha -- Ottoman Grand Vizier
Wikipedia - Aya Tekla Church -- Rock church in Silifke, Mersin Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital -- Hospital in Zanjan, Iran
Wikipedia - Aycliffe Village
Wikipedia - Ayda Field -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Aydincik Lighthouse -- Lighthouse in the province of Mersin
Wikipedia - A Year in the Life -- 1980s American television series
Wikipedia - Aye Aung -- Burmese democracy activist
Wikipedia - Aye Mere Humsafar -- Indian Television series
Wikipedia - Ayer Kuning (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ayer Molek (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Ayesha Chundrigar -- Pakistani activist
Wikipedia - Ayesha Imam -- Nigerian human rights activist
Wikipedia - Ayesha (TV series) -- Pakistani web television series
Wikipedia - Ayik Umar Said -- Indonesian-born French journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Ayisha Davies -- Australian film producer
Wikipedia - Ayla Erduran -- Turkish violinist
Wikipedia - Aylesbury -- Large town and civil parish in Buckinghamshire, South East England
Wikipedia - Ayles Formation -- Ordovician geological formation in Nunavut, Canada
Wikipedia - Aymar de la Baume Pluvinel
Wikipedia - Aymestrey -- Village in Herefordshire, England
Wikipedia - Ayna TV -- Television station in Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Ayoade Olatunbosun-Alakija -- Nigerian social justice activist
Wikipedia - Ayodhyanagar -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Ayoreo language -- Language spoken in Paraguay and Bolivia
Wikipedia - Ayoub Mousavi -- Iranian weightlifter
Wikipedia - Ayrton Badovini -- Italian motorcycle racer
Wikipedia - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Aytzim -- American environmental organization
Wikipedia - Ayumi EndM-EM-^M -- Japanese visual artist from Tokyo
Wikipedia - Ayungon -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Negros Oriental
Wikipedia - Ayush Anand -- Indian television actor
Wikipedia - Ayushmann Khurrana -- Indian actor, singer and television host
Wikipedia - Ayush TV -- Indian Kannada-language television channel
Wikipedia - Ayvacik, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ayvalidere, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ayva, M-DM-0nebolu -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Ay Vamos -- 2014 single by J Balvin
Wikipedia - Ayyapuram -- village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - AZ64 -- Data compression algorithm proprietary to Amazon Web Services
Wikipedia - Azad Hind -- Indian provisional government in Japanese-occupied Singapore during World War II
Wikipedia - Azal Avia Cargo -- Azerbaijan airline
Wikipedia - Azam Farmonov -- Uzbekistani rural development activist
Wikipedia - Azam Nagar -- Villaga in Pakistan
Wikipedia - Azara Egbelu -- village in Nigeria
Wikipedia - Azari or the Ancient Language of Azerbaijan -- Book by Ahmad Kasravi
Wikipedia - Azarmi Dukht Safavi -- Indian linguist
Wikipedia - Azat Civil Movement of Kazakhstan -- Kazakhstan political party
Wikipedia - AZD1222 -- Vaccine against COVID-19
Wikipedia - Azeem Amrohvi -- Urdu poet
Wikipedia - Azellia White -- First African-American woman aviator in Texas
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic -- one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Azerley -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Azhagu (TV series) -- Indian television series
Wikipedia - Azhikode and Azhikkal -- Village in Kerala, India
Wikipedia - Azilal -- Provincial capital of Azilal, Morocco
Wikipedia - Azima Dhanjee -- Social activist
Wikipedia - Azimzhan Askarov -- Kyrgyzstani activist and journalist
Wikipedia - Aziz Ab'Saber -- Brazilian environmentalist
Wikipedia - Aziz Aliyev -- Azerbaijani Soviet scientist and politician
Wikipedia - Aziziye, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Azizul Haque (educator) -- Indian lawyer and Muslim activist
Wikipedia - Aziz Ur Rahman Hazarvi -- Pakistani islamic scholar
Wikipedia - Azteca brevicornis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Azteca brevis -- Species of ant
Wikipedia - Azteca Deportes -- Sports division of TV Azteca
Wikipedia - Aztec architecture -- Structural remains of the Aztec civilization
Wikipedia - Aztecs -- Ethnic group of central Mexico and its civilization
Wikipedia - Azua Province -- Province of the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Azucena Arbeleche -- Uruguayan economist, professor, and civil servant
Wikipedia - Azuki-chan -- 1995 television anime
Wikipedia - Azul Azul -- Pop-rock-dance group formed in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
Wikipedia - Azuma, Gunma (Agatsuma) -- Former village in Japan
Wikipedia - Azure Dreams -- 1997 video game
Wikipedia - Azure Services Platform
Wikipedia - Azur Lane -- 2017 Chinese side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game
Wikipedia - Azusa Civic Center -- Center of city government in Azusa, California
Wikipedia - Azusa Street Revival -- Historic Pentecostal revival meeting
Wikipedia - Az Zaimah -- Village in Saudi Arabia
Wikipedia - Azza Soliman -- Egyptian lawyer and women's rights activist
Wikipedia - Azzo VII d'Este -- Italian noble
Wikipedia - B-36 Peacemaker Museum -- Non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the rich aviation history of North Texas
Wikipedia - B4U Movies -- Bollywood movie digital TV channel
Wikipedia - B4U (network) -- Indian television network
Wikipedia - B-52 Victory Museum, Hanoi -- Military museum in Ba M-DM-^PM-CM-,nh district, Hanoi
Wikipedia - Baa Baaa Black Sheep -- 2018 film directed by Vishal Pandya
Wikipedia - Baa Baa Black Sheep (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Baadasssss! -- Film by Melvin Van Peebles
Wikipedia - Baandi -- Pakistani television serial
Wikipedia - BaanoTV (TV channel) -- Afghan television channel
Wikipedia - Baars, Overijssel -- Small village in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Baazi Dimaag Ki -- Television game show
Wikipedia - Babachir David Lawal -- Engineer and public administrator
Wikipedia - Babai Rural Municipality -- Gaunpalika in Province No. 5, Nepal
Wikipedia - Babakoy, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Babangon Ako't Dudurugin Kita -- 2008 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Babayaka, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Baba Yetu -- Theme song of the video game Civilization IV
Wikipedia - Babcock Mission Critical Services Onshore -- Operator of police and air ambulance helicopters in the UK
Wikipedia - Babel 250 -- South Korean reality television series
Wikipedia - Babel (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (1986 film) -- 1986 television film by Clive Donner
Wikipedia - Babes in Toyland (operetta) -- Operetta by Victor Herbert and Glen MacDonough
Wikipedia - Babes on Broadway -- 1941 film by Vincente Minnelli, Busby Berkeley
Wikipedia - Babhangawan -- Village in Lakhisarai district, Bihar, India
Wikipedia - Babhulwade -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Babi Badalov -- Azerbaijani visual artist and poet
Wikipedia - Babies (TV series) -- 2020 American documentary television series
Wikipedia - Babi Yar -- Ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv
Wikipedia - BabM-DM-+te Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Babol Noshirvani University of Technology -- university in Babol, Mazandaran Province, Iran
Wikipedia - Babru -- First Kannada movie to be made completely in US
Wikipedia - Babu Bajrangi -- Bajrang Dal leader convicted for massacre of Muslims during the 2002 Gujarat riots
Wikipedia - Baburao Govindrao Shirke
Wikipedia - Baburdi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Baby & Me -- 1996 television anime
Wikipedia - Baby Ballroom -- English dance competition reality television series
Wikipedia - Baby Blues (American TV series) -- American adult animated television series
Wikipedia - Baby Bonnie Hood -- Character from the Darkstalkers video game series
Wikipedia - Baby (Italian TV series) -- Italian television series
Wikipedia - Babylon 5: The Gathering -- 1993 pilot film of the science fiction television series Babylon 5 directed by Richard Compton
Wikipedia - Babylon 5 -- American space opera television series
Wikipedia - Babylon Berlin -- German neo-noir television series
Wikipedia - Babylon (David Gray song) -- 1999 single by David Gray
Wikipedia - Babylon Health -- UK subscription health service provider
Wikipedia - Babylonian captivity -- Period in Jewish history, during which a number of people from the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylon
Wikipedia - Babylonian Castle Saga -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Babylon (village), New York
Wikipedia - Baby Looney Tunes -- cartoon television series
Wikipedia - Baby Love (manga) -- Manga and direct-to-video anime
Wikipedia - Babyn -- Village in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Baby (Pakistani TV series) -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Babysitting -- Temporary childcare provider
Wikipedia - Baby Thief -- Ghanaian Movie
Wikipedia - BabyTV -- Television channel for babies, toddlers, and parents
Wikipedia - Baby Universal -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Baccarat -- administrative division in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Bachar ladder -- A form of rope ladder used as a training device by rock climbers
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise: After Paradise -- Television series
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise (American season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise (American season 2) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise (American season 4) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise (American season 5) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bachelor in Paradise (American season 6) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bachelor of Divinity
Wikipedia - Bachelor Pad -- American reality television game show
Wikipedia - Bachelor Point -- Bengali comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Bachhayauli -- Village development committee in Bagmati Pradesh, Nepal
Wikipedia - Bacholi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge -- Wildlife reserve in Virginia, US
Wikipedia - Backbone Entertainment -- Defunct American video game developer
Wikipedia - Backdraft (film) -- 1991 movie by Ron Howard
Wikipedia - Backgammon (video game) -- 1979 video game
Wikipedia - Background Intelligent Transfer Service
Wikipedia - Background of the Spanish Civil War -- historical context leading to the Spanish Civil War
Wikipedia - Background radiation -- Measure of ionizing radiation in the environment
Wikipedia - Backing vocalist -- Singer who provides vocal harmony with the lead vocalist or other backing vocalists
Wikipedia - Backlash (1999) -- 1999 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2000) -- 2000 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2001) -- 2001 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2002) -- 2002 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2005) -- 2005 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2006) -- 2006 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2007) -- 2007 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2008) -- 2008 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2009) -- 2009 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2018) -- 2018 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Backlash (2020) -- 2020 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Backstreet Rookie -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Backswamp -- Environment on a floodplain where deposits settle after a flood
Wikipedia - Back-to-back film production -- Filming 2 movies at once
Wikipedia - Back to Field -- Chinese television program
Wikipedia - Back to God's Country (1927 film) -- 1927 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Back to Skool -- video game
Wikipedia - Back to Stone -- 2006 GBA action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Back to the Future: The Game -- Video game
Wikipedia - Back to the Yokohama Arena -- 2014 New Japan Pro-Wrestling pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Backward chaining (applied behavior analysis)
Wikipedia - Backyard Hockey (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Backyard Soccer -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood -- 2004 video game
Wikipedia - Ba CM-aM-;M-%t -- Vietnamese military leader
Wikipedia - Bacong -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Negros Oriental
Wikipedia - Bacon's Rebellion -- 1676 Virginia rebellion against the colonial government
Wikipedia - Bacoor Government Center -- City hall of the Bacoor, Cavite
Wikipedia - Baco, Oriental Mindoro -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Bacterial phyla -- Phyla or divisions of the domain Bacteria
Wikipedia - Bacteriophage -- Virus that infects and replicates within bacteria
Wikipedia - Bacuris sexvittatus -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Badaber uprising -- Armed rebellion by captured and imprisoned Soviet and Afghan security forces against Pakistani- and American-backed Afghan mujahideen forces
Wikipedia - Badaber -- Village in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Badadanampalle -- village in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Badahare -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Badai Bungalow -- Television series
Wikipedia - Badakhshan Province -- Province of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Badalek, Jajarkot -- Village in Karnali, Nepal
Wikipedia - Badamuyi -- village in Fars, Iran
Wikipedia - Badarpur Junction railway station -- Railway station serving the city of Badarpur in Assam, India
Wikipedia - Badass Teachers Association -- Social justice activist organization
Wikipedia - Badbakht -- Pakistani television show
Wikipedia - Bad Behaviour (song) -- 2011 single by Jedward
Wikipedia - Bad Blood (2003) -- 2003 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bad Blood (2004) -- 2004 World Wrestling Entertainment pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Bad Blood (2017 film) -- 2017 film by David Pulbrook
Wikipedia - Bad Day (viral video) -- 1996 viral video
Wikipedia - Badd Blood: In Your House -- 1997 World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Baddeley Green -- Village in Staffordshire, England
Wikipedia - Bade Bedma -- Village in Chhattisgarh, India
Wikipedia - Bade Bhaiyya Ki Dulhania -- Television series
Wikipedia - Bad Education (TV series) -- British television sitcom
Wikipedia - Badegaon -- Village in Bagmati Pradesh, Nepal
Wikipedia - Badembekdemir, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bade Miyan Chote Miyan -- 1998 film by David Dhawan
Wikipedia - Bademli, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bade Pokharan -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Badgama -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bad Genius: The Series -- 2020 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Badger Television Network -- American television network in Wisconsin
Wikipedia - Badghis Province -- Province of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Bad Girls All-Star Battle -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Bad Girls Club -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Bad Girls (series 4) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bad Guys (TV series) -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Bad habit -- negative behaviour
Wikipedia - Bad Hair Day -- 1996 album by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Badhalawadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Badharamal -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Badi-al Zaman Mirza Safavi
Wikipedia - Badian, Cebu -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Badiangan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Badiyeh-ye Yek -- Village in Lorestan, Iran
Wikipedia - Badka Dipali -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Badla Aurat Ka -- 2001 film by Thakur Tapasvi
Wikipedia - Badli -- Village in Delhi, India
Wikipedia - Badman Review -- Review conducted by Graham Badman
Wikipedia - Bad Medicine (song) -- 1988 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bad Moon Rising -- Creedence Clearwater Revival song
Wikipedia - Bad Mothers -- 2019 Australian television series
Wikipedia - Badnaam (TV series) -- Pakistani television show
Wikipedia - Badnian -- Village in Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Badoo -- Dating-focused social networking service
Wikipedia - Bad Piggies -- Puzzle video game developed by Rovio Entertainment
Wikipedia - Badrinath Temple -- Hindu temple of Vishnu in Uttarakhand, India
Wikipedia - Bad Robot Productions -- American film and television production company
Wikipedia - Bad Ronald -- 1974 television film directed by Buzz Kulik
Wikipedia - Badroon -- Village in Jammu and Kashmir, India
Wikipedia - Badrul Alam -- Bangladeshi physician and language activist
Wikipedia - Badshahpur (Vidhan Sabha constituency) -- Constituency of the Haryana legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Bad Wolf (production company) -- British television production company
Wikipedia - Baebius Massa -- 1st century AD Roman senator and provincial governor
Wikipedia - BAe Dynamics -- Former division of British Aerospace
Wikipedia - Baek Jeong-gi -- Korean independence activist
Wikipedia - Baek Jong-won's Top 3 Chef King -- 2015 South Korean television program
Wikipedia - Baeksang Arts Awards -- South Korean film and television awards
Wikipedia - BAFTA Award for Best Special Visual Effects
Wikipedia - Bagaces (canton) -- canton in Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bagaces -- district in Bagaces canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bagan Myo Thu -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Bageshwari, Bhaktapur -- Village Development Committee in Bagmati Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Baggage Claim (film) -- 2013 film by David E. Talbert
Wikipedia - Baggio Leung -- Hong Kong activist and politician
Wikipedia - Bagh Bondi Khela (2020 TV Series) -- Bengali television supernatural soap opera
Wikipedia - Baghdad Ansar -- Village in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Baghdad Central (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Baghdad Pact -- Military alliance involving Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey and the United Kingdom (1955-1979)
Wikipedia - Baglan (Vidhan Sabha constituency) -- Constituency of the Maharashtra legislative assembly in India
Wikipedia - Bagmar -- Village in Madhya Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Bagmati Province -- Province of Nepal
Wikipedia - Bagneux, Hauts-de-Seine -- administrative division of Paris, France
Wikipedia - Bagnolo stele -- Stone boulders found in Italy with Chalcolithic engravings
Wikipedia - Bagno Vignoni
Wikipedia - Bag-of-words model in computer vision -- Image classification model
Wikipedia - Bagong Umaga -- Philippine drama television series
Wikipedia - Bagoong monamon -- Philppine food ingredient made by fermenting salted anchovies
Wikipedia - Bago Sarr Hnint Thu Ei Virus Myarr -- 2016 Burmese film
Wikipedia - Bagpuss -- UK children's television series
Wikipedia - Bagrat de Bagration y de Baviera -- Prince of Georgia, Grandee of Spain
Wikipedia - Bagrat VII of Kartli -- King of Kartli (1569-1619) (r. c.1615-1619)
Wikipedia - Bagrat VI of Georgia -- King of Georgia
Wikipedia - Bag valve mask -- Hand-held device to provide positive pressure ventilation
Wikipedia - Bahai Studies Review
Wikipedia - BahaM-JM- -- BahaM-JM-
Wikipedia - Bahare -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Baharlu (ethnic group) -- Turkic ethnic group living primarily in Iran
Wikipedia - Bahay Mo Ba 'To? -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Bahcesaray (district) -- District of Van Province, Turkey
Wikipedia - Bahia Ballena -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bahia Drake District -- district in Osa canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bahirwali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bahnar language -- Austroasiatic language spoken in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Bahnhof Meidling (Vienna U-Bahn) -- Vienna U-Bahn station
Wikipedia - Bahnhofsviertel -- Quarter of Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Wikipedia - Bahramabad, Abezhdan -- Village in Khuzestan, Iran
Wikipedia - Bahram Afshari -- Iranian television, cinema, and theater actor
Wikipedia - Bahrynivka -- Village in Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Bahtinov mask -- Telescope focusing device
Wikipedia - Bahu Begum (2019 TV series) -- Indian romantic drama television series
Wikipedia - Bahunidanda -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bahuni -- Village development committee in Kosi Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Ba HuyM-aM-;M-^Gn Thanh Quan -- Vietnamese poet
Wikipedia - Baiba Bendika -- Latvian biathlete
Wikipedia - Baiba Broka (actress) -- Latvian actress
Wikipedia - Baidu -- Chinese web services company
Wikipedia - Baiju N. Nair -- Indian television host
Wikipedia - Bailando por un SueM-CM-1o (Argentine season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bail bondsman -- Agent that secures an individual's release in court
Wikipedia - Bailey Chase -- American stage and television actor
Wikipedia - Bailey Quarters -- Character on the television situation comedy WKRP in Cincinnati
Wikipedia - Bailey's Comets -- Television series
Wikipedia - Bailout (diving) -- To switch over to an emergency system during a dive
Wikipedia - Bailout system -- System to provide emergency breathing gas to a diver
Wikipedia - Baimaguan Fort -- Fort in the village of Fanzipai, north of Beijing
Wikipedia - Bainbridge, North Yorkshire -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Bainkuan -- Village in India
Wikipedia - Bain News Service
Wikipedia - Bairaky -- Village in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Bairampur, Bangladesh -- Village in Barisal Division, Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bairavi -- 1978 film by M. Bhaskar
Wikipedia - Bairawa -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Baishui River -- River in Yunnan province of China
Wikipedia - Baissour -- Village in the Aley District of Lebanon
Wikipedia - Baited remote underwater video -- Equipment for estimating fish populations
Wikipedia - Bai Wenqi -- Chinese naval aviator
Wikipedia - Baja Buggies -- 1982 video game
Wikipedia - Baja: Edge of Control -- 2008 video game
Wikipedia - Bajaj Finserv -- Indian financial services company
Wikipedia - Baja Oklahoma -- 1988 television film directed by Bobby Roth
Wikipedia - Bajillion Dollar Propertie$ -- Television series
Wikipedia - Baji Rout -- Indian victim of British police violence (1926-1938)
Wikipedia - Bajro Cenanovic -- Bosnia and Herzegovina speed skater
Wikipedia - Bakachol -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bakassi Boys -- Vigilante group
Wikipedia - Bakdhauwa -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bakekang -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Baker Hughes -- American oil field services company
Wikipedia - Bakhshish Singh Virk -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Bakhsh -- Administrative division (district) of Iran
Wikipedia - Bakhtiyaar Irani -- Indian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Bakirci, Azdavay -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bakirli, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bakit Manipis ang Ulap? -- Filipino television series
Wikipedia - Baklanova Muraviyka -- Village in Kulykivka Raion, Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Baksa, Nepal -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Baksila -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bakugan Battle Brawlers -- 2007 television anime
Wikipedia - Baku, Nepal -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - BakuryM-EM-+ Sentai Abaranger -- Japanese television series
Wikipedia - BakusM-EM-^M KyM-EM-^Mdai Let's & Go!! -- Television anime
Wikipedia - Bakuten!! -- Japanese sports anime television series
Wikipedia - Baku Victory Parade of 2020 -- Military Triumph Parade in 2020
Wikipedia - Balabanlar, Devrekani -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Balada por un amor -- Mexican television series
Wikipedia - Baladeva Vidyabhusana
Wikipedia - Baladeva Vidyabhushana
Wikipedia - Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya -- College in Jirat, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Balaji Motion Pictures -- movie studio owned by Balaji Telefilms
Wikipedia - Balajinagar -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Balakhu -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Balaltar -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Balamban -- Municipality in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Balanite -- Village in Gabrovo Province, Bulgaria
Wikipedia - Balapur, Vikramgad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Balasaheb Vikhe Patil
Wikipedia - Balasan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Balashovsky Uyezd -- Subdivision of Saratov Viceroyalty, Astrakhan and Saratov governorates
Wikipedia - Balawdi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Balboa Productions -- American film and television production company
Wikipedia - Balcidede, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Balci, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Balcikhisar, Arac -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Balcurvie -- a town in Fife, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Baldersby St James -- Village in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Baldersby -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Balderton, Cheshire -- Village in Cheshire, England
Wikipedia - Baldevins bryllup -- 1926 film
Wikipedia - Baldev Singh Mann -- Indian political activist
Wikipedia - Baldone Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Baldovino Dassu -- Italian golfer
Wikipedia - Baldr Sky -- Duology of Japanese adult visual novels
Wikipedia - Bal du Bois -- Annual ball in Richmond, Virginia
Wikipedia - Baldur's Gate (video game)
Wikipedia - Baldvin Zophoniasson -- Icelandic film director, writer, and producer
Wikipedia - Baldwin effect -- Effect of learned behavior on evolution
Wikipedia - Baldwinsville, New York
Wikipedia - Baldy Bowl -- Fluvial cirque in Los Angeles County, California, United States
Wikipedia - Balearic Islands -- Archipelago in the Mediterranean, autonomous community, and province of Spain
Wikipedia - Balekundri (K.H.) -- Village in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Balele Mountains -- Mountain massif in the KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa
Wikipedia - Balewadi, Solapur district -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bal Gangadhar Tilak -- Indian independence activist
Wikipedia - Balgovind Verma -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Balibo Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Balichapori -- Village in Majuli district, Assam, India
Wikipedia - Balijapadu -- village in Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Balika Vadhu -- Television series
Wikipedia - Balikli, Altieylul -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Balilihan -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Bohol
Wikipedia - Bali Nine -- Drug smugglers convicted in Indonesia in 2005
Wikipedia - Balint Virag -- Hungarian mathematician
Wikipedia - Balitang Amianan -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Balitang Bisdak -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Balitanghali -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Balita Pilipinas Ngayon -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Balita Pilipinas Primetime -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Bali -- Province of and island in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Balkan Bulgarian Airlines Flight 307 -- 1973 aviation accident in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Balkh Province -- Province of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Bal Khurd -- Village in India
Wikipedia - Balkh -- Town in Balkh Province, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Balko -- German television series
Wikipedia - Ballabeg -- A village in the Isle of Man
Wikipedia - Ballad for One Gun -- 1963 Australian television film
Wikipedia - Ballad of Seodong -- 2005-2006 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Ballagoth -- Village development committee in Janakpur Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Ballainvilliers -- Commune in M-CM-^Nle-de-France, France
Wikipedia - Ballarat Airport -- Airport in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Ballarat Sports and Events Centre -- Sports complex in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Ballarat Tramway Museum -- Tram museum in Ballarat, Victoria
Wikipedia - Ballard High School (Louisville, Kentucky) -- Public high school in Louisville, Kentucky
Wikipedia - Ballast -- Material that is used to provide stability to a vehicle or structure
Wikipedia - Ballers -- American comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Ballet Review
Wikipedia - Ballinard (civil parish) -- Civil parish in County Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballinderry Sword -- Irish Viking-style sword
Wikipedia - Ballingarry, County Limerick -- Village in County Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ball in the Family -- 2017 American reality web television series
Wikipedia - Ballistics (video game) -- 2001 futuristic racing computer video game
Wikipedia - Ballochmyle Viaduct -- High railway viaduct in Ayrshire, Scotland
Wikipedia - Balloon septostomy -- Procedure for widening of a foramen ovale, patent foramen ovale (PFO), or atrial septal defect (ASD) via cardiac catheterization (heart cath) using a balloon catheter
Wikipedia - Ballyboughal -- Village and district in Fingal within historic County Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballybrit Novice Chase -- Steeplechase horse race in Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballycannan -- Village in County Clare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballydavid
Wikipedia - Ballygall -- Small suburban area between Glasnevin and Finglas, Dublin, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballyheigue -- Coastal village in County Kerry, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballymorin (civil parish) -- Civil parish in Leinster, Republic of Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballyneety -- Village in County Limerick, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballyoulster -- Village in County Kildare, Ireland
Wikipedia - Ballyvoige, County Cork -- A townland in the civil parish of Desertserges, County Cork, Ireland
Wikipedia - Balmaceda Park -- Urban park in Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Wikipedia - BalM-EM-!a BoM-EM->ovic -- Serbian politician
Wikipedia - Balmory Hall -- Victorian Italianate mansion on the Isle of Bute, Scotland
Wikipedia - Balochistan, Pakistan -- Province of Pakistan
Wikipedia - Balochistan Public Service Commission -- Government agency
Wikipedia - Balondo Civilization -- The Balondo is a small ethnic group residing along the southwest coast of Cameroon with ethnic relatives in South Calabar.
Wikipedia - Balot (comedian) -- Filipino comedian, film, television, stage actor and comedian
Wikipedia - Balrog -- Race of evil fire-demons in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth
Wikipedia - Balsamic vinegar -- Type of vinegar originating in Italy
Wikipedia - Balsane -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Balsa, Parbhani -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Balscaddan -- Village in Fingal (historic County Dublin), Ireland
Wikipedia - Balsokra -- Village in Jharkhand, India
Wikipedia - Balss Maska -- Latvian singing competition TV series
Wikipedia - Baltai -- Festival of the Mordvin people
Wikipedia - Baltan -- Village in West Azerbaijan, Iran
Wikipedia - Balterley Green -- Village in Staffordshire, England
Wikipedia - Balthazar (TV series) -- French crime-thriller drama television series
Wikipedia - Balthild -- Wife of Clovis II, Queen consort of Burgundy and Neustria, Christian saint
Wikipedia - Baltic Exchange bombing -- Attack by the Provisional IRA on the City of London
Wikipedia - Baltic Sea watchtower, Kuhlungsborn -- Watchtower in the village of Kuhlungsborn, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Wikipedia - Baltic Unity Day -- Observance every September 22 in Lithuania and Latvia
Wikipedia - Baltimore bank riot -- Violent 1835 reaction to a bank failure
Wikipedia - Baltimore classification -- Virus classification system made by David Baltimore
Wikipedia - Baltimore Police Department -- Police service provider for Baltimore, US
Wikipedia - Baltimore riot of 1861 -- Civil riot against Union troops early in the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Baltinava Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Balto-Slavic languages
Wikipedia - Balts' Award -- Annual award for achievements in Latvian-Lithuanian culture
Wikipedia - Baluchistan (Chief Commissioner's Province) -- Province of British Empire in India
Wikipedia - Bal Vidyalaya (Kota) -- Private school in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Balvi Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Bamandongri -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bamangamakatti -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bama Vijayam (1967 film) -- 1967 film by K. Balachander
Wikipedia - Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
Wikipedia - Bambaru Avith -- 1978 film
Wikipedia - Bambawali-Ravi-Bedian Canal -- Pakistani waterway
Wikipedia - Bambini-Code -- Brevity code used by the Swiss Air Force
Wikipedia - Bambi -- 1942 American animated Disney drama film directed by David Hand
Wikipedia - Bamboo Airways -- Airline based in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Bamboo mosaic virus -- Species of plant pathogenic virus
Wikipedia - Bamboo weaving -- Type of bambooworking that weaves strips of bamboo together to form an object or pattern
Wikipedia - BaM-DM-^Mka Oblast -- Former oblast of Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - BaM-DM-^_tepe, Kepsut -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - BaM-EM-^_ceM-EM-^_me, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - BaM-EM-^_koy, Cide -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - BaM-EM-^_koy, PinarbaM-EM-^_i -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - BAM! Entertainment -- American dormant video game publisher
Wikipedia - Bamileke people -- Ethnic group of West Province of Cameroon
Wikipedia - Bamlanivimab -- Experimental antibody treatment for COVID-19
Wikipedia - B&B Hotels-Vital Concept -- French cycling team
Wikipedia - B&H Airlines -- Former flag carrier of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Wikipedia - B&H Photo -- Photo and video equipment store in the US
Wikipedia - Bamrang -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bamyan Airport -- Airport serving Bamyan, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Bamyan Province -- Province of Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Banahaw Broadcasting Corporation -- Defunct Philippine television network
Wikipedia - Ba Na Hills -- Resort in the TrM-FM-0M-aM-;M-^]ng SM-FM-!n Mountains, Vietnam
Wikipedia - Banality of evil
Wikipedia - Banali -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ba Nam Sadec -- Vietnamese actress and singer
Wikipedia - Banana Island Provincial Park -- Protected area in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Bananas in Pyjamas -- Australian children's television series
Wikipedia - Banana Wars -- Actions involving the United States in Central America and the Caribbean
Wikipedia - Banarjhula -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Banate, Iloilo -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Banat of Craiova -- Province of the Habsburg Monarchy established in Oltenia between 1718 and 1739
Wikipedia - Banaula -- Village development committee in Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Banauli -- Village development committee in Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Banau -- Village development committee in Dhawalagiri Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Banawadi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Banca Giuratale (Victoria, Gozo) -- City hall of Victoria, Gozo, Malta
Wikipedia - Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria -- Spanish financial services company
Wikipedia - Banco Nacional de Bolivia -- Bolivian banking institution
Wikipedia - Bancontact Payconiq Company -- Belgian financial services company (e. 2018)
Wikipedia - Bandai Namco Entertainment -- Japanese video game developer and publisher
Wikipedia - Bandai Visual -- Defunct Japanese anime and distribution company
Wikipedia - Bandai -- Japanese toy making and video game company
Wikipedia - Bandali Debs -- Australian convicted serial killer
Wikipedia - BandaOke! Rock 'N Roll to Millions -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Bandar Baru -- Village in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Bandar Hilir (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bandar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Banda Yeh Bindaas Hai -- Unreleased film by Ravi Chopra
Wikipedia - Banded stilt -- Species of Australian bird in the family Recurvirostridae
Wikipedia - Banderole -- A comparatively small but long flag or banner, historically used by knights and on ships, and as a heraldic device for representing bishops
Wikipedia - Bandhan, Vikramgad -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bandhativare -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bandhay Aik Dor Say -- 2020 Pakistani romantic television series
Wikipedia - Bandhghar -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bandidos MC criminal allegations and incidents -- Criminal incidents involving the Bandidos Motorcycle Club
Wikipedia - Bandish Bandits -- Indian Television web series
Wikipedia - Bandits (2001 film) -- 2001 film by Barry Levinson
Wikipedia - Bandit (TV series) -- Welsh language music television show
Wikipedia - Band mask -- Heavy duty full-face diving mask for surface-supplied diving
Wikipedia - BandM-EM-^M MitsugorM-EM-^M VII -- Japanese kabuki actor
Wikipedia - Band of Brothers (TV series) -- South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Band of Gold (TV series) -- British television crime drama series aired on ITV from 1995 to 1997
Wikipedia - Band of the Dzerzhinsky Division -- Military band unit of the Russian Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Bandolier -- Pocketed belt worn to hold either individual bullets, or belts of ammunition
Wikipedia - Bandula Padmakumara -- Sri Lankan journalist and television presenter
Wikipedia - Bandula Vithanage -- Sri Lankan actor, director
Wikipedia - Bandwidth throttling -- Intentional slowing or speeding of an internet service by an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Wikipedia - Bane (DC Comics) -- Fictional character in the DC Comics universe, a supervillain
Wikipedia - Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity -- Arts centre in Banff, Alberta, Canada
Wikipedia - Banfikot -- Village development committee in Karnali Pradesh, Nepal
Wikipedia - Bangabandhu Academy for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development -- Research institute in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University -- Aerospace engineering institution in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bang a Drum -- 1998 single by Jon Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bangalore Days -- 2014 Malayalam romantic comedy movie
Wikipedia - Bangalore South (Vidhana Sabha constituency) -- Vidhana Sabha constituency in Karnataka, India
Wikipedia - Bang & Olufsen -- Danish audio-visual products company
Wikipedia - Bangana devdevi -- Species of fish
Wikipedia - Bangarchole -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bang Bang Busters -- Video game
Wikipedia - Bangia -- Extant genus of division Rhodophyta that grows in marine or freshwater habitats
Wikipedia - Bangkok Buddies -- 2019 Thai television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Innocence -- 2018 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Objects of Affection -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangkok Love Stories: Plead -- 2019 Thai-language television series
Wikipedia - Bangladeshi calendar -- Civil calendar used in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Television -- National Television channel of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Bangladesh Vision 2041 -- Socio-economic in Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Banglatown Banquet -- 2006 television film directed by Hettie MacDonald
Wikipedia - Bangor Teifi -- Welsh village
Wikipedia - Banham, Norfolk -- Village and civil parish in the county of Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Banh bao banh vM-aM-:M-!c -- Vietnamese dumpling
Wikipedia - Bani - Ishq Da Kalma -- Television series
Wikipedia - Banjo (2016 film) -- 2016 film by Ravi Jadhav
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts -- Video game
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie (video game) -- 1998 platform video game developed by Rare
Wikipedia - Banjo-Kazooie -- Video game franchise
Wikipedia - Banjo-Tooie -- 3D platform video game developed by Rare Limited
Wikipedia - Banka Cheema -- Village in Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - BankCard Services -- American credit card processor
Wikipedia - Bankenviertel -- Central business district in Frankfurt, Germany
Wikipedia - Banker horse -- A breed of feral horse living on barrier islands in North Carolina's Outer Banks
Wikipedia - BankGiro Miljonairs -- Dutch television game show
Wikipedia - Banking as a Service
Wikipedia - Banking in Vietnam
Wikipedia - Bankipur (Bengal) -- Village in West Bengal.
Wikipedia - Bank Newton -- Settlement and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Bank of America -- American multinational banking and financial services corporation
Wikipedia - Bank of Latvia -- The central bank of Latvia, established in 1922
Wikipedia - Bank robbery -- Crime of stealing from a bank using violence
Wikipedia - Bankshot Billiards -- Cue sports video game, released 2004
Wikipedia - Banksia borealis subsp. borealis -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia canei -- Shrub in the family Proteaceae found in subalpine areas of the Great Dividing Range in southeastern Australia.
Wikipedia - Banksia corvijuga -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dallanneyi subsp. agricola -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dallanneyi subsp. dallanneyi -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dallanneyi subsp. media -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dallanneyi subsp. pollosta -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dallanneyi subsp. sylvestris -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi -- Variety in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia dallanneyi var. mellicula -- Variety in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia densa var. densa -- Variety in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia densa var. parva -- Variety in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia erythrocephala var. erythrocephala -- Variety in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia fraseri var. fraseri -- Variety in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia gardneri var. brevidentata -- Variety of shrub in the family Proteaceae native to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia gardneri var. gardneri -- Variety of plants in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia gardneri var. hiemalis -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia ionthocarpa subsp. ionthocarpa -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia laevigata subsp. fuscolutea -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia leptophylla var. leptophylla -- Variety in the plant family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia meisneri subsp. ascendens -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia meisneri subsp. meisneri -- Subspecies of plants in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia nobilis subsp. nobilis -- Subspeciesof plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia nutans var. cernuella -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia nutans var. nutans -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia plumosa subsp. plumosa -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia prolata subsp. archeos -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia prolata subsp. calcicola -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia prolata subsp. prolata -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia pteridifolia subsp. pteridifolia -- Subspecies in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia recurvistylis -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia rufa subsp. chelomacarpa -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia rufa subsp. flavescens -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia rufa subsp. magna -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia rufa subsp. obliquiloba -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteacea eendemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia rufa subsp. pumila -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia rufa subsp. rufa -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia rufa subsp. tutanningensis -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia saxicola -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae native to Victoria (Australia)
Wikipedia - Banksia serratuloides subsp. serratuloides -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sessilis var. flabellifolia -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae from the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sphaerocarpa var. caesia -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sphaerocarpa var. latifolia -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sphaerocarpa var. pumilio -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia sphaerocarpa var. sphaerocarpa -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae native to the Southwest Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia splendida subsp. macrocarpa -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia splendida subsp. splendida -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia squarrosa subsp. squarrosa -- Subspecies of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia subpinnatifida var. subpinnatifida -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia tenuis var. reptans -- Variety of plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia tenuis var. tenuis -- Varietyof plant in the family Proteaceae endemic to the South West Botanical Province of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia victoriae -- Species of shrub or tree in the family Proteaceae endemic to Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia vincentia -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae native to New South Wales
Wikipedia - Banksia violacea -- A shrub or tree in the family Proteaceae found in low shrubland in southern regions of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksia viscida -- Species of shrub in the family Proteaceae from semi-arid inland Western Australia
Wikipedia - Banksy -- Pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, and painter
Wikipedia - Bankura horse -- Horse made from terracotta or clay in Panchmura Village, West Bengal, India. Originally used for ritual purposes, now used for decoration.
Wikipedia - Bankwest -- Australian full-service bank
Wikipedia - Bannanje Govindacharya -- Indian scholar
Wikipedia - Banneville-la-Campagne War Cemetery -- Military cemetery in Normandy
Wikipedia - Banoda Eklara -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Ban of Croatia -- Historical title of rulers and viceroys in Croatian history
Wikipedia - Banshee (TV series) -- American action drama television series
Wikipedia - Bansud -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Oriental Mindoro
Wikipedia - Bantam Spectra -- Science fiction division of Bantam Books
Wikipedia - Bantatay -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Bantayan, Cebu -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Bantayog ng mga Bayani -- Memorial dedicated to the victims and heroes of the Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship
Wikipedia - Banteay Neang -- Commune and village in Mongkol Borei District, Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia
Wikipedia - Banten -- Province of Indonesia
Wikipedia - Ban Thapene -- Village of Luang Prabang District
Wikipedia - Banton, Romblon -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Romblon
Wikipedia - Banu Yam -- A large tribe native to Najran Province
Wikipedia - Banwari Lal (biotechnologist) -- Indian environmental and biotechnologist
Wikipedia - Banyon -- American television series
Wikipedia - Banzai skydiving -- Rumored form of skydiving
Wikipedia - Baoruco Province -- province of the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Bapatla mandal -- administrative division of Andhra Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - BAP Ferre (DM-74) -- Peruvian Navy destroyer
Wikipedia - Bapha -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - BAP Palacios (DM-73) -- Peruvian destroyer
Wikipedia - BAP Puno (ABH-306) -- Peruvian Navy hospital ship
Wikipedia - Baptist Noel, 3rd Viscount Campden -- English Member of Parliament
Wikipedia - Bapugaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bapulal Malviya -- Indian politician
Wikipedia - Barack Obama religion conspiracy theories -- Overview about the religion conspiracy theories of Barack Obama
Wikipedia - Bara culture -- A culture of the Indus Valley Civilization
Wikipedia - Bara District -- District in Province No. 2, Nepal
Wikipedia - Baradi -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Baraem -- Qatari children's television channel
Wikipedia - Bar Aftab-e Seyyedi -- village in Khuzestan, Iran
Wikipedia - Barahapokhari (VDC) -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Baraha, Udayapur -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Barahona, Morovis, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Barahona Province -- province of the Dominican Republic
Wikipedia - Barai -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Barak Ravid -- Israeli journalist
Wikipedia - Baraneshwar -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Barangay -- smallest administrative division in the Philippines
Wikipedia - Barany chair -- A device used for aerospace physiology training
Wikipedia - Baraqueville -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Barasat Satya Bharati Vidya Pith -- School of West Bengal
Wikipedia - Bara, TrebiM-EM-!ov District -- Village inM-BM- TrebiM-EM-!ov District, Hungary
Wikipedia - Bara Udhoran -- Village development committee in Janakpur Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Barbacoas District -- district in Puriscal canton, San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barbara Ackermann -- American politician and activist
Wikipedia - Barbara Anderson (anti-tax activist) -- Activist (b. 1943, d. 2016)
Wikipedia - Barbara Ann Hackmann Taylor -- American murder victim
Wikipedia - Barbara Baldavin -- American television actress
Wikipedia - Barbara Bloom (television executive) -- American television executive and writer
Wikipedia - Barbara Britton -- American film and television actress
Wikipedia - Barbara Buntrock -- German woman violist
Wikipedia - Barbara Burford -- medical researcher, civil servant and writer
Wikipedia - Barbara Bush (born 1981) -- American health care activist and daughter of George W. Bush
Wikipedia - Barbara Coombs Lee -- American activist
Wikipedia - Barbara Denis de Vitre -- police officer
Wikipedia - Barbara Eligmann -- German television presenter
Wikipedia - Barbara Emile -- British television producer
Wikipedia - Barbara Fritchie -- American patriot during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Barbara, Gaza -- Former village in Gaza subdistrict
Wikipedia - Barbara Gervin-Hawkins -- Democratic Texas legislator
Wikipedia - Barbara Gittings -- Librarian, LGBT rights activist
Wikipedia - Barbara Graham -- Convicted murderer
Wikipedia - Barbara Haviland Minor -- American chemical engineer
Wikipedia - Barbara L. Craig -- Canadian archivist, historian and educator
Wikipedia - Barbara Love -- American lesbian feminist writer and activist
Wikipedia - Barbara Mandel -- American activist and philanthropist
Wikipedia - Barbara Ntambirweki -- Ugandan lawyer, academic and activist
Wikipedia - Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland -- English royal mistress from the Villiers family
Wikipedia - Barbara Palvin -- Hungarian model
Wikipedia - Barbara Rose Johns -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Barbara Sattler-Kovacevic -- Austrian canoeist
Wikipedia - Barbara Staff -- American political activist
Wikipedia - Barbara Visser (artist)
Wikipedia - Barbara Walters -- American broadcast journalist, author, and television personality
Wikipedia - Barbara Waxman Fiduccia -- American disability activist, author, and educator
Wikipedia - Barbarians (2020 TV series) -- German television series
Wikipedia - Barbarians at the Gate (film) -- 1993 television film by Glenn Jordan
Wikipedia - Barbarians Rising -- American docudrama television series
Wikipedia - Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Barbarian -- Person perceived to be uncivilized or primitive
Wikipedia - Barbarism (linguistics) -- Linguistic deviation
Wikipedia - Barbas (Charmed) -- fictional character from the American television supernatural drama Charmed
Wikipedia - Barberini - Fontana di Trevi (Rome Metro) -- Rome metro station
Wikipedia - Barberville, Rhode Island -- Human settlement in Rhode Island, United States
Wikipedia - Barbie and the Rockers: Out of This World -- 1987 direct to video film based on the toy line directed by Bernard Deyries
Wikipedia - Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Barbie Horse Adventures -- Series of video games based on Mattel's Barbie line of dolls
Wikipedia - Barbours Creek-Shawvers Run Cluster -- Protected natural area in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Barbours Creek Wilderness Addition -- Protected natural area in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Barbra Casbar Siperstein -- American political and transgender-rights activist
Wikipedia - Barbro Alving -- Swedish journalist and writer
Wikipedia - Barbro Lonnkvist -- Swedish orienteering competitor
Wikipedia - Barb Wire (film) -- 1996 film by David Hogan
Wikipedia - Barcelona: A Love Untold -- 2016 film directed by Olivia Lamasan
Wikipedia - Barcelona Pavilion -- Building in Barcelona, Spain
Wikipedia - Barcelona Province (Venezuela) -- Former province in Venezuela
Wikipedia - Barchhawa -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Barclay Livingstone -- Canadian yacht racer
Wikipedia - Barclays -- British multinational banking and financial services company
Wikipedia - Bardapur -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bardi people -- An Aboriginal Australian people living in the Kimberley region of Western Australia
Wikipedia - Bardon Mill -- Village in Northumberland, England
Wikipedia - Bardsey cum Rigton -- Civil parish in West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Bardsey, West Yorkshire -- Village near Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Barea Soranus -- 1st century AD Roman senator, consul and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Bareboat charter -- Chartering or hiring of a ship without crew or provisions
Wikipedia - Baree, Son of Kazan (1918 film) -- 1918 silent film by David Smith
Wikipedia - Barefoot (miniseries) -- Israeli television miniseries
Wikipedia - Barelang -- Island group in the Riau Islands province, near Batam, in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Barelvi
Wikipedia - Baretta -- Television series
Wikipedia - Barfleur (disambiguation) -- Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term
Wikipedia - Barford St Martin -- Village in Wiltshire, England
Wikipedia - Barhadashi -- Rural Municipality in Province No. 1, Nepal
Wikipedia - Barhmapur -- Village development committee in Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Bari Karol Wojtyla Airport -- International airport serving Bari, Italy
Wikipedia - Barila Sharif -- Village in Punjab, Pakistan
Wikipedia - Barili -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Cebu
Wikipedia - Baring Bingham Novices' Hurdle -- Hurdle horse race in Britain
Wikipedia - Barisal Divisional Stadium -- Sports stadium
Wikipedia - Barisal Division -- Division of Bangladesh
Wikipedia - Baris (weevil) -- Genus of beetles
Wikipedia - Barjo -- 1992 film by Jerome Boivin
Wikipedia - Barkha Dutt -- Indian television journalist and author
Wikipedia - Barkley 2 -- 2016 video game
Wikipedia - Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden -- Video game
Wikipedia - Barkston Ash -- Village and civil parish near Selby, North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Barloni -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Barmah Forest virus -- Species of virus
Wikipedia - Ba RM-aM-;M-^Ka-VM-EM-)ng Tau Province -- Province of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Barnaby Clay -- British film and music video director
Wikipedia - Barnaby Jones -- American television series 1973-1980
Wikipedia - Barnaby Miln -- British social activist
Wikipedia - Barnalu -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Barnaparichay -- A Bengali primer written by Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Wikipedia - Barnby Dun -- Village in England
Wikipedia - Barnesville Township, Clay County, Minnesota -- Township in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Barnett Cocks -- British civil servant
Wikipedia - Barney & Friends -- American children's television series
Wikipedia - Barney Harwood -- British television presenter (born 1979)
Wikipedia - Barnoldswick -- Town and civil parish in Lancashire, England
Wikipedia - Barnstorming (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Barodi, Jind -- Village in Haryana, India
Wikipedia - Baroiyarhat -- Town in Chittagong District, Chittagong Division
Wikipedia - Baron, Allahabad -- Village in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Baron Alvingham -- British peer
Wikipedia - Baron Blood -- Fictional supervillain
Wikipedia - Baroness Burdett Coutts Drinking Fountain -- Drinking fountain in Victoria Park, London
Wikipedia - Baron Partners -- Australian financial services company
Wikipedia - Baron Strucker -- Marvel Comics supervillain
Wikipedia - Barony (county division) -- Administrative division of a county in Scotland, Ireland and outlying parts of England
Wikipedia - Barony (Ireland) -- Historical subdivision of a county of Ireland
Wikipedia - Baroque Revival architecture -- Architectural movement
Wikipedia - Baroque (video game)
Wikipedia - Barotac Nuevo -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Barotac Viejo -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Barotrauma (video game) -- 2019 side-scrolling role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Barouh Berkovits -- Czech-born American bioengineer (1926-2012)
Wikipedia - Baroville -- Commune in Grand Est, France
Wikipedia - Barpe Bk. -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Barranca District -- district in Puntarenas canton, Puntarenas province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barrantes District -- district in Flores canton, Heredia province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barrelville, South Carolina -- Settlement in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Bar Rescue -- Reality television series hosted by Jon Taffer wherein said host attempts to rescue failing bars
Wikipedia - Barrhead (electoral district) -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Barrhead-Morinville-Westlock -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Barrie Edgar -- English television producer
Wikipedia - Barrier transfer machine -- Heavy vehicle used to transfer concrete lane dividers during rush hours
Wikipedia - Barrios of Montevideo -- City of Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, is divided into 62 barrios
Wikipedia - Barros, Orocovis, Puerto Rico -- Barrio of Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Barrovian
Wikipedia - Barrow Hill: Curse of the Ancient Circle -- 2006 video game by Shadow Tor Studios
Wikipedia - Barry Clarke (engineer) -- British civil engineer
Wikipedia - Barry George -- British man wrongly convicted of murder
Wikipedia - Barry Katz -- Television producer and talent manager
Wikipedia - Barry Levinson -- American screenwriter, film director, actor, and producer
Wikipedia - Barry Livingston -- American actor
Wikipedia - Barry M. Davies -- Canadian judge
Wikipedia - Barry Olivier -- American musician
Wikipedia - Barry Schiff -- American aviation writer
Wikipedia - Barry Steven Jackson -- American presidential advisor
Wikipedia - Barry (TV series) -- American television comedy series
Wikipedia - Barry Yelverton, 5th Viscount Avonmore -- Irish viscount
Wikipedia - Barsain -- Village development committee in Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Bart Baxter -- American poet living in London, UK
Wikipedia - Bartek Niziol -- Polish violinist
Wikipedia - Barterode -- Village in Lower Saxony, Germany
Wikipedia - Barterville, Kentucky -- Human settlement in United States of America
Wikipedia - Barthel scale -- Ordinal scale used to measure performance in activities of daily living (ADL)
Wikipedia - Bartlesville Barflies -- Barbershop quartet
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Campagnoli -- Italian violinist and composer
Wikipedia - Bartolomeo Olivieri -- 18th-century Italian Roman Catholic bishop
Wikipedia - Barton Hollow (song) -- 2011 single by The Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Barton in Fabis -- Village in Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Bartonville Agreement
Wikipedia - Bartosz Staszewski -- Polish LGBT activist and film director
Wikipedia - Bartow, West Virginia -- Census-designated place in West Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Bartram Springs, Florida -- A neighborhood of Jacksonville, Florida
Wikipedia - Baru District, Perez Zeledon -- district in Perez Zeledon canton, San Jose province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barugh Green -- Village in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Barugh, South Yorkshire -- Village in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Barva (canton) -- canton in Heredia province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barva -- district in Barva canton, Heredia province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Barvinkove -- Town in Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Barvitus
Wikipedia - Bar -- Establishment serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises
Wikipedia - Barwon River (Victoria) -- river in Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Baryonyx -- Genus of non-avian dinosaurs
Wikipedia - Baryshevo, Leningrad Oblast -- Village in Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Wikipedia - Basabote -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Basahang Ginto -- 2010 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Basa, Nepal -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Basantpur, Pachperwa -- Village in Balrampur, India
Wikipedia - Basantpur, Parsa -- Village development committee in Narayani Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Basatpur -- Place in Province Number 2, Nepal
Wikipedia - Basay, Negros Oriental -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Negros Oriental
Wikipedia - Basbalpur -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Basbita -- Village development committee in Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Bascomville, South Carolina -- Settlement in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Bas-Cuvier -- Climbing area found in France
Wikipedia - Baseband processor -- In smartphones and other radio network interface devices
Wikipedia - BASEketball -- 1998 American sports comedy film directed by David Zucker
Wikipedia - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision -- Banking supervisory organization
Wikipedia - Base, Maharashtra -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Basenj -- village in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Basgo -- Village in Ladakh, India
Wikipedia - Bashasa -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bash at the Brewery -- Impact Wrestling pay-per-view event series
Wikipedia - Bashir Rameev -- Soviet computer scientist
Wikipedia - Bashkortostan -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Basic belief -- The axioms under the epistemological view called foundationalism
Wikipedia - Basic Cave Diving: A Blueprint for Survival -- Book on cave diving safety by Sheck Exley
Wikipedia - Basic People's Congress (country subdivision) -- Smallest administrative subdivision of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Wikipedia - Basidiomycota -- Division of fungi
Wikipedia - Basilan Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Basilan, Philippines
Wikipedia - Basil Davidson -- British historian
Wikipedia - Basilica Menor de la Virgen de Monserrate -- Historic church in Hormigueros, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourviere -- Minor basilica in Lyon
Wikipedia - Basilica of Our Lady of Victories, Paris
Wikipedia - Basilica of Saints Cyril and Methodius (Danville, Pennsylvania)
Wikipedia - Basilica of San Vicente -- Spanish church
Wikipedia - Basilica of San Vitale (Rome)
Wikipedia - Basilica of St. Francis Xavier
Wikipedia - Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Baltimore)
Wikipedia - Basil Rathbone -- British stage and movie actor (1892-1967)
Wikipedia - Basil the Younger -- Byzantine Greek holy man and visionary
Wikipedia - Basil Vine -- New Zealand cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Basin and Range Province -- Geologic province extending through much of the western United States and Mexico
Wikipedia - Basit Igtet -- Libyan entrepreneur and human-rights activist
Wikipedia - Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Wikipedia - Baskerville -- Transitional serif typeface designed in the 1750s
Wikipedia - Baskets (TV series) -- American television comedy series
Wikipedia - Basket weaving
Wikipedia - Baslow -- Village in Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Basmachi movement -- Uprising against Russian Imperial and Soviet rule by the Muslim peoples of Central Asia (1916-1934)
Wikipedia - BasoviM-EM-!M-DM-^Ma -- Festival of Belarusian alternative and rock music
Wikipedia - Baspani, Khotang District -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Ba Srae Commune -- Commune in Takeo Province, Cambodia
Wikipedia - Basra Vilayet -- Ottoman province
Wikipedia - Basseterre -- Capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Wikipedia - Basta Every Day Happy -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Baste -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bastila Shan -- Fictional video game character
Wikipedia - Bastion (video game) -- Action role-playing video game
Wikipedia - Bastipur, Siraha -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Baston Lodge -- Italianate villa in St Leanards-on-Sea, Hastings, East Sussex, England
Wikipedia - Basty -- evil spirit in Turkic folklore
Wikipedia - Basudevapur -- Village development committee in Bheri Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Bas-Uele -- Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Wikipedia - Basundhara Bhusal -- Nepali movie and theater actor
Wikipedia - Basville -- Commune in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Wikipedia - Bataan Death March -- 1942 march moving prisoners of war during WWII
Wikipedia - Bataan Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Bataan, Philippines
Wikipedia - Batad, Iloilo -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Iloilo
Wikipedia - Batallion 50 Rock the Hebron Casbah -- 2010 viral video
Wikipedia - Batan, Costa Rica -- district in Matina canton, Limon province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Batanes Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Batanes, Philippines
Wikipedia - Batanes State College -- Public college in Batanes province, Philippines
Wikipedia - Batangas Provincial Board -- Legislative body of the province of Batangas, Philippines
Wikipedia - Batang Bibbo! -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Bata Paskaljevic -- Serbian actor
Wikipedia - Bataraza -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Palawan
Wikipedia - Batase, Khotang -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Batavia Air -- Defunct Indonesian airline (2001-2013)
Wikipedia - Batavia Castle -- VOC fort in Jakarta
Wikipedia - Batavia, Dutch East Indies -- Capital of the Dutch East Indies
Wikipedia - Batavia, New York
Wikipedia - Batavian Republic -- Dutch predecessor state, 1795-1806
Wikipedia - Batavian Revolution -- Period between the Dutch and Batavian Republics (1794-1799)
Wikipedia - Batavia, Ohio -- Village in Clermont County, Ohio, United States
Wikipedia - Batavia Stad Fashion Outlet -- Factory outlet center in the Netherlands
Wikipedia - Batavi (Germanic tribe) -- Germanic tribe
Wikipedia - Bat bomb -- Experimental World War II weapon in which bats carried incendiary devices
Wikipedia - Bateria de Urrutia -- Battery located in San Fernando in the Province of Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (film) -- 1987 made-for-television film directed by Richard Rothstein
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (season 1) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (season 3) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (season 4) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (season 5) -- Season of television series
Wikipedia - Bates Motel (TV series) -- American drama thriller television series
Wikipedia - Batesville, South Carolina -- Settlement in South Carolina, United States
Wikipedia - Bath Crashers -- Television series
Wikipedia - Bathinda-Jammu Tawi Express (via Firozpur) -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Bathinda-Jammu Tawi Express (via Rajpura) -- Train in India
Wikipedia - Bathing machine -- Device used for sea bathing during the 19th century
Wikipedia - Bathnaha, Saptari -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Bathroom -- room for personal hygiene activities, such as showering
Wikipedia - Bathurst, Eastern Cape -- Village in Eastern Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Bathyscaphe -- Free-diving self-propelled deep-sea submersible
Wikipedia - Bathythermograph -- Device that holds a temperature sensor and a transducer to detect changes in water temperature versus depth
Wikipedia - Batibot -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (video game)
Wikipedia - Batman Beyond -- 1999-2001 American television series
Wikipedia - Batman: The Animated Series -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Batman: The Enemy Within -- 2016 Batman adventure video game
Wikipedia - Batman: The Killing Joke (film) -- 2016 direct-to-video animated film directed by Sam Liu
Wikipedia - Batman: The Widening Gyre -- Comic book series by Kevin Smith
Wikipedia - Batman (TV series) -- 1960s American television series
Wikipedia - Batman: Under the Red Hood -- 2010 direct-to-video animated superhero film directed by Brandon Vietti
Wikipedia - Batna Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - Baton Broadcast System -- Canadian television system
Wikipedia - Baton Rouge bus boycott -- Part of the American Civil Rights Movement
Wikipedia - Bats & Terry -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Bat-Signal -- Distress signal device to call Batman
Wikipedia - Battery balancing -- Techniques that maximize the capacity of a battery pack with multiple cells to make all of the capacity available for use and increase each cell's longevity.
Wikipedia - Battery H, 1st Pennsylvania Light Artillery -- Light artillery battery in Civil War
Wikipedia - Batting average (cricket) -- Total number of runs that a player has scored divided by the number of times that player has been out
Wikipedia - Battle Angel (OVA) -- 1993 original video animation based on manga by Yukito Kishiro
Wikipedia - Battle Arena Toshinden (anime) -- Two-part original video animation based on the video game series of the same name
Wikipedia - Battle Bakraid -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Bears Gold -- Multi-player video game
Wikipedia - Battleborn (video game) -- 2016 multiplayer first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - BattleBots -- American robot combat television series
Wikipedia - Battle Chef Brigade -- 2017 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Battle Chess -- Chess video game
Wikipedia - Battle Dex -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Fever J -- Television series
Wikipedia - Battlefield 1942 -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 1 -- 2016 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 2142 -- 2006 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 2: Modern Combat -- 2005 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 3 -- 2011 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield 4 -- 2013 first-person shooter video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield Hardline -- 2015 video game
Wikipedia - Battlefield (video game series) -- First-person shooter video game series by EA DICE
Wikipedia - Battlefish -- American reality television show
Wikipedia - BattleForge -- Video game
Wikipedia - Battlefront (1986 video game) -- 1987 video game
Wikipedia - Battleground (2013) -- 2013 WWE pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2014) -- 2014 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2015) -- 2015 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2016) -- 2016 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battleground (2017) -- 2017 WWE pay-per-view and WWE Network event
Wikipedia - Battlemorph -- 1995 video game
Wikipedia - Battle of 2 Flowers -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Battle of Adwalton Moor -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Agincourt -- English victory in the Hundred Years' War
Wikipedia - Battle of Akhsi -- Part of Timurid Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Al Hudaydah -- Battle of the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Anabta -- 1936 attack by Arab militants on a convoy of civilian buses escorted by British soldiers in Mandatory Palestine
Wikipedia - Battle of An Bao -- Part of the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of An Lao -- Battle during the Vietnam War (1964)
Wikipedia - Battle of An LM-aM-;M-^Yc -- Battle during the Vietnam War (1972)
Wikipedia - Battle of Antietam -- Major battle (1862) of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Apamea -- Fatimid victory in the Arab-Byzantine Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Appomattox Court House -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arkansas Post (1863) -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Arsuf -- Christian crusaders victory against Saladin, 1191
Wikipedia - Battle of Asakai -- Massive-scale virtual battle in the game Eve Online
Wikipedia - Battle of Athens (1946) -- Civilian revolt against corrupt local government in McMinn County, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Battle of Atlanta -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Aylesbury -- A Battle in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Babylon Hill -- 1642 skirmish of the first English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Bagdoura -- Battle of the Berber Revolt; decisive Berber victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Baia -- Battle between Moldavia and Hungary
Wikipedia - Battle of Bamber Bridge -- 1943 mutiny of American servicemen
Wikipedia - Battle of Ban Me Thuot -- 1975 battle in the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Barking Creek -- Friendly fire aviation incident in 1939
Wikipedia - Battle of Batih -- Battle of the Khmelnytsky Uprising fought by Poland-Lithuania vs the Zaporozhian Cossacks and Crimean Khanate; decisive Cossack-Crimean victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Bean's Station -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Bentonville -- 1865 battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Big Black River Bridge -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Blackburn's Ford -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Blair Mountain -- Violent early 20th century American labor dispute
Wikipedia - Battle of BM-aM-:M-!ch M-DM-^PM-aM-:M-1ng (1288) -- Vietnamese victory against Mongol invasion
Wikipedia - Battle of Bosra (2015) -- Rebel operation in the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Bouvines -- A medieval battle which ended the 1202-1214 Anglo-French Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Bovey Heath -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Bremule -- 1119 battle between Henry I of England and Louis VI the Fat of France
Wikipedia - Battle of Brentford (1642) -- A Battle that took in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Brices Cross Roads -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Brunanburh -- Important victory for King Athelstan of England
Wikipedia - Battle of Cable Street -- 1936 violent confrontation in the East End of London, England
Wikipedia - Battle of Camp Davies -- American Civil War on November 22, 1863
Wikipedia - Battle of Camp Hill -- Battle in the first English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cane Hill -- 1862 battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cape Machichaco -- Naval battle of the Spanish Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1641) -- Military battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1780) -- 1780 naval battle between Great Britain and Spain
Wikipedia - Battle of Cephalonia -- Medieval naval battle between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Aghlabids; Roman victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Chaffin's Farm -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Chalgrove Field -- First English Civil War, 1643
Wikipedia - Battle of Champion Hill -- Battle in the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Chancellorsville -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Chantilly -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Chavez Ravine -- Removal people before Dodger Stadium was constructed
Wikipedia - Battle of Cheriton -- A Battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Chickamauga -- American Civil War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Chippenham -- 878 battle between Vikings and Wessex
Wikipedia - Battle of Civitate
Wikipedia - Battle of CM-aM-;M--a ViM-aM-;M-^Gt -- Battle in Cura Viet naval war
Wikipedia - Battle of Cockpit Point -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cold Harbor -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Copenhagen (1801) -- Battle between British and Dano-Norwegian navies
Wikipedia - Battle of Coral-Balmoral -- 1968 battle during the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Corydon -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Crecy -- English victory during the Hundred Years' War
Wikipedia - Battle of Cross Keys -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Daecheong -- Skirmish between the South Korean and North Korean navies
Wikipedia - Battle of Dak To -- Series of major engagements of the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Damghan (1063) -- Battle fought during the Seljuk civil war in 1063
Wikipedia - Battle of Damghan (1447) -- Battle of the TImurid Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Dazhongji -- 1945 battle during the Chinese Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Delville Wood -- Series of engagements in the 1916 Battle of the Somme in the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dhale -- Battle of the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dien Bien Phu -- Decisive Viet Minh victory over the French near the end of the First Indochina War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dimdim -- battle between the Safavid Empire and the Sunni Kurds of the Ottoman Empire (1609-1610)
Wikipedia - Battle of Droop Mountain -- Battle in the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dry Wood Creek -- American Civil War battle fought in Sep 1861 in Missouri
Wikipedia - Battle of Dublin -- A week of street battles in Dublin in 1922, beginning the Irish Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Dug Springs -- US Civil War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Ebenezer Church -- 1865 battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Edgehill -- 1642 battle during the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Farhadgerd -- Battle of the TImurid Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Five Forks -- 1865 battle during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Fort Donelson -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Fort Henry -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Fort Myers -- American Civil War battle in Florida
Wikipedia - Battle of Fort Pillow -- Battle and massacre of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Forts Jackson and St. Philip -- Naval battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Fort Sumter -- 1861 American Civil War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Forum Julii -- Battle between the forces of rival Roman emperors Otho and Vitellius (69 AD)
Wikipedia - Battle of Fotevik
Wikipedia - Battle of Franklin (1864) -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Fredericksburg -- Major battle (1862) of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Gabon -- WWII battle in colonial Gabon; Allied victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Gaines' Mill -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Gainsborough -- 1643 battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Gallipoli (1416) -- Battle between Venice and the Ottoman Sultanate; upset Venetian victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Galveston Harbor (1862) -- Naval battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Gettysburg -- Battle of the American Civil War (1863)
Wikipedia - Battle of Glorieta Pass -- 1862 battle in the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Grandson -- Swiss victory in the Burgundian Wars, 2 March 1476
Wikipedia - Battle of Guadalete -- Battle between the Visigothic Kingdom and the Umayyad Caliphate; decisive Umayyad victory leads to the fall of the Visigothic Kingdom and the Umayyad conquest of the peninsula
Wikipedia - Battle of Hampton Roads -- 1862 naval battle in the American Civil War, the first between ironclads
Wikipedia - Battle of Hancock -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Harpers Ferry -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hartsville -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hatcher's Run -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hattin -- Victory of Saladin against Crusader states, 1187
Wikipedia - Battle of Helena -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Helsingborg (1362) -- 1362 Danish victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Heptonstall -- A battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Hoover's Gap -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Idistaviso -- Battle between Roman legions and Germanic peoples in 16 AD
Wikipedia - Battle of Ilipa -- Scipio AfricanusM-bM-^@M-^Ys most brilliant victory in his military career during the Second Punic War
Wikipedia - Battle of Inverkeithing -- A Battle during the Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Jackson, Mississippi -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Jengland -- Battle between the Duchy of Brittany and West Francia; decsive Breton victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Jonesborough -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Jugla -- WW1 battle over Riga, Latvia
Wikipedia - Battle of Kennesaw Mountain -- 1864 battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Kursk -- World War II battle in the Soviet Union
Wikipedia - Battle of Lake Regillus -- A legendary Roman victory over the Latin League and as part of a wider Latin War (c. 496 BC)
Wikipedia - Battle of Langport -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Lansdowne -- 1643 English Civil War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Leuwiliang -- Japanese victory over Allied forces, Java, 1942
Wikipedia - Battle of Ligny -- The last victory of the military career of Napoleon Bonaparte
Wikipedia - Battle of LijevM-DM-^Me Field -- World War II battle in Yugoslavia
Wikipedia - Battle of Lincoln (1878) -- five-day-long firefight between civilians in Lincoln, New Mexico
Wikipedia - Battle of Lipany -- Fought at Lipany, Vitice in 1434 during the Hussite Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Lircay -- Battle in the Chilean Civil War of 1829-30
Wikipedia - Battle of Little Blue River -- American Civil War battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Locus Castorum -- Battle between the forces of rival Roman emperors Otho and Vitellius (69 AD)
Wikipedia - Battle of Long Tan -- Battle of the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Lucas Bend -- 1862 battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of M2-XFE -- Massive-scale virtual battle in the game Eve Online
Wikipedia - Battle of Mag Femen -- Irish-Viking battle in 917
Wikipedia - Battle of Maidstone -- A Battle that took place during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Malvern Hill -- Battle in the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Marais des Cygnes -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Marmiton River -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Marshall's Elm -- 1642 skirmish in Somerset prior to the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Marv -- Battle between the Safavid Iran and the Shaybanids
Wikipedia - Battle of Matewan -- 1920 shootout in Matewan, West Virginia
Wikipedia - Battle of McDowell -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of M-DM-^PM-aM-;M-^Sng M-DM-^Pang (1979) -- Initial phase of the Battle of LM-aM-:M-!ng SM-FM-!n during the Sino-Vietnamese War
Wikipedia - Battle of Meloria (1284) -- Naval battle between Pisa and Genoa; decisive Genoan victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Mill Springs -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Mine Creek -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Mine Run -- Battle during the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Misrata -- Battle of the 2011 Libyan Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Mobile Bay -- Naval battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Montevideo (1823) -- Battle between the Brazilian Empire and Portugal; Brazilian victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Morat -- Swiss victory in the Burgundian Wars, 22 June 1476
Wikipedia - Battle of Morristown -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Mukalla (2015) -- Battle of the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Mukalla (2016) -- Battle of the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Musa Qala -- 2007 British-led military action in Helmand Province, southern Afghanistan
Wikipedia - Battle of Muster Green -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Najera -- Battle of the Castilian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Nantwich -- A Battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Naseby -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Nashville -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Neville's Cross -- A Medieval battle between England and Scotland
Wikipedia - Battle of Newry Road -- Gun battle between British Army helicopters and Provisional IRA's armed trucks in 1993
Wikipedia - Battle of Nishapur (1447) -- Battle of the Timurid Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of North Anna -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Novi (1799)
Wikipedia - Battle of NummijM-CM-$rvi -- Battle during the Finnish War
Wikipedia - Battle of Oldendorf -- Battle (1633) during the Thirty Years' War which resulted in a decisive victory for the Swedish army over the Holy Roman Empire army
Wikipedia - Battle of Olney Bridge -- A skirmish that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Oslo (1161) -- Battle during the 12th c. Norwegian civil wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Oswestry -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Otavi -- A battle in 1915 during the First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of Palmito Ranch -- Final battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Panormus -- Roman victory over Carthage during the 1st Punic War in 250 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of Pavia -- 1525 battle during the Italian War of 1521-1526
Wikipedia - Battle of Pea Ridge -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Perryville -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Pharsalus -- Decisive battle of Caesar's Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Philippi (1861) -- Early battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Picacho Pass -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Piercebridge -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Pliska -- Battle between the First Bulgarian Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire; decisive Bulgarian victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Poison Spring -- Battle of the Trans-Mississippi Theater of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Pollentia -- 402 battle between Romans and Visigoths
Wikipedia - Battle of Port Midi -- Battle of the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Powick Bridge -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Prairie Grove -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Preston (1648) -- A Battle that took during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Qalamoun (2013-2014) -- Battle during the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Radzymin (1920) -- Battle during the Polish-Soviet War (1919-21)
Wikipedia - Battle of Ras al-Ayn (2019) -- Battle in the Syrian civil war
Wikipedia - Battle of Raymond -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Resaca -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Ridgeway -- Battle between the Fenian Brotherhood and the Province of Canada; Fenian victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Ringgold Gap -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Ripple Field -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Roanoke Island -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Roan's Tan Yard -- 1862 battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rochester -- Battle between Wessex and the Vikings
Wikipedia - Battle of Rocroi -- Battle of Rocroi (1643) resulted in victory for a French army against Spanish forces
Wikipedia - Battle of Roundway Down -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Rovine -- 1395 battle between the Ottomans and Wallacians
Wikipedia - Battle of Rowton Heath -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Saint Mary's Church -- Part of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Saipan order of battle -- WW II battle involving Japan and the United States
Wikipedia - Battle of San Juan (1595) -- Spanish victory during the Anglo-Spanish War
Wikipedia - Battle of Sarakhs (1459) -- Battle of the Timurid Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Sauce (1870) -- Battle in the Uruguayan Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Schliengen -- Battle between Jean Moreau and Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen; Austrian victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Selby -- A battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Seven Pines -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Sewell's Point -- Battle in the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Shiloh -- Battle (1862) of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Signal Hill (Vietnam) -- Company size engagement of the Vietnam War
Wikipedia - Battle of Singapore -- World War II battle; decisive Japanese victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Solway Moss -- English victory over Scotland, 1542
Wikipedia - Battle of Sorovich -- First Balkan War 22-24 October 1912
Wikipedia - Battle of Sourton Down -- A battle of the first English civil war
Wikipedia - Battle of South Mountain -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of South Street -- 1934 violent confrontation in Worthing, England
Wikipedia - Battle of Spotsylvania Court House -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Stanwix Station -- Westernmost skirmish of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of St Fagans -- A Battle that took place during the Second English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Stockton -- 1933 violent confrontation in Stockton-on-Tees, England
Wikipedia - Battle of Stones River -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Stourbridge Heath -- A small battle that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Stow-on-the-Wold -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tadcaster -- Battle of the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tampere -- Major battle of the Finnish Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tarnab (1448) -- Battle of the TImurid Civil Wars
Wikipedia - Battle of Tenedos (86 BC) -- A naval battle between the forces of Mithridates VI of Pontus and the Roman Republic
Wikipedia - Battle of Tettenhall -- battle of the Viking invasion of England
Wikipedia - Battle of the Blarathon -- Battle in the Sasanian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Brides -- 2011 comedy film by Victor Vu
Wikipedia - Battle of the Caucasus -- Series of Axis and Soviet operations in the Caucasus area on the Eastern Front of WWII
Wikipedia - Battle of the Cilician Gates -- Roman victory over Parthian army in 39BC
Wikipedia - Battle of the Crater -- Military action of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Immortals -- 2010 video game
Wikipedia - Battle of the Jabara Valley -- Battle in the Yemeni Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Milvian Bridge
Wikipedia - Battle of the Ravine -- College rivalry between Henderson State University and Ouachita Baptist University
Wikipedia - Battle of the Seelow Heights -- WWII German-Soviet military engagement
Wikipedia - Battle of the Silarius River -- Last battle of the Roman Servile War, 71 BC
Wikipedia - Battle of the Vistula River -- Battle of First World War
Wikipedia - Battle of the Wilderness -- Major battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tipton Green -- A skirmish that took place in 1644 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Torrington -- A Battle that took place during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Toulouse (844) -- Battle of the Carolingian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Tours -- Frankish victory over the Umayyads, 732
Wikipedia - Battle of Tripoli (2011) -- Battle of the Libyan Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Turnham Green -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of UjM-EM-^[cie -- battle between Poland-Lithuania and Sweden; Swedish victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Umberkhind -- 17th century battle involving Marathas and Mughals
Wikipedia - Battle of Upton -- A Battle that took place during the Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Urmia (1604) -- Battle between the Ottoman Empire and Safavid Iran
Wikipedia - Battle of Vaslui -- Battle between Stephen III of Moldavia and the Ottoman governor of Rumelia, Hadim Suleiman Pasha
Wikipedia - Battle of Vienna -- Battle near Vienna on 12 September 1683, between the Christian European States and the Ottomans, won by Christians commanded by Polish King John III Sobieski
Wikipedia - Battle of Villers-Bocage -- 1944 battle in occupied France
Wikipedia - Battle of Villers-en-Cauchies
Wikipedia - Battle of Villinghausen -- 1761 battle
Wikipedia - Battle of Villmanstrand -- Battle in the Russo-Swedish War of 1741-1743
Wikipedia - Battle of Vilnius (1655)
Wikipedia - Battle of Vilnius (1702)
Wikipedia - Battle of Vimy Ridge -- World War I battle (April 1917)
Wikipedia - Battle of Viru Harbor -- Battle of the New Georgia campaign during World War II
Wikipedia - Battle of Vistula Lagoon -- Naval battle of the Thirteen Years' War
Wikipedia - Battle of Vitkov Hill -- 1420 battle in Prague
Wikipedia - Battle of Warka -- Battle between Poland-Lithuania and Sweden; decisive Polish victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Warrington Bridge (1651) -- A skirmish that took place during the Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Waynesboro, Virginia -- Battle of the American Civil War in Virginia
Wikipedia - Battle of Weymouth -- Battle during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of White Oak Road -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Wigan Lane -- Battle during Third English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Williamsburg -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Wilson's Creek -- Battle of the American Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Winceby -- A Battle that took place in 1643 during the First English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Worcester -- 1651 final battle of the English Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle of Yamen -- 1279 naval battle between the Song dynasty and the Mongol Yuan dynasty; decisive Yuan victory
Wikipedia - Battle of Zabadani (2012) -- Battle of the Syrian Civil War
Wikipedia - Battle pass -- Type of video game monetization
Wikipedia - Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War -- Poetry book by Herman Melville
Wikipedia - Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf -- 2002 video game
Wikipedia - Battlerite -- 2017 multiplayer action video game
Wikipedia - Battle River-Wainwright -- Defunct provincial electoral district in Alberta
Wikipedia - Battle royale game -- Video game genre with the last-man-standing gameplay
Wikipedia - Battle royal -- Fight involving three or more combatants
Wikipedia - Battles involving the Maratha Empire -- Battles of Maratha Empire
Wikipedia - Battle Soccer: Field no Hasha -- 1992 video game
Wikipedia - Battles of Rzhev -- Series of Soviet Operations in World War II
Wikipedia - Battle Stadium D.O.N -- Video game starring One Piece, Dragon Ball and Naruto
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (1978 TV series) -- American science fiction television series of the 1970s
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica (2004 TV series) -- 2004-2009 American science fiction television series, reimagining of a 1970s series
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica: The Plan -- 2009 television film directed by Edward James Olmos
Wikipedia - Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance -- Television program
Wikipedia - Battlestars (game show) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Battlestations: Midway -- Video game
Wikipedia - BattleTanx -- 1998 video game
Wikipedia - Battletoads (2020 video game) -- 2020 video game
Wikipedia - Battle Trip -- Korean television program
Wikipedia - Battlezone (1980 video game) -- Atari tank combat vector arcade game from 1980
Wikipedia - Batuan, Bohol -- Municipality of the Philippines in the province of Bohol
Wikipedia - Batu Kurau (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Batu Rakit (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Batu Talam (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bat virome -- Group of viruses associated with bats
Wikipedia - Batwoman (season 2) -- Second season of the superhero television series
Wikipedia - Batwoman (TV series) -- 2019 American superhero television series
Wikipedia - Baucau Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Baudovinia
Wikipedia - Bauer Radio -- UK-based radio division of the Bauer Media Group
Wikipedia - Bauhaus Foundation Tel Aviv -- Museum dedicated to the Bauhaus movement
Wikipedia - Bauke Roolvink -- Dutch politician
Wikipedia - Baumol's cost disease -- Rise of salaries in jobs that have seen little rise of productivity
Wikipedia - Bau Na Vichar -- 2019 Gujarati Movie
Wikipedia - Baur en Ville -- oldest Grand Hotel in Zurich
Wikipedia - Baur, Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bauska Municipality -- Municipality of Latvia
Wikipedia - Bauta Abajo -- Barrio of Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Bauta Arriba -- Barrio of Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Bava Chelladurai -- Indian writer, actor and activist
Wikipedia - Bavade -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bavadhan BK -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bava Nachadu -- 2001 film by K. S. Ravikumar
Wikipedia - Bavarian Ludwig Railway -- First steam-hauled railway in Germany (commenced service 1835)
Wikipedia - Bavarian Soviet Republic -- Unrecognized socialist state in Bavaria, Germany in 1919
Wikipedia - Bavel (commune) -- Commune in Bavel District, Battambang Province, Cambodia
Wikipedia - Baviaanskloof Mega Reserve -- Protected area in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Wikipedia - Bavithra -- Indian model and actress
Wikipedia - Bavji Chatur Singhji -- Rajasthani Lok-Priya Sant-Kavi (Poet)
Wikipedia - Bawal ang Pasaway kay Mareng Winnie -- Philippine television show
Wikipedia - Bawanbir -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bawtry -- Market town and civil parish in South Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - Bayan Har Mountains -- Mountain range near the source of the Yellow River in Kokonor or Qinghai Province, China
Wikipedia - Bayani Agbayani -- Filipino singer, comedian, actor, television host
Wikipedia - Bayani (TV series) -- Philippine educational television series
Wikipedia - Bayan Ko (TV series) -- 2013 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Bayarban -- Village development committee in Koshi Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Bayard (Jacksonville) -- A neighborhood of Jacksonville, Florida
Wikipedia - Bayard Rustin -- American civil rights activist
Wikipedia - Bay Area Rapid Transit expansion -- Overview of the expansion of Bay Area Rapid Transit
Wikipedia - Baycar -- Bus service in Cardiff
Wikipedia - Bay City Blues -- American television series
Wikipedia - Bayerischer Rundfunk -- public-service radio and television broadcaster based in Munich
Wikipedia - BayFiles -- File hosting service
Wikipedia - Bayirkoy, Daday -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bayiryuzuguney, Dursunbey -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bay, Laguna -- Municipality in Laguna province, Philippines
Wikipedia - Bayless Conley -- American television personality
Wikipedia - Bayonne Whipple -- American actress and vaudeville performer
Wikipedia - Bayramic, Gonen -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bayram Pasha -- Ottoman Grand Vizier
Wikipedia - Bayview Avenue -- Major north-south route in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario
Wikipedia - Bayview-Hunters Point, San Francisco
Wikipedia - Bay View incident -- 1917 violence between Milwaukee police and anarchists
Wikipedia - Bayview, Newfoundland and Labrador -- Group of fishing communities in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Wikipedia - Bay View State Park -- Protected-area
Wikipedia - Bayview station (Toronto) -- Toronto subway station
Wikipedia - Bayview Village Shopping Centre -- Shopping mall in Toronto, Canada
Wikipedia - Bayville, New Jersey -- Place in Ocean County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Bazartete Subdistrict -- Administrative division of East Timor
Wikipedia - Bazyli Bohdanowicz -- Polish violinist and composer
Wikipedia - BBC-3 (TV series) -- BBC television programme
Wikipedia - BBC America -- American pay television network
Wikipedia - BBC Breakfast -- Breakfast television programme on BBC One and BBC News channels in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - BBC Brit -- International television channel owned by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Cymru Wales -- Division of the BBC for Wales
Wikipedia - BBC Earth (TV channel) -- Documentary subscription television channel
Wikipedia - BBC Elstree Centre -- Television production facility in Hertfordshire, England
Wikipedia - BBC English Regions -- Division of the BBC responsible for local and regional services in England
Wikipedia - BBC Entertainment -- International television channel
Wikipedia - BBC Essex -- BBC Local Radio service for Essex, England
Wikipedia - BBC First -- International television channel owned by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Food -- Defunct division of the British Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - BBC Four -- Television channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Hereford & Worcester -- BBC Local Radio service for Herefordshire and Worcestershire, England
Wikipedia - BBC Home Service -- British radio broadcasting service from 1939 to 1967
Wikipedia - BBC iPlayer -- internet streaming, catchup, television and radio service
Wikipedia - BBC Jam -- Former online educational service from 2006 to 2007
Wikipedia - BBC Japan -- Japanese television channel
Wikipedia - BBC London and South East -- British television news bulletin
Wikipedia - BBC Motion Gallery -- Footage licensing division of BBC Studios
Wikipedia - BBC Music -- Part of the BBC's Radio operational division, responsible for the music played across the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC National Programme -- British radio broadcasting service
Wikipedia - BBC Newsline -- Television series
Wikipedia - BBC News (TV channel) -- British 24-hour television news channel
Wikipedia - BBC News -- News division of the publicly funded British Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - BBC News with Katty and Christian -- British television programme
Wikipedia - BBC Northern Ireland -- Main public service broadcaster in Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - BBC North -- Operational business division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC One Wales -- Television channel
Wikipedia - BBC One -- Television channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Online -- Brand name and home for the BBC's online service
Wikipedia - BBC Parliament -- British parliamentary television channel
Wikipedia - BBC Radio Lincolnshire -- BBC Local Radio service for Lincolnshire, England
Wikipedia - BBC Radio Shropshire -- BBC Local Radio service for Shropshire
Wikipedia - BBC Radio Solent -- BBC Local Radio service for Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight, England
Wikipedia - BBC Radio Surrey -- BBC Local Radio service for the English county of Surrey
Wikipedia - BBC Radio WM -- BBC Local Radio service for the West Midlands
Wikipedia - BBC Radio York -- BBC Local Radio service for North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - BBC Red Button -- Interactive television service
Wikipedia - BBC Redux -- Digital archiving system produced by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Russian Service -- Russian-language division of the BBC World Service
Wikipedia - BBC School Radio -- Division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Scotland -- Scottish division of the British Broadcasting Corporation
Wikipedia - BBC Select -- Overnight BBC subscription television service
Wikipedia - BBC Short Trips -- Series of short story books based on the Doctor Who television series
Wikipedia - BBC Southern Counties Radio -- Former BBC Local Radio service for Surrey and Sussex
Wikipedia - BBC Sport -- sports division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Studios -- British television studio
Wikipedia - BBC Studioworks -- Television studio provider in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - BBC Sussex -- BBC Local Radio service for the English county of Sussex
Wikipedia - BBC Television Shakespeare -- series of British TV adaptations of the plays of Shakespeare
Wikipedia - BBC Television
Wikipedia - BBC television
Wikipedia - BBC Third Programme -- British national radio service
Wikipedia - BBC Three Counties Radio -- BBC Local Radio service for the English counties of Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Wikipedia - BBC Three -- Television channel operated by the BBC until 2016
Wikipedia - BBC Two -- Television channel operated by the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC -- British domestic and international public service broadcaster
Wikipedia - BBC World News -- International news and current affairs television channel
Wikipedia - BBC World Service Television -- Former BBC international satellite television channels
Wikipedia - BBC World Service -- International radio division of the BBC
Wikipedia - BBC Young Musician -- Biennial British televised national competition for young musicians
Wikipedia - BBF TV -- Albania television channel
Wikipedia - B.B. King's Bluesville -- Satellite radio station
Wikipedia - B. B. Moeur Activity Building -- Historic building on the ASU campus in Tempe, Arizona
Wikipedia - B. Bommasandra, Gauribidanur -- Village in Chickballpur District
Wikipedia - BBQ Brawl: Flay v. Symon -- American food reality television series
Wikipedia - B. Braun -- German medical and pharmaceutical device company
Wikipedia - BBS 2 -- Bhutan television channel
Wikipedia - BBS TV -- Television channel in Bhutan
Wikipedia - BBV152 -- Candidate vaccine against COVID-19
Wikipedia - BCFS Health and Human Services -- Non-profit organization based in San Antonio, Texas
Wikipedia - Bchernata -- Greek Orthodox village in Koura District of Lebanon
Wikipedia - Bchira Ben Mrad -- Tunisian women's rights activist
Wikipedia - B Corporation (certification) -- social and environmental certification of for-profit companies
Wikipedia - BCPA Flight 304 -- 1953 aviation accident in California, United States
Wikipedia - BCS theory -- Microscopic theory of superconductivity
Wikipedia - B. Darvill's Wild West Show -- Album by Son of Dave
Wikipedia - Bdellovibrio -- Genus of bacteria
Wikipedia - B-Dienst -- Department of the German Naval Intelligence Service
Wikipedia - B. D. Jatti -- Fifth Vice President of India
Wikipedia - B. D. Khobragade -- Indian politician, barrister and Ambedkarite activist
Wikipedia - BDSM -- Erotic practices involving domination and sadomasochism
Wikipedia - Bea Ballard -- British television executive producer
Wikipedia - Bea Binene -- Filipino actress and television host
Wikipedia - Beacham Theatre -- Movie theater in Orlando, Florida
Wikipedia - Beach at Scheveningen in Stormy Weather -- Painting by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Beach Brawl -- 1991 Universal Wrestling Federation pay-per-view event
Wikipedia - Beachcroft Towse -- Recipient of the Victoria Cross
Wikipedia - Beaches (2017 film) -- 2017 television drama film
Wikipedia - Beacon Field Airport -- Former airport in Virginia, United States of America
Wikipedia - Beaconsfield Film Studios -- Film and television production facility in Buckinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Beagle Commonwealth Marine Reserve -- Australian marine protected area in the Bass Strai off Victoria
Wikipedia - Beagle: In Darwin's wake -- Dutch-Flemish television series
Wikipedia - Be Aitbaar -- Pakistani television series
Wikipedia - Bea Johnson -- Franco-American environmentalist
Wikipedia - Beale Air Force Base -- US Air Force base near Marysville, California, United States
Wikipedia - Beal, North Yorkshire -- Village and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England
Wikipedia - BEAM (Erlang virtual machine)
Wikipedia - Beam homogenizer -- Device to create a more uniform laser beam
Wikipedia - Beam sea -- A sea in which waves are moving perpendicular to a vessel's course
Wikipedia - Bean's critical state model -- Theoretical model for magnetic behaviour of some superconductors
Wikipedia - Bean weevil -- Subfamily of beetles
Wikipedia - Bear Brook murders -- Four murder victims found in Bear Brook State Park in New Hampshire
Wikipedia - Bearcats! -- American television series (1971)
Wikipedia - Bear Creek Provincial Park -- provincial park in British Columbia, Canada
Wikipedia - Bear (gay culture) -- a term in gay culture for heavily hairy, and usually muscular and bearded men
Wikipedia - Bear Grylls: Face the Wild -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Bear Grylls: Mission Survive -- British reality television show
Wikipedia - Bear Grylls -- British adventurer, writer, and television presenter
Wikipedia - Bearing (navigation) -- In navigation, horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object
Wikipedia - Bear in the Big Blue House -- American children's television series
Wikipedia - Bearpark -- Village and civil parish in County Durham, England
Wikipedia - Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria
Wikipedia - Bearsville Studios
Wikipedia - Beartown Wilderness Addition A -- Protected natural area in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Beartown Wilderness Addition B -- Protected natural area in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Beast Busters -- Rail shooter arcade video game from 1989
Wikipedia - Beat Bobby Flay -- American television series
Wikipedia - Beatboxing -- Vocal persecution involving mouth, lips, tongue and voice to mimick drum machine
Wikipedia - Beat Bugs -- Children's television series
Wikipedia - Beatcats -- A Japanese Virtual Dance & Vocal Unit
Wikipedia - Beat-Club -- German music television program
Wikipedia - Beate Albrecht -- German woman violinist
Wikipedia - Beater (weaving) -- Weaving tool used to push the weft yarn securely into place
Wikipedia - Beat Girl -- 1960 film by Edmond T. Greville
Wikipedia - Beatification of Pope Paul VI
Wikipedia - Beatific Vision
Wikipedia - Beatific vision
Wikipedia - Beating Again -- 2015 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beating of Chrissy Lee Polis -- Viral video
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX 15: DJ Troopers -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX 17: Sirius -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX 18 Resort Anthem -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX Club Version -- 1999 video game
Wikipedia - Beatmania IIDX (video game) -- 1999 music video game
Wikipedia - Beatrice Colen -- American television and film actress
Wikipedia - Beatrice Faust -- Australian author and women's activist (1939-2019)
Wikipedia - Beatrice Lumpkin -- American union organizer, activist, professor, and writer
Wikipedia - Beatrice Riviere -- French applied mathematician
Wikipedia - Beatrice Scaccia -- Italian visual artist
Wikipedia - Beatrice Vialle -- French aviator
Wikipedia - Beatrice Waithera Maina -- Kenyan journalist and Human Rights Activist
Wikipedia - Beatrix de Rijk -- Pioneering Dutch aviator
Wikipedia - Beatriz Carrillo -- Spanish politician and activist
Wikipedia - Beatriz Gimeno -- Spanish activist
Wikipedia - Beat Shazam -- American television game show
Wikipedia - Beats of Rage -- Video game
Wikipedia - Beat the Devil (film) -- 1953 film by John Huston
Wikipedia - Beat the Devil (novel) -- Novel by Claud Cockburn
Wikipedia - Beat the Geeks -- US television program
Wikipedia - Beat the House -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Beaubassin -- former Acadian village on NS NB border
Wikipedia - Beaufort Group -- The third of the main subdivisions of the Karoo Supergroup in South Africa.
Wikipedia - Beaufort Palmer -- Australian aviator
Wikipedia - Beauharnois (Province of Canada electoral district) -- Electoral district of the Parliament of the Province of Canada
Wikipedia - Beaumont Hill -- Village in County Durham, England
Wikipedia - Beausejour, Marne -- Former village in France, destroyed during WWI
Wikipedia - Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction -- 2008 memoir by David Sheff
Wikipedia - Beautiful Justice -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Beautiful Katamari -- 2007 puzzle-action video game published by Namco Bandai Games
Wikipedia - Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beautiful Strangers (TV series) -- 2015 Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Beautiful Vision
Wikipedia - Beautiful Wives Club -- Burmese television series
Wikipedia - Beautiful World (TV series) -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Beauty and the Beast (David Bowie song) -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Beauty Channel -- Streaming service
Wikipedia - Beauty Queen (TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Beauty's Worth -- 1922 film by Robert G. Vignola
Wikipedia - Beauty -- Characteristic of an animal, idea, object, person or place that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction.
Wikipedia - Beau van Erven Dorens -- Dutch television presenter, actor, and voice talent
Wikipedia - Beauville-Laszlo theorem -- Lets one glue 2 sheaves over an infinitesimal neighborhood of an algebraic curve point
Wikipedia - Beau Walker -- Australian professional surfer and television presenter
Wikipedia - Beaverdam Creek (conservation area) -- Protected natural area in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Beaver Falls (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Bea Vianen -- Surinamese writer and Poet
Wikipedia - Beavis and Butt-Head Do America -- 1996 American animated film
Wikipedia - Beavis and Butt-Head: The Mike Judge Collection -- Episodes handpicked by series creator
Wikipedia - Beavis and Butt-head
Wikipedia - Beavis and Butt-Head -- American animation television series
Wikipedia - Beavis -- A fictional character from the animated series Beavis and Butt-Head
Wikipedia - Bebad Ohol -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bebar (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Beba Selimovic -- Bosnian singer
Wikipedia - Bebedero District -- district in CaM-CM-1as canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Bebe (Inna and Vinka song) -- 2019 song by Inna and Vinka
Wikipedia - Bebrene Parish -- Administrative unit in Latvia
Wikipedia - Becamex IDC -- Vietnamese state-owned conglomerate
Wikipedia - Because of You (TV series) -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Becca Albee -- American musician and visual artist
Wikipedia - Becca Kufrin -- American publicist and television personality
Wikipedia - Bechar Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - Bechiyal -- Village in Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
Wikipedia - Bechor Zvi Aminoff -- Physician
Wikipedia - Bechtel -- American construction and civil engineering company.
Wikipedia - Becirovic twins -- Austrian martial artists
Wikipedia - Becker muscular dystrophy -- X-linked recessive inherited disorder characterized by slowly progressive muscle weakness of the legs and pelvis
Wikipedia - Becket (1964 film) -- 1964 film by Peter Glenville
Wikipedia - Beckingham, Nottinghamshire -- Village in North Nottinghamshire, England
Wikipedia - Becky Dixon -- American television broadcaster
Wikipedia - Becky Hartman Edwards -- Television producer and writer
Wikipedia - Becky Levi -- American martial artist
Wikipedia - Becky Shah -- British human rights activist
Wikipedia - Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Becquerel -- SI derived unit of activity referred to a radionuclide
Wikipedia - Becurtovirus -- Genus of viruses
Wikipedia - Bedale Hoard -- Anglo-Scandinavian treasure hoard
Wikipedia - Bedevil -- 1993 film
Wikipedia - Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service -- Fire and rescue service in Bedfordshire, East of England
Wikipedia - Bed of Roses (Bon Jovi song) -- 1993 single by Bon Jovi
Wikipedia - Bed rest -- Medical treatment involving resting in bed
Wikipedia - Bedrock Anthem -- 1993 single by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Wikipedia - Bedrock Vice -- 1987 studio album by Thrashing Doves
Wikipedia - Bedroom in Arles -- Series of three similar paintings by Vincent van Gogh
Wikipedia - Bedse -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Beebe Plain, Vermont -- US portion of the internationally-divided, unincorporated village of Beebe Plain
Wikipedia - Beebe Theater -- Former movie theater in Beebe, Arkansas, United States
Wikipedia - Beed Khurd -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Beekeeping in Australia -- Overview of beekeeping in Australia
Wikipedia - Beela Rajesh -- Indian Administrative Service officer
Wikipedia - Bee Movie Game -- 2007 video game
Wikipedia - Bee Movie -- 2007 animated film by Simon J. Smith and Steve Hickner
Wikipedia - Beenox -- Video game developer, established in Quebec City, Quebec
Wikipedia - Beep Beep I'm a Sheep -- Viral YouTube song
Wikipedia - Bee Season (film) -- 2005 film by Scott McGehee and David Siegel
Wikipedia - Beeston Regis -- Village in Norfolk, England
Wikipedia - Beet curly top virus -- Species of pathogenic plant virus of the family Geminiviridae
Wikipedia - Beethoven and Mozart -- Overview of the relationship between Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wikipedia - Beethoven's 3rd (film) -- 2000 film by David M. Evans
Wikipedia - Beethoven's 4th (film) -- 2001 film by David Mickey Evans
Wikipedia - Beethoven's musical style -- Overview of the musical style of Beethoven
Wikipedia - Beetlejuice (TV series) -- American-Canadian animated television series
Wikipedia - Before Dawn (film) -- 1933 film by Irving Pichel
Wikipedia - Beforeigners -- Norwegian television series
Wikipedia - Before Pastoral -- 1983 book by David M. Halperin
Wikipedia - Before We Get Married -- Taiwanese television series
Wikipedia - Before We Ruled the Earth -- Television documentary
Wikipedia - Beggin' on Your Knees -- 2011 single by Victorious cast
Wikipedia - Begin Again (TV series) -- 2017 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Begin A Game -- 2018 South Korean television show
Wikipedia - BegoM-CM-1a Via Dufresne -- Spanish sailor
Wikipedia - BegoM-CM-1a Vila -- Spanish astrophysicist
Wikipedia - BegoM-CM-1a Villacis -- Spanish politician
Wikipedia - Begomovirus -- Genus of viruses
Wikipedia - Begonia acclivis -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begonia brevirimosa -- Species of flowering plant
Wikipedia - Begum Zaffar Ali -- Educationist, Women activist
Wikipedia - Behaving Badly (film) -- 2014 film by Tim Garrick
Wikipedia - Behavioral activation -- behavior therapy for treating depression
Wikipedia - Behavioral addiction -- Compulsion to engage in a non-substance related behavior
Wikipedia - Behavioral Analysis Unit -- Unit of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wikipedia - Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Wikipedia - Behavioral change theories
Wikipedia - Behavioral communication
Wikipedia - Behavioral contagion -- Spontaneous, unsolicited and uncritical imitation of another's behavior
Wikipedia - Behavioral Cusp
Wikipedia - Behavioral cusp
Wikipedia - Behavioral Ecology (journal)
Wikipedia - Behavioral ecology -- Study of the evolutionary basis for animal behavior due to ecological pressures
Wikipedia - Behavioral economics
Wikipedia - Behavioral economist
Wikipedia - Behavioral engineering -- identify behavioral issues
Wikipedia - Behavioral enrichment
Wikipedia - Behavioral epigenetics
Wikipedia - Behavioral finance
Wikipedia - Behavioral genetics
Wikipedia - Behavioral genetic
Wikipedia - Behavioral geography -- An approach to human geography that examines human behavior using a disaggregate approach
Wikipedia - Behavioral health
Wikipedia - Behavioralism
Wikipedia - Behaviorally anchored rating scales
Wikipedia - Behavioral Medicine
Wikipedia - Behavioral medicine
Wikipedia - Behavioral modeling in computer-aided design -- High-level circuit modeling technique where behavior of logic is modeled
Wikipedia - Behavioral modernity -- Transition of human species to anthropologically modern behavior
Wikipedia - Behavioral neurology
Wikipedia - Behavioral Neuroscience (journal)
Wikipedia - Behavioral neuroscience
Wikipedia - Behavioral pattern -- Type of software design pattern
Wikipedia - Behavioral psychology
Wikipedia - Behavioral risk management
Wikipedia - Behavioral Science Consultation Team
Wikipedia - Behavioral Sciences
Wikipedia - Behavioral sciences
Wikipedia - Behavioral science
Wikipedia - Behavioral script
Wikipedia - Behavioral sink -- Conceptual collapse in behavior which can result from overcrowding
Wikipedia - Behavioral sleep medicine
Wikipedia - Behavioral subtyping
Wikipedia - Behavioral targeting
Wikipedia - Behavioral theories of depression
Wikipedia - Behavioral therapy
Wikipedia - Behavioral
Wikipedia - Behavior analysis (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Behavior analysis of child development
Wikipedia - Behavior analysis
Wikipedia - Behavior based AI
Wikipedia - Behavior-based AI
Wikipedia - Behavior based robotics
Wikipedia - Behavior-based robotics
Wikipedia - Behavior change (individual)
Wikipedia - Behavior change (public health) -- Efforts to change people's personal habits to prevent disease
Wikipedia - Behavior computing
Wikipedia - Behavior-driven development -- Agile software development process
Wikipedia - Behavior (film) -- 2014 film
Wikipedia - Behavior Genetics Association
Wikipedia - Behavior Genetics (journal)
Wikipedia - Behavior Genetics
Wikipedia - Behavior genetics
Wikipedia - Behavior informatics
Wikipedia - Behaviorism -- A systematic approach to understanding the behavior of humans and other animals
Wikipedia - Behaviorist psychology
Wikipedia - Behaviorists
Wikipedia - Behaviorist
Wikipedia - Behavior management -- to manage behavior
Wikipedia - Behavior modification facility
Wikipedia - Behavior Modification
Wikipedia - Behavior modification
Wikipedia - Behavior selection algorithm
Wikipedia - Behavior settings
Wikipedia - Behaviors
Wikipedia - Behavior therapy
Wikipedia - Behavior tree (artificial intelligence, robotics and control)
Wikipedia - Behavior -- Way that one acts in different situations
Wikipedia - Behavioural archaeology -- Archaeological theory
Wikipedia - Behavioural change theories
Wikipedia - Behavioural confirmation
Wikipedia - Behavioural design
Wikipedia - Behavioural despair test
Wikipedia - Behavioural economics
Wikipedia - Behavioural genetics
Wikipedia - Behavioural geography
Wikipedia - Behavioural neurogenetics
Wikipedia - Behavioural pattern
Wikipedia - Behavioural psychology
Wikipedia - Behavioural sciences -- Study of cognition leading to behavior
Wikipedia - Behavioural science
Wikipedia - Behaviour and Personality Assessment in Dogs (BPH) -- A behavioural assessment developed by the Swedish Kennel Club
Wikipedia - Behaviour genetics
Wikipedia - Behaviourism
Wikipedia - Behaviourist
Wikipedia - Behaviour (journal)
Wikipedia - Behaviour modification
Wikipedia - Behaviour therapy
Wikipedia - Behaviour
Wikipedia - Behbeit El Hagar -- Village in Gharbia Governorate, Egypt
Wikipedia - Beh Bote Nga -- Philippine television series
Wikipedia - Behbud Khan Cherkes -- 17th century Safavid official and provincial governor
Wikipedia - Beh Charanan -- Village in Rajasthan, India
Wikipedia - Behind Enemy Lines (book) -- Autobiographical book co-written by Holocaust survivor Marthe Cohn and Wendy Holden
Wikipedia - Behind the Door (film) -- 1919 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Behind the Screen (TV series) -- American television series
Wikipedia - Behind the Wall: Bubba Wallace -- US television program
Wikipedia - Beholder Kft. -- Video game developer company
Wikipedia - Behrang (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Behudin Merdovic -- Serbian speed skater
Wikipedia - Behula (TV series) -- Bengali mythological television serial
Wikipedia - Behyo -- Village in northwestern Syria
Wikipedia - Behzad Lucknavi -- Pakistani poet, lyricist
Wikipedia - Beibs in the Trap -- 2020 song by Travis Scott featuring Nav
Wikipedia - BeiDou -- Chinese satellite navigation system
Wikipedia - Beijing 2008 (video game) -- 2008 sports video game
Wikipedia - Beijing Capital International Airport -- International airport serving Beijing
Wikipedia - Beijing-Guangdong high-speed train -- High-speed train service in China
Wikipedia - Beijing Panam International Aviation Academy -- Chinese airline training facility
Wikipedia - Beijing Review -- Multi-language Chinese news magazine
Wikipedia - Beijing Suburban Railway -- Commuter rail service system in Beijing
Wikipedia - Being Erica -- 2009 Canadian comedy-drama television series
Wikipedia - Being John Malkovich -- 1999 film by Spike Jonze
Wikipedia - Being Mick -- 2001 documentary film directed by Kevin Macdonald
Wikipedia - BeIN Sports (American TV channel) -- American sports television network
Wikipedia - BeIN Sports (Middle East TV network) -- Middle Eastern sports television channels
Wikipedia - Beirut Vilayet
Wikipedia - Beiyang Fleet -- One of the four modernised Chinese navies in the late Qing Dynasty
Wikipedia - Bejaia Province -- Province of Algeria
Wikipedia - Bejeweled 2 -- 2004 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled 3 -- 2011 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled Blitz -- 2010 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled (series) -- Video game series
Wikipedia - Bejeweled Twist -- 2008 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejeweled -- 2001 puzzle video game
Wikipedia - Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya -- College in Itachuna, Hooghly, West Bengal, India
Wikipedia - Bejuco District -- district in Nandayure canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Beka Economopoulos -- American artist and activist (born 1974)
Wikipedia - Beka Gviniashvili -- Georgian judoka
Wikipedia - Beketovka -- Village in the Astrakhan administrative district, Russia
Wikipedia - Bekhud Dehlvi
Wikipedia - Beki Adam -- English journalist and activist
Wikipedia - Bekim Fehmiu -- Yugoslavian actor
Wikipedia - Bekirli, TaM-EM-^_kopru -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Bekok (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bekonscot -- Model village in Beaconsfield, England
Wikipedia - Bektashi Order -- Dervish order with Balkan origins
Wikipedia - Bela Ervin Graf und Freiherr von Bothmer zu Schwegerhoff -- Hungarian military officer
Wikipedia - Belaha -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Belaj, Mawal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bela Karlovitz -- Hungarian-American engineer, inventor
Wikipedia - Bela Khotenashvili -- Georgian chess player
Wikipedia - Belalp -- Village in Switzerland
Wikipedia - Belamb -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Belanja (state constituency) -- Political subdivision in Malaysia
Wikipedia - Bela Padilla -- Filipino actress, film producer, screenwriter, television host and brand ambassador
Wikipedia - Bela Petrovics -- Hungarian canoeist
Wikipedia - Belarus-1 -- Belarusian state-owned television channel
Wikipedia - Belarusian language -- East Slavic language
Wikipedia - Belatgavhan -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bela Uitz -- Hungarian painter and communist activist
Wikipedia - Belauli -- Village in Uttar Pradesh, India
Wikipedia - Belawade -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Belay device -- Mechanical piece of climbing equipment
Wikipedia - Belbari -- Municipality in Province No. 1, Nepal
Wikipedia - Belbhar -- Village development committee in Bheri Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Belem Tower -- fortified tower located in the civil parish of Santa Maria de Belem in the municipality of Lisbon, Portugal
Wikipedia - Belen (canton) -- canton in Heredia province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Belen de Nosarita -- district in Nicoya canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Belen District, Carrillo -- district in Carrillo canton, Guanacaste province, Costa Rica
Wikipedia - Belen Rodriguez -- Argentinian television personality, actress and model
Wikipedia - Belevi Mausoleum -- Hellenistic tomb in Turkey
Wikipedia - Belfast City Hall -- Civic building in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Wikipedia - Belfer (TV series) -- Television series
Wikipedia - Belgadia Palace -- 18th-century Victorian-era styled hill-top palace in Odisha, India
Wikipedia - Belgarath the Sorcerer -- 1995 book by David Eddings
Wikipedia - Belgian Air Component -- Aviation branch of Belgian Armed Forces
Wikipedia - Belgian General Information and Security Service
Wikipedia - Belgorod Oblast -- First-level administrative division of Russia
Wikipedia - Belgrave railway line -- Passenger rail service in Melbourne, Victoria
Wikipedia - Belgravia Building -- Historic building in Boise, Idaho
Wikipedia - Belgravia (TV series) -- British television series
Wikipedia - Belgravia -- District in central London, England
Wikipedia - Belhaven, Scotland -- Village in East Lothian, Scotland
Wikipedia - Belhi, Saptari -- Village development committee in Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Belhi, Siraha -- Former Village Development Committee in Nepal
Wikipedia - Believe (2013 film) -- 2013 film directed by David Scheinmann
Wikipedia - Believe (Lenny Kravitz song) -- 1993 single by Lenny Kravitz
Wikipedia - Belina (virgin) -- Roman Catholic martyr
Wikipedia - Belinda Aquino -- Scholar and activist about Philippine issues
Wikipedia - Belinda Carroll (comedian) -- American standup comedian, writer, activist, actress, and singer
Wikipedia - Belisario Sosa -- Peruvian politician
Wikipedia - Belkavak, Arac -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Belkis Ayon -- Cuban visual artist
Wikipedia - Bell 360 Invictus -- Proposed American military helicopter
Wikipedia - Bella Akhmadulina -- Soviet and Russian poet, short story writer, and translator
Wikipedia - Bella Galhos -- Translator, presidential advisor and human rights activist from East Timorese
Wikipedia - Bella Guerin -- Australian activist
Wikipedia - Bell AH-1Z Viper -- Attack helicopter
Wikipedia - Bella Keyzer -- (1922-1992), Scottish textile and shipyard worker, and women's activist
Wikipedia - Bellamkonda Ramaraya Kavindrulu -- Indian poet, scholar, philosopher (1875-1914)
Wikipedia - Bell & Howell -- Services company and former manufacturer of film machinery
Wikipedia - Bellarmine University -- Private Catholic university in Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Wikipedia - Bella Tovey -- Holocaust survivor
Wikipedia - Bella Vista (Hato Rey) -- Subbarrio of Hato Rey Sur barrio, in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Bell box -- Audible device
Wikipedia - Bell cursor -- Device to guide and control a diving bell near and above the surface
Wikipedia - Belle and Sebastian (1965 TV series) -- French television series
Wikipedia - Bellechasse-Les Etchemins-Levis -- Federal electoral district in Quebec, Canada
Wikipedia - Belle Davis -- American choreographer, dancer and singer (1874 - 1938)
Wikipedia - Belledune -- Village in New Brunswick, Canada
Wikipedia - Belle Grove Plantation (Iberville Parish, Louisiana) -- Human settlement in Louisiana, United States of America
Wikipedia - Belle of Louisville -- A steamboat owned and operated by the city of Louisville, KY
Wikipedia - Belle Reynolds -- American Civil War nurse
Wikipedia - Belle Starr (film) -- 1941 film by Irving Cummings
Wikipedia - Belleville High School (New Jersey) -- High school in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Belleville, Illinois
Wikipedia - Belleville, New Jersey -- Township in Essex County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Belleville, Virginia -- Unincorporated community in Virginia, United States
Wikipedia - Bell Fibe TV -- Canadian IPTV provider
Wikipedia - Bellfield, County Westmeath -- Townland (old administrative division) in Ireland
Wikipedia - Bell hooks -- American author, feminist, and social activist
Wikipedia - Bellini and the Devil -- 2008 film directed by Marcelo Galvao
Wikipedia - Bellman (diver) -- Diver working as standby diver and umbilical attendant from a diving bell
Wikipedia - Bellman (diving)
Wikipedia - Bellman (diving) -- Bellman (diving)
Wikipedia - Bello Bala Shagari -- Nigerian activist
Wikipedia - Bells Are Ringing (film) -- 1960 film directed by Vincente Minnelli
Wikipedia - Bell Satellite TV -- Canadian satellite TV provider
Wikipedia - Bell's palsy -- Facial paralysis resulting from dysfunction in the cranial nerve VII (facial nerve)
Wikipedia - Bell stage -- Platform below the chamber of a diving bell
Wikipedia - Bell Syndicate -- Early print syndication service
Wikipedia - Bell System -- 1877-1980s American telephone service monopoly
Wikipedia - Bellum Entertainment Group -- American television production and distribution company
Wikipedia - Bellville railway station -- Railway station in the town of Bellville, Western Cape, South Africa
Wikipedia - Bellville Stadium -- Multi-use stadium in Bellville, South Africa
Wikipedia - Bellville Velodrome -- Multi-purpose indoor velodrome in Bellville, Cape Town, South Africa
Wikipedia - Bellville, Western Cape -- A suburb of the City of Cape Town, in South Africa.
Wikipedia - Belmont, County Offaly -- Village in County Offaly, Ireland
Wikipedia - Belmont Secondary School -- High school in Victoria, British Columbia
Wikipedia - Belmont University -- Christian liberal arts university in Nashville, Tennessee
Wikipedia - Belobog -- alleged Slavic deity of propitious fortune
Wikipedia - Belostoksky Uyezd -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Beloved (1934 film) -- 1934 film by Victor Schertzinger
Wikipedia - Below Deck Mediterranean -- Television series
Wikipedia - Below Deck Sailing Yacht -- American reality television series
Wikipedia - Below Deck -- 2013 reality television series
Wikipedia - Below (film) -- 2002 historical horror film directed by David Twohy
Wikipedia - Below the Surface (1920 film) -- 1920 film by Irvin Willat
Wikipedia - Belper -- Town and civil parish in Amber Valley, Derbyshire, England
Wikipedia - Belposhta -- State-owned national postal service of the Republic of Belarus
Wikipedia - Belsky Uyezd (Grodno Governorate) -- A subdivision of the Grodno Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Belsky Uyezd (Smolensk Governorate) -- A subdivision of the Smolensk Governorate of the Russian Empire
Wikipedia - Belton, Grandview and Kansas City Railroad -- Railroad and museum in Belton, Missouri, US
Wikipedia - Belton, Leicestershire -- Village in Leicestershire, England
Wikipedia - Beluga whale coronavirus SW1 -- Species of positive-sense, single-stranded RNA mammalian Gammacoronavirus
Wikipedia - Belunki -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Belur Ravi -- Cricket umpire
Wikipedia - Belva Cottier -- Sioux activist and social worker
Wikipedia - Belvedere (structure) -- Architectural structure sited to take advantage of a fine or scenic view
Wikipedia - Belvianes-et-Cavirac -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Belvidere High School (New Jersey) -- High school in Warren County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Belvidere Mills, Minnesota -- Unincorporated community in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Belvidere, New Jersey -- Town in Warren County, New Jersey, United States
Wikipedia - Belvidere Township, Monona County, Iowa -- Township in Iowa, USA
Wikipedia - Belview, Minnesota -- City in Minnesota, United States
Wikipedia - Belvis -- Commune in Occitanie, France
Wikipedia - Belwajabdi -- Village development committee in Janakpur Zone, Nepal
Wikipedia - Belyaka, DoM-DM-^_anyurt -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Belz Voivodeship -- Former administrative division in Poland
Wikipedia - Be Mad (TV channel) -- Private Spanish entertainment television channel
Wikipedia - Bembatmal -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bembecia flavida -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Bembecia pavicevici -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - Bembecia syzcjovi -- Species of moth
Wikipedia - BeM-DM-^_endikler, Bigadic -- Village in Turkey
Wikipedia - Be Melodramatic -- 2019 South Korean television series
Wikipedia - Bem Simples -- Brazilian television channel
Wikipedia - Be My Wife -- Song by David Bowie
Wikipedia - Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Alien Force -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Alien Swarm -- 2009 television film directed by Alex Winter
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens -- 2012 television film directed by Victor Cook
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Omniverse (video game) -- Video game
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Omniverse -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Race Against Time -- 2007 television film directed by Alex Winter
Wikipedia - Ben 10: Ultimate Alien -- American animated television series
Wikipedia - Ben 10 Versus the Universe: The Movie -- American animated television film
Wikipedia - Ben Aaronovitch -- British author and screenwriter (born 1964)
Wikipedia - Benandsebastian -- Visual artist group
Wikipedia - Benavides (singer) -- Venezuelan singer and songwriter
Wikipedia - Ben Bailey -- American comedian, television personality and game show host
Wikipedia - Ben Baldwin -- British television presenter
Wikipedia - Ben Beer -- United States Virgin Islands sailor
Wikipedia - Ben Bernie -- American jazz violinist and radio personality
Wikipedia - Ben Brode -- American video game designer
Wikipedia - Ben Casey -- American medical drama television series
Wikipedia - Ben Chavis (educator) -- American educator
Wikipedia - Ben Cline -- Virginia politician
Wikipedia - Ben Cotton -- Canadian film and television actor
Wikipedia - Ben Davis (journalist) -- Australian sports presenter and reporter
Wikipedia - Ben Day process -- Printing and photoengraving technique
Wikipedia - Ben Devlin -- British television executive producer
Wikipedia - Bendgaon -- Village in Maharashtra
Wikipedia - Bendix Aviation -- American Aircraft Company
Wikipedia - Bend Studio -- American video game developer
Wikipedia - Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens -- 1979 film by Russ Meyer
Wikipedia - Benedek Broadcasting -- American television broadcasting company
Wikipedia - Benedetto Viale -- Doge of the Republic of Genoa and king of Corsica
Wikipedia - Benedicta Boccoli -- Italian theater and movie actress
Wikipedia - Benedict Arnold's expedition to Quebec -- expedition which was part of a two-pronged invasion of the British Province of Quebec (1775)
Wikipedia - Benedict M. Vierra
Wikipedia - Benedict T. Viviano
Wikipedia - Benedict VIII
Wikipedia - Benedict VII
Wikipedia - Benedict XVI
Wikipedia - Benediktas Vilmantas Rupeika -- Lithuanian politician
Wikipedia - Benefit of clergy -- Provision that allowed clergymen to claim they were outside the jurisdiction of secular courts
Wikipedia - Benefits Supervisor Sleeping
Wikipedia - Beneva -- Canadian financial services company
Wikipedia - Benevides Juan Ramirez -- Spanish painter

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